boot camp for new dads 2011publication

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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ForeverDads Boot Camp for New Dads information and contact brochure


New Dads in Training

The highlight of the program is the hands–on

o opportunity new dads have to practice baby care

s skills under the guidance of veteran dads who

r bring their newborn babies to class.


Men training other men is a powerful formula

f for fatherhood success.

What makes the workshop special and effective?

~examples of mistakes and successes ~an encouraging veteran offering advice ~men holding a baby for the first time ~frank discussions of the high and low points ~a truck driver showing the lawyer how to burp a baby ~a young dad-to-be discussing his hopes and fears

At the conclusion of

each Boot Camp for Boot Camp for Boot Camp for Boot Camp for

New Dads New Dads New Dads New Dads , each dad-

to-be will receive their

very own fatherhood

manual, “Hit the Hit the Hit the Hit the

Ground CrawlingGround CrawlingGround CrawlingGround Crawling.”

This manual is made

possible through the

generous support of

the Muskingum County Literacy Council and

other community supporters of our program.

This program is made possible through the generosity of the

Taylor McHenry Foundation Taylor McHenry Foundation Taylor McHenry Foundation Taylor McHenry Foundation and other community sponsors.

Registration OptionsRegistration OptionsRegistration OptionsRegistration Options Genesis NurseLine

Genesis NurseLine Genesis NurseLine Genesis NurseLine (740) 455-4949 OnlineOnlineOnlineOnline at ForeverDadsForeverDadsForeverDadsForeverDads (740) 453-1DAD

View a real View a real View a real View a real Boot Camp New DadsBoot Camp New DadsBoot Camp New DadsBoot Camp New Dads go to

It's nearly impossible

for expectant parents

to prepare for every-

thing that's going to

happen when your

baby arrives, but Boot Boot Boot Boot

Camp for New DadsCamp for New DadsCamp for New DadsCamp for New Dads

is designed specifically for dads-to-be, and is

helping to take some of the mystery out of


Boot Camp for New Dads Boot Camp for New Dads Boot Camp for New Dads Boot Camp for New Dads is where expec-

tant fathers or "rookie dads" learn from vet-

eran fathers about the ups

and downs of fatherhood.

The soon-to-be fathers are

learning how to properly

hold, feed and change

baby's diaper in a class that

involves real babies.


For New Dads, By New DadsFor New Dads, By New DadsFor New Dads, By New DadsFor New Dads, By New Dads

Boot Camp for New Dads rookies Boot Camp for New Dads rookies Boot Camp for New Dads rookies Boot Camp for New Dads rookies come from all pro-

fessions, including engineers, construction workers,

salesmen, Marines, students, doctors, business own-

ers, laborers, architects, lawyers and firemen too, of

all income levels, ethnic backgrounds and religious


This three (3) hour training offers

tips on everything from helping

breastfeeding moms with late-night

feedings, to being more patient.

It's all advice on raising a happy,

healthy baby that veteran dads are

happy to share. It makes a differ-

ence when you hear it from someone who's just gone

though it.

"Babies can be scary, especially

for men," says Greg Bishop,

founder of this unique crash

course in fatherhood and a

father of four. "New fathers need to be invited in, to be

given the chance to feel competent."


When and how to check; finding the front at 2:00 am;

male and female hygiene.


What can be done to support breast-feeding; methods

for introducing and using a bottle.


Supporting the baby’s neck; passing and receiving.


Living with a general lack of sleep; dad’s role for the

middle of the night feeding.


Understanding the meaning and types of cries; meth-

ods of soothing a crying baby.


Using a checklist to sooth a crying baby; when to call

the doctor.


Car seat basics; baby-proofing the home; preventing

Shaken Baby Syndrome.


Team tactics; helping them through the emotional

roller coaster; methods for improving the relationship.

The The The The

Boot Boot Boot Boot

Camp Camp Camp Camp

Prepare to Thrive, not just Survive


a Daddy...

ForeverDads Boot Camp for New Dads ForeverDads Boot Camp for New Dads ForeverDads Boot Camp for New Dads ForeverDads Boot Camp for New Dads is a licensed program of the National Boot Camp for New Dads and not an affiliate program of

the Genesis HealthCare Systems.

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