booker literary magazine

Post on 07-Mar-2016






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Booker Literary Magazine


Welcome to the crea-ons of  Senior and Sophomore  

students of Booker High School  2010 – 2011 

 Editor : Viet Tran 

Sponsor: Miss Harvey 

 By Andrea Castano  

Clairvoyant By Viet Tran     “Wake up Akira, its -me to go now!” my mom screams from the boLom of the stairs. As always I’m the last person to get ready for everything, but today is different. Today is the day we moved out of this house which I love dearly to my heart, it’s our first house that we ever live, but since my dad have a new job posi-on at different loca-on, we have to move.  “Okay, I’m coming!” So we are moving to a middle of nowhere, where there like barely anyone here, popula-on: 257…plus 4. My brother and I did not agree with this idea but since it for the sake of my dad career we have to do as to please him. And since my mom give me the idea of home schooling; it got me, because I would do anything to get out of school. Riding in the car for 18 hours was a boring thing that I ever done in my life, for a seventeen year old girl and twelve year old boy si[ng behind the back of the truck with nothing to do, why don’t they just send me to hell already. Finally we have arrived. “What is this place?” I ask. “It’s our new home of course” my mom reply, “it look deserted,” my brother added.  “I don’t believe we have to move out here, what the point, there like nobody here, what kind of business is out here.” I got upset. “Now honey, the company your dad work for have a big factory here, and they need your dad to be in charge.” My mom never cared about our social life or anything, “now be a good girl and get inside, you too Alan, Go!” We all ran inside, looking around…apparently there nothing to look at, my brother right, this place is totally deserted.   “Wow, what a nice place we have here,” sarcas-cally, “Don’t you think this place is awesome Alan?” asking my liLle brother. “Can we move somewhere else, I don’t think I can live in this place, or even in this town?” begging my mother, but of course she would never listen to me. “Akira, I told you, we are going to live here and that is that, now go unpack you stuff, your dad and I going to get some stuff for the house so be s-ll, don’t go anywhere okay.” I don’t know what’s up with parents, they always plant ideas in our head that we don’t even think about that, which make us want to do it more.   

“Common Alan, let go explore the town” commanding my brother. “But they said we cannot go anywhere, it dangerous” my brother reply. “Tskk, don’t listen to them, now you want to stay in this boring house or come with me?” He reply “Fine, but if we got in trouble, it’s going to your fault.”  So we finally get out this s-nking place and look around, this town is so old, it feel like we in some old movie. A small cinema, a local food store, one Wal‐Mart (which it also small) everything here is small. But there one building that is easy to spot; it’s the factory that my dad is going to work at.  “So Alan, where do you want to go, any idea?” I ask. “Well I want some drink, can we get some soda?” “Sure, I have enough money” “Awesome” As we looking for a soda machine, we catch a sign of this small shed looking like, mysterious looking. “We are going in there”  “What? Is it even legal to go in someone else place?” “Ahahaha we just going to check it out.” As we approaching closer, we no-ce there is someone in there, an old woman, about mid‐fiey. “Umm sorry for barging in,” I apologizing. “Don’t be, it is des-ny that brought you here,” she speaking in a mysterious voice. “Umm Akira, we should go,” my brother warn me. “No, please sit down, it so nice to see young people again.” Young people? What does she means? She then uncovers a crystal ball on the table. “What is that?” I wonder. “Well you see, I’m a fortune‐teller, I can predict the future, just ask me anything” “Are we able to find soda in this town,” my brother burst out loud. “…yes, I can see it, you will find it over there,” poin-ng her figure over the street. “Nice going Alan, okay now my turn, will I ever get out of this horrible place?” “…hmm yes you will, but you will regret later on.” “Regret it, no wait, never, I wish that we have a reason to move out of this place.”   

“Careful what you wish for.”     There a silent that I’m not familiar with, an unnatural feeling.   “Akira, wake up! It’s -me to go” What happening, I’m back to my old house? I run down stairs, look around, I see my brother and my mom wai-ng. “Where are we going?” I ask my mom. “To school of course, are you feeling alright?” “School…don’t we have to move or something?” “Move? to where?” “I think she on drug or something mom,” my brother say. “Alan, don’t you remember, we move to new boring town, then we explored the town, and you want a soda, and we met a fortune‐teller, you remember?” I try to remind my brother. “Like I said, she is on drug mom.” “I’m not on drug or anything, I’m being serious…” “Akira, hurry up and let go, we have no -me for this nonsense.” My mom says. “Where dad, I need to talk to him,” I asking. Suddenly, it’s silent. For some reason, I have a feeling that something bad has happened. “Where is him?” I keep asking.  “Akira, don’t you remember your dad and I,” she irritated “We split up about few months ago, don’t you remember?” her face seen to telling the truth. I don’t know what to do, I run outside, run as far as I can, regre[ng what I wished for. Thinking to myself, how selfish I am, always thinking of myself, if it not because of my wish, our family would be together. Suddenly I see image, an old looking woman, in the side walk. “Hey you!” I yell.  “Hello there young lady, good to see you again” “You remember me, you remember me,” I’m so happy. “How are you doing today? Since you have your wish,” She asks. “Take it back, please take it back,” I beg her. “Aren’t you happy, you are back to you home now, you should be happy.” “No, no I’m not…I want my dad back, he should be with our family.” I start crying.  “I’m sorry but I cannot do that, once you wish, you cannot take it back”   

“But you said you are fortune‐teller, they don’t gran-ng wish or anything.” Suddenly I feel dizzy, and the old woman is disappearing out of my sight. I started panic, thinking to myself this must be a dream. I start to think anyway to wake up out of these hallucina-ons. Then I looking at the bridge which I didn’t no-ced before, “That is my way out of this dream.” I ran to the bridge, I look down, and the water is so dark that it like there no boLom of it.  “Akira!” I hear my name call out. Looking back, I see my mom, standing alone, wai-ng for me to go back to her. I walk closer to the edge of the bridge, thinking that all of this is just a dream. I leap off the edge. In my mind I start to have all of this image of my family, it feel so real like all of this is reality, but this cannot be, because I suppose to be in different town with my whole family. The water hit my face, and I pass out.    “Akira? Akira?”    “Akira, wake up!” “Huh?” It feel weird, my skin feel wet. “Akira, are you okay?” I see my brother above me. “What happen?” I asked. “Well you passed out aeer we get out of that woman place, you must had dehydrated or something”  I get up and run to the woman shed, but all I find is an empty room. Then the thought of my dad come up to my mind. “We have to get home now Alan.” “But what about my soda”  “Let go now” We run to our home, for some reason I feel good to see it again. We get inside and nobody there. I look at my brother “Tell me Alan, is dad s-ll with us?” “What are you talking about, of course he s-ll with us,” my brother answers. I’m so happy that was really a dream, I think I will be get use to this small town. Then my brother sniffs me, “Why do you smell like fish Akira?” We look at each other and start to laugh.      ”   

 By Kim


y Ha


The Story Only I know By Viet Tran  I learn to live, I learn smile Pretend to live, in a tragic life Hope for a quest, takes me away From all this mess, before it too late. I see people, which just like me They cry, they laugh, wish to be free No one can takes, this pain away So let me please, and set me free.  


Tomorrow By Viet Tran  When sky turns dark And the sun disappear The livings are ignore And the end is near. Creature or no creature Human or no human No -me for the future No -me for the present. No more light in our eyes No more blood in our body No more dignify The end its will be. Unless we believe Tomorrow is a new day The end is an illusion We will be okay.  


Being woken up by my chicks chirping gets old quickly. Just once I’d like to sleep in. Well, at least it won’t be long un-l their out of the nest. I slowly stand up, and stretch my enormous wings before taking flight from the nest. I start heading towards the forest, but decide to take a detour through the local park to see what the humans are up to. I fly closer so they can gawk at the sight of me. Not sure why they’re so fascinated by my kind. Perhaps it’s my large size, or my blackish‐brown body in combina-on with my white head and tail, or maybe it’s just my in-mida-ng yellow beak and claws. Then again, why shouldn’t they be amazed? I am a glorious sight to behold. The bay catches my keen eye and I am reminded of my three hungry hatchlings. I hover over it in search for the perfect opportunity to aLack. A couple minutes pass by before I spot a fish swimming near the surface. I swoop down and glide over the surface of the water before snatching up my prey and lieing it into the air. 

Bald Eagle By Kylie C. 


Time to head home. It takes a while for the liLle guy to stop struggling, but his thrashing finally subsides as the nest comes into view. I’m greeted by their eager squawks and hurry over to feed them. I place the fish in the nest and as I land, I ball my talons into fists so I don’t accidently injure one of them. The squawking grows louder with an-cipa-on as I tear the fish apart. I coax them to take the food from my beak one by one, un-l they are all sa-sfied. Finally, I get some peace and quiet. Suppose I’ll nap a bit before my mate comes home. ZzzzZzzzZzzz. 



 By Kimberley Harrison 

FOR NORDERON! By Clinton Bailiff  Through hoarous waters, Through armored gates, Through peasents and farmers, I shred through in hate. FOR NORDERON, I GO! To the asgardian king, To vanquish the foe, They haven’t a chance, To stop thy and thy spear, Tis quite a dance. Not a dance they will win But a dance that’ll cost them their Xin Xin is a warrior, hard with might Guardian of the king, a ravaging fight Though he hadn’t a chance, he rushed to thy death I pondered, isn’t this as though its Macbeth? I slayed him anyway, and skinned for his pelt For shown to the king,  in his kilt, he will melt And thus a victory, FOR NORDERON! I HAST BROUGHT! Oh, im so glad thy fought. “Because now i have a Xin pelt hat  ”, I thought..  


Wai-ng and Watching  By Anthony Turner  I sit in the stands wai-ng and watching I’ll get up once in a while to check the bracket sheet just make sure I know who I have. I’ll watch him during warm‐ups just see if he has any tendencies or favorite moves. Aeer that I stare at my opponent wai-ng to see his reac-on. I use this technique to see what his confidence level is if looks at me and look’s away I’ll know he knows he’s in for a tough night if he keeps looking away and looking back at me I’ll know he’s scared and probably knows he can’t beat me if stares right back I’ll see that he’s confident and thinks he’s beLer than me, I love when they do that it makes it feel so much beLer when you put them in their place. So aeer that it’s back to wai-ng and watching aeer about an hour or two I hear my favorite sound of the day “Anthony Turner Booker” that means it’s -me to go to head table to see where I’m wrestling. Once I get there I either wait for my opponent to show up or he’s already there wai-ng. They make sure were who we say we are and then they give us the bout sheet this is the most important part of the match if the person tries to grab the bout sheet first then there saying I’m going to win this match if they don’t grab it at all there saying I don’t think I can win I always grab it first. So aeer we take the bout sheet to the mat were wrestling on they tell us how much -me before our match I like to have at least a couple of minutes to warm up and listen to a song that get’s me into my zone it varies from meet to meet. Aeer I see i ref call me over to the mat I know what -me it is I take my sweats off put on head gear and head out to the match shake hands with my opponent then I get down to business    


Hope By Viet Tran 

 Days come and days go

Some-me it fast, other it slow Some wish the -me would stop

So let me go on and hope.  

Wai-ng for yesterday Wish it come true one day

From dawn to dust, the -me won’t stop But I’ll go on and con-nue to hope.

 Memories start to scaLer The hope become fader

The -me would never stop But I’ll keep on and hope.

 A thousand years later

Stand here wai-ng for her The -me s-ll hasn’t stop So I give up the hope And I go on and sob.


Taking my evening stroll Along the lit up streets, I found a liLle girl Holding up kiLy treats.  She held them high In the palm of her hand, Repeatedly called a name “Zand, Zand, Zand!”  I asked her, “What’s the maLer, sweet pea?” Her reply was “My cat ran up the tree!”  I looked around In hopes of an idea, When I saw a ladder Leaning against our local pizzeria.  I went over to retrieve it And brought it back to the spot, Leaned it against the trunk And suddenly got very hot.  How could I have forgoLen I have a horrible fear of heights??? Falling off the roof Would give anyone these frights.   

I looked at the liLle girl And took a deep breath, I kept telling myself “Saving this cat will not end in my death.”  I climbed up My knees shaking. I look at the cat, It seems to be waking.  I held out a treat And caught its eye. The cat begins to move From where it lies.  It stalks toward me Looking a bit wary, I reach out my hand: His tail is quite hairy.  I grab the liLle guy And descend down the ladder. I reach the ground And have never been gladder.  When I gave her the cat She looked at me with so much glee. I couldn’t help but smile When she thanked me.  

Chivalry Poem By Kylie C. 


 By Kyle Rice 

 By Viet Tran 

Untitled By Staline What’s happening to us? Day by day, the world becomes worst… the things I see in movies… I ask myself, how did this became reality? Blood, blood, blood all over the world… and yet we fail to see, that we are not cats and dogs… or gold and silver… if one of us had a price it would’ve [...] 


Life of our Nature By Mekala Jones  Birds sing the coming of dawn Praise to a new day Nature is blue Nature is green Nature is every color possibly seen Nature must be love for it is made by god above Nature dances to a rhythm of her own. She sits proud and confident upon her hefty thrown Forever is the life of nature but the trees and flowers must die within her.  


Beautiful, Black and Bold By Bianca Sumter   Is it the color of my skin that scares you? I am a somebody how dare you   Do my strengths make your run? When I look at you with piercing eyes like the sun   You can feel my anger inside My respect for you at last has died   Beau?ful Black and Bold A dime a Jewel and a piece of Gold   I am special and I am bright and  If you don’t see this lose your sight   You look down on me but how could this be? What do you see? I see a more confident side of me   My voice may not fear you But I know my words do   My gender may not in?midate  But, I know this world is wai?ng for  me to strike like a powerful earthquake    Beau?ful Black and Bold A dime a Jewel and a piece of Gold   I have integrity and you’re filled with stupidity But I will once again hold my head high with dignity   I will make my stamp on this world Because I am a precious pearl   I will break your judgment link by link  And I will do it all dressed in pink   Beau?ful Black and Bold A dime a Jewel and a piece of Gold 


 By Andrea Castano  

Nature By Alex Greenfield   Nature is the purest and most natural element of today’s life.  Every day that passes mankind takes away something that can’t be given back.  Nature is like a box of chocolates once you take one you want more, once you run out you have nothing lee.   Skyscrapers are only appealing when kept maintained; nature is even more appealing when lee alone.    The unknown will stay unknown, even though we surround ourselves with Familiar manmade crea-ons. Nature is the unknown. The fear of not knowing keeps us Building and trying to discover; when Building takes us further away from the truth.   At the start of mankind one was far more in tune with nature. When manmade discoveries were found, nature started to deplete.   What now?   


Got Fish? By  Sarah Giacomoni  “Yee Haw” said the fishermen, as the boat headed out into the majes-c blue sea. Their all ready for a great adventure to occur. All the fishing poles are set, the boat is fueled and excitement is pouring out of the crew.   The men go fiey miles out hoping to catch a monster a monster fish. Billy has been fishing with these men for only a few days, but he feels right at home. “Whoa” one of the men blurts out as he gets the bait ready and is stopped by the smell.   The race begins! As the men drop their fishing lines into the water, only a few minutes pass when suddenly…… Billy is brought to his feet, when a powerful beast takes the bait. This epic baLle last for three long grueling hours.   Then the amazing beast emerged out of the glowing blue water. A whopping 1,000 pound sword fish is the winning catch. As the sun sets the boat starts back to the shore. While Billy sits with a grin on his face and with his prize winning fish by his side.  



Life is a Road By Shandrica W.  Twists and turns, ups and downs Different choices, paths to pick Over hills and down flat land, rocks and tar I chose mine, now you choose yours.  I run; run from fear, You walk; walk like nothing ever happened. Mine is bumpy; hard and difficult, Yours is straight; easy and fun.  I travel up and down hills, Yours is for the most part straight. I have to keep on guessing my path everyday You always know which way to go.  The way I chose has only once been straight; Has only once been perfect and happy. Yours has only once been rough; Has only once been hard and lonely.  Maybe someday, We will cross paths And you will finally see How hard life can really be? 


The BiLer Truth By Shandrica W. You say one thing Yet you mean another You try to be up front While hiding beneath a cover  Why are you so selfish? And why so ignorant? What exactly does love mean to you Or should I say, meant?  I’ve never known someone so fake Someone who can’t speak the truth Someone so terribly insecure Someone so cruel, someone like you  Why did you have to be like this You started off quite fine You would always say how much you care I guess that was just another “line”  I just sit around and remember Of how much I used to enjoy your name And how I so dearly loved To play your liLle game  But now finally I know That you aren’t at all what I thought And its a damn shame too, Because I really liked you a lot.   30 

Avory LaValliere   The way she looks the way she turns‐ she s-rs and whirls Why don’t you understand. He sings and squeals, screeches to the pierced ears insanity strikes leaving no man behind We climb the ridged walls. trapped inside, screaming, being, these words shall not be repeated. underneath the figures. these figured in which we call man. we shall always be together. grow old, moldy, disgus-ng and gruesome. cuts, fights, and reputa-on‐ the green grass seals. feel, unreal, what is reality? dreaming, seeming, feeling, believing in excuses to be alone‐ isola-on, no need to breathe Combat boots, the feeling of supremacy. She falls and falls, hits the underneath, nothingness and unknown. understood, unbelieved, unrelieved, deceived, Heartbreak, heart stops and the craving sets in. Underneath once again, she turns to scream, helpless Hopeless, restless, beginning to feel beyond  Mo-onless‐ strangled inside for what we know could kill. stab, bloody, purple, iron and rust. It all feels, sees and seems the same. Numb as her body screams‐ uneducated in self worth. ‐ why cant you understand me?!   


 By Kyle Rice 

By Kyle Rice  Running through the mainland The lion will chase it’s prey 

Even though the lion has the upper hand The target gets away. 

       Into the woods, where they lay 

The hunter scouts his way A shot is fired 

And through the disarray No animal was re-red. 

       Down by the river A bear finds trout 

He strike with a quiver This bear leaves the river without. 



Sweet Dreams By Shandrica Wimberly . Motionless bed, completely alone. T.V. beating. The hospital’s black cordless phone lying on the white stiff but heating blankets, waiting for him to call. Razor phone, unavailable at the moment. It does not work. No calls, only texts and who wants to text? Ding dong, the crying begins. Loss of words and the loneliness starts to hit deep beneath my Caucasian skin tone. Old, wrinkly, psychotic woman. Rips and screams. Grey and white wires every single night. Monitors’ beeping furiously before tearing begins. No, don’t roll over. Can’t sleep on stomach. Sleep is nonexistent. Head wrapped in white gauze. Scar. Three months. Bloody ball. Nurse squeezes drain. Please let there be hair. Pray to God every night. Walk and hair. Difficult college. A month. Awful and fast. Strict Mom and Dad. Back to school how? The nurse tells me, “The drain and gauze will be out and off your head tomorrow sweetie…” Chunks of throw up. The nurse comes back. Injection of heavenly medicine in IV. Drifting off to sweetness. A sudden, faint, “Hello.” Blurry sounds. My mom, I love you. Brown eyes peeping open. Shaking. The past is gone. Dreams fulfilled. Smiles and tears. Here I am to stay.


 By Viet Tran 

DREAMS By Jeremiah Jackson  My love for Dreams is so great, my head full of them ’-l the light of day. When it comes around they float away, Flying through the sky, not to be seen.  As I lay my head they come. Floa-ng through the air around me  They enter my thoughts calming my mind  No more worries no more frowns. 

 By And

rea Castano  

 By Viet Tran 

AUTUM [HAIKU] By Jacob Anatra

Leaves in piles dead

Colors changing all around

Temperature dropping

Holidays settling in

Christmas jingles and food galore

All things of fall months

Loveless By Appolis Phillips            

 It hurts to love someone that doesn’t love you back                    Some you want to care for you and caress you and pick up 

 all your slack.                   Like chasing a floa-ng balloon that you know you can’t 

 catch.                   You lie awake at night thinking of what you could have 

 had, or could be,       but pray one day would be      You can’t imagine yourself with any other so you grow 

 old, lonely,            and loveless wai-ng for your true lover.                  Lonely and loveless you now become. Now your heart 

 feens like       a flower needing sun.                  Nothing can fill the place in your heart but that one. Like 

 the plant       you once knew your heart will not grow.      But if you wait too long it will soon be night and the sun 

 will be gone. 


 By Jon TruiL 

 By Keith Summerall  

Nature Sunlight and palm trees glistening on the open sea,

these are things that money can’t buy because they are free. Fish flopping all around, while I’m chilling on the ground

And then I hear the sound of natures calling. Waves crashing the shore, seagulls chirping all around me.

The cool sea breeze gusting gracefully past my body While the smell of salt water fills the air

I’m getting sun burnt but I don’t even care Sand stuck between my toes

But when am I leaving? Even I don’t know


The person to the right Of me… The person to the right of me always made me wonder.

You know like what their childhood was like, were their parent’s nice people or were they just mean. The human mind sometimes can’t help but wonder....

Mr. Tim was an elderly man who was at the age of 96 when he died. But he left behind a lot of sweet filled memories. He was such a delightful man to be around always giving when he was the one who in need. When I say in need I don’t mean money but help. You see Mr. Tim was old and couldn’t quite do for himself as he wished he could. Some time back he had gotten his leg amputated due to medical reasons I Can’t remember. But you could always see Mr. Tim sitting outside on his metal rusted brown chair that folded up. He would sometimes shout over his fence for you to do a simple service like bringing the mail or trash into the yard. He would repay buy giving you quarters I would except until my grandmother told me not too, be being a good civilian is what your suppose to do .

I don’t know why but any leftovers of what Mr. Tim had ate would wind up in the road near the curb, where the birds would come dine out on the remainders of a day old meal.

In 2004, Mr. Tim finally passed away, when I heard I was shocked and somewhat hurt because I had grown up seeing Mr. Tim sitting outside just chilling on his porch and to know he wouldn’t be there anymore hurt my heart.


The Truth By Kay’La Riddle What are people? To me they are rude unstable creatures, to you they might Be whatever it says in Webster’s Dictionary. They vary by mood, personality, and looks, But at the end of the day they are ran by sinister acts within. They rob themselves of the simplistic beauty placed here by god And replace them with manmade material things… I bet you Webster didn’t tell you that because he was too busy Trying to buy his new Ferrari and he knew you wouldn’t care to hear the truth.... I mean be honest with yourself, isn’t this what the world is turning into Merchandise with a price tag displayed as a beautiful green and blue crystal ball. But when you get it it’s in a hand basket on fire. Why? Because the salesperson didn’t care to tell you it was on its way to hell!


Light that haunts the night By Lexi Harrell

Lay there, lay there in shame.

Wipe your cheek to rid the tear that haunts Your beauty. Like the light that haunts the night.

Lie to yourself like you always do.

Self pity, shame, hate, and guilt. When you see them think of me she says.

When you feel their touch, remember mine.

Why is it when she stands she has such thrilling power To move people. And when she lays it’s a fake cover,

A mask, a lonely dream.

A colorless dream, no purple hearts, no green tree to Keep a grow. No sight of power. Not a slight ounce of


Just a dark broken girl, so dark she seems white, Like that unforgiving light that haunts the night.


Day i dont know By Lexi Harrell

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 5 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 23

Day 27 Day 35 Day 36 Day 37 Day 55 Day 57 Day 60 Day, I don’t know any more…

When I say “there’s no one like you, like my family”

I mean it. Now I know why people turn to drugs. Thank god I live for something or I would fall for everything. I blare my music to feel, I dance to breathe, and I cut to know I’m still alive, to keep myself in order. Wishing and hoping one cut

will fly me into a dream.

Here’s a kid who was shown everything and now sheltered from all. Its funny how people say “I love you” and at the same time they say “I hate you” “how could you” “why?”

and deep down they say “I love you” all at once. God these teen years can’t hurry! Every one says “Don’t rush your life

kid” Damn, better believe I’m rushing.

This is for every kid, every adult, everything who had, have these feeling… Trust me I’ve been there. Ull pull threw…

your probably thinking yeah what ever. Its impossible to pull threw this one. Trust and believe you can. We all can.


The Devil That Attacked Her Mom By Alisa Miller

You would think that the little girl is too small, You would think that she could never recall this brawl.

So you fight, so you argue, while the innocence looks on, So you disregard your effect and the innocence now

gone. She knows now and she’ll know then what happened so

wrong. She’ll never forget the devil that attacked her mom.

Tree By Stephen Richardson II A tree, big and bold, flourished on the hilltop, overlooking the city like a wooden guardian. A flower, by an other just as sweet, life comes and goes for the flower, just as the human, it sprouts its petals ready to embrace the world and then wilts away, crumbled, in an instant, only to just spread its last life, wherever it shall go, whoever it shall touch. As life travels, from the flower, she strengthens those around her, bringing life in her passing, inspiration to those who carry. In her passing, life carries on her shoulders but, not a care in the world. She would eventually settle down and begin the process all over again, from a small seed, into the legendary wooden guardian, the tree.

Slavery By Dominik Deramo Trapped in, like an animal No air to breathe of your own No money No respect No dignity No house No paying job No life Only beating Only name calling Only whippings Only rapes No Freedom what so ever With chains at your feet And blood on your fingers Hoping just to give your children a better life Sorry, no happening No way out Trapped in, like an animal.


The Nature in my Eyes By: Chacandace Abner

I see the leaves blow in the wind

I hear animals making noise

There is water, nature and girls and boys

I feel breeze from the wind

I also see palm trees start to bend

The grass sways with the light breeze of summer air

The grass is messy and wet

The flowers are big and tall

I can’t believe my eyes I can’t take this all

The water is crystal clear

It hits the rocks and makes a noise so pure

It starts to rain and it gets really cold

The rain gets stronger and really bold

I need to find I replace to go

A place where all my troubles melt like so

I find a place and I hide

It feels so warm inside

I will stay until the rain is done

Then get back up and have fun


Depression By Chacandace Abner

The TV. Laughed

The phone singed

But still I sat

With my back to the wall

Picking through my thoughts as I erased them all

This place, this place I call home is

Stomping on my brain,

So I sink into this depression

I feel a strain so I pop one to

Many of those things

That kills my brain

As I drain my pain


Break-Up By CassandraStephens

Just a couple of days ago he was hugging me, kissing me, and saying he loved me. 3 days ago he texted me saying “I’m just not sure I want to do this anymore, I’m just not feeling IT like I use to. There’s someone else from my past and I want to make another attempt with us. I’m sorry.” It took 1 year for our relationship to end, 1 year for my heart to break, 1 year for my fairy tale to end and everything came crashing down. 1year for me to find out he was cheating on me with Tess Tyler. 1 year for me to catch them kissing her like he kiss me, holding her like he holds me.

It took me one month for me to stop crying in my room, 4 weeks of crying when ever I heard his name, 31 days of heartache, 744 hours to get over the fact that he didn’t love me, 44,640 minutes for me to find my self again, and 2,678,400 seconds for me to throw away all of my picture of him and to sent back the promise ring he gave me in a envelope saying “I don’t want it or you”. He said he will always love me and I will always have his heart. Lies.


Dream By Cassandra Stephens “Run . . . run Rose!” I screamed to myself. “Don’t look

back. Whatever you do, don’t look back!” I knew if I did then I would slow down, and right now I needed all of my strength, speed, and power to get away.

“Rose? Rose, I know you can heart me! He shouted. “Just stop running and everything will be okay. You know I want to be with you forever Rose, I love you.” He continued shouting, “Stop running away from me Rose! I will protect you. Come back with me.” He pleaded.

He . .Who was “He”? I did not know or recognized his voice. But regardless, I knew I was in danger and kept running for my life. I was tired, my muscles were sore, clothing torn, out of breath, and I was pretty sure her appearance was horrendous. My throat was burning like fire from the lack of water, my stomach felt hollow from lack of food, and I kept getting dizzy spells every few minutes that was slowing her down.

Off in the distance I saw a figure and started running faster towards it. As I got closer I tried to scream, but my voice was stuck in my throat and the only thing that came out was a choke. So I then cleared my throat; gathered as much saliva in my mouth to sallow, stopped running to build up all of her energy that she could conjure up.

“Help-Me! . . . Somebody . . . please HELP!” I knew I didn’t have that much time left. I knew HE had heard me and was coming to het me. I jerked my feet forward even though everything in my body wanted to give out, lie down and rest but I knew I couldn’t.


As I got closer to the figured; I could tell it was a male, early twenties and a little over 6 feet tall. He looked like he was scanning the wood looking for something, and I was hoping whatever he was scanning for was me and get me away from HIM.

As I came into the small clearing, I saw he carried a gun in his right hand. He slowly turned to faced me and I froze. Silent tears falling from my eyes hoping I survive whatever my fate may lay. Less than 30 seconds passed and I heard rapid footsteps approaching behind me. From the corner of my eye I was him stop less than 10 feet from me. All I could do was stare from one man to the other with fear written all over me. At that time I was sure she was going to die tonight.

“Roza.” The man with the gun whispered. He had a strange accent I couldn’t place. I looked at him with confusion in my eyes. I really looked at him; he had chocolate brown eyes, hair that reached his shoulders, khaki shorts, and a white tank top. She looked into his eyes and was instantly drawn in, his eyes reflected hers. He slowly raised the gun right at me and pulled the trigger.

I fell on my knees thinking I was shot, done for. I felt numb, couldn’t feel. I retreated back into my mind thinking I was about to die, right there in the woods, where no one would ever probably find me. Dying without telling the people I carried about most Good-Bye.


I woke up in the middle of the night gasping for air, trying to fill my lugs with oxygen I desperately needed. I was dripping from sweat, my night clothes clung to my body like a second layer of skin. I was dying to feel ice cold water running down her throat. I reached over to turn on the light and laid back down looking at the ceiling trying to catch my breath.

Once I returned to my room from drinking a glass of water I lay in my bed trying to figure out what it all means, but gives up thinking it was just a dream.


"Goodbye” By Sydney Deal       

Sydney loved Jake. They had known each other for years. Jake had become more of a brother than anything else. They both had an interest in Theater, so they bonded through ac-ng and other things like that. The two went to school together so they saw each other in the halls. They talked every now and then. And Jake gave the greatest hugs. (He was six foot two and she was five foot four. She always became enveloped in his toned abs‐ she loved it.) The two had a hidden bond that only showed when they were together.

They had come a long way, considering Jake always had to leave the state because of his crazy mother. She would move him back and forth between Ohio, Illinois and Florida. So he would disappear and re‐apear. But he had promised he would stay in Florida for his senior year no maLer what. And everyone believed him. Well, who knew the state would step and and take him away from his mother? It was a great thing for him though! He was finally ge[ng away from the crazy women who raised him but, he had to go live with his dad... In Illinois. Yes‐ Jake would being leaving the state. But this -me, he wasn't going to be back.

 He concealed this informa-on for a long -me. He wasn't going to tell anyone un-l the day before he was leaving. But he couldn't keep it in and he explained his situa-on to his class. Sydney didn't hear about this informa-on un-l the end of the day. She processed what was actually about to happen, and then she cried. Not fully‐ there were to many people around. But she promised she would cry un-l she said goodbye. That would be one of the hardest goodbyes of her life. 



The day came where Jake had to leave. Sydney came to school, like any other normal day. She pa-ently waited to bump into Jake in the hallway. Jake walked around school that day with a  smile on his face‐ concealing the cacophony of emo-ons he had in him. He said goodbye to all he saw. He wanted to leave on a posi-ve note‐ who wouldn't? Eventually, Sydney and Jake saw each other‐ they were the only two in the hallway. It was almost like they were meant to meet right at that moment. Both of them stopped. Sydney's heart skipped a beat. Jake took off his disguising smile and put on his sen-mental face. Sydney jumped and ran into his toned abs‐ for the last -me.

 She began to cry. He wanted to cry but he didn't want to make his leave any more sad than it already was. She said, "I am really going to miss you." "I'm going to miss you a lot, too" whispered Jake. Her tears were soe and gentle, almost saying all the things she had wanted to say to him since they met. "I know it will be beLer for you up there, and that's what maLers." she said. Jake responded, "It's just really hard to say goodbye." The embrace lasted for a liLle while longer un-l Jake pulled her face up and wiped her tears away. "For all that it maLers," he said, " You are the only girl I can be myself around." Sydney smiled a goofy smile and cried a liLle harder. They hugged one last -me before Sydney's teacher interrupted and told her to get back to class. She looked up at him and explained that she would say goodbye when he really had to leave. They went their separate ways.


And that was the last -me Sydney saw Jake. He had to leave for the airport before school let out‐ so Sydney never got her "later goodbye." Her sister greeted her in the hallway‐ she had been crying too‐ and told her Jake already lee without really saying goodbye to anyone. Sydney cried the hardest she had that day. She already missed him terribly. He missed her more. Out of everyone he was leaving, Jake thought about Sydney the most on that long airplane ride "home." They get the occasional phone call from one another, they take about as much as they can, and that's it. But‐ at least they s-ll have their love for each other. She hopes he will come and visit, and he wants to visit, but‐ tomorrow never knows.


Eclipse By Stephen Richardson II I am the sun and you are the moon. We are complete opposites you and I. We have different personalities that other people like. I think highly of myself because that’s how other people see me but, you’re surprisingly able keep right up with me, hiding in the dark where people can’t see your face but, just as someone sees you, you sparkle in their eyes with your beauty. One day you might be able to outshine me for a change, maybe. You keep giving me ideas that make me want to stay where I am, away from you, until the next day anyway. You push me away now and again, making me not want to be around you but, there is still an attraction between us that makes you chase after me and me go back to you in a never-ending circle of life between us. But, the weird thing is, even though we’re different we’re also very similar, you and I. We both have an explosive volcanic temper but, at the same time we’re calm like the ocean’s waves. People look up to us for guidance and any sign of truth through the darkest of times, and even the brightest. We’re one of the oldest beings here so, we know things, we’ve seen things, and we’ve been there done that, felt love and then heartbroken like all the other emotions that other people will soon find out enough. Without us there would be nothing. Even though we rarely see each other, alone, face to face, the moment we do, something remarkable happens.



 By Kylie C. 

Slavery By Sandy Forestant

Locked up in chains, “Let us go”

In a small cell, feels so cold.

Why was I captured, what did I do

Why are white skinned people so crude?

“Slaves for Sale” what does this mean?

Why are these people looking at me?

Raped, slapped, whipped everyday

All my pretty colored pictures are turning gray.

Feeling worthless, God please help me

When will I be set FREE!!!!!


Monster Essay (Morals) By Tori Floyd In most cartoons, shows, stories, etc. there are usually monsters of some sort but in reality we too have monsters. And I believe that our worst monsters are actually those you cannot see. I believe that morals are our true monsters. Not morals but the absence of them. Trust, Integrity, Honor, Courage, Respect, Leadership, etc. these morals live in every man and woman but appear to mean nothing now-a-days. “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” (Edmund Burke) I included this quote from Edmund Burke because it is a perfect example of the world today, and the absence of such morals. These used to make people better. But it appears that only few men or women now would protect one another. It appears that nobody would stand up for what is right. It appears that who we choose for the next singer or movie star is more important than who we choose to lead this country and its people. It appears that what we have is more important than what we do. It seems as if people of this world are more concerned about fitting in instead of doing what is right and being true to one self. With the people of the world running around without such morals, what is to stop us from tearing ourselves apart? With no one caring about the effects of what they do or say what is to stop the world from slipping in to total anarchy? Not all people ignore such morals but with the number of those who do growing everyday how much longer can we last? This is why I believe the absence of morals may be the most dangerous monsters ever to exist.


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