book of the future part 2

Post on 14-Mar-2016






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by David Brandt Berg 14 Main Endtime Events Scriptural Basis


Book of the Future Part 2

Written by David Berg (

March 1983

© The Family International

Scanned from Andrés Nueva Vida’s personal book with

individual notes from the owner.

Edited by March 2013




I f you' 11 lean not 1o)'O\r own understandlng but In el l yotrwl!lysl!Idc.nowledgeHlm, He' 11 dlrect yotr Wl!Iys••• And thou shel+hEw' l!I volea beslde thee saylng, Thls Is the Wl!Iy,Wl!Ilkya InItl" <ls.26:3, Ps.37:5, Pr.3:5,6, Is.3O:21.)

106. O()j'T 1«:mY, JUSTFQ.LOri(0) & I-E'Ll SEEYOO1lftlJGI1Pral se Gód'l Hl!IlleluJahl Even I f He rel8l!lSeS you betore ttíeRl!Ipnre, even If He honQrs you & glves you l!I specll!ll dlspen-se+leo of dylng fTl?I03 befcre the g:'Md flMle, It' 11 el l beIn Hls Love & Hls merey, Hls klnd'less, Hls tender lovlng are& conoem for you, Hls chlld, In these days 10 a:ma. Justrest In the Lord & do good, & OOn't fret or worry l!Ibout thefuttre. "Fret not thyself for the rrarow, for sufflclent untothe day Is the evll thereof." <Mt.6:34.) Don't worry l!Iboutthe pes+ elther. "Forget the thlngs thl!lt l!Ire behlnd, pressfOl'"Wl!lrd10 the thlngs tMt l!Ire before, the hlgh Cl!IIt Ing ofJesus Chrlstl" CPh.3:13,14.)

107. DOYOOR.m. CEEYTrE L<R>, 00 HIS I«R<, WlnESS~INsou.S. 00 INTO~ TrE ~ & PREIO-tTrE 009JE1... 10 RY~~! Tl!Ike are of Q)d's business & He' 1I tl!lke are ofyoul ~1 Thl!lt's ~buslness, taklng are of :tQ!!, prl!llsethe Lord I Keep yotr mlnd & hEw't 00 Jesus & In Hls Word, &trust the Lord & He' 11 sea you throughl /llren1 nu

108. Nf) (f CXl,RSE. EE SlRE YOODOYOOREE5f SO YOO'LLRECEIVEA ST,fR-ST\DE) CRlrIN. SnDE> WllH ST.aRSrE TrE m..STHAf YOO~ FCR.ESUS. so +ne+ He'11 be l!Ible 10 say 10 you,"Wall done, thou good & fl!llthful servri, ente!'" thou Into theJoy of thy Lord! 8ecl!Iuseyou were fl!llthful In l!I few th Ings, 1h8Ye ll1l!Ideyou ruler over lMnY thlngs." <Mt.25:21.) There wlllbe di f fe! ellces In reWl!Ird, di fferences In the glfts pessed outl!It the WeddIng Supper 10 the a-I de l!ICCXTdIng 10 'f04T works &l!ICCXTdlng10 yotr fl!llthfulness, l!ICCXTdlng10 how .11 )OUh8Ye done & obeyed Hlm & howhl!lrd you've worked for Jesus.You wlll recelve 'f04T rewl!lrd. Every ale wlll be rewl!II"dedl!IC<XrdIng 10 hIs a: her works.

109. SOO()j'T 10m! IF TI-EYOCN'TNlPRECIATEyou g. unW1LL 'f!!I! Ñ'!d I f you don' t l!Ippr6C1m Q)d' s Wof'1(.!lQI(, 'pOuwlll:tbm! 9::m9of you ml!Iybe sary tMt you dldn't do rraefor the Lord, l!IShlJll9d& perhl!lpseven sana In c:on~t, wher'e-as others wlll shlne as the stl!lrs, h8Ylng been wlse 10 wlnsouls ter Jesusl <Dl!I.12:3, A"".11:3O.) Hl!IlIeluJl!Ihl TYJI PTLI 1hope you' 11 be ale of those shlnlng stl!lrS In the flnntment 01God's cx:mlngHeaven00 El!II"thl In Jesus' M1Ie, 511en.PIU


SEEK 'tE OOTrE TrE lU1< rE TrE L<R>. 00 REID: 1'.0()<lErE TrESESI-W..LFAIL. ~ SWU WH-ITI-ERt-lATE: fer my rrouthIt hl!lth cctmI!Inded, and Hls splrlt It hl!lth gathered than. ThefT8SS wlthereth, the flQe" fadeth: but the word of our God


shall stand fer everl Let than brlng than forth, and shewuswhat shall h<1>per1:let than shewthe fcrmer thlngs, what theybe, that we lTI2IyconsIder than, and Isnowthe Iatter end ofthan¡ a: decloce ys thlngs fer to cgT!3. Shewthe thlngs thatare to cana hereafter, that we lTI2IyIsnowthat ye are B:>dsl8ehold, the fonner thlngs are cana to pass. and newthlngs doI declare: before they s¡:rlng forth I +el l jou of thanl-ISAIAH34:16. 40:8. 41:22-23. 42:9.

50'1CF f.W.l, g>E~ TOM a-tII...mENCF THYFEFl.E. fiH) SAYlJNJQTIfM, wtlen I brlng the sword upon a land, If the peq>leof the land ta<e a ITI2Inof thelr COIIsts, and set hlm to:thelr watchnan: I f whenhe seeth the sword cana upon theland, he blow the tr!J!Jl8t. and lern the pecple¡ lñen ~eVf!r he!reth the soundof the trlll'pet, and taketh not wa~Ing¡ I f the sword cana, and take h1mlJIItJy, hIs b1000 shaI 1be upon hls own head. He he!rd the soundof the tr~, andtod<. not warnlng¡ hls blood shall be upon hlm. aJt he thatta<eth warning shall dellver hls soyl. But If the watchn!!nsea the sword cana, and blow not the trlll'pet, and the peq>lebe not warned¡ If the sword cana, and take any person franéIIlOOgthan, he Is taken ettiay In hls Inlqulty¡ but hls blcodwlll 1 requlre at the watchn!!n's hand.-EZEKIEL 33:2-6.

SOTtW. O 50'1CF f.W.l. I HAVESETn-EE A WATO+WIUNTOM I-KlJSECF 19W1...¡ TtEREFQ3E nq¡ Sli'LT tt1B M \QI) ATMY M:>UTH.fiH) W,AfflItEM ElP1 M:. ltIen I stJy unto the wl~-00, O wlcked ITI2In,thou shalt SlTely dle¡ If thou dost notspeak to warn the wl~ed fran hls way, that wlcked ITI2InshalldIe In hls Inlqulty¡ but hls blcod wlll 1 requlre at thlnehand. Nevertheless, If thou warn the wlcked of hls way totlTn fran It¡ If he do not tlTn fran hls way, he shall die Inhls Inlqulty¡ but thou hast dellvered thv soyl. StJy untothan, As I Ilve, salth the Lerd QxI, I have no ple!lSITe Inthe death of the wlcked¡ but that the wlcked tlTn fran hlswtJyand Ilve: tlTn ye, tlTn ye fran 'PT 9'111wayS¡ fer whywlll ye die, O houseof IsrtJel?-EZEKIa. 33:7-9,11.

fiH). LO, TtW AATLtffi) n&1 ASA VER'( LOIELYscm CF en:MT HATHA PI....EAS.AHTVOICE. fiH) 0Ii PlAy IfLL CJi tN INSJBJ-~: ter thev hear thy words but they do than not. Andwhenthls canaffl to pass, (lo. hwlll cana,) then shall theyknow+he+ a p--q:>hethtJth been éIIlOOgthan.-EZEKIEL 33:32-33.



® THE L '''~'r: '{"f2 o:: ,-T'-\,\i} / '1"'"-' f., / )A ., ( \,,\,,<''¡t, ,..,)\

S ,\\",:\,\~.\\..,<l!/ J,j);~~~ I '~\~.\.~fta.':'~""-T r,2¡ ,;&,I~r-;:

~ "2'~L~O 7 ' . !\.; '- ~

A ~(-~~",;"i;J{';{"~\1', ." '~'-~ y ~~;'1, ,¡;>.,~0f.:~.~

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VERILYI SAYUNTOYOO,~ BE SCJ.E STAt()I~ ~. w-tICHSI-W..LNOTTASTECF OEAlH,TILL TI-EYSEEM 50'1CF f.W.l CCMIti?IN HIS KItG)()1.-M6.TMW 16:28. t t+ ~ In our heartsl>

a-t11..mEN,lDl WR:>IS IT FeRn&1 ~T TRlST IN RICHESTOENTERINTOM KIrqx:M CF OO)I~ 10:24. (Rlght ~I>

BUTIF I WllH M FI~ CF rol CASIOOTrBILS, NOoa.BTM KItG)()1 CF rol IS roE lJ'()j YOO.The letti and the p--q:>hetswere !KItll John: slnce that time the klngcbn of Q:xj Isp--eached, and every rmn p--esseth Into It. And whenhe wasdEmandadof the Pharlsees, whenthe klngdan of Q:xj shouldcgT!3, he answeredthan & sa1d, The kI ngdanof QxI canath notwlth observatloo: Nelther shall they StJy, Lo herel cr, Lotherel tcr , behold, the klngd:m of Q:xj Is wlthln voy. Fa- IStJy unto you, I wlll not a-Irk of the frult of the vine,untll the klngdan of Q:xj shall g:J'f!3.-LU<E 11:20. 16:16.17:20-21. 22:18. (Jt's here now In !& & rules ~f)

JESUSAtSE~. MYKItG)()1 IS NOTCF THIS~: IF MYKlrgxN \1fRE \f IHIS IQU). MN WX.LD MY SERymrs FIGiT,thtJt I should not be dellvered to the Jews: but now Is myklngdan not fran hence. PlltJte therefore sald !KIto hlm, Artthou a klng then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that ~lúng. To thls end leS I bcrn, and ter thls ceese cme I Intothe world that I should be!Ir wltness unto the truth.-JOI-tl18:36-37. (It's not after the ftJshloo of worldly klngdans.)

OO? w-tOAT st..tmY TlM:S fiH) IN DIVERSM6m.:RS g:>NfE. IN!1M: PAST Ltffi) M FATI-ERSBYM ffi<FI-ETS. HATHIN Tl-ESELAS! !)6,YSg:>Q(ENUNTOUSBy HIS SCJi, whanhe hirltí appolntedhelr of al l thlngs, by whanalso he ITl2ldethe worlds.-I-EffiEWS1:1-2. <TheLasr OtJys~ wlth Jesusl)


shall stand fer everl Let than brlng than forth, and shewuswhat shall h<1>per1:let than shewthe fcrmer thlngs, what theybe, that we lTI2IyconsIder than, and Isnowthe Iatter end ofthan¡ a: decloce ys thlngs fer to cgT!3. Shewthe thlngs thatare to cana hereafter, that we lTI2IyIsnowthat ye are B:>dsl8ehold, the fonner thlngs are cana to pass. and newthlngs doI declare: before they s¡:rlng forth I +el l jou of thanl-ISAIAH34:16. 40:8. 41:22-23. 42:9.

50'1CF f.W.l, g>E~ TOM a-tII...mENCF THYFEFl.E. fiH) SAYlJNJQTIfM, wtlen I brlng the sword upon a land, If the peq>leof the land ta<e a ITI2Inof thelr COIIsts, and set hlm to:thelr watchnan: I f whenhe seeth the sword cana upon theland, he blow the tr!J!Jl8t. and lern the pecple¡ lñen ~eVf!r he!reth the soundof the trlll'pet, and taketh not wa~Ing¡ I f the sword cana, and take h1mlJIItJy, hIs b1000 shaI 1be upon hls own head. He he!rd the soundof the tr~, andtod<. not warnlng¡ hls blood shall be upon hlm. aJt he thatta<eth warning shall dellver hls soyl. But If the watchn!!nsea the sword cana, and blow not the trlll'pet, and the peq>lebe not warned¡ If the sword cana, and take any person franéIIlOOgthan, he Is taken ettiay In hls Inlqulty¡ but hls blcodwlll 1 requlre at the watchn!!n's hand.-EZEKIEL 33:2-6.

SOTtW. O 50'1CF f.W.l. I HAVESETn-EE A WATO+WIUNTOM I-KlJSECF 19W1...¡ TtEREFQ3E nq¡ Sli'LT tt1B M \QI) ATMY M:>UTH.fiH) W,AfflItEM ElP1 M:. ltIen I stJy unto the wl~-00, O wlcked ITI2In,thou shalt SlTely dle¡ If thou dost notspeak to warn the wl~ed fran hls way, that wlcked ITI2InshalldIe In hls Inlqulty¡ but hls blcod wlll 1 requlre at thlnehand. Nevertheless, If thou warn the wlcked of hls way totlTn fran It¡ If he do not tlTn fran hls way, he shall die Inhls Inlqulty¡ but thou hast dellvered thv soyl. StJy untothan, As I Ilve, salth the Lerd QxI, I have no ple!lSITe Inthe death of the wlcked¡ but that the wlcked tlTn fran hlswtJyand Ilve: tlTn ye, tlTn ye fran 'PT 9'111wayS¡ fer whywlll ye die, O houseof IsrtJel?-EZEKIa. 33:7-9,11.

fiH). LO, TtW AATLtffi) n&1 ASA VER'( LOIELYscm CF en:MT HATHA PI....EAS.AHTVOICE. fiH) 0Ii PlAy IfLL CJi tN INSJBJ-~: ter thev hear thy words but they do than not. Andwhenthls canaffl to pass, (lo. hwlll cana,) then shall theyknow+he+ a p--q:>hethtJth been éIIlOOgthan.-EZEKIEL 33:32-33.



® THE L '''~'r: '{"f2 o:: ,-T'-\,\i} / '1"'"-' f., / )A ., ( \,,\,,<''¡t, ,..,)\

S ,\\",:\,\~.\\..,<l!/ J,j);~~~ I '~\~.\.~fta.':'~""-T r,2¡ ,;&,I~r-;:

~ "2'~L~O 7 ' . !\.; '- ~

A ~(-~~",;"i;J{';{"~\1', ." '~'-~ y ~~;'1, ,¡;>.,~0f.:~.~

I / ~w! ~'h.,,~S.,~f;',""" _'<'-_ ./~~\

VERILYI SAYUNTOYOO,~ BE SCJ.E STAt()I~ ~. w-tICHSI-W..LNOTTASTECF OEAlH,TILL TI-EYSEEM 50'1CF f.W.l CCMIti?IN HIS KItG)()1.-M6.TMW 16:28. t t+ ~ In our heartsl>

a-t11..mEN,lDl WR:>IS IT FeRn&1 ~T TRlST IN RICHESTOENTERINTOM KIrqx:M CF OO)I~ 10:24. (Rlght ~I>

BUTIF I WllH M FI~ CF rol CASIOOTrBILS, NOoa.BTM KItG)()1 CF rol IS roE lJ'()j YOO.The letti and the p--q:>hetswere !KItll John: slnce that time the klngcbn of Q:xj Isp--eached, and every rmn p--esseth Into It. And whenhe wasdEmandadof the Pharlsees, whenthe klngdan of Q:xj shouldcgT!3, he answeredthan & sa1d, The kI ngdanof QxI canath notwlth observatloo: Nelther shall they StJy, Lo herel cr, Lotherel tcr , behold, the klngd:m of Q:xj Is wlthln voy. Fa- IStJy unto you, I wlll not a-Irk of the frult of the vine,untll the klngdan of Q:xj shall g:J'f!3.-LU<E 11:20. 16:16.17:20-21. 22:18. (Jt's here now In !& & rules ~f)

JESUSAtSE~. MYKItG)()1 IS NOTCF THIS~: IF MYKlrgxN \1fRE \f IHIS IQU). MN WX.LD MY SERymrs FIGiT,thtJt I should not be dellvered to the Jews: but now Is myklngdan not fran hence. PlltJte therefore sald !KIto hlm, Artthou a klng then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that ~lúng. To thls end leS I bcrn, and ter thls ceese cme I Intothe world that I should be!Ir wltness unto the truth.-JOI-tl18:36-37. (It's not after the ftJshloo of worldly klngdans.)

OO? w-tOAT st..tmY TlM:S fiH) IN DIVERSM6m.:RS g:>NfE. IN!1M: PAST Ltffi) M FATI-ERSBYM ffi<FI-ETS. HATHIN Tl-ESELAS! !)6,YSg:>Q(ENUNTOUSBy HIS SCJi, whanhe hirltí appolntedhelr of al l thlngs, by whanalso he ITl2ldethe worlds.-I-EffiEWS1:1-2. <TheLasr OtJys~ wlth Jesusl)


@ SIGNS of the END!


o Lreo, MEooT JHIt-E ms LFqJ]}E TBUJH1 Thou haststrlcken thEm, but they have oot sr1evad¡ thou hast consuredthEm, but they have refused to recelve cx:rrectloo: They havamade thelr facas hcrder than a rcx:k¡ they have refused toreturn.--JEREMIAH5:3.

LI~ AS 'I'E !-lAVE F(R~N~. 00 SERVED S1'fWg OO?S IN356

@ SIGNS of the END!


o Lreo, MEooT JHIt-E ms LFqJ]}E TBUJH1 Thou haststrlcken thEm, but they have oot sr1evad¡ thou hast consuredthEm, but they have refused to recelve cx:rrectloo: They havamade thelr facas hcrder than a rcx:k¡ they have refused toreturn.--JEREMIAH5:3.

LI~ AS 'I'E !-lAVE F(R~N~. 00 SERVED S1'fWg OO?S IN356

of hlm: BlIt they shall serve the Lord thelr God andDavidtheir klng, whan1 wl 11 ralse up unto them.-JEREMIAH3018-9.


Fffi THJS SAllH M LffiD W)¡ IEUD. l. EVENl. WILLOOIHSEAAO-fMYSfHP. Ni? SEEJ<ItEM AA. As a shephEr'dseeketh outhIs f 1ooc in the day that he !s anooghIs sheep that arescattered¡ S) wl 11 1 seek out rny sheep, and wl11 del Iverthem out of a11 p1ac:eswha-ethey have been scattered In theeloudy and dark day. 1 wi I1 seek that whleh was lost andbring agaln that whlch wasdrlven iJIIay, and wlll blnd up thatwhleh wasbrcken, and wI 11 strengthen that whIeh was si ck:but 1 wl I1 destroy the fat and the strong· I wlll feed thsnwith judgment. lhEr'efore wlll 1 save rnyflÓck, and they shallno rocrebe a prey¡ and 1 wlll judge betweeneattle and cat-tle.--EZEI<IEL 34:11-12, 34:16,22.

NI) I WILLSEr lP <H S/fPtERD OlERTl-EM. Ni? tE: stW,LFEEDTl-EM. EVENMYSERVANTI}t\VID¡ he shall feed them, and heshall be thelr shephEr'd. And 1 the Lerd wl 11 be thelr Q:xjand my sa-vant David a ¡rlnce anoogthem' 1 the Lerd hav~spoken it. And I wlll makewlth them a :x,venant of peaceand wlll cause the evll beasts to cease out of the land: andthey shall dwell safely In the wllda-ness. and sleep In the~.~IEL 34:23-25.

/lID ASM TCESa: M FEETwere part of lroo, and partof elay, so the klngOOnshall be partly stroog, and partlybrd<en. And whereasthou SiJllest lroo mlxed wlth mlry elax,they shall mlngle themselves wlth the seed of man: but theyshall not eleave one to anothEr', even as lroo Is not mlxedwlth elay. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words and seaIthe booc, even to the tima of the end: manvshall ;un to anQf!:2, and knowledgeshall be Increased.-Q6.NIEL2:42-43. 12:4.

M SHIElDa: HIS MIGITY/-EN IS M6DERED.M V&.IANT t=fliME IN sovu:r: the ehariots (cars) shall be wlth flcmlngtcrehes In the day of hls preparatloo, and the flr traesshall be terrlbly shaken. The eharlots shall raga In ~stree+s shall . stle one aln t another In theways: they s a sean Ike ta-ches, they sha run ke tlJ§1Ightnlngs.--NAHUM2:3-4.



Ing, It wlll be foul IIBathEr'to day: ter the sky Is reddi lowerlng. O ye hypocrltes, ye can discern the faca of

5ky¡ but can ve not dlscern the slgns of the timas? Mdhe sat uponthe roountof Ollves, the dlsclples eane unto

1mprlvately, saylng, Tell us, whenshall these thlngs be?d what shall be the slgn of thy canlng. and of the eod of

world7 AndJesus ans\l9red and sald unto them, Take heedat no mandecelve you. Fer manyshall ccmeIn rny nane,

Ing, 1 cmChrlst¡ and shall decelve many. And ye shallof wars and rlllnTs of wars: sea that ye be not troub 1-

: ter all these thlngs must ccmeto pass, but the end Isyet. Fer natloo shall rlse agalnst natloo, and klng<bn

Inst klng<bn: and thEr'e shall be fcmlnes, and pestl'ences,d earthguakes, In divers pl ac:es. AII these are the ~

I of scrrows. Then shall they del Iva- you up to be at-Icted, and shall klll you: and ve shall be hated of alltloo fer rnynane's sake. Andthen shall manvbe offended,d sha11 betr one anothEr', and sha11 hate one anothEr'. And

false hets shall rlse, and shall decelve many. Anduse Inlgultv shall abound, the leve of manvshall wax

Id. But he that shall endure unto the end, the sane shallsaved. And thls cpspel of the klngdan shall be ¡reached In

11 the world fer a wltness unto all natloos' and then shallend ccme. So Ilkewl se ye, whenve shall sea all these

In knowthat It 1s near, even at the doors. Ver11y 1 say10 you, ~atloo shall not pass. tlll all theseIn s be fu f :SUt as the days of t-be were, so shallso the canlng of the SOnof manbe. Fer as In the days that

befere the flood they lIBre eatlng and drlnklng, marrylngd glvlng In marrlage, untll the day that t-be enta-ed Into

ark, And knewnot untll the flood eane, and toc:k them11 iJIIay¡ so shall also the canlng of the Sonof man be.-TTl-EW 16:2-3. 24:3-14,33-34,37-39.

t-EAVE:N/lID EAAlHSH&.l..PASSAWAY:BJTMY\CIDS SH&.LNOTSSAWA. But of that ~ and that lB!: knOlo.ethno man, no,

the angels whlch are In heaven, nelthEr' the SOn,but!heathEr'. Take ye heed, watch and ¡ray: fer ye knownot when

tima Is, Watchye thEr'efere: ter ye knownot when theta- of the houseccmeth, at even, cr at mldnlght, o: atooc:kerowlng, a: In the rocrnlng: Lest canIng sudden1y he

Ind you sleeplng. And what 1 say unto you I say unto all,atchl~ 13:31-33,35-37.


of hlm: BlIt they shall serve the Lord thelr God andDavidtheir klng, whan1 wl 11 ralse up unto them.-JEREMIAH3018-9.


Fffi THJS SAllH M LffiD W)¡ IEUD. l. EVENl. WILLOOIHSEAAO-fMYSfHP. Ni? SEEJ<ItEM AA. As a shephEr'dseeketh outhIs f 1ooc in the day that he !s anooghIs sheep that arescattered¡ S) wl 11 1 seek out rny sheep, and wl11 del Iverthem out of a11 p1ac:eswha-ethey have been scattered In theeloudy and dark day. 1 wi I1 seek that whleh was lost andbring agaln that whlch wasdrlven iJIIay, and wlll blnd up thatwhleh wasbrcken, and wI 11 strengthen that whIeh was si ck:but 1 wl I1 destroy the fat and the strong· I wlll feed thsnwith judgment. lhEr'efore wlll 1 save rnyflÓck, and they shallno rocrebe a prey¡ and 1 wlll judge betweeneattle and cat-tle.--EZEI<IEL 34:11-12, 34:16,22.

NI) I WILLSEr lP <H S/fPtERD OlERTl-EM. Ni? tE: stW,LFEEDTl-EM. EVENMYSERVANTI}t\VID¡ he shall feed them, and heshall be thelr shephEr'd. And 1 the Lerd wl 11 be thelr Q:xjand my sa-vant David a ¡rlnce anoogthem' 1 the Lerd hav~spoken it. And I wlll makewlth them a :x,venant of peaceand wlll cause the evll beasts to cease out of the land: andthey shall dwell safely In the wllda-ness. and sleep In the~.~IEL 34:23-25.

/lID ASM TCESa: M FEETwere part of lroo, and partof elay, so the klngOOnshall be partly stroog, and partlybrd<en. And whereasthou SiJllest lroo mlxed wlth mlry elax,they shall mlngle themselves wlth the seed of man: but theyshall not eleave one to anothEr', even as lroo Is not mlxedwlth elay. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words and seaIthe booc, even to the tima of the end: manvshall ;un to anQf!:2, and knowledgeshall be Increased.-Q6.NIEL2:42-43. 12:4.

M SHIElDa: HIS MIGITY/-EN IS M6DERED.M V&.IANT t=fliME IN sovu:r: the ehariots (cars) shall be wlth flcmlngtcrehes In the day of hls preparatloo, and the flr traesshall be terrlbly shaken. The eharlots shall raga In ~stree+s shall . stle one aln t another In theways: they s a sean Ike ta-ches, they sha run ke tlJ§1Ightnlngs.--NAHUM2:3-4.



Ing, It wlll be foul IIBathEr'to day: ter the sky Is reddi lowerlng. O ye hypocrltes, ye can discern the faca of

5ky¡ but can ve not dlscern the slgns of the timas? Mdhe sat uponthe roountof Ollves, the dlsclples eane unto

1mprlvately, saylng, Tell us, whenshall these thlngs be?d what shall be the slgn of thy canlng. and of the eod of

world7 AndJesus ans\l9red and sald unto them, Take heedat no mandecelve you. Fer manyshall ccmeIn rny nane,

Ing, 1 cmChrlst¡ and shall decelve many. And ye shallof wars and rlllnTs of wars: sea that ye be not troub 1-

: ter all these thlngs must ccmeto pass, but the end Isyet. Fer natloo shall rlse agalnst natloo, and klng<bn

Inst klng<bn: and thEr'e shall be fcmlnes, and pestl'ences,d earthguakes, In divers pl ac:es. AII these are the ~

I of scrrows. Then shall they del Iva- you up to be at-Icted, and shall klll you: and ve shall be hated of alltloo fer rnynane's sake. Andthen shall manvbe offended,d sha11 betr one anothEr', and sha11 hate one anothEr'. And

false hets shall rlse, and shall decelve many. Anduse Inlgultv shall abound, the leve of manvshall wax

Id. But he that shall endure unto the end, the sane shallsaved. And thls cpspel of the klngdan shall be ¡reached In

11 the world fer a wltness unto all natloos' and then shallend ccme. So Ilkewl se ye, whenve shall sea all these

In knowthat It 1s near, even at the doors. Ver11y 1 say10 you, ~atloo shall not pass. tlll all theseIn s be fu f :SUt as the days of t-be were, so shallso the canlng of the SOnof manbe. Fer as In the days that

befere the flood they lIBre eatlng and drlnklng, marrylngd glvlng In marrlage, untll the day that t-be enta-ed Into

ark, And knewnot untll the flood eane, and toc:k them11 iJIIay¡ so shall also the canlng of the Sonof man be.-TTl-EW 16:2-3. 24:3-14,33-34,37-39.

t-EAVE:N/lID EAAlHSH&.l..PASSAWAY:BJTMY\CIDS SH&.LNOTSSAWA. But of that ~ and that lB!: knOlo.ethno man, no,

the angels whlch are In heaven, nelthEr' the SOn,but!heathEr'. Take ye heed, watch and ¡ray: fer ye knownot when

tima Is, Watchye thEr'efere: ter ye knownot when theta- of the houseccmeth, at even, cr at mldnlght, o: atooc:kerowlng, a: In the rocrnlng: Lest canIng sudden1y he

Ind you sleeplng. And what 1 say unto you I say unto all,atchl~ 13:31-33,35-37.


LI~ISE !LSO AS 11WASIN M [}4.YSCf LOT; they dld eat,they <r"arK, they bought, they sold, they pl Mted, they bul lo-ed; E1It the sane day that Lot \ll9nt out of SodanIt ralnedtire Md brlms100efren heaven, Md desfroo,edthsn all.-i...LI<E17:28-29.

AW FEIRU SIGITSAW (]3EATSIGlS stW..Lnm BE ElQ1t-EAVEN.And there shall be slgns In the sun, Md In the rooon,and In the stars; Md uponthe earth dlstress of notlons.wlth perplexlty; the sea and the wavesroarlng: Man's tw"ts!!.!.!..!!!9 them for fel!ll", and fer lockIng after those th IngswhIch are canIng on the earth: ta: the powers of heavenshall be shaken. And whenthese thlngs ~ to cane to pass,then lock up, Md 11ft up your he8ds; for yt?!C reds!ptlondraweth nlgh.-i...UKE21:11,25-26,28.


BVT THIS IS IHATltilCH WASPO<ENBYM ffiCA-ET .lOEL;AW I WIIJ..SI-f.WIOllERS IN l-EAVENmE. AW SIGlS IN nEEAATH~THi aCXD. AW FIRE. AW VI'POP. Cf Sf:otN:: The sunshall be t\rned Into drtness, Md the rooon loto blood,before the g'88t and notable day of the Lerd cane: And Itshall CXJIe to pass, that whosoevershall call on the nanaofthe Lerd shall be ~.--ACTS 2: 16,19-21.

THIS KIQ .aLSO. IHAT IN M LAST[)6.YS FERILOOSTlt-EjSIitU <DE. FCR t-ENSfi6U BELCM:RSCf MIR <lt'N SELVES,COYetous, boasters, proud, blasphsnars, dlsobedlent to plf'"ents, un~ful, unholy, wlthout nat\ral affectlon, truca-breaksrs, falsa ~sers, In<XlIltlnent, fleroe, desplsers ofthose that are good, tra Itcrs, heady, hIgtvnInded, lovers ofplEleSlreS m::re thM 10000sof Q:xl; Havlng a fonn of gxlll-ness, but denylng the power thereof: fran such t\rn tJ/tIay.-2TI~THY 3: 1-5.

LlTTlE CHILmEN. IT IS M LASI TI/I:E: and as ya havehe8"d that Mtlctrlst shall cane, eYennoware there ~Mtlctrlsts; whereby\119knowthat It Is the last time. 'ittlo 15a llar but he that denleth that Jesus Is the 0ICIst7 He 15Mtlchrlst, that denleth the Father and the 500.-1 .101-N 2:18,22. ~

~ IHAl 1l-EY10.0 YOO~ SI-OJ..DBEKO<ERS IN.-!!!='LAS! Tlt-E, whoshould walk after thelr own un!}xlly IUS~These be they whoseparata thsnsel\'eS, sensual, havlngthe Splrlt.-JID: 1&-19.




IJ.. I LIT RfM6.1N SIl IJ.. IN MI R <lt'NlAt{), se he Ler;d they shall tlll It, and d\II9l1there n, Brlng)OlJr ned<.sder the yd<e of the klng of Babylon, and serve hlm Md hls

le, and Ilvel lotIy wlll ve die, thou and thy pec.ple, bysword, by the fanlne, Md by the pestllenoe, as the Lerd

spd<.ena;¡alnst the natlon that wlll not serve the klngBabyIon? Therefcre hefr1(ennot unto the words of thehets that speak unto you, saylng, Ye shall not serve the

ng of Babylon: ta: they prq>hesya Ile lJ'lto )OU. Fer I havesent them, salth the Lerd, yat they prq>hesya Ile In rny; +ne+ I mlght <r"lve you out, Md that ya mlght perlsh,

, and the prq>hets that prq>hesy unto you.-JE~IAH 27:11-

tf!ftg::N NOTUNTOTHEM¡ SERVEM KII'l> Cf BIBYL()l, AW: IHJU"<H: SI-OJ..DTHISelIV BELAID WASTE?Ihus salfhLerd of hosts, the Q:xlof Israel, unto all that are

led eIIIaycaptlves, whanI have causad+o be carrled i!JIIayJerusalan ltlto Babylon; Bulld ya bouses, Md d\II9ll In

; and plMt gardens, and eat the frult of them; Take yaves, end beget sons and daughters; and take wlves to: your

, and glve your daughters to husbllllds, that they llI!IybeI!II"and daughters; that ya maybe Inc:reasadthere, Md not

Inlshed. And seek the peaoeof the clty whlther I haveyou to be carrlecJ eIIIlJy c~tlves, and pray unto the

d ter It: fer In the peaoethereof shall ya have peaoe.361

LI~ISE !LSO AS 11WASIN M [}4.YSCf LOT; they dld eat,they <r"arK, they bought, they sold, they pl Mted, they bul lo-ed; E1It the sane day that Lot \ll9nt out of SodanIt ralnedtire Md brlms100efren heaven, Md desfroo,edthsn all.-i...LI<E17:28-29.

AW FEIRU SIGITSAW (]3EATSIGlS stW..Lnm BE ElQ1t-EAVEN.And there shall be slgns In the sun, Md In the rooon,and In the stars; Md uponthe earth dlstress of notlons.wlth perplexlty; the sea and the wavesroarlng: Man's tw"ts!!.!.!..!!!9 them for fel!ll", and fer lockIng after those th IngswhIch are canIng on the earth: ta: the powers of heavenshall be shaken. And whenthese thlngs ~ to cane to pass,then lock up, Md 11ft up your he8ds; for yt?!C reds!ptlondraweth nlgh.-i...UKE21:11,25-26,28.


BVT THIS IS IHATltilCH WASPO<ENBYM ffiCA-ET .lOEL;AW I WIIJ..SI-f.WIOllERS IN l-EAVENmE. AW SIGlS IN nEEAATH~THi aCXD. AW FIRE. AW VI'POP. Cf Sf:otN:: The sunshall be t\rned Into drtness, Md the rooon loto blood,before the g'88t and notable day of the Lerd cane: And Itshall CXJIe to pass, that whosoevershall call on the nanaofthe Lerd shall be ~.--ACTS 2: 16,19-21.

THIS KIQ .aLSO. IHAT IN M LAST[)6.YS FERILOOSTlt-EjSIitU <DE. FCR t-ENSfi6U BELCM:RSCf MIR <lt'N SELVES,COYetous, boasters, proud, blasphsnars, dlsobedlent to plf'"ents, un~ful, unholy, wlthout nat\ral affectlon, truca-breaksrs, falsa ~sers, In<XlIltlnent, fleroe, desplsers ofthose that are good, tra Itcrs, heady, hIgtvnInded, lovers ofplEleSlreS m::re thM 10000sof Q:xl; Havlng a fonn of gxlll-ness, but denylng the power thereof: fran such t\rn tJ/tIay.-2TI~THY 3: 1-5.

LlTTlE CHILmEN. IT IS M LASI TI/I:E: and as ya havehe8"d that Mtlctrlst shall cane, eYennoware there ~Mtlctrlsts; whereby\119knowthat It Is the last time. 'ittlo 15a llar but he that denleth that Jesus Is the 0ICIst7 He 15Mtlchrlst, that denleth the Father and the 500.-1 .101-N 2:18,22. ~

~ IHAl 1l-EY10.0 YOO~ SI-OJ..DBEKO<ERS IN.-!!!='LAS! Tlt-E, whoshould walk after thelr own un!}xlly IUS~These be they whoseparata thsnsel\'eS, sensual, havlngthe Splrlt.-JID: 1&-19.




IJ.. I LIT RfM6.1N SIl IJ.. IN MI R <lt'NlAt{), se he Ler;d they shall tlll It, and d\II9l1there n, Brlng)OlJr ned<.sder the yd<e of the klng of Babylon, and serve hlm Md hls

le, and Ilvel lotIy wlll ve die, thou and thy pec.ple, bysword, by the fanlne, Md by the pestllenoe, as the Lerd

spd<.ena;¡alnst the natlon that wlll not serve the klngBabyIon? Therefcre hefr1(ennot unto the words of thehets that speak unto you, saylng, Ye shall not serve the

ng of Babylon: ta: they prq>hesya Ile lJ'lto )OU. Fer I havesent them, salth the Lerd, yat they prq>hesya Ile In rny; +ne+ I mlght <r"lve you out, Md that ya mlght perlsh,

, and the prq>hets that prq>hesy unto you.-JE~IAH 27:11-

tf!ftg::N NOTUNTOTHEM¡ SERVEM KII'l> Cf BIBYL()l, AW: IHJU"<H: SI-OJ..DTHISelIV BELAID WASTE?Ihus salfhLerd of hosts, the Q:xlof Israel, unto all that are

led eIIIaycaptlves, whanI have causad+o be carrled i!JIIayJerusalan ltlto Babylon; Bulld ya bouses, Md d\II9ll In

; and plMt gardens, and eat the frult of them; Take yaves, end beget sons and daughters; and take wlves to: your

, and glve your daughters to husbllllds, that they llI!IybeI!II"and daughters; that ya maybe Inc:reasadthere, Md not

Inlshed. And seek the peaoeof the clty whlther I haveyou to be carrlecJ eIIIlJy c~tlves, and pray unto the

d ter It: fer In the peaoethereof shall ya have peaoe.361

IAnd ya shall seek rre. and f Ind rre. when ya shaI I se<Y'chfa- son of Ahlkan +o Mlzpah¡ and dwelt wlth hlm anong the ~Ieme wlth all yar heIrt. Therefa-e thus salth the La-d¡ Ye that ...ere left In the land. And Ga<U!lIIIIhfhe son of Ahkanhave not ~ened unto me. In proclalmlng Ilberty. fHery one the son of Sh~han sware unto them and to +belr men hI s brother. and fHery Imn to hIs nelghbour:--JEREMIAH Fea- not +o ss:ve the Olaldeans: d...ell In the l end, and ~27:17. 29:4-7.13. 34:17a. the klng of Babyloo. and It shall be ...el I wlth -pu.--JEREMIAH

BEtQ.D. I ffi<Xl..AIMA L1BERIXFOOYOO. SAllH M lJR). TO 40:5-6.9.M SW<H>.TO M PESTlLBU. N{) TO M FN>1I~; N{) I WIll. AFTER THIS I ~ IN M NIGfT VISIOO. N{) 88O.D At:m YOOTO BE REM)VEOINTO,6il. M KI~S CF M EAAlHl FaRlH BEAST. ~UL N{) lEffilBLE. and sirong exceedlngly¡Thus salth the La-d. He that ranalneth In thls c1ty shall die and It had great lron teeth: It devotred and brake In pleces,by the slO"d. by the fanlne. and by the pestllence: but he and stanped the resldue wlth the feet of It: and It wasthat ~ frlh +o the O'Ialdeans shall IIve¡ ter he shall dlverse fran all the beasts that ...are befa-e It¡ and It hadhave hls Ilfe fa- a rr~. and sha11 11ve. Thus salth the ten ha-ns (U.N.?). I coosldered the ha-ns. ando beOOld. thereLa-d. Thls clty shal l sll'ely be glven Into the hand of the cana up anong them another Ilttle ha-n. befa-e whan thereklng of Babyloo's anny. whlch shall take l+, Then Nebuzaradan were ttree of the flrst ha-ns (u.S •• U.K. & GenMny?) pluckedthe ~taln of the gua-d carrled tJ/Iay ~tlve Into Babyloo .!!I?. by the roots: ando beOOld. In thls ha-n ...are ~s llke thethe remen+ of the pecple that ranalned In the clty. and ayaS of Imn. and a rrouth s¡;¡ed(lng g-eat thlngs. I beheld thenthose that fell tJtIay. that fell to hlm, wlth the rest of the because of the volce of the g-eat words whlch the ha-n spake:pecple that ranalned.--JEREMIAH 34:17b. 38:2-3. 39:9. I beheld fHen ti 11 the beast was si aln. and hls body oe-

sur t..e3lJZ.ARI06. M ClPrAIN CF M GlMD LEFT CF M s1royed. and glven +o the burnlng fl ane.-QA.Nla 7:7-8.11.BXR CF M PEqu. *1101 HeONOlHIN3. IN M I.N{) CF JlIWi. "MN I 'IpU..D m:w M lRJTH Cf M FaRlH BEAST. whlchAW G6.VETIfM VItcAOOS Nl) FI a.DS AT M stM: TIME. f'i)w was dlverse fran all the others. exoeedlng á"eadful. whoseNebuchact"ezzar k Ing of BabyI00 gave chirge concern I ng Jer~ teeth ...ere of lron. and hls nalls of brasS¡ whlch devotred..III.I.m. to Nebuzaradan the cep+eln of the guardo saving. Take breke In pleees, and stanped the resldue wlth hls feet¡ Andblm. aod locfs well to hlm. and do h1mno hil'l11¡ but do unto out of one of them cana fa-th a Ilttle ha-n. whlch waxedhlm fHen as he shall Say unto thee. Even they sen+, and tcx:k exoeedlng g-eat. toward the south. and toward the ees+, andJenmlllh oot of the eotrt of the rrlson. and canmltted hlm toward the pleasant land. And It waxed g=eat. fHen to theunto GedallM the son of AhIkan the son of Shaphan. that he host of heaven¡ and It cast down scne of the host and of theshould carry hlm heme: só he dwelt anong the pecple.--JE~- stC!f"S+o the ground. and stanped upon them. Vea. he !!l!!QnI f ledMIAH 39:10-12.14. hlmself fHen +o the Pr'lnce of the H:>st (Jesus). and by hlm

AID M ClPTAIN CF M GUA8) TOO<JEREMIAH.N{) SAlO UNTO the dally sacrlflce was taken tJtIay. and the place of the.tl1M. The La-d thy Q:>dhath rroooonced th Is fH II upon th Is sanctuary was ces+ down.-QA.Nla 7:19. 8:9-11 •pl ace. I'a the La-d hath brought l+, and done acordlng as he \KERSTN{). O SO'l CF~: FOOAT M TIME CF M ENOhath sald: ~se ya have slnned agalnst the La-d. and have SHeU. BE M VISI(}l. And he sald, Behold. I wlll rmke tílgenot obeyed hls volea, therefa-e thls thlng Is cana upon -pu. know what shall be In the lost end of the Indlgnafloo: fa- atAnd now. beOOld. I loose thee thls day fran the chalns whlch the time appolnted ~shall be. And In the Iqtter timewere upon thlne hand. I f It sean good unto thee to cana wI th of thelr klngdcm. when the transgressors are cane to theme loto Babyloo. cana¡ and I wlll locfs ...el I unto thee: but If fuI l. a klng of flerce coontenance. and under"standlng gn.It sean III unto thee to cana wlth me unto Babyloo. fcrbe«": sentences. shall stand up- And hls power shall be mlghty. butbehoId. a II the I and I s befa-e thee: whIther It seaneth g::od not by hls own ~: and he shall clestroy wonderfully. andand coovenlent fa- thee +o go, thlther go.--JEREMIAH40:2-4. shall rrosper. and rractlse. and shall clestroY the mlghty and

SO M CH'TAIN CF M GlMD GAVEH1M VICnw.S AID Ó. the holy people. And tlY"ough hls pollcy also he shall causeREWHU, N{) LET HIM OO. Then ...ent JersnlM un10 GEid~11M the eraft +o prosper In hls hand¡ and he shall !!l!!Qnlfy hlmself In

l 362 363~

IAnd ya shall seek rre. and f Ind rre. when ya shaI I se<Y'chfa- son of Ahlkan +o Mlzpah¡ and dwelt wlth hlm anong the ~Ieme wlth all yar heIrt. Therefa-e thus salth the La-d¡ Ye that ...ere left In the land. And Ga<U!lIIIIhfhe son of Ahkanhave not ~ened unto me. In proclalmlng Ilberty. fHery one the son of Sh~han sware unto them and to +belr men hI s brother. and fHery Imn to hIs nelghbour:--JEREMIAH Fea- not +o ss:ve the Olaldeans: d...ell In the l end, and ~27:17. 29:4-7.13. 34:17a. the klng of Babyloo. and It shall be ...el I wlth -pu.--JEREMIAH

BEtQ.D. I ffi<Xl..AIMA L1BERIXFOOYOO. SAllH M lJR). TO 40:5-6.9.M SW<H>.TO M PESTlLBU. N{) TO M FN>1I~; N{) I WIll. AFTER THIS I ~ IN M NIGfT VISIOO. N{) 88O.D At:m YOOTO BE REM)VEOINTO,6il. M KI~S CF M EAAlHl FaRlH BEAST. ~UL N{) lEffilBLE. and sirong exceedlngly¡Thus salth the La-d. He that ranalneth In thls c1ty shall die and It had great lron teeth: It devotred and brake In pleces,by the slO"d. by the fanlne. and by the pestllence: but he and stanped the resldue wlth the feet of It: and It wasthat ~ frlh +o the O'Ialdeans shall IIve¡ ter he shall dlverse fran all the beasts that ...are befa-e It¡ and It hadhave hls Ilfe fa- a rr~. and sha11 11ve. Thus salth the ten ha-ns (U.N.?). I coosldered the ha-ns. ando beOOld. thereLa-d. Thls clty shal l sll'ely be glven Into the hand of the cana up anong them another Ilttle ha-n. befa-e whan thereklng of Babyloo's anny. whlch shall take l+, Then Nebuzaradan were ttree of the flrst ha-ns (u.S •• U.K. & GenMny?) pluckedthe ~taln of the gua-d carrled tJ/Iay ~tlve Into Babyloo .!!I?. by the roots: ando beOOld. In thls ha-n ...are ~s llke thethe remen+ of the pecple that ranalned In the clty. and ayaS of Imn. and a rrouth s¡;¡ed(lng g-eat thlngs. I beheld thenthose that fell tJtIay. that fell to hlm, wlth the rest of the because of the volce of the g-eat words whlch the ha-n spake:pecple that ranalned.--JEREMIAH 34:17b. 38:2-3. 39:9. I beheld fHen ti 11 the beast was si aln. and hls body oe-

sur t..e3lJZ.ARI06. M ClPrAIN CF M GlMD LEFT CF M s1royed. and glven +o the burnlng fl ane.-QA.Nla 7:7-8.11.BXR CF M PEqu. *1101 HeONOlHIN3. IN M I.N{) CF JlIWi. "MN I 'IpU..D m:w M lRJTH Cf M FaRlH BEAST. whlchAW G6.VETIfM VItcAOOS Nl) FI a.DS AT M stM: TIME. f'i)w was dlverse fran all the others. exoeedlng á"eadful. whoseNebuchact"ezzar k Ing of BabyI00 gave chirge concern I ng Jer~ teeth ...ere of lron. and hls nalls of brasS¡ whlch devotred..III.I.m. to Nebuzaradan the cep+eln of the guardo saving. Take breke In pleees, and stanped the resldue wlth hls feet¡ Andblm. aod locfs well to hlm. and do h1mno hil'l11¡ but do unto out of one of them cana fa-th a Ilttle ha-n. whlch waxedhlm fHen as he shall Say unto thee. Even they sen+, and tcx:k exoeedlng g-eat. toward the south. and toward the ees+, andJenmlllh oot of the eotrt of the rrlson. and canmltted hlm toward the pleasant land. And It waxed g=eat. fHen to theunto GedallM the son of AhIkan the son of Shaphan. that he host of heaven¡ and It cast down scne of the host and of theshould carry hlm heme: só he dwelt anong the pecple.--JE~- stC!f"S+o the ground. and stanped upon them. Vea. he !!l!!QnI f ledMIAH 39:10-12.14. hlmself fHen +o the Pr'lnce of the H:>st (Jesus). and by hlm

AID M ClPTAIN CF M GUA8) TOO<JEREMIAH.N{) SAlO UNTO the dally sacrlflce was taken tJtIay. and the place of the.tl1M. The La-d thy Q:>dhath rroooonced th Is fH II upon th Is sanctuary was ces+ down.-QA.Nla 7:19. 8:9-11 •pl ace. I'a the La-d hath brought l+, and done acordlng as he \KERSTN{). O SO'l CF~: FOOAT M TIME CF M ENOhath sald: ~se ya have slnned agalnst the La-d. and have SHeU. BE M VISI(}l. And he sald, Behold. I wlll rmke tílgenot obeyed hls volea, therefa-e thls thlng Is cana upon -pu. know what shall be In the lost end of the Indlgnafloo: fa- atAnd now. beOOld. I loose thee thls day fran the chalns whlch the time appolnted ~shall be. And In the Iqtter timewere upon thlne hand. I f It sean good unto thee to cana wI th of thelr klngdcm. when the transgressors are cane to theme loto Babyloo. cana¡ and I wlll locfs ...el I unto thee: but If fuI l. a klng of flerce coontenance. and under"standlng gn.It sean III unto thee to cana wlth me unto Babyloo. fcrbe«": sentences. shall stand up- And hls power shall be mlghty. butbehoId. a II the I and I s befa-e thee: whIther It seaneth g::od not by hls own ~: and he shall clestroy wonderfully. andand coovenlent fa- thee +o go, thlther go.--JEREMIAH40:2-4. shall rrosper. and rractlse. and shall clestroY the mlghty and

SO M CH'TAIN CF M GlMD GAVEH1M VICnw.S AID Ó. the holy people. And tlY"ough hls pollcy also he shall causeREWHU, N{) LET HIM OO. Then ...ent JersnlM un10 GEid~11M the eraft +o prosper In hls hand¡ and he shall !!l!!Qnlfy hlmself In

l 362 363~

h1s he!rt, and by peace Sh811destrov rmny: he Sh81I 81SOs+end up !!la 1nst the Pr 1noe of pr 1noes (Jesus); but he Sh81Ibe brcken wlfflout hand.~la 8:17,19,23-25.

Ni) IN HIS ESTAJEswu. STH{) Lf' A VILE F{:~ (F,6LSEffi<Flfl1 ) • TO WO'I ltEY SI-W..L t-IJT GIVEM I-OUR (F MKII>GXJ.1:wr I-E SI-W.l..COE IN F{:N:E!8...Y, Nf) CBTAIN MKIt:GX.M BY FlAllERIES. And wlt1l the lIf"'IIlSof a floocl $MIlthey be ovarflown fran befcre hlm, 80d Sh811be brcken; vea,(he's) elso the Prlnoe of the OlveMllt (The Nltlchrlst). And8f'hr the league lII!Idewlt1l hlm he shall wor1<.deceltfully: ferhe shall cana up, 80d sh811becaTes1roog wlth a SIlI!III~. He sheII enter peeoeabIY even upon the f 8ttest pl eoesof the provlnoe; and he sh811 00 that whlch hls fathers havenot done, nor h1s f athers' f athers; he Sh81I scirl"ter lmCJlgthen the prey, Md spoll, 8nd rlches: ye8, and he sh811for"eCMt hls clevlc:eslJQ81nstthe strong holds, even fa- atlme.---oa.Nla 11:21-24.

NI) M Klt-P <TI-EANrIQRISn sttU 00 A<XXlP1t-PTO HISWIU.¡ Nf) I-E SWU EX.6LTHIMSElF, NI) ~IFY HIMSElFH!OIEEVERY00). Ni) SWt.L S'EIK MtRVEl.LctISTHIt-PSPGAINSTM 00)(f OCD$. and sh811 prosper tlll the IndlgM'tloo be 8C'-~llshed: fa- that t1lat Is detennlned sh811 be done.Nelther sM11 he reg~d the G:>dof hls fathers. nor thedeslre of l«lTI9fl, nor rega--d 80Y g:>d: fa- he sh811 !l!!QnlfyhImsel1 lIIxNe 811. aJt 1n hIs estlfte sh811 he hor1cu"the godof torees: Md 8 g:>d.tlan h1s f athers knewnat shet l hehor1cu"wlth gold, and sllwr, and wlt1l preclQJS s1'ooes, 80dple8Si!rlt thlngs. Thus sh811 he 00 In the most strong holdswlt1l ti s1r!!lQ!! g¿j, (hls lmaga), whanhe Sh811tlCMowleclgeandII'lO""efIS8wlt1l 9 a-y: end he sh811 CtlUS6thsn 10 rule ovar1MIly, 80d shall divide the land fa- gtIln.~la 11:36-39.



M JlQ.G! wz:. 00 ~ mE. FR().1l-EAVEN.fROOi ~ 0TtER.009'EL lMQ YOOTIW-lJtl6,T\tt110i wz: HAVEfREIOED 000 YOO,LETHIMBEACXl..RSED.~TI~ 1:8.

tpf wz: BESEEOiYOO, ~,BY M 00011t-P(F <l.RLCHlJESUSQ-R ISI. fffi BY<l.RG6illER It-P T~ lMQ H1M (RI!IJrtire) , Thlft ye be llQt sooo shaken 1n mind, a- be 1rolt>lecI,nelther by splrlt, nor by ward, nor by letter es fran us, tIS


that the d!rt of ()!r 1st (H1s Sacood():lmlng) 1s 1ft hand. te+no rntIndecelve you by My IlB51S: for that day shall not cana,except there cana a f tllllng tlWtlyf 1r.s.: and tt>tIt !MIl of sinbe revetllecI. the soo of ~dltloo; ~ ops;gse!tt 80d exlIltethhlmself abole tllI that Is ctlllecl G:>d, a- thlft Is warshlpped;SO that he as G:>dsltteth In the ~ 01 Q>d. shewlnghlmself that he Is Q)dl RSllemberye not, thlft, when I leS yetwlt1l you, I 10ld you these thlngs? Nld nowye knOWwhlftwlt1lholdeth that he mlght be revetlled In nls time. Fa- themystery of Inlqulty doth'K: only he whonow Iet--teth wlll let, lJ'Itll he be tallen QJt 01 the W1Jy.And thenshtlll thtIt WICked(Antlchrlst) be revetlled, whan the Lordshtlll consumewlth the splrlt of hls 1lKlUt1l,and $MIl des1roywlt1l the brlghtness of hls c:anlng: Even hlm, whosec:anlng Istlf'hr the wor1<.lngof $lft80 wlth tlll pooterand slgns 80d Iylngwonders, And wlth et l decelvtlbleness of unrlgh1eousness Inthen that perlsh; bec:aJse~ reoelved not the 1r:Neof theiruth. t1l1ft th6Y m!ghf b8~. And tor fhls CtlUS6 (j){jsnel l send then siroog delusloo, that they should belleve tiIle: Thlft they el l mlght be dmned lb:> belleved not thetruth, but htld ple!lSlTe In unrlgh1eousness.-2 THESS,6L~I~2: 1-12.



80d goeth In10 perdltloo. And the ten horns whlch fflou saestten klngs, whlch have reoelved no klngcbn as yet¡ but

lve as kl one hotr wlt1l the be8st (Antlchrlst>.have one mind, S)d $M II gl ve the 1r DO!8!"tII'ld s1rength

10 .~LATI~ 17:10-13.Ni) HESAllH UNTOME, THEWAJERS\tt1IOi 1KlJ SoAiIEST.\ttlERE

ITTETH!fE S Nf) TllUE Nf) ~T ,• And the ten hcrns <U.No?)whlch thOJ sawest upon

1I~~betIs-~t,...t:thesesilo11 hote the wbcre (U.S.?), and sh811 l11!Ik.eher desollfte tlnd nd<ed, 80dshtlll ee+ her flesh, M1dburn her

I~~--L~' Fa- G:>dhlfth put 1n the 1r he!rts 10 fu I f 11 h1s111, tII'ld 10 agree, and 91ve the Ir k 1ng<bnunto the bees+,tll the wards of G:>dsh811 be fulfllled. And the waMnIch fflou sawest Is that grelft clty (NewYork? U.S.A? Ctlpl-

el Is+ West?), whlch relgneth owr the klngs of the ~.-LATION17:15-18.


h1s he!rt, and by peace Sh811destrov rmny: he Sh81I 81SOs+end up !!la 1nst the Pr 1noe of pr 1noes (Jesus); but he Sh81Ibe brcken wlfflout hand.~la 8:17,19,23-25.

Ni) IN HIS ESTAJEswu. STH{) Lf' A VILE F{:~ (F,6LSEffi<Flfl1 ) • TO WO'I ltEY SI-W..L t-IJT GIVEM I-OUR (F MKII>GXJ.1:wr I-E SI-W.l..COE IN F{:N:E!8...Y, Nf) CBTAIN MKIt:GX.M BY FlAllERIES. And wlt1l the lIf"'IIlSof a floocl $MIlthey be ovarflown fran befcre hlm, 80d Sh811be brcken; vea,(he's) elso the Prlnoe of the OlveMllt (The Nltlchrlst). And8f'hr the league lII!Idewlt1l hlm he shall wor1<.deceltfully: ferhe shall cana up, 80d sh811becaTes1roog wlth a SIlI!III~. He sheII enter peeoeabIY even upon the f 8ttest pl eoesof the provlnoe; and he sh811 00 that whlch hls fathers havenot done, nor h1s f athers' f athers; he Sh81I scirl"ter lmCJlgthen the prey, Md spoll, 8nd rlches: ye8, and he sh811for"eCMt hls clevlc:eslJQ81nstthe strong holds, even fa- atlme.---oa.Nla 11:21-24.

NI) M Klt-P <TI-EANrIQRISn sttU 00 A<XXlP1t-PTO HISWIU.¡ Nf) I-E SWU EX.6LTHIMSElF, NI) ~IFY HIMSElFH!OIEEVERY00). Ni) SWt.L S'EIK MtRVEl.LctISTHIt-PSPGAINSTM 00)(f OCD$. and sh811 prosper tlll the IndlgM'tloo be 8C'-~llshed: fa- that t1lat Is detennlned sh811 be done.Nelther sM11 he reg~d the G:>dof hls fathers. nor thedeslre of l«lTI9fl, nor rega--d 80Y g:>d: fa- he sh811 !l!!QnlfyhImsel1 lIIxNe 811. aJt 1n hIs estlfte sh811 he hor1cu"the godof torees: Md 8 g:>d.tlan h1s f athers knewnat shet l hehor1cu"wlth gold, and sllwr, and wlt1l preclQJS s1'ooes, 80dple8Si!rlt thlngs. Thus sh811 he 00 In the most strong holdswlt1l ti s1r!!lQ!! g¿j, (hls lmaga), whanhe Sh811tlCMowleclgeandII'lO""efIS8wlt1l 9 a-y: end he sh811 CtlUS6thsn 10 rule ovar1MIly, 80d shall divide the land fa- gtIln.~la 11:36-39.



M JlQ.G! wz:. 00 ~ mE. FR().1l-EAVEN.fROOi ~ 0TtER.009'EL lMQ YOOTIW-lJtl6,T\tt110i wz: HAVEfREIOED 000 YOO,LETHIMBEACXl..RSED.~TI~ 1:8.

tpf wz: BESEEOiYOO, ~,BY M 00011t-P(F <l.RLCHlJESUSQ-R ISI. fffi BY<l.RG6illER It-P T~ lMQ H1M (RI!IJrtire) , Thlft ye be llQt sooo shaken 1n mind, a- be 1rolt>lecI,nelther by splrlt, nor by ward, nor by letter es fran us, tIS


that the d!rt of ()!r 1st (H1s Sacood():lmlng) 1s 1ft hand. te+no rntIndecelve you by My IlB51S: for that day shall not cana,except there cana a f tllllng tlWtlyf 1r.s.: and tt>tIt !MIl of sinbe revetllecI. the soo of ~dltloo; ~ ops;gse!tt 80d exlIltethhlmself abole tllI that Is ctlllecl G:>d, a- thlft Is warshlpped;SO that he as G:>dsltteth In the ~ 01 Q>d. shewlnghlmself that he Is Q)dl RSllemberye not, thlft, when I leS yetwlt1l you, I 10ld you these thlngs? Nld nowye knOWwhlftwlt1lholdeth that he mlght be revetlled In nls time. Fa- themystery of Inlqulty doth'K: only he whonow Iet--teth wlll let, lJ'Itll he be tallen QJt 01 the W1Jy.And thenshtlll thtIt WICked(Antlchrlst) be revetlled, whan the Lordshtlll consumewlth the splrlt of hls 1lKlUt1l,and $MIl des1roywlt1l the brlghtness of hls c:anlng: Even hlm, whosec:anlng Istlf'hr the wor1<.lngof $lft80 wlth tlll pooterand slgns 80d Iylngwonders, And wlth et l decelvtlbleness of unrlgh1eousness Inthen that perlsh; bec:aJse~ reoelved not the 1r:Neof theiruth. t1l1ft th6Y m!ghf b8~. And tor fhls CtlUS6 (j){jsnel l send then siroog delusloo, that they should belleve tiIle: Thlft they el l mlght be dmned lb:> belleved not thetruth, but htld ple!lSlTe In unrlgh1eousness.-2 THESS,6L~I~2: 1-12.



80d goeth In10 perdltloo. And the ten horns whlch fflou saestten klngs, whlch have reoelved no klngcbn as yet¡ but

lve as kl one hotr wlt1l the be8st (Antlchrlst>.have one mind, S)d $M II gl ve the 1r DO!8!"tII'ld s1rength

10 .~LATI~ 17:10-13.Ni) HESAllH UNTOME, THEWAJERS\tt1IOi 1KlJ SoAiIEST.\ttlERE

ITTETH!fE S Nf) TllUE Nf) ~T ,• And the ten hcrns <U.No?)whlch thOJ sawest upon

1I~~betIs-~t,...t:thesesilo11 hote the wbcre (U.S.?), and sh811 l11!Ik.eher desollfte tlnd nd<ed, 80dshtlll ee+ her flesh, M1dburn her

I~~--L~' Fa- G:>dhlfth put 1n the 1r he!rts 10 fu I f 11 h1s111, tII'ld 10 agree, and 91ve the Ir k 1ng<bnunto the bees+,tll the wards of G:>dsh811 be fulfllled. And the waMnIch fflou sawest Is that grelft clty (NewYork? U.S.A? Ctlpl-

el Is+ West?), whlch relgneth owr the klngs of the ~.-LATION17:15-18.


hall cene agalnst hlm: therefore he shal l be g-Ieved, ends tIr and h6o'eIndlgnatlon ~alnst the holy covenant: sor~ 11n,he do' he shal l even retlrn, and h6o'e Intelllgence!I~ thSn that tersake the holy covenant. And <nns shal l lit::::='-::=:=t~::7~~:-:':::~~~~s+end on hIs prl, end they sha 11 po11ute the sanctulf"y oftrength and shall teke <waythe dally sacrifica, and they

:hall piaoe the abanlnatlon that rmketh desolate (lmage ofthe AntIchr Ist). And such as do wIckedIY agaInst the covenmtsnet l he cxrrupt by fl <Jtterles:-i:\A.Nla 11:28-32a.

Bl1I nE PECJ'lElW.T 00 ~ nElR 00) SI-W..L~ _SlIDG,NI) 00 EXPLOITS. Andthey that understmd lfIlOOgthe peopleshall Instruct rreny: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by 15~~~~~~~~th!~~lif~~~~~~[6~~fllfll9, by c~tlvlty, andby spoll, manydltr'So Nowwhenthey IF:-:-:-:--:-;=:..L-~'::"""'':'':''::~~~~''::''''''==:''..:::=

shall fall, they shall be holpen wlth a Ilttle help: but rreny11Jii~~!t~~~~~~~~~fj~~~~~~~shall cleave 10 thSn wlth fl8ttarles. Andsaneof thSn of l.understandIng sheI I fa I I , 10 trv than, and 10 "ge, and temake than ~ Ite, even 10 the time of the end: bacauseIt Isyet ter a time appolnted.-i:\A.Nla 11:32b-35.

NfJ ATM I1r.EOC M 00 $HIIU nE K11(; CF nE SOOTHPUSHATHIM: AW M KII(; CF nE 1'm1H SI-W.L c:cM.::IGAINSTHIMLlKE A *l1R.WI~. wlth chll"'lots. and wlth hcrsanen. and wlthlIWlY shlps¡ and he shall enter Inlo the countrles, and shalloverflow andpass overo He shall enter also Into the glorloosland qsrael> , and rrenycountrles shel l be overthrown: butthese shal l ~ out of hls hand, even Edan, and~, Mdthe chlef (Klng) of the chlla-en of ttmon (Jordan). He shallstretch forth hls handal so uponthe countrles: and the l/W'Idof E9ypt shall not escq:¡e. But he shel l havepowerover thetreaslres of g>ld andof sllvar, andovar al l the preclOOS

thlngs of Egypt: and the L1byansand the Ethloolans shall ~at hls steos, 9Jt tldlngs out of the ees+ andout of thenorth shall trQble hlm: therefore he shall g> forth wlthg-eet fll'y 10 destroy, and utter Iy 10 make 1!JIIayrreny. And./:!!.shall plant the tabernacles of hls palaoe be'hiIeenthe seas..J.!!the glorlous holy npuntaln CJerusalen); yet he shal l canetohls end, and nene shet l help hlm.-i:\A.Nla 11:40-45. ~

SI~: ~~~~ ~ ~.~ fWt:AS:; fflat

time thy people shal l be del Ivered, every one that shall ~found W"ltten In the I:lcd<. Andone sald 10 the manclothed (1Ilren, whlch wasuponthe waters of the river, Howlong ~It be 10 the end of these wonders1 And I hM'"d the n1II

368 369

hall cene agalnst hlm: therefore he shal l be g-Ieved, ends tIr and h6o'eIndlgnatlon ~alnst the holy covenant: sor~ 11n,he do' he shal l even retlrn, and h6o'e Intelllgence!I~ thSn that tersake the holy covenant. And <nns shal l lit::::='-::=:=t~::7~~:-:':::~~~~s+end on hIs prl, end they sha 11 po11ute the sanctulf"y oftrength and shall teke <waythe dally sacrifica, and they

:hall piaoe the abanlnatlon that rmketh desolate (lmage ofthe AntIchr Ist). And such as do wIckedIY agaInst the covenmtsnet l he cxrrupt by fl <Jtterles:-i:\A.Nla 11:28-32a.

Bl1I nE PECJ'lElW.T 00 ~ nElR 00) SI-W..L~ _SlIDG,NI) 00 EXPLOITS. Andthey that understmd lfIlOOgthe peopleshall Instruct rreny: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by 15~~~~~~~~th!~~lif~~~~~~[6~~fllfll9, by c~tlvlty, andby spoll, manydltr'So Nowwhenthey IF:-:-:-:--:-;=:..L-~'::"""'':'':''::~~~~''::''''''==:''..:::=

shall fall, they shall be holpen wlth a Ilttle help: but rreny11Jii~~!t~~~~~~~~~fj~~~~~~~shall cleave 10 thSn wlth fl8ttarles. Andsaneof thSn of l.understandIng sheI I fa I I , 10 trv than, and 10 "ge, and temake than ~ Ite, even 10 the time of the end: bacauseIt Isyet ter a time appolnted.-i:\A.Nla 11:32b-35.

NfJ ATM I1r.EOC M 00 $HIIU nE K11(; CF nE SOOTHPUSHATHIM: AW M KII(; CF nE 1'm1H SI-W.L c:cM.::IGAINSTHIMLlKE A *l1R.WI~. wlth chll"'lots. and wlth hcrsanen. and wlthlIWlY shlps¡ and he shall enter Inlo the countrles, and shalloverflow andpass overo He shall enter also Into the glorloosland qsrael> , and rrenycountrles shel l be overthrown: butthese shal l ~ out of hls hand, even Edan, and~, Mdthe chlef (Klng) of the chlla-en of ttmon (Jordan). He shallstretch forth hls handal so uponthe countrles: and the l/W'Idof E9ypt shall not escq:¡e. But he shel l havepowerover thetreaslres of g>ld andof sllvar, andovar al l the preclOOS

thlngs of Egypt: and the L1byansand the Ethloolans shall ~at hls steos, 9Jt tldlngs out of the ees+ andout of thenorth shall trQble hlm: therefore he shall g> forth wlthg-eet fll'y 10 destroy, and utter Iy 10 make 1!JIIayrreny. And./:!!.shall plant the tabernacles of hls palaoe be'hiIeenthe seas..J.!!the glorlous holy npuntaln CJerusalen); yet he shal l canetohls end, and nene shet l help hlm.-i:\A.Nla 11:40-45. ~

SI~: ~~~~ ~ ~.~ fWt:AS:; fflat

time thy people shal l be del Ivered, every one that shall ~found W"ltten In the I:lcd<. Andone sald 10 the manclothed (1Ilren, whlch wasuponthe waters of the river, Howlong ~It be 10 the end of these wonders1 And I hM'"d the n1II

368 369

BECAlJSE nDJ HAST KEPT M \tO¡} CF MYPATIEta:, 1 ,ALSQWILl KEEP TI-EE ffiJ.1 (IN) TrE HCm CF TEWrATICN CM lRlBUI.A-:TlCN), I<IHIOI SHJU CCM:~,ALL M \rOU) TO lRY ll&1 ~T~ ~ 1rE E.tRTH.Behold, 1 cane qul~'y: hold that faslwhlch thou hast, +ne+no mantake thy crown, And after thesethings 1 SélolfOlr angeis standing on the tos: ccrners of theearth, holding the tos: wlnds of the ea-ih, +ne+the wlndshould not blow on the earth, na- on the sea, na- on anytree. And 1 Sélolanother angel ascendingtron the east, havingthe seel of the living Q)d: andhe cried with a 1000volea tethe fOlr angels, to whanit wasglven to hurt the earth andthe sea, Saving, Hurt not the earth, nelther the sea, na- thetraes, ti 11 IrIShave sealed the servants of our Q)d in thelrforeheads••• These are thev whIch canaout of creat tr Iby1a-tlan, and havewashedthelr robes, andmadethEJnltIite In theblood of the Lanb. Andthe angel to:k the censar, Md flllOOIt with flre of the altar, andcast It loto the earth: andthere IrISrevolces, and thunderlngs, and 1ightnI ngs. and anearthqyake. Andthe sevenangels which had the seventrlJ1ll9fspreparad thEJnselvesto sound. The first angel sounded andthere followed hall and flre mlngled wlth blood, anl theywere cast uponthe earth: end the th ird part of traes wasburnt up, and all creen <Tasswasburnt up. Andthe secondangel sounded, and as It IrISrea g-eat rrountaln burnlng wltllflre was cast into the sea: and the third part of the seabecaneblood¡ And the third part of the creatures whlch werE}in the sea, and had Ilfe, died: and the thlrd part of thE!ships IrISredestroyed. Andthe thlrd angel sounded and therefe 11a great star frcm heaven,burnIng as It were ~ IlfIl> andit fell upon the thlrd part of the rlvars, and upon' thefountalns of waters¡ Andthe nanaof the star Is calladWorrnwood:and the thlrd part of the waters becane WOI"'ITftOXIjand manv nan died of the waters, becausethey were iiedebltter. Andthe fOlrth angel sounded,and the third part QÍthe sun wassmltten, andthe thlrd part of the 1IOOIl, and ~third part of the starS¡ so as the third part of thEJn wasdrtened, and the dav shonenot fer a thlrd part of It, ani!the nlght IIkewlse. And 1 beheld, and heard an angel flylngthrough the midst of heaven, saylng wlth a loud volea, ~woe, woe. to the Inhablters of the earth by reelsonof theother volces of the tr~ of the three angels, whlch areyet to soundl Md the fifth angel sounded, and 1 Sélola sid'


11 tron heavenunto the earth: and to him \'es given the keythe bottanless plt. Andhe apenadthe bottanless pit; ende arose a snd<eout of the pit, as the SIOC'keof a great

nace¡ and the sun and the air were drtened by reasonofsnd<eof the pit. Andthere canaout of the SIOC'kelocuststhe earth: and unto than \'es given power, as the sea-

ans of the earth havepower. And It wascanmandedthEJnthatshould not hlrt the g-ass of the earth, neither anything, neither any trae¡ but only those nao which have

the sea1 of God in their fereheads. Andto than It wasven +ne+they should not ki II than, but that they should be

ted f ive rronths: and thelr tcrnant wasas the tcrnanta sca-pion, whenhe strlketh aman. And In those davs

all nan seek death and shall not find it¡ and shall deslredie, and death shai 1 flee fren than. Andthe shapes of

locusts were 1ike unto hcrses preparad unto battle¡ andthelr headsIrISreas it werecrOWl1s1ike gold, and thelr

IrISreas the faces of nano Andthey hadhair as theIr of waren, and thelr teeth wereas the teeth of 1ions.d they hadbreastplates, as it werebreeIs!Platesof tron;

the soundof thelr win wasas the soundof charlots ofhcrses runnln to battle (tanks & lanas1). Andthey had

lis IIke unto sccrpions, and there IrISrestlngs In thelr115 ( 1): and thelr powerwasto hurt nan flve rronths.

they had a ki ng ovar than, whIch 15the angel of theless plt, whosenana in the t-tebrewtengue 15Abaddon,

in the Greektengue hath hls nanaPpoll>pn. Onewoe is¡ end, behold, there cane he:> woesma-eher'eafter. Andslxth angel sounded, and 1 heard a volea tron the fOlr

s of the golden altar whlch Is befere Q)d, Saylng to thexth angel which had the tr~, Loosethe fOlr angelsIch are boundIn the rlvar Eu hrateS. Andthe four

1s were loosed, whIch were prepared ta: an hoI.r, and a, and a rronth, and ayear, for to 51av the thlrd part of• And the nll!'ber of the arm

OOof the hcrsanen IrISre he:>

a-ed thousand thousand: C2 ml"'onl) ííiíd 1 heard theof than. Andthus 1 Sélol hcrses In the vlslon, and

that se+on than, hllVlng breas!Plates of flre, and ofInth, and br Imstone: and the headsof the hcrses IrISreas

beedsof 1lons¡ andout of thelr rrouths Issued f Ire ande andbrimstone (tanks Ith 51). By these three wasthird part of nan kllled, by the fire, andby the snd<e,


BECAlJSE nDJ HAST KEPT M \tO¡} CF MYPATIEta:, 1 ,ALSQWILl KEEP TI-EE ffiJ.1 (IN) TrE HCm CF TEWrATICN CM lRlBUI.A-:TlCN), I<IHIOI SHJU CCM:~,ALL M \rOU) TO lRY ll&1 ~T~ ~ 1rE E.tRTH.Behold, 1 cane qul~'y: hold that faslwhlch thou hast, +ne+no mantake thy crown, And after thesethings 1 SélolfOlr angeis standing on the tos: ccrners of theearth, holding the tos: wlnds of the ea-ih, +ne+the wlndshould not blow on the earth, na- on the sea, na- on anytree. And 1 Sélolanother angel ascendingtron the east, havingthe seel of the living Q)d: andhe cried with a 1000volea tethe fOlr angels, to whanit wasglven to hurt the earth andthe sea, Saving, Hurt not the earth, nelther the sea, na- thetraes, ti 11 IrIShave sealed the servants of our Q)d in thelrforeheads••• These are thev whIch canaout of creat tr Iby1a-tlan, and havewashedthelr robes, andmadethEJnltIite In theblood of the Lanb. Andthe angel to:k the censar, Md flllOOIt with flre of the altar, andcast It loto the earth: andthere IrISrevolces, and thunderlngs, and 1ightnI ngs. and anearthqyake. Andthe sevenangels which had the seventrlJ1ll9fspreparad thEJnselvesto sound. The first angel sounded andthere followed hall and flre mlngled wlth blood, anl theywere cast uponthe earth: end the th ird part of traes wasburnt up, and all creen <Tasswasburnt up. Andthe secondangel sounded, and as It IrISrea g-eat rrountaln burnlng wltllflre was cast into the sea: and the third part of the seabecaneblood¡ And the third part of the creatures whlch werE}in the sea, and had Ilfe, died: and the thlrd part of thE!ships IrISredestroyed. Andthe thlrd angel sounded and therefe 11a great star frcm heaven,burnIng as It were ~ IlfIl> andit fell upon the thlrd part of the rlvars, and upon' thefountalns of waters¡ Andthe nanaof the star Is calladWorrnwood:and the thlrd part of the waters becane WOI"'ITftOXIjand manv nan died of the waters, becausethey were iiedebltter. Andthe fOlrth angel sounded,and the third part QÍthe sun wassmltten, andthe thlrd part of the 1IOOIl, and ~third part of the starS¡ so as the third part of thEJn wasdrtened, and the dav shonenot fer a thlrd part of It, ani!the nlght IIkewlse. And 1 beheld, and heard an angel flylngthrough the midst of heaven, saylng wlth a loud volea, ~woe, woe. to the Inhablters of the earth by reelsonof theother volces of the tr~ of the three angels, whlch areyet to soundl Md the fifth angel sounded, and 1 Sélola sid'


11 tron heavenunto the earth: and to him \'es given the keythe bottanless plt. Andhe apenadthe bottanless pit; ende arose a snd<eout of the pit, as the SIOC'keof a great

nace¡ and the sun and the air were drtened by reasonofsnd<eof the pit. Andthere canaout of the SIOC'kelocuststhe earth: and unto than \'es given power, as the sea-

ans of the earth havepower. And It wascanmandedthEJnthatshould not hlrt the g-ass of the earth, neither anything, neither any trae¡ but only those nao which have

the sea1 of God in their fereheads. Andto than It wasven +ne+they should not ki II than, but that they should be

ted f ive rronths: and thelr tcrnant wasas the tcrnanta sca-pion, whenhe strlketh aman. And In those davs

all nan seek death and shall not find it¡ and shall deslredie, and death shai 1 flee fren than. Andthe shapes of

locusts were 1ike unto hcrses preparad unto battle¡ andthelr headsIrISreas it werecrOWl1s1ike gold, and thelr

IrISreas the faces of nano Andthey hadhair as theIr of waren, and thelr teeth wereas the teeth of 1ions.d they hadbreastplates, as it werebreeIs!Platesof tron;

the soundof thelr win wasas the soundof charlots ofhcrses runnln to battle (tanks & lanas1). Andthey had

lis IIke unto sccrpions, and there IrISrestlngs In thelr115 ( 1): and thelr powerwasto hurt nan flve rronths.

they had a ki ng ovar than, whIch 15the angel of theless plt, whosenana in the t-tebrewtengue 15Abaddon,

in the Greektengue hath hls nanaPpoll>pn. Onewoe is¡ end, behold, there cane he:> woesma-eher'eafter. Andslxth angel sounded, and 1 heard a volea tron the fOlr

s of the golden altar whlch Is befere Q)d, Saylng to thexth angel which had the tr~, Loosethe fOlr angelsIch are boundIn the rlvar Eu hrateS. Andthe four

1s were loosed, whIch were prepared ta: an hoI.r, and a, and a rronth, and ayear, for to 51av the thlrd part of• And the nll!'ber of the arm

OOof the hcrsanen IrISre he:>

a-ed thousand thousand: C2 ml"'onl) ííiíd 1 heard theof than. Andthus 1 Sélol hcrses In the vlslon, and

that se+on than, hllVlng breas!Plates of flre, and ofInth, and br Imstone: and the headsof the hcrses IrISreas

beedsof 1lons¡ andout of thelr rrouths Issued f Ire ande andbrimstone (tanks Ith 51). By these three wasthird part of nan kllled, by the fire, andby the snd<e,


and by the brlmstone, whlch Issuedout of thelr nnrttls • .Es!thelr power Is In thelr roouttl, I!nd In thelr talls (guos1):for thelr talls were Ilke unto serpents, and had he8ds, endw1th thEmthey do hurt. Andthe rest of the nan wh1ch IilSrenot klllOO by these plagues ~t~lted not of the wor1<.sotthelr hands, that they shou íIOr"shlp devlls, and ldolsof gold, and si Iver, an<!bress, and stone, andof wood: whlchnelther can sea, ncr hear, ncr waIk: Nelther repented theyof thelr IIV"ders, ncr of thelr sa-c:erles, nc:rof thelr fornl-certoo, ncr of thelr thefts ••• Andthe holy c1ty shall !haytread under foot forty and 'he IID'Ittls (3-112 years).-REVELA-TICN3:1C>-11.7:1-3,14. 8:5-13. 9:1-21. 11:2.

IW ~ ~ N(m~ lOaR IN l-EAVEN¡IW ElEIUDAffiEATRED !RW!, havlng sevenhe!Idsand ten hcTns, and sevencrownsuponhls he!Ids. Andhls tal I ctew the thlrd part ofthe stars of heeven, I!nd dld cast thEmto the earth (Wan &hls evll angels cast out of HBaven): Andthe waMn (theBrI~lstI5'ls) flOO loto the wlldemess, wher'eshe hath apIece prepcY"edot ood, that they shouId feed her ther'e athousand 'he huncredand threescxr"edays <1260 days-3-112years). And ther'e waswar In heaven: Mlchael and hls angelsfought 8Qalnst the cragon: Md fFfEjcragoo fOtijl+ Md hlsangals. AndprevallOO not; nelther wasthelr pl ece found anyroore In heaven. Andthe cr wascast t that old

t callOO the Devll and M, whlch decelveth thewhole world: he wascast out Into tila earth. Qndhls angelswerecast out wlth hlm. And I heard a loud volea saylng Inheaven, NowIs <XJIIeselve+loo, and strength, and tila klngcbnof ar~, and tila powerof hls Chrlst: ter tila QCCUser"21O\C bIetlv ell I s cast D. whIch eecusedthEmbefore our ~day and nlght. Andthey overarne hlm by tila blood of tneLamb, and by the wordof tIlalr testlmcny; and they lavad notthelr I Ives unto the de!rl'h. Ther'efore reJolea, ya heavens,and ya that dwell In thEm. Woeto tila Inhabl19"s of tila ear:!]and of tila seel fer tila Devll Is <XJIIedownunto 'Cf' havl!!Sñeat W'ath because he knoweththat he hCiíftíbu a sfiCrt

mel (3=1A years) And whenffi8 CTagooS&f that he wascasrunto the earth, he oersecu1edtila wanon(tila BrldEt=<OCls:etlaos) ...n Ich brought forth tila manchl Id. Andto tila waMnwere glven 'he wlngs of a great eagle, that she mlght iliInto tila wlldemess, loto her pl eee, wher'eshe Is IlQrlsh9dfor a tina. and times. and half a tina <3-112 years), f,-ol1


the faca of the serpent. Andthe serpent cast out of hlsIIOJth water (Lles) as a floo<l after tila waman, that he mlghtcause her to be carrlOO awayof tila f lcod, And tila earthhelped the wcrnan, and the earth q>enedher roouth, aod swal-lQj8d up tila floo<l whlch the cragoo cast out of hls roouth.Andtila cragoo wasW'ath wlth the wcrnan,and IISnt to make~wlth tila rannant of her seed, whIch keep tila CXJI'fI1afldrn3tsof~, and havethe testlllD'ly of JesusChrlst. And I stoodopon the seodof the sea, and sawa beast (tila Antlctrlst)rige up out of the sea, havlng sevenbeedsand ten hcTns, Mdupon hls hcTnsten crowns, and uponhls he!Idsthe nana ofblasphsny. Andthe beast whlch I sawwas Ilke unto a leopard,Md hIs feet were as tila feet of a bear. and hIs roouthas tilaroouthof a lIal: and tila cragon (satan) gavehlm hls !lOW9C.and hls seat, and g-eat authorlty. And I sawone of hls heads


and by the brlmstone, whlch Issuedout of thelr nnrttls • .Es!thelr power Is In thelr roouttl, I!nd In thelr talls (guos1):for thelr talls were Ilke unto serpents, and had he8ds, endw1th thEmthey do hurt. Andthe rest of the nan wh1ch IilSrenot klllOO by these plagues ~t~lted not of the wor1<.sotthelr hands, that they shou íIOr"shlp devlls, and ldolsof gold, and si Iver, an<!bress, and stone, andof wood: whlchnelther can sea, ncr hear, ncr waIk: Nelther repented theyof thelr IIV"ders, ncr of thelr sa-c:erles, nc:rof thelr fornl-certoo, ncr of thelr thefts ••• Andthe holy c1ty shall !haytread under foot forty and 'he IID'Ittls (3-112 years).-REVELA-TICN3:1C>-11.7:1-3,14. 8:5-13. 9:1-21. 11:2.

IW ~ ~ N(m~ lOaR IN l-EAVEN¡IW ElEIUDAffiEATRED !RW!, havlng sevenhe!Idsand ten hcTns, and sevencrownsuponhls he!Ids. Andhls tal I ctew the thlrd part ofthe stars of heeven, I!nd dld cast thEmto the earth (Wan &hls evll angels cast out of HBaven): Andthe waMn (theBrI~lstI5'ls) flOO loto the wlldemess, wher'eshe hath apIece prepcY"edot ood, that they shouId feed her ther'e athousand 'he huncredand threescxr"edays <1260 days-3-112years). And ther'e waswar In heaven: Mlchael and hls angelsfought 8Qalnst the cragon: Md fFfEjcragoo fOtijl+ Md hlsangals. AndprevallOO not; nelther wasthelr pl ece found anyroore In heaven. Andthe cr wascast t that old

t callOO the Devll and M, whlch decelveth thewhole world: he wascast out Into tila earth. Qndhls angelswerecast out wlth hlm. And I heard a loud volea saylng Inheaven, NowIs <XJIIeselve+loo, and strength, and tila klngcbnof ar~, and tila powerof hls Chrlst: ter tila QCCUser"21O\C bIetlv ell I s cast D. whIch eecusedthEmbefore our ~day and nlght. Andthey overarne hlm by tila blood of tneLamb, and by the wordof tIlalr testlmcny; and they lavad notthelr I Ives unto the de!rl'h. Ther'efore reJolea, ya heavens,and ya that dwell In thEm. Woeto tila Inhabl19"s of tila ear:!]and of tila seel fer tila Devll Is <XJIIedownunto 'Cf' havl!!Sñeat W'ath because he knoweththat he hCiíftíbu a sfiCrt

mel (3=1A years) And whenffi8 CTagooS&f that he wascasrunto the earth, he oersecu1edtila wanon(tila BrldEt=<OCls:etlaos) ...n Ich brought forth tila manchl Id. Andto tila waMnwere glven 'he wlngs of a great eagle, that she mlght iliInto tila wlldemess, loto her pl eee, wher'eshe Is IlQrlsh9dfor a tina. and times. and half a tina <3-112 years), f,-ol1


the faca of the serpent. Andthe serpent cast out of hlsIIOJth water (Lles) as a floo<l after tila waman, that he mlghtcause her to be carrlOO awayof tila f lcod, And tila earthhelped the wcrnan, and the earth q>enedher roouth, aod swal-lQj8d up tila floo<l whlch the cragoo cast out of hls roouth.Andtila cragoo wasW'ath wlth the wcrnan,and IISnt to make~wlth tila rannant of her seed, whIch keep tila CXJI'fI1afldrn3tsof~, and havethe testlllD'ly of JesusChrlst. And I stoodopon the seodof the sea, and sawa beast (tila Antlctrlst)rige up out of the sea, havlng sevenbeedsand ten hcTns, Mdupon hls hcTnsten crowns, and uponhls he!Idsthe nana ofblasphsny. Andthe beast whlch I sawwas Ilke unto a leopard,Md hIs feet were as tila feet of a bear. and hIs roouthas tilaroouthof a lIal: and tila cragon (satan) gavehlm hls !lOW9C.and hls seat, and g-eat authorlty. And I sawone of hls heads


as It werewoundedto death; and hls deadly woundwashealOO:and all the world wonderedafter the beast. And they worshlo-ped the a-agco whlch gavepowerunto the beast: and ~worshlppedthe beast, saylng, Iflo Is Ilke unto the beast? whoIs able to makewar wlth hlm? Andthere wasglven unto hlm1!..rrouth speaklng ¡reat thlngs and blasphsnles; Md power wasglven unto hlm to oontlnue fortv and 00 roonths (3-112yeél"'s)• And he q>enedhIs rrouth In bIlISphsnyagaInst QxI, toblasphsnehls n~, and hls td:lernacle, and thsn that ~IIIn heaven. And It wasglven unto hlm to lIli:IkeWarwlth thesalnts, and to overcore thsn: and powerwasglven hlm~all klndreds. and toogues. and natlons. And all that d!!S11uponthe earth shall worshlp hlm. whosen~s are not wrltteoIn the bc:d<of Ilfe of the Lé!Ilbslaln fran the foundatlon ofthe world. If any nan haYean eéI"', let hlm hear. He thatleadeth Into c~tlvlty shall go Into ~tlvlty: he thatkllleth wlth the swordmust be kl 1100wlth the sword. Here 15the patlence and the falth of the salnts, And 1 beheldanother beast CXJlIlngup out of the eéI"'th; and he had 00horns 11k.ea hmb. and he spd<eas a dragon (¡he False Prooh-et of the Antlctrlst--sclence?). And he exerelseth all thepower of the flrst beast before hlm, and causeth the earthand thsn whlch ~II thereln to worshlp the flrst beast,whosedeadly wound\lj6S healOO.And he 00eth g-eat wonders, so+het he mak.ethf Ire COTa downfran heavenon the eéI"'th In theslght of man, And decelveth thsn that ~II on the eéI"'th bythe neansof those mir8C1es whIch he hed powerto do In theslght of the beast; ~Ing to thsn that ~II on the eéI"'th,thérl' they should nake an lmagato the beast, whIch had thewound by a sword, and dld Ilve. And he had !?O!@I'" to glveIlfe unto the lmagaof the beast (curputer robot?), that thelmagaof the beast should both speak, Md cause that as IMnyas would not worshlp the lmagaof the beast should be klIIOO.And he causeth al 1, both sma11and g-eM, r Ich and pocr,free and bond, to recelve a l1l!II'kIn thelr rlght hand. cr Inthel r tereheads (M/rt of the Beast): And that no nen mightbuy cr sell, SaYehe that had the mark, cr the n5lle of thebeast, cr the numberof hls n~. Here Is wlsdan. Let hlmthérl' hérl'hunderstandlng count the numberof the beast: ter It15 the numberof a nan; and hls number15 Slx huna-edthree-sccre and slx (666). And 1 heél"'da volce fran heaven, as thevolce of manywaters, and as the volce of a great thundEr:


and 1 heard the volce of hél"'peI"shél"'plngwlth thelr hél"'ps:And 1 sawanother angel fly In the mldst of heaven. havlngthe fiNar1ast Ing gospe1 to preach unto thsn that d!!S1I on theearth. and to fiNery natlon, and klndrOO. and toogue. and~, Here Is the pérl'lenceof the salnts: here are they+he+ keep the CXJlImal'ld1antsof QxI, and the falth of Jesus.And 1 heél"'da volce fran heavensaylng unto ne, Wrlte, ~ed are the deCIdl!t!lch die In the Lord fran hencefcrth: Vea,salth the Splrlt, that they mayrest fran thelr labours; andthelr works do follow thsn.-REVELATla-J12:3--4,6-17. 13:1-18.14:2,6,12-13.

NlJ I WILLGIVEPOrlER UNTO MYlWO WIll-ESSES.NlJ ltEYSWLL A3(ptESY A naJSN{) lWOtfJNl3ED NlJ Jlf3EESCXl3E DAYS<1260ooYS-3=112YEtRS), clothed In seckclotn, Theseél"'ethe00 ollve traes, and the 00 candlestlcks stMdlng before theQxI of the eél"'th. And If any manwlll hlTt thsn, flre pro-ceedeth out of thelr rrouth. and dfNcu-eth thelr anemias: MdIf any nan wlll hlTt thsn, he must In thls mamar be klIIOO.ThesehavePOllSrto shut heaven. that It raln not In the daysof thelr prcphecy: Md haYepowerCNarwaters to turn thsn toblood. and to smlta the eéI"'thwlth all pl'!lues, as often asthey wlll. And l!t!en they shall haYefin Ished thelr testl-roony. the beast that ascendethout of the bottanless pltshall makewar agalnst then. and shall overcone tban, oodklll thsn. Andthelr deCIdbodles shall IIe In the street ofthe great clty, whlch splrltually Is called So<bnand Egypt,where also our Lcrd wascruclfled (Jerusalem). ~d they ofthe people and klndreds and tongues and natlons shall seathelr dead bodles ttree days and an half, and sholl notsuffar thelr deadbodles to be put In g-aYes. Andthey that~II UJXlIl the eéI"'thshall relolce ovar thsn. and makemarrv,and shall send glfts one to another; becausethese 00 prcph-ets tcnnented thsn that ~ 1t on the eéI"'th. And after threedays and an half the Splrlt of Ilfe fran QxI enterad Intothem, and they s100duponthelr feet; and great fear felluponthsn l!t!lch sawthsn. And thev heard a <re8! volce franheavensi!ilng unto thsn. Cc::m3 up hlther. And~ ascendedUDto heaven In a cloud (Rapture); and thelr anemles beheldthem. And the s~ hcu- wasthere a g=eat earthguake, and thetenth part of the el ty fe 11, and In the eél"'thquake!!Sre ~of nen sellen thousand: and the rsnnant were affrlghted, andgave glcry to the QxI of heavenl~EVELATla-J11:3-13.


as It werewoundedto death; and hls deadly woundwashealOO:and all the world wonderedafter the beast. And they worshlo-ped the a-agco whlch gavepowerunto the beast: and ~worshlppedthe beast, saylng, Iflo Is Ilke unto the beast? whoIs able to makewar wlth hlm? Andthere wasglven unto hlm1!..rrouth speaklng ¡reat thlngs and blasphsnles; Md power wasglven unto hlm to oontlnue fortv and 00 roonths (3-112yeél"'s)• And he q>enedhIs rrouth In bIlISphsnyagaInst QxI, toblasphsnehls n~, and hls td:lernacle, and thsn that ~IIIn heaven. And It wasglven unto hlm to lIli:IkeWarwlth thesalnts, and to overcore thsn: and powerwasglven hlm~all klndreds. and toogues. and natlons. And all that d!!S11uponthe earth shall worshlp hlm. whosen~s are not wrltteoIn the bc:d<of Ilfe of the Lé!Ilbslaln fran the foundatlon ofthe world. If any nan haYean eéI"', let hlm hear. He thatleadeth Into c~tlvlty shall go Into ~tlvlty: he thatkllleth wlth the swordmust be kl 1100wlth the sword. Here 15the patlence and the falth of the salnts, And 1 beheldanother beast CXJlIlngup out of the eéI"'th; and he had 00horns 11k.ea hmb. and he spd<eas a dragon (¡he False Prooh-et of the Antlctrlst--sclence?). And he exerelseth all thepower of the flrst beast before hlm, and causeth the earthand thsn whlch ~II thereln to worshlp the flrst beast,whosedeadly wound\lj6S healOO.And he 00eth g-eat wonders, so+het he mak.ethf Ire COTa downfran heavenon the eéI"'th In theslght of man, And decelveth thsn that ~II on the eéI"'th bythe neansof those mir8C1es whIch he hed powerto do In theslght of the beast; ~Ing to thsn that ~II on the eéI"'th,thérl' they should nake an lmagato the beast, whIch had thewound by a sword, and dld Ilve. And he had !?O!@I'" to glveIlfe unto the lmagaof the beast (curputer robot?), that thelmagaof the beast should both speak, Md cause that as IMnyas would not worshlp the lmagaof the beast should be klIIOO.And he causeth al 1, both sma11and g-eM, r Ich and pocr,free and bond, to recelve a l1l!II'kIn thelr rlght hand. cr Inthel r tereheads (M/rt of the Beast): And that no nen mightbuy cr sell, SaYehe that had the mark, cr the n5lle of thebeast, cr the numberof hls n~. Here Is wlsdan. Let hlmthérl' hérl'hunderstandlng count the numberof the beast: ter It15 the numberof a nan; and hls number15 Slx huna-edthree-sccre and slx (666). And 1 heél"'da volce fran heaven, as thevolce of manywaters, and as the volce of a great thundEr:


and 1 heard the volce of hél"'peI"shél"'plngwlth thelr hél"'ps:And 1 sawanother angel fly In the mldst of heaven. havlngthe fiNar1ast Ing gospe1 to preach unto thsn that d!!S1I on theearth. and to fiNery natlon, and klndrOO. and toogue. and~, Here Is the pérl'lenceof the salnts: here are they+he+ keep the CXJlImal'ld1antsof QxI, and the falth of Jesus.And 1 heél"'da volce fran heavensaylng unto ne, Wrlte, ~ed are the deCIdl!t!lch die In the Lord fran hencefcrth: Vea,salth the Splrlt, that they mayrest fran thelr labours; andthelr works do follow thsn.-REVELATla-J12:3--4,6-17. 13:1-18.14:2,6,12-13.

NlJ I WILLGIVEPOrlER UNTO MYlWO WIll-ESSES.NlJ ltEYSWLL A3(ptESY A naJSN{) lWOtfJNl3ED NlJ Jlf3EESCXl3E DAYS<1260ooYS-3=112YEtRS), clothed In seckclotn, Theseél"'ethe00 ollve traes, and the 00 candlestlcks stMdlng before theQxI of the eél"'th. And If any manwlll hlTt thsn, flre pro-ceedeth out of thelr rrouth. and dfNcu-eth thelr anemias: MdIf any nan wlll hlTt thsn, he must In thls mamar be klIIOO.ThesehavePOllSrto shut heaven. that It raln not In the daysof thelr prcphecy: Md haYepowerCNarwaters to turn thsn toblood. and to smlta the eéI"'thwlth all pl'!lues, as often asthey wlll. And l!t!en they shall haYefin Ished thelr testl-roony. the beast that ascendethout of the bottanless pltshall makewar agalnst then. and shall overcone tban, oodklll thsn. Andthelr deCIdbodles shall IIe In the street ofthe great clty, whlch splrltually Is called So<bnand Egypt,where also our Lcrd wascruclfled (Jerusalem). ~d they ofthe people and klndreds and tongues and natlons shall seathelr dead bodles ttree days and an half, and sholl notsuffar thelr deadbodles to be put In g-aYes. Andthey that~II UJXlIl the eéI"'thshall relolce ovar thsn. and makemarrv,and shall send glfts one to another; becausethese 00 prcph-ets tcnnented thsn that ~ 1t on the eéI"'th. And after threedays and an half the Splrlt of Ilfe fran QxI enterad Intothem, and they s100duponthelr feet; and great fear felluponthsn l!t!lch sawthsn. And thev heard a <re8! volce franheavensi!ilng unto thsn. Cc::m3 up hlther. And~ ascendedUDto heaven In a cloud (Rapture); and thelr anemles beheldthem. And the s~ hcu- wasthere a g=eat earthguake, and thetenth part of the el ty fe 11, and In the eél"'thquake!!Sre ~of nen sellen thousand: and the rsnnant were affrlghted, andgave glcry to the QxI of heavenl~EVELATla-J11:3-13.




E...." A.l •• /, tt.J,."¡CJ,r.s1N<+J"•.e S•.;ló~

1l-ENM LOO SAlOUNTO/<lE. cm CF M tOm-t ~ EV!1


SWti IH:.PK F<RTHlffi.I N..LnE 1~ITANrS CF nE L.,At:D1Fa-, lo, I wlll eall all the féllll lles of tila klng<bns of thencrth, salth the La-d¡ and they shall cane, ~ they shtlllset eNf!ry one hIs tlrone at the enter Ing of the QlIres ofJerusalan, and agalnst al I the walls thereof rQJnd about, lII'ldagalnst all the cltles of Judd!. And I wl 1I utter rrry Judg-ments agalnst than twchlng al I thelr wlCkedness, who Miefa-s~ ma, and have bc.rnedIncense unto other !Pds, lII'ldworshlpped the worxs of thelr own hands. In valn htl\le Isrnltten yo.r ehlldren¡ they recelved no carectlon: ycu- ownsword hath devoI.redycu- prq>hets, IJke a desiroylng lIon.cen a mald fa-get her a-nanents, a- ti brida her tJttlre? yetmypeople have fa-gotten madays wlthout nllTtler. Also In thysklrts Is fQJndtila blood of the souls of the pocr Innocents:I have not found It by secret ~ch, but uponall these.JEREMIAH1:14-16. 2:30,32,34.

SETLPM STN-nAroT~,oro Zl~: FUlRN. STAYNQf: F<R IWILL ffil~ EVIL FR()1M I'mTH. N{) A mEAT IESlRLCTI(}:j1TIla Ilon Is cane up fran hls thlcket, and the des1royer ofthe Q:lntlles Is on hls way¡ he Is gane fa-th fran hls pl eoeto make thy land desolate¡ lII'ld thy eltles shtllJ be Itlldwaste. wlthout an InhtJbltlll'lt. Behold, he shtJII cane up tISclceds, and hls eharlots shall be as a whlrlwlnd: hls ha"sesare swlffer than eecles, Woeunto usl-T"a- we are spolledl Ibeheld the 8érth, and, lo, It waswlthout fonn, lII'ld vold¡ lII'ldtila heavens, Md they had no Ilght. I beheld the IIOUnttllns,end, lo, they tranbled, and all the hl lis lIO'w'edIlghtly. Ibeheld, eod, lo, there wasno man, and el I tila blrds of theheavanswere fled.-JEREMIAH 4:6-7,13,23-25.

I BEI-El.D.OO. LO. M FRUIIFU..FV.<& WASA WIUEH:SS.NfJ PU M CITIES~CF ~ ~N [)()jNe+ tila presenoeof the La-d, and by hls flerc:e anger. Fa- thus htJth tila La-dseld, TIla whole land shtJII be desolate¡ vet wl II I not make afyll and. Fa- th Is shall the 8Ir'th ngcn, and tila hetIIIenstlxNe be bItId<.¡becauseI have spoken It, I ht1\18purposed I+.I!IIldwlll not reoeo+, nelther wl II I turn btld<.fran It. Q:) yaup uponher WtlIIs, and desiroy¡ but make not a fu I I and: 1lIKeMy her battlanents: for they are oot the lord's.-JEfB04IAH4:26-28. 5: 10.


a n on w se lII'lgutJg8 knowes377



E...." A.l •• /, tt.J,."¡CJ,r.s1N<+J"•.e S•.;ló~

1l-ENM LOO SAlOUNTO/<lE. cm CF M tOm-t ~ EV!1


SWti IH:.PK F<RTHlffi.I N..LnE 1~ITANrS CF nE L.,At:D1Fa-, lo, I wlll eall all the féllll lles of tila klng<bns of thencrth, salth the La-d¡ and they shall cane, ~ they shtlllset eNf!ry one hIs tlrone at the enter Ing of the QlIres ofJerusalan, and agalnst al I the walls thereof rQJnd about, lII'ldagalnst all the cltles of Judd!. And I wl 1I utter rrry Judg-ments agalnst than twchlng al I thelr wlCkedness, who Miefa-s~ ma, and have bc.rnedIncense unto other !Pds, lII'ldworshlpped the worxs of thelr own hands. In valn htl\le Isrnltten yo.r ehlldren¡ they recelved no carectlon: ycu- ownsword hath devoI.redycu- prq>hets, IJke a desiroylng lIon.cen a mald fa-get her a-nanents, a- ti brida her tJttlre? yetmypeople have fa-gotten madays wlthout nllTtler. Also In thysklrts Is fQJndtila blood of the souls of the pocr Innocents:I have not found It by secret ~ch, but uponall these.JEREMIAH1:14-16. 2:30,32,34.

SETLPM STN-nAroT~,oro Zl~: FUlRN. STAYNQf: F<R IWILL ffil~ EVIL FR()1M I'mTH. N{) A mEAT IESlRLCTI(}:j1TIla Ilon Is cane up fran hls thlcket, and the des1royer ofthe Q:lntlles Is on hls way¡ he Is gane fa-th fran hls pl eoeto make thy land desolate¡ lII'ld thy eltles shtllJ be Itlldwaste. wlthout an InhtJbltlll'lt. Behold, he shtJII cane up tISclceds, and hls eharlots shall be as a whlrlwlnd: hls ha"sesare swlffer than eecles, Woeunto usl-T"a- we are spolledl Ibeheld the 8érth, and, lo, It waswlthout fonn, lII'ld vold¡ lII'ldtila heavens, Md they had no Ilght. I beheld the IIOUnttllns,end, lo, they tranbled, and all the hl lis lIO'w'edIlghtly. Ibeheld, eod, lo, there wasno man, and el I tila blrds of theheavanswere fled.-JEREMIAH 4:6-7,13,23-25.

I BEI-El.D.OO. LO. M FRUIIFU..FV.<& WASA WIUEH:SS.NfJ PU M CITIES~CF ~ ~N [)()jNe+ tila presenoeof the La-d, and by hls flerc:e anger. Fa- thus htJth tila La-dseld, TIla whole land shtJII be desolate¡ vet wl II I not make afyll and. Fa- th Is shall the 8Ir'th ngcn, and tila hetIIIenstlxNe be bItId<.¡becauseI have spoken It, I ht1\18purposed I+.I!IIldwlll not reoeo+, nelther wl II I turn btld<.fran It. Q:) yaup uponher WtlIIs, and desiroy¡ but make not a fu I I and: 1lIKeMy her battlanents: for they are oot the lord's.-JEfB04IAH4:26-28. 5: 10.


a n on w se lII'lgutJg8 knowes377

Ither understandest what they stlof. Thelr qulver Is as anppen sepulctre, they ére all mlghty IIBn. Neverthe1ess Inthose days, salth the Lord, 1 wlll not rnakea full end wlth~.--JEREMIAH 5:15-16,18.

Fffi EVIL H'ffAAETHOUTCF nE t-mn-t, Am CREATOCSJRLC-TI~I To whanshall 1 speak, and glve warning, +ne+they mayheér7 behold, thelr ear Is unclromclsed, end they cannothearken: beho1d, the word of the Lord 1s unto thsn a re-proach; they have no dellght In It.--JEREMIAH6:1,10.

lrEREFffiE 1 Nv1FULLCF nE FLRYCF nE L~' 1!I1l 'learywlth hOlding in: I wl I I poIT it out upontFle ctcren abroad,end uponthe assanbly of youngIIBntogErltler: for even thehusbandwlth the wlfe shall be taken, the agedwlth hlm thatis full of dtlofs. And thelr housesshall be turnad untoothers wlth thelr flelds and wlves toge1'heI: for 1 wilfstretch out my handuponthe Inh8:lltants of the land, salththe Lord.--JEREMIAH6: 11-12.

TH.JSSA1THnE LOO, san.o, A FEFlE CO=ETH fRQ.1 nEflKRTHcaJmRY, Am A CREAT~T~ shall be ralsed fran thesiaes of the eri. They sha ay hold on bowand spear;thev are cruel, and have no rrerCV¡ thelr volce roareth Ilkethe sea; and they r 1de uponhcTses, ser 1n érrtlof as IIBn forwar agalnst thee, O daugrter 01 Zloo. Wehave he/rd the fmlethereof: our handswax feeble: angulsh hath taken hold of us,and petn, as of a wananIn travall. Q:>not forth Into thef lel d, nor walk by the way¡ fa" the swordof the enemy andfear Is on every slde.--JEREMIAH6:22-25.

O [}A.UGifERCF MYFt<FlE, GIROTIff WITHSACKQOTH,Al{)W,6U.Clt/THYSELFIN ASl-ES: tvW<ETIff t-OlRNIf'.l>,ASFffi AN<N.y.~ M)STBITTERI.JIt.ENTATI~· g:>QILERSI{bU SlrrE y(;(X l.fq! USI 1 have set thee for and a fortresscm::ngmypeople, that thou mayastknowand try thelr way,--JEREMIAH6:26-27.

lE LOO<EDFffi PEpa:, BU! t-l>ron CN-f:¡ HCJFffi A TltJECf.tEX.,TH,N{) BEH:l.D JRU!.,EI For the hurt of the daughtar ofmypeople en 1 hurt; 1 an blads; astonlshlTent hath taken holdon lIB. For a volce of walllng Is heard out 01 Zlon, I-bwarewe spoi 1001 Weare greatl y confounded, because'le have ter-saken the 1end, because our d'Ie111ngs have cast us out.$peak, Thus salth the Lord, Eventhe careases of IIBn shallfall as dunguponthe apeo fiel d, and as the handful afterthe harvestman, and noneshel l gather them. For the pastcrS


are beccrJebrutlsh, and have not sought the Lord: thereforethey shall not prosper, and all thelr floocs shall be scer-tarad. Behold. the nolse of the brult Is COIB and a greatc:armotlon QJt of the north country. to makethe e1tles ofJudah desolate, and a den of dragons.--JEREMIAH8:15,21.9:19,22. 10:21-22.

BUT 1F T1-EYW1LL t-l>TOOEY, 1 W1LL lJTTER..Y PlLO<LP HCJOEsm:>YlW\T ~T1~, salth the Lord. And 1 wlll dash thsn oneaga1nst another, even the f athers and the sons togErltlersalth the Lord: 1 wlll not plty, nor spare, nor have fTBrCY;but destroy thanl Thensald the Lord unto IIB, A"ay not forthls people for thelr good. Itlen they fast, 1 wlll not heérthelr cry; and whenthey offer burnt offerlng and an co le-+tcn, 1 wlll not acoept thsn: but 1 wlll conSl.lTethan by thesword, and by the fanl ne, and by the pestlleocel Thereforethus seIth the Lord coocern1ng the prq:>hetsthat prq:>hesy Inmy nere, and I sent thsn not, yat they sey, SWordand fanlneshall not be In thls land; By sword and fanlne shall thoseprq:>hetsbe consl.lTedl--JEREMIAH12:17. 13:14. 14:11-12,15.

TI-ENSAlOll-E LOO UNTOtJE, TIUJGiM)SESAt{) SN=tE,STcmBEFCR:tJE, n:T MYMlt'{) 0llD OOTBETClt/t'RDTHISFEBE¡ CASTTI-EMOUTCF MYSIGIT, and let thsn go forthl Therefore d&-Ilver up thelr chlldren to the fanlne, and poIT out thelrblood by the force of the sword; and let thelr wlves bebereavedof the Ir ch11dren, and be w1dows; and 1et the Ir IIBnbe put to death; let thelr youngIIBn be si al n by the sword Inbattle. Thus salth the Lord Q:>dof Israel, Behold 1 wlllturn bac:kthe W9qxxlSof war that are In F han~, where-wlth ya flght agalnst the klng of Babyloo, and agalnst theChaldeans, whlch beslege you wlthout the walls, and I wlllassanble thsn Into the mldst of thls clty. And I myself wlllflght agalnst you wlth an outstretched handand wlth a stroogarm, even In anger, and In fury, and In great wrathl--JE~-MIAH15:1. 18:21. 21:4-5.

Am UNTOTHISPECPI...EllOJ Sl-W..TSAY, THJS SAITH ll-ELOO¡ IEUD, 1 SEr 8EFCR:Ya} TrE WAYCF L IFE, Am ll-E WAY~ OCATH:He that abldeth In thls e1ty shall die by thesword, and by the fanlne, and by the pestllence: but he thatpth out, and falleth to the Q¡aldeans that beslege )9Y.he~hall Ilve, and hls I Ife shal 1 be unto hlm fa" a prey. For 1have set my f ace agaInst th Is el ty for ev11, and not forQOod, saith the Lord: It shall be glven Into the handof the


Ither understandest what they stlof. Thelr qulver Is as anppen sepulctre, they ére all mlghty IIBn. Neverthe1ess Inthose days, salth the Lord, 1 wlll not rnakea full end wlth~.--JEREMIAH 5:15-16,18.

Fffi EVIL H'ffAAETHOUTCF nE t-mn-t, Am CREATOCSJRLC-TI~I To whanshall 1 speak, and glve warning, +ne+they mayheér7 behold, thelr ear Is unclromclsed, end they cannothearken: beho1d, the word of the Lord 1s unto thsn a re-proach; they have no dellght In It.--JEREMIAH6:1,10.

lrEREFffiE 1 Nv1FULLCF nE FLRYCF nE L~' 1!I1l 'learywlth hOlding in: I wl I I poIT it out upontFle ctcren abroad,end uponthe assanbly of youngIIBntogErltler: for even thehusbandwlth the wlfe shall be taken, the agedwlth hlm thatis full of dtlofs. And thelr housesshall be turnad untoothers wlth thelr flelds and wlves toge1'heI: for 1 wilfstretch out my handuponthe Inh8:lltants of the land, salththe Lord.--JEREMIAH6: 11-12.

TH.JSSA1THnE LOO, san.o, A FEFlE CO=ETH fRQ.1 nEflKRTHcaJmRY, Am A CREAT~T~ shall be ralsed fran thesiaes of the eri. They sha ay hold on bowand spear;thev are cruel, and have no rrerCV¡ thelr volce roareth Ilkethe sea; and they r 1de uponhcTses, ser 1n érrtlof as IIBn forwar agalnst thee, O daugrter 01 Zloo. Wehave he/rd the fmlethereof: our handswax feeble: angulsh hath taken hold of us,and petn, as of a wananIn travall. Q:>not forth Into thef lel d, nor walk by the way¡ fa" the swordof the enemy andfear Is on every slde.--JEREMIAH6:22-25.

O [}A.UGifERCF MYFt<FlE, GIROTIff WITHSACKQOTH,Al{)W,6U.Clt/THYSELFIN ASl-ES: tvW<ETIff t-OlRNIf'.l>,ASFffi AN<N.y.~ M)STBITTERI.JIt.ENTATI~· g:>QILERSI{bU SlrrE y(;(X l.fq! USI 1 have set thee for and a fortresscm::ngmypeople, that thou mayastknowand try thelr way,--JEREMIAH6:26-27.

lE LOO<EDFffi PEpa:, BU! t-l>ron CN-f:¡ HCJFffi A TltJECf.tEX.,TH,N{) BEH:l.D JRU!.,EI For the hurt of the daughtar ofmypeople en 1 hurt; 1 an blads; astonlshlTent hath taken holdon lIB. For a volce of walllng Is heard out 01 Zlon, I-bwarewe spoi 1001 Weare greatl y confounded, because'le have ter-saken the 1end, because our d'Ie111ngs have cast us out.$peak, Thus salth the Lord, Eventhe careases of IIBn shallfall as dunguponthe apeo fiel d, and as the handful afterthe harvestman, and noneshel l gather them. For the pastcrS


are beccrJebrutlsh, and have not sought the Lord: thereforethey shall not prosper, and all thelr floocs shall be scer-tarad. Behold. the nolse of the brult Is COIB and a greatc:armotlon QJt of the north country. to makethe e1tles ofJudah desolate, and a den of dragons.--JEREMIAH8:15,21.9:19,22. 10:21-22.

BUT 1F T1-EYW1LL t-l>TOOEY, 1 W1LL lJTTER..Y PlLO<LP HCJOEsm:>YlW\T ~T1~, salth the Lord. And 1 wlll dash thsn oneaga1nst another, even the f athers and the sons togErltlersalth the Lord: 1 wlll not plty, nor spare, nor have fTBrCY;but destroy thanl Thensald the Lord unto IIB, A"ay not forthls people for thelr good. Itlen they fast, 1 wlll not heérthelr cry; and whenthey offer burnt offerlng and an co le-+tcn, 1 wlll not acoept thsn: but 1 wlll conSl.lTethan by thesword, and by the fanl ne, and by the pestlleocel Thereforethus seIth the Lord coocern1ng the prq:>hetsthat prq:>hesy Inmy nere, and I sent thsn not, yat they sey, SWordand fanlneshall not be In thls land; By sword and fanlne shall thoseprq:>hetsbe consl.lTedl--JEREMIAH12:17. 13:14. 14:11-12,15.

TI-ENSAlOll-E LOO UNTOtJE, TIUJGiM)SESAt{) SN=tE,STcmBEFCR:tJE, n:T MYMlt'{) 0llD OOTBETClt/t'RDTHISFEBE¡ CASTTI-EMOUTCF MYSIGIT, and let thsn go forthl Therefore d&-Ilver up thelr chlldren to the fanlne, and poIT out thelrblood by the force of the sword; and let thelr wlves bebereavedof the Ir ch11dren, and be w1dows; and 1et the Ir IIBnbe put to death; let thelr youngIIBn be si al n by the sword Inbattle. Thus salth the Lord Q:>dof Israel, Behold 1 wlllturn bac:kthe W9qxxlSof war that are In F han~, where-wlth ya flght agalnst the klng of Babyloo, and agalnst theChaldeans, whlch beslege you wlthout the walls, and I wlllassanble thsn Into the mldst of thls clty. And I myself wlllflght agalnst you wlth an outstretched handand wlth a stroogarm, even In anger, and In fury, and In great wrathl--JE~-MIAH15:1. 18:21. 21:4-5.

Am UNTOTHISPECPI...EllOJ Sl-W..TSAY, THJS SAITH ll-ELOO¡ IEUD, 1 SEr 8EFCR:Ya} TrE WAYCF L IFE, Am ll-E WAY~ OCATH:He that abldeth In thls e1ty shall die by thesword, and by the fanlne, and by the pestllence: but he thatpth out, and falleth to the Q¡aldeans that beslege )9Y.he~hall Ilve, and hls I Ife shal 1 be unto hlm fa" a prey. For 1have set my f ace agaInst th Is el ty for ev11, and not forQOod, saith the Lord: It shall be glven Into the handof the


~----------~~r=~~====~--=-klng of ~yloo (the Nltlctrlst), end he shal l burn It wlthflre. Nld 1 wlll cast thee out, Md thy ncther that berethee, Into another country, whereya were not bcrn; end thereshel l ya die. And 1 wlll del Iver then to be rsnoYedInto allthe klngdansof the e<rth for thelr hlTt, to be a reprOllChanda p-overb, el taunt end a curse, In all placas whlther Ishal I drlve them.--JEREMIAH21:8-10. 22:26. 24:9

f'H) 1 WILLSEN)M Slr!Q{). M FA'o1II' M FESTI-LEN:E. NOl> n&1, TlLL MY BE~lKD fran off the landthat I g8Veunto fhen and to thelr fathers. Therefore proph-esy thou eJgellnstthemall these words, and say unto then, ~Lord shall l"Oér fran 00 hlgh, and utter hls volea fran hlsholy héS>ltatloo; he shall mlghtlly roer uponhls heJbltatloo;he shall glve a srout, eJS they that tread the gr~, eJgalnstal l the InheJbltMts of the elrth. A nolse shat l canaeven tothe endsof the e<rth; ter the Lord hath a cootroYersywlththe natloos. he wlll plead wlth all flesh; he wlll glve themthat are wlcked to the sword, salth the Lord. Thussalth theLord of hosts, Behold, evll shall 00 forth frgn natloo tonatloo. and a sreat whlrlwlnd shall be ralsed up fran thecoasts of the erlh.--JEREMIAH 24:10. 25:30-32.

N{) M $lA1N (F M LCIDSI-Wl.BEATTHA.TDA.Y FR(}I OI'.EEt-V(F M ElRlH EVENUNTOM O~ E~ (F M ElRlH: ~shall not be 11IIIeOtecI,nelther gathered, nor burled; thevshall be dunguponthe g-oundl Nld It shall cana to pass,that the natloo end klng<bn Ittlch wlll not serve the saneNebuc:hadnezzN"the klng of &!byloo (the Mtldlrlst), andthatwi 11 not put thelr neck under the yoke of the klng of &!by-100, that natloo wlll 1 punlsh. salth the Lord. wlth thesword, Md wlffl the fmllne, and wlth the pestllence. untll 1h8Ve cooslJlledthen by hIs hand. Therefore hea"kennot ya toyar prophets, nor to yo..r dlvlners, nor to yo..r dreaners,nor to yo..r enchMters, nor to yoor sorcerers, whlch speakunto you, saylng, Yesha~serve the klng of &!byloo: Forthey prophesya Ile unto you, re rerove you fer fran yourland; and that 1 should drlve you out, Mld ya should per-Ishl--JEREMIAH25:33, 27:8-10.

FOOl}E DA.YIS Nf}R, EVENl}E DA.Y(F l}E LCID IS ~, Aa.QOY DA.Y; IT SHAlLBEM TI~ (F M fEAl1-flU Nld theSlIOrd shall cana uponS9YIrt, end g-eat paln shall be InEthiopla. whenthe slaln -Sfiall fall in Egypt, and they shalltake i!IrIayher multltude, and her foundatloos shall be br"'cken


clown. Ethlopla, andLlbya, andLydlj' and al l the mlngledpeople, and2!!&, and the menof the and that Is In leagueshall fall wlth then by the sword. Thus SeJlththe Lord' ~also that uphold Egypt shall fall; elndthe pride of her' powershall cana clown: fran the tower of Syeneshall they fall InIt by the sword, salth the Lord Qxj.--EZ8<la 30:3-6.

N{) *iEN 1 SHti PUf ME QJT, 1 W1LL WiER M l-EAVEN,N{) tvW<E Tl-ESTAASnm<F!:ffl<¡ 1 WILLWiER l}E S!.NWlru Aa.QO. N{) l}E M.XNSI-Wl.NOTGIYEtER LlM, AII the brlghtIlghts or heavenwlll 1 makedark ovar thee and set darknessuponthy land, salth the Lord Qxj. 1 wlll aiso vex the he!rtsof manypeople, when1 shall brlng thy destructloo mIOOgthenatloos, Into the countrles whlch thou hast not known Vea1 wlll makemanypeople 8MZedat thee. and thelr klngs' shalÍbe horrlbly afrald for thee, when1 shall brandish my swordbefore them; and they shall tranble at every rrrnent everymanfor hls own Ilfe, In the day of thy fall. For t~s SeJlththe Lord Qxj; The sllOrdof the klng of &!byloo shall canaupon thee. By the swordsof the mlghty wlll 1 cause thymultltude to fall, the terrible of the natloos all of thsn'and they shall SfX>11the pa!p of Egypt, and~II the multi':tude thereof shall be destroyed.--EZEI<la 32:7-12.

N{) M I(R) (F M LCIDCA'o1EUNTO~, SAYI~, ~ \F~, SETTHYFKE eGAlNSTcm CANfIQflISTl. M lN{) (F M(RUSSIAl. M OlIEF FRIN:E (F ~Sl-EOl CM'J9:XW)N{) n.&LnCEQ90, andprophesyeJgalnsthlm, AndStIy, ThusSeJlththeL<i"dG:xf; behold, 1 an agalnst thee, OG:>g,the chlef prlnceof MeshechandTlbal: And I wlll tlTn thee back Md puthocks Into thy Ji!IrIS, and I wlll brlng thee forth; and allthlne éW1TIy,horses and horSElllen,el l of then clothed wlth allsorts of annour, Evena great COI1>anywlth bucklers andshlelds, all of then handling swords: Persla, Ethlq>la, and~Ibya wlth them; al l of thsn wlth shleld and helnet: ~Germany), end all hls bands; the houseof TogarTII!Ihn:a30T!

of the north querter's, and all hls bands: andmeJnypeopewlth thee. Be thou prepered, andprepare for thyself thouMld all thy COI1>anythat are assanbledunto thee, and be t~a gUéf"'dunto then. After manydays thou shalt be vi slted· Inthe Iatter yeers thou shaIt cana Into the Iand that· fSbrOUght back fran the sword, and Is gatheredout of manypeople, agalnst the ncuntalns of Israel, whlch have beenalways was1e:but It Is brought forth out of the natloos, and


~----------~~r=~~====~--=-klng of ~yloo (the Nltlctrlst), end he shal l burn It wlthflre. Nld 1 wlll cast thee out, Md thy ncther that berethee, Into another country, whereya were not bcrn; end thereshel l ya die. And 1 wlll del Iver then to be rsnoYedInto allthe klngdansof the e<rth for thelr hlTt, to be a reprOllChanda p-overb, el taunt end a curse, In all placas whlther Ishal I drlve them.--JEREMIAH21:8-10. 22:26. 24:9

f'H) 1 WILLSEN)M Slr!Q{). M FA'o1II' M FESTI-LEN:E. NOl> n&1, TlLL MY BE~lKD fran off the landthat I g8Veunto fhen and to thelr fathers. Therefore proph-esy thou eJgellnstthemall these words, and say unto then, ~Lord shall l"Oér fran 00 hlgh, and utter hls volea fran hlsholy héS>ltatloo; he shall mlghtlly roer uponhls heJbltatloo;he shall glve a srout, eJS they that tread the gr~, eJgalnstal l the InheJbltMts of the elrth. A nolse shat l canaeven tothe endsof the e<rth; ter the Lord hath a cootroYersywlththe natloos. he wlll plead wlth all flesh; he wlll glve themthat are wlcked to the sword, salth the Lord. Thussalth theLord of hosts, Behold, evll shall 00 forth frgn natloo tonatloo. and a sreat whlrlwlnd shall be ralsed up fran thecoasts of the erlh.--JEREMIAH 24:10. 25:30-32.

N{) M $lA1N (F M LCIDSI-Wl.BEATTHA.TDA.Y FR(}I OI'.EEt-V(F M ElRlH EVENUNTOM O~ E~ (F M ElRlH: ~shall not be 11IIIeOtecI,nelther gathered, nor burled; thevshall be dunguponthe g-oundl Nld It shall cana to pass,that the natloo end klng<bn Ittlch wlll not serve the saneNebuc:hadnezzN"the klng of &!byloo (the Mtldlrlst), andthatwi 11 not put thelr neck under the yoke of the klng of &!by-100, that natloo wlll 1 punlsh. salth the Lord. wlth thesword, Md wlffl the fmllne, and wlth the pestllence. untll 1h8Ve cooslJlledthen by hIs hand. Therefore hea"kennot ya toyar prophets, nor to yo..r dlvlners, nor to yo..r dreaners,nor to yo..r enchMters, nor to yoor sorcerers, whlch speakunto you, saylng, Yesha~serve the klng of &!byloo: Forthey prophesya Ile unto you, re rerove you fer fran yourland; and that 1 should drlve you out, Mld ya should per-Ishl--JEREMIAH25:33, 27:8-10.

FOOl}E DA.YIS Nf}R, EVENl}E DA.Y(F l}E LCID IS ~, Aa.QOY DA.Y; IT SHAlLBEM TI~ (F M fEAl1-flU Nld theSlIOrd shall cana uponS9YIrt, end g-eat paln shall be InEthiopla. whenthe slaln -Sfiall fall in Egypt, and they shalltake i!IrIayher multltude, and her foundatloos shall be br"'cken


clown. Ethlopla, andLlbya, andLydlj' and al l the mlngledpeople, and2!!&, and the menof the and that Is In leagueshall fall wlth then by the sword. Thus SeJlththe Lord' ~also that uphold Egypt shall fall; elndthe pride of her' powershall cana clown: fran the tower of Syeneshall they fall InIt by the sword, salth the Lord Qxj.--EZ8<la 30:3-6.

N{) *iEN 1 SHti PUf ME QJT, 1 W1LL WiER M l-EAVEN,N{) tvW<E Tl-ESTAASnm<F!:ffl<¡ 1 WILLWiER l}E S!.NWlru Aa.QO. N{) l}E M.XNSI-Wl.NOTGIYEtER LlM, AII the brlghtIlghts or heavenwlll 1 makedark ovar thee and set darknessuponthy land, salth the Lord Qxj. 1 wlll aiso vex the he!rtsof manypeople, when1 shall brlng thy destructloo mIOOgthenatloos, Into the countrles whlch thou hast not known Vea1 wlll makemanypeople 8MZedat thee. and thelr klngs' shalÍbe horrlbly afrald for thee, when1 shall brandish my swordbefore them; and they shall tranble at every rrrnent everymanfor hls own Ilfe, In the day of thy fall. For t~s SeJlththe Lord Qxj; The sllOrdof the klng of &!byloo shall canaupon thee. By the swordsof the mlghty wlll 1 cause thymultltude to fall, the terrible of the natloos all of thsn'and they shall SfX>11the pa!p of Egypt, and~II the multi':tude thereof shall be destroyed.--EZEI<la 32:7-12.

N{) M I(R) (F M LCIDCA'o1EUNTO~, SAYI~, ~ \F~, SETTHYFKE eGAlNSTcm CANfIQflISTl. M lN{) (F M(RUSSIAl. M OlIEF FRIN:E (F ~Sl-EOl CM'J9:XW)N{) n.&LnCEQ90, andprophesyeJgalnsthlm, AndStIy, ThusSeJlththeL<i"dG:xf; behold, 1 an agalnst thee, OG:>g,the chlef prlnceof MeshechandTlbal: And I wlll tlTn thee back Md puthocks Into thy Ji!IrIS, and I wlll brlng thee forth; and allthlne éW1TIy,horses and horSElllen,el l of then clothed wlth allsorts of annour, Evena great COI1>anywlth bucklers andshlelds, all of then handling swords: Persla, Ethlq>la, and~Ibya wlth them; al l of thsn wlth shleld and helnet: ~Germany), end all hls bands; the houseof TogarTII!Ihn:a30T!

of the north querter's, and all hls bands: andmeJnypeopewlth thee. Be thou prepered, andprepare for thyself thouMld all thy COI1>anythat are assanbledunto thee, and be t~a gUéf"'dunto then. After manydays thou shalt be vi slted· Inthe Iatter yeers thou shaIt cana Into the Iand that· fSbrOUght back fran the sword, and Is gatheredout of manypeople, agalnst the ncuntalns of Israel, whlch have beenalways was1e:but It Is brought forth out of the natloos, and


hey shall dwell safely all of tha'n.--EZEKIEL38:1-8.nPJ sHeU AS(&t-l) At{) C(}:ELI!<EA ST<ffl. nw SfW..T BE

I!<EA Q..<W TO OOIERni: lAt{). 1lO.1. At{) ,6U TIf( BH{)S. Nf)Wfi Ff<B.E WllH nEE.. Thus salth the Lord~; t+ shel l also:are to ass that at the sara tlne shall thlngs cana Intofhy mlrl ~d thOu shel+ thl!i( an evll thOug¡t: And thOu,halt sav: 1 wlil QOUoto the land 01 unwalled vill~; 1~i11 gJ to tha'n +ne+era at rest, thllt dwell sa1ely, a 1 01tha'n dwalllng wlthOut walls, and havlng nelther bars ncrgates, To take a spoll, and to take a prey; to tlJ"'n thlnehand uponthe desolate 01ac:esthat era 0Qi Inhabltad, andupon the people that era gathered out 01 the natlons (Jews),whlch h1W6gotten cattle and goods, +ne+dwell In the mldst01 the land. shebaand [)edan (fCabla), and the fII9I"~ts ofTM"shlsh (lrltaln) wlth ail the young lions thereOf (IJ& &eamonwaalth?) sh~11s~ unto thee, kt thOu cana to td<.ea§I12!l? hast thOu gathered thy COTllanyto td<.e a prey? toc¡yry ""ay sllwr and gJld, to td<.e tJIIaycattle and goods, totake a g-eat spoll? Ther'efcre, son of IMn, prq>hesyand savunto ~, thus salth the Lord~; In +ne+ day whenmypeopleof Israel dwalleth safely, shel+ thOu not know It?-;:zEKIEL38:~14.Af{) naJ SfW..T (X}o'E FR()\TIf( PI..A(l:cm CF H tOmiPNUS. nOJ. Nf) MW( PECPLEWllH ne.:. ,6U CF 11&1RIDIr-t3lFOO tQ3SES: A CREA! COfANY. Nf) A MjGfIY /ffl'{' Ni) TIQJSH.6U CXMELP N.3A1NSTMYPECPLECF 1SRftEL, as a el oud tooover the land; It shall be In the latter davs, and 1 wlllbrlng thee agalnst my land, +ne+the heatnen lMy know ne,when1 shall be sanctlfled In thee, O ~g, before thelr ayas.Thus salth the Lord~; N"t thOu he of whcrnI have spc!senIn01d tlrre by rfJ(SS"vants the prq>hets of 1sraol whIch prq>h&-sled In +rose d~s IMny yeM"S+ne+ I would brlng thee agalnstthem? And It shal~e lo pass e+ the sere tlne when G:?9.shall cana ~alnst land of Israel. salth the Lord ~,fhaf my flJ"'y shall cana up In my faca. For in myjealousy andIn the flre of mywrath neve 1 spd<.en,--EZEKIEL38:15-19a.

SLRE!..Y IN MT OOY J"l-E@; SIfU BEA ffiEAT Sl{6KIr-t3IN TI!.lAt{) CF ISRAEL; So +ne+the flshes of the sea, and the fowlsof the heaven, and the beesrs of the fleld, and all creeplngthlngs that creep uponthe erlh, and all the nen that areuponthe faca of the eM"th, shall shake at my presence, andthe rrountaIns sha11 be ttrown down, and the steep P1aoes


shall fall, and evrry wa11 shall fall to the g-ound And 1wI 11 ea11 ter a sword agaInst h1mttroughout a11 my' rrouni'-alns, salth the Lord ~: every IMn's sword shall be agalnstbis brother. And I wl II plead agalnst hlm wlth pestlleneaan~ wlth bloOO;and 1 wlll raln upon hlm, and upon hls bandsan uponthe manypeople that era wlth hlm an overflowlngraln, and ~ hallstones. f lre. and brlmstonel Thus wll I 1magnlfy myset; and sanctlfy rfJ(sett; and 1 wlll be kllOWlInthe ayas of manynatlons, and they shall knowthllt 1 511 theLord.-€ZEKIEL 38:1~23.

Af{) H PE<R..ECF ni: ffil~ (rrE ANTIOflISn rna.TSI-W..LOO:E SWU ~SOOY ni: CITYANOrrE SNCTlJARY. and the endthereof shall be wlth a floOO, and unto the ~d of the wardesolatlons M"e de1ennlned.~IEL 9:26.

Ni) tE StW..l. Sr¡R LP HIS f'QffR Ni) HIS CXlWg IGAINSTH KlrG CF rrE SOOTHWITHA ffiEATNMf; and the klng of thesouth sbal l be stlrred up to battle wlth a very great andmlghty anny; but he shall not stand: for they shllll fa-ecast~ agalnst hlm. Vea, they that feed of the portlon ofhls neat shall destroy hlm, and hls armyshall overflow' andmany shall fal l ' downsI eln, And both of these klngs' ~ssha11 be to do mischIef , and they sha11 speak Ii es at onetable; but It shel l not prosper: for yet the end shall be e+the tlne appolntad.-{)6.NIEL 11:25-27.

Af{) AT H T/~ CF T!-EENOSI-W.LT!-EKlrG CF T!-E SOOTHF'USHAT HIM: ltD ni: KlrG CF T!-ENCRlHStW..l. (X}o'E IGAINSTHIML1~ A I+1IRLWINO,wlth chM"lots, and wlth horsanen, and wlthmanyshlps; and he shall enter Into the countrles, and shalloverflow end pass overo He shall enter also Into the glorlousland <lsrae/), and IMny countrles shall be overtIrown' butthese shel l escapeout of hls hand, even Edan, and ~, andthe chlef (Klng) of the chl Ia-en of ,Amron (Jordan). He shet tstnm::h forth hls handalso uponthe countrles: and the landof Egypt shllll not escq?6. But he shel l hllVepowerover thetr9llSITes of gJld and of si Iver, and over all the preclousthlngs of Egypt: and the L1byansMd the Ethlcplans shall beot hls s1eps. But tldlngs out of the east and out of thenorth shall troble hlm: therefore he shall gJ forth wlthg'9IIt flJ"'y to destroy, and utter 1y to llI!II<e tJIIay1Mny.And he¡hall olant the tabernacles of hls oall!lC9bEJhjeenthe seas1ñtti8 glorlous holy IlDUnteln; yet he shall cane to hls end andnooe shllll help hlm.~IEL 11:40-45. '


hey shall dwell safely all of tha'n.--EZEKIEL38:1-8.nPJ sHeU AS(&t-l) At{) C(}:ELI!<EA ST<ffl. nw SfW..T BE

I!<EA Q..<W TO OOIERni: lAt{). 1lO.1. At{) ,6U TIf( BH{)S. Nf)Wfi Ff<B.E WllH nEE.. Thus salth the Lord~; t+ shel l also:are to ass that at the sara tlne shall thlngs cana Intofhy mlrl ~d thOu shel+ thl!i( an evll thOug¡t: And thOu,halt sav: 1 wlil QOUoto the land 01 unwalled vill~; 1~i11 gJ to tha'n +ne+era at rest, thllt dwell sa1ely, a 1 01tha'n dwalllng wlthOut walls, and havlng nelther bars ncrgates, To take a spoll, and to take a prey; to tlJ"'n thlnehand uponthe desolate 01ac:esthat era 0Qi Inhabltad, andupon the people that era gathered out 01 the natlons (Jews),whlch h1W6gotten cattle and goods, +ne+dwell In the mldst01 the land. shebaand [)edan (fCabla), and the fII9I"~ts ofTM"shlsh (lrltaln) wlth ail the young lions thereOf (IJ& &eamonwaalth?) sh~11s~ unto thee, kt thOu cana to td<.ea§I12!l? hast thOu gathered thy COTllanyto td<.e a prey? toc¡yry ""ay sllwr and gJld, to td<.e tJIIaycattle and goods, totake a g-eat spoll? Ther'efcre, son of IMn, prq>hesyand savunto ~, thus salth the Lord~; In +ne+ day whenmypeopleof Israel dwalleth safely, shel+ thOu not know It?-;:zEKIEL38:~14.Af{) naJ SfW..T (X}o'E FR()\TIf( PI..A(l:cm CF H tOmiPNUS. nOJ. Nf) MW( PECPLEWllH ne.:. ,6U CF 11&1RIDIr-t3lFOO tQ3SES: A CREA! COfANY. Nf) A MjGfIY /ffl'{' Ni) TIQJSH.6U CXMELP N.3A1NSTMYPECPLECF 1SRftEL, as a el oud tooover the land; It shall be In the latter davs, and 1 wlllbrlng thee agalnst my land, +ne+the heatnen lMy know ne,when1 shall be sanctlfled In thee, O ~g, before thelr ayas.Thus salth the Lord~; N"t thOu he of whcrnI have spc!senIn01d tlrre by rfJ(SS"vants the prq>hets of 1sraol whIch prq>h&-sled In +rose d~s IMny yeM"S+ne+ I would brlng thee agalnstthem? And It shal~e lo pass e+ the sere tlne when G:?9.shall cana ~alnst land of Israel. salth the Lord ~,fhaf my flJ"'y shall cana up In my faca. For in myjealousy andIn the flre of mywrath neve 1 spd<.en,--EZEKIEL38:15-19a.

SLRE!..Y IN MT OOY J"l-E@; SIfU BEA ffiEAT Sl{6KIr-t3IN TI!.lAt{) CF ISRAEL; So +ne+the flshes of the sea, and the fowlsof the heaven, and the beesrs of the fleld, and all creeplngthlngs that creep uponthe erlh, and all the nen that areuponthe faca of the eM"th, shall shake at my presence, andthe rrountaIns sha11 be ttrown down, and the steep P1aoes


shall fall, and evrry wa11 shall fall to the g-ound And 1wI 11 ea11 ter a sword agaInst h1mttroughout a11 my' rrouni'-alns, salth the Lord ~: every IMn's sword shall be agalnstbis brother. And I wl II plead agalnst hlm wlth pestlleneaan~ wlth bloOO;and 1 wlll raln upon hlm, and upon hls bandsan uponthe manypeople that era wlth hlm an overflowlngraln, and ~ hallstones. f lre. and brlmstonel Thus wll I 1magnlfy myset; and sanctlfy rfJ(sett; and 1 wlll be kllOWlInthe ayas of manynatlons, and they shall knowthllt 1 511 theLord.-€ZEKIEL 38:1~23.

Af{) H PE<R..ECF ni: ffil~ (rrE ANTIOflISn rna.TSI-W..LOO:E SWU ~SOOY ni: CITYANOrrE SNCTlJARY. and the endthereof shall be wlth a floOO, and unto the ~d of the wardesolatlons M"e de1ennlned.~IEL 9:26.

Ni) tE StW..l. Sr¡R LP HIS f'QffR Ni) HIS CXlWg IGAINSTH KlrG CF rrE SOOTHWITHA ffiEATNMf; and the klng of thesouth sbal l be stlrred up to battle wlth a very great andmlghty anny; but he shall not stand: for they shllll fa-ecast~ agalnst hlm. Vea, they that feed of the portlon ofhls neat shall destroy hlm, and hls armyshall overflow' andmany shall fal l ' downsI eln, And both of these klngs' ~ssha11 be to do mischIef , and they sha11 speak Ii es at onetable; but It shel l not prosper: for yet the end shall be e+the tlne appolntad.-{)6.NIEL 11:25-27.

Af{) AT H T/~ CF T!-EENOSI-W.LT!-EKlrG CF T!-E SOOTHF'USHAT HIM: ltD ni: KlrG CF T!-ENCRlHStW..l. (X}o'E IGAINSTHIML1~ A I+1IRLWINO,wlth chM"lots, and wlth horsanen, and wlthmanyshlps; and he shall enter Into the countrles, and shalloverflow end pass overo He shall enter also Into the glorlousland <lsrae/), and IMny countrles shall be overtIrown' butthese shel l escapeout of hls hand, even Edan, and ~, andthe chlef (Klng) of the chl Ia-en of ,Amron (Jordan). He shet tstnm::h forth hls handalso uponthe countrles: and the landof Egypt shllll not escq?6. But he shel l hllVepowerover thetr9llSITes of gJld and of si Iver, and over all the preclousthlngs of Egypt: and the L1byansMd the Ethlcplans shall beot hls s1eps. But tldlngs out of the east and out of thenorth shall troble hlm: therefore he shall gJ forth wlthg'9IIt flJ"'y to destroy, and utter 1y to llI!II<e tJIIay1Mny.And he¡hall olant the tabernacles of hls oall!lC9bEJhjeenthe seas1ñtti8 glorlous holy IlDUnteln; yet he shall cane to hls end andnooe shllll help hlm.~IEL 11:40-45. '


NfJ I 'tiIU- SI-EWWJta:RSIN M l-EAVENSNfJ IN M EAAll-I,8LCXD. NfJ FIRE. NfJ PILLAAS(F 5M)<E. The sun shel l bettrned Into dcrkness, and the rooonloto blood, before thegreet Md terrible day of the Lord cane.-Joel 2:30-31.

FCR I 'tI1U-GA.11-ER N..L NATICl'6,tG6.INSTJERUSILEMTO MT-lLE. I!IOdthe clty shall be taken, and the housesrlfled, and~ wanenravlshed¡ and half of the e1ty shall go forth lotocaptlvlty, and the resldue of the people shall not be QJtoff fran the c1ty.-ZECWRINi 14:2.

NfJ Wtil ~ SI-W..L SEEJERl&LEMCCJ.PASSED'tIlll-I m-lIES,nel KN()ilH6.TM OE~TICN ~(F IS NI~. For these bethe days of vengeance, that al l thlngs whlch are wrltten maybe fui f Illed. &Jt woeunto than that are wlth chl ld, and tothan that glve suck, In +tose daysl fa" there shall be greatdlstress In the land, and wrath uponthls people. Andtheyshall fall by the edgeof the slO"'d, and shall be led tJtIaycaptlve Into all natlons: 5'ld Jerusalernshall be trodden clownof the Gentiles, untll the times of the Gentiles be fui f 111-ed.--LUKE21:20,22-24.

EW3YLCNM ffiEAT IS F..u.EN, (NewYork, USA& West1) Isfallen, and Is becx:methe habltatlon of deYlls, and the holdof ~ery foul splrlt, and a cageof ~ery unclean end hatefulblrd. For all natlons havea-unk of the wlne of the wrath ofher fa-nlcatlon, and the klngs of the earth have carml11edfornlcatlon wlth her, and the merchantsof the earth arewaxed rlch through the abundanceof her dellOlCles. And Iheard another volea fran heaven, saylng, cpne out of her. mypecple. that ya be not prtakers of her slns. and that yareceIve not of her PI~ues. For her si ns have reached untoheaven, and~ hath r lElI!ber ed her Inlqultles. Reward hereven as she rewardedyou, and double unto her dcuble ac::cord-Ing to her works: In the QJPwhlch she hath fllled flll toher dcuble. I-bwnu:h she hath gla-Ifled herself, and 11veddellclously, so t and scrrow glve her: for shesalth In her , I slt a queen, and en no wldow, and shallsea no sorrow. / efore sha11 her I ues cane 1n one ,death. and ITQJ!"nlng. and fanlne; and she shall be utter ybICnedwlth flre: fa- strong Is the Lord ~ whoJudgeth her.And the klngs of the earth, whohavecarml11ed fornlcatlonand I Ived dellclously wlth her, shall bewall her, and lmentfa- her, whenthey shall sea the S/ld(eof her burnlng. stand-Ing afar off fa- the fetr of her torment, saylng, Alas, alas


that great clty Babylon, that mlghty cltyl for lD one hour Isthy judgTellt cane. Andthe merchantsof the erth shall weepand ITQJ!"novar her¡ fa- no manbuyath thelr merchandlse anyrroe: The merchandlse 01 gold, and sll\e"', and preclousstones, and of pea"'ls, and flne I Ineo, and purple, and sllk,and scarlet, and all thylne wood, Md all manrxr vessels ofiva-y, and all mannervessels of roostpreclous wood' andotbress, end Iron, and marble, Ande1nnanon,and odours, andolntnents, and frank Incense, end wlne, and011, and f lnef loor, and lrttleat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, andcharlots, and slaves. and seuls of men.Andthe frults +he+thy seuI Iusted after are departed fran thee, and aII th Ingswhlchwere dalnty and goodly are departed fran thee, and thoushalt flnd than no moreat all. !he merchants of thesethlngs. whlch weremaderlch by her. shall stand afar off fa-the fetr of her torment. weeplngand IIfIll1ng, And saylng,Alas, alas that great clty, that wasclothed In flne 1Ineo,and purple, end scarlet, and dec:kedwlth gold, and preclousstones, and pearlsl For In one ho!r so cceat rlches Is ooneto nought. And ~ery shlpmaster, and el l the ~any Inshlps. and salla-s. and as manyas trade by sea. stood afaroff. Andcrled lrttIenthey StJtIthe S/ld(eof her burnlng. say-Ing, W'lat clty Is Ilke unto thls great cltyl Ñld they ces+dust on thelr heads, and crled, weeplngand IIfIl1lng, saylng,Alas, alas that great clty, whereln weremadarlch all thathad shlps In the sea by reason of her costllnessl fa- In onebgr Is she madadesolate. ReJoleac:NrM" her, thou heaven,andye holy apostles and prq>hetS¡ fa- ~ hath avenged'PU onher. And a mlghty angel ~ up a stone IIke a great mlll-tone, and cast It Into the sea, saylng, Thuswlth vlolence

ilha I I that g-eat el ty BabyIon be tl'lrol«l clown, and shaI1 befound no moreat al í , Andthe volea of harpers, and nv.r-slclans, andof plpers, end tr~s, shall be heard nolIO"e at all In thee¡ and no craftsmen, of what~er craft hebe, shel l be found any more In thee¡ end the seundof a mlll-stone shall be heard no moreat all In thee¡ Andthe Ilght ofe candle shall shlne no moreat el l In thee¡ end the volea ofthe brldegrocm and of the brlde shall be heard no moreat allIn thee: for thy merchantswere the g=eat menof the earth¡for by thy sorcerles were all natlons decelved. And In herGS found the blood of prq>hets. and of salnts, andof el lthat were slaln uponthe earth.~EVELATlCN 18:2-24.


NfJ I 'tiIU- SI-EWWJta:RSIN M l-EAVENSNfJ IN M EAAll-I,8LCXD. NfJ FIRE. NfJ PILLAAS(F 5M)<E. The sun shel l bettrned Into dcrkness, and the rooonloto blood, before thegreet Md terrible day of the Lord cane.-Joel 2:30-31.

FCR I 'tI1U-GA.11-ER N..L NATICl'6,tG6.INSTJERUSILEMTO MT-lLE. I!IOdthe clty shall be taken, and the housesrlfled, and~ wanenravlshed¡ and half of the e1ty shall go forth lotocaptlvlty, and the resldue of the people shall not be QJtoff fran the c1ty.-ZECWRINi 14:2.

NfJ Wtil ~ SI-W..L SEEJERl&LEMCCJ.PASSED'tIlll-I m-lIES,nel KN()ilH6.TM OE~TICN ~(F IS NI~. For these bethe days of vengeance, that al l thlngs whlch are wrltten maybe fui f Illed. &Jt woeunto than that are wlth chl ld, and tothan that glve suck, In +tose daysl fa" there shall be greatdlstress In the land, and wrath uponthls people. Andtheyshall fall by the edgeof the slO"'d, and shall be led tJtIaycaptlve Into all natlons: 5'ld Jerusalernshall be trodden clownof the Gentiles, untll the times of the Gentiles be fui f 111-ed.--LUKE21:20,22-24.

EW3YLCNM ffiEAT IS F..u.EN, (NewYork, USA& West1) Isfallen, and Is becx:methe habltatlon of deYlls, and the holdof ~ery foul splrlt, and a cageof ~ery unclean end hatefulblrd. For all natlons havea-unk of the wlne of the wrath ofher fa-nlcatlon, and the klngs of the earth have carml11edfornlcatlon wlth her, and the merchantsof the earth arewaxed rlch through the abundanceof her dellOlCles. And Iheard another volea fran heaven, saylng, cpne out of her. mypecple. that ya be not prtakers of her slns. and that yareceIve not of her PI~ues. For her si ns have reached untoheaven, and~ hath r lElI!ber ed her Inlqultles. Reward hereven as she rewardedyou, and double unto her dcuble ac::cord-Ing to her works: In the QJPwhlch she hath fllled flll toher dcuble. I-bwnu:h she hath gla-Ifled herself, and 11veddellclously, so t and scrrow glve her: for shesalth In her , I slt a queen, and en no wldow, and shallsea no sorrow. / efore sha11 her I ues cane 1n one ,death. and ITQJ!"nlng. and fanlne; and she shall be utter ybICnedwlth flre: fa- strong Is the Lord ~ whoJudgeth her.And the klngs of the earth, whohavecarml11ed fornlcatlonand I Ived dellclously wlth her, shall bewall her, and lmentfa- her, whenthey shall sea the S/ld(eof her burnlng. stand-Ing afar off fa- the fetr of her torment, saylng, Alas, alas


that great clty Babylon, that mlghty cltyl for lD one hour Isthy judgTellt cane. Andthe merchantsof the erth shall weepand ITQJ!"novar her¡ fa- no manbuyath thelr merchandlse anyrroe: The merchandlse 01 gold, and sll\e"', and preclousstones, and of pea"'ls, and flne I Ineo, and purple, and sllk,and scarlet, and all thylne wood, Md all manrxr vessels ofiva-y, and all mannervessels of roostpreclous wood' andotbress, end Iron, and marble, Ande1nnanon,and odours, andolntnents, and frank Incense, end wlne, and011, and f lnef loor, and lrttleat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, andcharlots, and slaves. and seuls of men.Andthe frults +he+thy seuI Iusted after are departed fran thee, and aII th Ingswhlchwere dalnty and goodly are departed fran thee, and thoushalt flnd than no moreat all. !he merchants of thesethlngs. whlch weremaderlch by her. shall stand afar off fa-the fetr of her torment. weeplngand IIfIll1ng, And saylng,Alas, alas that great clty, that wasclothed In flne 1Ineo,and purple, end scarlet, and dec:kedwlth gold, and preclousstones, and pearlsl For In one ho!r so cceat rlches Is ooneto nought. And ~ery shlpmaster, and el l the ~any Inshlps. and salla-s. and as manyas trade by sea. stood afaroff. Andcrled lrttIenthey StJtIthe S/ld(eof her burnlng. say-Ing, W'lat clty Is Ilke unto thls great cltyl Ñld they ces+dust on thelr heads, and crled, weeplngand IIfIl1lng, saylng,Alas, alas that great clty, whereln weremadarlch all thathad shlps In the sea by reason of her costllnessl fa- In onebgr Is she madadesolate. ReJoleac:NrM" her, thou heaven,andye holy apostles and prq>hetS¡ fa- ~ hath avenged'PU onher. And a mlghty angel ~ up a stone IIke a great mlll-tone, and cast It Into the sea, saylng, Thuswlth vlolence

ilha I I that g-eat el ty BabyIon be tl'lrol«l clown, and shaI1 befound no moreat al í , Andthe volea of harpers, and nv.r-slclans, andof plpers, end tr~s, shall be heard nolIO"e at all In thee¡ and no craftsmen, of what~er craft hebe, shel l be found any more In thee¡ end the seundof a mlll-stone shall be heard no moreat all In thee¡ Andthe Ilght ofe candle shall shlne no moreat el l In thee¡ end the volea ofthe brldegrocm and of the brlde shall be heard no moreat allIn thee: for thy merchantswere the g=eat menof the earth¡for by thy sorcerles were all natlons decelved. And In herGS found the blood of prq>hets. and of salnts, andof el lthat were slaln uponthe earth.~EVELATlCN 18:2-24.



70 THE SECaNO CaMING aF JESUS!QR G(l) S!-W..L CCME,and shall not k~ sllenoe: a flre

shall devOlTbefore hlm, and It shall be very tempestuousromd about hlm. He shall call to the heavensfran eoove, andto the e<rth, that he mayjudge hls people. Gather rnysalntstogetber unto Re¡ those that have madea c:ovenantwlth Re bysacrifica. And the heavensshall declare hls rlghteousness:for God Is judge hlmself. Selah.~!i.M 50:~.

lliY !VD M:N stWJ. L IVEo TaDlfR W1m MY [)EtD OO)YstW..LMY ARISE., Awakeand slng, ya that die I I In dust: for thydew Is as the dewof herbs, and the e<rth shall cast ort thedead. Calle. rnypeg:>le. enter thOJ Into thy chanbers, and shutthy ÓXlrs about thee: hlde thyself as It were for a Ilttlem::nant, untll the Indlgnatlon be oyerpast.-ISAINl 26:19-20.

$AY VETOn-E DAUGiTER CF ZI(}lo 88Q,D. M seLVATICtlCCMETH;BElU.Do HIS REWAf{)IS WIIH HIM. and hls work beforehlm. And they shall cal I them, !he holy people, !he redeErnedof the Lord: éYldthOJ shalt be callad, Soughtce+, A clty notforsd(en.-ISAIAH 62:11b-12.


Fffi AS n-E L IGfTNII'X>CXJ.'ETH OOTCF n-E EAST. AN) SHI~EYEN lJ'ffi) n-E \tEST; SOSI{6U ALSOn-E CCMII'X>CF n-E $CtJg:~. For wheresoeverthe carease <Bodyof Chrlst) ls,there wlll the eagles <Saved)be gathered toget"her. Imned1-atel y after the trlbul atlon of those days shall the sun bedérkened, and the rroonshall not glve her Ilght, and thestars shall fall fren heaven, and the powersof the heavensshall be shd(en: And then shall swea: the slgn of the Sonoflllan In heaven: and then shall all the trlbes 01 the earthrrnrn, and thev shall sea the Son01 man canlng In thecloods 01 heavenwlth power and g-eat glcry. And he shallsend hls angels wlth a great sound01 a~, and theyshall gather toQe11lEr hls elect 1ren the fOlT wlnds, 1renone endo1 heavento the other. Then shall two be In thefleld¡ the one shall be taken, and the other left. Twowanenshet l be g-Indlng at the mlll¡ the one shall be taken, andthe other left. Watchtherefore: for ya knownot what houryo.r Lord doth cx:JTe.But knowth Is, that I f the gc:od'renofthe househad knownIn what watch the thlef would core, he



70 THE SECaNO CaMING aF JESUS!QR G(l) S!-W..L CCME,and shall not k~ sllenoe: a flre

shall devOlTbefore hlm, and It shall be very tempestuousromd about hlm. He shall call to the heavensfran eoove, andto the e<rth, that he mayjudge hls people. Gather rnysalntstogetber unto Re¡ those that have madea c:ovenantwlth Re bysacrifica. And the heavensshall declare hls rlghteousness:for God Is judge hlmself. Selah.~!i.M 50:~.

lliY !VD M:N stWJ. L IVEo TaDlfR W1m MY [)EtD OO)YstW..LMY ARISE., Awakeand slng, ya that die I I In dust: for thydew Is as the dewof herbs, and the e<rth shall cast ort thedead. Calle. rnypeg:>le. enter thOJ Into thy chanbers, and shutthy ÓXlrs about thee: hlde thyself as It were for a Ilttlem::nant, untll the Indlgnatlon be oyerpast.-ISAINl 26:19-20.

$AY VETOn-E DAUGiTER CF ZI(}lo 88Q,D. M seLVATICtlCCMETH;BElU.Do HIS REWAf{)IS WIIH HIM. and hls work beforehlm. And they shall cal I them, !he holy people, !he redeErnedof the Lord: éYldthOJ shalt be callad, Soughtce+, A clty notforsd(en.-ISAIAH 62:11b-12.


Fffi AS n-E L IGfTNII'X>CXJ.'ETH OOTCF n-E EAST. AN) SHI~EYEN lJ'ffi) n-E \tEST; SOSI{6U ALSOn-E CCMII'X>CF n-E $CtJg:~. For wheresoeverthe carease <Bodyof Chrlst) ls,there wlll the eagles <Saved)be gathered toget"her. Imned1-atel y after the trlbul atlon of those days shall the sun bedérkened, and the rroonshall not glve her Ilght, and thestars shall fall fren heaven, and the powersof the heavensshall be shd(en: And then shall swea: the slgn of the Sonoflllan In heaven: and then shall all the trlbes 01 the earthrrnrn, and thev shall sea the Son01 man canlng In thecloods 01 heavenwlth power and g-eat glcry. And he shallsend hls angels wlth a great sound01 a~, and theyshall gather toQe11lEr hls elect 1ren the fOlT wlnds, 1renone endo1 heavento the other. Then shall two be In thefleld¡ the one shall be taken, and the other left. Twowanenshet l be g-Indlng at the mlll¡ the one shall be taken, andthe other left. Watchtherefore: for ya knownot what houryo.r Lord doth cx:JTe.But knowth Is, that I f the gc:od'renofthe househad knownIn what watch the thlef would core, he


would neve watched, end would not heve suffered hls house tobe brd<.enup. Therefare be ve also re!!dv: far In such an hotras ye thlnk not the Sonof mancanath. lrtt10 then Is a falthfuland w1se servant, whanh1s 1ard hath maderu 1er Oler h1shousehold to glve thern rreat In due season? Blessed Is rne+servant ' whan h1s Iard lItlen he o::methshaI I f 1nd so do1ng.Verlly i say unto you, That he shall makehlm ruler c:Nerallhls ~. But and If +ne+evll servant shall say In hlsheart My lard delayeth hls canlng¡ And shall begln to smltehls fellowservants, and to eat and <i"lnk wlth the drunken¡The lard of that S§!"vant shall cgne In a day whenhe lCJd(ethnot far h1m, and 1n an hotr +het he 1s not aware of, Andshall cut hlm asunder, and appolnt hlm hls portloo wlth thehypocrltes: there shall be weeplng and gnashlng of teeth.-MATTHEW24:27-31,40-51.

BllT IN noSE DAYS. Af!ER JW,T ffiIBllATIClI, the sun shel lbe dcrkened, and the ITOOO sha11 not 91ve her I1ght, And thestars of heavenshall fall, and the powers that are 1n heavenshall be shaken. And then shall thev sea the Son of mancanlng In the clMs wlth great powar and glory. And thenshall he send hls angels, and shall gather togErther'hls electfren the fOU'"w1nds, fren the ut1a'"'1oostpart of the e¡rth tothe ut1a'"'1oostpart of heaven. nhe RlIpflre)--wR< 13:24-27.

BE VETtEREFOOERE!QY,6L~: FeR1'I-ESClI(f tfii roE!H ATNi tw3 IttEN VElHlN< I\OT. FeRAS1'I-ELlGHTNIt-G,lHAT LlGIT-Et-.ETli OOT (f 1'I-E<H: PARTLNER tEAVEN. SHI~ UNTQ1'I-EO"MR PART LtaR f-EA~N; ~ SI& ,6LW1'I-ESClI(f tfii BE INHIS DAY. And shal l not God avenge hls own elect, whlch cryday and nlght unto hlm, though he bear loog wlth thern? I tellyou that he wlll avengathern speedlly. Nevertheless whentheSon of mano::meth, shal l he flnd falth 00 the earth? And ~.shall they sea tre Son of mancanlng In a cloud wlth powerand great glory.--LUKE 12:40. 17:24. 18:7-8. 21:27.

VERILY. VERILY. I $AYUNTQYaJ. 1'I-Etw3 IS <Dllt-G. NlJIS IttEN 1'I-EDE!D SH,6Ll~ 1'I-E~ ICE(f 1'I-ESClI(f 00):

1'I-EYTHAT~ SH,6LlLlVE. And thls Is the Father's\tI I IItllch hath sent rre, that of all whIch he hath glven rre Ishoul lose nothlng, but should ralse It uP lIgaln at th!last day. And thls Is the wlll of hlm that sent rre, thatavery 000 whIch seeth the Son, and belleveth 00 h1m,mayhav6.werlastlng I I fe: and 1 wlll ralse hlm l.I> gt the last d~.

mancan cana to rre, except the Father wh1ch hath sent ne388

<i"aw hlm: and 1 wlll ralse hlm l() I!t the last d ~5:25. 6:39-40,44. !!;t.-VE f.EN(f <W..ILEE, IttY ST,AU)VEG6.ZIt-GlP INro ti:AVEN?


tq IF ORIST BEffiElO-ffi THATI-E ROSEFID1 TI-E!VO. !-ni$AY ~ N{N; YaJ THAT~ IS 1\0 RESl.R!ETIClI (f íii~,IO? But If there be no resurrectloo of the dead, then IsChrlst not rlsen: And If Chrlst be not rlsen, then Is OU'"preachlng valn, and your falth Is also valn. Vea, and W9arefound false wltnesses of God¡ becausewe have testlfled ofGod that he ralsed up Chrlst: whanhe ralsed not up, If sobe that the dead rlse noto Far If the dead rlse not, then Isnot Chrlst ralsed: And If Chrlst be not ralsed. 't<?U!" falth Isvaln: . ye are yet In your slns. Then they also whlch arefallen asleep In Chrlst are perlshed. If In thls Ilfe ooly wehave Iqle In Chrlst, we are of all rren rrost miserable. fiJtnow Is Chrlst rlsen fren the dead. and bea:methe flrstfrultsof than that slept. Far slnce by mancana death, by mancaneelso the resurrectloo of the dead. Far as In AdlJllal I die,even so In Chrlst shall all be madeal 1ve. fiJt every I1IIn Inhls own arder: Chrlst the flrstfrults¡ af'hrwerd ttJev tb4tare Chrlst's at hls canlng. fiJt sane manwlll say, ftlw arethe dead ralsed up? and wlth what body do they o::me? Thou1001, that whlch thou SOW9stIs not qulckened, except It die:And that whlch thou SOW9st, thou SOW9stnot that body thatshall be, but bare g-aln, It l1IIy c~ of wheat, ar of saneother g-aln: fiJt God glveth It a body as It hath pleased hlm,and to f?Neryseed hIs own body. Al I f Iesh Is not the SlJlleflesh: but there Is 000 klnd of flash of rren, another fleshOf beasts, anothar of flshes, and another of blrds, Therere also celestial bodles, and bodles terres1rlal: but theglory of the celestial Is 000, and the glory of the terres-frlal Is another. There Is 000 glory of the sun, and anotherglory of the 1IOJIl, and another glory of the stars: far ~ttar dlffereth fren another star In glay. So also Is theC!strrectloo of the dead. It Is sown In OOTuptloo¡ It Isrelsed In Incuruptloo: It Is sown In dlshoncu"¡ It Is ralsedIn~: It Is sown In wellkness¡ It Is ralsed lbov.f: Itls sowna natural body¡ It Is ralsed a splrltual • Therefs a natural body, and there Is a splrltual body. As Is the


would neve watched, end would not heve suffered hls house tobe brd<.enup. Therefare be ve also re!!dv: far In such an hotras ye thlnk not the Sonof mancanath. lrtt10 then Is a falthfuland w1se servant, whanh1s 1ard hath maderu 1er Oler h1shousehold to glve thern rreat In due season? Blessed Is rne+servant ' whan h1s Iard lItlen he o::methshaI I f 1nd so do1ng.Verlly i say unto you, That he shall makehlm ruler c:Nerallhls ~. But and If +ne+evll servant shall say In hlsheart My lard delayeth hls canlng¡ And shall begln to smltehls fellowservants, and to eat and <i"lnk wlth the drunken¡The lard of that S§!"vant shall cgne In a day whenhe lCJd(ethnot far h1m, and 1n an hotr +het he 1s not aware of, Andshall cut hlm asunder, and appolnt hlm hls portloo wlth thehypocrltes: there shall be weeplng and gnashlng of teeth.-MATTHEW24:27-31,40-51.

BllT IN noSE DAYS. Af!ER JW,T ffiIBllATIClI, the sun shel lbe dcrkened, and the ITOOO sha11 not 91ve her I1ght, And thestars of heavenshall fall, and the powers that are 1n heavenshall be shaken. And then shall thev sea the Son of mancanlng In the clMs wlth great powar and glory. And thenshall he send hls angels, and shall gather togErther'hls electfren the fOU'"w1nds, fren the ut1a'"'1oostpart of the e¡rth tothe ut1a'"'1oostpart of heaven. nhe RlIpflre)--wR< 13:24-27.

BE VETtEREFOOERE!QY,6L~: FeR1'I-ESClI(f tfii roE!H ATNi tw3 IttEN VElHlN< I\OT. FeRAS1'I-ELlGHTNIt-G,lHAT LlGIT-Et-.ETli OOT (f 1'I-E<H: PARTLNER tEAVEN. SHI~ UNTQ1'I-EO"MR PART LtaR f-EA~N; ~ SI& ,6LW1'I-ESClI(f tfii BE INHIS DAY. And shal l not God avenge hls own elect, whlch cryday and nlght unto hlm, though he bear loog wlth thern? I tellyou that he wlll avengathern speedlly. Nevertheless whentheSon of mano::meth, shal l he flnd falth 00 the earth? And ~.shall they sea tre Son of mancanlng In a cloud wlth powerand great glory.--LUKE 12:40. 17:24. 18:7-8. 21:27.

VERILY. VERILY. I $AYUNTQYaJ. 1'I-Etw3 IS <Dllt-G. NlJIS IttEN 1'I-EDE!D SH,6Ll~ 1'I-E~ ICE(f 1'I-ESClI(f 00):

1'I-EYTHAT~ SH,6LlLlVE. And thls Is the Father's\tI I IItllch hath sent rre, that of all whIch he hath glven rre Ishoul lose nothlng, but should ralse It uP lIgaln at th!last day. And thls Is the wlll of hlm that sent rre, thatavery 000 whIch seeth the Son, and belleveth 00 h1m,mayhav6.werlastlng I I fe: and 1 wlll ralse hlm l.I> gt the last d~.

mancan cana to rre, except the Father wh1ch hath sent ne388

<i"aw hlm: and 1 wlll ralse hlm l() I!t the last d ~5:25. 6:39-40,44. !!;t.-VE f.EN(f <W..ILEE, IttY ST,AU)VEG6.ZIt-GlP INro ti:AVEN?


tq IF ORIST BEffiElO-ffi THATI-E ROSEFID1 TI-E!VO. !-ni$AY ~ N{N; YaJ THAT~ IS 1\0 RESl.R!ETIClI (f íii~,IO? But If there be no resurrectloo of the dead, then IsChrlst not rlsen: And If Chrlst be not rlsen, then Is OU'"preachlng valn, and your falth Is also valn. Vea, and W9arefound false wltnesses of God¡ becausewe have testlfled ofGod that he ralsed up Chrlst: whanhe ralsed not up, If sobe that the dead rlse noto Far If the dead rlse not, then Isnot Chrlst ralsed: And If Chrlst be not ralsed. 't<?U!" falth Isvaln: . ye are yet In your slns. Then they also whlch arefallen asleep In Chrlst are perlshed. If In thls Ilfe ooly wehave Iqle In Chrlst, we are of all rren rrost miserable. fiJtnow Is Chrlst rlsen fren the dead. and bea:methe flrstfrultsof than that slept. Far slnce by mancana death, by mancaneelso the resurrectloo of the dead. Far as In AdlJllal I die,even so In Chrlst shall all be madeal 1ve. fiJt every I1IIn Inhls own arder: Chrlst the flrstfrults¡ af'hrwerd ttJev tb4tare Chrlst's at hls canlng. fiJt sane manwlll say, ftlw arethe dead ralsed up? and wlth what body do they o::me? Thou1001, that whlch thou SOW9stIs not qulckened, except It die:And that whlch thou SOW9st, thou SOW9stnot that body thatshall be, but bare g-aln, It l1IIy c~ of wheat, ar of saneother g-aln: fiJt God glveth It a body as It hath pleased hlm,and to f?Neryseed hIs own body. Al I f Iesh Is not the SlJlleflesh: but there Is 000 klnd of flash of rren, another fleshOf beasts, anothar of flshes, and another of blrds, Therere also celestial bodles, and bodles terres1rlal: but theglory of the celestial Is 000, and the glory of the terres-frlal Is another. There Is 000 glory of the sun, and anotherglory of the 1IOJIl, and another glory of the stars: far ~ttar dlffereth fren another star In glay. So also Is theC!strrectloo of the dead. It Is sown In OOTuptloo¡ It Isrelsed In Incuruptloo: It Is sown In dlshoncu"¡ It Is ralsedIn~: It Is sown In wellkness¡ It Is ralsed lbov.f: Itls sowna natural body¡ It Is ralsed a splrltual • Therefs a natural body, and there Is a splrltual body. As Is the


earthy, sech ér"'e they aIso that ér"'e earthy: c!lndas 15 theheavenIy soch ér"'e they aIso +he+ ér"'e heaVenIy. And as wehave t:Yd-oethe lmaga01 the elrttly, we shall elso ~ thelmaga01 the heaYenly. I'bt thls I sc!IY, brethren, +ne+ ~and blood cannot Inherlt the klngdan 01 God¡ oelther dothcorruptloo InhErlt Incorruptloo. Behold, I shewyou e mys-tery. Weshall not all sleep, but we shall all be chqnged,In a' IT01afIt. In the twlrkllng 01 an ave. at the last 1rurp:10r the tr!l!])et shc!lll sound. c!lndthe deadshall be ral sedIncorruptible, and weshall be~. For thls corruptiblenlst put 00 Incorruptloo, and thls lOOrtalnlst put 00 Inrnr-~. So whenthls corruptible shal I haveput 00 Incorrup-tloo and thls lOOrtal shall have put 00 Irrm::rtallty, thenshc!lli be broug¡t to pass the saylng that 15wrltten, Death 15sWc!lllowedup In vlcta=y. O death, where 15 thy stlng? Og:-ave, where. 15 thy vlctcry? E1It thanks be to God, whlchglveth us the vlcta=y ttr9J<tJ our Lord Jesus Qhrlst.-lCXRINTHIANS15:12-23,35-44, 48-55,57.

Fffi aR roNERSATI~ IS IN I-EAIlEN¡FID1 lfiEOO:,6LSO~LOO< Fffi TrE SAVlaR. TrE LOO .ESJS a-RIST: \fiO swu.~ aR VILE OCOY.lliA.T IT MA.YBEFASHIa-ffiLI~ UNTOHISGLffiI(liS OCOY. acx:x:rd1ng to the \1IOI"K Ing 'fIherebyhe 15 abIeeven to subc1Jeall thlngs unto hlmself.~ILlFf>IANS 3:20-21.

l+t:N a-RIST. \fiO IS cm LlFE. SIl"LL !fFfffi. nENS!-W.l.. YE,6LSON'ff,AR WllH HIM IN Q.(RY.--<Xl.OSSIANS3:4.

TO TrE 00 tE MA.YSTtB-lSHYaR I-EfflTS LHJ.M:eB...E ltitP-INESS EU<R: 00>. EVENcm FAllfR. ATTrE C01Iti?(f Q.RLOO JESUSa-RIST WITH,6LlHIS SAINTS. But I would not haveyou to be Ignorant, brethren, COIlC8"nlngthan whlch «»esIeep, that ya SCITOW not, even as otila"s whlch have nohope. For 11 we bel leve that Jesus dled and rose agaln, evenso than also whlch sleep In Jesus wl 11Godbrlng wlth hlm.For thls we stlf unto you by the ward 01 the Lord, that wewhlch ér"'e al Ive and ranaln unto the canlng 01 the Lord shel lnot prevent than W¡lch ér"'e c!lsleep. For the Lord hlmsellshc!lll descendfran heaYenwlth c!IsOOut.wlth the volce 01 ~¡rChrnl, liñd wlth ffí9 trlJ1l) 01 God: c!lndthe dead In av-Istshc!llrse flrst: Thenwe whlch ér"'e c!lllve and r8llClln sháTIbe caught up toge!tler wlth than In the cl9Jds, to rreet ~Lord In the alr: Md so shall weever be wlth the Lord.Where10re canfort one c!lnotherwlth these wards. But 01 thetlroos and the seasons, trethren, ya heve no needthat I wrlte


unto you. For yourselves knowperfectly that the d)'a 01 theLord so careth as a thle1 In the nlght (to the Wcr .l Forwhenthey shall say, Peaceand sc!lfety¡ then suddendestruc-tloo coretn uponthan, as traval I upon a wcmanwlth chlld¡end they shal l not escape. But k'2. blethren. D JJSil1 Indrtoess, that that dav sOOuldovertake ~ as I! thlef. Ye¡re all the chllÓ"en 01 IIght, and the ch Id"en 01 the ~:we ér"'e not 01 the nIght, nor 01 drtness. There10re let usnot sleep, as do otherS¡ but let us watch and be ~.-1TrES5.6L~IANS3: 13. 4: 13-18. 5: H>.

TI-lAT llOJ ~EP IHIS ~ wtnOJI g;>QT. UtftW<-AB..E,LNTILTrE N'fE,ARIti?CFaR LOO JESJSqRISI: ~lch Inhls tlroos he shall shew, who 15 the blessed and ooly Poten-tata, the Klng 01 klngs, IInd Lord 01 lordsl-l TI~lHY 6:14-15.


NI) t:W. LlTTLEOiILOOEN.ABI~ IN HIM¡ lliA.T. lfiEN tESH.AlL N'ff,AR. r.E MA.YHAllEWlcea:. NI) t-m EE ASI-WJEDEEF<R:HIMAT HIS !XMltY.-l .K>ttl 2:28.

8EI-O.D. tE roETtI WllH u'a.DS¡ NI) EVERYEYESH.AlLSEEHIM, and they also whlch plerced hlm: and all kln<Teds 01 theearth shall wa1I because01 h1m. Evenso, Men. Bu+ 1n ffí9davs of the volce 01 the sevenfh angel, whEiñhe shall beglnto sound (the Last Trllll>'"'"l OY.15:52, nhes.4: 16), ~tery 01 GodsOOuldbe 11nlshed (the li"lde), as he hath 00-cléred to hls servants the prq,hets. And the seventh angelS9Jnded¡ and there were g"eI!t volces In he!wen, Stlflng, Theklng<hns 01 thls warld ér"'e beoonethe klngdans 01 our Lord,IInd 01 hls av-Ist¡ and he shall relgn 10r ever and ever. AndI I~ed, and behold a whlte cloud. and uponthe CIM ooesat Ilke unto the Son01 mano havlng 00 hls head a goldenorown, and In hls handa shar"pslckle. And another Mgel cereout 01 the tanple, crylng wlth c!I1M volea to hlm that saton the clood, Thrust In thy slckle, I!nd re~: for the tlroo 15cgre 10r thee to rellpi for the hM'Vest of the elrttl 15 r loe-And he that sat 00 the CIM ttrust In hls sldde 00 theearth¡ and the e.rth wasreaped (RIX>ÍlCe). He whIch testl-fleth these thlngs salth, Slrely I care gulckly. Man. Evenso, core, Lord Jesus.-REVELATI~ 1:7. 10:7. 11:15. 14:14-16.22:20.


earthy, sech ér"'e they aIso that ér"'e earthy: c!lndas 15 theheavenIy soch ér"'e they aIso +he+ ér"'e heaVenIy. And as wehave t:Yd-oethe lmaga01 the elrttly, we shall elso ~ thelmaga01 the heaYenly. I'bt thls I sc!IY, brethren, +ne+ ~and blood cannot Inherlt the klngdan 01 God¡ oelther dothcorruptloo InhErlt Incorruptloo. Behold, I shewyou e mys-tery. Weshall not all sleep, but we shall all be chqnged,In a' IT01afIt. In the twlrkllng 01 an ave. at the last 1rurp:10r the tr!l!])et shc!lll sound. c!lndthe deadshall be ral sedIncorruptible, and weshall be~. For thls corruptiblenlst put 00 Incorruptloo, and thls lOOrtalnlst put 00 Inrnr-~. So whenthls corruptible shal I haveput 00 Incorrup-tloo and thls lOOrtal shall have put 00 Irrm::rtallty, thenshc!lli be broug¡t to pass the saylng that 15wrltten, Death 15sWc!lllowedup In vlcta=y. O death, where 15 thy stlng? Og:-ave, where. 15 thy vlctcry? E1It thanks be to God, whlchglveth us the vlcta=y ttr9J<tJ our Lord Jesus Qhrlst.-lCXRINTHIANS15:12-23,35-44, 48-55,57.

Fffi aR roNERSATI~ IS IN I-EAIlEN¡FID1 lfiEOO:,6LSO~LOO< Fffi TrE SAVlaR. TrE LOO .ESJS a-RIST: \fiO swu.~ aR VILE OCOY.lliA.T IT MA.YBEFASHIa-ffiLI~ UNTOHISGLffiI(liS OCOY. acx:x:rd1ng to the \1IOI"K Ing 'fIherebyhe 15 abIeeven to subc1Jeall thlngs unto hlmself.~ILlFf>IANS 3:20-21.

l+t:N a-RIST. \fiO IS cm LlFE. SIl"LL !fFfffi. nENS!-W.l.. YE,6LSON'ff,AR WllH HIM IN Q.(RY.--<Xl.OSSIANS3:4.

TO TrE 00 tE MA.YSTtB-lSHYaR I-EfflTS LHJ.M:eB...E ltitP-INESS EU<R: 00>. EVENcm FAllfR. ATTrE C01Iti?(f Q.RLOO JESUSa-RIST WITH,6LlHIS SAINTS. But I would not haveyou to be Ignorant, brethren, COIlC8"nlngthan whlch «»esIeep, that ya SCITOW not, even as otila"s whlch have nohope. For 11 we bel leve that Jesus dled and rose agaln, evenso than also whlch sleep In Jesus wl 11Godbrlng wlth hlm.For thls we stlf unto you by the ward 01 the Lord, that wewhlch ér"'e al Ive and ranaln unto the canlng 01 the Lord shel lnot prevent than W¡lch ér"'e c!lsleep. For the Lord hlmsellshc!lll descendfran heaYenwlth c!IsOOut.wlth the volce 01 ~¡rChrnl, liñd wlth ffí9 trlJ1l) 01 God: c!lndthe dead In av-Istshc!llrse flrst: Thenwe whlch ér"'e c!lllve and r8llClln sháTIbe caught up toge!tler wlth than In the cl9Jds, to rreet ~Lord In the alr: Md so shall weever be wlth the Lord.Where10re canfort one c!lnotherwlth these wards. But 01 thetlroos and the seasons, trethren, ya heve no needthat I wrlte


unto you. For yourselves knowperfectly that the d)'a 01 theLord so careth as a thle1 In the nlght (to the Wcr .l Forwhenthey shall say, Peaceand sc!lfety¡ then suddendestruc-tloo coretn uponthan, as traval I upon a wcmanwlth chlld¡end they shal l not escape. But k'2. blethren. D JJSil1 Indrtoess, that that dav sOOuldovertake ~ as I! thlef. Ye¡re all the chllÓ"en 01 IIght, and the ch Id"en 01 the ~:we ér"'e not 01 the nIght, nor 01 drtness. There10re let usnot sleep, as do otherS¡ but let us watch and be ~.-1TrES5.6L~IANS3: 13. 4: 13-18. 5: H>.

TI-lAT llOJ ~EP IHIS ~ wtnOJI g;>QT. UtftW<-AB..E,LNTILTrE N'fE,ARIti?CFaR LOO JESJSqRISI: ~lch Inhls tlroos he shall shew, who 15 the blessed and ooly Poten-tata, the Klng 01 klngs, IInd Lord 01 lordsl-l TI~lHY 6:14-15.


NI) t:W. LlTTLEOiILOOEN.ABI~ IN HIM¡ lliA.T. lfiEN tESH.AlL N'ff,AR. r.E MA.YHAllEWlcea:. NI) t-m EE ASI-WJEDEEF<R:HIMAT HIS !XMltY.-l .K>ttl 2:28.

8EI-O.D. tE roETtI WllH u'a.DS¡ NI) EVERYEYESH.AlLSEEHIM, and they also whlch plerced hlm: and all kln<Teds 01 theearth shall wa1I because01 h1m. Evenso, Men. Bu+ 1n ffí9davs of the volce 01 the sevenfh angel, whEiñhe shall beglnto sound (the Last Trllll>'"'"l OY.15:52, nhes.4: 16), ~tery 01 GodsOOuldbe 11nlshed (the li"lde), as he hath 00-cléred to hls servants the prq,hets. And the seventh angelS9Jnded¡ and there were g"eI!t volces In he!wen, Stlflng, Theklng<hns 01 thls warld ér"'e beoonethe klngdans 01 our Lord,IInd 01 hls av-Ist¡ and he shall relgn 10r ever and ever. AndI I~ed, and behold a whlte cloud. and uponthe CIM ooesat Ilke unto the Son01 mano havlng 00 hls head a goldenorown, and In hls handa shar"pslckle. And another Mgel cereout 01 the tanple, crylng wlth c!I1M volea to hlm that saton the clood, Thrust In thy slckle, I!nd re~: for the tlroo 15cgre 10r thee to rellpi for the hM'Vest of the elrttl 15 r loe-And he that sat 00 the CIM ttrust In hls sldde 00 theearth¡ and the e.rth wasreaped (RIX>ÍlCe). He whIch testl-fleth these thlngs salth, Slrely I care gulckly. Man. Evenso, core, Lord Jesus.-REVELATI~ 1:7. 10:7. 11:15. 14:14-16.22:20.


\rvr!~'\ '~\o\,~f(f¡~f!¡"-,-,-,-,,...,"_J ':M-4N'_

Sl~. o B.ImEN.nw lliA.T DIOSTt-QTEUB¡ EfttK FCRl1-IINlO SI~I~. N-f) CRY .ALW>.TI-OJlliA.T DIDSTOOTTRAVAILWIlliOiILD: FOO KK H TtE QjILffiEN CF TtE OCSQ.ATETHANM0i1L.lFEN a:: TtE MmIED WIFE. SAlnI TtE UB). Enl«"'ge theplece of thy tent, tInd let thsn stretch forth the cer+etns ofthlne hmltatlons: sptre not, lengthen ffly oords, lI'ldstrengthen thy st!!kes; Fer thou sh&lt bre&k fcrth on the


r 1ght handend on the 1eft; and thy seed she11 1nher1t theGentiles, and rreke the desolate cltles to be Inhltllted.Fe«"' not; for thou shel+ not be oshmed: nelther be thouconfounded; for thou shalt not be put to sh5119: fer thoushal+ forget the shme of thy youtti, &nd sh&lt not remembelthe reoroech of thy wldowhoodony nore.-ISAIAH 54:1-4.

FOOTIlYt.W<ERIS TIlI~ HJS8AID¡ TtE LCH>CF f()$TS IS HISf'W.E¡ N-f) THYREOCfM:RTtE I-Kl.Y CH: CF 1$AfL; TtE 00) CFM~E EMTIl shall he be cel led, Fer the Lord hath cel ledthee as a wcrnanfors~en and gr IEwedIn spIr It, lI'ld " wI fe ofyouth, whenthou wast refused, solth thy G:Id. Fer" SII!IIIrrment heve 1 fers&ken thee; but wlth g=eat nercles wlll 1gather thee. In o IIttle wrath 1 hld my faca fran thee for errment; but wlth everlllStlng klnd1ess wlll 1 haYenercy onthee, sal+n the Lord thy Redeerner.-ISAIAH54:5-8.

O TI-OJAFFLICTED.TOSSED WITIllEJfEST, N-f) NQfOOfOOTED,IEO..D. 1 WILLLAYTHYSTCH:SWIJHfAlR CClClRS, lI'ld loy thyfound&tlons wlth sapphlres, And I wll I makethy wlndows of&gatas, &nd ffly g&1esof cirbuncles, tInd 011 thy borders ofp1eeserrt stones. And al 1 thy chI 1dren shtlll be tOU<t!t of theLerd; and creqt shtlll be the oeqoe of thy chlldren' In rlgh1-eousness shel+ thou be establ Ished: thou shtllt be f«", franoppresslon; for thou sholt not fear: and fran terra-; ter Itshall not cana ne!r thee,-ISAIAH 54:11-14.

1 WILLffiEAlLY REJOICEIN TtE LCH>,MYSO.L StW..L EE JOY-FU.. IN MY00); for he hath clothecI rre wlth the!p"1!!9!!ts otsolvatlon. he hath covered rre wlth the robe of rlgh1eous-ness os a brl roan decKeth hlmself wlth ernansnts &nd tlSo br Ide &dcrneth herse1f wIth her ewe s. 1SA

MN SH.ALLTtE KltaXM a:: t-EAVENEEL11<E~ lMQ TENVI~INS. ItlIQj TOO<TtEIR l.NoP$. N-f) IENT F<RTHTO~ TtEERIOCffiOO.1.And flve of thsn ware wlse, and flve were 1001-Ish. They that were 1001Ish 10ck thelr Iq>s, Md 10ck no011 wlth thsn: But the wlse 10ck 011 In thelr vessels wlththe Ir 1q>s. Wh11e the br Idegroan t«"'r Ied, they a11 sIlIItler-ed &ndslept. And at mldnlght there WtlStl cry IIBde, 8eho1d.the brldegroan canath; go ye out to rreet hlm. Then el l thosevlrglns &rOSa,and trlrmed thelr Iq>s. And the 100llsh saldunto the wlse, Glve us of your 011; for our Imps era gene2Y!. But the wlse MSwered, stJylng, Not SO; lest there be notenough fer us ond you: but go ye rather to thsn that se",lI'ld buy fer yourselves. And whlle they went to buy, 1n:2


\rvr!~'\ '~\o\,~f(f¡~f!¡"-,-,-,-,,...,"_J ':M-4N'_

Sl~. o B.ImEN.nw lliA.T DIOSTt-QTEUB¡ EfttK FCRl1-IINlO SI~I~. N-f) CRY .ALW>.TI-OJlliA.T DIDSTOOTTRAVAILWIlliOiILD: FOO KK H TtE QjILffiEN CF TtE OCSQ.ATETHANM0i1L.lFEN a:: TtE MmIED WIFE. SAlnI TtE UB). Enl«"'ge theplece of thy tent, tInd let thsn stretch forth the cer+etns ofthlne hmltatlons: sptre not, lengthen ffly oords, lI'ldstrengthen thy st!!kes; Fer thou sh&lt bre&k fcrth on the


r 1ght handend on the 1eft; and thy seed she11 1nher1t theGentiles, and rreke the desolate cltles to be Inhltllted.Fe«"' not; for thou shel+ not be oshmed: nelther be thouconfounded; for thou shalt not be put to sh5119: fer thoushal+ forget the shme of thy youtti, &nd sh&lt not remembelthe reoroech of thy wldowhoodony nore.-ISAIAH 54:1-4.

FOOTIlYt.W<ERIS TIlI~ HJS8AID¡ TtE LCH>CF f()$TS IS HISf'W.E¡ N-f) THYREOCfM:RTtE I-Kl.Y CH: CF 1$AfL; TtE 00) CFM~E EMTIl shall he be cel led, Fer the Lord hath cel ledthee as a wcrnanfors~en and gr IEwedIn spIr It, lI'ld " wI fe ofyouth, whenthou wast refused, solth thy G:Id. Fer" SII!IIIrrment heve 1 fers&ken thee; but wlth g=eat nercles wlll 1gather thee. In o IIttle wrath 1 hld my faca fran thee for errment; but wlth everlllStlng klnd1ess wlll 1 haYenercy onthee, sal+n the Lord thy Redeerner.-ISAIAH54:5-8.

O TI-OJAFFLICTED.TOSSED WITIllEJfEST, N-f) NQfOOfOOTED,IEO..D. 1 WILLLAYTHYSTCH:SWIJHfAlR CClClRS, lI'ld loy thyfound&tlons wlth sapphlres, And I wll I makethy wlndows of&gatas, &nd ffly g&1esof cirbuncles, tInd 011 thy borders ofp1eeserrt stones. And al 1 thy chI 1dren shtlll be tOU<t!t of theLerd; and creqt shtlll be the oeqoe of thy chlldren' In rlgh1-eousness shel+ thou be establ Ished: thou shtllt be f«", franoppresslon; for thou sholt not fear: and fran terra-; ter Itshall not cana ne!r thee,-ISAIAH 54:11-14.

1 WILLffiEAlLY REJOICEIN TtE LCH>,MYSO.L StW..L EE JOY-FU.. IN MY00); for he hath clothecI rre wlth the!p"1!!9!!ts otsolvatlon. he hath covered rre wlth the robe of rlgh1eous-ness os a brl roan decKeth hlmself wlth ernansnts &nd tlSo br Ide &dcrneth herse1f wIth her ewe s. 1SA

MN SH.ALLTtE KltaXM a:: t-EAVENEEL11<E~ lMQ TENVI~INS. ItlIQj TOO<TtEIR l.NoP$. N-f) IENT F<RTHTO~ TtEERIOCffiOO.1.And flve of thsn ware wlse, and flve were 1001-Ish. They that were 1001Ish 10ck thelr Iq>s, Md 10ck no011 wlth thsn: But the wlse 10ck 011 In thelr vessels wlththe Ir 1q>s. Wh11e the br Idegroan t«"'r Ied, they a11 sIlIItler-ed &ndslept. And at mldnlght there WtlStl cry IIBde, 8eho1d.the brldegroan canath; go ye out to rreet hlm. Then el l thosevlrglns &rOSa,and trlrmed thelr Iq>s. And the 100llsh saldunto the wlse, Glve us of your 011; for our Imps era gene2Y!. But the wlse MSwered, stJylng, Not SO; lest there be notenough fer us ond you: but go ye rather to thsn that se",lI'ld buy fer yourselves. And whlle they went to buy, 1n:2


brldegroan CaTe; ~nd they thm- were ready went lo wlffl hlm tothe ~rrlm: lIIld the ooa- ~s shut. After"w!lrd ClITI9elsothe other vlrglos, saylng, Lord, Lord, q>en to us, But heanswered 8Ild sald, Verlly 1 say unto you, 1 knOw'Pu notoW~tch therefore, for ya koow nelther the day nor the botrwherelo the Sonof maoa::rneth.~TTl-EW 25:1-13.

I NfJ JESUSSAlOUNTOTtEM. C!N 11E Qi IlOOEN(f 11E !ti1rE-Q-!,At:ftR FAST. \t!ILE 11E WlrE(ROO.1IS WIJHTIfM1 85 long 85they h8Vethe brldegroan wlth tban, they cannot f85t. Butthe days wI11 a::rne, whenthe br Idegroan SM11 be takeo tJ/I~yfran tban, and then sblt11 they f 85t lo those ~s.-wA<2:19-20.

lE! YCl.BLOINSBEGIFaD AfOJT. NI) YaR LlG/TS BlRNIN3;NI) . VE YaRSELVESLlKE UNTOf.EN1HA.TWAITF<R nElR l.CH),IHN fE: WILLRET\RNF<R11E 1lEOO1tf,?:tbat whenhe a::rneth8Ildkl'lClCketh, they mayq>en uoto h1mIrrrredlately. Blessed ~those serv~nts, whan the lord whenhe a::rneth Sh811 flodwatchlng: verlly 1 ~ unto you, thm- he shall glrd hlmself,lIIld rreke tban to slt downto l119at. 80d wlll c:aneforth 8Ildserve tban.-LlJ<E 12:35-37.

W1-ENaa: 11E w.sTER(f 11E fO.JSE1S RISENlP NI) I{4.THSI-lJTTOnE D<XR,and ya beglo to stand wlttíOüt, Md fO knoa<:m- the ooa-, ~Iog, Lord, Lord, q>en uoto us; 800 he Sh8118IlSW9l'and ~ unto you, 1 knowyou not whenceya are: ThenSh811 ya begloto say, Wehave eaten and crunk lo thy pres-ence Mld thou hes+ tau!Ílt lo our sfree+s, But he shal l ~,1 tei 1 you, 1 knowyou not whenceya are; depart fran 11I9,811ya wa1<ersof lolqulty. There sh811 be Iigeplng and gMshlngof teeth, whenya shel l sea !brllhml, and 1S&IC, and J8Cd>,end 811 the prcpbets, lo the klngcbn of God, 8Ild you yo¡r-se1ves ttr"ust out.--LU<E 13:25-28.

F<R \lE stW..L tu STet() IEFCH; 11E JLOOJENTSEAT <lQ::Bill. For It Is wrltten, 8S 1 Ilve, s81th the Lord, fiNeryknee shal l bowto 11I9, and fiNery 1'oogueSh811confess to God.So then fiNf!!"y one of us sbltll glve 8CXXlIJotof hlrnself 10God.--RQ.1ANS14:10-12.

EVERY~'S Y«)R( $H6U lE tJKJE ~IFEST: F<R 11E DAYSI-WJ. [E~ IT, beceose It shall be reve8led by flre 8Ildthe flre Sh811fry fiNery ma~'s wa1<of whm-sort It ls, 11&ny ma~'s wa1<8blde whlch he h8th bullt ther"el4JOO, he sh811recelve 8 rew8rd. 11 &ny mao's wa1<Sh811be bur"ned, he shansuffer 1055: but he hlmself shall be saved; yat so as by


flre. To dellver such an one unto SlItan ter the destructlonof the flesh. that the splrlt maybe saved lo the dllY of theLord Jesus. Knowya not tbat they whlch run lo O rpoe ruoall. but one recelveth the prlze1 So run, thm- ya maycb-t810.-1 CORINTHIANS3:13-15. 5:5. 9:24.

F<R lE MJST Xl. mtB 8EFCH; 11E Jl.OGfNT SEAT a=(}iR1ST; that fiNery one mayrece Ive the th 1ngs done lo h1sbody, lICCOI"dlogto thm- he hm-hdone, whether It be ~blld.-2 CORINTHIANS5:10.- 1Q.Ori1N3lH6.T(f 11E LOO VE sm.L RE~IVE 11E REWfflDofthe loherlt8l109: for ya serve the Lord Chrlst. But he th8tOOeth wrong shall recelve for the wrong whlch he h8th done:8Ild there Is no respect of persons.-<XLOSSIN-lS3:24-25.

JHAT nE lRltL (f YaR FAllH, belng muchlIQ'e preclousthm of ¡pld thm- perlsheth, thou!Íl It be trled wlth flre,mlgbt be fouod uoto pr81se lIIld honor aod glqy at theq¡pearlog of Jesus Chrlst.-l ~1ER 1:7.

NI) I S"*I AS 1T IEREA SEA(f G.ASSMItG..ED WITH F1~:NI) 1tEMlH6.T/-w) GOTrENnE VICTOO <1IER11E !3EAST.NI) QtERHIS IMeg. NI) OVER HIS ~, NI) <1IERnE lüt:ER (f HIS~. STH{) ~ 11E SEA(f G..A$S. I{4.VIN311E HIWS (f 00).And they ·slog the song of M:>sesthe serv8nt of God, 8Ild thesong of the LmIb, ~Ing, Q-elIt md marvellous ~ thy wa1<s,Lord GodAlmlghty; Just and trua ~ thy ~ys, thou!S.!.ns....21salots. \otIo sh811 not fear thee, O Lord, and glorlfy thyollTl91 for tbou only art holy: for 011 oatlons sbltll cxrne 8Ildworshlp before thee: for thy ludgnents ~ mademaolfest. And8 volce ClITI9out of the ttr"one, saylng, Pr81se our God, 811ya hls serV8ntS, 8Ild ya +ne+ fear hlm, both SIl!III and nqt.And I heard 85 It were the volce of 8 <Te8t RlJltltude. and 85the \/Olce of manyW81erS,and 85 the \/Olce of mlgbty thuodel-logs, saylng, Allelul8: for the Lord Godamlpotent relgnetb.Let us be gllld 8nd reJolce, and glve honCllr to hlm: for themarrl!!Q9 of the LmIb Is c:ane, and hls wlfe h8th madeherselfready. And to her W8Sg"8Ilted thm- she sbould be 8fTayed loflne Ilneo, cleen aod ••••.•Ite: for the flne Ilneo Is the rlgh1-eousness of seln+s, And he salth unto 11I9,Wrlte, Blessed arethey whIch ~ ea11ed unto the marr1!!Q9S!.p!?El!" of the LmIb.And he s81th unto 11I9,These ~ the true sllYlogs of God. And,behold, 1 c:anequlddy; and mvrew8rd Is wlth 11I9. 10 glveeverv maoacx:ordlng as hls wa1<Sh811be.~LATI~ 15:2-4. 19:5-9. 22:12.


brldegroan CaTe; ~nd they thm- were ready went lo wlffl hlm tothe ~rrlm: lIIld the ooa- ~s shut. After"w!lrd ClITI9elsothe other vlrglos, saylng, Lord, Lord, q>en to us, But heanswered 8Ild sald, Verlly 1 say unto you, 1 knOw'Pu notoW~tch therefore, for ya koow nelther the day nor the botrwherelo the Sonof maoa::rneth.~TTl-EW 25:1-13.

I NfJ JESUSSAlOUNTOTtEM. C!N 11E Qi IlOOEN(f 11E !ti1rE-Q-!,At:ftR FAST. \t!ILE 11E WlrE(ROO.1IS WIJHTIfM1 85 long 85they h8Vethe brldegroan wlth tban, they cannot f85t. Butthe days wI11 a::rne, whenthe br Idegroan SM11 be takeo tJ/I~yfran tban, and then sblt11 they f 85t lo those ~s.-wA<2:19-20.

lE! YCl.BLOINSBEGIFaD AfOJT. NI) YaR LlG/TS BlRNIN3;NI) . VE YaRSELVESLlKE UNTOf.EN1HA.TWAITF<R nElR l.CH),IHN fE: WILLRET\RNF<R11E 1lEOO1tf,?:tbat whenhe a::rneth8Ildkl'lClCketh, they mayq>en uoto h1mIrrrredlately. Blessed ~those serv~nts, whan the lord whenhe a::rneth Sh811 flodwatchlng: verlly 1 ~ unto you, thm- he shall glrd hlmself,lIIld rreke tban to slt downto l119at. 80d wlll c:aneforth 8Ildserve tban.-LlJ<E 12:35-37.

W1-ENaa: 11E w.sTER(f 11E fO.JSE1S RISENlP NI) I{4.THSI-lJTTOnE D<XR,and ya beglo to stand wlttíOüt, Md fO knoa<:m- the ooa-, ~Iog, Lord, Lord, q>en uoto us; 800 he Sh8118IlSW9l'and ~ unto you, 1 knowyou not whenceya are: ThenSh811 ya begloto say, Wehave eaten and crunk lo thy pres-ence Mld thou hes+ tau!Ílt lo our sfree+s, But he shal l ~,1 tei 1 you, 1 knowyou not whenceya are; depart fran 11I9,811ya wa1<ersof lolqulty. There sh811 be Iigeplng and gMshlngof teeth, whenya shel l sea !brllhml, and 1S&IC, and J8Cd>,end 811 the prcpbets, lo the klngcbn of God, 8Ild you yo¡r-se1ves ttr"ust out.--LU<E 13:25-28.

F<R \lE stW..L tu STet() IEFCH; 11E JLOOJENTSEAT <lQ::Bill. For It Is wrltten, 8S 1 Ilve, s81th the Lord, fiNeryknee shal l bowto 11I9, and fiNery 1'oogueSh811confess to God.So then fiNf!!"y one of us sbltll glve 8CXXlIJotof hlrnself 10God.--RQ.1ANS14:10-12.

EVERY~'S Y«)R( $H6U lE tJKJE ~IFEST: F<R 11E DAYSI-WJ. [E~ IT, beceose It shall be reve8led by flre 8Ildthe flre Sh811fry fiNery ma~'s wa1<of whm-sort It ls, 11&ny ma~'s wa1<8blde whlch he h8th bullt ther"el4JOO, he sh811recelve 8 rew8rd. 11 &ny mao's wa1<Sh811be bur"ned, he shansuffer 1055: but he hlmself shall be saved; yat so as by


flre. To dellver such an one unto SlItan ter the destructlonof the flesh. that the splrlt maybe saved lo the dllY of theLord Jesus. Knowya not tbat they whlch run lo O rpoe ruoall. but one recelveth the prlze1 So run, thm- ya maycb-t810.-1 CORINTHIANS3:13-15. 5:5. 9:24.

F<R lE MJST Xl. mtB 8EFCH; 11E Jl.OGfNT SEAT a=(}iR1ST; that fiNery one mayrece Ive the th 1ngs done lo h1sbody, lICCOI"dlogto thm- he hm-hdone, whether It be ~blld.-2 CORINTHIANS5:10.- 1Q.Ori1N3lH6.T(f 11E LOO VE sm.L RE~IVE 11E REWfflDofthe loherlt8l109: for ya serve the Lord Chrlst. But he th8tOOeth wrong shall recelve for the wrong whlch he h8th done:8Ild there Is no respect of persons.-<XLOSSIN-lS3:24-25.

JHAT nE lRltL (f YaR FAllH, belng muchlIQ'e preclousthm of ¡pld thm- perlsheth, thou!Íl It be trled wlth flre,mlgbt be fouod uoto pr81se lIIld honor aod glqy at theq¡pearlog of Jesus Chrlst.-l ~1ER 1:7.

NI) I S"*I AS 1T IEREA SEA(f G.ASSMItG..ED WITH F1~:NI) 1tEMlH6.T/-w) GOTrENnE VICTOO <1IER11E !3EAST.NI) QtERHIS IMeg. NI) OVER HIS ~, NI) <1IERnE lüt:ER (f HIS~. STH{) ~ 11E SEA(f G..A$S. I{4.VIN311E HIWS (f 00).And they ·slog the song of M:>sesthe serv8nt of God, 8Ild thesong of the LmIb, ~Ing, Q-elIt md marvellous ~ thy wa1<s,Lord GodAlmlghty; Just and trua ~ thy ~ys, thou!S.!.ns....21salots. \otIo sh811 not fear thee, O Lord, and glorlfy thyollTl91 for tbou only art holy: for 011 oatlons sbltll cxrne 8Ildworshlp before thee: for thy ludgnents ~ mademaolfest. And8 volce ClITI9out of the ttr"one, saylng, Pr81se our God, 811ya hls serV8ntS, 8Ild ya +ne+ fear hlm, both SIl!III and nqt.And I heard 85 It were the volce of 8 <Te8t RlJltltude. and 85the \/Olce of manyW81erS,and 85 the \/Olce of mlgbty thuodel-logs, saylng, Allelul8: for the Lord Godamlpotent relgnetb.Let us be gllld 8nd reJolce, and glve honCllr to hlm: for themarrl!!Q9 of the LmIb Is c:ane, and hls wlfe h8th madeherselfready. And to her W8Sg"8Ilted thm- she sbould be 8fTayed loflne Ilneo, cleen aod ••••.•Ite: for the flne Ilneo Is the rlgh1-eousness of seln+s, And he salth unto 11I9,Wrlte, Blessed arethey whIch ~ ea11ed unto the marr1!!Q9S!.p!?El!" of the LmIb.And he s81th unto 11I9,These ~ the true sllYlogs of God. And,behold, 1 c:anequlddy; and mvrew8rd Is wlth 11I9. 10 glveeverv maoacx:ordlng as hls wa1<Sh811be.~LATI~ 15:2-4. 19:5-9. 22:12.


--..;;:: - ~- /)~.:fr~:!. ~ /:~

(On the Wlckedon Ecrth whlle the Savedare In Heavenl)nt: L(H) AI M R100 tW{) S/& S1RIKEnm.GI K1ti?S 1N

nt: PW a: HI5 I&THI He shall Judge mIOOgthe hMthen, heshal! tI! 1 the placas wlth the cIeadbodles: he shal! woundthe headsCNfir manyCXlUn1'rles.--flS~ 110:5-6.

tOA- YE; FCRnt: I)l.Ya: nt: L(R) 15AI HA'I>; II 9-W..J..<XM; ASA OCSlRl.CTlOOFRCMnt: tLMIGfTYI Therefa-e shal I allhandsbe falnt, and eoIf!ry man's heart shall nelt: And theyshall be afrald: pangs and scrrows shall take hold of thEm¡they shall be In paln as a wananthat 1'ravalleth: they shallbe MlaZedone at allC1ther¡ thelr facas shall be as fl !IIIeS.-ISAIAH13:6-8.

EEIUD. nt: I)l.Y CF M L(R) OOIETH.ffilE....00lH WITHWRATHN{) FIERCE ~. to lay the land desolate: and he shall


destroy the slnners thereof out of It. Fer the stlrS ofheaven and the CXl1stellatlons thereof shal I not glve thelrIlght: the sun shall be dé!"\senadIn hls 9011'19fcrth, and therooon shall not cause her Ilght to shlne. And 1 wlll punlshthe world ter thelr eoIl l. and th8 ••Icked ter thelr Inlgulty;and 1 wl 11cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, andwll 1 lay low the haughtlness of the terrible. I wl" makeamanlTl'JI"epreclcus than flne 9Old¡ eoIenaman than the 90ldenwedgeof Q>hlr.-ISAIAH 13:9-12.

nEREFCRE1 WILLSIW<EM HEAVENS.N{)nt: E!ffIH SHtUBf1:QVEoor a: tERPIXE. IN M ItIRATHCF M LCffi a: tQSTS,NI) IN nt: I)l.Ya: HI5 FIEIU NgRI And It shall be as thechased roe, and as a sheep that no mantaketh up: they shalleoIf!ry manturn to hIs ownpeq¡1e, and f 1ea eoIf!ry one Into hIsown land. \lila Is thls that careth fran Edan. wlth dyedgénlents fran 8ozrétl?-Ihls that Is glerlous In hls lWarel,travelllng In the greatness of hls s1'rength?-1 that speak Inrlgh1ecusness, mlgt:ty to savel ItlErefore art thou red Inth Ine llppare1, and thy gannents 1lke h1mthat treadeth •n thewlnefat?-ISAIAH 13:13-14. 63:1-2.

1 t-LA.VElRlXE'-l nt: WII'a'RESSeL<U:: and of the peoplethere was nonawIth ne: ta: 1 wl 111read thEm In mine MgE!".and 1'r5lJ?1ethen In my furYi and thelr blood shall be sprlrk-led upon my CJ!!I"!!!eIrts,and 1 wlll s+e In all my ralment. Ferthe dav of vengeonceIs In mine heart, and the yelr of myredesned l s carel And 1 Iod(ed, and thEre was nona to help¡and 1 wonderedthat thEre was nona to uphold: thErefore mineown arm brought selve+lcn unto ne¡ and my fury. It upheld ne.And 1 wl" 1read downthe pecple In mine anger. and makethen<t"unk In my fury, and 1 wlll brlng <bn thelr strength to theEarth. Oh that thou wou1dest rend the heavens, that thouwouldest c::ane00wn, that the IIQJntalns mlght flow downat thypresenoe, As whenthe neltlng flre burneth, the flre causeththe waters to bol 1, to makethy nll'll8 knCWlto th Ine adver-s.r les, that the natlons mavtrenble at thy presenoel Itlenthou dldst terrible thlngs whlch lile Iod(ed not tcr , thouC!llleSt down, the rrountalns flOlllEld<bn at thy presenoe.-1SAIAH63:3-6. 64:1-3.

l«E UNTO YO.lTt-LA.IOC511f:nt: I)l.Ya: nt: Lcrol TO\tiAI 0015 II FCRYO.l? nt: I)l.YCF nt: L(R) 15 ~SS. N{) OOILlOOI As If aman dld flea fran a Ilon, and a beIr net hlm¡er lllent Into the house, and leered h1s handon the wa", and


--..;;:: - ~- /)~.:fr~:!. ~ /:~

(On the Wlckedon Ecrth whlle the Savedare In Heavenl)nt: L(H) AI M R100 tW{) S/& S1RIKEnm.GI K1ti?S 1N

nt: PW a: HI5 I&THI He shall Judge mIOOgthe hMthen, heshal! tI! 1 the placas wlth the cIeadbodles: he shal! woundthe headsCNfir manyCXlUn1'rles.--flS~ 110:5-6.

tOA- YE; FCRnt: I)l.Ya: nt: L(R) 15AI HA'I>; II 9-W..J..<XM; ASA OCSlRl.CTlOOFRCMnt: tLMIGfTYI Therefa-e shal I allhandsbe falnt, and eoIf!ry man's heart shall nelt: And theyshall be afrald: pangs and scrrows shall take hold of thEm¡they shall be In paln as a wananthat 1'ravalleth: they shallbe MlaZedone at allC1ther¡ thelr facas shall be as fl !IIIeS.-ISAIAH13:6-8.

EEIUD. nt: I)l.Y CF M L(R) OOIETH.ffilE....00lH WITHWRATHN{) FIERCE ~. to lay the land desolate: and he shall


destroy the slnners thereof out of It. Fer the stlrS ofheaven and the CXl1stellatlons thereof shal I not glve thelrIlght: the sun shall be dé!"\senadIn hls 9011'19fcrth, and therooon shall not cause her Ilght to shlne. And 1 wlll punlshthe world ter thelr eoIl l. and th8 ••Icked ter thelr Inlgulty;and 1 wl 11cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, andwll 1 lay low the haughtlness of the terrible. I wl" makeamanlTl'JI"epreclcus than flne 9Old¡ eoIenaman than the 90ldenwedgeof Q>hlr.-ISAIAH 13:9-12.

nEREFCRE1 WILLSIW<EM HEAVENS.N{)nt: E!ffIH SHtUBf1:QVEoor a: tERPIXE. IN M ItIRATHCF M LCffi a: tQSTS,NI) IN nt: I)l.Ya: HI5 FIEIU NgRI And It shall be as thechased roe, and as a sheep that no mantaketh up: they shalleoIf!ry manturn to hIs ownpeq¡1e, and f 1ea eoIf!ry one Into hIsown land. \lila Is thls that careth fran Edan. wlth dyedgénlents fran 8ozrétl?-Ihls that Is glerlous In hls lWarel,travelllng In the greatness of hls s1'rength?-1 that speak Inrlgh1ecusness, mlgt:ty to savel ItlErefore art thou red Inth Ine llppare1, and thy gannents 1lke h1mthat treadeth •n thewlnefat?-ISAIAH 13:13-14. 63:1-2.

1 t-LA.VElRlXE'-l nt: WII'a'RESSeL<U:: and of the peoplethere was nonawIth ne: ta: 1 wl 111read thEm In mine MgE!".and 1'r5lJ?1ethen In my furYi and thelr blood shall be sprlrk-led upon my CJ!!I"!!!eIrts,and 1 wlll s+e In all my ralment. Ferthe dav of vengeonceIs In mine heart, and the yelr of myredesned l s carel And 1 Iod(ed, and thEre was nona to help¡and 1 wonderedthat thEre was nona to uphold: thErefore mineown arm brought selve+lcn unto ne¡ and my fury. It upheld ne.And 1 wl" 1read downthe pecple In mine anger. and makethen<t"unk In my fury, and 1 wlll brlng <bn thelr strength to theEarth. Oh that thou wou1dest rend the heavens, that thouwouldest c::ane00wn, that the IIQJntalns mlght flow downat thypresenoe, As whenthe neltlng flre burneth, the flre causeththe waters to bol 1, to makethy nll'll8 knCWlto th Ine adver-s.r les, that the natlons mavtrenble at thy presenoel Itlenthou dldst terrible thlngs whlch lile Iod(ed not tcr , thouC!llleSt down, the rrountalns flOlllEld<bn at thy presenoe.-1SAIAH63:3-6. 64:1-3.

l«E UNTO YO.lTt-LA.IOC511f:nt: I)l.Ya: nt: Lcrol TO\tiAI 0015 II FCRYO.l? nt: I)l.YCF nt: L(R) 15 ~SS. N{) OOILlOOI As If aman dld flea fran a Ilon, and a beIr net hlm¡er lllent Into the house, and leered h1s handon the wa", and


a serpent bit hlm. 5hall not the day of the La-d be drt-~, and not Ilght1-Even very drt, and no brlghtness InIt1 And It shal I cane to pass In that day, salth the LcrdGod, that 1 wl 11cause the sun to go do.«"Iat noon, and 1 wl 11drten the ecY'th In the cleer day: and 1 wl 1I tlrn )OtJrfeasts Into rrournlng, and all )OtJrsongs Into Ic:nentatloo;and 1 wl II brlng up sackcloth uponall lolns, and baldnessupon &lfTy head; and 1 wl 1I makeIt as the nnrnlng of anonly son, and the end thereof as a bltter dav.-AM)5 5:18-20.8:~10.

BEHl.D, T1-EQ6.Y5<XME, SAllH T1-ELCRD00), lHAT 1 WILLSEf'.OA FA'o1II'E1N T1-El..At{), NOTA FA'o1II'EC'F IJUO, Nrn AlHlRSTFffi WATER,BUTC'F l-EAAII'{;T1-EWJlU5C'F T1-ELCRD: Andthey shall wanderfran sea to sea, and fran the na-th &len tothe ees+, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of theLa-d, . and shall not flnd It. Thoughthey dig Into hell,thenea shall mine handtake than; though they el Int>up toheaven, thenoe wlll 1 brlng than do.«"I: And th:lug¡ they hldethanselves In the tq> of Cénnel, 1 wlll secrch and take thanout thence; and though they be hId fran mysi ght In thebottan of the sea, thenoe wlll 1 canmandthe serpent, and heshall bite than:-AM:>S8:11-12. 9:2-3.

M mEATQ6.YC'F l}E LCRD15 I'EAR, IT IS /'DR, Nl) HAST-ElH ffiEA1LY, EVENl}E VD1CEC'F l}E Q6.Y C'F l}E L(B): themlghty man shall cry there bltterly. That day Is a day ofwrath, a day of "trolb le and dlsiress, a dav of wastenessanddesolatloo, a day of drtness and gloonlness, a dav ofclouds and thlck drtness, A dav of the ir!llpet and al~agalnst the fenced eltles, and agalnst the hlgh towers. And1 wl 1I brlng dls1ress uponIIBn, that they shall walk Ilkebllnd IIBn, becausethey have slnned agalnst the La-d: andthelr blood shall be pouredout as dust, and thelr flesh asthe dung.-ZEPHANINi1:14-17.

I'EllHER T1-EIR SILVERNrn l}EIR OOJ)SH,tU BE &.E TQOCLIVERTrEMIN M Q6.YC'F l}E LCRD'SI!RATH: but the wholeland shall be OOvared by the flre of hls jealousy: fa- heshall make&len a speedyrlddance of all than that dIo.ell Inthe land. Seekya the La-d, all ve rreekof the ecrth, whlchhavewrought hls judgllBnt; seek rlghteaJsness, seek rreekness:It maybe ve shall be hld In the dav of the La-d's enoer-Therefore walt ya uponIIB, salth the Lord, untll the day +ne+1 rlse up to the prey: fa- mydetennlnatloo Is to gather the


natlons, that I mayassanI>lethe klng<bns, to potr uoonthanmine Indlgnatloo, &len all my fla-ea anger: ter all the ecrthshall be OOvouredwlth the flre of my jealousy.-ZEPJ-W.lIAH1: 18. 2:3. 3:8.

'NATO!VE ~F<R:, Nl) ffiAY ~WAYS, lHATVE MA.YBEACXn.ffiED~lHY TOE~ ~ MSE lHll\GS that shall caneto pass, and to stand before the Sonof mano Fa-, behold,the days are oonlng, In the whlch they shall say, Blessed erethe berren, and the wanbsthat nevar bare, and the p~swhlch nevar gave sud<. Thensha11 they begIn to S"Y to therrountalns, Fall on us¡ and to the hllls, \piar usl-LlJ<E21:36. 23:~30.

Fffi l}E I!RATHC'F 00) IS REVEILEDFRCMtEAVENagalnst allungodllness and unrlghteaJsness of IIBn, whohold the iruth InunrlghteaJsness; 1rIt10 knowlng the judgllBnt of God, that theywhIch carrnIt such th Ings are worthy of death, not 001Y do thesere, but have pleaSITe In than that do than. But after thyherdness and Iflllerlltent hecrt 1reasurest up unto thyselfwrath agalnst the dav of wrath and r&lelatloo of the rlghi'-eous judgrent of God; 1rIt10 wlll rendar to &lfTy manacca-dlngto hls deeds: But unto than that ere oontentlous, and do notd:'Je.¡ the +ru+n, but cbey unrlghteaJsness, Indlgnatloo andwrath, Tr lbul atloo and anauIsh, uponf!NfTy 50.11of manthatdoeth &111, of the Jewf Irst. and al so of the Gentlle; ButI f ar unrlghteaJsness OOllIlBndthe rlghteaJsness of God. whatshall we say1 Is Godunrl ghteaJs whotaketh vengerooe?-RCMANS1:18.32. 2:5-6.8-9. 3:5.

Nl) *RE Fa.l.QIIEI)OOlHERAIGl., SAY11'{;, B.t8YL~ 15F~EN Is fallen. that g-eat c1ty, becauseshe made all~ drlnk of the wlne of the wrath of her ternlcatloo.And the thlrd angel followed than. saylng wlth a loud volea.I f any rTlInworshlp the beast and hls lmaga. and reoe1ye hlsmrt In hls forehead. a- In hls hand, The semeshall drlnkof the wlne of the WCathof God. whlch Is pouredout wlthoutmlxture Into the cup of hls Indlgnatlon; and he shall betcrnented wlth f Ire and br Imstooe In the presencaof the hoIyangels and In the preseneaof the Lanb: Andthe SI'OCkeofthelr ' ta-IlBnt ascendethup ter &lar and &lar: and they haveno rest day na- nlght, whoworshlp the beast and hls Im&ge,and ~a- recalveth the mar\(of hls neme. And anotherangel cere out of the ~Ie whlch Is In heaven. he alsohavlng a sharp slckle. And another angel cere out fran the


a serpent bit hlm. 5hall not the day of the La-d be drt-~, and not Ilght1-Even very drt, and no brlghtness InIt1 And It shal I cane to pass In that day, salth the LcrdGod, that 1 wl 11cause the sun to go do.«"Iat noon, and 1 wl 11drten the ecY'th In the cleer day: and 1 wl 1I tlrn )OtJrfeasts Into rrournlng, and all )OtJrsongs Into Ic:nentatloo;and 1 wl II brlng up sackcloth uponall lolns, and baldnessupon &lfTy head; and 1 wl 1I makeIt as the nnrnlng of anonly son, and the end thereof as a bltter dav.-AM)5 5:18-20.8:~10.

BEHl.D, T1-EQ6.Y5<XME, SAllH T1-ELCRD00), lHAT 1 WILLSEf'.OA FA'o1II'E1N T1-El..At{), NOTA FA'o1II'EC'F IJUO, Nrn AlHlRSTFffi WATER,BUTC'F l-EAAII'{;T1-EWJlU5C'F T1-ELCRD: Andthey shall wanderfran sea to sea, and fran the na-th &len tothe ees+, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of theLa-d, . and shall not flnd It. Thoughthey dig Into hell,thenea shall mine handtake than; though they el Int>up toheaven, thenoe wlll 1 brlng than do.«"I: And th:lug¡ they hldethanselves In the tq> of Cénnel, 1 wlll secrch and take thanout thence; and though they be hId fran mysi ght In thebottan of the sea, thenoe wlll 1 canmandthe serpent, and heshall bite than:-AM:>S8:11-12. 9:2-3.

M mEATQ6.YC'F l}E LCRD15 I'EAR, IT IS /'DR, Nl) HAST-ElH ffiEA1LY, EVENl}E VD1CEC'F l}E Q6.Y C'F l}E L(B): themlghty man shall cry there bltterly. That day Is a day ofwrath, a day of "trolb le and dlsiress, a dav of wastenessanddesolatloo, a day of drtness and gloonlness, a dav ofclouds and thlck drtness, A dav of the ir!llpet and al~agalnst the fenced eltles, and agalnst the hlgh towers. And1 wl 1I brlng dls1ress uponIIBn, that they shall walk Ilkebllnd IIBn, becausethey have slnned agalnst the La-d: andthelr blood shall be pouredout as dust, and thelr flesh asthe dung.-ZEPHANINi1:14-17.

I'EllHER T1-EIR SILVERNrn l}EIR OOJ)SH,tU BE &.E TQOCLIVERTrEMIN M Q6.YC'F l}E LCRD'SI!RATH: but the wholeland shall be OOvared by the flre of hls jealousy: fa- heshall make&len a speedyrlddance of all than that dIo.ell Inthe land. Seekya the La-d, all ve rreekof the ecrth, whlchhavewrought hls judgllBnt; seek rlghteaJsness, seek rreekness:It maybe ve shall be hld In the dav of the La-d's enoer-Therefore walt ya uponIIB, salth the Lord, untll the day +ne+1 rlse up to the prey: fa- mydetennlnatloo Is to gather the


natlons, that I mayassanI>lethe klng<bns, to potr uoonthanmine Indlgnatloo, &len all my fla-ea anger: ter all the ecrthshall be OOvouredwlth the flre of my jealousy.-ZEPJ-W.lIAH1: 18. 2:3. 3:8.

'NATO!VE ~F<R:, Nl) ffiAY ~WAYS, lHATVE MA.YBEACXn.ffiED~lHY TOE~ ~ MSE lHll\GS that shall caneto pass, and to stand before the Sonof mano Fa-, behold,the days are oonlng, In the whlch they shall say, Blessed erethe berren, and the wanbsthat nevar bare, and the p~swhlch nevar gave sud<. Thensha11 they begIn to S"Y to therrountalns, Fall on us¡ and to the hllls, \piar usl-LlJ<E21:36. 23:~30.

Fffi l}E I!RATHC'F 00) IS REVEILEDFRCMtEAVENagalnst allungodllness and unrlghteaJsness of IIBn, whohold the iruth InunrlghteaJsness; 1rIt10 knowlng the judgllBnt of God, that theywhIch carrnIt such th Ings are worthy of death, not 001Y do thesere, but have pleaSITe In than that do than. But after thyherdness and Iflllerlltent hecrt 1reasurest up unto thyselfwrath agalnst the dav of wrath and r&lelatloo of the rlghi'-eous judgrent of God; 1rIt10 wlll rendar to &lfTy manacca-dlngto hls deeds: But unto than that ere oontentlous, and do notd:'Je.¡ the +ru+n, but cbey unrlghteaJsness, Indlgnatloo andwrath, Tr lbul atloo and anauIsh, uponf!NfTy 50.11of manthatdoeth &111, of the Jewf Irst. and al so of the Gentlle; ButI f ar unrlghteaJsness OOllIlBndthe rlghteaJsness of God. whatshall we say1 Is Godunrl ghteaJs whotaketh vengerooe?-RCMANS1:18.32. 2:5-6.8-9. 3:5.

Nl) *RE Fa.l.QIIEI)OOlHERAIGl., SAY11'{;, B.t8YL~ 15F~EN Is fallen. that g-eat c1ty, becauseshe made all~ drlnk of the wlne of the wrath of her ternlcatloo.And the thlrd angel followed than. saylng wlth a loud volea.I f any rTlInworshlp the beast and hls lmaga. and reoe1ye hlsmrt In hls forehead. a- In hls hand, The semeshall drlnkof the wlne of the WCathof God. whlch Is pouredout wlthoutmlxture Into the cup of hls Indlgnatlon; and he shall betcrnented wlth f Ire and br Imstooe In the presencaof the hoIyangels and In the preseneaof the Lanb: Andthe SI'OCkeofthelr ' ta-IlBnt ascendethup ter &lar and &lar: and they haveno rest day na- nlght, whoworshlp the beast and hls Im&ge,and ~a- recalveth the mar\(of hls neme. And anotherangel cere out of the ~Ie whlch Is In heaven. he alsohavlng a sharp slckle. And another angel cere out fran the


alta--, whlch hedpowerovar flre; anda-ied wlth a lood a-yto hlm that hed the sha--pslckle, saylng, Thrust in thy shcrpsldde. Mld gather the clusters of the vine of the eérth; forher g-q:>e5 are fully r lpe, Andthe angel ttrust in hls slckleInto the eérth. and gather'edthe vi ne of the earth, eodcastit Into the!l'eat wlnepressof the wrath of God. And thewlnepresswastrodden wlthout the clty, andblood COO1eoot ofthe wlnepress, even unto the tase brldles. by the spaceof athoosand and slx hundredflTlongs. <,Aboot200 mllesl-Thelength of Israel!) And I sawanother slgn In heaven, greatand marvelloos, sevenangels havlng the seven last pl!!!lues:for in than Is fllled up the wrath of God. Andone of thefour. beasts g¡y.¡eunto the sevenangels seven g:>lden vl elsfull of the wrath of God. who Ilveth for evfr andevfr, Andthe tanple was f Illed wlth sm:ke fran the glory of God, endfran hls power; and no manwasable to entfr into the tanple,tlll the sevenpl!!!lues of the sevenangels were fulfllled.And I heérd a great volea oot of the tanple saylng to theseven angels, Goyar ways, andpotr oot the vl els of thewrath of Goduponthe earth. And the flrst went, andpoc.redoot hls vial uponthe ecrth; and there fell a nolsgne and!Tlevoos sara uponthe nen whlch had the mar\(of the beast,and upon themW'alchworshlppedhls lmaga. And the seecndangel potred oot hIs vi al uponthe sea; and It becmIeas theblood of a deadman: andevf?!Y living soul dled In the sea.And the thlrd angel poc.redoot hls vial uponthe rlvfrs andfoontalns of watlirs; and thev bec:an3 blood. And I hea--dtheMlgel of the watlirs say, Thoun r Ighteous, O Lord, whIchn, and \10st, and shalt be, becausethoo hast judged thus.For they have shedthe blood of salnts andprcphets. and ttpyhast glven than blood to <*"I~; ter they are worthy. And Ihe«"d another oot of the alta-- say, Evenso, Lord God AI-mlghty, trua and rlghteous a--ethy judgrents. Andthe fOlTthoogel poc.redoot hls vial uponthe sun: andpawerwasglvenunto hlm to sg:rch menwlth flre. Andmenwere sg:;rchedwltb!Teat heat, and blasphanedthe nOO1eof God. whlch hath powerOVfr ffí8S8 pllOgues: and they repented not to glve hlm glory.Andthe flfth angel poc.redoot hls vial uponthe seat of thebeast; and hls klng<bn \10Sfull of drtness; and thev gnaweQthelr toogues ter Jaln, Andblasphanedthe God of heaVenbecause of thelr pa ns and thelr seres, andrepented not ofthelr deeds.~LATI~ 14:8-11,17-20. 15:1,7-8. 16:1-11.


alta--, whlch hedpowerovar flre; anda-ied wlth a lood a-yto hlm that hed the sha--pslckle, saylng, Thrust in thy shcrpsldde. Mld gather the clusters of the vine of the eérth; forher g-q:>e5 are fully r lpe, Andthe angel ttrust in hls slckleInto the eérth. and gather'edthe vi ne of the earth, eodcastit Into the!l'eat wlnepressof the wrath of God. And thewlnepresswastrodden wlthout the clty, andblood COO1eoot ofthe wlnepress, even unto the tase brldles. by the spaceof athoosand and slx hundredflTlongs. <,Aboot200 mllesl-Thelength of Israel!) And I sawanother slgn In heaven, greatand marvelloos, sevenangels havlng the seven last pl!!!lues:for in than Is fllled up the wrath of God. Andone of thefour. beasts g¡y.¡eunto the sevenangels seven g:>lden vl elsfull of the wrath of God. who Ilveth for evfr andevfr, Andthe tanple was f Illed wlth sm:ke fran the glory of God, endfran hls power; and no manwasable to entfr into the tanple,tlll the sevenpl!!!lues of the sevenangels were fulfllled.And I heérd a great volea oot of the tanple saylng to theseven angels, Goyar ways, andpotr oot the vl els of thewrath of Goduponthe earth. And the flrst went, andpoc.redoot hls vial uponthe ecrth; and there fell a nolsgne and!Tlevoos sara uponthe nen whlch had the mar\(of the beast,and upon themW'alchworshlppedhls lmaga. And the seecndangel potred oot hIs vi al uponthe sea; and It becmIeas theblood of a deadman: andevf?!Y living soul dled In the sea.And the thlrd angel poc.redoot hls vial uponthe rlvfrs andfoontalns of watlirs; and thev bec:an3 blood. And I hea--dtheMlgel of the watlirs say, Thoun r Ighteous, O Lord, whIchn, and \10st, and shalt be, becausethoo hast judged thus.For they have shedthe blood of salnts andprcphets. and ttpyhast glven than blood to <*"I~; ter they are worthy. And Ihe«"d another oot of the alta-- say, Evenso, Lord God AI-mlghty, trua and rlghteous a--ethy judgrents. Andthe fOlTthoogel poc.redoot hls vial uponthe sun: andpawerwasglvenunto hlm to sg:rch menwlth flre. Andmenwere sg:;rchedwltb!Teat heat, and blasphanedthe nOO1eof God. whlch hath powerOVfr ffí8S8 pllOgues: and they repented not to glve hlm glory.Andthe flfth angel poc.redoot hls vial uponthe seat of thebeast; and hls klng<bn \10Sfull of drtness; and thev gnaweQthelr toogues ter Jaln, Andblasphanedthe God of heaVenbecause of thelr pa ns and thelr seres, andrepented not ofthelr deeds.~LATI~ 14:8-11,17-20. 15:1,7-8. 16:1-11.


10. THE BATTlE OF ARMAGEDDON!I SHIILLSEEHIM, but not now: I shall behold Hlm, but not

nlgh: there shall cana a Stlr out of Jaoob, and a Scep1reshall rlse out of Israel, and shall SIllita the cx:rners of~, and destroy all the chllcren of Shethl AndEdanshallbe a possesslan, Selr also shall be a possesslan for hlsenan1es, and Israel shall 00 vallantly. Out of Jaoobshallcana He that shall have danlnlan, and shall destroy hlm thatremalneth of the clty.--NUMBERS24:17-19.

IF I 'II-lETMYG...1T1ER1~sw:R? Nf) Mlt-EHND T~lH l-KlJ)Cl'l Jl.OOoENT; I WILLREIDERVnR:AI'a TOMlt-E EJe.1IES. Nf)WILLRE.WJroTtEMlli'\T HATEM::I I wlll makeMine arrows crunkwlth blood, and Mi sword shall devOIr flash; and that wlththe blood of the slaln and of the cep+tves, fran the begln-nlng of revenges upon the enany. Rejoloe. O ye natlans. wlthHls pecple: for He wl II avengathe blood of Hls servants, andwlll renaer vengeanoeto Hls adverScY"les, and wlll be nercl-fui unto Hls land, and to Hls pec:.ple.~lJTEIDOo1Y32:41-43.

THE K>VERSAAIESa: THEuro StW..LBEERl<EN TO PIECLS;cm CF l-€AVENSWU HETI-I.Hffi lRJ.I lHEMl: the Lord shalljudge the ends of the Earth; and He shall glve strength untoHis Klng, and exalt the horn of Hls Anolntedl-l SNt.EL2:10.

FOOTHE1t-l>I<*\TlCl'lCF THEuro IS lRJ.I ,bU ~TI~S, andhls fury upon all thelr annles: he hath utterly destroyedthem, he hath dellvEf"'edthan to the slaughter. TIlalr slalnalso shall be cast out, and thelr stl~ shall cana up out ofthelr ce-ceses, and the mountalns shall be nelted wlth thelrblood.-I SAINi 34:2-3.

FOOMY9«H) StW..LBEBATI-EDIN l-€AVEN: BEI-Kl.D,IT SH!UrolE EJattt.l lRJ.I 1DLf.EA.Nf) lRJ.I THEPECf'LECF MY crns:. !QJl1XMNT. The sword of the Lord Is fl Iled wlth blood, It Ismadefat wlth fatness, and wlth the blood of lanbs and goats,wlth the fat of the kldneys of rans: for the Lord hath asaa-Ifloe In Bozrah. and a crea! sla.¡ghter In the l«Id otIdll!aa. And the unlcx:rns shall cana cbwnwlth them, and thebullod<.s wlth the bulls; and thelr land shall be soakedwlthblood, mld thelr dust rMde fat wlth fatness. For It Is ~d'ly of the Lord' s vertgemlOO,and the yelr of recnrpenoes ferthe controversy of Zlan. ISAINi 34:5-8.



Is thls Klng of glory7 TIla Lord strong and mlghty, the Lordmlghty In bafflel Llft up yoor heads, O 'f3 gmes; even 11ftthan 1.4>, ya evEf"'lastlng <b:lrs; and the Klng of glory shel lcana In. IrtttoIs thls Klng of glory7 TIla Lord of hosts' he Isthe Klng of gloryl Selah. He makethwars to oeaseunto theend of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the sp9IrIn sunder¡ he burneth the charlot In the flre. Be stlll, andkn~ that I an God: I wlll be exalted anongthe helrthen, Iwlll be exalted In the Erlh. O clep yoor hands, el l yapec:.ple; shout unto Godwlth the voloe of trlllll>hl For theLord ITOSthlgh Is terrible; he Is a g-ec!t Klng CNerall theearthl He shall sub<iJethe ~Ie under us, and the natlansunder our feet.--PSALM24:7-1 • 46:9=10. 47:1-3.

ENJERINTOTHERCXl<.Nf) HIlE THEEIN THEOLIST.FOOFEAACF THEU:ro. Nf) FOOTHEG...OOYCF HIS t-NESTYI The loftylocks of manshal I be hllTbled, and the haughtlness of nenshal I be bowedcbwn, and the Lord alane shall be exalted Inthat day. For the Day of the Lord of hosts shall be uponev~ ane that ¡s proud and lo~ and uponevEf"'yane that Is1I up; añd he shall be ght I~: And upon al I theoedars of Lebanon, that are hlgh and Ilfted up, and uponallthe oaks of Bashan,And upon all the hlgh mountalns, and upona11 the h111s that are 11fted up, And uponevEf"'yhIgh tower,and uponevEf"'yfenced wa11, And upon aII the shIps of T¡r-shlsh and upon all pleasant plctlTes. And the loftlness ofñiañShall be bowedcbwn, and the haughtlness of nen shall bernade I~: and the Lord alane shal I be exalted In that day.And the ldols He shall utterly abollshl-ISAINi 2:10-18.

tW THEYStW..L00 INTOTHEt-a..ESCF THERCXl<S.Nf) INTOTHE CAVESCF THEOOlH. FOOFEAACF THELOOO. Nf) FOO THEG...OOYCF HIS W\JESTY. W1ENHEAAISElHTO~ T'Effi1El..YTHEfffilli.! In that day aman shall ces+ hls lools of sllver, andhls lools of 9Old, whlch they madeeach ane for hlmself toworshlp, to the roles and to the bats¡ To 90 Into the cleftsof the rod<.s, and Into the tops of the ragged roocs, for fec!rof the Lord, and for the glory of hls majesty, whenhe arls-eth to shake terrlbly the earthl-ISAINi 2:19-21.

FOO. BEI-Kl.D. THELOOO<DElH OOTCF HIS PLACLTO~ ISHTHE It-l-l/'BlTPmSCF THEEAAlHFOOTHEIRINIQ!,JITY: the earthalso shall dlsclose hEr blood, and shall no nrre 000IEf'" hErslaln. Behold, the Lord hath proclalmed unto tbe end of the~-ISAIAH 26:21. 62:11a.


10. THE BATTlE OF ARMAGEDDON!I SHIILLSEEHIM, but not now: I shall behold Hlm, but not

nlgh: there shall cana a Stlr out of Jaoob, and a Scep1reshall rlse out of Israel, and shall SIllita the cx:rners of~, and destroy all the chllcren of Shethl AndEdanshallbe a possesslan, Selr also shall be a possesslan for hlsenan1es, and Israel shall 00 vallantly. Out of Jaoobshallcana He that shall have danlnlan, and shall destroy hlm thatremalneth of the clty.--NUMBERS24:17-19.

IF I 'II-lETMYG...1T1ER1~sw:R? Nf) Mlt-EHND T~lH l-KlJ)Cl'l Jl.OOoENT; I WILLREIDERVnR:AI'a TOMlt-E EJe.1IES. Nf)WILLRE.WJroTtEMlli'\T HATEM::I I wlll makeMine arrows crunkwlth blood, and Mi sword shall devOIr flash; and that wlththe blood of the slaln and of the cep+tves, fran the begln-nlng of revenges upon the enany. Rejoloe. O ye natlans. wlthHls pecple: for He wl II avengathe blood of Hls servants, andwlll renaer vengeanoeto Hls adverScY"les, and wlll be nercl-fui unto Hls land, and to Hls pec:.ple.~lJTEIDOo1Y32:41-43.

THE K>VERSAAIESa: THEuro StW..LBEERl<EN TO PIECLS;cm CF l-€AVENSWU HETI-I.Hffi lRJ.I lHEMl: the Lord shalljudge the ends of the Earth; and He shall glve strength untoHis Klng, and exalt the horn of Hls Anolntedl-l SNt.EL2:10.

FOOTHE1t-l>I<*\TlCl'lCF THEuro IS lRJ.I ,bU ~TI~S, andhls fury upon all thelr annles: he hath utterly destroyedthem, he hath dellvEf"'edthan to the slaughter. TIlalr slalnalso shall be cast out, and thelr stl~ shall cana up out ofthelr ce-ceses, and the mountalns shall be nelted wlth thelrblood.-I SAINi 34:2-3.

FOOMY9«H) StW..LBEBATI-EDIN l-€AVEN: BEI-Kl.D,IT SH!UrolE EJattt.l lRJ.I 1DLf.EA.Nf) lRJ.I THEPECf'LECF MY crns:. !QJl1XMNT. The sword of the Lord Is fl Iled wlth blood, It Ismadefat wlth fatness, and wlth the blood of lanbs and goats,wlth the fat of the kldneys of rans: for the Lord hath asaa-Ifloe In Bozrah. and a crea! sla.¡ghter In the l«Id otIdll!aa. And the unlcx:rns shall cana cbwnwlth them, and thebullod<.s wlth the bulls; and thelr land shall be soakedwlthblood, mld thelr dust rMde fat wlth fatness. For It Is ~d'ly of the Lord' s vertgemlOO,and the yelr of recnrpenoes ferthe controversy of Zlan. ISAINi 34:5-8.



Is thls Klng of glory7 TIla Lord strong and mlghty, the Lordmlghty In bafflel Llft up yoor heads, O 'f3 gmes; even 11ftthan 1.4>, ya evEf"'lastlng <b:lrs; and the Klng of glory shel lcana In. IrtttoIs thls Klng of glory7 TIla Lord of hosts' he Isthe Klng of gloryl Selah. He makethwars to oeaseunto theend of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the sp9IrIn sunder¡ he burneth the charlot In the flre. Be stlll, andkn~ that I an God: I wlll be exalted anongthe helrthen, Iwlll be exalted In the Erlh. O clep yoor hands, el l yapec:.ple; shout unto Godwlth the voloe of trlllll>hl For theLord ITOSthlgh Is terrible; he Is a g-ec!t Klng CNerall theearthl He shall sub<iJethe ~Ie under us, and the natlansunder our feet.--PSALM24:7-1 • 46:9=10. 47:1-3.

ENJERINTOTHERCXl<.Nf) HIlE THEEIN THEOLIST.FOOFEAACF THEU:ro. Nf) FOOTHEG...OOYCF HIS t-NESTYI The loftylocks of manshal I be hllTbled, and the haughtlness of nenshal I be bowedcbwn, and the Lord alane shall be exalted Inthat day. For the Day of the Lord of hosts shall be uponev~ ane that ¡s proud and lo~ and uponevEf"'yane that Is1I up; añd he shall be ght I~: And upon al I theoedars of Lebanon, that are hlgh and Ilfted up, and uponallthe oaks of Bashan,And upon all the hlgh mountalns, and upona11 the h111s that are 11fted up, And uponevEf"'yhIgh tower,and uponevEf"'yfenced wa11, And upon aII the shIps of T¡r-shlsh and upon all pleasant plctlTes. And the loftlness ofñiañShall be bowedcbwn, and the haughtlness of nen shall bernade I~: and the Lord alane shal I be exalted In that day.And the ldols He shall utterly abollshl-ISAINi 2:10-18.

tW THEYStW..L00 INTOTHEt-a..ESCF THERCXl<S.Nf) INTOTHE CAVESCF THEOOlH. FOOFEAACF THELOOO. Nf) FOO THEG...OOYCF HIS W\JESTY. W1ENHEAAISElHTO~ T'Effi1El..YTHEfffilli.! In that day aman shall ces+ hls lools of sllver, andhls lools of 9Old, whlch they madeeach ane for hlmself toworshlp, to the roles and to the bats¡ To 90 Into the cleftsof the rod<.s, and Into the tops of the ragged roocs, for fec!rof the Lord, and for the glory of hls majesty, whenhe arls-eth to shake terrlbly the earthl-ISAINi 2:19-21.

FOO. BEI-Kl.D. THELOOO<DElH OOTCF HIS PLACLTO~ ISHTHE It-l-l/'BlTPmSCF THEEAAlHFOOTHEIRINIQ!,JITY: the earthalso shall dlsclose hEr blood, and shall no nrre 000IEf'" hErslaln. Behold, the Lord hath proclalmed unto tbe end of the~-ISAIAH 26:21. 62:11a.


nE L<H>SIWl..00 FffiTIi ASA MIGfTY~. t-E SIWl.. STIRlPJE!t..aJ5YL1KEA ~ (f" WM: He sMII cry, yaa, roar¡ He shel lprevall agalnst hls anemias. I haYe long time holden Mypeaca¡ I have beenstlll, lIrtd refralned M(self: nowwl 11 Icry IIke a travalllng \OlIan¡ 1 wlll destroy and devar atoncal 1 wlll makewaste roountalnsand hllls. and dry up allthelr herbS¡ CIld I wl I1 makethe rlvars Islllrtds, and I wllldry up the pools. For, behold, the Lord wl11oomewlth f Ire,and wlth HIs charlots I ike a whlrlwlnd, 10 rendar hls angerwlth flTy. and hls rebuke wlth fl5lleS of flrel For by flreand by HIs sword wl11the Lord plead wlth al l flash: and theslaln of the Lord shall be manyl-ISAIAY 42:13-15. 66:15-16.

nEREFrnE. 11-OJSGl (f"~. ffia=tESYK3AINSToo:? (nEWIOflISP. tfl) $AY. TlfJS $AIJHnE WBl 00): !ml...D. 1 N=11&.1NST TtEE. O 003. nE Gil EFffi II'a (f" ~SI"f:O-tIV{) Ttf3.6L(M:>scow & Tobolsk): And I wl II nrn thee bac:k, and leave butthe slxth prt of thee, and wl11cause thee to oomeup ~the ncrth prts, and wll'.brlng thee upon the roountalns ofIsrael: And I wlll srnlte thy bowout of thy left h51d, andwlll cause thlne arrows 10 fall out of thy rlght hand. ~shalt fall upon the roountalnsof Israel, thou. and all thybands, and the pec.plethat Is wlth thee: 1 wlll glve theeun10the ravenoosblrds of f!!Nery sort, and 10 the beasts ofthe f leld to be devared. Thou shalt fall upon the q>enfleld: for I have spoken It, salth the Lord (bj. And L..l.!l!send a flre on Megog (Russla), and mKl1gthEm that dwellcarelessly In the Islas: and they shall knQt that I lIII theLord. So wlll I make"o/ holy nme knownIn the mldst of "o/pec.ple Israel¡ lIrtd 1 wlll not let thsn pollute "o/ holy nmeany I!a'e: and the heathenshall knQt that I lIII the Lord, theHoly cne In Israel.~la 39:1-7

HeK lMO EVERYFEA1tEW Fot.. N{) TOEVERYBEASToc.nE FIM. ASSEMl..EYaJR5aVES. IV{) roE; GAllt:RYaJR5aVEs..<l-l EVERY51DETOMYSlffiIFICI: 1W.T I 00 SlffiIFICI: Fffi YaJ,EVENA ffiEAT $N:RIFICI:lJ"'Q:l nE t1)lM"AINS(f" 1SR!él....1W.TVEw\Y EATFLESH.IV{) ffilN< I!.O;:OIYe shall eat the flash of tilamlghty. and drll1<.the blood of the prlnces of the e«"th. ofrans, of lanbs, and of glats, of bulloc:ks, el l of thEmf~Ilngs of Bashan. And ya shall eat fat tlll ya be full, anddrll1<.blood tlll ya be drul1<.en,of"o/ sacrifica whlch I haYasacrificad for you. Thus ya shall be fllled at mvtlt>le wl!!!'h<Tses and charlots. wlth mlghtv nan. and wlth all men qf


lS!L salth the Lord God. And I wlll set"o/ glcrv éJ1lCJlgthe


hen, and all the heathenshall sea mv judg,!mt that IhaY executed, andmyhandthat I have lald uponthsn. Sothe houseof Israel shall knQt that I lIII the Lord thelr Godfran :that day and forward.~la 39:17-22.

D¡QJSAlESTTILL THATA STeN::WASQJT<lIT WIll-WT HNf)5,WHIOi g.{)TE nE IMIG: opon hls feet that wereof lron andcley, and brake thEmto pleces. Thenwasthe lron, the clay.the brass, the sllver, and the gold, ~en 10 pleoes to-gether, and becane II ke the cheff of the SUTlTel"thresh Ing-flOOl"s¡ and the wlnd carrled thEma,¡ay, +ne+no place wasfound for thEm: and the stone (Chrlst) that SIIDte the lmagabecanea g-eat roountaIn (HIs KIngdan), and f 111ed the wholeearth.~la 2:34-35.

N..ASFffi nE [}\YI Fffi nE [}\Y (f" mE LffiD 15AT1iA/II).IV{)ASA DESlRLCTIGlFR}o1 mE !i.MIGfTYSIWl.. IT mi BIQt ya thetr~ In Zlon, and soundan alann In "o/ holy roountaln: letal l the Inhabltants of the land tranble: for the day of theLord oometh, for It Is nlgh at hand¡ A dav of drtness andofgloonlness, a day of clouds lIrtd of thlc:k darkness, as themornIng spread uponthe roountaIns: a creat peg? Ie and a~¡ there hath not beenf!Nar the Ilke, nelther shall be&ny moreafter It, f!Nen 10 the yaars of many generatlons.A f Ire devgreth before thEm¡ and behInd thEma f lme burn-eth: the IlIrtd Is as the gardenof Eden before thEm, andbehlnd thEma desolate wllderness¡ yaa, and nothlng shallescapethEm.-JOEl...1:15. 2:1-3.

nE ff'ffNW(.E (f" n&1 15AS nE.APFEMNa (f" tmSE5¡IV{) ASI-m~. SOSIWl..THEYRUN. Llke the nolse of char-lots on the tcps of roountalnsshall they leap, Ilke the nolseof a flme of f lre that devareth the stWble, as a strongpecple set In baffle t'l"ray. Before thelr faca the pec.pleshall be nu::h palned: al l faces shal l gather blac:kness.They shall run Ilke mlghty rran¡ they shal l cl lno the wallIlke rranof war¡ CIldthey shall marchf!!Nf!I'y one on hls ways.and they shall not break thelr ra~s: Nelther shal l onethrust another¡ they shall walk f!Nery one In hls path: andwhen they fall uponthe sword, they shall not be wounded.They shall run 10 and tro In the clty¡ they shall run upontila wal', they shall cllro up uponthe houses¡ they shallenter In e+ the wlncbwsIlke a thlef.-JOB- 2:4-9.


nE L<H>SIWl..00 FffiTIi ASA MIGfTY~. t-E SIWl.. STIRlPJE!t..aJ5YL1KEA ~ (f" WM: He sMII cry, yaa, roar¡ He shel lprevall agalnst hls anemias. I haYe long time holden Mypeaca¡ I have beenstlll, lIrtd refralned M(self: nowwl 11 Icry IIke a travalllng \OlIan¡ 1 wlll destroy and devar atoncal 1 wlll makewaste roountalnsand hllls. and dry up allthelr herbS¡ CIld I wl I1 makethe rlvars Islllrtds, and I wllldry up the pools. For, behold, the Lord wl11oomewlth f Ire,and wlth HIs charlots I ike a whlrlwlnd, 10 rendar hls angerwlth flTy. and hls rebuke wlth fl5lleS of flrel For by flreand by HIs sword wl11the Lord plead wlth al l flash: and theslaln of the Lord shall be manyl-ISAIAY 42:13-15. 66:15-16.

nEREFrnE. 11-OJSGl (f"~. ffia=tESYK3AINSToo:? (nEWIOflISP. tfl) $AY. TlfJS $AIJHnE WBl 00): !ml...D. 1 N=11&.1NST TtEE. O 003. nE Gil EFffi II'a (f" ~SI"f:O-tIV{) Ttf3.6L(M:>scow & Tobolsk): And I wl II nrn thee bac:k, and leave butthe slxth prt of thee, and wl11cause thee to oomeup ~the ncrth prts, and wll'.brlng thee upon the roountalns ofIsrael: And I wlll srnlte thy bowout of thy left h51d, andwlll cause thlne arrows 10 fall out of thy rlght hand. ~shalt fall upon the roountalnsof Israel, thou. and all thybands, and the pec.plethat Is wlth thee: 1 wlll glve theeun10the ravenoosblrds of f!!Nery sort, and 10 the beasts ofthe f leld to be devared. Thou shalt fall upon the q>enfleld: for I have spoken It, salth the Lord (bj. And L..l.!l!send a flre on Megog (Russla), and mKl1gthEm that dwellcarelessly In the Islas: and they shall knQt that I lIII theLord. So wlll I make"o/ holy nme knownIn the mldst of "o/pec.ple Israel¡ lIrtd 1 wlll not let thsn pollute "o/ holy nmeany I!a'e: and the heathenshall knQt that I lIII the Lord, theHoly cne In Israel.~la 39:1-7

HeK lMO EVERYFEA1tEW Fot.. N{) TOEVERYBEASToc.nE FIM. ASSEMl..EYaJR5aVES. IV{) roE; GAllt:RYaJR5aVEs..<l-l EVERY51DETOMYSlffiIFICI: 1W.T I 00 SlffiIFICI: Fffi YaJ,EVENA ffiEAT $N:RIFICI:lJ"'Q:l nE t1)lM"AINS(f" 1SR!él....1W.TVEw\Y EATFLESH.IV{) ffilN< I!.O;:OIYe shall eat the flash of tilamlghty. and drll1<.the blood of the prlnces of the e«"th. ofrans, of lanbs, and of glats, of bulloc:ks, el l of thEmf~Ilngs of Bashan. And ya shall eat fat tlll ya be full, anddrll1<.blood tlll ya be drul1<.en,of"o/ sacrifica whlch I haYasacrificad for you. Thus ya shall be fllled at mvtlt>le wl!!!'h<Tses and charlots. wlth mlghtv nan. and wlth all men qf


lS!L salth the Lord God. And I wlll set"o/ glcrv éJ1lCJlgthe


hen, and all the heathenshall sea mv judg,!mt that IhaY executed, andmyhandthat I have lald uponthsn. Sothe houseof Israel shall knQt that I lIII the Lord thelr Godfran :that day and forward.~la 39:17-22.

D¡QJSAlESTTILL THATA STeN::WASQJT<lIT WIll-WT HNf)5,WHIOi g.{)TE nE IMIG: opon hls feet that wereof lron andcley, and brake thEmto pleces. Thenwasthe lron, the clay.the brass, the sllver, and the gold, ~en 10 pleoes to-gether, and becane II ke the cheff of the SUTlTel"thresh Ing-flOOl"s¡ and the wlnd carrled thEma,¡ay, +ne+no place wasfound for thEm: and the stone (Chrlst) that SIIDte the lmagabecanea g-eat roountaIn (HIs KIngdan), and f 111ed the wholeearth.~la 2:34-35.

N..ASFffi nE [}\YI Fffi nE [}\Y (f" mE LffiD 15AT1iA/II).IV{)ASA DESlRLCTIGlFR}o1 mE !i.MIGfTYSIWl.. IT mi BIQt ya thetr~ In Zlon, and soundan alann In "o/ holy roountaln: letal l the Inhabltants of the land tranble: for the day of theLord oometh, for It Is nlgh at hand¡ A dav of drtness andofgloonlness, a day of clouds lIrtd of thlc:k darkness, as themornIng spread uponthe roountaIns: a creat peg? Ie and a~¡ there hath not beenf!Nar the Ilke, nelther shall be&ny moreafter It, f!Nen 10 the yaars of many generatlons.A f Ire devgreth before thEm¡ and behInd thEma f lme burn-eth: the IlIrtd Is as the gardenof Eden before thEm, andbehlnd thEma desolate wllderness¡ yaa, and nothlng shallescapethEm.-JOEl...1:15. 2:1-3.

nE ff'ffNW(.E (f" n&1 15AS nE.APFEMNa (f" tmSE5¡IV{) ASI-m~. SOSIWl..THEYRUN. Llke the nolse of char-lots on the tcps of roountalnsshall they leap, Ilke the nolseof a flme of f lre that devareth the stWble, as a strongpecple set In baffle t'l"ray. Before thelr faca the pec.pleshall be nu::h palned: al l faces shal l gather blac:kness.They shall run Ilke mlghty rran¡ they shal l cl lno the wallIlke rranof war¡ CIldthey shall marchf!!Nf!I'y one on hls ways.and they shall not break thelr ra~s: Nelther shal l onethrust another¡ they shall walk f!Nery one In hls path: andwhen they fall uponthe sword, they shall not be wounded.They shall run 10 and tro In the clty¡ they shall run upontila wal', they shall cllro up uponthe houses¡ they shallenter In e+ the wlncbwsIlke a thlef.-JOB- 2:4-9.


IBfMLE.: the sun and the m::onshall be drt, Mld tne stcrsshall wlthdraw tnelr shlnlng: And the Lord shall utter hlsvolce before hls anny: for hls Ci!!J? Is very g-em-: ter he Isstroñg the+ executeth hls word: ter the day of tne Lord Isgreat and very terrible; CIldwtlocan ablde It7 Proc!1lm.,ethls anongthe Gentiles; Prepera war. wal<.eup tne mlgh nen,1et a11 tne neo of war draw near; let than core L4>: Beatyour plowshéY"es Into swords Mld )Wr prunlnghcxj(s Intospears: let the weeksay, 1 amstrong. Assanble -,ourselves,and c::aTe, al 1 .,e heathen, and gm-her 'yOITse1ves togetherround about: thlther g!Use thy mlghty ones to c::aTe00wn. ObQQ!.. Let the heathen be wal<.ened,and core up to the val leyof . Jehoshcphm-(ootslde Jerusalern): ter there wlll 1 slt tojudge al! the heathen round about.-JOEL 2: I(H 1. 3:9-12.(Outslde JerusaIern.)

PlJf VE IN m: SIO<l...E.FeRM HAAVESTIS RIPE: CXJ.E.<l:TYOU OCWN¡FeRm: ffiESS 15 FULL. M FAT5 CNEffl~i FeRMIR WI<N:CH:5S15<REATI MoJltl1udes, IIlJltl1udes In tneval ley of declslon: ter tne day of the Lord Is near In tnevalley of declslon (Valley of Jehoshcphm-outslde Jerusalern).The sun and the m::onshall be dnened, Mld tne stéY"Sshallwlthdraw tnelr shlnlng. The Lord also shall roéY"out of Zlon,and utter hls volce fran Jerusalern; and the he!lvensand tneearth shall sh~e: but tne Lord wlll be tne hope of hlspec:ple, and +be sirength of tne chlldren of Israel.-JOEL3: 13-16.

FeR. EEUD. M LOO CXJ.ETHFCRTliOUT(F HIS PlACE.NI)WILLCXJ.EOCWN./V() TlVD ~ M HIG-IPl..A<I:S(f m: EffllH.And the mountalns shall be mol18l under hlm, and the valleysshall be cleft, as waxbefore tne flre, and as tne waters+ner era potred 00wna steep pl ace.-+1ICNi 1:3-4.

FeR ll-LIS SAllH m: LOO (F H05T5¡ VETCNl':. IT 15 ALITTLE ~ILE. /V() 1 WILLSI-W<Em: l-EAVENS./V() M EffllH,N{) M SEA./V() M IFY LA/'{)¡ /V() 1 WILLSW& tu, NATI(}j$,and the deslre of all nm-Ions shall c::aTe: and I wll I flllthls housewlth glory, salth tne Lord of bosts, I wlll sh~ethe heavensand the earth; And I wI I I o..-erthrowtne throneof k Ingdans, and I wlll desiroy the sirength of tne k Ingdansof tne heathen; and 1 wlll o..-erthrowtne chéY"lots, Mld thosB+he+ rlde In thern; CIldthe hcrses end tnelr rlders shallcore ~, fNery one by the sword of hIs brother.~ 12:6-7,21-22.

TI-EN Sl-JllLLm: LOO 00 FeRlH, /V() FIG-IT IGAINST m:>SENATlCN5. AS ~EN HEFa.GIT 1N M DAY(f BA-TllE. Añd llifest shall stand In thm- dav uoonthe m::lUIltof Ollves whlchIs before Jerusalernon the east, and tne mountof ' Ollvc':shall cleave In tne mldst thereof toward the ees+ and towardthe ~st, CIldthere shall be a very grMt val ley; and helfof the mountaln shall nmove toward tne ncrth, and half ofIt toward the south.-ZECWRIAH 14:3-4.

/V() VESI-W..LFLEETOm: V,6li,EY(f m: MXM'AINS: tsx: theva11ey of tne mountaIns sha11 reach unto fq.a1: )'9a,)'9 sha11flee, Ilke as )'9 fiad fran before the ~uake In the daysof Uzzlah klng of Judah: and the Lord mvQ:xI shall c::aTe.andall the salnts wlth thee. And It shall c::aTeto pass In +ne+day, +ne+the Ilght shall not be clear, ncr dn: Eilt Itshall be one day whlch shal l be knownto tne Lord, not day,ncr nlght: but It shall c::aTeto pass, +ne+ m- fNenlng timeIt shall be Ilght.-ZECWRIAH 14:5-7.

AW HEEEW! TOHI4< UNTOne1 BYPARAaE5: A <I:RTAINmi FV«TED A VINEY,AR),and set an hedgeabout It, and dlggeda place ter the wlnefm-, and bullt a, and let It out10 husbandrmn.and l@nt Into a f l!f" country. And m- the seasonhe sent to the husbandrmna servant, +ne+ he mlght recelvefran the husbandrmnof the fru It of the vi neyéY"d. And theycaught hlm, and bee+ hlm, and sent hlm tJtIaysnpty. And agalnhe sent unto than aoother servant; and m- h1m they ces+stones, and ~nded hlm In the head, and sent hlm tJtIayshtrne-fully hClldled. And agaln he sent another¡ Mld hlm theykllled, and manvothers¡ bMtlng sara, and kllllng sara.Havlng .,et therefore one son, hls well beloved, he sent hlmalso les+ lrlto thern, saving, They wlll rfNerence my son. Butthose husbanchBnsald 5IlOI'l9thernselves, Thls Is the helr¡c::aTe, let us klll hlm, and tne Inherltance shall be ours.And they tcxX hlm, and kllled hlm, end ces+ hlm out of tnevlneyl!f"d. ~at shall therefore the lord of the vlneyl!f"d do7He wlll c::aTeand des!roy tne husbandmen.and wlll glve thevlneyard unto othersl~ 12:1-9.

SE[1f'.G 1T 15 A RIGiTEOUSlH If'.GWIlH 00:> TO REOOffNSElRlBlA.ATIq.J TO llfM lli\T nna...E YOJ; And to)QU who éY"efroubled, rest wlth us, whenthe Lord Jesus shall be revealedfran heavenwlth hls mlghty angels. In flamlng flre t~lngvengeance on than +ne+knownot God, and +ne+c:beynot tnegospel of our Lord Jesas Chrlst: ~o shall be punlshed wlth


IBfMLE.: the sun and the m::onshall be drt, Mld tne stcrsshall wlthdraw tnelr shlnlng: And the Lord shall utter hlsvolce before hls anny: for hls Ci!!J? Is very g-em-: ter he Isstroñg the+ executeth hls word: ter the day of tne Lord Isgreat and very terrible; CIldwtlocan ablde It7 Proc!1lm.,ethls anongthe Gentiles; Prepera war. wal<.eup tne mlgh nen,1et a11 tne neo of war draw near; let than core L4>: Beatyour plowshéY"es Into swords Mld )Wr prunlnghcxj(s Intospears: let the weeksay, 1 amstrong. Assanble -,ourselves,and c::aTe, al 1 .,e heathen, and gm-her 'yOITse1ves togetherround about: thlther g!Use thy mlghty ones to c::aTe00wn. ObQQ!.. Let the heathen be wal<.ened,and core up to the val leyof . Jehoshcphm-(ootslde Jerusalern): ter there wlll 1 slt tojudge al! the heathen round about.-JOEL 2: I(H 1. 3:9-12.(Outslde JerusaIern.)

PlJf VE IN m: SIO<l...E.FeRM HAAVESTIS RIPE: CXJ.E.<l:TYOU OCWN¡FeRm: ffiESS 15 FULL. M FAT5 CNEffl~i FeRMIR WI<N:CH:5S15<REATI MoJltl1udes, IIlJltl1udes In tneval ley of declslon: ter tne day of the Lord Is near In tnevalley of declslon (Valley of Jehoshcphm-outslde Jerusalern).The sun and the m::onshall be dnened, Mld tne stéY"Sshallwlthdraw tnelr shlnlng. The Lord also shall roéY"out of Zlon,and utter hls volce fran Jerusalern; and the he!lvensand tneearth shall sh~e: but tne Lord wlll be tne hope of hlspec:ple, and +be sirength of tne chlldren of Israel.-JOEL3: 13-16.

FeR. EEUD. M LOO CXJ.ETHFCRTliOUT(F HIS PlACE.NI)WILLCXJ.EOCWN./V() TlVD ~ M HIG-IPl..A<I:S(f m: EffllH.And the mountalns shall be mol18l under hlm, and the valleysshall be cleft, as waxbefore tne flre, and as tne waters+ner era potred 00wna steep pl ace.-+1ICNi 1:3-4.

FeR ll-LIS SAllH m: LOO (F H05T5¡ VETCNl':. IT 15 ALITTLE ~ILE. /V() 1 WILLSI-W<Em: l-EAVENS./V() M EffllH,N{) M SEA./V() M IFY LA/'{)¡ /V() 1 WILLSW& tu, NATI(}j$,and the deslre of all nm-Ions shall c::aTe: and I wll I flllthls housewlth glory, salth tne Lord of bosts, I wlll sh~ethe heavensand the earth; And I wI I I o..-erthrowtne throneof k Ingdans, and I wlll desiroy the sirength of tne k Ingdansof tne heathen; and 1 wlll o..-erthrowtne chéY"lots, Mld thosB+he+ rlde In thern; CIldthe hcrses end tnelr rlders shallcore ~, fNery one by the sword of hIs brother.~ 12:6-7,21-22.

TI-EN Sl-JllLLm: LOO 00 FeRlH, /V() FIG-IT IGAINST m:>SENATlCN5. AS ~EN HEFa.GIT 1N M DAY(f BA-TllE. Añd llifest shall stand In thm- dav uoonthe m::lUIltof Ollves whlchIs before Jerusalernon the east, and tne mountof ' Ollvc':shall cleave In tne mldst thereof toward the ees+ and towardthe ~st, CIldthere shall be a very grMt val ley; and helfof the mountaln shall nmove toward tne ncrth, and half ofIt toward the south.-ZECWRIAH 14:3-4.

/V() VESI-W..LFLEETOm: V,6li,EY(f m: MXM'AINS: tsx: theva11ey of tne mountaIns sha11 reach unto fq.a1: )'9a,)'9 sha11flee, Ilke as )'9 fiad fran before the ~uake In the daysof Uzzlah klng of Judah: and the Lord mvQ:xI shall c::aTe.andall the salnts wlth thee. And It shall c::aTeto pass In +ne+day, +ne+the Ilght shall not be clear, ncr dn: Eilt Itshall be one day whlch shal l be knownto tne Lord, not day,ncr nlght: but It shall c::aTeto pass, +ne+ m- fNenlng timeIt shall be Ilght.-ZECWRIAH 14:5-7.

AW HEEEW! TOHI4< UNTOne1 BYPARAaE5: A <I:RTAINmi FV«TED A VINEY,AR),and set an hedgeabout It, and dlggeda place ter the wlnefm-, and bullt a, and let It out10 husbandrmn.and l@nt Into a f l!f" country. And m- the seasonhe sent to the husbandrmna servant, +ne+ he mlght recelvefran the husbandrmnof the fru It of the vi neyéY"d. And theycaught hlm, and bee+ hlm, and sent hlm tJtIaysnpty. And agalnhe sent unto than aoother servant; and m- h1m they ces+stones, and ~nded hlm In the head, and sent hlm tJtIayshtrne-fully hClldled. And agaln he sent another¡ Mld hlm theykllled, and manvothers¡ bMtlng sara, and kllllng sara.Havlng .,et therefore one son, hls well beloved, he sent hlmalso les+ lrlto thern, saving, They wlll rfNerence my son. Butthose husbanchBnsald 5IlOI'l9thernselves, Thls Is the helr¡c::aTe, let us klll hlm, and tne Inherltance shall be ours.And they tcxX hlm, and kllled hlm, end ces+ hlm out of tnevlneyl!f"d. ~at shall therefore the lord of the vlneyl!f"d do7He wlll c::aTeand des!roy tne husbandmen.and wlll glve thevlneyard unto othersl~ 12:1-9.

SE[1f'.G 1T 15 A RIGiTEOUSlH If'.GWIlH 00:> TO REOOffNSElRlBlA.ATIq.J TO llfM lli\T nna...E YOJ; And to)QU who éY"efroubled, rest wlth us, whenthe Lord Jesus shall be revealedfran heavenwlth hls mlghty angels. In flamlng flre t~lngvengeance on than +ne+knownot God, and +ne+c:beynot tnegospel of our Lord Jesas Chrlst: ~o shall be punlshed wlth


everlastlng des1ructlon 1ran the presence 01 the Lord, andfrxm the glcry 01 hls po¡.er¡ 'rItlenhe shllll cx:rneto be glerl-flOO In hls salnts, end to be aciñlred In 1111thsn +ne+ be-116Ye(beceuseour testllTO'ly lITlO'lg )<>UWIISbe116YOO)In +ne+day.-2 TrES5,4L{)IlI,AJIIS1:6-10.

8EI-O..D. TrE LOO (X)oETli WIlH TEN ll-O.JSN{)S CF HISSAINIS. 10 ~QJTE Jl..IXMNI l.JQ.l .AU, end to convlnce all+he+ are ungodly anongth8n 01 all thelr ungodly deedswhlehthey have ungodly ccmnltted, IInd 01 1111thelr hcY"dspeec:heswhleh ungodly slnners have spdc.enClQlllnsthlm.-JlJE 1:14-15.

NV TrE SIXIH N«L f'QREDAA HIS VI.6L l.JQ.l TrE ffiEATRIVERElflR6.TES¡N{) TrE WATERTH:R:CFWASamI) l,P. lHAT TrEWAY g= TrE KIOOSg= TrE EASTMIGfTOCffiEJ?tOO? And 1 sawtIree unelean splrlts Ilke 1rogs cx:rneout 01 the mouth01 thedragon, end out 01 the mouthof the beast, 8nd out 01 themouth of the 1alse prq>het. Fer they are the splrlts 01devlls, worldng mlraeles, whleh 90 1crth unto the klngs 01the ecY"th and 01 the whole IIOI"'ld, to gather thsn to thebattle 01 th~ CTe!rt dlIy 01 Q:xjAlmlgh!y. And he gatheredthEm together Into a pl CICacallOO In the Hebrewtangue ÑTrII!r'~. And the seventh angel poITOOout hls vial Into theIIlr¡ and there cana a great volce out 01 the tEmple 01heaven, 1ran the throne, saylng, It Is done. And there werevoloes, and thunders. and I IghtnI ngS¡ and there was a !TM!ecY"thquake,such as was not slnce menwere upon the ecY"th, somighty en earthquake, end so great. And the gr~ el ty wasdlvldad Into three pcY"ts, and the cltles 01 the natlons 1ell:and g:eat Babylon cana In rantJl'tlr1lOC9befcre Q:xj, to glveunto her the cup 01 the wIne 01 the 1Ierceness of hIs \11" ath.And eNery Island f led ~lIy, and the rrountalns were not found.And there 1ell uponmena cr~ hall out 01 heaven. 6Yf'Qstone about the welght of a talent (lDout 100 poundsD: andmenblasphenedQ:xj because01 the plague of the hall; ter theplague thereof wasexceedlng g-e~. 1hese shall rnCIkewar wlththe LCJIt>.and the L51lbshaII overcx:rnethsn: ter he Is Lerd 01lerds, and Klng of klngs: and they that cY"ewlth hlm arecallad, and ehosen, and 1111th1ul. And I s~ heaven~,and behold a whlte hcrse¡ and he th~ sCItupon h1mW!lScalladfalth1ul and True (JesusD. and In rlghteousness he do1:l!.~udgeand mCIkewar. Hls eyes were as a fll!lle 01 flre, and on

Is hÉiiid were rnCInyCTOWnS¡end he had a nl7llEtwrltten, tne+ nomanknew, but he hlmselt, And he waselothed wlth a vesture


dlpped In blood: end hls nl7llEtIs callad The Ud 01 Q:xj. 60s!.j1le pies wblch )r@reIn heavenfollOliEtd hlm lQXl whltehcrses, elothed In 11ne I Ineo, whlte and elean. Andout 01hls mouthgoeth a sherp sllOl"'d, tne+ wlth It he should m.te.the natlons: and he shall rule thsn wlth a rod of lron: andhe treadeth the wlnepress 01 the 11ercenessand <ath 01Almlgh!y Q:xj. And he hath on hls vesture and on hls thlgh anl7llEtwrltten, KI~ CF KIOOS.N{) LCH>CF U:R>S.And I sawanangel standing In the sun¡ and he criad wlth a loud volce,saving to all the fowls +ne+ fly In the mldst 01 heaven, 03naend gClther yotrselves togethe! unto the s!.l?QE!"01 the <T~

11!2Q; rhe+ ya rnCIyee+ the 11esh01 klngs, and the flash 01I~talns, and the 11esh01 mlghty men, and the flash 01horses, end 01 thsn thClt slt on thsn, and the flesh of al l1IIeIl, both free and bond, both small and g-e¡rt. And I saw1m.beast (The AAtlehrlst), and the klngs of the ecY"th. and thelrcY"mlas. gathered together to rnakewar qgalnst hlm (Jesus)thClt sClt on the hcrse. and agalnst hls !!'lI!y. And the beastwas taken, and wlth hlm the 1alse prq>het +ne+\ll"oug,t mi,....¡acles be1cre hlm, wlth whlch he decelvad th8n +ne+ liad re-eelved the mar\(01 the bees+, and thsn that IIOI"'shlpped hls11IIlIge. Theseboth were ces+ allve Into a lake of flre burn-Ing wlth brlmstone. And the rElllnant were slaln wlth the sllOl"'d

I'of hlm that se+ upon the hcrse, whlch sllOl"'dproceededout ofhls mouth: and all the fowls were flllad wlth thelr 1Iash.-~LATI{)Il 16:12-14,16-21. 17:14. 19:11-21.



\lE REffiET1HA.TIT WASI~SIEl.E TOIl'O...lJE.-u "!HESCRIP-TtRES ~1P'l3 ffi N'PI...IOB...E TOMSE VAAIOOS A:RICD5 ffi~ so we endeavoured10 use the ~ & ~refer~ wlthout too mu:hdupllcatlon of Ideas, & 10 1IY0ldthose whIch are vagueor uneIear & often repet It Ive or sane-tlnes beyond the cx:I!Vehens1onof the lIYerage person nat~t In the frequently confuslng & ~II~ Interpretlt'"tlon of detallad & Involved Blble prcphecles. Theseare !!!Yfavorltesl-+*lpe :tQYIlke'm 122.1 reYI Here's 10 our GI(l'iousFu11rel-1 n Jesusl-I n Jesusn/JllB,¡rnenlOOIKY,IMI'ABI

everlastlng des1ructlon 1ran the presence 01 the Lord, andfrxm the glcry 01 hls po¡.er¡ 'rItlenhe shllll cx:rneto be glerl-flOO In hls salnts, end to be aciñlred In 1111thsn +ne+ be-116Ye(beceuseour testllTO'ly lITlO'lg )<>UWIISbe116YOO)In +ne+day.-2 TrES5,4L{)IlI,AJIIS1:6-10.

8EI-O..D. TrE LOO (X)oETli WIlH TEN ll-O.JSN{)S CF HISSAINIS. 10 ~QJTE Jl..IXMNI l.JQ.l .AU, end to convlnce all+he+ are ungodly anongth8n 01 all thelr ungodly deedswhlehthey have ungodly ccmnltted, IInd 01 1111thelr hcY"dspeec:heswhleh ungodly slnners have spdc.enClQlllnsthlm.-JlJE 1:14-15.

NV TrE SIXIH N«L f'QREDAA HIS VI.6L l.JQ.l TrE ffiEATRIVERElflR6.TES¡N{) TrE WATERTH:R:CFWASamI) l,P. lHAT TrEWAY g= TrE KIOOSg= TrE EASTMIGfTOCffiEJ?tOO? And 1 sawtIree unelean splrlts Ilke 1rogs cx:rneout 01 the mouth01 thedragon, end out 01 the mouthof the beast, 8nd out 01 themouth of the 1alse prq>het. Fer they are the splrlts 01devlls, worldng mlraeles, whleh 90 1crth unto the klngs 01the ecY"th and 01 the whole IIOI"'ld, to gather thsn to thebattle 01 th~ CTe!rt dlIy 01 Q:xjAlmlgh!y. And he gatheredthEm together Into a pl CICacallOO In the Hebrewtangue ÑTrII!r'~. And the seventh angel poITOOout hls vial Into theIIlr¡ and there cana a great volce out 01 the tEmple 01heaven, 1ran the throne, saylng, It Is done. And there werevoloes, and thunders. and I IghtnI ngS¡ and there was a !TM!ecY"thquake,such as was not slnce menwere upon the ecY"th, somighty en earthquake, end so great. And the gr~ el ty wasdlvldad Into three pcY"ts, and the cltles 01 the natlons 1ell:and g:eat Babylon cana In rantJl'tlr1lOC9befcre Q:xj, to glveunto her the cup 01 the wIne 01 the 1Ierceness of hIs \11" ath.And eNery Island f led ~lIy, and the rrountalns were not found.And there 1ell uponmena cr~ hall out 01 heaven. 6Yf'Qstone about the welght of a talent (lDout 100 poundsD: andmenblasphenedQ:xj because01 the plague of the hall; ter theplague thereof wasexceedlng g-e~. 1hese shall rnCIkewar wlththe LCJIt>.and the L51lbshaII overcx:rnethsn: ter he Is Lerd 01lerds, and Klng of klngs: and they that cY"ewlth hlm arecallad, and ehosen, and 1111th1ul. And I s~ heaven~,and behold a whlte hcrse¡ and he th~ sCItupon h1mW!lScalladfalth1ul and True (JesusD. and In rlghteousness he do1:l!.~udgeand mCIkewar. Hls eyes were as a fll!lle 01 flre, and on

Is hÉiiid were rnCInyCTOWnS¡end he had a nl7llEtwrltten, tne+ nomanknew, but he hlmselt, And he waselothed wlth a vesture


dlpped In blood: end hls nl7llEtIs callad The Ud 01 Q:xj. 60s!.j1le pies wblch )r@reIn heavenfollOliEtd hlm lQXl whltehcrses, elothed In 11ne I Ineo, whlte and elean. Andout 01hls mouthgoeth a sherp sllOl"'d, tne+ wlth It he should m.te.the natlons: and he shall rule thsn wlth a rod of lron: andhe treadeth the wlnepress 01 the 11ercenessand <ath 01Almlgh!y Q:xj. And he hath on hls vesture and on hls thlgh anl7llEtwrltten, KI~ CF KIOOS.N{) LCH>CF U:R>S.And I sawanangel standing In the sun¡ and he criad wlth a loud volce,saving to all the fowls +ne+ fly In the mldst 01 heaven, 03naend gClther yotrselves togethe! unto the s!.l?QE!"01 the <T~

11!2Q; rhe+ ya rnCIyee+ the 11esh01 klngs, and the flash 01I~talns, and the 11esh01 mlghty men, and the flash 01horses, end 01 thsn thClt slt on thsn, and the flesh of al l1IIeIl, both free and bond, both small and g-e¡rt. And I saw1m.beast (The AAtlehrlst), and the klngs of the ecY"th. and thelrcY"mlas. gathered together to rnakewar qgalnst hlm (Jesus)thClt sClt on the hcrse. and agalnst hls !!'lI!y. And the beastwas taken, and wlth hlm the 1alse prq>het +ne+\ll"oug,t mi,....¡acles be1cre hlm, wlth whlch he decelvad th8n +ne+ liad re-eelved the mar\(01 the bees+, and thsn that IIOI"'shlpped hls11IIlIge. Theseboth were ces+ allve Into a lake of flre burn-Ing wlth brlmstone. And the rElllnant were slaln wlth the sllOl"'d

I'of hlm that se+ upon the hcrse, whlch sllOl"'dproceededout ofhls mouth: and all the fowls were flllad wlth thelr 1Iash.-~LATI{)Il 16:12-14,16-21. 17:14. 19:11-21.



\lE REffiET1HA.TIT WASI~SIEl.E TOIl'O...lJE.-u "!HESCRIP-TtRES ~1P'l3 ffi N'PI...IOB...E TOMSE VAAIOOS A:RICD5 ffi~ so we endeavoured10 use the ~ & ~refer~ wlthout too mu:hdupllcatlon of Ideas, & 10 1IY0ldthose whIch are vagueor uneIear & often repet It Ive or sane-tlnes beyond the cx:I!Vehens1onof the lIYerage person nat~t In the frequently confuslng & ~II~ Interpretlt'"tlon of detallad & Involved Blble prcphecles. Theseare !!!Yfavorltesl-+*lpe :tQYIlke'm 122.1 reYI Here's 10 our GI(l'iousFu11rel-1 n Jesusl-I n Jesusn/JllB,¡rnenlOOIKY,IMI'ABI


D:m:f, even as I also overcane, cYldlIll set down wlth myFlIther In hIs ttv-one. Andhast rMdeus unto CAT GodkIngs andprlests: and loS shall relgn on the ea-th. Therefore ¡re theybefara the throne of God, end serve hlm d~ lIOdnlght In hls~Ie: and he that sltteth on the throne shel l dIoSI I /IIIalgthan. !hay shall hunrr;¡ no flD"'e, nelther thlrst 5l'f nr::re;nelther shall the sun ght on than, ncr any he!!t. For theLlIllb whIch Isin the midst of the throne shal l feed than, lII"Idhall lead themunto living fountalns of waters: and ~

shall wlpe l!Wl!lyall telrs fran thelr ayas. And I SllWan angelc:anedownfran heaven, havlng the key of the bottanless pltend I!I g-eat chaln In hls hand. And he lald hold on the.cragon, that old ~t, whlch Is the [)avI I , and $atan, andbOUndhlm I!Ithousan]ers, Andcast hlm Into the bottanlessplt, and shut hlm up, and set a seaI uponhlm, that he shoulddecelve the natlons no nr::re, tlll the thousandyears should

fui f l l led: and after that he must be loosed a IIttle~. And I SllWthrones, lII"Idthey sat uponthan, lII"Id~lIent wasglven unto than: and I sawthe souls of them thatwere beheadedter the wltness of Jesus, and ter the wordofGod, and whlch had not worshlppedthe beast, nelther hlslmaga, nelther had receIved hls rnark uponthelr foreheads,or In thelr hands; and they I Ived and relgned wlth Chrlst 1I'thousand years. Thls (R«>nre) Is the flrst resurrectlon.

~ Blessed and holy Is he that hath part In the flrst resurrec-tlon: on such the seconddeath hath no power, but they shallbe prlests of Godandof Chrlst, lIOdshall relgn wlth hlm a~sand years. But the rest of the dead I Ived not agaln",ntl! the thousandyears were flnlshed.-REVELATlCN 3:21.

:10. 7:15-17. 20:1-6.I SI-W..L SEEHIM. BJTOOTNCW:I SI-W..L EEJ-O..DHIM. BUT~T

tllGi: ~ SWU CQ.E A ST~ cm (f" JN:JJ3. HlJ A S(E7TREShall risa out of Israel ••• he that shall have cbnlnlon, andhall destroy hlm that ranalneth of the clty.--i>IlMERS 24:17,9.

tE $H.4U. BUILD~ J-UlSEFOOMY NN-E, HlJ I WIll. STNLISH~ Tl-RH: (f" HIS KI~ FOOEVER.I wlll be hls father, and

shall be my son. I f he cx:mnlt Inqulty, I wlll chasten hlm"Ith the rod of nen, and with the strlpes of the chII dren of



D:m:f, even as I also overcane, cYldlIll set down wlth myFlIther In hIs ttv-one. Andhast rMdeus unto CAT GodkIngs andprlests: and loS shall relgn on the ea-th. Therefore ¡re theybefara the throne of God, end serve hlm d~ lIOdnlght In hls~Ie: and he that sltteth on the throne shel l dIoSI I /IIIalgthan. !hay shall hunrr;¡ no flD"'e, nelther thlrst 5l'f nr::re;nelther shall the sun ght on than, ncr any he!!t. For theLlIllb whIch Isin the midst of the throne shal l feed than, lII"Idhall lead themunto living fountalns of waters: and ~

shall wlpe l!Wl!lyall telrs fran thelr ayas. And I SllWan angelc:anedownfran heaven, havlng the key of the bottanless pltend I!I g-eat chaln In hls hand. And he lald hold on the.cragon, that old ~t, whlch Is the [)avI I , and $atan, andbOUndhlm I!Ithousan]ers, Andcast hlm Into the bottanlessplt, and shut hlm up, and set a seaI uponhlm, that he shoulddecelve the natlons no nr::re, tlll the thousandyears should

fui f l l led: and after that he must be loosed a IIttle~. And I SllWthrones, lII"Idthey sat uponthan, lII"Id~lIent wasglven unto than: and I sawthe souls of them thatwere beheadedter the wltness of Jesus, and ter the wordofGod, and whlch had not worshlppedthe beast, nelther hlslmaga, nelther had receIved hls rnark uponthelr foreheads,or In thelr hands; and they I Ived and relgned wlth Chrlst 1I'thousand years. Thls (R«>nre) Is the flrst resurrectlon.

~ Blessed and holy Is he that hath part In the flrst resurrec-tlon: on such the seconddeath hath no power, but they shallbe prlests of Godandof Chrlst, lIOdshall relgn wlth hlm a~sand years. But the rest of the dead I Ived not agaln",ntl! the thousandyears were flnlshed.-REVELATlCN 3:21.

:10. 7:15-17. 20:1-6.I SI-W..L SEEHIM. BJTOOTNCW:I SI-W..L EEJ-O..DHIM. BUT~T

tllGi: ~ SWU CQ.E A ST~ cm (f" JN:JJ3. HlJ A S(E7TREShall risa out of Israel ••• he that shall have cbnlnlon, andhall destroy hlm that ranalneth of the clty.--i>IlMERS 24:17,9.

tE $H.4U. BUILD~ J-UlSEFOOMY NN-E, HlJ I WIll. STNLISH~ Tl-RH: (f" HIS KI~ FOOEVER.I wlll be hls father, and

shall be my son. I f he cx:mnlt Inqulty, I wlll chasten hlm"Ith the rod of nen, and with the strlpes of the chII dren of


11I9O¡ But mynercy shall not depcrt tIIIay fran hlm, as 1 tcx:kIt fran seo}, whan1 put tIIIlJI( before thee. Andthlne houseand thy klna<bn shall be esUbllshed fa- fiNar before thee:thy throoe shall be establlshed fOf"f!Ner. TheGodof Israelseld, the Rock of Israel spaketo me, He that ruleth ovar menmust be Just, rullng In'the fetr of God. And he shall be asthe Ilght of the m::rnlng, whenthe SU'l rlseth, even a m::rnlngwlfflout clouds¡ as the tender g-ass sprlnglng oot of theearth by cletr shlnlng after raln.-2 SH-t.El...7:13-16. 23:3-4.

T[E TIfll:E g= Q6. VIO SI& BEEsrea..l!HD 8EFOOET[E LCR>fOO EVER. 1 Klt-GS2:45.

I-E SIW.l.. amD M:: Nj tOJSE. NlD 1 WILL srea..1SH H1ST!-RN: F<REVER. 1 wl11 be hls f8ther, and he shall be myson: and 1 wlll not take myrrercy tItIay fran hlm, as 1 tocX Itfran hlm that wasbefore thee: But I wll 1 settle hlm In minehouse and In myklngdan fa- fiNar: and hls throne shall beestabllshed fa" evennc:re.-l ~1a..ES 17:12-14.


lt1Y00H I-EATtWRtg. NI) H PE<FLEIMlGII\EA VAINItill'li? The klngs of the e.rth set thsnselY8S, and the rulerstake oounsel together, agalnst the La-d, and agalnst hlsanolnted, saving, Let us br"M<.thelr bandsastJ'\der, and castl:1rRJythelr o:rds fran uso He thot slt1eff¡ In the he8vensshall looqh: the La-d shall have thsn In derlslon. Thenshallhe spedt.unto thsn In hls wrath, and vex thsn In hls sa»dlspleastre.~!t.M 2:1-5.

YETHAVE1 SEr MYKIt-13lR)l MYfO..Y HILL c:F ZIGl. 1 wllldeclare the daa"ee: the La-d hath sald unto me, Thoucrt mySon¡ itlls day tulYe 1 begotten thee. Ask of me, and ~glve thee the he!rthenfa- thlne Inberltonce. and the uttEr-nost pcrts of the e.rth fa- thy possesslon. Thou shaltbreak tbEmwlth a rod of lron¡ thou shalt dash thsn In plecesllke a potter's vessel. Be wlse nowtherefa-e, Q 'te klngs: ~Instructed. ve ludgesof the e.rth. Serve the La-d wlth fatr,and reJolce wlitl frambllng. Klss the Son, lest he be angry,and ya perlsh fran the way, whenhls wrath Is klndled but aIlttle. Blessed are all they that put thelr trust In hlm.-PS!Uo12:6ee12.

H l,(H) IS Klti? f(R EVER NI) EVER: T[E l-EAMN fif:.PERI!HD wr LE HIS l,AN). tu H OOSc:F H mD SHeU..REMl&R NlD TI.RNkffiQ T[E Wl3D: and all the klncreds of th6


natl~s shel l iIOr'shlp before thee. Ea- the klngd::m15 theLa-d s: Md he Is the <X?\/9I"TlCranongthe ne+loos, Thy ff1I"'one,O God, Is fa- fiNar and fiNer: the sceptre of th klngdan Is arlght sceptre.~PLM 10'16. 22'27-28 45'6 YFCR ••• .'-- cm IS H Klti? g= tU. T[E EARTH, slng ya pralseswlitl understandlng. Godrelgneth over the he!rthen: Godstt-feth upon the throne of hls hollness. SIJI( lflto God Iiowterrible rt thou In thy ttrcugh the greatness ~f thypower shall thlne anemiassubmlt thsnselY8Sunto thee. AIIthe erth sha11 worsh1p thee. and sha11 si ng lJ'Ito thee' they

all thy nme. Selah. O let the natlons be gl~ «IdIng fa" JOf: fa- fflou shalt Judgethe pecple rlghteouslyd pern the natlons upon e.rth. Selah. Let the peopl~alse thee, O God¡ let all the people pralse thee. Thenall the earth yleld her Inc::rease¡ andGod, even oor own, shall bless uso Godshall bless Us¡ and all the endsof

'the earth shall fetr hlm. Thou hast ascendedon hlgh fflouhast led captlvlty captlve: fflou hast receIved glfts f~ neo'

a, fa- the rebelllous also. that the La-d Godmlght dwel'lp;=:::!l:I.._t.!.!.hsn~.Glve the klng thy Judgments, O God, and thy

Ighteousnessunto the klng's son. He shall ludgethy peopleth rl h , and thy poc:rwlth Judgment.The roountalnsall brlng peaceto the people, and the Ilttle hllls, by

Ighteousness. He shall ludge the pocr of the people, heel l Save the chllcren of the needy, and shall bret.Ik In

leces the q>pressc:r.~!t.M 47:7-8. 66:3-4. 67:4-7. 68:18.:1-4.

T!EY SIW.l..FE!RltEE AS l.OO AS T[E Sl.ti ANOKXJol ENl..RE,ghout all generatlons. He shall cane 00wnIlke raln upon

rrowngrass: as showersthat water the e.rth. In hls dltisall the rl fl • ndanceof ace so longthe m::lOIlencireth. He shall halle d::mlnlonalso fran sea to

and fran the rlver unto the ends of the e.rth. Theythat1I In the wllderness shall bowbefore hlm¡ and hls eoanles1 • The klngs of T~shlsh and of the Isles

all brlng presents: the klngs of Shebaand Sebashall offarIfts. Vea, all klnas sholl foil 00wnbefore hlm¡ 011 natlons

11 sa:ve hlm. Fa- he shall dellvar the needy when heleth¡ the poc:ralso, «Id hlm that hath no helper. He shollare the and need, «Id shall SiNethe souls of the

y. He shall redeemthelr soul fran decelt and vlolence:d prec:loos shall thelr blood be In hls slght. And he shal l


11I9O¡ But mynercy shall not depcrt tIIIay fran hlm, as 1 tcx:kIt fran seo}, whan1 put tIIIlJI( before thee. Andthlne houseand thy klna<bn shall be esUbllshed fa- fiNar before thee:thy throoe shall be establlshed fOf"f!Ner. TheGodof Israelseld, the Rock of Israel spaketo me, He that ruleth ovar menmust be Just, rullng In'the fetr of God. And he shall be asthe Ilght of the m::rnlng, whenthe SU'l rlseth, even a m::rnlngwlfflout clouds¡ as the tender g-ass sprlnglng oot of theearth by cletr shlnlng after raln.-2 SH-t.El...7:13-16. 23:3-4.

T[E TIfll:E g= Q6. VIO SI& BEEsrea..l!HD 8EFOOET[E LCR>fOO EVER. 1 Klt-GS2:45.

I-E SIW.l.. amD M:: Nj tOJSE. NlD 1 WILL srea..1SH H1ST!-RN: F<REVER. 1 wl11 be hls f8ther, and he shall be myson: and 1 wlll not take myrrercy tItIay fran hlm, as 1 tocX Itfran hlm that wasbefore thee: But I wll 1 settle hlm In minehouse and In myklngdan fa- fiNar: and hls throne shall beestabllshed fa" evennc:re.-l ~1a..ES 17:12-14.


lt1Y00H I-EATtWRtg. NI) H PE<FLEIMlGII\EA VAINItill'li? The klngs of the e.rth set thsnselY8S, and the rulerstake oounsel together, agalnst the La-d, and agalnst hlsanolnted, saving, Let us br"M<.thelr bandsastJ'\der, and castl:1rRJythelr o:rds fran uso He thot slt1eff¡ In the he8vensshall looqh: the La-d shall have thsn In derlslon. Thenshallhe spedt.unto thsn In hls wrath, and vex thsn In hls sa»dlspleastre.~!t.M 2:1-5.

YETHAVE1 SEr MYKIt-13lR)l MYfO..Y HILL c:F ZIGl. 1 wllldeclare the daa"ee: the La-d hath sald unto me, Thoucrt mySon¡ itlls day tulYe 1 begotten thee. Ask of me, and ~glve thee the he!rthenfa- thlne Inberltonce. and the uttEr-nost pcrts of the e.rth fa- thy possesslon. Thou shaltbreak tbEmwlth a rod of lron¡ thou shalt dash thsn In plecesllke a potter's vessel. Be wlse nowtherefa-e, Q 'te klngs: ~Instructed. ve ludgesof the e.rth. Serve the La-d wlth fatr,and reJolce wlitl frambllng. Klss the Son, lest he be angry,and ya perlsh fran the way, whenhls wrath Is klndled but aIlttle. Blessed are all they that put thelr trust In hlm.-PS!Uo12:6ee12.

H l,(H) IS Klti? f(R EVER NI) EVER: T[E l-EAMN fif:.PERI!HD wr LE HIS l,AN). tu H OOSc:F H mD SHeU..REMl&R NlD TI.RNkffiQ T[E Wl3D: and all the klncreds of th6


natl~s shel l iIOr'shlp before thee. Ea- the klngd::m15 theLa-d s: Md he Is the <X?\/9I"TlCranongthe ne+loos, Thy ff1I"'one,O God, Is fa- fiNar and fiNer: the sceptre of th klngdan Is arlght sceptre.~PLM 10'16. 22'27-28 45'6 YFCR ••• .'-- cm IS H Klti? g= tU. T[E EARTH, slng ya pralseswlitl understandlng. Godrelgneth over the he!rthen: Godstt-feth upon the throne of hls hollness. SIJI( lflto God Iiowterrible rt thou In thy ttrcugh the greatness ~f thypower shall thlne anemiassubmlt thsnselY8Sunto thee. AIIthe erth sha11 worsh1p thee. and sha11 si ng lJ'Ito thee' they

all thy nme. Selah. O let the natlons be gl~ «IdIng fa" JOf: fa- fflou shalt Judgethe pecple rlghteouslyd pern the natlons upon e.rth. Selah. Let the peopl~alse thee, O God¡ let all the people pralse thee. Thenall the earth yleld her Inc::rease¡ andGod, even oor own, shall bless uso Godshall bless Us¡ and all the endsof

'the earth shall fetr hlm. Thou hast ascendedon hlgh fflouhast led captlvlty captlve: fflou hast receIved glfts f~ neo'

a, fa- the rebelllous also. that the La-d Godmlght dwel'lp;=:::!l:I.._t.!.!.hsn~.Glve the klng thy Judgments, O God, and thy

Ighteousnessunto the klng's son. He shall ludgethy peopleth rl h , and thy poc:rwlth Judgment.The roountalnsall brlng peaceto the people, and the Ilttle hllls, by

Ighteousness. He shall ludge the pocr of the people, heel l Save the chllcren of the needy, and shall bret.Ik In

leces the q>pressc:r.~!t.M 47:7-8. 66:3-4. 67:4-7. 68:18.:1-4.

T!EY SIW.l..FE!RltEE AS l.OO AS T[E Sl.ti ANOKXJol ENl..RE,ghout all generatlons. He shall cane 00wnIlke raln upon

rrowngrass: as showersthat water the e.rth. In hls dltisall the rl fl • ndanceof ace so longthe m::lOIlencireth. He shall halle d::mlnlonalso fran sea to

and fran the rlver unto the ends of the e.rth. Theythat1I In the wllderness shall bowbefore hlm¡ and hls eoanles1 • The klngs of T~shlsh and of the Isles

all brlng presents: the klngs of Shebaand Sebashall offarIfts. Vea, all klnas sholl foil 00wnbefore hlm¡ 011 natlons

11 sa:ve hlm. Fa- he shall dellvar the needy when heleth¡ the poc:ralso, «Id hlm that hath no helper. He shollare the and need, «Id shall SiNethe souls of the

y. He shall redeemthelr soul fran decelt and vlolence:d prec:loos shall thelr blood be In hls slght. And he shal l


Ilve, and to hlm shall be glven of the spld of Sheba:~also shall be madefex- hlm contlnually¡ CII1ddally shall hebe pral sed. There shall be an handful of ccrn In the earthupon the tcp of the rrountalns; the frult thereof shall shakeIlke Lebanon: and they of the c1ty shall floorlsh Ilke g-assof the e.rth.-PS!LM 72:~16.

HIS tM StW..LEN)LBE fOOEYER: HIS ~ $H4U lE exJ.r.TltMP ts LOO fS llf SW¡ AN) tJéN $H4U lE B...ESSEDIN HIM:AU. ~TI~S SI-W...LOU HIMB...ESSED.Blessed be the Lex-dQ)d,the Q)d of Israel, whoonly doeth IiOOÓ"'OUsthlngs. And bless-ed be hls glex-lous nana fex- ffNfr: and leí the whole E!!dt! betllled wlth hls glCX"V; M1en, and M1en. AII the hcrns of thewlcked also wlll 1 cut off; but the hcrns of the rlgh1eousshall be exalted. Thou dldst cause Judgnent to be heard franheelven; tbe e!Xj1J tecred. ond wesstiT l. fttlen Q)d !!""OSe 10ludant. to saya all the rreekof the e!Xj1J. Selah. Surelythe wrath of manshal l pralse thee: the ranalndfr of wrathshalt thou resfraln.-PS!LM 72:17-19. 75:10. 76:8-10.

tRlSE. 000). Jl.Q& nE ENllH: fOOlID) $ij6LT IIHRIT ,AilNATI~I Mrcy and truth are net togethfr; rlgh1eousness andpeac:ehave klssed each other. Truth shel l sprlng out of theearth; and rlgh1eousness shall lock c:b«l fran heelven. Vea,the Lex-dshal l glve that whlch Is good; and our land shallyleld hEr lna-ease. AII natlons whanthou hast made shallcgre and qshlp befc:x-ethee, O Lex-d; CII1dshall glex-Ify thynana. Thy seed wlll 1 estm 11sh fc:x-ffNfr, and bu11d up thythrone to el l generatlons. Selah. Then thou spakest In vlslonto thy holy one, and saldst, I have lald help uponone thcrlIs mlgh!y¡ 1 have exalted one cOOsenout of the pecple.-PSI01 82:8. 85:10-12. 86:9. 89:4,19.

I ~VE fQJ'{) pa,VIDMY SERVANT¡WITHMYI-Kl..YOIL ~VE INf)INTED HIM: Wlni)ttCM MY twp SI-W..LlE EST.aISI-ED: MI~Nf1 tLSO SWU SlREI'GTHENHIM. The enemyshall not exact upollhlm; l1Cl" the son of wlckednessaffllct hlm. And 1 wlll ~down hls foes befc:x-ehls fzre, and plague than that hate hlm.But my falthfulness and my rrercy shall be wlth hlm: and In mynana shall hls hcrn be exalted. 1 wlll set hls hmd elso Inthe sea, md hls rlght hand In the rlvrrs. He shall cry untone, Thou rt my father, my Q)d, md the rocX of my sal vatlon'Also 1 wlll makehlm my flrs1bcrn, hlgher thm the klngs .91-tbe wth. My rrercy wlll 1 ~ ta: h1mfc:x-ffNenncre, md myoovenant shall stand fast wlth hlm. Hls seed also wlll 1 ~


to endICe fex- ffNfr. and h1s throne as the davs of heaven 1f~~s t Cheyh11~ex-saket my IlfIt, and we1k not 1n my Jud~ts;

my s etutss, and keep not my cxmnandn9nts.Then wlll 1 vlslt the,,~ transgresslon wlth the rod md thel~Inlqulty wlth sfrlpes. Nevriheless my lovlngkl~ wlll 1~, utterMyIy take

tfran hlm, l1Cl" sufffr my falthfulness 10

1• covenan w111 1 not break, l1Cl" alter the th 1ng that

s ganeout of my Ilps. ())ea have 1 b 0011I wll 1 not 11 10 R sa:srn y"T¡;;' ínesstat

e yn David. Is hall en ex- frand hls throoe as the sun befc:x-eneo It shall be estmllshed

Sefex-,hffNfr as the 1lKXXl, and as a falthful wltness In heaven.a .-PS!LM 89:20-37.Slt-I>lMO nE lCR). B...ESSHIS ~¡ S!-EWfCRJHHIS SlLVA-

T1~ fROr1!:V1 Y TO!:VIY. Dec1are h1s 91cry 5IIOI'lg the heethenhls wondfrs anoogall people. fex- the Lex-d Is <re8t mdg-eatly to be praísed: he Is to be feared tIJove all ~. fex-all the g:>dsof the natlons are ldols: but the Lex-dlííedCtheheavens. Honotr and majesty are befc:x-ehlm: strength andbeauty are In hls sanctuM'y. O slng un'to the Lex-da newsongofex- he hath donemarvellous thlngs: hls rlght hand. and hlSboly lrIll. hath cptten hlm the vlctay. The Lex-dhath madeknownhls salvatlon: hls rlgh1eousness hath he openly shewedIn the slght of the heathen. He hath remsmbeledhls nercy mdh1s truth tow8rd the houseof 1srae1: a11 the ends of theecrth have sean the salvatlon of oor Q)d. Make a' Joyfulnolse unto the Lex-d, all the ecrth: makea loud nolse, andreJolea, and slng pralse. Slng unto the Lex-dwlth the hN'p;wlth the hN'p, and the volea of a psalm. Wlth ~s mdsound of ccrnet makea Joyful nolse befc:x-e the Lord. the~. Let the sea 1'OflI"', md the fulness thereof; the world,md they that die 11 thereln. Let the flcods cl~ thelrhands: let the hllls be Joyful together befc:x-ethe Lex-d.-

96:2-6. 98:1-9a.fffi HE <XJ.ETH JQ JlJg nE ENmI¡ WITH RIGITEOOSNESS

HEJlJg nE ANOnE FEFLE WITH UITY. So theshall fe«' the nanaof the Lex-d,and all the klngs of

the M"th thy 91cry. \oIlenthe Lex-dsha" bu" d up ZIon, heall ~ In hls glcry. \oIlenthe pecole (l'e ~

5Id the kln s to SI?TVe the Lex-d.The Lc:x-dsaldto my Lord, Slt thou at my rlght hand, untll 1 makethlne

les thy footstool. The Lord shall send the rod of thytrength out of Zlon: ryle ttpu In the mldst of thlne en&-


Ilve, and to hlm shall be glven of the spld of Sheba:~also shall be madefex- hlm contlnually¡ CII1ddally shall hebe pral sed. There shall be an handful of ccrn In the earthupon the tcp of the rrountalns; the frult thereof shall shakeIlke Lebanon: and they of the c1ty shall floorlsh Ilke g-assof the e.rth.-PS!LM 72:~16.

HIS tM StW..LEN)LBE fOOEYER: HIS ~ $H4U lE exJ.r.TltMP ts LOO fS llf SW¡ AN) tJéN $H4U lE B...ESSEDIN HIM:AU. ~TI~S SI-W...LOU HIMB...ESSED.Blessed be the Lex-dQ)d,the Q)d of Israel, whoonly doeth IiOOÓ"'OUsthlngs. And bless-ed be hls glex-lous nana fex- ffNfr: and leí the whole E!!dt! betllled wlth hls glCX"V; M1en, and M1en. AII the hcrns of thewlcked also wlll 1 cut off; but the hcrns of the rlgh1eousshall be exalted. Thou dldst cause Judgnent to be heard franheelven; tbe e!Xj1J tecred. ond wesstiT l. fttlen Q)d !!""OSe 10ludant. to saya all the rreekof the e!Xj1J. Selah. Surelythe wrath of manshal l pralse thee: the ranalndfr of wrathshalt thou resfraln.-PS!LM 72:17-19. 75:10. 76:8-10.

tRlSE. 000). Jl.Q& nE ENllH: fOOlID) $ij6LT IIHRIT ,AilNATI~I Mrcy and truth are net togethfr; rlgh1eousness andpeac:ehave klssed each other. Truth shel l sprlng out of theearth; and rlgh1eousness shall lock c:b«l fran heelven. Vea,the Lex-dshal l glve that whlch Is good; and our land shallyleld hEr lna-ease. AII natlons whanthou hast made shallcgre and qshlp befc:x-ethee, O Lex-d; CII1dshall glex-Ify thynana. Thy seed wlll 1 estm 11sh fc:x-ffNfr, and bu11d up thythrone to el l generatlons. Selah. Then thou spakest In vlslonto thy holy one, and saldst, I have lald help uponone thcrlIs mlgh!y¡ 1 have exalted one cOOsenout of the pecple.-PSI01 82:8. 85:10-12. 86:9. 89:4,19.

I ~VE fQJ'{) pa,VIDMY SERVANT¡WITHMYI-Kl..YOIL ~VE INf)INTED HIM: Wlni)ttCM MY twp SI-W..LlE EST.aISI-ED: MI~Nf1 tLSO SWU SlREI'GTHENHIM. The enemyshall not exact upollhlm; l1Cl" the son of wlckednessaffllct hlm. And 1 wlll ~down hls foes befc:x-ehls fzre, and plague than that hate hlm.But my falthfulness and my rrercy shall be wlth hlm: and In mynana shall hls hcrn be exalted. 1 wlll set hls hmd elso Inthe sea, md hls rlght hand In the rlvrrs. He shall cry untone, Thou rt my father, my Q)d, md the rocX of my sal vatlon'Also 1 wlll makehlm my flrs1bcrn, hlgher thm the klngs .91-tbe wth. My rrercy wlll 1 ~ ta: h1mfc:x-ffNenncre, md myoovenant shall stand fast wlth hlm. Hls seed also wlll 1 ~


to endICe fex- ffNfr. and h1s throne as the davs of heaven 1f~~s t Cheyh11~ex-saket my IlfIt, and we1k not 1n my Jud~ts;

my s etutss, and keep not my cxmnandn9nts.Then wlll 1 vlslt the,,~ transgresslon wlth the rod md thel~Inlqulty wlth sfrlpes. Nevriheless my lovlngkl~ wlll 1~, utterMyIy take

tfran hlm, l1Cl" sufffr my falthfulness 10

1• covenan w111 1 not break, l1Cl" alter the th 1ng that

s ganeout of my Ilps. ())ea have 1 b 0011I wll 1 not 11 10 R sa:srn y"T¡;;' ínesstat

e yn David. Is hall en ex- frand hls throoe as the sun befc:x-eneo It shall be estmllshed

Sefex-,hffNfr as the 1lKXXl, and as a falthful wltness In heaven.a .-PS!LM 89:20-37.Slt-I>lMO nE lCR). B...ESSHIS ~¡ S!-EWfCRJHHIS SlLVA-

T1~ fROr1!:V1 Y TO!:VIY. Dec1are h1s 91cry 5IIOI'lg the heethenhls wondfrs anoogall people. fex- the Lex-d Is <re8t mdg-eatly to be praísed: he Is to be feared tIJove all ~. fex-all the g:>dsof the natlons are ldols: but the Lex-dlííedCtheheavens. Honotr and majesty are befc:x-ehlm: strength andbeauty are In hls sanctuM'y. O slng un'to the Lex-da newsongofex- he hath donemarvellous thlngs: hls rlght hand. and hlSboly lrIll. hath cptten hlm the vlctay. The Lex-dhath madeknownhls salvatlon: hls rlgh1eousness hath he openly shewedIn the slght of the heathen. He hath remsmbeledhls nercy mdh1s truth tow8rd the houseof 1srae1: a11 the ends of theecrth have sean the salvatlon of oor Q)d. Make a' Joyfulnolse unto the Lex-d, all the ecrth: makea loud nolse, andreJolea, and slng pralse. Slng unto the Lex-dwlth the hN'p;wlth the hN'p, and the volea of a psalm. Wlth ~s mdsound of ccrnet makea Joyful nolse befc:x-e the Lord. the~. Let the sea 1'OflI"', md the fulness thereof; the world,md they that die 11 thereln. Let the flcods cl~ thelrhands: let the hllls be Joyful together befc:x-ethe Lex-d.-

96:2-6. 98:1-9a.fffi HE <XJ.ETH JQ JlJg nE ENmI¡ WITH RIGITEOOSNESS

HEJlJg nE ANOnE FEFLE WITH UITY. So theshall fe«' the nanaof the Lex-d,and all the klngs of

the M"th thy 91cry. \oIlenthe Lex-dsha" bu" d up ZIon, heall ~ In hls glcry. \oIlenthe pecole (l'e ~

5Id the kln s to SI?TVe the Lex-d.The Lc:x-dsaldto my Lord, Slt thou at my rlght hand, untll 1 makethlne

les thy footstool. The Lord shall send the rod of thytrength out of Zlon: ryle ttpu In the mldst of thlne en&-


ml.!§.. Thy people shall be wllllng In the day ot thy power, Inthe beautles ot hollness fran the wootlof the nunlng: trouhast the dewof thy youth.~1t..M 98:9b. 102:I'H6,22. 110:1-3.

M LOO HATH~ IN 1RJTHUNTO~VID; I-EWILL t()T TLRNFRCM IT; c:F RE FRUITc:F THYIPlY WILL 1 SET l..Pa'4 THY~. If thy chllcren wlll keep my oovenant Mld my testl-roony that 1 shall teach them, thelr chllcren sbel l also sltupon thy tlrone fer evermcre. fq" the Lerd hath crosen Zloo:he hl!th deslred It fer hls Mbltatloo (Hls Mlllennl81 Cq>1-tol, JerYSlIIEm).Thls Is my rest to: evfr: here wlll 1 dllSlI¡fer 1 hl!Vedeslred It. 1 wlll ltbundMltly bless heI"provlsloo:Iwlll satlsty heI" !XX!" wlth ~. 1 wlll elso clathe heI"prlests wlth s8lvatl00: Md her selrrts sh~11shout 810udferJoyo Ihg"e wlll 1 flIIIkethe horn of Dl!vld to bud: 1 hl!Veerdalned 8 I~ fcT mine lII1Olnted. Hls enanles wlll 1 clathewlth sh8n9: but l4Xl" hlmself sh8ll hls a"OWl fIOtTlsh.~,tU.1132'11-18.

'TtEBEFCJ3ESAITHM LOO, M LOO c:F tQSTS, M MIGfTYQ\E c:F I~. AH. 1 WILLEASEtoE c:F MI!\EK>~RSAAIES. H{)~ ~ c:F MI!\E rn=M151 And 1 wlll tíin my hañd upon 'ftíEíEi,;p~y plTge ~ dross, md tl.lke t1t18y all ffly tln:And 1 wlll res1ore!by ludges as e+ the flrst, Mld thy CXlUn-sel lors as at the beglMlng: 8fterword trou sh8lt be ClIlled,!he clty of rlgh1ecusness. the falthful c1ty. Zloo shel l beredeemedwlth judgrent, Md her converts wlth rlgh1ecusness.And the destructloo of the trmsgressors and of the slnnfrssh~11 be toget1lef', l!nd _ thot ta=Sl!ke the Lerd sh811 beC9OS!I!!9d. And It sbel l CCIlI8to p8SSIn the les+ day~, th8tthe npyntllln of the Lerd's house shel l be estltbllshed In tila1q> of the roount8lns, md Sh811be ex81ted ltbove the hl Hs;Mld 811 natloos Sh811flow unto It. And III!SO'(people Sh811gJMld say, - Can9ya, Md let us !p up to the roount81nof theLerd to the houseof the Q:xj of Jl!OOb¡end he wlll tel!ch U~of his Wl!ys. md'te wlll WIIlk In hls pl!ths: to: QJt of go fc:rth the 1tItI. md the word of the Lerd fron JeruSlt':JEm. And he shall ludaa lJ!IOPQ the natloos, Md 511811rebukelIIMy people:-ISAIAH 1:24-28. 2:2-48. ..n

AKJ THEYStW..1..EEATMIR ~ INTO PL()t~S. ""~MIR HMS INTOffil..tmOm<s: ~Tlctl StW.LOOT LlFT ~S\9Jl PGA 1NST~Tlctl. !\ElTHERStW.LTHEYLEAAN'«AA N« ~.And In +ne+ day seven wanensh8l1 tl.lke rold of one !!JW,


saying, Wew111eat QJr 01ol1 bread, and lISlr QJI'"01ol1 ~lre 1:onIy let us be cal lsd by thy nana, to tl.lke tltllIY 0tT nlprOllCh.In that day shal l the brél'lChof the Lerd be beautltul MldglcrlQJs, Md the frult of the e<rth 511811be exc:elleot Mldcolelv icr thsn that are escepedof Isrl!el. And It shl!1I caneto p8SS, +he+he that 15 left In Zloo, md he tMt r'elMlnethIn JfruSlIIEm, shlill be ClIlled roly, even evfrY one tMt Iswrltten anoogthe living In JeruSllIEm: Itlen the Lerd shal lh8Ve washed iJlt8y the fllth of the ~"hrs of Zloo, MldSh811 hl!Ve plTged the blood of JeruSllIEm fran the mldstthfreot by the splrlt of ludqte!!t, Mld by the splrlt ofblTnlng. And the Lerd wlll crem-e uponevfrY <helllng pl eoeof roountZlon, Md upon heI" ~ssanblles, 8 cloud Md 9ñe by~, Md the shlnlng of 8 fl5l11ng flre by nlght: fcT l4lO" 811the glc:rv 511811be 8 dafenc:e.And there sh811be 8 t5>ernc!IClefer 8 shl!dowIn the day tllll9 fron the heat, Md ta: 8 pl tICeof refuge, Md ter a oovert fran sta-m and fran raln, Hesh~11 not judge 8f"hr the slght ot hls ayas, nelthfr nlprOYeef"hr the helrlng of hls elrS: But wlth rlgh1ecusness Sh811he J udge the pocr, Md nIprOYew1th equIty fer the rreek otthe elrth: Md he shall sml1e the wthi wlth the rod ot hls!9!:tl!.. Mld wlth the breeth of hls IIps sh811he slay thewlcked. And rlgh1ecusness sh811be the glrdle of hls lolns,Md falthfulness the glrdle ot hls relns.-ISAIAH 2:4b. 4:1-6. 11:3-5.


lK> M FAlll ~ TCXEI-ER¡ Nf) A L1T1lE CH1LD StW..J...LEK>nEM.d the cnt Md the beIr shall feed¡ thelr)OOOg ones Sh811

Ile downtogstta: md the 1100sMll e5t strtltl Ilke the ox.d the sucklng chlld sh811plltf on the bole of the l!5p, md

lISMed chlld sh811put hls hMd 00 the cxx:kl!trlc:e' den.511811not hlTt nor des In 811 rol iI'OUnt8ln: fer

elrth Sh811be full of the led of the erd as thes CX)Vfrthe sea. And In tMt day there sh811be 8 roor

Jesse whlch 511811stMd ta: m enslgn of the people¡ tot sh8li the Gentiles seek: md hls rest 511811be glerlQ.!sl

mine QJtcasts <he11 wI th thee, ~¡ be trou ~ oovert tofron the ftlCe of the spollfr: fer the exta:tlooer 15 Oí

end the 11fr 08!Iseth the essors are con QJtf the IMd. And In l!!!rCY Sh811the throne be estllbllsbed:

he shel l slt upon It In....:!nd:!lIn the hbermlcle of ~417

ml.!§.. Thy people shall be wllllng In the day ot thy power, Inthe beautles ot hollness fran the wootlof the nunlng: trouhast the dewof thy youth.~1t..M 98:9b. 102:I'H6,22. 110:1-3.

M LOO HATH~ IN 1RJTHUNTO~VID; I-EWILL t()T TLRNFRCM IT; c:F RE FRUITc:F THYIPlY WILL 1 SET l..Pa'4 THY~. If thy chllcren wlll keep my oovenant Mld my testl-roony that 1 shall teach them, thelr chllcren sbel l also sltupon thy tlrone fer evermcre. fq" the Lerd hath crosen Zloo:he hl!th deslred It fer hls Mbltatloo (Hls Mlllennl81 Cq>1-tol, JerYSlIIEm).Thls Is my rest to: evfr: here wlll 1 dllSlI¡fer 1 hl!Vedeslred It. 1 wlll ltbundMltly bless heI"provlsloo:Iwlll satlsty heI" !XX!" wlth ~. 1 wlll elso clathe heI"prlests wlth s8lvatl00: Md her selrrts sh~11shout 810udferJoyo Ihg"e wlll 1 flIIIkethe horn of Dl!vld to bud: 1 hl!Veerdalned 8 I~ fcT mine lII1Olnted. Hls enanles wlll 1 clathewlth sh8n9: but l4Xl" hlmself sh8ll hls a"OWl fIOtTlsh.~,tU.1132'11-18.

'TtEBEFCJ3ESAITHM LOO, M LOO c:F tQSTS, M MIGfTYQ\E c:F I~. AH. 1 WILLEASEtoE c:F MI!\EK>~RSAAIES. H{)~ ~ c:F MI!\E rn=M151 And 1 wlll tíin my hañd upon 'ftíEíEi,;p~y plTge ~ dross, md tl.lke t1t18y all ffly tln:And 1 wlll res1ore!by ludges as e+ the flrst, Mld thy CXlUn-sel lors as at the beglMlng: 8fterword trou sh8lt be ClIlled,!he clty of rlgh1ecusness. the falthful c1ty. Zloo shel l beredeemedwlth judgrent, Md her converts wlth rlgh1ecusness.And the destructloo of the trmsgressors and of the slnnfrssh~11 be toget1lef', l!nd _ thot ta=Sl!ke the Lerd sh811 beC9OS!I!!9d. And It sbel l CCIlI8to p8SSIn the les+ day~, th8tthe npyntllln of the Lerd's house shel l be estltbllshed In tila1q> of the roount8lns, md Sh811be ex81ted ltbove the hl Hs;Mld 811 natloos Sh811flow unto It. And III!SO'(people Sh811gJMld say, - Can9ya, Md let us !p up to the roount81nof theLerd to the houseof the Q:xj of Jl!OOb¡end he wlll tel!ch U~of his Wl!ys. md'te wlll WIIlk In hls pl!ths: to: QJt of go fc:rth the 1tItI. md the word of the Lerd fron JeruSlt':JEm. And he shall ludaa lJ!IOPQ the natloos, Md 511811rebukelIIMy people:-ISAIAH 1:24-28. 2:2-48. ..n

AKJ THEYStW..1..EEATMIR ~ INTO PL()t~S. ""~MIR HMS INTOffil..tmOm<s: ~Tlctl StW.LOOT LlFT ~S\9Jl PGA 1NST~Tlctl. !\ElTHERStW.LTHEYLEAAN'«AA N« ~.And In +ne+ day seven wanensh8l1 tl.lke rold of one !!JW,


saying, Wew111eat QJr 01ol1 bread, and lISlr QJI'"01ol1 ~lre 1:onIy let us be cal lsd by thy nana, to tl.lke tltllIY 0tT nlprOllCh.In that day shal l the brél'lChof the Lerd be beautltul MldglcrlQJs, Md the frult of the e<rth 511811be exc:elleot Mldcolelv icr thsn that are escepedof Isrl!el. And It shl!1I caneto p8SS, +he+he that 15 left In Zloo, md he tMt r'elMlnethIn JfruSlIIEm, shlill be ClIlled roly, even evfrY one tMt Iswrltten anoogthe living In JeruSllIEm: Itlen the Lerd shal lh8Ve washed iJlt8y the fllth of the ~"hrs of Zloo, MldSh811 hl!Ve plTged the blood of JeruSllIEm fran the mldstthfreot by the splrlt of ludqte!!t, Mld by the splrlt ofblTnlng. And the Lerd wlll crem-e uponevfrY <helllng pl eoeof roountZlon, Md upon heI" ~ssanblles, 8 cloud Md 9ñe by~, Md the shlnlng of 8 fl5l11ng flre by nlght: fcT l4lO" 811the glc:rv 511811be 8 dafenc:e.And there sh811be 8 t5>ernc!IClefer 8 shl!dowIn the day tllll9 fron the heat, Md ta: 8 pl tICeof refuge, Md ter a oovert fran sta-m and fran raln, Hesh~11 not judge 8f"hr the slght ot hls ayas, nelthfr nlprOYeef"hr the helrlng of hls elrS: But wlth rlgh1ecusness Sh811he J udge the pocr, Md nIprOYew1th equIty fer the rreek otthe elrth: Md he shall sml1e the wthi wlth the rod ot hls!9!:tl!.. Mld wlth the breeth of hls IIps sh811he slay thewlcked. And rlgh1ecusness sh811be the glrdle of hls lolns,Md falthfulness the glrdle ot hls relns.-ISAIAH 2:4b. 4:1-6. 11:3-5.


lK> M FAlll ~ TCXEI-ER¡ Nf) A L1T1lE CH1LD StW..J...LEK>nEM.d the cnt Md the beIr shall feed¡ thelr)OOOg ones Sh811

Ile downtogstta: md the 1100sMll e5t strtltl Ilke the ox.d the sucklng chlld sh811plltf on the bole of the l!5p, md

lISMed chlld sh811put hls hMd 00 the cxx:kl!trlc:e' den.511811not hlTt nor des In 811 rol iI'OUnt8ln: fer

elrth Sh811be full of the led of the erd as thes CX)Vfrthe sea. And In tMt day there sh811be 8 roor

Jesse whlch 511811stMd ta: m enslgn of the people¡ tot sh8li the Gentiles seek: md hls rest 511811be glerlQ.!sl

mine QJtcasts <he11 wI th thee, ~¡ be trou ~ oovert tofron the ftlCe of the spollfr: fer the exta:tlooer 15 Oí

end the 11fr 08!Iseth the essors are con QJtf the IMd. And In l!!!rCY Sh811the throne be estllbllsbed:

he shel l slt upon It In....:!nd:!lIn the hbermlcle of ~417


Judglng, and seeklng judgrer¡t, and hastlng rlghte?usness• Therooonshall be confouncled, and tila sun ashaned,whentila Lq=dof hosts shall relgn In IIQmt Zlon. and In Jerusalan, !II'ldbefore hls anclents gla-lousl'i,. O La-d, thou art rnyQ:>d¡ Iwlll exalt thee, I wlll pralse thy nllle· fa- thou hast 00newonderful thlngs¡ thy counsels of old ~e falthfulness andtrutn, for thou hast madeof a clty an he?p¡ of a defenoedclty a ruin: a peleos of strangers to be no clty¡ It shallnevar be bullt. Therefore shall tila strong peeple gla-Ifythee, tila clty of the wrlble natlons shall iN: thee. Ferthou hast beena strength to tila poc:r. a strenqth to tbeneedy In hls dls1ress. a refuge fran the stcnn, a shadowfranthe hem", whentila blast of the terrible ones Is as a stamagalnst the wall. Thoushalt brlng cbwnthe nolse of sirang-ars, as tila heat in a dry place¡ even the hem" wlth tilashadow of a cloud: the branch of tila terrible ones shall bebrought low••.••ISAIAH11:6-10. 16:4-5. 24:23. 25:1-5.

Nf) IN 11-IISM.JU'fTAINSI-W..LTtE U:ro (f I{)STS t=W<E UNTOAU, FERE A FEASTof fat thlngs, a feast of wlnes on thelees, of fat thlngs full of Ill8rrclW,of wlnes on the lees wellreflned. And he wlll destrot In thls IIQJntaln tila f809 of theoovarlng ces+ ovar all peeple, and tila vall that Is spreadovar all ne+lcns, He wlll swallow up death In vlctgy¡ andthe Lq=dGodwlll wlpe awaytecrs fran off all faces¡ and therebuk.e of hls pecple shall he take awayfran off al l theearth: fOl'"the Lerd hath spoken It. And It sOO11be sald Inthat day, Lo, thls Is our God¡we havewalted ter hlm, and hewlll save us: thls l s the Lerd¡ we havewalted fer hlm, :!§.wlll be glad and relolce In hls salvatlon. Fer In thls IIQJI'rtaln shall the handof tila Lerd rest, eod M:>abshall betrodden cbwnunder h1m,even as sfraw Is trodden d::lI.n fa- thedungh111. And he sha11 spread fc:rth hIs hands In the midst ofthan, as he that swlrmeth spreadeth fc:rth hls handsto swlm:and he sha11 br Ing cbwnthe Ir pr Ide tOQ!!tt¡er wIth the spo11soí thelr hands. And the fc:rtress of the hlgh fc:rt of thywalls shall he brlng clown, lay low, and brlng to the ground',even to the dust. In +ne+day shall thls song be sung In theIand of Judah¡ we have a strong clty¡ salvatlon wlll Q:>d~polnt fer walls and bulwarks.•.••ISAIAH25:6-12. 26:1.

(J'ENVETtE G6.TES.THAT1HERIGiTEOOS~TI~ \fila-! t<EEP-EJH 1HEm.JTH w,Y ENTERINI Thouwllt keep hlm In perfectpe809 whosemlnd Is stayed on thee: becausehe frusteth In

, 419


Judglng, and seeklng judgrer¡t, and hastlng rlghte?usness• Therooonshall be confouncled, and tila sun ashaned,whentila Lq=dof hosts shall relgn In IIQmt Zlon. and In Jerusalan, !II'ldbefore hls anclents gla-lousl'i,. O La-d, thou art rnyQ:>d¡ Iwlll exalt thee, I wlll pralse thy nllle· fa- thou hast 00newonderful thlngs¡ thy counsels of old ~e falthfulness andtrutn, for thou hast madeof a clty an he?p¡ of a defenoedclty a ruin: a peleos of strangers to be no clty¡ It shallnevar be bullt. Therefore shall tila strong peeple gla-Ifythee, tila clty of the wrlble natlons shall iN: thee. Ferthou hast beena strength to tila poc:r. a strenqth to tbeneedy In hls dls1ress. a refuge fran the stcnn, a shadowfranthe hem", whentila blast of the terrible ones Is as a stamagalnst the wall. Thoushalt brlng cbwnthe nolse of sirang-ars, as tila heat in a dry place¡ even the hem" wlth tilashadow of a cloud: the branch of tila terrible ones shall bebrought low••.••ISAIAH11:6-10. 16:4-5. 24:23. 25:1-5.

Nf) IN 11-IISM.JU'fTAINSI-W..LTtE U:ro (f I{)STS t=W<E UNTOAU, FERE A FEASTof fat thlngs, a feast of wlnes on thelees, of fat thlngs full of Ill8rrclW,of wlnes on the lees wellreflned. And he wlll destrot In thls IIQJntaln tila f809 of theoovarlng ces+ ovar all peeple, and tila vall that Is spreadovar all ne+lcns, He wlll swallow up death In vlctgy¡ andthe Lq=dGodwlll wlpe awaytecrs fran off all faces¡ and therebuk.e of hls pecple shall he take awayfran off al l theearth: fOl'"the Lerd hath spoken It. And It sOO11be sald Inthat day, Lo, thls Is our God¡we havewalted ter hlm, and hewlll save us: thls l s the Lerd¡ we havewalted fer hlm, :!§.wlll be glad and relolce In hls salvatlon. Fer In thls IIQJI'rtaln shall the handof tila Lerd rest, eod M:>abshall betrodden cbwnunder h1m,even as sfraw Is trodden d::lI.n fa- thedungh111. And he sha11 spread fc:rth hIs hands In the midst ofthan, as he that swlrmeth spreadeth fc:rth hls handsto swlm:and he sha11 br Ing cbwnthe Ir pr Ide tOQ!!tt¡er wIth the spo11soí thelr hands. And the fc:rtress of the hlgh fc:rt of thywalls shall he brlng clown, lay low, and brlng to the ground',even to the dust. In +ne+day shall thls song be sung In theIand of Judah¡ we have a strong clty¡ salvatlon wlll Q:>d~polnt fer walls and bulwarks.•.••ISAIAH25:6-12. 26:1.

(J'ENVETtE G6.TES.THAT1HERIGiTEOOS~TI~ \fila-! t<EEP-EJH 1HEm.JTH w,Y ENTERINI Thouwllt keep hlm In perfectpe809 whosemlnd Is stayed on thee: becausehe frusteth In

, 419

-- I? -:>

thee. Trust ye In the Lord for fWer: for In the Lord .EfDVAH fulness hath Strprlsed the hypoa-ltes. Who8!IOnQ us shellIs fWerlastlO9 strength: For he br"lngettJ00wnthsn thet ~II Mil wlth the devourlng flre? whoIJIlOOgus shall Mil wlth00 hlgh¡ the loftv c1tv, he leyeth It low; he layeth It low, everlastlO9 burnlngs? He thet walketh rlgh1eously, end spetlk-even to the g'"OUnd;he brlngeth It fWento the dust. The toot eth uprlghtly; he that desplseth the celn of oopresslons,shall tread It 00wn,fWenthe feet of the poq, end the steps +ne+shaketh hls hendsfran holding of brlbes, thet stoppethof the needy. The wayof the Just Is uprlghtness: thou, most hls ears fran hearlng of btcod, end shu'ttett1 hls aves trenuprlght, <bst walgh the path of the Just. Yea, In the wayof sealO9 fWII; He shall Mil on hlgh: hls place of defenc:ethy judgmnts. O Lord. havewa walted for thee; the deslre of shall be the IIUlltlons of n:x:xs: bread shall be glven hlm;o.r seuI 15 to thy nana, end to the rananbrance of thee. hls waters shall be SlTe.-ISAIAH 29:18-19. 32:1-4. 33:13-16.Wlth my seuI have I desIred thee In the nlght; yea, wlth my ~'~EW ~ ~ KltN IN HIS BEND'¡ MY

~splrlt wlthln ne wlll 1 seek thee early:-ISAIAH 26:2-9a. eaW) ~rlSVERy EAAo=. Thlne heartEQ3ItiEN lliY Jl.IXMNIS ,ff IN JtE ENID1. JtE 1ttW3ITANTS med1tata terror. ltIere Is the scrlbe? Where15the rec:elver?a: JtE m.n WILLLEffiNRIGfIEQJSbESS.Let f a\IOIT be shewed Where Is he that couoted the towers? Thoushalt not sea a

tothe wldsed. yet wlll he not leam rlgh1eousness: lo the fleroe peq>le, a peq>le of a deeper speechthen thou canstland of uprlghtness wlll he deal uoJustly, and wlll not peroelve; of a stlmlBr'lng ialgue, that thaJ censt not under-behold the rMjesty 01 the Lord. Lord, whenthy hend 15 s+end, Lods. upOllZlon, the clty of o.r solemnltles: tb.J.n!tIlfted up, they wlll not sea: but!hay shall sea. end be 8)!s shall sea Jel'usalEITIa gulet habltetlon, a tabernacle~ for thelr envy at the peq>le; yea, the tire 01 thlne thet shall not be tak.en00wn; not one 01 the stakes thereofenEITIlesshall devor thsn. Lord, thou wllt ordalo peace for she11 fWer be removed, nelther shal l eny of the cords ~us: for thou also hast wrought all o.r works In uso O Lord of be brdsen. But there the glorlous Lord wlll be uoto us ao.r God¡ othet Ia=ds beslde thee have had <bnlnlon CNer us: pl aoeof broad rlvers end stremls; whereln shall g:> no gel leybut by thee ooly wlll warnakernentlon of thy nana. wlth OIF'S, nelther shall gellent shlp pass thereby. Fa- thedead, they shall not Ilve; they n deoeased,they shall not lord Is our ludge. the Lord 15our lawglver. the Lord 15ourrisa: therefore hast thou vi slted end destro,oed thsn, end l' klng: he wlll ~ USo Thy taddlogs ¿re lcosed; they couldmade all thelr rrernay to perlsh. Tboy hast Increased the not wall strengthen thelr Ill!Ist, they could not spread theoatlon. O Lord, thou hast Increased the netloo: thaJ art sall: then Is the prey of a g"eet spoll dlvlded; the 1mglorlfled: thou hadst removedIt far IIlto all the ends of the take the prev. And the lohabltent shall not SlJ'{, 1 amslds:EW"th.-1 SAIAH26:9D-15. the peq>le that ~II therelo shal l be forglven thelr In-

N{) IN JliA,T OOstWJ.JtEWftuBJtE~(f JtE Iqulty. The wl lderness end the sollt¡ry pl ace shal l be gladm. Nf) JtE EYESCF JtE B.I ti? S!-W...L SEEout of obSClTlty, for thsn; and the desert shall reloloe. end blossgn as theend out of drtness. The rreekalso shall Increase thelr Joy ~. It shall blossan abundently, end reJoloe fWenwlth JoyIn the Lord, and the poor anongneo shall reJoloe lo the I-bly end slnglO9: the glory of LebMon shel l be glven unto It, theOneof Israel. 8eho1d. a klng shall relgo In rlgh1eousness, e><oellencyof CNmaI and Sharon, they shall sea the glory ofand prlnoes shel l rule In iudgmnt. And a Ill!Inshall be es en the Lord, end the e><oellencyof our God. S!reng!hen)'9 thehldlng place fran the wlnd, and a covert fran the ~t; as wetlk hends, end conflrm the feeble knees, $ay to thsn thatrlvers of water In a dry place, as the shaOOwof a g"eet rods. are of a fearful heart, Be s!rqlg. tw nqt: behold, 'f04T GodIn a wa¡ry lend. And the aves of thsn that sea shall not be ¡wlll cane wlth vengeance,even Godwlth a ~1CJe; he wllldlm, end the ears of thsn that hear shall hearken. The heIrt cane and save you.-ISAIAH 33:17-24. 35:1-4.also of the rash shall understend knowledge, and the tongue JtEN JtE EYES(f JtE $I-W.l. BE~te), NI) JtE EIRSof the sh"'IEIIers shall be ready to spetlk pl al nIy. Hear, ye Cf JtE CVF SHPU BE lJNS1QftO. TIfN stW.l, nE \.NoE WIi LElf

Ithat are f ar off, whet I have 00ne; end, ye that n near, .AS N-l I-WU. N{) JtE T<NU: (f JtE DlM3 SIti?¡ for In theacknowledgemymlght. The slnners In Zlon n afrald; fear- wllderness shall weters break out, and stremls In the deserto

420 421"-

-- I? -:>

thee. Trust ye In the Lord for fWer: for In the Lord .EfDVAH fulness hath Strprlsed the hypoa-ltes. Who8!IOnQ us shellIs fWerlastlO9 strength: For he br"lngettJ00wnthsn thet ~II Mil wlth the devourlng flre? whoIJIlOOgus shall Mil wlth00 hlgh¡ the loftv c1tv, he leyeth It low; he layeth It low, everlastlO9 burnlngs? He thet walketh rlgh1eously, end spetlk-even to the g'"OUnd;he brlngeth It fWento the dust. The toot eth uprlghtly; he that desplseth the celn of oopresslons,shall tread It 00wn,fWenthe feet of the poq, end the steps +ne+shaketh hls hendsfran holding of brlbes, thet stoppethof the needy. The wayof the Just Is uprlghtness: thou, most hls ears fran hearlng of btcod, end shu'ttett1 hls aves trenuprlght, <bst walgh the path of the Just. Yea, In the wayof sealO9 fWII; He shall Mil on hlgh: hls place of defenc:ethy judgmnts. O Lord. havewa walted for thee; the deslre of shall be the IIUlltlons of n:x:xs: bread shall be glven hlm;o.r seuI 15 to thy nana, end to the rananbrance of thee. hls waters shall be SlTe.-ISAIAH 29:18-19. 32:1-4. 33:13-16.Wlth my seuI have I desIred thee In the nlght; yea, wlth my ~'~EW ~ ~ KltN IN HIS BEND'¡ MY

~splrlt wlthln ne wlll 1 seek thee early:-ISAIAH 26:2-9a. eaW) ~rlSVERy EAAo=. Thlne heartEQ3ItiEN lliY Jl.IXMNIS ,ff IN JtE ENID1. JtE 1ttW3ITANTS med1tata terror. ltIere Is the scrlbe? Where15the rec:elver?a: JtE m.n WILLLEffiNRIGfIEQJSbESS.Let f a\IOIT be shewed Where Is he that couoted the towers? Thoushalt not sea a

tothe wldsed. yet wlll he not leam rlgh1eousness: lo the fleroe peq>le, a peq>le of a deeper speechthen thou canstland of uprlghtness wlll he deal uoJustly, and wlll not peroelve; of a stlmlBr'lng ialgue, that thaJ censt not under-behold the rMjesty 01 the Lord. Lord, whenthy hend 15 s+end, Lods. upOllZlon, the clty of o.r solemnltles: tb.J.n!tIlfted up, they wlll not sea: but!hay shall sea. end be 8)!s shall sea Jel'usalEITIa gulet habltetlon, a tabernacle~ for thelr envy at the peq>le; yea, the tire 01 thlne thet shall not be tak.en00wn; not one 01 the stakes thereofenEITIlesshall devor thsn. Lord, thou wllt ordalo peace for she11 fWer be removed, nelther shal l eny of the cords ~us: for thou also hast wrought all o.r works In uso O Lord of be brdsen. But there the glorlous Lord wlll be uoto us ao.r God¡ othet Ia=ds beslde thee have had <bnlnlon CNer us: pl aoeof broad rlvers end stremls; whereln shall g:> no gel leybut by thee ooly wlll warnakernentlon of thy nana. wlth OIF'S, nelther shall gellent shlp pass thereby. Fa- thedead, they shall not Ilve; they n deoeased,they shall not lord Is our ludge. the Lord 15our lawglver. the Lord 15ourrisa: therefore hast thou vi slted end destro,oed thsn, end l' klng: he wlll ~ USo Thy taddlogs ¿re lcosed; they couldmade all thelr rrernay to perlsh. Tboy hast Increased the not wall strengthen thelr Ill!Ist, they could not spread theoatlon. O Lord, thou hast Increased the netloo: thaJ art sall: then Is the prey of a g"eet spoll dlvlded; the 1mglorlfled: thou hadst removedIt far IIlto all the ends of the take the prev. And the lohabltent shall not SlJ'{, 1 amslds:EW"th.-1 SAIAH26:9D-15. the peq>le that ~II therelo shal l be forglven thelr In-

N{) IN JliA,T OOstWJ.JtEWftuBJtE~(f JtE Iqulty. The wl lderness end the sollt¡ry pl ace shal l be gladm. Nf) JtE EYESCF JtE B.I ti? S!-W...L SEEout of obSClTlty, for thsn; and the desert shall reloloe. end blossgn as theend out of drtness. The rreekalso shall Increase thelr Joy ~. It shall blossan abundently, end reJoloe fWenwlth JoyIn the Lord, and the poor anongneo shall reJoloe lo the I-bly end slnglO9: the glory of LebMon shel l be glven unto It, theOneof Israel. 8eho1d. a klng shall relgo In rlgh1eousness, e><oellencyof CNmaI and Sharon, they shall sea the glory ofand prlnoes shel l rule In iudgmnt. And a Ill!Inshall be es en the Lord, end the e><oellencyof our God. S!reng!hen)'9 thehldlng place fran the wlnd, and a covert fran the ~t; as wetlk hends, end conflrm the feeble knees, $ay to thsn thatrlvers of water In a dry place, as the shaOOwof a g"eet rods. are of a fearful heart, Be s!rqlg. tw nqt: behold, 'f04T GodIn a wa¡ry lend. And the aves of thsn that sea shall not be ¡wlll cane wlth vengeance,even Godwlth a ~1CJe; he wllldlm, end the ears of thsn that hear shall hearken. The heIrt cane and save you.-ISAIAH 33:17-24. 35:1-4.also of the rash shall understend knowledge, and the tongue JtEN JtE EYES(f JtE $I-W.l. BE~te), NI) JtE EIRSof the sh"'IEIIers shall be ready to spetlk pl al nIy. Hear, ye Cf JtE CVF SHPU BE lJNS1QftO. TIfN stW.l, nE \.NoE WIi LElf

Ithat are f ar off, whet I have 00ne; end, ye that n near, .AS N-l I-WU. N{) JtE T<NU: (f JtE DlM3 SIti?¡ for In theacknowledgemymlght. The slnners In Zlon n afrald; fear- wllderness shall weters break out, and stremls In the deserto

420 421"-

Andthe perchedgroundshall becare a pool, end the ttllrstyland springs of watEr: in the habitation of Ó"agons, whereeach lay, shall be grass wlttl reeds and rusbes, Andan hlgtr-wayshall be there. and a way. and It shall be called Thewayof hollness; the unclean shall not pass Oler It; but It shal lbe fa- those: the wayferlng 1TeIl. tnough fools. shall not errtha-eln. ~ I Ion shall be thEre, n<r f!JIto( ravenousbeast shall90 up thEreon, It shall not be found thEre; but the redeanedshall walk there: Andthe ransr:JOedof the Lerd shall renrnand core to Zlon wlffl songsaOOEWerlastlngjo¡ upon thel~heads: they shall obtaln jo¡ and glamess, and SOITCl!t andslghlng shall flee away. Ccmfort ye, confri ye mypecple,salth your God. Speakye confortably to Jerusalan, and cryunto ha-, +he+ha- warfera Is acOO!pllshed,ttlat ha- InlqultyIs perOOned: fa- she haffl recelved of the Lerd's handOOt.blefa- all ha- slns, The volea of hlm that crletn In the wllder-ness, Prepera '.e the wayof the Lerd, mak.estralght In thedesert a hlghwayfa- our God. Every val ley shall be exalted,and EWery mountaln and hJII shall be made low: and thecrocked shall be madestralght, and the rough placas plaln:-ISAINi 35:5-10. 40:1-4.

Ni> nE G.rny Cf nE uro SWU BE ~K.ED. Ni> ,6UFLESHSHI'U $fE IT T<XBl-ER: fa- the moufflof the Lerd hathspd<.enIt. Behold, tila Lord Godwlll rore wlttl strong haOO,and hls arm shal I rula fa- hlm: behold, hls reward Is wlttlhlm, and hls wor1<.befere hlm. He shall feed hls flcx:k Ilke ashepha-d: he shall gathEr the lanbs wlttl hls arm, and carrythan In hls boson, and shal l gently lead those +ne+era wlttlyoung. Feer thou not; fa- I amwlttl thee: be not dlsnayed;fa- I amthy God: I wlll strengthen thee¡ vea, I wlll helpthee; vea, I wlll uphold thee wlttl the rlght hand of myrlgh1eousness. Behold, all !hay that were Incensedagalnstthee shall be ashamedand <nlfounded: they shall be asnotillng; and they that strlve wlth thee shall perlsh. Thoushalt seek them, end shalt not flOO than, EWenthan thatoontendedwlttl thee: they that war agalnst thee shall be asnottll ng, and as a th Ing of oought. Fa- I the Lerd ttly Q)dwlll hold thy rlght hand, saylng unto thee, Fea--not; I wllifíelp ttlOO. ISAINi 40:5,10-11. 41:10-13.

B80..D. I WILL~ TIff A i'EW SHAWlffiESH11'GINS1RlJ.t:NTHAVII'GTEETH: noJ Sl-W..TlffiESH nE MXHTAINS.Ni> SEATn&1SMAU. lInd shalt makethe hllls as chaff. Thoushalf tan


than, and the wlnd shall carry than away, andthe whlrlwlndshall scatter than: and thou shalt rejolea In the Lord andshalt glory In the I-bly cne of Israel. \1tlenthe rxxl- andneedyseekwatEr, and thEre Is nona and thelr tengue fallethfor thlrst, I the Lerd wlll hear than I the Godof Israelwlll not fersak.ethem. I wlll cpen rlv:"'s In hlgh placas, andfountalns In the mldst of the valleys: I wlll makethe wll-derness a pool of wanr, and the ~ land sprlm of water. Iwlll plant In the wllclerness theer, th8Sh atí tree, andthe rny-tle, and the 011 trae; I wlll set In the desert theflr trae, aOOthe plne, and the box trae together: That theymay see, aOOknow, and<nlslcler, and understandtogether,+ne+the h51dof the Lord haffl donethls, and the I-bly ()le ofIsrael hath created It. And 1 wlll brlng the bllnd ~ waythat they knewnot; I wl 11 lead than In paths fhat havenot knOl«l: 1 wlll makedél"knessIlght befere than, andcroc::ked thlngs stralght. Thesethlngs wlll 1 do unto ttlan,and not forsak.ettlan.-ISAINi 41:15-20. 42:16.

KltGS SWU $fE Ni> AAISE, ffil~S I'LSO SWU ItmSHIP,because of the Lord fhaf Is falttlful, and the I-bly ()le ofIsrael, and he shall choosethee. Thussalth the Lord, In anacceptable time have I heard thee, and In a da')'of salvatlonhave I helped thee: aOOI wlll preserve thee, and glve theetor a oovenantof the pecple, to establlsh the earttl, tocause to InhErlt the desolate herltages; That thou mayestsayto the pr 1soners, Go forttl¡ to ttlan that era 1n dél"kness,Shew ~selves. They shal l feed In the ways, and thelrpasttres shaI1 be 1n a11hIgh placas. They sha11 not hungern<:r thlrst¡ nelthEr shall the heat n<r sun smlta fhBñ: for hetilat hath mereyon themshall leed them, EWenby the sprlngsof wanr shall he gulde them. And I wlll makeall my moun-talns a way, andmyhlghwaysshall be exalted. Behold, ftleseshal l rore fran fer: end, lo, ftlese fran the ncrft1 and frant1le west; and these fran the land of Slnlm. Slng, O heavens¡lInd be Jo¡ful, O ea-th¡ and break forttl Into slnglng, Omountalns: for the Lerd hath conforted hls pecple, andwlllhave mereyu¡x?Ohls affllcted. Thy chllcren shall makehasta;ttly destro¡ers and they that madethee waste shall 90 frihof thee. L1ft up thlne eyes round about, and behold: allthese ~ther themselves1ogetr, androre to thee. As II¡ve, sath the Lord, tnou shar surely clOfhe ttlOOwlttl thanall, as wlttl an ornament, end bl nd ttlan on thee, as a brlde


Andthe perchedgroundshall becare a pool, end the ttllrstyland springs of watEr: in the habitation of Ó"agons, whereeach lay, shall be grass wlttl reeds and rusbes, Andan hlgtr-wayshall be there. and a way. and It shall be called Thewayof hollness; the unclean shall not pass Oler It; but It shal lbe fa- those: the wayferlng 1TeIl. tnough fools. shall not errtha-eln. ~ I Ion shall be thEre, n<r f!JIto( ravenousbeast shall90 up thEreon, It shall not be found thEre; but the redeanedshall walk there: Andthe ransr:JOedof the Lerd shall renrnand core to Zlon wlffl songsaOOEWerlastlngjo¡ upon thel~heads: they shall obtaln jo¡ and glamess, and SOITCl!t andslghlng shall flee away. Ccmfort ye, confri ye mypecple,salth your God. Speakye confortably to Jerusalan, and cryunto ha-, +he+ha- warfera Is acOO!pllshed,ttlat ha- InlqultyIs perOOned: fa- she haffl recelved of the Lerd's handOOt.blefa- all ha- slns, The volea of hlm that crletn In the wllder-ness, Prepera '.e the wayof the Lerd, mak.estralght In thedesert a hlghwayfa- our God. Every val ley shall be exalted,and EWery mountaln and hJII shall be made low: and thecrocked shall be madestralght, and the rough placas plaln:-ISAINi 35:5-10. 40:1-4.

Ni> nE G.rny Cf nE uro SWU BE ~K.ED. Ni> ,6UFLESHSHI'U $fE IT T<XBl-ER: fa- the moufflof the Lerd hathspd<.enIt. Behold, tila Lord Godwlll rore wlttl strong haOO,and hls arm shal I rula fa- hlm: behold, hls reward Is wlttlhlm, and hls wor1<.befere hlm. He shall feed hls flcx:k Ilke ashepha-d: he shall gathEr the lanbs wlttl hls arm, and carrythan In hls boson, and shal l gently lead those +ne+era wlttlyoung. Feer thou not; fa- I amwlttl thee: be not dlsnayed;fa- I amthy God: I wlll strengthen thee¡ vea, I wlll helpthee; vea, I wlll uphold thee wlttl the rlght hand of myrlgh1eousness. Behold, all !hay that were Incensedagalnstthee shall be ashamedand <nlfounded: they shall be asnotillng; and they that strlve wlth thee shall perlsh. Thoushalt seek them, end shalt not flOO than, EWenthan thatoontendedwlttl thee: they that war agalnst thee shall be asnottll ng, and as a th Ing of oought. Fa- I the Lerd ttly Q)dwlll hold thy rlght hand, saylng unto thee, Fea--not; I wllifíelp ttlOO. ISAINi 40:5,10-11. 41:10-13.

B80..D. I WILL~ TIff A i'EW SHAWlffiESH11'GINS1RlJ.t:NTHAVII'GTEETH: noJ Sl-W..TlffiESH nE MXHTAINS.Ni> SEATn&1SMAU. lInd shalt makethe hllls as chaff. Thoushalf tan


than, and the wlnd shall carry than away, andthe whlrlwlndshall scatter than: and thou shalt rejolea In the Lord andshalt glory In the I-bly cne of Israel. \1tlenthe rxxl- andneedyseekwatEr, and thEre Is nona and thelr tengue fallethfor thlrst, I the Lerd wlll hear than I the Godof Israelwlll not fersak.ethem. I wlll cpen rlv:"'s In hlgh placas, andfountalns In the mldst of the valleys: I wlll makethe wll-derness a pool of wanr, and the ~ land sprlm of water. Iwlll plant In the wllclerness theer, th8Sh atí tree, andthe rny-tle, and the 011 trae; I wlll set In the desert theflr trae, aOOthe plne, and the box trae together: That theymay see, aOOknow, and<nlslcler, and understandtogether,+ne+the h51dof the Lord haffl donethls, and the I-bly ()le ofIsrael hath created It. And 1 wlll brlng the bllnd ~ waythat they knewnot; I wl 11 lead than In paths fhat havenot knOl«l: 1 wlll makedél"knessIlght befere than, andcroc::ked thlngs stralght. Thesethlngs wlll 1 do unto ttlan,and not forsak.ettlan.-ISAINi 41:15-20. 42:16.

KltGS SWU $fE Ni> AAISE, ffil~S I'LSO SWU ItmSHIP,because of the Lord fhaf Is falttlful, and the I-bly ()le ofIsrael, and he shall choosethee. Thussalth the Lord, In anacceptable time have I heard thee, and In a da')'of salvatlonhave I helped thee: aOOI wlll preserve thee, and glve theetor a oovenantof the pecple, to establlsh the earttl, tocause to InhErlt the desolate herltages; That thou mayestsayto the pr 1soners, Go forttl¡ to ttlan that era 1n dél"kness,Shew ~selves. They shal l feed In the ways, and thelrpasttres shaI1 be 1n a11hIgh placas. They sha11 not hungern<:r thlrst¡ nelthEr shall the heat n<r sun smlta fhBñ: for hetilat hath mereyon themshall leed them, EWenby the sprlngsof wanr shall he gulde them. And I wlll makeall my moun-talns a way, andmyhlghwaysshall be exalted. Behold, ftleseshal l rore fran fer: end, lo, ftlese fran the ncrft1 and frant1le west; and these fran the land of Slnlm. Slng, O heavens¡lInd be Jo¡ful, O ea-th¡ and break forttl Into slnglng, Omountalns: for the Lerd hath conforted hls pecple, andwlllhave mereyu¡x?Ohls affllcted. Thy chllcren shall makehasta;ttly destro¡ers and they that madethee waste shall 90 frihof thee. L1ft up thlne eyes round about, and behold: allthese ~ther themselves1ogetr, androre to thee. As II¡ve, sath the Lord, tnou shar surely clOfhe ttlOOwlttl thanall, as wlttl an ornament, end bl nd ttlan on thee, as a brlde


doeth. Fa- thy Wc!Isteand thy desOIme p18OEIS, end the Iend01 shall have cb.b lei and fa- ccnfualcn they shal l reJolee Inthy des1ructloo, shall even nowbe 100 n~ by rea9Xl of thelr pcrtloo: there1cre In thelr land they shet l possessthethe InMbltants, and they that s.allo.ed thee up shall be fer double: everlastlng Joy shall be uoto thsn. Fa- I the La-daway.-ISAIAH 49:7~13,17-19. 1O't'e Judg¡ant, I hate rrobery fa- burnt offerlng; and I wlllrus SAI~ ll-E LOO 00), 8EHl.D. I WILLLlFT lP MI~ I-W{) dlrect thelr wor1<lo trutn, and I wlll nIIke an everlastlngTOll-E ~ILES, fVC) SEr lP MYSTNgro TOll-E PE<Fl..Ei N{) oovenant wlth thsn. And thelr sead shall be knownancng then-EY St-W..Lffi II'G l1íY 5()lS IN ll-EIR NMi, fVC) l1íY I:W.GfTERSGentiles, and thelr offsprlng anoogthe people: al l that seaSi'WI BE~IED lR}j ltElR ~. fVC) K IIGS St-W..LBE than shall acknowledgethern, that they are the sead whlch theffiY ~SII'G FAn-ERS~fVC) ll-EIR=l1íY ~SII'G K>n-ERS: Lord hath blessed.-I SAIAH61:4-9.'fl'EY SfWI ~ txllIf4 O ME WI'THFKE TCWNtl M EM'fH, F~ AS ltE EAATHER Ita1H F<R~ fER 1lJO, fVC) AS HNf) LId< LP M DUSTCF noN FEfI¡ Md ttiií shalf knowfh8f I ptMN OOSETH ll-E ~ IIGS lH6.T~ 5O'I'N IN IT TO 9"R11'G511th9 Lord: tor theY sh811not be asMnad that .alt for neo ECRIHiSOne LOO 00) WILLOOSERIGfTEOJSf'.ESSfVC) FRAISETOIncline yotr ear, and ccmeunto ne: hear, end yotr soul shall fRll'G F<R~ BEFeR:,AU ll-E ~TI(}lS. And the Gentiles shallIlve¡ and I wl I I nIIke an everlastlng c:ovenantwlth ~, ~ sea fhy r1ghteOüsness, and all klngs thy glory: and !milthe sure nercles of David. 8eho~ ~Iven hlm for a ¡halt be called by a newnme, whlch the no'rth 01 the La-dwltness to the ~Ie, a leader fO th9 people. I~al I nme. Thou shel+ also be a crCWlof glcrv In the hand8eh:>ld, tI-ou shOt cal I a oatlon that tI-ou knowest not, and pf the Lord. and a royal dladan lo the handof thy Q:xj. Thoune+lcns that knewnot thee shal I run unto thee becauseof the .lhalt no rocre be tenned Forsaken¡ nelther shal I thy land anyLord thy Q:ld, and for the Ii:>ly one of Israel¡ for he hath lIIOI"'e be tenned Desolme: but tI-ou shalt be called Hephzlbah,glcrlfled thee. Seek; the Lord whlle he maybe f~ cal I I~d thy land Beulah: ter the Lord dallghteth In thee, and thyye ~ hlm whlle he s nerr: Let the wlcked for hls land shall be marrled. For as a 'PJng maoI1l!IITleth a vlrglo,way, th9 unrlghteous maohls tI-oughts: end let hlm return 1)10 shal I thy sons marry thee: and as the brldeg"can relolcethunto the Lord. and he wlll have mereyupon hlm¡ and to al" Ibve..- the brida so shal I thv Q:xj relolee over thee. ISAIAHQ:ld. for he wll I abundantly perdon.-lSAIAH 49:22-23. 55:3-7. 61:11. 62:2-5.

SOsHiU MY\O{) BE~T 0CE1H F<R~ (lIT (F MYMXJTH: IT 1\ 8UT BE YE <VD fVC) REJOlCEfor ever In that whlch IStW..L NOrRETlRNlMO tJEVOID, but It shall ac<XJ'IPllshthat treate: foro behold, I create Jerusalsn a re.lolclng, and herWhldí I please, liñd It shall prosper In the th Ing liMreto I Jlecple a Joy. And I wl I I reJolee In Jerusalsn, and Joy In mysent It. For ve shall ;iaout wlth JO(~and be led forth wlth :~Ie: and the volee of weeplng shel l be no more heerd lopeace: the m:lUñtalns the srrn s II bí"8i( fcTfh oofa-e , ncr the volee of aylng. There shal I be no more thenceyou Into slnglng, and al I the traes of the fleld shal I clap 1110 Infant of days, ncr an old manthat hath not fll led hlsthelr hands. Ins1eadof the thorn shal I ccmeup the flr trae. I~s: for the chl Id shall die an hundred yaers old¡ but!!!!and Ins1eadof ttí8 ¡rler shall ccme¡;:the !l!)!tle trae: and ~nner belng an hundred ..eers old shall be 8CC!!"sed.And tl!!YIf shal I be to the Lord for a MIIa. an everliíSflng slgn al I bulld houses. and Inhablt thsn¡ and they sbel I plentthat shall not be cut off.--lSAIAH 55:11-13. ~Ineyards and eat the 1rult of thsn. They shall not bulld,

NI) n-EY StW..l 8UILDH o,o WAS1ES,n-EY StW..l AAISElP IInd~ Inhablt¡ they shal I not pl ant, and another eat:H FCHoERD::sa..ATI<Ni, liñd !hay shall repalr th9 .aste ra- as the days of a trae are the days of my people, and minedt/f' the desOlatlons of manygeneratlons. And strangers lect shall 1000 enlov the wor1<.of thelr hands. They shal Isha stand and feed your flocks, and the 9XlS of the al 1811 ~ labour In valn, ncr brlng forth for 1rouble¡ ta: they areshall be your plQjllBO and yotr vlnect'essers. But ya shall be ~ seed of the blessed of the Lord, and thelr 01fsprlng wlthn5l1edthe Prlests of the Lord: neo shall call 'l3eñttheMlols- ~. And It shet I ccmeto pass, +ne+before they cal I , Iters of OUI'" QxI: ya shal I eat the rlches of the Iles, and II I answero and whlle they are yet speaklng, I wlll hear.In thelr glory shall ya boast yourselves. For yotr shme Yl!. Ihe woIf and'the hrnb shaI I 1eecf and the 1100 shal I

424 425•...

doeth. Fa- thy Wc!Isteand thy desOIme p18OEIS, end the Iend01 shall have cb.b lei and fa- ccnfualcn they shal l reJolee Inthy des1ructloo, shall even nowbe 100 n~ by rea9Xl of thelr pcrtloo: there1cre In thelr land they shet l possessthethe InMbltants, and they that s.allo.ed thee up shall be fer double: everlastlng Joy shall be uoto thsn. Fa- I the La-daway.-ISAIAH 49:7~13,17-19. 1O't'e Judg¡ant, I hate rrobery fa- burnt offerlng; and I wlllrus SAI~ ll-E LOO 00), 8EHl.D. I WILLLlFT lP MI~ I-W{) dlrect thelr wor1<lo trutn, and I wlll nIIke an everlastlngTOll-E ~ILES, fVC) SEr lP MYSTNgro TOll-E PE<Fl..Ei N{) oovenant wlth thsn. And thelr sead shall be knownancng then-EY St-W..Lffi II'G l1íY 5()lS IN ll-EIR NMi, fVC) l1íY I:W.GfTERSGentiles, and thelr offsprlng anoogthe people: al l that seaSi'WI BE~IED lR}j ltElR ~. fVC) K IIGS St-W..LBE than shall acknowledgethern, that they are the sead whlch theffiY ~SII'G FAn-ERS~fVC) ll-EIR=l1íY ~SII'G K>n-ERS: Lord hath blessed.-I SAIAH61:4-9.'fl'EY SfWI ~ txllIf4 O ME WI'THFKE TCWNtl M EM'fH, F~ AS ltE EAATHER Ita1H F<R~ fER 1lJO, fVC) AS HNf) LId< LP M DUSTCF noN FEfI¡ Md ttiií shalf knowfh8f I ptMN OOSETH ll-E ~ IIGS lH6.T~ 5O'I'N IN IT TO 9"R11'G511th9 Lord: tor theY sh811not be asMnad that .alt for neo ECRIHiSOne LOO 00) WILLOOSERIGfTEOJSf'.ESSfVC) FRAISETOIncline yotr ear, and ccmeunto ne: hear, end yotr soul shall fRll'G F<R~ BEFeR:,AU ll-E ~TI(}lS. And the Gentiles shallIlve¡ and I wl I I nIIke an everlastlng c:ovenantwlth ~, ~ sea fhy r1ghteOüsness, and all klngs thy glory: and !milthe sure nercles of David. 8eho~ ~Iven hlm for a ¡halt be called by a newnme, whlch the no'rth 01 the La-dwltness to the ~Ie, a leader fO th9 people. I~al I nme. Thou shel+ also be a crCWlof glcrv In the hand8eh:>ld, tI-ou shOt cal I a oatlon that tI-ou knowest not, and pf the Lord. and a royal dladan lo the handof thy Q:xj. Thoune+lcns that knewnot thee shal I run unto thee becauseof the .lhalt no rocre be tenned Forsaken¡ nelther shal I thy land anyLord thy Q:ld, and for the Ii:>ly one of Israel¡ for he hath lIIOI"'e be tenned Desolme: but tI-ou shalt be called Hephzlbah,glcrlfled thee. Seek; the Lord whlle he maybe f~ cal I I~d thy land Beulah: ter the Lord dallghteth In thee, and thyye ~ hlm whlle he s nerr: Let the wlcked for hls land shall be marrled. For as a 'PJng maoI1l!IITleth a vlrglo,way, th9 unrlghteous maohls tI-oughts: end let hlm return 1)10 shal I thy sons marry thee: and as the brldeg"can relolcethunto the Lord. and he wlll have mereyupon hlm¡ and to al" Ibve..- the brida so shal I thv Q:xj relolee over thee. ISAIAHQ:ld. for he wll I abundantly perdon.-lSAIAH 49:22-23. 55:3-7. 61:11. 62:2-5.

SOsHiU MY\O{) BE~T 0CE1H F<R~ (lIT (F MYMXJTH: IT 1\ 8UT BE YE <VD fVC) REJOlCEfor ever In that whlch IStW..L NOrRETlRNlMO tJEVOID, but It shall ac<XJ'IPllshthat treate: foro behold, I create Jerusalsn a re.lolclng, and herWhldí I please, liñd It shall prosper In the th Ing liMreto I Jlecple a Joy. And I wl I I reJolee In Jerusalsn, and Joy In mysent It. For ve shall ;iaout wlth JO(~and be led forth wlth :~Ie: and the volee of weeplng shel l be no more heerd lopeace: the m:lUñtalns the srrn s II bí"8i( fcTfh oofa-e , ncr the volee of aylng. There shal I be no more thenceyou Into slnglng, and al I the traes of the fleld shal I clap 1110 Infant of days, ncr an old manthat hath not fll led hlsthelr hands. Ins1eadof the thorn shal I ccmeup the flr trae. I~s: for the chl Id shall die an hundred yaers old¡ but!!!!and Ins1eadof ttí8 ¡rler shall ccme¡;:the !l!)!tle trae: and ~nner belng an hundred ..eers old shall be 8CC!!"sed.And tl!!YIf shal I be to the Lord for a MIIa. an everliíSflng slgn al I bulld houses. and Inhablt thsn¡ and they sbel I plentthat shall not be cut off.--lSAIAH 55:11-13. ~Ineyards and eat the 1rult of thsn. They shall not bulld,

NI) n-EY StW..l 8UILDH o,o WAS1ES,n-EY StW..l AAISElP IInd~ Inhablt¡ they shal I not pl ant, and another eat:H FCHoERD::sa..ATI<Ni, liñd !hay shall repalr th9 .aste ra- as the days of a trae are the days of my people, and minedt/f' the desOlatlons of manygeneratlons. And strangers lect shall 1000 enlov the wor1<.of thelr hands. They shal Isha stand and feed your flocks, and the 9XlS of the al 1811 ~ labour In valn, ncr brlng forth for 1rouble¡ ta: they areshall be your plQjllBO and yotr vlnect'essers. But ya shall be ~ seed of the blessed of the Lord, and thelr 01fsprlng wlthn5l1edthe Prlests of the Lord: neo shall call 'l3eñttheMlols- ~. And It shet I ccmeto pass, +ne+before they cal I , Iters of OUI'" QxI: ya shal I eat the rlches of the Iles, and II I answero and whlle they are yet speaklng, I wlll hear.In thelr glory shall ya boast yourselves. For yotr shme Yl!. Ihe woIf and'the hrnb shaI I 1eecf and the 1100 shal I

424 425•...

eat s1raw Ilke the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's I have~en the bandsof thelr ycke, and dellvered than outrreat, They shall not hITt ncr desfroy In all myholy !TOUn-01 the hi71dof those that served thanselves of than. Andtheytaln, salth the Lord. For I knowthelr ~s and thelr $hall no m:re be a ¡r-&.¡to the heathen nelther shall thethoughts: It shall core, +ne+ I wlll gather all natloos and beast of the land devourthan¡ but!t!eV shall dIoell safely,tongues¡ and th&.¡ shall CO'll9, and sea my glory. ISAIAHend neneshall makethan afrald. And I wlll ralse up for than65:1&-25.66:18. e pl en+of renown, and they shall be no m:re conStllEldwlth

Al lliAI TltJéTl-EYS/i4U..C6il. JERJSIUMn-E 1lfOE CFnE hunger In the land, nelther beIr the shlmeof the he8thenLOO; 1WJ,6Un-E NATlOOSSHr6U. BE~TIfRED UNTO IT, to the eny rrore. AndDavid myservant shall be klñ over than; i71dnanaof the Lord, to Jerusalan: nelther shall they walk any f:heY all shall haveone shepherd: th&.¡ sha also walk In mym:re after the lmaglnatlooof thelr evl l heart. Behold, the Judgrents, andobservemystatu1es, and ct>than. And~days core, salth the Lord, that I wlll ralse unto David él all die 1I In the land that I have Iven unto myrlgh1eous Branch, and a Klng shall relgn and P""T;iPh'i' and ant, whereln ycxr fathers havedlelt; and they shallshall execute ludgrent and lustloe In the ~h. In h s dlJys 11 thereln, eventhey, andthelr chlla-en, and thelrJudahshall be saved, Md Israel shall dwell sc!lfely: andthls IIa-en's chlla-en for aYa"': andmySa"'vantDavid shc!lll beIs hls nanawherebyhe shall be called, n-E LOO 0lR RIGíT- thelr !?fInca for aYa"'. ~ver I wlll lll!Ikea oovenant ofE<XJSI'ESS.But thls shall be the covenantthat 1 wlll rreke~ wlth than; It sbal l be en aYa"'lastlng covenant wlthwlth the houseof Israel; After those dc!!ys,salth the Lord, I : and I wlll plllCe than, andIllJltlply than, and wlll setwlll put my law In thelr Inwardprts, and w-lte It In therr sélllCttw"yIn the mldst of than for evenncre.Mytabernacleherts; and wlll be thelr God, and they shall be mypeq>le•• Iso shall be wlth thsn: vea, 1 wlll be thelr God, andtheyAnd th&.¡ shall teach no m:re evf?rymanhls nelghbar, Md hall be mypeq>le.-EZEKla 21:26-27. 34:26-29. 37:24-27.eYf?rymanhls brother, saylng, Knowthe Lord: for they shc!lll NfJ IN n-E [}6.Y5CFn-ESEKltGS SIW...Ln-E 00) q: l-EAVENall know neo fran the least of than unto the g-eatest 01 lP A KIt<GXJ.1\ttIla-I S/i4U..te'ER BE1E5TROYED:and thethan' salth the Lord: for I wlll forglve thelr Inlqulty, Md Ingcbnshall nat be left to other people, but It shall breakI wlll rsranber thelr sin no m:re. In those davs. and c!Itthat n leces andconsumaall these kl cbns and It shall standtime. wlll 1 causethe Eranchof rlgh1eousnessto g=ow up aYa"'. ForaSl1lJChas thou sawestthat the stone (Jesus)unto David; and he shall execute ludgrent andrlgh1eousness es cut out of the IIOJOtc!llnwlthout nenes, andthat It brekeIn the land. In those dc!!ysshel l Judahbe saved, Md Jerusa- n pleces the lron, the brass, the clev, the sllver, Md theIen shall dlell safely: and thls Is the nanawhen!wlth she Id' the g-e!Jt Godhath lMdeknQ«l to the klng likIat shallshal l be called, !he Lord our rlgh1eousness. Fcr thus seltn ' to pass ha"'eafter: and the <TMII Is certc!lln, and thethe Lord; David shc!lll nava"'want a manto slt upon the tocme nterpretatlon thereof sITe. 1 beheld tlll the thrones wereof the houseof Israel.-JEI&1IAH 3:17. 23:~. 31:33-34. 33: st doIoKIand the Anclent of d s dld slf wh0S6gcnnen+was15-17. lte as snow, andthe helr of hls head Ilke the pITe wool:

TKJSSAllH n-E LOO 00); RE1Ct'En-E DIKD1. NfJ 11& q:F Is throne was Ilke the flf?ry filme, and hls wheelsas burn-n-E 0DtN: THI5 SI-W..L001 BEn-E SN-E; EXeLI HIMJHA,I15LQt/, ng flre. A flf?ry streen Issuedandcana fcrth fran befcreand abasehlm that Is hlgh. 1 wlll overn.rn, O'IeI'"'ttrn,~ 1m:thousandthousandsmlnlstered unto hlm, andten thousandnrn, It: and It shall be no m:re, untll he <Xm:l whoserlght lmes ten thousandstood before hlm: the Judgrent was set,It ISi and 1 wlll glve It hlm. And I wlll makethsn andthe d the bockswereopened. As concernlngthe rest of thepl eoesround c!Iboutmyhlll c!Iblesslng; and I wlll ceese the ts (natlons) had thelr danlnloo taken awa: tshowerto CO'll9 downIn hls season;there shel l be showersof Ir Ilves were 01011 for a seasonandtime. 1 Sc!IWInblesslng. And the trae of the fleld shall yleld her frult, nlght vlsloos, and, behold, one Ilke the Sonof manC5IIeend the e¡rth shc!lll yleld her Increase, Md ~ shc!lll be Ith the clouds of heaven, andcanato the Mclent of dlJys,safe In thelr land, c!IOdshall knowthat I éIll the Lord. whef1 d they brought hlm near before hlm. Andthere wasglven hlm

426 427

eat s1raw Ilke the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's I have~en the bandsof thelr ycke, and dellvered than outrreat, They shall not hITt ncr desfroy In all myholy !TOUn-01 the hi71dof those that served thanselves of than. Andtheytaln, salth the Lord. For I knowthelr ~s and thelr $hall no m:re be a ¡r-&.¡to the heathen nelther shall thethoughts: It shall core, +ne+ I wlll gather all natloos and beast of the land devourthan¡ but!t!eV shall dIoell safely,tongues¡ and th&.¡ shall CO'll9, and sea my glory. ISAIAHend neneshall makethan afrald. And I wlll ralse up for than65:1&-25.66:18. e pl en+of renown, and they shall be no m:re conStllEldwlth

Al lliAI TltJéTl-EYS/i4U..C6il. JERJSIUMn-E 1lfOE CFnE hunger In the land, nelther beIr the shlmeof the he8thenLOO; 1WJ,6Un-E NATlOOSSHr6U. BE~TIfRED UNTO IT, to the eny rrore. AndDavid myservant shall be klñ over than; i71dnanaof the Lord, to Jerusalan: nelther shall they walk any f:heY all shall haveone shepherd: th&.¡ sha also walk In mym:re after the lmaglnatlooof thelr evl l heart. Behold, the Judgrents, andobservemystatu1es, and ct>than. And~days core, salth the Lord, that I wlll ralse unto David él all die 1I In the land that I have Iven unto myrlgh1eous Branch, and a Klng shall relgn and P""T;iPh'i' and ant, whereln ycxr fathers havedlelt; and they shallshall execute ludgrent and lustloe In the ~h. In h s dlJys 11 thereln, eventhey, andthelr chlla-en, and thelrJudahshall be saved, Md Israel shall dwell sc!lfely: andthls IIa-en's chlla-en for aYa"': andmySa"'vantDavid shc!lll beIs hls nanawherebyhe shall be called, n-E LOO 0lR RIGíT- thelr !?fInca for aYa"'. ~ver I wlll lll!Ikea oovenant ofE<XJSI'ESS.But thls shall be the covenantthat 1 wlll rreke~ wlth than; It sbal l be en aYa"'lastlng covenant wlthwlth the houseof Israel; After those dc!!ys,salth the Lord, I : and I wlll plllCe than, andIllJltlply than, and wlll setwlll put my law In thelr Inwardprts, and w-lte It In therr sélllCttw"yIn the mldst of than for evenncre.Mytabernacleherts; and wlll be thelr God, and they shall be mypeq>le•• Iso shall be wlth thsn: vea, 1 wlll be thelr God, andtheyAnd th&.¡ shall teach no m:re evf?rymanhls nelghbar, Md hall be mypeq>le.-EZEKla 21:26-27. 34:26-29. 37:24-27.eYf?rymanhls brother, saylng, Knowthe Lord: for they shc!lll NfJ IN n-E [}6.Y5CFn-ESEKltGS SIW...Ln-E 00) q: l-EAVENall know neo fran the least of than unto the g-eatest 01 lP A KIt<GXJ.1\ttIla-I S/i4U..te'ER BE1E5TROYED:and thethan' salth the Lord: for I wlll forglve thelr Inlqulty, Md Ingcbnshall nat be left to other people, but It shall breakI wlll rsranber thelr sin no m:re. In those davs. and c!Itthat n leces andconsumaall these kl cbns and It shall standtime. wlll 1 causethe Eranchof rlgh1eousnessto g=ow up aYa"'. ForaSl1lJChas thou sawestthat the stone (Jesus)unto David; and he shall execute ludgrent andrlgh1eousness es cut out of the IIOJOtc!llnwlthout nenes, andthat It brekeIn the land. In those dc!!ysshel l Judahbe saved, Md Jerusa- n pleces the lron, the brass, the clev, the sllver, Md theIen shall dlell safely: and thls Is the nanawhen!wlth she Id' the g-e!Jt Godhath lMdeknQ«l to the klng likIat shallshal l be called, !he Lord our rlgh1eousness. Fcr thus seltn ' to pass ha"'eafter: and the <TMII Is certc!lln, and thethe Lord; David shc!lll nava"'want a manto slt upon the tocme nterpretatlon thereof sITe. 1 beheld tlll the thrones wereof the houseof Israel.-JEI&1IAH 3:17. 23:~. 31:33-34. 33: st doIoKIand the Anclent of d s dld slf wh0S6gcnnen+was15-17. lte as snow, andthe helr of hls head Ilke the pITe wool:

TKJSSAllH n-E LOO 00); RE1Ct'En-E DIKD1. NfJ 11& q:F Is throne was Ilke the flf?ry filme, and hls wheelsas burn-n-E 0DtN: THI5 SI-W..L001 BEn-E SN-E; EXeLI HIMJHA,I15LQt/, ng flre. A flf?ry streen Issuedandcana fcrth fran befcreand abasehlm that Is hlgh. 1 wlll overn.rn, O'IeI'"'ttrn,~ 1m:thousandthousandsmlnlstered unto hlm, andten thousandnrn, It: and It shall be no m:re, untll he <Xm:l whoserlght lmes ten thousandstood before hlm: the Judgrent was set,It ISi and 1 wlll glve It hlm. And I wlll makethsn andthe d the bockswereopened. As concernlngthe rest of thepl eoesround c!Iboutmyhlll c!Iblesslng; and I wlll ceese the ts (natlons) had thelr danlnloo taken awa: tshowerto CO'll9 downIn hls season;there shel l be showersof Ir Ilves were 01011 for a seasonandtime. 1 Sc!IWInblesslng. And the trae of the fleld shall yleld her frult, nlght vlsloos, and, behold, one Ilke the Sonof manC5IIeend the e¡rth shc!lll yleld her Increase, Md ~ shc!lll be Ith the clouds of heaven, andcanato the Mclent of dlJys,safe In thelr land, c!IOdshall knowthat I éIll the Lord. whef1 d they brought hlm near before hlm. Andthere wasglven hlm

426 427

danlnlon, and 91ay, and a klngdan, ttlat all people, natlons. ,ttl, and 1 wlll gather her th t 1 <TIand languages,srould ~ hlm: hls danlnlon Is an everlasr- e affllcted. And 1 a s ven out, and her +he+1In9 danlnlon, whlch shall not pass l!IIIay, and hls klngdan ttlat d her that w~s wlll makeher tne+ halted a rannant,whlch shall not be destroyed. But the salnts 01 the most HIQh cast fer off a s1rongnatlon: and the Lordshall tét-e the kln9<bn, and possessthe kln9dan for ev.:r-: ever. And he shall ~ d ntd ~on fran hence~ 1eveneven to: ever and ever. And the klngdan and danlnlon, and ord In the maJ sanan eed In the s•.••••~ ••. o thethe ¡reatness of the klog<bn IIlder the whole heaven, shall be ' shall ablde'~ of the Om19 of the Lord hls G:xI¡ endglven to the peq>le of the salnts of the most Hlgh, whose eIrth.-MICAH·4'1-7nc;.~11 he be crem= unto the endsofklngdan Is en everlastlng klog<bn, and all danlolons shal l F<R TI-EElRll-t s.wi. sE FIL"LEDWIll-tM ~ r:F Mserve and d:Je.¡ hlm.~NIEL 2:44-45. 7:9-10,12-14,18,27. <RY I~

~NID SI-W...LM Qil~ r:F I~ RETlRN, HlJ SEEI$. :14.MUR) n-EIR (0), HlJ [)6.YIDn-EIR KIN>; and shall feer theLord and hls gcxxi1esslo the 1at1'erdays.~ 3:5.

IN ~T [)6.YWlli. 1 RAISE1.Pn-E T~E CF [)6.YID••• Be-hold, the days cana, salttl the Lord, ttlat the Dlowmaoshallovertake the re!!pE!", and the treader of!T~ hlm thatsowettl seed; and the roountalos sha11 <Tc:::psweet wI ne, and a11Ir-.~"",the hll Is shall nelt. And 1 wlll brlng agalo the ~tlvlty ofmypeq>le of Israel, and thev shall bylld the was1e cltles.and lohablt than¡ and they shall plant vlneyerds, and <Tlrj(the w1ne thereof; they sha11a1so makeg«"dens, and eat thefrult 01 than, And 1 wl11plent than l.p:>rIthelr lend, andI~~~~!hay $hall no morebe Dulled up out of thelr land whlch 1 I.¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡§-=....;;;;have glven than. salttl the Lordthy G:>d.--OOS9:11,1~15.

BlJI IN n-E!J\ST Qt\($ IT swu. <DE TO PASS. ruAT l1-tEIF~~~~~;;~~~:L~~~~~~M:XHTAIN(f n-E tWSE (f n-E L(H) SWU EE ESTta..Ig.a) IN l1-tET<F (f n-E MJl.tfTAINS. AN) IT StW.L BEEX!L lEO HmE l1-tEHIli.S¡ NI) PE<F!..ESWU FLClriLMO IT. HlJ t<WN NATIGlSstW.L(X)E. and sayo O:me. and let us rp up to the roouotalo01 theLord, and to the rouss 01 the G:>dof Jaoob; and he wlllteoch ys 01 hls WOys. and 119 wlll welk In hls paths: for theII!III shall 90 10rth 01 ZIon, and the wordof the Lord franJerus IEIII. And he shall Judge lJI'IOO9manypecple, and rebukestrong oatlons afar off; and thev shall beat thelr swordsInto plowsheres. and thelr S08«"Sloto prunlnghocks: natlonshall not 11ft UDa swordagalnst oatlon. nelther shall the1 F<RTIfN Wlli. 1 lU3N 10 n-E PECB.EA PlRE~, thatle«"o war any mere. But they shall slt evf!!Y fIlII'Iuoder hli mayall cal 1 uponthe 0m19 01 the Lord, to serve hlmvine Onduoder hls fl9 free¡ and nooeshall makethan afrald: one (X)Ilsent.-~IAH 3:9.for the roouttlof the Lord of hosts hath spcken It. For all N{) Wffl' NAIICJiSS!& EE JOltID TOl1-tEL(H) IN lHAT[)6.Y,pecple wl I1 welk every one lo the Om19 of hls rpd. and l& 1~~~!::b.,,..!BE~MY~PE~<R.E~i..:~AN)~~I~W!!:'li.:=.-:CYIE1.L:=:¡:~I~N::::l1-tE~~M¡¡I~~T!..;::;:~wlll walk lo the Om19 of the Lord our G:>dfor ever and ever. and thou shalt knowthat the Lord of hosts hath sentlo that day. salttl the Lord, wlll 1 assanble her +ne+hali'- ~oto thee. lo +ne+day shall the Lord defend the lohabl-


danlnlon, and 91ay, and a klngdan, ttlat all people, natlons. ,ttl, and 1 wlll gather her th t 1 <TIand languages,srould ~ hlm: hls danlnlon Is an everlasr- e affllcted. And 1 a s ven out, and her +he+1In9 danlnlon, whlch shall not pass l!IIIay, and hls klngdan ttlat d her that w~s wlll makeher tne+ halted a rannant,whlch shall not be destroyed. But the salnts 01 the most HIQh cast fer off a s1rongnatlon: and the Lordshall tét-e the kln9<bn, and possessthe kln9dan for ev.:r-: ever. And he shall ~ d ntd ~on fran hence~ 1eveneven to: ever and ever. And the klngdan and danlnlon, and ord In the maJ sanan eed In the s•.••••~ ••. o thethe ¡reatness of the klog<bn IIlder the whole heaven, shall be ' shall ablde'~ of the Om19 of the Lord hls G:xI¡ endglven to the peq>le of the salnts of the most Hlgh, whose eIrth.-MICAH·4'1-7nc;.~11 he be crem= unto the endsofklngdan Is en everlastlng klog<bn, and all danlolons shal l F<R TI-EElRll-t s.wi. sE FIL"LEDWIll-tM ~ r:F Mserve and d:Je.¡ hlm.~NIEL 2:44-45. 7:9-10,12-14,18,27. <RY I~

~NID SI-W...LM Qil~ r:F I~ RETlRN, HlJ SEEI$. :14.MUR) n-EIR (0), HlJ [)6.YIDn-EIR KIN>; and shall feer theLord and hls gcxxi1esslo the 1at1'erdays.~ 3:5.

IN ~T [)6.YWlli. 1 RAISE1.Pn-E T~E CF [)6.YID••• Be-hold, the days cana, salttl the Lord, ttlat the Dlowmaoshallovertake the re!!pE!", and the treader of!T~ hlm thatsowettl seed; and the roountalos sha11 <Tc:::psweet wI ne, and a11Ir-.~"",the hll Is shall nelt. And 1 wlll brlng agalo the ~tlvlty ofmypeq>le of Israel, and thev shall bylld the was1e cltles.and lohablt than¡ and they shall plant vlneyerds, and <Tlrj(the w1ne thereof; they sha11a1so makeg«"dens, and eat thefrult 01 than, And 1 wl11plent than l.p:>rIthelr lend, andI~~~~!hay $hall no morebe Dulled up out of thelr land whlch 1 I.¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡§-=....;;;;have glven than. salttl the Lordthy G:>d.--OOS9:11,1~15.

BlJI IN n-E!J\ST Qt\($ IT swu. <DE TO PASS. ruAT l1-tEIF~~~~~;;~~~:L~~~~~~M:XHTAIN(f n-E tWSE (f n-E L(H) SWU EE ESTta..Ig.a) IN l1-tET<F (f n-E MJl.tfTAINS. AN) IT StW.L BEEX!L lEO HmE l1-tEHIli.S¡ NI) PE<F!..ESWU FLClriLMO IT. HlJ t<WN NATIGlSstW.L(X)E. and sayo O:me. and let us rp up to the roouotalo01 theLord, and to the rouss 01 the G:>dof Jaoob; and he wlllteoch ys 01 hls WOys. and 119 wlll welk In hls paths: for theII!III shall 90 10rth 01 ZIon, and the wordof the Lord franJerus IEIII. And he shall Judge lJI'IOO9manypecple, and rebukestrong oatlons afar off; and thev shall beat thelr swordsInto plowsheres. and thelr S08«"Sloto prunlnghocks: natlonshall not 11ft UDa swordagalnst oatlon. nelther shall the1 F<RTIfN Wlli. 1 lU3N 10 n-E PECB.EA PlRE~, thatle«"o war any mere. But they shall slt evf!!Y fIlII'Iuoder hli mayall cal 1 uponthe 0m19 01 the Lord, to serve hlmvine Onduoder hls fl9 free¡ and nooeshall makethan afrald: one (X)Ilsent.-~IAH 3:9.for the roouttlof the Lord of hosts hath spcken It. For all N{) Wffl' NAIICJiSS!& EE JOltID TOl1-tEL(H) IN lHAT[)6.Y,pecple wl I1 welk every one lo the Om19 of hls rpd. and l& 1~~~!::b.,,..!BE~MY~PE~<R.E~i..:~AN)~~I~W!!:'li.:=.-:CYIE1.L:=:¡:~I~N::::l1-tE~~M¡¡I~~T!..;::;:~wlll walk lo the Om19 of the Lord our G:>dfor ever and ever. and thou shalt knowthat the Lord of hosts hath sentlo that day. salttl the Lord, wlll 1 assanble her +ne+hali'- ~oto thee. lo +ne+day shall the Lord defend the lohabl-


+ents of Jerusalem; andhe +he+ Is fesble mlOO9theme+ that talents cana andbrought othEr flve talents, SlIylng Lordday shall be as David; and the houseof Dlrlld sball be ~ ~dede~~en;:st unto na flve talents: behold, 1 hav~galnedGode as too ame I of the Lordbefore them. And It shall ~ iMnA ve talents nn'e. Hls lord sald un10hlm, .!l!tllto pass In that day, that I wlll seek to desfroy all the ~. 11p¡ gcxx1 aod falthfyl SEl'yant: thou hast been fll Ittlfu Inatlons +he+core agalnst Jerusalem. And It shall be In that ~a faetthlngs, I wlH ma¡?1íPi r:;¡;:;;r; íhh;:day, thllt living 'll8WS shall go out !ran Jerusalem; half Of '"1 ed thou 1010the !Q't of .!I]y lord. Healso +he+h~ re-them toward the fonner sea, aod half of them toward the v M talents canaand sald, Lord, thou dellveredst untohlnder sea: In sumrrerand In wlnter shall It be. Andthe Lorg M talents: behold, I havegalned M other talentsshall be klng 0'19' all the e.rth: In that day shall there be slde them. Hls lord sald unto hlm, Wel/ done. gxxl andone Lord, aod hls nemeone.-ZEQ-mIAH 2:11. 12:8-9. 14:8-9. e I thl

Ni> I $AY UNTO YOOe TIlATwY SWU CQ.EER:M TtE EASINI> \'tESTe NI) S/-W..L SIT [)()IN WIlH ~. NI) ISNC. Al'{)JAaB. IN TtE Klt-GXMcr: l-EAVEN.But the chll<t"en of thek1ngebn(Jews) shaII be cast out In10outer d8"kness: thereshall be weeplngaod gnashlng01 teeth. AndJesus sald untothem, Verlly I say unto )00, That ya whlch have followed na,1'; the regeneratlon whenthe Sonof man shall slt In thethrone of hls glory, ya also <12 teostles) shall slt UOOIJhlelve thrones. ludglng the hlelve trlbes of 151"891. Andevery one that hath for~en houses,or bI6tl'l e••, a: slsters,or father, cr mother, a: wlfe, a: chllá"en, or laneis, for myl~¡:;;~;;;:::-;::f:=::':'::T:::+::::-T.~~~~:Hneme's~e, shall reoelve ao hlM'l<i'edfoldeand shal l Inherlteverlastlng IIfe. But manythat ~ flrst shall be Imi ondthe lasí shall be flrst. Andwhenhe wasc::cne1010the tan-'F=--==~~pie, the chlef prlests and too elders of the pecple cana untoIE===:::r-""T::.::'=:-P:~;-=::::"":":'~hlm as he wasteachlng••• Jesussalth unto them. Verlly I sayun10 you. That the plbllcans and the hl!"'lots go In10 theklngebn of Godbefore you. For Johncanaun1o)OOIn the way

of rlghteousness, andya belleved hlm not: but the Plbllcansl~~g~ª~ª[j~ij~~~~~!SillE1~~";I;~and the hl!"'lots belleved hlm: and ya, whenya hed sean It, 11repented not afta-ward, that ya mlght belleve hlm. For th§klnt,±m of ~en Is as aman travel I Ing In10 a fl!'" c:ountry,who called hls ownservants. and dellvered un10 them hlsgxxls. And un10one he gave f Ive talents. 10 another two,and 10 aoother one¡ 10 every fl1!Inacxxrdlng 10 hls severaIabll Ity¡ and stralghtway tock hls Jcu-ney. Thenhe +ne+hadrece1ved the flve talents went and traded wlth the S5lle, andrnade themother flve talents. And llkewlse he that had re-ealved M, he elso galned other M. But he that had re-ealved one went end dlgged In the e.rth, and hld hls lord'smoney. After a long tina the lord of those servants c::cnet!l.and reclsoneth wlth tbsn. Andso he that hedreceIved flve


+ents of Jerusalem; andhe +he+ Is fesble mlOO9theme+ that talents cana andbrought othEr flve talents, SlIylng Lordday shall be as David; and the houseof Dlrlld sball be ~ ~dede~~en;:st unto na flve talents: behold, 1 hav~galnedGode as too ame I of the Lordbefore them. And It shall ~ iMnA ve talents nn'e. Hls lord sald un10hlm, .!l!tllto pass In that day, that I wlll seek to desfroy all the ~. 11p¡ gcxx1 aod falthfyl SEl'yant: thou hast been fll Ittlfu Inatlons +he+core agalnst Jerusalem. And It shall be In that ~a faetthlngs, I wlH ma¡?1íPi r:;¡;:;;r; íhh;:day, thllt living 'll8WS shall go out !ran Jerusalem; half Of '"1 ed thou 1010the !Q't of .!I]y lord. Healso +he+h~ re-them toward the fonner sea, aod half of them toward the v M talents canaand sald, Lord, thou dellveredst untohlnder sea: In sumrrerand In wlnter shall It be. Andthe Lorg M talents: behold, I havegalned M other talentsshall be klng 0'19' all the e.rth: In that day shall there be slde them. Hls lord sald unto hlm, Wel/ done. gxxl andone Lord, aod hls nemeone.-ZEQ-mIAH 2:11. 12:8-9. 14:8-9. e I thl

Ni> I $AY UNTO YOOe TIlATwY SWU CQ.EER:M TtE EASINI> \'tESTe NI) S/-W..L SIT [)()IN WIlH ~. NI) ISNC. Al'{)JAaB. IN TtE Klt-GXMcr: l-EAVEN.But the chll<t"en of thek1ngebn(Jews) shaII be cast out In10outer d8"kness: thereshall be weeplngaod gnashlng01 teeth. AndJesus sald untothem, Verlly I say unto )00, That ya whlch have followed na,1'; the regeneratlon whenthe Sonof man shall slt In thethrone of hls glory, ya also <12 teostles) shall slt UOOIJhlelve thrones. ludglng the hlelve trlbes of 151"891. Andevery one that hath for~en houses,or bI6tl'l e••, a: slsters,or father, cr mother, a: wlfe, a: chllá"en, or laneis, for myl~¡:;;~;;;:::-;::f:=::':'::T:::+::::-T.~~~~:Hneme's~e, shall reoelve ao hlM'l<i'edfoldeand shal l Inherlteverlastlng IIfe. But manythat ~ flrst shall be Imi ondthe lasí shall be flrst. Andwhenhe wasc::cne1010the tan-'F=--==~~pie, the chlef prlests and too elders of the pecple cana untoIE===:::r-""T::.::'=:-P:~;-=::::"":":'~hlm as he wasteachlng••• Jesussalth unto them. Verlly I sayun10 you. That the plbllcans and the hl!"'lots go In10 theklngebn of Godbefore you. For Johncanaun1o)OOIn the way

of rlghteousness, andya belleved hlm not: but the Plbllcansl~~g~ª~ª[j~ij~~~~~!SillE1~~";I;~and the hl!"'lots belleved hlm: and ya, whenya hed sean It, 11repented not afta-ward, that ya mlght belleve hlm. For th§klnt,±m of ~en Is as aman travel I Ing In10 a fl!'" c:ountry,who called hls ownservants. and dellvered un10 them hlsgxxls. And un10one he gave f Ive talents. 10 another two,and 10 aoother one¡ 10 every fl1!Inacxxrdlng 10 hls severaIabll Ity¡ and stralghtway tock hls Jcu-ney. Thenhe +ne+hadrece1ved the flve talents went and traded wlth the S5lle, andrnade themother flve talents. And llkewlse he that had re-ealved M, he elso galned other M. But he that had re-ealved one went end dlgged In the e.rth, and hld hls lord'smoney. After a long tina the lord of those servants c::cnet!l.and reclsoneth wlth tbsn. Andso he that hedreceIved flve


-;~careo Thy wlll be done. as In heaven so In earth. But rather WASoor TO~. 00 TOHIS SEED. nro.Gl M l.AW, ElJTseEk ye the klng<bn of God¡ Md all these fhlngs shel l bETIfUGi lrE RIGnEClJSt-ESSCF FAITH.Fer If they whlChtre ofadded unto you. Fea- not, Ilttle flod<¡ fc:r It Is \oOu,. the law be helrs, falth Is madevold, Md the pranlse nI!tdeofFattlEr's goodpleaSlre to glve you the klng<bn. And the La"c nonaeffect: Therefore It Is of falth, that It mlght be~sald Whothen Is that falthful Md wlse steward, whcm hls !Tace¡ 10 the eod the pranlse mlght be stre m....All the seed¡Ia"l shall makeruler oYer hls household, to glve than thelr not to +he+ only whlch Is of the law, but 10 thlJt elso whlchportlon of meat In due season? Blessed Is that servant, whcJl¡Is of the falth of Abrahan¡who Is the flJther of ys a", (Ashls Ia"d whenhe <:X:JIl3thshall flnd so oolng. Of a truth I say It Is wrltten, 1 havemadethee a fattlEr of many natlons,)un10you, that he wlll malsehlm ruler over all that he hath. before hlm mn he belleved, even Q:xl, whogulcken!rth theAnd they shaI I <:X:JIl3fran the east, and fran the west, and~ end calleth those thlngs whlch be not as though theyfran the n<rth, and fran the south, and shalis ': I~ In the were. Not as though the word of Q:xl hath taken nona effect.klng<bn of God. And, behold, tnére are I",-d whlr-h shal l be fa" thev are not el l Israel. whlch are of Isroel: NelttlEr,first, and there are flrst whlch shall be last. And he sald becausethey are the seedof Abrahml, are they al l chlldren:un10 hlm, Well, thou good servant: becaJsethou hast beenbut, In tseec shall thy seed be called. That Is, They whlchfalthful In a very Ilttle, have thou auth<rlty over ten tre the chlldren of the flesh. these are not the chlldren ofcltles. And the secondcana, saylng, La"d, thy poundhath~ but the chl Idren of the pranlse are coun1ed fa" thegalned flve pounds. And he sald Ilkewlse to hlm, Be thou also seed. As he salth also In Osee, I wlll cal I than mypeople,over flve cltles. But they whlch shall be accoun1edworthy 10 whlch were not mypeople¡ and ~ belCNed, whlch wes notobtaln that world, and the restrrectlon fran the dead, beloved. Esa1as aIso a:1eth conoern1ng Israe" Thouct! thenelther marry. ncr are glven In marrl!?Cle: Nelther can they nUTtler of the chll<Ten of Israel be as the sandof the seo,die any m::re: fc:r they are agual unto the angels: and are the f(only) a ramant shal l be sgy'ed: Fa" O!rlst Is the end ofchlldren of Q:xl, belng the chlldren of the rest.rrectloo. AndI'the law fa" rlghteousness to fiNO one thlJt belleveth. EvenI appolnt un1o)OOa klngdan, as myFattlEr hath appolnted so then lJt thls present time al so ttlEre Is a ramant ac:o:lI"~un10me¡ That ye mayeat and drlrk at mytlt>le In myklngdan, Ing to the electloo of g:-ace. Andthey also, If they lt>ldeand slt on ttrones judglng the twelve trlbes of Israel. Be· not stlll In unbellaf, shall be g:-affed In: ta: God Is lt>lahold myhandsand myfeet, that It Is I myself: handle me, to !Taff than In agaln. Fer I IIOUldnot, bIettwen, +ne+yeend sea¡ fa" a splrlt hath not flash and bones, as ye sea !Te shouId be 1gncrant of th 1s mys"hry, lest ye shou1d be w1se 1n~. Andthey gave h1ma pIeee of a brolled f 1sh, and of en yar own c:oocelts¡ thlJt blln<bess In Drl Is hg¡ened tohooeycaTtl.And he ~ It, and dld eat befere than (afier Hls Israel. untll the fuI ness01 the Gen'tlles be <:X:JIl31n. Evensorest.rrectlonl )-i...1J<E 6:2(}-23. 11:2. 12:31-32,42-44. 13:29-30. hava these also nownot belleved, that ttrg9! ycxc merey19:17-19. 20:35-36. 22:29-30. 24:39,42-43. !!ley also!!llri obtaln rrer:c't. O the depth 01 the rlches bothIN MY FAll-ER'StQJSE se toW.ff M6.NSICNS:If It were not 01 the wlsdan and knowledge01 Godl howunserrchable are hlsso, I IIOUId heve tol d)OO. I go to prepare a pl ace fa" )00, Judgrents, and hls weyspast 11ndlng outl-mwlS 4:13-And If I 90 and prepare a place fa" you, I wlll cana agaln, 14,16-17. 9:~,25,27. 10:4. 11:5,23,25,31,33. ? dand reeelve you un10myself¡ +he+where I mi, there ye maybe 00 YEOOTKNCW~T lrE SAINTSStW.LJlJ)(E lrE m.p anelso, Thensalth he to Thanas, Reachhlther thy 11nger, and 1f the wor1d sha11 be Judgedby you, are ye unworthy10 Judgebehold myhands¡ and reach hlther thy hand, and ttrust It IH ••• SlMIlest mat1ers?Knowye not thlJt weshal l ludge ~In10 my slde: and be not falthless, but bellevlng. Jesus~ rru:h merathlngs that pertaln to thls IIfe? Thensalth un10hlm, Thanas, becaJsethou hes+seanme, thou hest Ithe end whenhe shal I hava dellvered yp the klngdcm to G:xI,belleved: blesseci are they that have not sean. and ve+ hav~ the Father· whenhe shall haveput 00wn al l rule andbelleved.-J<Hj 14:2-3. J:>I-N 20:27,29. -:ti authcrlty and power. Fer he must relgn, tlll he hlJthputFoo lrE ffi(MlSE. THATrE SH:ll..D~ lrE rEIR CF lrE I«RD, el l ensnles under hls feet.-l CXRINlHIANS6:2-3. 15:24-25.

432 433•...

-;~careo Thy wlll be done. as In heaven so In earth. But rather WASoor TO~. 00 TOHIS SEED. nro.Gl M l.AW, ElJTseEk ye the klng<bn of God¡ Md all these fhlngs shel l bETIfUGi lrE RIGnEClJSt-ESSCF FAITH.Fer If they whlChtre ofadded unto you. Fea- not, Ilttle flod<¡ fc:r It Is \oOu,. the law be helrs, falth Is madevold, Md the pranlse nI!tdeofFattlEr's goodpleaSlre to glve you the klng<bn. And the La"c nonaeffect: Therefore It Is of falth, that It mlght be~sald Whothen Is that falthful Md wlse steward, whcm hls !Tace¡ 10 the eod the pranlse mlght be stre m....All the seed¡Ia"l shall makeruler oYer hls household, to glve than thelr not to +he+ only whlch Is of the law, but 10 thlJt elso whlchportlon of meat In due season? Blessed Is that servant, whcJl¡Is of the falth of Abrahan¡who Is the flJther of ys a", (Ashls Ia"d whenhe <:X:JIl3thshall flnd so oolng. Of a truth I say It Is wrltten, 1 havemadethee a fattlEr of many natlons,)un10you, that he wlll malsehlm ruler over all that he hath. before hlm mn he belleved, even Q:xl, whogulcken!rth theAnd they shaI I <:X:JIl3fran the east, and fran the west, and~ end calleth those thlngs whlch be not as though theyfran the n<rth, and fran the south, and shalis ': I~ In the were. Not as though the word of Q:xl hath taken nona effect.klng<bn of God. And, behold, tnére are I",-d whlr-h shal l be fa" thev are not el l Israel. whlch are of Isroel: NelttlEr,first, and there are flrst whlch shall be last. And he sald becausethey are the seedof Abrahml, are they al l chlldren:un10 hlm, Well, thou good servant: becaJsethou hast beenbut, In tseec shall thy seed be called. That Is, They whlchfalthful In a very Ilttle, have thou auth<rlty over ten tre the chlldren of the flesh. these are not the chlldren ofcltles. And the secondcana, saylng, La"d, thy poundhath~ but the chl Idren of the pranlse are coun1ed fa" thegalned flve pounds. And he sald Ilkewlse to hlm, Be thou also seed. As he salth also In Osee, I wlll cal I than mypeople,over flve cltles. But they whlch shall be accoun1edworthy 10 whlch were not mypeople¡ and ~ belCNed, whlch wes notobtaln that world, and the restrrectlon fran the dead, beloved. Esa1as aIso a:1eth conoern1ng Israe" Thouct! thenelther marry. ncr are glven In marrl!?Cle: Nelther can they nUTtler of the chll<Ten of Israel be as the sandof the seo,die any m::re: fc:r they are agual unto the angels: and are the f(only) a ramant shal l be sgy'ed: Fa" O!rlst Is the end ofchlldren of Q:xl, belng the chlldren of the rest.rrectloo. AndI'the law fa" rlghteousness to fiNO one thlJt belleveth. EvenI appolnt un1o)OOa klngdan, as myFattlEr hath appolnted so then lJt thls present time al so ttlEre Is a ramant ac:o:lI"~un10me¡ That ye mayeat and drlrk at mytlt>le In myklngdan, Ing to the electloo of g:-ace. Andthey also, If they lt>ldeand slt on ttrones judglng the twelve trlbes of Israel. Be· not stlll In unbellaf, shall be g:-affed In: ta: God Is lt>lahold myhandsand myfeet, that It Is I myself: handle me, to !Taff than In agaln. Fer I IIOUldnot, bIettwen, +ne+yeend sea¡ fa" a splrlt hath not flash and bones, as ye sea !Te shouId be 1gncrant of th 1s mys"hry, lest ye shou1d be w1se 1n~. Andthey gave h1ma pIeee of a brolled f 1sh, and of en yar own c:oocelts¡ thlJt blln<bess In Drl Is hg¡ened tohooeycaTtl.And he ~ It, and dld eat befere than (afier Hls Israel. untll the fuI ness01 the Gen'tlles be <:X:JIl31n. Evensorest.rrectlonl )-i...1J<E 6:2(}-23. 11:2. 12:31-32,42-44. 13:29-30. hava these also nownot belleved, that ttrg9! ycxc merey19:17-19. 20:35-36. 22:29-30. 24:39,42-43. !!ley also!!llri obtaln rrer:c't. O the depth 01 the rlches bothIN MY FAll-ER'StQJSE se toW.ff M6.NSICNS:If It were not 01 the wlsdan and knowledge01 Godl howunserrchable are hlsso, I IIOUId heve tol d)OO. I go to prepare a pl ace fa" )00, Judgrents, and hls weyspast 11ndlng outl-mwlS 4:13-And If I 90 and prepare a place fa" you, I wlll cana agaln, 14,16-17. 9:~,25,27. 10:4. 11:5,23,25,31,33. ? dand reeelve you un10myself¡ +he+where I mi, there ye maybe 00 YEOOTKNCW~T lrE SAINTSStW.LJlJ)(E lrE m.p anelso, Thensalth he to Thanas, Reachhlther thy 11nger, and 1f the wor1d sha11 be Judgedby you, are ye unworthy10 Judgebehold myhands¡ and reach hlther thy hand, and ttrust It IH ••• SlMIlest mat1ers?Knowye not thlJt weshal l ludge ~In10 my slde: and be not falthless, but bellevlng. Jesus~ rru:h merathlngs that pertaln to thls IIfe? Thensalth un10hlm, Thanas, becaJsethou hes+seanme, thou hest Ithe end whenhe shal I hava dellvered yp the klngdcm to G:xI,belleved: blesseci are they that have not sean. and ve+ hav~ the Father· whenhe shall haveput 00wn al l rule andbelleved.-J<Hj 14:2-3. J:>I-N 20:27,29. -:ti authcrlty and power. Fer he must relgn, tlll he hlJthputFoo lrE ffi(MlSE. THATrE SH:ll..D~ lrE rEIR CF lrE I«RD, el l ensnles under hls feet.-l CXRINlHIANS6:2-3. 15:24-25.

432 433•...


12. THE BATTLE OF GOG & MAGOG!I'IHY DO TrE t-EATIfl.lRtG: andthe pecple Imagine a valn

thlng? 1he klngs of the ea-th set thanselves. andthe rulerstake counsel together, agalnst the Lord, andagalnst hls8OOlnted, saylng, Let us break thelr bandsasunder, andcastt/Way the Ir ca-ds fran uso Hethat si tteth In the heavensshall laugh: the Lord shall havethan In derlslon. Thenshall he speakunto than In hls wrath and vex than In hlssara dlspleaslTe.~..oLM 2:1-5. •

M, Nf) TrE PII, Nf) TtE SW\REI ~ ~ TIff. O IN-/jI'BI1NfT a= TrE E!RJHI Md It shall cara to pass, that hewho fleeth fran the nolsa of the fear shall fall Into theplt¡ and he that carath up out of the mldst of the plt shallbe taken In the sna-e: for the wlndowsfran on hlgh a-eopen, and the toundatlons of the ea-th 00 shake. Theea-th Isutfurly brcken 00wn. the ea-th Is clean dlssolved. the earthIs lroYedexceedlngly. Theea-th shall real to and fro Ilke acrunkard, and shall be rEJOCNedI Ike a cottage¡ and the trans-g-esslon thel'eof shall be heavyupon It¡ and It shall fall,and not risa agaln. And It shall CXlTe to pass In that day,that the Lord shall punlsh the host of the hlgh ones that a-eon hlgh, and the klngs of the ea-th uponthe ea-th. Andtheyshall be gathered togErltler, as pr Isoners a-e gathered In theplt, and shall be shut up In the prlson, andafter manydaysshall they be vlslted.-I'SAINi 24:17-22.

/>ID PU. TrE t-OSICFt-EAVENSI-W..LlE DISsa..VED,NIJ TtEt-EAVENSSI-W..LlE RW..ED ICXEl-ERASA SCRll.: and all thelrhost shall fall <bo.n, as the leaf falleth off fran the vi ne,and as a falllng flg fran the flg tree.-ISAINi 34:4.

l}E M:>LtITAINSOUAKE AI HIM, NIJ TrE HILLSM:LI, NIJ THEEAAIHIS Bl.IW:D AI HIS ffiESEta. )tA, l}E w:R.D, NIJ PU.1H'\I00l, llfREIN. ~o can stand before hls Indlgnatlon? and ...nocan abIde In the f lercenessof hIs artger? hIS firy Is poeredout Ilke flre, andthe rocks are thrown <bo.n by hlm, Ihe LordIs g:xxI, a strong hold In the day of trouble¡ and he kno,.eththem that trust In hlm. But wlth an overrunnlng flood hewII I makean utter end of the place thereOf, and dérknessshall plTsue hls enanles. What00 ya Imagine agalnst theLord? he wlll makean utter end: affl Ictlon shall not risaup the secondtlrre. For whlle they be folden together asthorns, and whlle they are crunkenas drunkérds, they shall



12. THE BATTLE OF GOG & MAGOG!I'IHY DO TrE t-EATIfl.lRtG: andthe pecple Imagine a valn

thlng? 1he klngs of the ea-th set thanselves. andthe rulerstake counsel together, agalnst the Lord, andagalnst hls8OOlnted, saylng, Let us break thelr bandsasunder, andcastt/Way the Ir ca-ds fran uso Hethat si tteth In the heavensshall laugh: the Lord shall havethan In derlslon. Thenshall he speakunto than In hls wrath and vex than In hlssara dlspleaslTe.~..oLM 2:1-5. •

M, Nf) TrE PII, Nf) TtE SW\REI ~ ~ TIff. O IN-/jI'BI1NfT a= TrE E!RJHI Md It shall cara to pass, that hewho fleeth fran the nolsa of the fear shall fall Into theplt¡ and he that carath up out of the mldst of the plt shallbe taken In the sna-e: for the wlndowsfran on hlgh a-eopen, and the toundatlons of the ea-th 00 shake. Theea-th Isutfurly brcken 00wn. the ea-th Is clean dlssolved. the earthIs lroYedexceedlngly. Theea-th shall real to and fro Ilke acrunkard, and shall be rEJOCNedI Ike a cottage¡ and the trans-g-esslon thel'eof shall be heavyupon It¡ and It shall fall,and not risa agaln. And It shall CXlTe to pass In that day,that the Lord shall punlsh the host of the hlgh ones that a-eon hlgh, and the klngs of the ea-th uponthe ea-th. Andtheyshall be gathered togErltler, as pr Isoners a-e gathered In theplt, and shall be shut up In the prlson, andafter manydaysshall they be vlslted.-I'SAINi 24:17-22.

/>ID PU. TrE t-OSICFt-EAVENSI-W..LlE DISsa..VED,NIJ TtEt-EAVENSSI-W..LlE RW..ED ICXEl-ERASA SCRll.: and all thelrhost shall fall <bo.n, as the leaf falleth off fran the vi ne,and as a falllng flg fran the flg tree.-ISAINi 34:4.

l}E M:>LtITAINSOUAKE AI HIM, NIJ TrE HILLSM:LI, NIJ THEEAAIHIS Bl.IW:D AI HIS ffiESEta. )tA, l}E w:R.D, NIJ PU.1H'\I00l, llfREIN. ~o can stand before hls Indlgnatlon? and ...nocan abIde In the f lercenessof hIs artger? hIS firy Is poeredout Ilke flre, andthe rocks are thrown <bo.n by hlm, Ihe LordIs g:xxI, a strong hold In the day of trouble¡ and he kno,.eththem that trust In hlm. But wlth an overrunnlng flood hewII I makean utter end of the place thereOf, and dérknessshall plTsue hls enanles. What00 ya Imagine agalnst theLord? he wlll makean utter end: affl Ictlon shall not risaup the secondtlrre. For whlle they be folden together asthorns, and whlle they are crunkenas drunkérds, they shall


be devOlred as stubble 1ully c.ry.--NN-lM 1:5-10.BUI M DAY CF ll-E LOO WILLCCM:ASA lHlEF IN THE

NIGiT¡ IN M 1+i10i ll-E l-EAVENSStWl.. PASStWlAYWllH A ffiEAT~ISE. NI) M 8...EJENTSSH.AlL~T WllH FERVENTl-EAT, ll-EEefflli eLSO NI) M ltm<S lHAT !fE Tl-EREINSH.AlLEE Bl.t*D IF.Seelng then that all these thlngs shat l be dlssolved, l«Iatrnanner01 persons ought ye te be In el l holy conversatlen andgodllness, LOddng 10r and hastlng ~te the a::rnlng01 the doy01 God, whereln the heavensbelng en flre shall be dlssolved,and the elements shall rrelt wlth fervent heI!rt? Neverthelesswe, acca-dlng te hls pranlsa, lock ter newhelJvens8I"Ida new~, whereln dwelleth rlgh1eousness.-2 PETER3:1CH3.

Fffi. BeO..D. ll-E DAYCCM:1H.lHAT StWl.. 8lRN ASN-lOYEN;NI) ,6LLll-E maD. VEA. NI),6Ll lHAT 00 WI~a...Y. SI-Wl..BESlUla..E: NI) M DAY lHAT CCM:1HSH.AlL8lRN TlEM lP, seIththe Lord 01 hosts, that It shall l8I!Ve thsn nelther root norbrérlCh. But ~10 )<)U that 1eer my nana shel l the S~ 01rlgh1eousness .rIsa wlth heallng In hls wlngs; 5ld ye shal l90 forth, 5ld gro,¡ up as calvas of the s+a I l. And ve shal ltread cbwn the wl~; for they shall be ashes ~der thesoles of ycxr 1eet In the day that I shel l do thls, selrnthe Lor-d01 hosts.4eW..AOiI 4:1-3.

AN? I EE-E!..D \HN ff HfO(fE1'B) M SIXTHSE,6L.NI). LO.~ WASA ffiEAT EMng.w<E; NI) M ~ EEC4E B.AO< ASSACKQQIH(f fi6.IR. NI) M KX)lBECJleEASILCXD¡ N{) MSTAAS(f l-EAVENFEU. UNTOM E!BJH, even as a 11g freecasteth her untlrrely 1lgs, when$he Is sh~ of a mlghtywlnd. And the helJvendeparted as a scroll when It Is rolledtoqether: 5ld every !!!?!Jntaln5ld Island were rrovedout 01thelr plaoes.~TION 6;12-14.

NI) I+iENll-E 1HlJSN{) VEAAS!fE EXPIRED. SATN-lSH.AlL EELOOlED aJT CF HIS m ISON. N{) 5IfU 00 aJT 10 ~~ IVE ll-ENATlCNS1+i10i!fE IN M Fa.Rm!M ~<m. N{)f'W@. TOG\nER ñ'EM TcxtntR BAT1lE: the 01 whanIs as the sand of the sea. And they went up en the breadth 01the eerth, and OOll>assedthe ~ of the salnts about, andthe beloved clty: and flre C4!!e down fran Godout 01 helJven,8I"IddevOlred than. And the devll that deoelved thsn wescastIn10 the lake 01 11re and brlmsrone, where the beast 8I"Idthefalsa prq>het are, and shall be to-mented doy 8I"Idnlght terevfT and evfT.~VELATICN 20:7-10.



be devOlred as stubble 1ully c.ry.--NN-lM 1:5-10.BUI M DAY CF ll-E LOO WILLCCM:ASA lHlEF IN THE

NIGiT¡ IN M 1+i10i ll-E l-EAVENSStWl.. PASStWlAYWllH A ffiEAT~ISE. NI) M 8...EJENTSSH.AlL~T WllH FERVENTl-EAT, ll-EEefflli eLSO NI) M ltm<S lHAT !fE Tl-EREINSH.AlLEE Bl.t*D IF.Seelng then that all these thlngs shat l be dlssolved, l«Iatrnanner01 persons ought ye te be In el l holy conversatlen andgodllness, LOddng 10r and hastlng ~te the a::rnlng01 the doy01 God, whereln the heavensbelng en flre shall be dlssolved,and the elements shall rrelt wlth fervent heI!rt? Neverthelesswe, acca-dlng te hls pranlsa, lock ter newhelJvens8I"Ida new~, whereln dwelleth rlgh1eousness.-2 PETER3:1CH3.

Fffi. BeO..D. ll-E DAYCCM:1H.lHAT StWl.. 8lRN ASN-lOYEN;NI) ,6LLll-E maD. VEA. NI),6Ll lHAT 00 WI~a...Y. SI-Wl..BESlUla..E: NI) M DAY lHAT CCM:1HSH.AlL8lRN TlEM lP, seIththe Lord 01 hosts, that It shall l8I!Ve thsn nelther root norbrérlCh. But ~10 )<)U that 1eer my nana shel l the S~ 01rlgh1eousness .rIsa wlth heallng In hls wlngs; 5ld ye shal l90 forth, 5ld gro,¡ up as calvas of the s+a I l. And ve shal ltread cbwn the wl~; for they shall be ashes ~der thesoles of ycxr 1eet In the day that I shel l do thls, selrnthe Lor-d01 hosts.4eW..AOiI 4:1-3.

AN? I EE-E!..D \HN ff HfO(fE1'B) M SIXTHSE,6L.NI). LO.~ WASA ffiEAT EMng.w<E; NI) M ~ EEC4E B.AO< ASSACKQQIH(f fi6.IR. NI) M KX)lBECJleEASILCXD¡ N{) MSTAAS(f l-EAVENFEU. UNTOM E!BJH, even as a 11g freecasteth her untlrrely 1lgs, when$he Is sh~ of a mlghtywlnd. And the helJvendeparted as a scroll when It Is rolledtoqether: 5ld every !!!?!Jntaln5ld Island were rrovedout 01thelr plaoes.~TION 6;12-14.

NI) I+iENll-E 1HlJSN{) VEAAS!fE EXPIRED. SATN-lSH.AlL EELOOlED aJT CF HIS m ISON. N{) 5IfU 00 aJT 10 ~~ IVE ll-ENATlCNS1+i10i!fE IN M Fa.Rm!M ~<m. N{)f'W@. TOG\nER ñ'EM TcxtntR BAT1lE: the 01 whanIs as the sand of the sea. And they went up en the breadth 01the eerth, and OOll>assedthe ~ of the salnts about, andthe beloved clty: and flre C4!!e down fran Godout 01 helJven,8I"IddevOlred than. And the devll that deoelved thsn wescastIn10 the lake 01 11re and brlmsrone, where the beast 8I"Idthefalsa prq>het are, and shall be to-mented doy 8I"Idnlght terevfT and evfT.~VELATICN 20:7-10.




Al'{) I WIU. PIJTEtf.111YBEl't/EEN TtEE Al'{) TtE ~. Al'{).BE1WEENTHYSEED& I-ERSEED¡ IT SH,bU ffiU ISETHYI-EI\D, andthou shalt brulse hls heel.--GENESIS3:15.

IHN JtE SOO<F M4.N$H,6UroE IN HIS ª-ooy. NI) tu. TtE.HQY ANE..S WllH HIM. DfN StW..l. tE SIT lffi.j TtE nfi(J:,[ a=HIS G..CRY: Al'{) BEF<H:HIMSHPUBE~'MRED ,4U NATIOOS:Nf)tE SHPUSEPAAATET1-EM().E FI01 N()'TIffi. N3 A ~ OIVIO-ElH HIS SI-EEPFI01 TtE ~TS: And he sOO11set the sheeponhls rlght hand, but the goats on the left. Then sOO11 theKlng sé!Jyunto than on hls rlght hand, Gane, ya blessed of myFather, 1nher1t the k1ng<bn¡J'"epcredfeT you fran the found&-tlCJJ of the world: Then shall he say also unto than on theleft hand, Depart fran me, ya orsed, Into fYoI ~tlrl9.. flre,prepéY'edto: the dfYoIlland h1s angeIs: And these shaI I t;paway Into fYoIerlastlng punlshrrent: but the rlghioous Into Ilfeeternal. FeT whoSOfYolershall be ashemedof meand of mywords, of h1mshall the Sonof manbe ashered, whenhe shallcx:meIn hls own glCTy, and In hls Father's, and of the holyangels.~TJtEW 25:31-34,41,46. LU<E9:26.

BUTINTOIteHATSCEVERCITY YEENTER. Al'{) TtEY REa::IVE YOUNOT, t;p you- waysout Into the streets of the sane, and sé!Jy,Even the very dust of you- c1ty, whleh cleaveth on us, we 00wlpe off agalnst you: nohtlthstandlng be ya sure of thls,that the klng<bn of God Is cx:menlgh unto you. But I sayunto you, that it shall be npre tolerable in that day feT$O<bn. than feT that c1f1' Woeunto thee, CheTazinl woeuntothee, Bethsalda! feT r the mlghty ~s had been done InTyre and Sldon, whlch have been done In you, they had agreat whlle ago repented, sitting in sackcloth and esbes, Butit shall be m::re tolerable fCX'Tyre and Sldon at the juds-.!!m!t, than to: you. And thou, Gaperncun, wh1ch art exa1ted toheaven shalt be thrust downto he". The gueenof the southshall ' rlse ti) In the judqrent wlth the menof thls genera-tlon and condsnnthan: feT she cere tran the u1mostpartsof the earth to heéY'the wlsdan of Solanon; and, behold, agreater than Solanon Is here. The rren of NlnfYoIehshall rlseup In the iudgnent wlth thls generatlon, and Sh811 condernnIt: icr they repented e+ the preachlng of Jonas; and, b&-hold, a greater than Jonas Is here. FCX'there Is nothlngcovered. that shall not be rfYolooled¡nelther hld. that shall


eelAwt"o.: It,.e.e¡>en ~1 •• J) '5 UI\T'h y"v ( heo<'r. wo.r s ~ ~. (.sr",,,,"?!)

not be known. TherefeTe whatSOfYolerya haye S!X*en in darkness~~II be heard In the 1ight; and +net whlch ya have spd<enIn

ear In closets shall be proclalrred upon'the housefq:>s.~11 ~~nto you my frlends, Be not afrald of than that

y, and after that have no m::re +ne+they can OO.But I w111 feTewarnyou whanya shaI1 fear: Fear h1m. whIehatter he hath kllled hath oower to cast Into hell' vea I sayunto you, FeéY'hlm. Also I sé!Jy unto you, ~eJ.. shallconfess mebefeTe nen, hlm shall the Sonof manalso confess~fore the angels of God: But he fflat denleth mebefeTe mens all be denled befeTe the angels of God. And that servant,hleh knewhls leTd's wlll, and prepared not hlmself nelther

dld SlCCCX'dlngto hls wlll, sOO11 be beaten with ~str 1oes, Eklt he that knewnot, and dld canmlt thlngs worthot strlpes, shall be beaten wlth few strtoes, FeT unto wtJan.=

\$CeNer much Is glven, ot hlm shall be muchrequlred: and towhanmenhave canmltted much, ot hlm they wlll ask the rrore.trlve to enter in e+ the stralt gata: feT many, 1 sé!Jy unto

, wlll seek to enter In, and shall not be able. \htIOSOfYoIer)sliall fall upon that stone sOO11be brcken; but on whanSOfYoler)It shall fa", It wl 11 grlnd hlm to ~.--LU<E 10:10-15.11:31-32. 12:2-5,8-9,47-48. 13:24. 20:18.

t-AAVELooT AT lHIS: FCRTtE I-UR 15 CCMIt-G.IN M IfiICHeu lHAT ME. 1N TtE ffiAVESSHPUI-EAAH1S YOla::. Al{) SHPUC(}If f(RJH; they that have done 9Q2Q, unto the reslCrectlon~; and they that have done~, unto the resICrect Ionof (dannatlon)-JQI-t.j 5:28-29.

BE@$E tE HAlHNJR)INTEDA ~Y. IN TtE IfiICH tE WIU.JLrG: TtE mI? In rlghioousness by that manwhan he hatheTda1ned; whereot he haffl glven assuranca unto all neo, Inthat he haffl ralsed hlm fran the dead.-ACTS 17:31.

Al'{) N3 IT 1S NJR)1NTEDUNTOM:NCK:ETODIE. BUT .4FlERTHIS TtE JI..f.XlelT: FeT we knowhlm that haffl sald, Vengeancebelongeth unto Re, 1 wlll reo::J1l>9Ose,salth the LeTd. Andagaln, the LeTd shall Judge hls peq>le. It is a fearfulthing to fall Into the hanelsot the living God.-t-EffiEWS9:27. 10:30-31.

FCR tE SHPUHAVEJLOM:NT WIlHOUT t-ffiCY. lHAT HAlHS!f,W'ED tP t.fBCY; and merey reJoiceth against Judgrant. JAt-ES2:13.



Al'{) I WIU. PIJTEtf.111YBEl't/EEN TtEE Al'{) TtE ~. Al'{).BE1WEENTHYSEED& I-ERSEED¡ IT SH,bU ffiU ISETHYI-EI\D, andthou shalt brulse hls heel.--GENESIS3:15.

IHN JtE SOO<F M4.N$H,6UroE IN HIS ª-ooy. NI) tu. TtE.HQY ANE..S WllH HIM. DfN StW..l. tE SIT lffi.j TtE nfi(J:,[ a=HIS G..CRY: Al'{) BEF<H:HIMSHPUBE~'MRED ,4U NATIOOS:Nf)tE SHPUSEPAAATET1-EM().E FI01 N()'TIffi. N3 A ~ OIVIO-ElH HIS SI-EEPFI01 TtE ~TS: And he sOO11set the sheeponhls rlght hand, but the goats on the left. Then sOO11 theKlng sé!Jyunto than on hls rlght hand, Gane, ya blessed of myFather, 1nher1t the k1ng<bn¡J'"epcredfeT you fran the found&-tlCJJ of the world: Then shall he say also unto than on theleft hand, Depart fran me, ya orsed, Into fYoI ~tlrl9.. flre,prepéY'edto: the dfYoIlland h1s angeIs: And these shaI I t;paway Into fYoIerlastlng punlshrrent: but the rlghioous Into Ilfeeternal. FeT whoSOfYolershall be ashemedof meand of mywords, of h1mshall the Sonof manbe ashered, whenhe shallcx:meIn hls own glCTy, and In hls Father's, and of the holyangels.~TJtEW 25:31-34,41,46. LU<E9:26.

BUTINTOIteHATSCEVERCITY YEENTER. Al'{) TtEY REa::IVE YOUNOT, t;p you- waysout Into the streets of the sane, and sé!Jy,Even the very dust of you- c1ty, whleh cleaveth on us, we 00wlpe off agalnst you: nohtlthstandlng be ya sure of thls,that the klng<bn of God Is cx:menlgh unto you. But I sayunto you, that it shall be npre tolerable in that day feT$O<bn. than feT that c1f1' Woeunto thee, CheTazinl woeuntothee, Bethsalda! feT r the mlghty ~s had been done InTyre and Sldon, whlch have been done In you, they had agreat whlle ago repented, sitting in sackcloth and esbes, Butit shall be m::re tolerable fCX'Tyre and Sldon at the juds-.!!m!t, than to: you. And thou, Gaperncun, wh1ch art exa1ted toheaven shalt be thrust downto he". The gueenof the southshall ' rlse ti) In the judqrent wlth the menof thls genera-tlon and condsnnthan: feT she cere tran the u1mostpartsof the earth to heéY'the wlsdan of Solanon; and, behold, agreater than Solanon Is here. The rren of NlnfYoIehshall rlseup In the iudgnent wlth thls generatlon, and Sh811 condernnIt: icr they repented e+ the preachlng of Jonas; and, b&-hold, a greater than Jonas Is here. FCX'there Is nothlngcovered. that shall not be rfYolooled¡nelther hld. that shall


eelAwt"o.: It,.e.e¡>en ~1 •• J) '5 UI\T'h y"v ( heo<'r. wo.r s ~ ~. (.sr",,,,"?!)

not be known. TherefeTe whatSOfYolerya haye S!X*en in darkness~~II be heard In the 1ight; and +net whlch ya have spd<enIn

ear In closets shall be proclalrred upon'the housefq:>s.~11 ~~nto you my frlends, Be not afrald of than that

y, and after that have no m::re +ne+they can OO.But I w111 feTewarnyou whanya shaI1 fear: Fear h1m. whIehatter he hath kllled hath oower to cast Into hell' vea I sayunto you, FeéY'hlm. Also I sé!Jy unto you, ~eJ.. shallconfess mebefeTe nen, hlm shall the Sonof manalso confess~fore the angels of God: But he fflat denleth mebefeTe mens all be denled befeTe the angels of God. And that servant,hleh knewhls leTd's wlll, and prepared not hlmself nelther

dld SlCCCX'dlngto hls wlll, sOO11 be beaten with ~str 1oes, Eklt he that knewnot, and dld canmlt thlngs worthot strlpes, shall be beaten wlth few strtoes, FeT unto wtJan.=

\$CeNer much Is glven, ot hlm shall be muchrequlred: and towhanmenhave canmltted much, ot hlm they wlll ask the rrore.trlve to enter in e+ the stralt gata: feT many, 1 sé!Jy unto

, wlll seek to enter In, and shall not be able. \htIOSOfYoIer)sliall fall upon that stone sOO11be brcken; but on whanSOfYoler)It shall fa", It wl 11 grlnd hlm to ~.--LU<E 10:10-15.11:31-32. 12:2-5,8-9,47-48. 13:24. 20:18.

t-AAVELooT AT lHIS: FCRTtE I-UR 15 CCMIt-G.IN M IfiICHeu lHAT ME. 1N TtE ffiAVESSHPUI-EAAH1S YOla::. Al{) SHPUC(}If f(RJH; they that have done 9Q2Q, unto the reslCrectlon~; and they that have done~, unto the resICrect Ionof (dannatlon)-JQI-t.j 5:28-29.

BE@$E tE HAlHNJR)INTEDA ~Y. IN TtE IfiICH tE WIU.JLrG: TtE mI? In rlghioousness by that manwhan he hatheTda1ned; whereot he haffl glven assuranca unto all neo, Inthat he haffl ralsed hlm fran the dead.-ACTS 17:31.

Al'{) N3 IT 1S NJR)1NTEDUNTOM:NCK:ETODIE. BUT .4FlERTHIS TtE JI..f.XlelT: FeT we knowhlm that haffl sald, Vengeancebelongeth unto Re, 1 wlll reo::J1l>9Ose,salth the LeTd. Andagaln, the LeTd shall Judge hls peq>le. It is a fearfulthing to fall Into the hanelsot the living God.-t-EffiEWS9:27. 10:30-31.

FCR tE SHPUHAVEJLOM:NT WIlHOUT t-ffiCY. lHAT HAlHS!f,W'ED tP t.fBCY; and merey reJoiceth against Judgrant. JAt-ES2:13.


QiAINS Ut«R ~SS UNTOnt Jl.OC.M:NTa= Tl-E ffiEAT ~Y.Raglng W!lVesof the sea, fO/Jlllng out thelr own shana¡ wander--1ng st¡rs, to whan 1s reservad the b1ac:Knessof drtness foreverl-Jta: 6,13.

Nf) M KIt-l3Sa= Tl-EEAATH. NI) M ffiEAT M:N. NI) Tl-ERIOi /-EN. /'H) Tl-EOiIEF ClPTAINS. NI) Tl-EMIGITY M:N. NI)EVERYEnlJ.W.l. NI) EVERYAH: t-W-J.HID Tl-EMSELVESIn the densand In the rocks of the rrountalns¡ And sald to the rrountalnsand rocks, Fall on US, and hlde ys fran the fl!lCeof hlm tMtsltteth on the ttv"one, and fran the wrath of the LlfIIb: Fcrthe !Teat day of hls wrath Is CXlT8¡ and 110O shall be able +ostand? And the natlons were an<TY, and thy wrath Is CXlT8,andthe time of the dead, that they stpuld be judged, and thatttpu stpuldest glve reward unto thy servants the prq>hets,and to the salnts, and than that feer thy nana, SIllaI I andgreat¡ and Saylng wlth a loud volea, Fear God, and glve91cry to hIm¡ for the hour of h1s !ud<Jl!!!!t 1s CXlT8: andworshlp hlm that madeheaven, and ecrth, and the sea, and thefountalns of waters.~LATI~ 6:15-17. 11:18. 14:7.

NI) 1 S"*I A ffiEAT I*tllE llRaE. NI) HIMTHATSAT~ IT,FRQ.1\II1OSEFKE Tl-EEAATHNI) Tl-E l-EAVENFLEDNIIAY;NI) TI-EREWASFQ.ID ~ PlACE F<Rl}EM. And I saw the dead. SIlla11 andsreat, stand befcre ~j and the I:lcxkswere q:¡ened: andanother I:lcxk was opened, whIch 1s the I:lcxkof 11fe: and thedead ~re iudged out of toose thlngs whlch were wrltten Inthe bods.s, ac:q:;rdlng to thelr works. And the sea gave up thedead whlch ~re In It¡ and death and hell dellVeredij the.dea¡l whlch were In thErn: and they ~re ~!flQ9d €N manacgrdlng to thelr works. And death and he ~re ces+ Intothe lake of flre. Thls Is the second death. And Iiklosoeverwasnot found lI" 1tten 1n the I:lcxkof 11fe was cast 1nto the Iakeof flre.-REVELATI~ 20: 11-15.

'. í1~


QiAINS Ut«R ~SS UNTOnt Jl.OC.M:NTa= Tl-E ffiEAT ~Y.Raglng W!lVesof the sea, fO/Jlllng out thelr own shana¡ wander--1ng st¡rs, to whan 1s reservad the b1ac:Knessof drtness foreverl-Jta: 6,13.

Nf) M KIt-l3Sa= Tl-EEAATH. NI) M ffiEAT M:N. NI) Tl-ERIOi /-EN. /'H) Tl-EOiIEF ClPTAINS. NI) Tl-EMIGITY M:N. NI)EVERYEnlJ.W.l. NI) EVERYAH: t-W-J.HID Tl-EMSELVESIn the densand In the rocks of the rrountalns¡ And sald to the rrountalnsand rocks, Fall on US, and hlde ys fran the fl!lCeof hlm tMtsltteth on the ttv"one, and fran the wrath of the LlfIIb: Fcrthe !Teat day of hls wrath Is CXlT8¡ and 110O shall be able +ostand? And the natlons were an<TY, and thy wrath Is CXlT8,andthe time of the dead, that they stpuld be judged, and thatttpu stpuldest glve reward unto thy servants the prq>hets,and to the salnts, and than that feer thy nana, SIllaI I andgreat¡ and Saylng wlth a loud volea, Fear God, and glve91cry to hIm¡ for the hour of h1s !ud<Jl!!!!t 1s CXlT8: andworshlp hlm that madeheaven, and ecrth, and the sea, and thefountalns of waters.~LATI~ 6:15-17. 11:18. 14:7.

NI) 1 S"*I A ffiEAT I*tllE llRaE. NI) HIMTHATSAT~ IT,FRQ.1\II1OSEFKE Tl-EEAATHNI) Tl-E l-EAVENFLEDNIIAY;NI) TI-EREWASFQ.ID ~ PlACE F<Rl}EM. And I saw the dead. SIlla11 andsreat, stand befcre ~j and the I:lcxkswere q:¡ened: andanother I:lcxk was opened, whIch 1s the I:lcxkof 11fe: and thedead ~re iudged out of toose thlngs whlch were wrltten Inthe bods.s, ac:q:;rdlng to thelr works. And the sea gave up thedead whlch ~re In It¡ and death and hell dellVeredij the.dea¡l whlch were In thErn: and they ~re ~!flQ9d €N manacgrdlng to thelr works. And death and he ~re ces+ Intothe lake of flre. Thls Is the second death. And Iiklosoeverwasnot found lI" 1tten 1n the I:lcxkof 11fe was cast 1nto the Iakeof flre.-REVELATI~ 20: 11-15.

'. í1~






Wln-IM G..<RY(f llf LCH)J~S 14:21Cf a.o HASTnw LAID llf fOJt.AA.TlQja= llf EeffiH¡ Nf)

llf f-EAVENS~ llf m a= M tw{)S. nt:Y stW.L EfRI~, butthou shalt endll"e: vea, all of thsn shall waxold Ilke agénTlent¡as a vest\l"e shalt thou changa thsn, Md they shallbe changed: But thou rl the sane, and thy yetrs shall havano ende The chllcren of thy servants shall continua, andthelr seed shall be establlshed before thee.~J01 102:25-28.

AAISE. SHI~; F<Rn-IYLlGIT IS C()E, Nf) llf G..<RY(f llfLCID IS ll-EEI For, beFfOld, the driness ShallOOVfT the erlh, and g"OSsdtrkness the people: but the Lordshall trlse uponthee, and hls glory shall be seanuponthee.Andthe Q3ntlles shall cana to thy Ilght. and kll'lQs to thebr Ightness of thy r IsIng. LI ft up th Ine eyes roundabout, andsea: all they gather thsnselves together, they canato thee:thy sons shall cana tron ftr, and thy daug,ters shall benll"sed e+ thy sIde. Thenthou shaIt sea, and f Iowtogether,end th Ine hetrt sheII feer, and be enItrged¡ becausetheabundanceof the sea shall be converted unto thee (no nrreseel) the forees of the Q3ntlles shall cana unto thee. Themil+ltuoe of canels shall OOVfT thee, the cr01l3dtrles ofMldian and Ephah¡ all they fran Shebashall cana: they shallbrlng gold and Incense¡ and they shall shewforth the pralsesof the Lord. AII the flocks of Kedar shall be gatheredtogether unto thee, the rens of Nebalothshall mlnlster untothee: they shall cana up wlth acoeptanceon mire alttr, and Iwlll glorlfy the houseof my glerv. 'filo tre these that fly asa cloud, and as the cbves to thelr wlnOOws?SlI"ely the Islasshall walt for rre, and the shlps of Tarshlsh flrst, to brlngthy sons fran far, thelr si Iver end thelr gold wlth thsn,unto the nemeof the Lord thy Q:x1, and to the I-bly One ofIsrael, because he hath glorlfled thee. Andthe sons ofstrangers shall bulld up thy walls, and thelr klngs shallmlnlster unto thee: for In mywrath I snote thee, but In myteexr have I had rrercy on thee. Therefore thy gatas shall beopen contlnual IYi they shal I not be shut day nor nlght¡ thatmenmaybrlng unto thee the forees of the Gentiles, and thatthelr klngs maybe brought. For the natlon and klngdan that






Wln-IM G..<RY(f llf LCH)J~S 14:21Cf a.o HASTnw LAID llf fOJt.AA.TlQja= llf EeffiH¡ Nf)

llf f-EAVENS~ llf m a= M tw{)S. nt:Y stW.L EfRI~, butthou shalt endll"e: vea, all of thsn shall waxold Ilke agénTlent¡as a vest\l"e shalt thou changa thsn, Md they shallbe changed: But thou rl the sane, and thy yetrs shall havano ende The chllcren of thy servants shall continua, andthelr seed shall be establlshed before thee.~J01 102:25-28.

AAISE. SHI~; F<Rn-IYLlGIT IS C()E, Nf) llf G..<RY(f llfLCID IS ll-EEI For, beFfOld, the driness ShallOOVfT the erlh, and g"OSsdtrkness the people: but the Lordshall trlse uponthee, and hls glory shall be seanuponthee.Andthe Q3ntlles shall cana to thy Ilght. and kll'lQs to thebr Ightness of thy r IsIng. LI ft up th Ine eyes roundabout, andsea: all they gather thsnselves together, they canato thee:thy sons shall cana tron ftr, and thy daug,ters shall benll"sed e+ thy sIde. Thenthou shaIt sea, and f Iowtogether,end th Ine hetrt sheII feer, and be enItrged¡ becausetheabundanceof the sea shall be converted unto thee (no nrreseel) the forees of the Q3ntlles shall cana unto thee. Themil+ltuoe of canels shall OOVfT thee, the cr01l3dtrles ofMldian and Ephah¡ all they fran Shebashall cana: they shallbrlng gold and Incense¡ and they shall shewforth the pralsesof the Lord. AII the flocks of Kedar shall be gatheredtogether unto thee, the rens of Nebalothshall mlnlster untothee: they shall cana up wlth acoeptanceon mire alttr, and Iwlll glorlfy the houseof my glerv. 'filo tre these that fly asa cloud, and as the cbves to thelr wlnOOws?SlI"ely the Islasshall walt for rre, and the shlps of Tarshlsh flrst, to brlngthy sons fran far, thelr si Iver end thelr gold wlth thsn,unto the nemeof the Lord thy Q:x1, and to the I-bly One ofIsrael, because he hath glorlfled thee. Andthe sons ofstrangers shall bulld up thy walls, and thelr klngs shallmlnlster unto thee: for In mywrath I snote thee, but In myteexr have I had rrercy on thee. Therefore thy gatas shall beopen contlnual IYi they shal I not be shut day nor nlght¡ thatmenmaybrlng unto thee the forees of the Gentiles, and thatthelr klngs maybe brought. For the natlon and klngdan that


wi II not SErYethee shall perish¡ yea, those nations shall beutterly wasted. The glcry of Lebanonshall cana unte thee,the fir trae, tila plne trae, and the box togetheI, to beautl-fy the pl ace of my sanctuary¡ an::l I wlll rnakethe pl ace of rnyfeet glcrioos. The sons also of than that affl icted theeshall cane bending unto thee¡ and all they that despised theeshall bowthanselves downat the soles of thy fm¡ and theyshall call thee¡ The city of the Lord, the Zlon of the I-blyOneof Israel. WhEreasthou hast baen forsaken and hated, sothat no menwent throogh thee, I wi II maI<e thee an etErnaIexcellency, a Joy of manygenerations. Thou shalt also suckthe miIk of the Genti les, and shalt suck the breast of klngs:and thou shaIt knowthat I the Lord éII1thy Savioor and thyRedeerner, the mlghty ()le of Jecoo, For brass I wlll brlng9Old, and for lron I wlll bring sllver, and for woodbrass,and for stones lron: I wlll also rnakethy offloers peac:e,andthlne exactors rlghteousness. Vlolence shall no no-e beheard In thy land, wastlng ncr desiructlon wlthln thy bord-ers¡ but thou shalt cal I thy walls Salvatlon, and thy ga1esPralse.--ISAIAH 60:1-18.

M ~ SIW...LBEt\OM:H: THYLlGIT BYDA.Y¡ t\E1ll-ER F<RffilGITt\ESSSI-W.l..nE t-ro-l GIYELlGIT UNTOT1-EE: B.lTnE LCJlDSHI'U BE UNTOT1-EEffl EVEflASTltNLlGIT, and thy Q:xj thyglory. Thy sun shall no rocre 90 dowI¡ nelthEr shall thy rroonwlthdraw Itself: for the Lord shall be thlne aYErlastlngIlght, and the days of thy ITCUrnlngshall be ended. Thypecple also shall be all rlghieous: they shall Inherlt theland for aYer, the branch of mypl antlng, tila work of myhands, that I maybe glcrlfled. A IIttle one shall bec:aleathousand, and a small one a sirong natlon: I the Lord wlllhasten It In hls tina. For, behold, I create newheaYensanda newerlh: and the tonner shall not be rEIIIElllbered, ncr canaInto mlnd.--ISAIAH 6O:1~22. 65:17.

AK) BYnE nE B.4H(~a:. eJ.lTHIS SICENI)00 lW.T SICE, Sl-W..LffiCWeu. TIUS F<RfJEAT,WiOSE\OT FK>E, nelther shall tila frult thEreof be consurec:l: Itshall brlng forth newfrult acca-dlng to hls months, becausetIlalr watErs they Issued oe+ of the sanctulrY: and ~frult thereof shall be for naat, Q!]dtila leaf thereof formedlclne.--EZEKIEL47:12.



CITYI>: nEN SI-W..LJERUSK..EMBEI-O..Y and thEre shall nosiranga-s pass through her any rrae. 'Md It shall a:me topass In that day, that the moonfalns shall drq> dowI newwlne, and the hllls shall flow wl1h mllk, and all the rlvErsof JudahshaI I f Iow w1th watErs, and a founta 1n shaI I CQ'I§forth oot of the houseof tila Lord, and shall watEr theval ley of Shlttlm.--JOEL 3:17-18.

IT IS I-E lW.T BUILCElHHIS STrnIESIN THE l-EAVEN.andhath founded hls trocp In the earth; he that calleth tg- thewatErs of the sea, and J)O\!"eththan oot uponthe faca of theerlh: The Lord Is hls nane.--N()S 9:6.

AK) OTI-ERSI-EEPI HAVE. WiICH~ NOTa: THISFa.D; JH:MALSOI MJSTffiltN, and they shall hear my 'tQlce¡ and thEreshall be one fold, and one shepherd. My sheep hear my volos,and I knowthan, and they follow!IB: And I glve unto thanetErnaI I 1fe; and they shall neYer perlsh, nelther shall anymanpluck than out of my hand. MyFathEr, whlch gave than na,Is greater than all¡ and no manIs able to pluck than co+ ofmy FathEr's hand. Jesus sald unto her, I amtila r8SllíeCtlon,and the Ilfe: he that bel Ievetn In na, though he were dead,yet shall he Ilve: And wIlosoever Ilveth and bel leveth In nashall neYer die. BellaYest thou thls?--Jotf.l 10:16,27-29.11:25 &26.

w-KJ.l nE l-EAVENMJSTRECEIVElNTlL nE TI~S a: ,au, THltYS, whlch Godhath spokenby the moothof al ihls holy prcphets slnce the wcrld began.--AcrS 3:21.

TO WIT. THAT00) WASIN ORIST. RECCN;ILltNnE l()fU)UNTOHIM9::lf, not I~utlng tIlalr trespasses unto than¡ andhath oommltted unto us tila wcrd of reconclllatIOO.--2C<RINTHIANS5:19.

IHAT IN nE DI! nE FULt\ESSa: TI~S I-EMIGITGt\ 1l-ER IN (J.jE ALL THItYS IN ORIsr, both wh1ch are 1nheaven, and Iotllch are on earth¡ aYen In hlm, That In tilaages to cana he mlght shewthe exceedlng rlches of hls g-aceIn hls klnmess toward us throogh Chrlst Jesus.-EPI-ESIANS1: 10. 2:7.



wi II not SErYethee shall perish¡ yea, those nations shall beutterly wasted. The glcry of Lebanonshall cana unte thee,the fir trae, tila plne trae, and the box togetheI, to beautl-fy the pl ace of my sanctuary¡ an::l I wlll rnakethe pl ace of rnyfeet glcrioos. The sons also of than that affl icted theeshall cane bending unto thee¡ and all they that despised theeshall bowthanselves downat the soles of thy fm¡ and theyshall call thee¡ The city of the Lord, the Zlon of the I-blyOneof Israel. WhEreasthou hast baen forsaken and hated, sothat no menwent throogh thee, I wi II maI<e thee an etErnaIexcellency, a Joy of manygenerations. Thou shalt also suckthe miIk of the Genti les, and shalt suck the breast of klngs:and thou shaIt knowthat I the Lord éII1thy Savioor and thyRedeerner, the mlghty ()le of Jecoo, For brass I wlll brlng9Old, and for lron I wlll bring sllver, and for woodbrass,and for stones lron: I wlll also rnakethy offloers peac:e,andthlne exactors rlghteousness. Vlolence shall no no-e beheard In thy land, wastlng ncr desiructlon wlthln thy bord-ers¡ but thou shalt cal I thy walls Salvatlon, and thy ga1esPralse.--ISAIAH 60:1-18.

M ~ SIW...LBEt\OM:H: THYLlGIT BYDA.Y¡ t\E1ll-ER F<RffilGITt\ESSSI-W.l..nE t-ro-l GIYELlGIT UNTOT1-EE: B.lTnE LCJlDSHI'U BE UNTOT1-EEffl EVEflASTltNLlGIT, and thy Q:xj thyglory. Thy sun shall no rocre 90 dowI¡ nelthEr shall thy rroonwlthdraw Itself: for the Lord shall be thlne aYErlastlngIlght, and the days of thy ITCUrnlngshall be ended. Thypecple also shall be all rlghieous: they shall Inherlt theland for aYer, the branch of mypl antlng, tila work of myhands, that I maybe glcrlfled. A IIttle one shall bec:aleathousand, and a small one a sirong natlon: I the Lord wlllhasten It In hls tina. For, behold, I create newheaYensanda newerlh: and the tonner shall not be rEIIIElllbered, ncr canaInto mlnd.--ISAIAH 6O:1~22. 65:17.

AK) BYnE nE B.4H(~a:. eJ.lTHIS SICENI)00 lW.T SICE, Sl-W..LffiCWeu. TIUS F<RfJEAT,WiOSE\OT FK>E, nelther shall tila frult thEreof be consurec:l: Itshall brlng forth newfrult acca-dlng to hls months, becausetIlalr watErs they Issued oe+ of the sanctulrY: and ~frult thereof shall be for naat, Q!]dtila leaf thereof formedlclne.--EZEKIEL47:12.



CITYI>: nEN SI-W..LJERUSK..EMBEI-O..Y and thEre shall nosiranga-s pass through her any rrae. 'Md It shall a:me topass In that day, that the moonfalns shall drq> dowI newwlne, and the hllls shall flow wl1h mllk, and all the rlvErsof JudahshaI I f Iow w1th watErs, and a founta 1n shaI I CQ'I§forth oot of the houseof tila Lord, and shall watEr theval ley of Shlttlm.--JOEL 3:17-18.

IT IS I-E lW.T BUILCElHHIS STrnIESIN THE l-EAVEN.andhath founded hls trocp In the earth; he that calleth tg- thewatErs of the sea, and J)O\!"eththan oot uponthe faca of theerlh: The Lord Is hls nane.--N()S 9:6.

AK) OTI-ERSI-EEPI HAVE. WiICH~ NOTa: THISFa.D; JH:MALSOI MJSTffiltN, and they shall hear my 'tQlce¡ and thEreshall be one fold, and one shepherd. My sheep hear my volos,and I knowthan, and they follow!IB: And I glve unto thanetErnaI I 1fe; and they shall neYer perlsh, nelther shall anymanpluck than out of my hand. MyFathEr, whlch gave than na,Is greater than all¡ and no manIs able to pluck than co+ ofmy FathEr's hand. Jesus sald unto her, I amtila r8SllíeCtlon,and the Ilfe: he that bel Ievetn In na, though he were dead,yet shall he Ilve: And wIlosoever Ilveth and bel leveth In nashall neYer die. BellaYest thou thls?--Jotf.l 10:16,27-29.11:25 &26.

w-KJ.l nE l-EAVENMJSTRECEIVElNTlL nE TI~S a: ,au, THltYS, whlch Godhath spokenby the moothof al ihls holy prcphets slnce the wcrld began.--AcrS 3:21.

TO WIT. THAT00) WASIN ORIST. RECCN;ILltNnE l()fU)UNTOHIM9::lf, not I~utlng tIlalr trespasses unto than¡ andhath oommltted unto us tila wcrd of reconclllatIOO.--2C<RINTHIANS5:19.

IHAT IN nE DI! nE FULt\ESSa: TI~S I-EMIGITGt\ 1l-ER IN (J.jE ALL THItYS IN ORIsr, both wh1ch are 1nheaven, and Iotllch are on earth¡ aYen In hlm, That In tilaages to cana he mlght shewthe exceedlng rlches of hls g-aceIn hls klnmess toward us throogh Chrlst Jesus.-EPI-ESIANS1: 10. 2:7.



mJ lliAT ~ IN EAATI-l.V151El.EmJ INVI51El.E,whether they bethrones, o: danlnlons, cr prlnclpalltles, a: pQ'IIers: allthlngs were created by hlm, and fer hlm: And he Is befere allthlngs, and by hlm all thlngs conslst. And havlng spolledprlnclpalltles and pQ'IIers, he madea shewof than q>enly,trllflllhlng over than In It.~OS5IAN5 1:16-17. 2:15.

BECAJJSE\'lElRU5T IN TI-lELlVIt'l> (0). \IIiO 15TI-lE$AylM q:&. M:N. ¡CI~ q: Tl-OSElliAT BELIEVE.-1 TIK>M 4:10.

BY W1CH SOI-E \'IENTmJ FROOtD ÚNTO TI-lE g:>IRIT5 INPRIsq..¡¡ F<R THI5 CNJSEWASTI-lEOOH;L FREAO-ED,ALSOTOTIfMlliAT ~ DUD, that they mlght be judged acx:ordlngto /TenInthe flesh, but Ilve acx:ording to God In the splrlt.-1 PETER3:19. 4:6.

VEr MIcwa TI-lE,AR(}WG:L.W1ENCCNTOOIt'l>WITI-lTI-lEIB'I Lhe dlspu1ed about the body of Moses. clIrst not brlng agalnsthlm a ralllng accusatlon, but sald, TIla Lerd rebuke thee.-JIJE 9.

HIMlliAT OVERCXMETHWILL 1 r.w<E A PIll.AR IN TI-lE IDR.Eq: MY cn). and he shall go no rocreout: and I wlll wrlteC1XF. hlm the naneof myQ:>d, and the naneof the clty of my

• whlch Is newJerusalan. whlch caneth ~ out of heavenfran my God: and I wlll wrIte upon h1mmynewnane. And Isaw a newheavenand a newe<Y'th: fer the flrst heaven andthe flrst ecrth were passedaway; and there was no m:re sea'And I John.sawthe holy cltv. newJerusalan:a:rcanln~ ~fran Godout of heaven, prepcred 3S a brlde 00d er hei"husband. And I heard a great volea out of heaven saylng,Behold, the tabernacle of God Is wlth /Ten, and he wl I Idwell wlth than, and they shall be hls pecple, and Godhlmself shal I be wlth than, and be thelr God. AndGodshal Iwlpe awayall teérs fran thelr eyes; and there shall be nom:re death. nelther scrrow. ncr qylng. nelther shall therebe any m:re paln: fer the formar thlngs ere passed away.And he that sat upon the throne sald, Behold, 1 make allthlngs new. And he sald unto /Te, Wrlte: ter these words irétrue and falthful. And he sald unto /Te, It Is done. I enAlpha and Oooga, the beglnnlng and tila ende 1 wl I I glveunto hlm that Is athlrst of the fountaln of the water ofIlfe freel,. He that overcaneth shal I Inherlt al I thlngs;and I wl 1I be hls God, and he shall be my son. But thefeerful, and unbellevlng, and the abanlnable, and mtrderers,and whcranc:ngers, and scrcerers, and ldolaters, and all


IIa-s, shall have thelr pert In the lake whlch burneth wlthflre and brlms1ooe: whlch Is the seoonddeath. And therecane unto /Te one of the seven angels whlch had the sevenvlals full of the seven last plagues, and talked wlth /Te,saylng, Cane hlther, I wlll shewthee the brlde. the Urnb'swlfe. And he ca-rled /Teaway In the splrlt to a great and~Igh mountaln, and shewed/Tethat great clty the holy Jeru-salan. descendlngout of heavenfran God, ~Ing the glcry ofGOO: and her I Ight was Ilke unto a s100errost preclous, evenIlke a jaspar s1ooe. cleer as qystal; And had a wall (J"'eatand hlgh, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelveangels, and naneswrltten thereon, whlch era the nanesofthe twelve trlbes of the chlldren of Israel: ()J the eastthree gatas; on the ncrth three gates; on the south threegatas; and on the west three gatas. And the waII of thee1tv had twelve foundatlons, and In than the nanesof thetwelve apostles of the Lanb. And he that talked wlth /Tehada golden reed to /Teasurethe eIty, and the glrtes ther"eof,and the wall thereof. And the cltv 116th fOlTSQlWe, and theIength Is as Ia-ge as the breadth: and he /Teasuredthe el tywlth the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. TIla lenqth and thebreadth and the helght of It are agual. (1500 mllesll And heneasured the waII thereof, an hundred and fcr!y and fOlTcybIts (216 feet), acx:ordlng to the /Teasureof aman, thatis, o,f the angel. And the building of the wall of It wasof~: and the cltv waspure gold. Ilke unfu cleer glass.Ai10the foundatlons of the wall of the e1ty were garnlshedwlth all mannerof preclous sígJes. The flrst foundatlon wasjasper; the second, ~phlre; the +hlrd, a chalc:edony; thefourth, an anerald; The flfth, serdonyx; the slxth, serdlus;the seventh, chryg) Iyte; the elghth, beryl; the nlnth, afqlaz; the tenth, a chry!Pprasus; the eleventh, a jaclnth;the twelfth, an anethyst. And the twelve gates were twelve!5ferls: every severa1 gate wasof one peerl: and the streeto the clty was pure gold. as It were transpéY"ent :;¡rass:And I saw no temple thereln: ter the Lerd GodAlmlghty andthe Lanb era the tanple of It. And the e1ty had no needofthe sun, nelther of the 11'XJCfI, to shlne In It: for the glcryf God dld IIghten It, and the Lanb Is the IIght thereof.

And the natlons of than ...tllch era saved shall walk In theIlaht of it: and the klngs of the ea-th do brlng thelr glgyan honour Into i t. And the gatas of It shaI I not be shut at


mJ lliAT ~ IN EAATI-l.V151El.EmJ INVI51El.E,whether they bethrones, o: danlnlons, cr prlnclpalltles, a: pQ'IIers: allthlngs were created by hlm, and fer hlm: And he Is befere allthlngs, and by hlm all thlngs conslst. And havlng spolledprlnclpalltles and pQ'IIers, he madea shewof than q>enly,trllflllhlng over than In It.~OS5IAN5 1:16-17. 2:15.

BECAJJSE\'lElRU5T IN TI-lELlVIt'l> (0). \IIiO 15TI-lE$AylM q:&. M:N. ¡CI~ q: Tl-OSElliAT BELIEVE.-1 TIK>M 4:10.

BY W1CH SOI-E \'IENTmJ FROOtD ÚNTO TI-lE g:>IRIT5 INPRIsq..¡¡ F<R THI5 CNJSEWASTI-lEOOH;L FREAO-ED,ALSOTOTIfMlliAT ~ DUD, that they mlght be judged acx:ordlngto /TenInthe flesh, but Ilve acx:ording to God In the splrlt.-1 PETER3:19. 4:6.

VEr MIcwa TI-lE,AR(}WG:L.W1ENCCNTOOIt'l>WITI-lTI-lEIB'I Lhe dlspu1ed about the body of Moses. clIrst not brlng agalnsthlm a ralllng accusatlon, but sald, TIla Lerd rebuke thee.-JIJE 9.

HIMlliAT OVERCXMETHWILL 1 r.w<E A PIll.AR IN TI-lE IDR.Eq: MY cn). and he shall go no rocreout: and I wlll wrlteC1XF. hlm the naneof myQ:>d, and the naneof the clty of my

• whlch Is newJerusalan. whlch caneth ~ out of heavenfran my God: and I wlll wrIte upon h1mmynewnane. And Isaw a newheavenand a newe<Y'th: fer the flrst heaven andthe flrst ecrth were passedaway; and there was no m:re sea'And I John.sawthe holy cltv. newJerusalan:a:rcanln~ ~fran Godout of heaven, prepcred 3S a brlde 00d er hei"husband. And I heard a great volea out of heaven saylng,Behold, the tabernacle of God Is wlth /Ten, and he wl I Idwell wlth than, and they shall be hls pecple, and Godhlmself shal I be wlth than, and be thelr God. AndGodshal Iwlpe awayall teérs fran thelr eyes; and there shall be nom:re death. nelther scrrow. ncr qylng. nelther shall therebe any m:re paln: fer the formar thlngs ere passed away.And he that sat upon the throne sald, Behold, 1 make allthlngs new. And he sald unto /Te, Wrlte: ter these words irétrue and falthful. And he sald unto /Te, It Is done. I enAlpha and Oooga, the beglnnlng and tila ende 1 wl I I glveunto hlm that Is athlrst of the fountaln of the water ofIlfe freel,. He that overcaneth shal I Inherlt al I thlngs;and I wl 1I be hls God, and he shall be my son. But thefeerful, and unbellevlng, and the abanlnable, and mtrderers,and whcranc:ngers, and scrcerers, and ldolaters, and all


IIa-s, shall have thelr pert In the lake whlch burneth wlthflre and brlms1ooe: whlch Is the seoonddeath. And therecane unto /Te one of the seven angels whlch had the sevenvlals full of the seven last plagues, and talked wlth /Te,saylng, Cane hlther, I wlll shewthee the brlde. the Urnb'swlfe. And he ca-rled /Teaway In the splrlt to a great and~Igh mountaln, and shewed/Tethat great clty the holy Jeru-salan. descendlngout of heavenfran God, ~Ing the glcry ofGOO: and her I Ight was Ilke unto a s100errost preclous, evenIlke a jaspar s1ooe. cleer as qystal; And had a wall (J"'eatand hlgh, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelveangels, and naneswrltten thereon, whlch era the nanesofthe twelve trlbes of the chlldren of Israel: ()J the eastthree gatas; on the ncrth three gates; on the south threegatas; and on the west three gatas. And the waII of thee1tv had twelve foundatlons, and In than the nanesof thetwelve apostles of the Lanb. And he that talked wlth /Tehada golden reed to /Teasurethe eIty, and the glrtes ther"eof,and the wall thereof. And the cltv 116th fOlTSQlWe, and theIength Is as Ia-ge as the breadth: and he /Teasuredthe el tywlth the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. TIla lenqth and thebreadth and the helght of It are agual. (1500 mllesll And heneasured the waII thereof, an hundred and fcr!y and fOlTcybIts (216 feet), acx:ordlng to the /Teasureof aman, thatis, o,f the angel. And the building of the wall of It wasof~: and the cltv waspure gold. Ilke unfu cleer glass.Ai10the foundatlons of the wall of the e1ty were garnlshedwlth all mannerof preclous sígJes. The flrst foundatlon wasjasper; the second, ~phlre; the +hlrd, a chalc:edony; thefourth, an anerald; The flfth, serdonyx; the slxth, serdlus;the seventh, chryg) Iyte; the elghth, beryl; the nlnth, afqlaz; the tenth, a chry!Pprasus; the eleventh, a jaclnth;the twelfth, an anethyst. And the twelve gates were twelve!5ferls: every severa1 gate wasof one peerl: and the streeto the clty was pure gold. as It were transpéY"ent :;¡rass:And I saw no temple thereln: ter the Lerd GodAlmlghty andthe Lanb era the tanple of It. And the e1ty had no needofthe sun, nelther of the 11'XJCfI, to shlne In It: for the glcryf God dld IIghten It, and the Lanb Is the IIght thereof.

And the natlons of than ...tllch era saved shall walk In theIlaht of it: and the klngs of the ea-th do brlng thelr glgyan honour Into i t. And the gatas of It shaI I not be shut at


there shall be no rocre curse: but the ttrooe of Godando'the lanb shall be In It; and hls servants shall serve hlm:Andthey shall sea hls feca; and hls nanashall be In thelrforeheads. Andthere shall be no night there: andthey neecno candle, nelther Ilght of the sun; fer the lord GodglvetlthErnIlght: and they shall relgn fer evfr andevfr. Bless-ed era they that do hls carmanctrents, that they may havlrlght to the trae of I Ife, andmayentfr In through the gata:Into the clty. Fer wlthout are mT' and SOI"CfrfrS, anlwhoranoogers, andIIl\Tderers, and Ido aters, and whosoevaloveth and maketha lIel-REVELATIGl 3:12.21:1-27.22:1-514-15.


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