book club rubric

Post on 08-Dec-2015






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rubric to score post-it notes and book club participation


Book Club RubricMartin

Student Name: _________________________ Unit: _______________________

1 2 3 4

Referencing The Text

Attempts to refer to details in the text when explaining a thought or observation explicitly

Sometimes refer to details in the text when explaining a thought or observation explicitly

Refers to details in the text when explaining a thought or observation

explicitlyCCSS:RL.4.1, RI.4.1

Always refers specifically to details in the text when

explaining a thought or observation explicitly

Attempts to refer to details in the text when

drawing inferences and/or making


Sometimes refers to details in the text when

drawing inferences and/or making


Refers to details in the text when drawing

inferences and/or making predictions

CCSS:RL.4.1, RI.4.1

Always refers specifically to details in the text when

drawing inferences and/or making


Responding to Text

Attempts at least one post-its that responds (or

answers) the Teaching Point given on a particular day

Composes at least one post-its that responds (or

answers) the Teaching Point given on a particular day

Composes at least two post-its that respond (or

answer) the Teaching Point given on a particular day

Composes multiple post-its that respond (or

answer) the Teaching Point given on a particular day

Uses one repeated strategy throughout the unit in order to compose

additional post its to bring to book talks

Attempts more than one repeated strategy

throughout the unit in order to compose

additional post its to bring to book talks

Uses a variety of strategies in order to

compose additional post its to bring to book talks

Uses a variety of genre-specific strategies in

order to compose additional post its to bring to book talks


Attempts to date Post its and store on the

appropriately dated page

Some Post its are dated and stored on the

appropriately dated page

Most Post its are dated and stored on the

appropriately dated page

All Post its are dated and stored on the

appropriately dated page

Attempts to date Post its with a page number

noted for easy reference in book talks

Some Post its have a page number noted for easy reference in book talks

Most Post its have a page number noted for easy reference in book talks

All Post its have a page number noted for easy reference in book talks

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