bon voyage ross body · 2016. 5. 23. · bon voyage lumiere che-8806 tree...

Post on 04-Aug-2021






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C U T T I N G D I R E C T I O N S • Cut Two (2) 6” x 10” rectangles from fabric A• Cut One (1) 6” x 10” rectangle from fabric C• Cut One (1) lining pattern piece from fabric C• CutOne(1)flappatternpiecefromfabricB• Cut One (1) lining pattern piece from light weight batting.• Cut One (1) 6” x10” rectangle from light weight batting.


by Frances NewcombeCollection

D I A G R A M 1

F a b r i c R e q u i r e m e n t s

Fabric A Fabric B Fabric C

• Sewflapandtworectanglesfromfabric A togetherwithrightsidesfacingeachother.

CHE-8800Bon Voyage Lumiere

CHE-8806Tree Fleur Sombre

ross Body

CHE-8800 1/4yd. CHE-8806 1/8yd. PE-451 3/8yd.

Ma t e r i a l s N e e d ed

• 40” Long trim for strap• Small sew on snaps• Light weight batting

B A G C O N S T R U C T I O NSew all rights sides together with 1/4” seam allowance.




Bon Voyage

PE-451Icy Mint

• Sew batting piece to lining pattern from fabric Candto6”x10”rectanglelingingpiecefromfabricCallthewayaround,sewingasclosetotheedgeofthepieceasyoucan.

D I A G R A M 3

D I A G R A M 4

D I A G R A M 5

• Flipbottomrectangleupandseweachsideaccordingtodiagram2b.(Rightsidestogether)

• Foldonseamlinewithrightsidestogetherandseweachside.

D I A G R A M 2 a


D I A G R A M 2 b

Sew each side


Sew each side

• Sewliningpiecestogether,rightsidesfacingeachother,leaveasmall21/2”hole.



• Tucktheexteriorofthebagintothelining,withrightsidesfacingeachother.( D i a g r a m 6 a )

• Sandwichoneendofstrapbetweenliningandexteriorofthebagatsideseam.Repeatwithotherendofstrap.Pinliningandexteriorofbagrightsidestogethermatchingupsideseams.

• Sewallthewayaround.( D i a g r a m 6 b )

D I A G R A M 7

D I A G R A M 6 b

• Pull exterior of the bag out through the 2 1/2” hole at the bottom of the lining.

• Handstitchholeonliningclosedusingablindstitch.

• Handstitchsnapstobag,sewonesnapontheinsideflapandtheotherontheoutsideofthebag,makesuresnapslineupwhenclosed.

D I A G R A M 6 a

Exterior of Bag


Sew Snaps

NOTE: While all possible care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this pattern, we are not responsible for printing errors or the way in which individual work varies.Please read instructions carefully before starting the construction of this quilt. If desired, wash and iron your fabrics before starting to cut.

© 2014 Courtesy of Art Gallery Quilts LLC.AllRightsReserved.



F l a p T e m p l a t e

L i n i n g T e m p l a t e

Cu t o u t b o t h l i n i n g t emp l a t e s , ma t c h u p k n o t c h e s a n d t a p e .

KnotchLeft side

Right side

Cu t o u t b o t h l i n i n g t emp l a t e s , ma t c h u p k n o t c h e s a n d t a p e .

L i n i n g T e m p l a t e


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