b˜˜˚˛€¦ · english translation of the original sanskrit edition for the first time. w...

Post on 01-Aug-2020






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An important traditional text of Hathayoga, first time critically edited and published with five chapters based on the study of more than 100 Mss.

A Pioneer scientific work on description of classical Yogic postures for physical and mental development.

w ISBN 818948512-1w English INR 300 w Hindi INR 300

w English INR 495 w Hindi INR 180 w Marathi INR 200

w ISBN 818948504-0w English INR 300 w Hindi INR 300 w Gujarati INR 120 w Marathi INR 180

Hathapradipika of SwatmaramaBy Swami Digambarji and Raghunathshastri Kokaje

Anatomy and Physiology of Yogic PracticesBy M. M. Gore

AsanasBy Swami Kuvalyananda



Secretary Kaivalyadhama.A practical handbook describing classical yogic asanas step by step with illustrations.

A Pioneer scientific work on description of classical Yogic postures for physical and mental development.

An important text of Hathayoga critically edited for the first time with introduction, English translation, illustration of yogic practices, notes and appendices.

w ISBN 818948536-9 (5th Edition)w English INR 500 w Gujarathi INR 150 w Telugu INR 100

w ISBN 819028033-3w English INR 300 w Tamil INR 150

w English INR 105

Asana Why & HowBy O. P. Tiwari

Gheranda SamhitaBy Swami Digambarji & Dr. M. L. Gharote

Notes on Heart CareCompiled By Parmananda Aggrawal



Authored by father of scientific Yoga containing techniques of all varieties of Pranayama described in Yogic tradition explained with accurate scientific terminology.

Re-explained in English on scientific lines containing Sanskrit sutras with transliteration, word meaning and translation.

w ISBN 819028035-Xw English INR 100

w ISBN 818948517-2w English INR 500 w Hindi INR 200

w ISBN 819028036-8w English INR 300 w Hindi INR 200 w Marathi INR 210 w Gujarathi INR 120

Notes on Structures andFunctions of Human Body and effects of Yogic practices on itBy Dr. Shrikrishna

Patanjala Yoga SutraBy Dr. P. V. Karambelkar

PranayamaBy Swami Kuvalyananda



(Extract from the book Asana by Swami Kuvalyananda)

This book is intended to serve as a guide for successful and efficient teaching of Yogic Practices.

w ISBN 818948520-2w English INR 60

w ISBN 818948524-5w English INR 320 w Hindi INR 320

w ISBN 818948561-Xw English INR 250 w Hindi INR 150

Scientific Survey of the Yogic Poses

Teaching Methods for Yogic PracticesBy Dr. M. L. Gharote & Dr. S. K. Ganguly

Yoga and Mental HealthBy Prof R. S. Bhogal



w ISBN 978819345184-7w English INR 250

w ISBN 978184685565-8w English INR 310

w ISBN 818948554-7w English INR 100 w Marathi INR 100

Yoga Psychology and BeyondBy Prof R. S. Bhogal

The Five Great ElementsRediscoveredBy Swami Nityamuktananda

Para vidya & Positive LifestyleBy Dr. Vaze



A compilation of abstracts of the articles published in Yoga Mimamsa of Kaivalyadhama upto December 1998

English translation of the original Sanskrit edition for the first time.

w English Part 1 INR 60 w Part 2 INR 101 w Part 3 INR 600w ISBN 818948501-6 w ISBN 818948502-4 w ISBN NA

w ISBN 818948539-3 w Hindi INR 60

w ISBN 818948507-5w English INR 200 w Sanskrit INR 350

Abstracts and Bibliography of Articles on YogaBy Swami Maheshnanda & Dr. T. K. Bera

Ayurved Sutrani athwa CharaksaramBy Swami Digambarji

Brhadyogiyajnavalk-yasmrtiBy Dr. M. L. Gharote & V. A. Bedekar



Important yoga treatise in Hindi dialect critically edited for the first time with exhaustive introduction that provides rich and authentic source material as well.

It is a very important and descriptive book for hathayoga. It is full of interesting experiences of traditional Hatha yoga. Sadhaka can get necessary information about yoga practices in very simple methods. Shri O.P Tiwari made it very practical.

A scholarly work which explores the comprehensive understanding of technical terms used in Sankhya Philosophy.

w ISBN 818948510-5w English INR 50

w English INR 50 w Hindi INR 50w ISBN 978818948540-5 w ISBN 978818948540-7

w ISBN 818948545-8w English INR 225

Glossary of the SankhyakarikaBy Swami Digambarji, Dr. Mahajat Sahay & Dr. M. L. Gharote

Hatha Yoga ManjariBy O. P. Tiwari

Jogapradipyaka By Swami Maheshananda, Dr. B. R. Sharma, Shri G. S. Sahay &Shri R. K. Bodhe.



Critically edited with introduction, hindi translation notes

Letters of Swami Kuvalyananda – A Man rich in wisdom and broad in vision that can be seen in his correspondence with eminent personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru and others.

(With Yogasutras, transliteration, English translation and special notes) by Swami Maheshananda, Dr. BR Sharma, Shri GS Sahay and Shri RK Bodhe.

w ISBN 81894852-7w English INR 600 w Hindi INR 250

w ISBN 818948528-8w English INR 80

w ISBN 818948550-4w English INR 200

Vasistha SamhitaBy Swami Maheshananda, Dr. B. R. Sharma, Shri G. S. Sahay and Shri. R. K. Bodhe.

Vision and WisdomBy Swami Digambarji

Yoga KarikaBy Swami Hariharananda



w ISBN 818948573-3w English INR 600

w ISBN 978819345183-0w English INR 160

w ISBN 978819345187-8w English INR 525

Yogi and ScientistBy Biography of Swami Kuvalyananda

Kapalakurantaka’s Hathabhyasa-paddhati


By Swami Maheshananda, Shri Ravindranath BadheDr. Raghavendra Bhat, Dr. Bandita Satapathy &Dr. Rajeswar Mukherjee

By Swami Maheshananda, Dr. B. R. Sharma,Shri Ravindranath Badhe, Dr. Raghavendra BhatDr. Bandita Satapathy & Dr. Rajeswar Mukherjee



Stress Management: Modern and Yogic perspectivesBy Dr. M. V. Rajapurkar

w ISBN 978819345188-5w English INR 700

w ISBN 818948515-6w English INR 50

w ISBN 978818948567-2w English INR 180

Prajnanam – Self Awareness

Living With Stress withoutDistress Through YogaBy Dr. Shrikrishna

Back Care through YogaBy Parmananda Aggrawal

By Swami Maheshananda,Shri Ravindranath Badhe, Dr. Raghavendra Bhat Dr. Bandita Satapathy & Dr. Rajeswar Mukherjee



Vedic Physiology and Anatomy

w English INR 130

w ISBN 818948552-0w English INR 175 w Hindi INR 160

w ISBN 818948549-0w Hindi INR 200 w Gujarathi INR 240

Diabetes and its ManagementBy Paramananda Aggrawal

Swadhyaya and Yoga TherapyBy Dr. Vaze

Yogic Therapy Basic Principles and Methods By Dr. Swami Kuvalyananda & Dr. Vinekar



w ISBN 818948549-0w English INR 100

w English INR 250

w ISBN 978818948551-1w English INR 200

Yoga Therapy for selected DiseasesBy M. M. Gore, Dr. Vaze, Dr. S. A. Kulkarni and J. P. Oak

Yoga For SeniorsBy Ravi Dixit

Yoga modules for Institutions of Higher LearningBy G. S. Sahay and Subodh Tiwari



w English INR 175

w ISBN 818948588-1w English INR 180

w ISBN 818948589-Xw English INR 100

Notes on Bronchial Ashthma and Respiratory DisordersBy Paramananda Aggrawal

RenunciationBy Swami Nityamuktananda Saraswati

Caraka Saram By Swami Digambarji, English Translation by Sudhir Tiwari



w ISBN 818948517-2 w English INR 60

w ISBN 818948566-0w English INR 350

w Softcover w ISBN 978819345180-9w English INR 550

Patanjali Yog SutraBy Dr. Rajani Pradhan

JyotsnaA Critical Edition of Hathapradipika

Pranayama – Mudra & MeditationBy Dr. Sharadchandra Bhalekar

By Swami Maheshananda & Dr. B. R. Sharma



w ISBN 978819345181-6w English INR 300

w English INR 300

w English INR 300

Anatomy & Physiology: Yogic ContextBy Dr. Sharadchandra Bhalekar

Scientific exposition on Pranayama – A ReviewBy D. D. Kulkarni

Yoga as Therapy – Medical viewBy Dr. Satish Pathak



w English INR 120

w Hindi/Sanskrit INR 20

w ISBN 978819345185-4w Hindi / Sanskrit INR 410

Notes on Basic Principles & Methods of Teaching as Applied to Yogic PracticesBy Dr. Shrikrishna


Devyajan Part I



w ISBN 978819345186-1w Hindi/Sanskrit INR 495

w ISBN 978938719801-2w English INR 150

w English INR 250

Devyajan Part II


AmrtasiddhiyogahBy Dr. Bandita Satapathy

By Dr. A. G. Harshe



w ISBN 978818948563-4w English INR 50

w ISBN 978189345189-2w English INR 200

w ISBN 978819345182-3w English INR 450

Prayer & Mantrajapa

The Quintessence of YogaBy Dr. Rajeshwar Mukherjee & Dr. Kakali Ghosh




w ISBN 818948523-8w English INR 600 w Hindi INR 275

w ISBN 978818948531-3w Sanskrit INR 350

Siva SamhitaA critical edition By Swami Maheshananda, Dr. B. R. Sharma, Shri G. S. Sahay & Shri R. K. Bodhe.

Yoga Concordance (Volume I)

The book deals with the relevant information in a composite manner, essential for proper understanding and practice of Pranayama.

An important text of Hathayoga critically edited for the first time based on 13 Mss and 3 published books with introduction, hindi translation, notes and appendices.

w ISBN 819028031-7w English INR 200 w Marathi INR 75

Essence of PranayamaBy Dr. Shrikrishna



w ISBN 818948532-6w Sanskrit INR 350

w ISBN 978818948533-7w Sanskrit INR 400

w ISBN 978818948534-4w Sanskrit INR 400

Yoga Concordance (Volume II)

Yoga Concordance (Volume III)

Yoga Concordance (Volume IV)



w ISBN 818948544X83-2w English INR 100 w Hindi INR 130

w ISBN 978818948529-0w English INR 450

GoraksasatakamBy Swami Kuvalyananda & Dr. SA Shukla

Yoga KosaBy Philosophico Literary research dept

w ISBN 978818948538-2w Sanskrit INR 400

Yoga Concordance (Volume V-VI)By Dr. Shrikrishna



w English INR 150

w ISBN 818948505-9w English INR 150 w Hindi INR 150

Directory of Yoga Organisations of Mumbai and Greater Mumbai

Astanga Yoga of Saint CharandasFrom Bhakti Sagar

w English INR 10 w Sanskrit INR 10

Patanjala Yoga Darshan Booklet

Simplified traditional yoga in hindi dialect with English translation By Shri O. P Tiwari



w English INR 300

w ISBN 818948535-0w English INR 300

Yog MimamsaA journal of scientific and philosophico-literary research in Yoga Published since 1924

Descriptive Catalogue of Yoga Manuscripts

w ISBN 818948529-6w Hindi INR 30

Yog and Sharirik shikshaBy Dr. M. L. Gharote

Please subscribe - kdham.com/yog-mimamsa/



w English INR 200

PrajnaA little book of wisdom

By Shri O. P Tiwari




Kdham Documentaryw Documentary Collegew Documentary Hhccw Documentary Kdhamw INR 200 each

Yoga Coursesw Easy Yoga Coursew Short Yoga Coursew Full Yoga Coursew INR 200 each




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