body beautiful, 30 day exercise plan a

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  • 8/11/2019 Body Beautiful, 30 Day Exercise Plan A



    Start building a

    FR E E 30-D

    A Y




    5 Exercises For A...

    beautiful BODY

    atter TUMMY


  • 8/11/2019 Body Beautiful, 30 Day Exercise Plan A


    BODY beautiful

    Invest In Yourself. Build A Healthier FutureTwenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didnt dothan by the ones you did do.

    Mark Twain

    Are you tired of hiding under baggy clothes? Sick of yo yo diets that don!t "ork? Fed u# "ith your general lack of #rogress "hen it co$es to e%ercise and dieting?

    &ould you like to build a strong' se%y' beautiful body that still looks fe$inine and achievethe follo"ing?

    (ose "eight so you can fit into your favourite clothesFlatten and tone your tu$$y

    )one and sha#e your hi#s' bu$ and thighsBuild scul#ted but fe$inine ar$s that don!t "obbleI$#rove your fitnessIncrease your energy levels and i$#rove your $ood

    )his 30-Day Exercise Plan "ill hel# you get started to"ards achieving your goals andtransfor$ing your body.

    It "on!t get you instant results or turn you into a cover $odel overnight.

    It "ill hel# you i$#rove your $ove$ent #atterns' tone your body and get your dee# core "orking *the $uscles that look after your lo"er back and $ake your tu$$y look flatter'including your #elvic floor+.

    If you follo" the instructions and stick to the #lan' e%actly as sho"n for the ne%t ,-Days' it "ill also hel# you to lose "eight' i$#rove your fitness' energy levels and $oodand start to tone and sha#e your thighs' hi#s' ar$s and tu$$y.

    It!s very i$#ortant to re$e$ber that e%ercise is ust one #iece of the health and fitness#u//le though.

    If you!re really ready to get serious results that last long ter$' you need to invest e%#ertcoaching that #rovides the $otivation' accountability and structure you need to reallybuild the beautiful body of your drea$s.

    &hen you!re ready or if you "ant to ski# straight to the serious results call us no" on-012, 340536 or click this link """$7free consultation to re8uest aco$#li$entary "eight loss 9 fitness consultation.

    You!re never under any obligation to buy anything but let!s at least talk about ho" "e canget you $oving to"ards the ne" you.

    : ;hysicul

  • 8/11/2019 Body Beautiful, 30 Day Exercise Plan A


  • 8/11/2019 Body Beautiful, 30 Day Exercise Plan A


    BODY beautiful

    Safety First Al"ays check "ith your doctor or $edical #rofessional before starting any ne" e%ercise#rogra$$e or $aking any significant changes to your diet' es#ecially if you have' or havea fa$ily history of high blood #ressure' coronary heart disease' stroke' high cholesterol.

    ALWA ! in"orm your doc#or or medical $ro"essional %e"ore s#ar#ing any ne&exercise $rogramme or making c'anges #o your regular exercise rou#ine and ge#clearance( !'o& #'em #'e &orkou# $lan i" necessary(

    S)O; the e%ercise or "orkout if you feel #ain in your chest *or any"here+'di//iness or can!t breathe

    Stay in control and don!t #ush yourself too hard. Ese #erfect techni8ue for eache%ercise as sho"n

    )ake as $uch rest as needed bet"een e%ercises at first and gradually reduce rest#eriods until you #erfor$ each e%ercise back to back "ith no little to no rest inbet"een

    Al"ays rest ,- 4- seconds bet"een circuits' or as $uch as you need to recover ;rogress gradually and only increase the challenge "hen you feel ready A(&AYS "ar$ u# before #erfor$ing a "orkout Above all' #lease use your co$$on sense and understand that there are risks to

    e%ercise if you don!t follo" the instructions or are not in a fit state to e%ercise.

    o" turn the #age to see the )ircui# Training Exercises that are going to hel# youstart transfor$ing your body.

    If you have any 8uestions or #roble$s' #lease get in touch by calling -012, 340536 ore$ailing$ . =n oy@

    Olly Her$on )aylor' >H= 1' H(> 1' F S 0' SFJ 0Head >oach' ;hysicul< ;ersonal )raining

    : ;hysicul

  • 8/11/2019 Body Beautiful, 30 Day Exercise Plan A


    BODY beautiful 0. S#lit S8uat

    Start #osition =nd #osition

    Start #osition =nd #osition

    >oaching )i#s Stand "ith feet hi# "idth a#art' toes #ointing for"ards Jood #osture to u##er body' chin and chest tucked' shoulders back' long s#ine

    *#ull cro"n of head and tailbone a#art slightly+ )ighten your abs as if so$eone "as going to #unch you in the tu$$y Jently lo"er the back knee to the floor * ust touch the floor+ In the botto$ #osition' you should have 4- degrees in both knees "ith the front

    shin vertical *don!t let it go for"ards of your toes+. ee# the centre of your front kneeca# in line "ith your $iddle toes Ke#eat for desired re#s on one side then s"a# sides and re#eat e%ercise

    Tem$o 1 0 1 *1 sec do"n 7 0 sec #ause 7 1 sec back u#+ Re$s 6 01 !e#s 1 2 *1 circuits "eek 0' , in "eek 1 and 2 in "eeks , 9 2+

    : ;hysicul

  • 8/11/2019 Body Beautiful, 30 Day Exercise Plan A


    BODY beautiful 2. Plank

    (evel 0 Off nees (evel 1 Off )oes

    >oaching )i#s (ying face do"n' #lace your elbo"s directly under your shoulders' thu$bs under

    your nose Jood #osture to u##er body' chin and chest tucked' shoulders back' long s#ine

    *#ull cro"n of head and tailbone a#art slightly+ ;lace your feet together' inste#s touching and #ull toes to shins S8uee/e your bu$ hard' as if gri##ing a 3- note and hold throughout (evel 0 L lift hi#s fro$ floor until you have a straight line fro$ knees to

    shoulders (evel 1 L lift hi#s and knees fro$ floor until you have a straight line fro$ heels

    to to# of head )ighten your abs as if ready for a #unch in the tu$$y and crunchC your ribcage

    and #elvis together hard &I)HOE) rounding your back Hold for desired ti$e' rest and then re#eat as sho"n Don!t let your hi#s co$e u# too high or stick your bu$ in the air Don!t let your lo"er back colla#se through to the ground ==; BODY I A ;=KF=>)(Y S)KAIJH) (I =

    Tem$o 03 3 *03 sec hold at to# 7 3 sec rest+. ;rogress to 1- sec u# 7 3 sec rest'then ,- sec u# 7 0- sec rest' 23 sec u# 7 0- sec rest' 5- sec u# 7 03 sec rest

    Re$s 1 , !e#s 1 2 *1 circuits "eek 0' , in "eek 1 and 2 in "eeks , 9 2+

    *o#e+ Start off "ith the Le,el version fro$ your knees. As soon as you can hold the#lank #osition for ,- seconds % , sets' "ith a 0- second rest bet"een each hold' then#rogress to Le,el . ;lank fro$ your toes.

    : ;hysicul

  • 8/11/2019 Body Beautiful, 30 Day Exercise Plan A


    BODY beautiful 3. Box Squat

    Start ;osition =nd ;osition

    Start ;osition =nd ;osition

    >oaching )i#s Stand "ith feet shoulder "idth a#art' toes for"ards *or turned out"ards slightly

    u# to ,- degrees if $ore co$fortable+ Jood #osture to u##er body' chin and chest tucked' shoulders back' long s#ine

    *#ull cro"n of head and tailbone a#art slightly+ )ighten your abs as if so$eone "as going to #unch you in the tu$$y ;ush your hi#s back' leading "ith your u##er ha$strings and bend your knees to

    sit back on the bo%. ee# your torso as u#right as #ossible. )hink of sitting onthe toilet@

    Your shins should stay as vertical as #ossible. Don!t allo" your knees to gofor"ards of your toes and kee# your heels do"n on the floor@

    ee# the centre of your kneeca#s in line "ith your $iddle toes and don/# le# your kneeca$s colla$se in&ards

    ;ush back to the start #osition and Ke#eat for desired re#s Tem$o , - 1 *, sec do"n 7 - sec #ause 7 1 sec back u#+. ove slo"ly

    Re$s 6 01 !e#s 1 2 *1 circuits "eek 0' , in "eek 1 and 2 in "eeks , 9 2+

    : ;hysicul

  • 8/11/2019 Body Beautiful, 30 Day Exercise Plan A


    BODY beautiful 4. Side Plank

    (evel 0 *off knees+ Start (evel 0 *off knees+ E#

    (evel 1 *feet staggered+ E# (evel , *full side #lank+ E#

    >oaching )i#s (ying on your side' #lace elbo" directly under shoulder and tuck in to ribs. ;ush

    your shoulder do"n and back into socket Jood #osture to u##er body' chin and chest tucked' shoulders back' long s#ine

    *#ull cro"n of head and tailbone a#art slightly+

    Le,el L kee# knees bent and #ush your hi#s u# to for$ straight line fro$ to#knee to to# shoulder. Stay side on *don!t lean for"ards+ Le,el . L legs straight' to# foot in front of back and #ush your hi#s u# to for$

    straight line fro$ to# ankle to to# shoulder Le,el 3 L legs straight' feet together and #ush your hi#s u# to for$ straight line

    fro$ to# ankle to to# shoulder ;ull your shoulder do"n a"ay fro$ your ear and kee# it strong S8uee/e your bu$ *hold 3- note in bet"een your cheeks+ Don!t let hi#s cree# to high or sag too lo". ee# shoulders level Hold u# #osition for desired ti$e' lo"er to rest then re#eat S"a# sides and re#eat e%ercise

    : ;hysicul

  • 8/11/2019 Body Beautiful, 30 Day Exercise Plan A


    BODY beautiful Tem$o 03 3 *03 sec hold at to# 7 3 sec rest+. ;rogress to 1- sec u# 7 3 sec rest'

    then ,- sec u# 7 0- sec rest' 23 sec u# 7 0- sec rest' 5- sec u# 7 03 sec rest Re$s 1 , holds each side !e#s 1 2 *1 circuits "eek 0' , in "eek 1 and 2 in "eeks , 9 2+

    : ;hysicul

  • 8/11/2019 Body Beautiful, 30 Day Exercise Plan A


    BODY beautiful 5. Prone Cobra

    Start ;osition E# ;osition

    >oaching )i#s (ying face do"n in a rela%ed #osition' head to one side' take a dee# belly breath ee#ing your lo"er body rela%ed' gently dra" in your belly button and lift your

    head' shoulders and chest off the ground' kee#ing your #elvis and tu$$y on theground and bu$ rela%ed *not s8uee/ed+

    Ai$ to reverse the curve in your u##er back *area in bet"een shoulder blades+ Tuck your c'in #o your c'es# ' e%ternally rotate your #al$s *back of hands

    facing each other' thu$bs #ointing u#"ards+ and s8uee/e your shoulder bladestogether and tuck the$ do"n to"ards your back #ockets

    Breathe and hold u# #osition for ti$e indicated then i$$ediately return to thestart #osition for rest #eriod and re#eat as sho"n

    *o#es+ kee$ your c'in #ucked in #o your c'es# #'roug'ou# make a dou%le c'in1(D2*/T le# your c'in s#ick ou# or #'rus# your 'ead "or&ards(

    Tem$o 03 3 *03 sec hold at to# 7 3 sec rest+. ;rogress to 1- sec u# 7 3 sec rest'then ,- sec u# 7 0- sec rest' 23 sec u# 7 0- sec rest' 5- sec u# 7 03 sec rest

    Re$s 1 , holds !e#s 1 2 *1 circuits "eek 0' , in "eek 1 and 2 in "eeks , 9 2+

    )his e%ercise can really hel# you i$#rove your #osture' by realigning your head and neckand o#ening u# your chest and shoulders. It can be a great "ay to relieve tension andstress around and in bet"een your shoulder blades' "hich is linked to regular headaches.

    If have larger breasts' then this e%ercise is a $ust' as it "ill "ork the $uscles in youru##er back that hel# kee# your #osture strong and in good align$ent.

    If you have s$aller breasts' then i$#roving your #osture "ith this e%ercise can reallyhel# to $ake the $ost of your figure' "ithout any aug$entation.

    : ;hysicul

  • 8/11/2019 Body Beautiful, 30 Day Exercise Plan A


    BODY beautiful

    =%ercise Juidelineso& To Per"orm T'e )ircui# Training Workou#

    >arefully read the coaching ti#s and safety #oints for each of the 4 )ircui# TrainingExercises as sho"n above.

    ;ractice each e%ercise to $ake sure you!ve got the techni8ue correct and that you don!thave any #roble$s "ith a #articular e%ercise before #erfor$ing your first "orkout.

    &hen you!re ready to #erfor$ your )ircui# Training Workou# on your 5odera#e6n#ensi#y Days *see the30-Day Workou# Plan at the end of this guide+ #lease do thefollo"ing

    1. Foa$ Kolling ;erfor$ the Foa$ Kolling #ositions as sho"n in the se#arate = Book' A QuickGuide To Foam Rolling *you should have do"nloaded this at the sa$e ti$e asthis = Book+.!$end a%ou# minu#e on eac' muscle grou$ 7 side o" #'e%ody. Start off gently as foa$ rolling can be #ainful and don!t hurt your self.Instead' think of gently releasing your $uscles. To#al #ime 8 4 9 : minu#es1

    2. )he &ar$ E#;erfor$ 0 set of the 3 e%ercises sho"n in the )ircui# Training Exercises section *#. 10 M 15+ at a lo" intensity' to #re#are your body for $ove$ent.Ideally' you!d do 3 5 slo" re#etitions of each e%ercise' gradually increasing therange of $ove$ent *ho" far you travel+ "ith each re#etition' to "ar$ u# your

    oints and $uscles. To#al #ime 8 . minu#es1

    3. )he &orkout;erfor$ e%ercises 0 3 in the )ircui# Training Exercises section *#. 10 M 15+%ack #o %ack &i#' as li##le res# as $ossi%le in %e#&een exercises . )hat!s one

    circuit. o" rest ,- M 4- seconds and re#eat the circuit 1 3 ti$es' resting ,- M 4-seconds bet"een each circuit. )ry and add an e%tra circuit each "eek as you getfitter and stronger and decrease your rest #eriod bet"een each circuit. To#al#ime 8 ; 9 4 minu#es $er circui#1

    : ;hysicul

  • 8/11/2019 Body Beautiful, 30 Day Exercise Plan A


    BODY beautiful

    ;rogra$$e Nariables )e$#o

    )his is the s#eed at "hich you #erfor$ each #art of the e%ercise. You!ll find it "ritten as1 or , nu$bers under the coaching ti#s for each e%ercise' "ritten in the follo"ing for$at

    .- -.4-4

    ;lease note this is ust an e%a$#le. )he te$#o is different for each e%ercise so al"ayscheck.

    )he nu$bers indicate ho" fast or slo" to #erfor$ the , stages of each e%ercise.

    . *1 seconds on the "ay do"n+*#ause at botto$ for 0 second+

    . *1 seconds on the "ay back u#+

    4*hold u# #osition for 03 seconds+4 *rest for 3 seconds+

    )e$#o is very i$#ortant because it "ill change the effect each e%ercise has on your bodyand the results you get.

    Ke#etitions *Ke#s+

    Ke#etitions refers to the nu$ber of individual ti$es you #erfor$ an e%ercise and is "ritten as a range of nu$bers under the coaching ti#s section' in the follo"ing for$at

  • 8/11/2019 Body Beautiful, 30 Day Exercise Plan A


    BODY beautiful Sets

    Sets refers to the nu$ber of grou#s of re#etitionsC you should #erfor$ for eache%ercise *as discussed above+.

    As you!re #erfor$ing these e%ercises as )ircui# style "orkouts' the nu$ber of sets "illbe the sa$e as the nu$ber of total circuits you #erfor$ for the "orkout.

    =.g. 1 2 sets L 1 2 circuits *see >ircuits section belo"+.


    A circuit is one run through of all of the e%ercises' #erfor$ed back to back *e%ercises 03 #erfor$ed back to back L 0 circuit+.

    For e%a$#le

    0 set of (unges *6 M 01 re#s on each leg L 0 >ircuit+0 set of ;lank 0 set of Bo% S8uats0 set of Side ;lank 0 set of ;rone >obra8 circui#(

    You!ll be #erfor$ing 1 2 circuits total in each "orkout. Start off "ith ust 0 1 circuits forthe first "orkout and then build u# to 2 circuits in "eeks , and 2.

    Final ote

    )his is a very si$#le but highly effective e%ercise #rogra$$e. ;lease don!t be deceived byho" easy so$e of the e%ercises look. If you take the ti$e to do the$ #ro#erly andfollo" the coaching ti#s e%actly as #resented' then you!ll get great results.

    Above all' #lease use your co$$on sense. If so$ething hurts *not ust your $usclesburning a little but really hurts+ then S)O; the e%ercise. )he sa$e goes for any shooting#ains in your back' head' neck or legs. )ell your doctor or contact a >orrective =%ercises#ecialist.

    : ;hysicul

  • 8/11/2019 Body Beautiful, 30 Day Exercise Plan A


    BODY beautiful

    Dont ever flatten or round out your lower back but keep a slight, natural arch in your spine

    : ;hysicul

  • 8/11/2019 Body Beautiful, 30 Day Exercise Plan A


    BODY beautiful

    Your ,- Day =%ercise ;lanHere!s your 2 "eek' #rogressive e%ercise #lan.

    You!ll find all of the individual e%ercises in the #revious sections' along "ith fullcoaching ti#s and guidelines on re#etitions and sets.

    It couldn!t be easier to follo" and these guidelines "ill hel# you follo" the 30-DayExercise Plan correctly and get great results

    1. Start on Week and #erfor$ the "orkout 7 e%ercise sho"n in the bo% for eachdifferent day * onday' )uesday' &ednesday etc.+

    2. ;rogress to Week . and do the sa$e3. ;rogress to Week 3 and do the sa$e4. ;rogress to Week ; and do the sa$e

    You!ll notice that the different "orkouts on the 30-Day Exercise Plan are colour codedto re#resent the different levels of intensity *ho" hard you have to "ork+.

    GREE* 8 L2W-6*TE*!6T DA EA! or 7 01 Walk a# a modera#e $ace "or 30- 0 minu#es

    2RA*GE 8 52DERATE 6*TE*!6T DA 5ED6B5 or C7 015odera#e 6n#ensi#y Day 8 "oam rolling "or 4- 0 minu#es "ollo&ed %y )ircui#

    Training Workou# .-; circui#s1

    RED 8 6G 6*TE*!6T DA ARD or

  • 8/11/2019 Body Beautiful, 30 Day Exercise Plan A




    WEEK 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

    WEEK 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

    WEEK 3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

    WEEK 4 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

    Walk 30-60 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Walk 30-60 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Walk 30-60 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Walk 30-60 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Walk 30-60 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Circuit Training Workout 30 mins(1-2 circuits)

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Circuit Training Workout 30 mins(1-2 circuits)

    Walk 30-60 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Walk 30-60 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Walk 30-60 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Walk 30-60 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Walk 30-60 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Circuit Training Workout 30 mins(2 circuits)

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Circuit Training Workout 30 mins(2 circuits)

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Circuit TrainingWorkout 30 mins(3 circuits)

    Walk 30-60 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Walk 30-60 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Walk 30-60 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Walk 30-60 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Circuit Training Workout 30 mins(3 circuits)

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Circuit Training Workout 30 mins(3 circuits)

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Circuit TrainingWorkout 30 mins(4 circuits)

    Walk 30-60 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Walk 30-60 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Circuit Training Workout 30 mins(4 circuits)

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Walk / Run 20-30mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Walk / Run 20-30mins

    Foam Rolling,5-10 mins

    Circuit Training Workout 30 mins(4 circuits)

  • 8/11/2019 Body Beautiful, 30 Day Exercise Plan A


    Are You Ready To Build A Strong,Sexy, Beautiful Body That Still Looks

    Feminine?If youre tired of hiding under aggy !lothes, si!k of Yo"Yo diets that dont

    #ork and frustrated y a la!k of $rogress and you #ant a results guaranteedsolution that #ill hel$ you%

    Lose &eightFlatten Your Tummy Firm '$ Your (i$s ) ThighsBuild S!ul$ted, Feminine Arms

    And Im$ro*e Your +nergy Le*els ) ood

    Get started with a FREE, Comprehensive Weight Loss& Fitness Consultation with Chichesters leading

    Personal Training and Weight Loss E perts!

    If you #ant to transform your ody, you need to li*e a healthier lifestyle- Ifyoure not already doing that then #ere here to hel$- Theres ne*er anyo ligation to uy anthing- But lets at least talk a out ho# #e !an start

    uilding the ody of your dreams- In*est in yourself, uild a healthier future-

    To re.uest your FR++ !onsultation, sim$ly !all us no# on /0123450647 or !li!k the link elo# to re.uest your !om$limentary

    !onsultation online% ###-$hysi!ul-!om8free"!onsultation

    This *ou!her entitles you to "#$ o%% an mem'ership orE ercise & (utrition Pac)age - Sim$ly ring it to your

    !onsultation to redeem it if youre interested in ourser*i!es 9although theres no o ligation to sign u$ for


    ;ffer +nds 17 th ;!to er 1/02
  • 8/11/2019 Body Beautiful, 30 Day Exercise Plan A


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