board members participating · saturday, may 2nd, 2009 board members participating dave roza cathy...

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Saturday, May 2nd

, 2009


Dave Roza Cathy Wackett

Horst Tietze Rob Filion

Alastair Currie Connie Zwarich

Margaret Galbraith Brian Gilchrist

David Bloch-Hansen Jim Brow

Mike Sweny Jim Cumming

Chris Smith

08-09 1 Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Dave Roza at 10:04AM

08-09 2 Approval of Agenda.

The following items were added to the Agenda under New Business: “SWAD”

Moved by Horst Tietze, seconded by Margaret that the agenda is approved as amended.


08-09 3 Business Arising From the Minutes

Club Officials Development Plan Dave advised that discussions in Swim Ontario’s last meeting stated that two regions had not informed their sanctioning officer of the clubs that weren’t in compliance. Dave pointed out to John Vadeika that the two regions had in fact communicated this information to the Sanctioning Officer by phone conversations. It seems this will not be reflected in the board minutes. Discussion ensued on how strictly the regions should be enforcing the Development plan. It was agreed that as we are now in year three we need to enforce the plan; if a club is not in compliance then any request for a meet sanction should be denied.

Regional Clinic Statistics Dave presented the summary of clinic statistics. See Appendix “C” and regional list of officials. See Appendix “D”

Registry of Officials Dave Roza reported that Eric Martin has rewritten the Swim Ontario Policies and Procedures. It may involve putting swim coaches under the Swim Ontario umbrella. Officials need to put in place an on-line official’s registry. Jim Cumming to look into this and report back for the next meeting.

Action: Jim Cumming

Reduction in Staffing Requirements Dave reported that Eastern Region has successfully run swim meets with two timers per lane. It was noted that having fewer timers is in conflict with wanting clubs to have more officials move up the ladder. NOC wants us to reduce the number of officials still further.

NOC Officials Training Subsidy Dave presented the breakdown of the NOC Officials Training Subsidy. Janice Trush was the only Ontario candidate to apply and receive funding assistance from the fund.

Open Water Swimming We have received a copy of the Quebec rules. Masters have just about completed the open water swimming rules document based on FINA Masters open water rules. We will arrange to get an experienced open water official from Quebec to conduct a clinic for us.

Action: Dave Roza

OSOA Strategic Plan Deferred

Briefing Notes Alastair will distribute his version of referee briefing notes to the board for comments. Once finalized he will post them on the web. Cathy will distribute a Chief Timers briefing note.

Action: Alastair Currie, Cathy Wackett

On-line Clinics

SNC and TSC want to achieve uniformity and control delivery of all clinics including our on-line clinics. It was decided to give permission to SNC to allow them to link the SNC on-line coaches clinic to our Level 1 and Stroke and Turn clinics.

Moved by Jim Cumming, seconded by Margaret that OSOA give permission to SNC to link their on-line coaches clinic to our Level 1 and Stroke and Turn clinics.


Meet Manager/Meet Referee

Should a meet be able to be sanctioned if the Meet Referee and Meet Manager is the same person?

Moved by Horst Tietze, seconded by Brian that we recommend to Swim Ontario that they add to procedure M-001-06 the requirement that the Meet Referee and Meet Manager shall not be the same person


08-09 4 President’s Report (Dave Roza):


May 2009


A Swim Ontario Board of Directors meeting was held last weekend April 24th -

26th 2008 in Toronto. The next board

meeting is scheduled for the 2009 Swim Ontario Annual General Meeting, to be held at the Toronto Airport Marriott

hotel September 18th to 20

th 2009. Angus Murray, the 50

th Canadian Mount Everest climber will deliver the opening


Eric Martin presented new policy and procedure documents to SO board members on Saturday. A motion to accept the new Swim Ontario Policy document was approved at the Sunday board meeting. Each section of the Procedures document will be assigned to an SO standing committee for review before publication to the general swimming community. SWIM ONTARIO SPONSOR.

Swim Ontario announced an agreement with Team Aquatic Supplies & OMNI Swim, as the exclusive team supplier

of Swim Ontario. Team Aquatic Supplies’ value of support of Swim Ontario programs will exceed $20,000.00 per



SNC introduced a new system of National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). The Coaching Education

Certification Pathway is delivered through on-line education at - for more information, please



Swim Ontario board approved a recommendation to recruit a provincial mentor coach who should be in place by the

start of the 2009 swim season. The board also approved a financial contribution for the new SNC National Training

Centre to be housed at the University of Toronto beginning in September 2009.

SWIMMING DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE John Vadeika, Executive Director of Swim Ontario, reviewed the outcomes of each component of the Strategic Plan.

Results in almost every element of the plan indicate Ontario is performing above expectations. Enormous growth in

swimmer development with record breaking results at every level. Hard work, coaching, club support and enhanced

technical programs provide the foundation for excellence for Ontario swimmers at all levels.

The SDC held monthly meetings chaired by Stuart McLean with Swim Ontario staff presenting its technical

swimming programs. Training camps, tour teams, carding grants and high performance athlete development

programs are contributing to the success of Ontario swimmers.

The committee also tackled sanctions and technical packages, (Team Champs and Provincial Champs) and made the

following changes to the division placement for 2010 Team Champs.

Due to the low subscription of teams to 2009 Division I Team Champs the following adjustment will be made to the Division Placement policy for the 2010 Team Champs ONLY. Please note that placing/rankings are taken from 2009 Team Champs for 2010 division placement:

*The bottom placing/ranking team from Division I will move to Division II for 2010. *The top five placing/ranking teams from Division II will be placed in Division I for 2010.

*The bottom placing/ranking team from Division II will move to Division III for 2010. *The top eight placing/ranking teams from Division III will move to Division II in 2010.

Swim Ontario reserves the right to make changes in team movement to balance division attendance.

Swim Ontario approved a new provincial suit technology policy effective September 2009. The swimsuit policy will

be included in meet packages for sanction approval. Officials will administer the new policy on deck. FINA met in

February to discuss suit technology and established an internal suit testing process which will decide on approval of

competition suits shortly. The impending FINA ruling may render the new SO policy redundant.

MINISTRY OF HEALTH PROTECTION (MHP) OSOA provided Swim Ontario with the following reports for the MHP • Total number of level 1 to 5 officials by level and region; April 1

st 2008 to March 31

st 2009:


LEVEL 1 6472 LEVEL 2 323 LEVEL 3 132 LEVEL 4 50 LEVEL 5 115 TOTAL 7092

* Note: This is a list of Officials only; Total does not include all volunteers.

• Total number of clinics and attendees by clinic and region; April 1

st 2008 to March 31

st 2009:

Swim Ontario’s annual base grant application to the MHP (Ministry of Health Protection) includes a response to the section requesting information concerning officials. All sports are required to provide reams of information to the government bureaucracy hoping to receive a piece of the dwindling funding pie. Declining financial support for the Ontario Swimming Officials Association from MHP through Swim Ontario in 2002, led the association to seek alternate sources of stable funding to extend its basic existence, providing education and support programs to volunteer officials in the swimming community. MHP funding of OSOA was stopped in 2003 which begs the question... What value does the government gain from knowing the total number of clinics conducted in the province??? Or the number of active level 1 to 5 officials?? Wouldn't it make more sense to ask about the number of hours volunteers spend working on behalf of swimming in the province? Perhaps the total financial impact on the economy would be of some value. A quick review of just one meet - 2009 Junior Provincial Championship meet (double-ended) reveals that over 1200 volunteer sessions, times approximately 4.5 hours per session were required to run the meet. 5400 hours at minimum wage is in excess of $50,000.00. Can you imagine the total value of work expended on all meets in the province? So far this season through the April 17

th 2009 weekend, Officials

have volunteered at approximately 296 completed swim meets from major events to time trials with indicating another 71 sanctioned or listed meets in Ontario before the end of the calendar year. CLUB OFFICIALS DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Regional Officials Representatives (ROR’s) are responsible for determining the compliancy status of their individual clubs with the plan. This information is communicated to Regional Sanction Officers (RSO’s) in a timely manner after the start of each swim season in September. ROR’s report that most clubs met the requirements while non-compliant clubs wishing to host meets provided an official’s development plan. Compliancy with the plan was communicated to Regional Sanction Officers in every region.

ROR’s work with Clubs and Club Officials Chairs (COC’s) in each region to encourage the development of officials and are available to support their development plans.



Mike Sweny represented the OSOA at an NOC teleconference meeting held on January 29th 2009. Invited guest

Pierre LaFontaine thanked the Committee for their efforts over the past year and expressed his appreciation of the

contributions to the sport made by officials across the country.



Pierre wants a review of the current education / certification process for officials; a move to a standardized system of

clinics, available for online education, by September 2009. He also expressed concern over the amount of time

required to move officials to Level V. FINA’s age restrictions requires international officials be less than 55 years of

age; in order to serve two terms, they need to be less than 50 years of age when first named.

Bill McFarlane commented on the current divergence of educational products in use across the country, indicating

the need for the NOC to follow the wishes of Pierre, as SNC’s CEO, and adhere to its mandate by producing a

uniform product which could be used by all.


The Swim Alberta officials and the OSOA should be approached to allow the NOC to use the materials already in

place to develop a standardized PowerPoint clinic for each of the clinics, which would be approved by the NOC,

translated into French, and posted on the SNC site. As each clinic is completed and posted, both Swim Alberta and

OSOA will be asked to link to the SNC site for that clinic.

Consideration needs to be given to how best to serve officials in live clinics, remote areas, and those with limited

“free time”. Eventually, “complete” online clinics would be ideal; in the interim, the NOC should proceed with

development of PowerPoint clinics which could easily be moved to an online platform.

NB: The Committee agreed that the Referee Clinic will be posted, but candidates will not be given the opportunity to take it “on line”, as live discussion of situations which may arise is essential. DECK CERTIFICATION:

Completion of the official’s certification process across the country is not uniform; currently hindered by a number

of factors including; access in remote areas to clinics and difficulty obtaining deck signoffs. In less populated areas

it can be very difficult to obtain two signoffs for certain positions, particularly if demonstration of “expertise” is

required before a signature can be given e.g. Meet Manager, starter and stroke and turn.

Moving to online education may require consideration be given to development of a process which incorporates

more active mentoring.


Pierre indicated a desire to create a national official’s database to determine the number of active officials in each

province. Some provinces maintain a record of their own officials tracking levels II to V. The need for a National

database was referred to the TSC for decision.


Masters FINA lists will be discontinued; in future, any official may apply to work international Masters meets; there

is no age restriction of officials for Masters meets, or for those wishing to pursue SWAD officiating. Provinces are

asked to forward names of those currently working Open Water meets to the Chair of the NOC.


The NOC recommends against the inclusion of disqualification reasons in published (printed or electronic)

swimming results. Coaches questioning a disqualification are directed to speak to the Session Referee


Selection of officials who met the published criteria was made in February. Art McCready of Ottawa (Eastern) was

chosen from among the list of applicants to officiate at Canada Games 2009.


NOC members felt that in order to provide accurate times, the recommendation made by the committee last year

should stand i.e. two timers per lane when full electronics are in use. The Session Referee has the final decision on

whether or not to proceed with the session; often, appeals to the spectators are successful in bringing forward more



Janice Trush of North-West Region was the only candidate from Ontario to apply for funding assistance to the SNC

funded "Officials Training Subsidy" (OTS) Program.


Nepean Masters Club and NKB successfully hosted an exciting 2009 Ontario Masters Swimming Championships at the Nepean Sportsplex, March 20

th to 22

nd 2009. Record keepers worked hard to keep

pace with a huge number of record breaking swims when new Provincial and National records were created throughout the weekend. It started on Friday evening when a revitalized Alex Baumann swam a new world record in the 200IM, followed by five individual and two relay national records. Newspaper and TV coverage provided excellent exposure for the sport of swimming throughout the weekend. Aurora Master Ducks, Etobicoke Olympium Masters Aquatic Club and Trillium Y Masters Swim Club are pleased to host the “2009 Canadian Masters Swimming Championships” (designated meet) at the Etobicoke Olympium May 15th to 18th 2009. New Rule re Swimwear, Effective April 5, 2009 CMGR 5 Swimwear; The use of more than one swimsuit at a time during any MSC sanctioned competition is prohibited. OSOA thanks Masters Swimming for their continuing financial support to OSOA, funding ongoing officials’ development programs in Ontario. Individual Masters Swimmers have a genuine appreciation for the help provided by officials and express their gratitude openly to our officials.

JOHN GROOTVELD MEMORIAL OFFICIALS TRAINING FUND We would like to thank the organizers of the John Grootveld Meet held at the University of Toronto for their financial contribution to the OSOA John Grootveld Memorial Officials Training Fund. The OSOA board will contribute a similar amount to the fund which is used to support level 5 officials attending designated national meets.

On behalf of the Ontario Swimming Officials Association, I would like to thank Ben Moore for his recent contribution of $250.00. Ben directed the contribution from KELLOGG CANADA CARE$ to the Ontario Swimming Officials Association as the organization to which his volunteer work was provided.

CONCLUSION: I would like to thank Margaret Galbraith for countless years of volunteer service as an official on and off pool decks throughout Canada. Margaret gave her time and energy as a member of the OSOA and Western Region boards, tirelessly working to encourage and develop swimming in Ontario. Margaret is stepping down as the Western Regional Officials’ Representative and will attend her final OSOA board meeting this weekend. In summary, I would like to thank all members of the OSOA board for their hard work, contributing to the success of swimming in Ontario. “Volunteers are not paid, not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless” Thank you Volunteers! Dave Roza

08-09 5 Financial Reports.

Financial Reports were presented as follows:

Income Statement – See file “08-09 OSOA GIncome.xls”

Balance Sheet – See file “08-09 OSOA Balance.xls”

2009/2010 Budget – See file “09-10 OSOA Budget .xls”

Moved by Cathy, seconded by Jim that the 2008/2009 Financial Statements be approved.


Moved by Cathy, seconded by Connie that the proposed 2009/2010 budget be approved.


08-09 6 Regional / MSO Reports:

CENTRAL REGION OFFICIALS REPORT – OSOA Board Meeting May 2, 2009 On March 7, Central Region held the Spring Officials Clinics. There were a total of 244 clinics attended (121 morning and 117 afternoon) from 30 clubs, along with 24 instructors/evaluators. The new venue at George Brown College worked well. We received the following comment from one instructor: “George Brown College was a great location centrally located with access from everywhere. The training labs were a great place to host our sessions and the use of the provided projection unit and PC was also a great relief where one did not have to worry about laptop, projectors &/or extension cords. For the fall session, I hope that we can use that location once again.” We presented 10 Level 3s bringing current senior officials to 39 Level 5, 11 Level 4 and 54 Level 3. Congratulations to Miles Harrison and Karen Jesset (Scarborough) and Cameron Dewar (York) for elevation to Level 4. There are currently a number of evaluations pending for Level 4s. The Fall clinics are scheduled for either September 26 or October 3, depending on location availability.

Dennis Plata has replaced Steve Kingston as an evaluator. We would like to thank all the officials who helped at the John Grootveld Memorial meet, particularly the Meet Manager, Les Darvas. This meet contributes funds to enhance officiating in Central Region. Officials support is also needed for Masters Nationals being held on May 15-18 (Victoria Day weekend). This meet also contributes funding to OSOA for the education and training of officials. Respectfully submitted, Alastair Currie & Horst Tietze Central Region Officials Co-chairs

Eastern Region Official’s Report


, 2009

1. Swim Meets

EOSA Short Course Regionals January 30-February 1, 2009 Kingston Sharks

OUA Swim Championships February 6-8, 2009 GO University of Ottawa

Masters Provincial Championships March 20-22, 2009 NKB Splex

Ontario Provincial Short Course Championships Feb 26-March 1, 2009 NKB Splex

EOSA Long Course Regionls June 5-7, 2009 Sportsplex

2. Officials Seminar – November 15th 2008

Mike and Dave delivered seminar to 28 attendees

3. Officials Development Program - Most clubs in the Eastern region have met the

requirements for year two. It is our intention to work with the remaining clubs to bring them up to year three compliance before September.

4. Evaluations

Level IV: Jenn Miller

Level V: None

5. Evaluators: Dave Roza, Mike Sweny, Ted Hayes, Bob Testa, Peggy Baxter, Art McCreadie, Darlene Medaglia, Burt Boudreau, Steven Bacher, Murray Hatt.


Officials’ Development Plan

All but one club met the criteria for “year two” under the plan. This club presented a plan and will meet the target for year 3. One club has lost some competitive swimmers; therefore losing officials in their count for next year. Our goal is to continue to encourage additional clinics with more deck evaluations. The club is aware that sanctioning of 09/10 meets will be in jeopardy. It continues to be a challenge to ensure growth of all officials with new deck experiences. Since our last meeting, 3 clinics have taken place. Tonight there are 5 more with another 2 on Friday. Upcoming Meets This weekend we have 3 Development Meets which cover all 12 clubs. On June 6

th and 7

th, we have our

LC Championships in Brantford, hosted by Barrie Trojans.

On-Line Clinics Since our region does not host regional clinics but rather clinics at each club, on-line clinics have been used little. In the case of the parents who used on-line clinics their names were appearing “active on-line” even after they had completed the clinic. Hopefully Donna can address this issue with her Sunday presentation. Elevations and Evaluators Congratulations to Rob Filion who obtained his Level IV at SC Prov. Championships. There are no changes to the Evaluators list for Huronia Region. Cathy Wackett and Phil Watson


“A” Champs were held in Sault Ste. Marie February 6-8. One was evaluation done. Congratulations to Greg King of CT33 for achieving Level 4. “B” Champs were held in Timmins Feb. 21 and 22. Two PTR’s were completed. We had a look at their electronic watch system and were quite impressed by this as a lower cost and semi-automatic timing system. Division 2’s were held at Laurentian and there was a serious problem at the start of each session in providing enough timers. We had to beat the stands for officials but started with 2 per lane each session. There were no senior volunteers from outside NE Region except for Cathy Wackett who was brought in as an evaluator. Congratulations to Peter Jurenovskis for achieving Level 5 at the meet. Thanks to Cathy for her help. All clubs will be surveyed in early June as to their compliance with the officials long term goals.


A successful club championship meet was held in Kenora in April. The final meet in Northwest will take place May 22-24 with clubs attending from the United States. Clubs have continued to experience issues with uploading meet results and it now appears to be working properly. Janice Trush has now achieved her level V status. Daryl Martin will have a level IV evaluation at the Thunder Bay May invitational. Across the region, Jon Cuthbertson, Mark Balcean are now working for their level IV evaluation. Mark has had successful PTR’s in western Canada. All clubs with the exception of the Fort Frances Cyclones appear to be on stream to meet their requirements for officials. The club has few members and has never hosted a meet. Successful training clinics are being held throughout the region.

Added to the report: Dave Krueger has completed his Level 4

Western Region Report - April 27, 2009 WOSA Short Course champs in February went very well, held at LAC. We had a very successful clinic on March 7, 2009. Officials Development Plan

Of the 35 clubs in the region we had 13 clubs take part in moving officials up the ladder. All of these clubs were clubs with 60 or less families. We had two (2) move up to Level V; four (4) move up to Level IV; seven (7) up to Level 3 ; and twelve (12) move up to Level II. Names for Future Evaluation: Grace Wodzinski -BAD - Senior - Last certified - Nov. 2008 on list May 2009 Angelique Rimington - WAC - Senior - Last Certified - Oct. 2008 on list May 2009 Cathy Money - WRMS - Senior - Last Certified - March 2009 on list May 2009 Heather Kolasa - WAC - Senior - Last Certified - Feb. 2009 on list May 2009 Wendy Gilmour - LAC - Senior - Last Certified - Nov. 2008 on list May 2009 Ben Cecil - BROCK - Senior - Last Certified - Feb. 2009 on list May 2009 James Ball - GMAC - Senior - Last Certified - Feb. 2009 on lit May 2009 Remove from list: Kim Smith Riley Hinson Change: Mark Armstrong to Master - Last certified Feb. 2009 - on list May 2009 Rene Coppens (check spelling in last minutes) to Master - Last Certified - Feb. 2009 - on list May 2009 John Vallee to Master - Last certified - February 2009 - on list May 2009 Margaret Galbraith Dave Bloch-Hansen


My timing is not working well this weekend. In addition to our OSOA meeting I have an MSO Board meeting from 11 to 2 +/- on saturday and a MSC board meeting sunday evening. Not only is my focus a little disrupted but I can't report to you on anything from these meetings. Will perhaps have some late developments from MSO saturday afternoon. I would appreciate it if we could discuss any issues that effect masters other than mid saturday as it is important that I attend the MSO meeting, at the Olympium. Masters Nationals are shaping up well. We will have about 935 swimmers registered, sessions will be managable, probably end just after 3.00 pm, perhaps earlier on monday. Once again we are most appreciative of the help we are getting from Alastair and Horst in lining up our senior officials. We seem to be in reasonable shape for timers and the many other helpers we need for this event. We will be discussing the suit issue and lap counter issue at the MSC Board meeting. We have now experienced three major meets with this new interpretation related to wearing two suits and I believe a consensus has developed. With regards lap counters the current masters practice is to allow them in the water, with the usual provisios. I doubt MSC will want to change that. I would be most interested in the OSOA Board's views on these two issues. The Canadian Masters OWS (CMOWS) Rules are in a well developed draft form and have been sent to the Board with the expectation that they will be approved in late May so that they can be translated, printed and distributed before our OWS season opens. In Ontario that is mid July, not sure there are any earlier than that across Canada. The issue of MSO fees to Swim Ontario was raised at the latest SO Board meeting and some new and interesting information was revealed. I am most interested in Dave's views on this discussion. There seem to be avenues for moving to a solution of an issue that has created significant annoyance on the part of some Masters, usually the most active ones, which would have positive benifits for the whole

swimming family in Ontario. I appreciate is not OSOA's official business but some of you may wish to be informed on this issue. Chris

Chris added that we need to update our masters slides to reflect the start rule change.

Action: Alastair Currie

08-09 7 Level IV and V Elevations

Moved by Jim Brow, seconded by Horst that the following elevations be approved:

Level IV: Miles Harrison, Rene Coppens, Mark Armstrong, John Vallee, Jen Miller, Greg King, Cameron Dewar, Karen Jessett, Rob Filion

Level V: Janice Trush, Peter Jurenovskis


08-09 8 Changes to Candidates for Future Evaluations: see Appendix A.

08-09 9 Changes to the List of Evaluators: see Appendix B

08-09 10 Elizabeth Collins Ralph Award

Nominations were submitted, and a candidate chosen.

08-09 11 John Grootveld Memorial Award

Moved by Horst Tietze, seconded by Brian that the requirements for this award be amended to read “25 years active in officiating or at the discretion of the board”


08-09 12 Website Report

OSOA Board Meeting – May 2, 2009

Website Update

We have been exploring the possibility of incorporating both video and sound (voice-over) into our online clinics. Peter Buffam (Ottawa) has sent some experimental files to Donna Boucher. She has uploaded these to the Strokes and Turns Clinic for Peter to review. The Level I timekeeping clinic has been completely rewritten by John Elvidge (Lakeshore Swim Club) incorporating more colour graphics. The plan is to incorporate voice-over then post both on the online section and our regular clinic section of the website. John is presenting on this to the Board on Sunday, 8.30 a.m. The new and improved Meet Manager clinic, along with a separate clinic for Hy-tek, has been posted on the site. Donna Boucher is in the process of setting up both Clerk of Course and Chief Timekeeper online. Yvon Langlois has created a new PowerPoint file on “How to give an effective clinic” along with a guide to facilitating Officials’ clinics. Yvon is presenting on this to the Board on Sunday, 8.00 a.m. In addition, a certification procedure guide for all Official levels has been created (see agenda Up The Ladder).

Janice Trush has created an explanation of the NOC Travel Expense form. Alastair Currie

Alastair will send out the new Level 1 clinic to board members for comments. Board members have two weeks to respond with your comments. Once the comments are incorporated it will be posted on-line by Alastair. Then the on-line clinics will be updated by Donna to reflect these improvements.

Dave thanked Peter Buffam, John Eldridge and Alastair for the tremendous amount of work they have put in on this project.

New Business.

08-09 13 Amend January minutes Para 09-01 07

Add the following to Level V: Gabriele Armstrong, Jim Loyer, Tom Hett

Add the following to Level IV: Andre Van Overloop

08-09 14 Up the Ladder (Pins, Meet Logs, Time Trials, Recorder Scorer) Procedure for awarding pins to be inserted into Up the Ladder. Mike will modify the DRAFT procedure and forward to Alastair in order to update the website.

Action: Mike Sweny

Moved by Alastair Currie, seconded by Horst Tietze Up the Ladder should be amended to require a potential Level 3 candidate to provide the ROR a log of meets worked at and to meet with the ROR in person.


Action: Alastair Currie

Time Trials

Procedure M-001-06 should be modified to:

Remove from “Meet Referee…”

Add “(Level 3 if approved by ROR); Dave to take to SDC

Action: Dave Roza

Recorder Scorer Decided to keep the recorder scorer clinic associated with Meet Management clinic.

08-09 15 Lap Counters

We need to determine what the correct procedure for using lap counters is at provincial and lower level meets. NOC/Eunice to be asked. For the moment we will not change the current practice which is “swimmers preference”.

Action: Dave Roza

08-09 16 Presentation by Yvon Langlois – How to Conduct a Clinic

Decision made to put this powerpoint clinic on our website (homepage) and put it on the on-line site at a later date when Donna is able to get to it.

Action: Alastair Currie

08-09 17 Presentation by John Elvidge – How to Improve OSOA Clinics/Level 1, Timers Clinic

08-09 18 Presentation by Donna Boucher - Online Clinic Certification Presentation

Alastair to send out updated “How to Moodle” document.

Action: Alstair Currie

08-09 19 Roles and Duties of Sanction Officer

Cathy expressed concern about the final document to be produced by SO and about Time Trials requiring a Level 4 minimum as referee.

08-09 20 Masters Nationals at Etobicoke (Etobicoke May 15 – 18, 2009)

Request for senior officials; do we need any rooms?

08-09 21 Decision on linking officials on-line clinics to the coaches on-line clinics

Due to technical/financial considerations, the decision was made to defer this until we could resolve these issues.

08-09 22 Recognition of Foreign Officials

Alastair requested clarification of official’s status of a volunteer from France.

Decision was made to recommend the official as a Level 5, subject to a successful evaluation as a referee.

08-09 23 Swim Ontario AGM Weekend

Options: Evaluators Clinic/Up the Ladder/Carousel Concept/How to Present a clinic/What’s New/All of the above

Action: Dave Roza to discuss with SO and decide; possibly What’s New and Evaluators clinic. Connie volunteer to spearhead the What’s New presentation.

08-09 23 2010 SO AGM meeting in Ottawa

It is likely that the 2010 Swim Ontario AGM will be held in Ottawa.

08-09 24 Suit Technology

Swim Ontario’s Swim Suit policy has been published but is subject to change when FINA official policy comes out. Swim Officials are to enforce the policy.

08-09 25 OSOA Board Membership and Structure

Alastair provided a list of ROR Responsibilities. The OSOA board is currently comprised of two members from each region. Given the large differences in size between the regions and the corresponding difference in workload, it was suggested that perhaps the board could move to a weighted model. There was little support for this suggestion.

08-09 26 Standing Committees Membership and Structure

Dave presented the new committee structure.



Cathy Wackett Jim Cumming Dave Bloch-Hansen Alastair Currie

Mike Sweny Brian Gilchrist Connie Zwarich Mike Sweny

Horst Tietze Jim Brow Marg Galbraith Donna Boucher

Chris Smith Dave Bloch-Hansen Philip Watson John Elvidge

Jim Cumming Peter Buffam

Yvon Langlois

08-09 27 OSOA Logo Do we want an OSOA logo – Jim Cummings to investigate.

Action: Jim Cummmings

08-09 28 Criminal Records Checks

The province will require criminal record checks for all swim volunteers in the near future.

08-09 29 SWAD

Looking for people to volunteer as SWAD officials.

08-09 30 Date of the Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held in Toronto September 18-20, 2009.

09- 08-09 31 Adjournment

Motion to adjourn by Horst Tietze at 12:30 PM.



Candidates Club Position Date of last Certification

Date put on list


Sandy Stock AJAX Senior 06/05 05/06

Rick Bremner NEW Senior 02/05 05/06

Ben Prins COBRA Senior 03/07 05/07

Janice Charles ESWIM Senior 04/07 05/07

Peter Gallow NEW Senior 11/06 01/08

Annette Otter NORAC Senior 09/06 01/08

David Lawson OAK Senior 09/06 01/08

Karen Jessett SCAR Master 04/09 01/08

Candidates Club Position Date of last Certification

Date put on list

Yuk Ying Wong MAC Master 06/08 09/08

Kevin Wong UNATT Master 06/08 09/08

Ted Zaharia UNATT Master 11/01 05/03

Larry Walsh UNATT Master 06/06 01/07

Tina Gaisin UNATT Master 02/07 05/07

John Elvidge LSC Master 02/08 09/08

Ken Mokry MSSAC Master 02/08 09/08

Brad Conley COBRA Master 04/08 09/08

Laura Pratt TSC Senior 09/07 05/09

Jim Lawrie VVAC Senior 04/05 05/09

Miles Harrison SCAR Master 04/09 01/09

Cameron Dewar YORK Master 04/09 01/09

Randy Wilk MSSAC Senior 03/08 01/09

Rich Davis MILTON Senior 03/08 05/09


Rory Kilburn UNATT Senior 06/04 04/05

Jen Miller KSC Master 01/09 09/06

Paul Henning GO Senior 01/07 01/07

Stan Kondrat NKB Senior 05/07 05/07

Dale Peters NKB Senior 05/07 05/07

Pierre Pilon SCL Senior 05/07

Jeff Ruttan NKB Master 09/08

Thomas Dunn UNATT Master 09/01

Larry Holmes UCSC Master 10/00

Vern White UNATT Master 01/05

Steven Lavoy GO Master 07/07 09/07

Greg Bowles NKB Master 07/07 09/07

Peter Buffam NKB Master 07/07 09/07

Warner Miles GO Master 07/07 09/07

Kevin Cockell NKB Master 12/07 09/07

Jenny McKay NKB Master 09/08

Karl Buchanan EBSC Master 12/06 01/07

Brad Coens EBSC Master 12/06 01/07


Jane Wolfe RISC Senior 09/04

Candidates Club Position Date of last Certification

Date put on list

Marie Walker MUSAC Senior 10/05 05/06

Peter Sutey MUSAC Senior 02/08 05/08

Rob Filion BTSC Master 05/09 05/08

Leanne Michel CATS Senior 01/09

Wayne See OSAC Senior 01/09

Ray Melish BTSC Senior 02/09 02/09

Cathy Andrews BTSC Senior 02/08 01/09

John Fader TRENT Senior 02/08 05/08

John Fisher BTSC Senior 09/06 01/07

Debbie Sullivan BST Master 05/08 09/08

Earl McLeod TRENT Master 06/06 09/06


Linda Tenhunen SLSC Senior 05/07 05/07

Don Levesque KLAC Senior 04/08 01/08

Tony Staalstra SLSC Senior 06/08 01/08

Stephanie Hatton ELAC Senior 01/08

Doug Arnold TMSC Senior 09/08 01/09

Pam Pask NBYT Master 02/07 05/07

Denis LaCroix HPST Master 02/07 05/07

Jim Corelli SYD Master 02/07 05/07

Olga Racine NBYT Master 06/08 09/08

Dan Langlois SLSC Senior 06/08 05/09

Mike Hives CT33

Senior 02/08 05/09


Daryle Martin NWN Senior 05/08 09/08

Dave Krueger TBT Master 09/03 09/08

Johnathan Cuthbertson

TBT Senior 01/09 01/09

Mark Balcaen KSS Senior 01/09 01/09

Dave Krueger


Kornelia Despond HAC Senior 10/04 01/07

Mark Armstrong CYPS Master 05/08 01/07

David Mains WAAC Senior 03/94 01/07

Rene Coppens WAC Master 02/09 09/08

Jane Begy ROW Senior 05/08 01/09

Dawn Larson GMAC Senior 05/08 01/09

Lisa Matheson BROCK Senior 10/07 01/09

Candidates Club Position Date of last Certification

Date put on list

John Vallee NHAC Master 02/09 05/09

Ken Coley HAC Senior 04/07 01/09

Tracey Judges ROW Senior 11/05 01/09

Greg Taylor BAC Master 06/99 04/99

Heather Khoury BAD Master 09/08

Angus Cunningham ROW Master 02/05 09/08

Andre Van Overloop SWA Master 11/08 01/09

Grace Wodzinski BAD Senior 11/08 05/09

Angelique Rimington WAC Senior 10/08 05/09

Cathy Money WRMS Senior 03/09 05/09

Heather Kolasa WAC Senior 02/09 05/09

Wendy Gilmour LAC Senior 11/08 05/09

Ben Cecil BROCK Senior 02/09 05/09

James Ball GMAC Senior 02/09 05/09

Appendix B

MASTER LEVEL For Master evaluation, one evaluator should be from a region other than that of the candidate.


Gord Bassett

Alastair Currie

Les Darvas

Ruth Ann Ecker

Rick Hannah

Jeff Holmes

Dennis Plata

Ben Moore

Dave Thompson

Horst Tietze

EASTERN Burt Boudreau

Ted Hayes

Darlene Medaglia

Dave Roza

Mike Sweny

Bob Testa

Peggy Baxter

Art McCready

Steven Bacher

Murray Hatt


Alton Cunningham

Philip Watson

Cathy Wackett


Gary Crossley

Brian Gilchrist

Chris Margetts

Joanne Matheson

Paulette Roscoe

Jean Turgeon

Connie Zwarich

Tim Duquette


Jim Cumming

Harold Demetzer

Irene MacLeay

Jim Brow


David Bloch Hansen

Doug Brunton

Dennis Eves

Eunice Fowler

Margaret Galbraith

Jeff Kafka

Iain Richardson

Mike Williams


EVALUATOR Each evaluator shall be an active Master Official. Evaluators will be appointed by the Region and approved by the Board.

SENIOR LEVEL Evaluators list will remain the same, with names added or withdrawn as required.

MASTER LEVEL For Master evaluation, one evaluator should be from a region other than that of the candidate.

Appendix C:



CENTRAL Level 1 (Timer's Clinic) 6 291

Chief Timer 2 81

Stroke & Turn 4 129

CFJ/CJE 8 177

Clerk of Course 2 78

Recorder/Scorer 2 46

Starter 2 32

Meet Manager 2 50

Referee 2 37

Presenters & Observers


WESTERN Level 1 (Timer's Clinic) 27 373

Chief Timer 6 38

Stroke & Turn 13 148

CFJ/CJE 8 54

Clerk of Course 7 41

Meet Manager 6 51

Recorder/Scorer 6 37

Starter 2 15

Referee 3 30

ipc 1 13

Presenters & Observers 160


EASTERN Level 1 (Timer's Clinic) 21 212

Chief Timer 3 16

Stroke & Turn 9 70

CFJ/CJE 7 59

Clerk of Course 3 25

Club Officials Chair 1 12

Recorder/Scorer 1 10

Starter 2 10

Meet Manager 1 7

Referee 1 4

Presenters & Observers 101


HURONIA Level 1 (Timer's Clinic) 9 95

Chief Timer 3 11

Stroke & Turn 8 33

CFJ/CJE 3 17

Clerk of Course 3 13

Meet Manager 1 5

Recorder/Scorer 1 1

Presenters & Observers 58


NORTH EAST Level 1 (Timer's Clinic) 3 14

Chief Timer 2 8

Stroke & Turn 5 23


Clerk of Course 3 16

Meet Manager 2 5

Referee 1 10

Presenters & Observers


NORTH WEST Level 1 (Timer's Clinic) 8 56

Chief Timer 2 9

Stroke & Turn 5 26

CFJ/CJE 3 10

Clerk of Course 3 12

Meet Manager 1 5

Starter 1 10

Referee 2 5

Presenters & Observers


ON-LINE Level 1 (Timer's Clinic) 1

Stroke & Turn 1



Appendix D:




CENTRAL 2925 72 64 8 39 3108

WESTERN 1776 35 26 10 27 1874

EASTERN 1013 96 12 14 23 1158

NORTH-EASTERN 430 60 16 13 12 531

HURONIA 236 32 10 4 6 288

NORTH-WESTERN 92 28 4 1 8 133

ONTARIO TOTAL 6472 323 132 50 115 7092 7092

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