bm bulat main battle tank, ukraine

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. BM Bulat Main Battle Tank, Ukraine
  3. 3. INTRODUCTION The BM Bulat main battle tank (MBT), also known as Obyekt 447AM-1, is a modernised version of the T-64B MBT. The upgraded T-64B tank has been designed to meet the technical and combat characteristics of a modern tank. With a crew of three, it has a combat weight of 45t. The BM Bulat has a maximum speed of 70km/h and range of 385km. The original T-64B tank was developed in 1976 and its production began in 1980. The upgraded Bulat version of the T-64B was unveiled in 1999. The first upgraded tanks entered service with the Ukrainian Army in 2005.
  4. 4. DESIGN The modernisation programme, transforming T-64 mbts to BM bulat mbts, focussed on improvement of its fire power, mobility and protection. The upgraded sights and aiming devices include a buran-e night vision system for detection, identification and engagement of targets, and a tkn- 4s, the sighting system for the tank commander.
  5. 5. ARMAMENTS The battle tank is armed with a 125mm smoothbore gun with an automatic loader for 28 rounds. It has a fully- stabilised firing range of 2,500m in daylight and 1,500m at night. It can fire 9k120 refleks anti-armour missiles (at-11 sniper) a two-part 125mm calibre laser-guided missile system. A remotely operated 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine gun with a PZU-7 sight and a coaxial 7.62mm machine gun make up the secondary armament of the vehicle.
  6. 6. PROTECTION The BM bulat tank has composite armour for the turret and the hull front. The modular era panels are installed on the tank hull, turret, outer perimeter and turret roof as an additional armour package. The main components of the protection package include passive and built-in nozh explosive reactive armour (era), an active defence system.
  7. 7. FIRE CONTROL A new 1A45 Irtysh fire control system has been fitted to the BM Bulat tank. It is a quick-action fire control system for protection of the crew and power pack compartments. The components include heat and optical sensors, control equipment and fire extinguishing mixture bottles. The fire suppression system decreases the crew compartment response time to 150ms.
  8. 8. REFERNCE /bmbulatmbt/
  9. 9. THANK YOU

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