blueprint of life topic 20: hybridisation

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Blueprint of Life Topic 20: Hybridisation . Biology in Focus, HSC Course Glenda Childrawi , Margaret Robson and Stephanie Hollis. DOT POINT(s). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Planet Earth and Its Environment A 5000-million year Journey

Biology in Focus, HSC CourseGlenda Childrawi, Margaret Robson and Stephanie Hollis

Blueprint of LifeTopic 20: Hybridisation 1DOT POINT(s)process information from secondary sources to describe an example of hybridisation within a species and explain the purpose of this hybridisation.Introduction The term reproductive technology applies to any use of technology to assist and improve reproduction. Current reproductive technologies and genetic engineering are the culmination, over many hundreds of years, of the efforts of humans to improve the quality and yield of their

Introduction At first, humans obtained food by hunting and gathering; they then began raising their own animals and growing their own crops and soon realised the advantage of selecting seeds from the best crops and breeding the best quality animals, to improve the quality and yield of future

Introduction This was the start of selective breeding or artificial selection, involving the human manipulation of living organisms by selecting those which should breed, ensuring they pass on their favourable characteristics.

Introduction The trend to manipulate the phenotype of offspring to achieve desirable characteristics has continued over many hundreds of years, becoming more sophisticated as technology has improved. The older techniques of artificial pollination (plants) and selective breeding are still used, together with modern-day reproductive technologies which include artificial insemination (animals), in vitro fertilisation, embryo transfer and cloning, amongst

Introduction This advanced technology allows more specific selection and breeding, and has led to the even more advanced technology of inserting desired genes into organisms by genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is only considered a reproductive technology if the gene being inserted has the effect of assisting reproduction (e.g. increasing fertility).

Introduction The manipulation made by humans using reproductive technologies is a contentious issue, raising ethical considerationsan area of study known as bioethics has developed to help people make wise decisions when important values are at

Introduction The advanced technologies such as cloning and genetic engineering make it much easier for humans to tamper with the human genome and recombine genes of different species. This raises issues of human rights and animal rights and also how tampering with nature may alter the path of evolution as a result of using these

HybridisationThe term hybridisation means the crossbreeding of two genetically non-identical individuals. This may mean crossing parents of the same species, who show genetic variation (intraspecific hybridisation), or it may extend to parents of different species (interspecific hybridisation)

HybridisationWe are now going to look at examples of hybridisation within a species (intraspecific). Within the units classified as species, there are populations that may be more or less distinct from each other. These groups are called races or, more scientifically, subspecies or varieties. When discussing hybridisation students are expected to describe intraspecific hybridisation of varieties or subspecies, not hybridisation between

The Purpose of HybridisationHybridisation involves cross-breeding as opposed to in-breeding. It occurs both in nature and artificially (e.g. as a result of human manipulation of breedingknown as selective breeding). Cross-breeding or hybridisation is commonly used in horticulture and agriculture to improve the quality of the plants and animals being grown or

The Purpose of HybridisationSelective breeding occurs at two stages in the hybridisation process: selecting parent individuals with desirable traits and then breeding them in the hope that some offspring will inherit a combination of these desirable traits selecting offspring that reflect the desired combination of traits for further

The Purpose of HybridisationThe result is the production of hybrid offspring with combined traits that make them better suited to their environment or to meet their end use (e.g. bigger flowers, higher nutrient value, increased crop yields, more suitable breeding time, greater resistance to drought or disease or salinity and higher stamina)

The Purpose of HybridisationSuccessful hybridisation leads to hybrid vigour increased strength, better health and greater fertility in the hybrid individuals than is usually found in the homozygous individuals from which they were bred. Hybrids often display advantages that are not present in either of the parental varieties, as a result of the compounded effects of their new gene combinations, giving new phenotypes on which natural selection can

The Purpose of HybridisationAdvantages of hybridisation It increases genetic variety. It may combine the best feature of each parent, resulting in hybrid

The Purpose of HybridisationDisadvantages of hybridisation It may combine the weaker features of each parent and the offspring would have less stamina, less resistance to disease or changes in the environment, lower crop yields, and so on. It is a costly procedure, especially if the resulting offspring do not display hybrid vigour. Sometimes the hybrid offspring are infertile or have reduced fertility (they may be heterozygous for some genes where the homozygous condition gave a breeding advantage to the parent generation) The Purpose of Hybridisation Hybridisation is often followed by selective interbreeding of the resulting hybrids with each other to maintain the favourable combination of traits within the population. This equates to in-breeding the hybrids and negative effects may become apparent in other traits; e.g. in chickens that have been cross-bred to create a high clutch yield (increased egg laying), subsequent in-breeding of these hybrids has resulted in eggs with very thin shells that break

An Example of HybridisationIn 1870, William Farrer (a 25-year-old mathematics graduate and medical student) moved to Australia from England. He was employed by the Department of Lands in the Dubbo to Cooma districts and later began

An Example of HybridisationFarrer was aware that wheat growing in Australia was presenting problemsthe strains being grown (in particular the English varieties) were not suited to the harsh, dry environment, were susceptible to disease such as rust, matured early and the grain quality was not of a high enough standard for milling and

An Example of HybridisationFarrers selected two different varieties of wheat, each containing a desired trait for growing in Australias harsh conditions. Indian wheat was drought-tolerant and resistant to some diseases. Canadian Fife wheat matured late and had the best milling and baking

An Example of HybridisationFarrer hybridised these two varieties and then selected plants that had the advantages of both parents, to produce many hybrids, of which one was the Bobs variety, the first commercially grown wheat variety in Australia. He also created a FifeIndian wheat variety called Yandilla from these parent

An Example of HybridisationAnother extremely successful hybrid was the result of his cross between a Purple Straw variety, 14A, and his a FifeIndian wheat variety Yandilla. This resulting variety called Federation (named in 1901) had the hardiness of the Indian variety, a tendency to escape rust disease and short, strong straw that made it ideally suited to the Australian climate and harvesting

An Example of HybridisationFarrers wheat hybridisation success was evident when, by the year 1914, 22 varieties out of the 29 grown in New South Wales were Farrer wheats. Farrers studies also contributed to an understanding that factors such as diseaseresistance, grain quality and maturing time in wheat can be

An Example of HybridisationToday, hybridisation and selective breeding still play a role in agriculture in Australia, along with advanced biotechnological techniques such as cloning and genetic engineering to create transgenic

The DOT PointThe word species in Latin means kind, as used in different kinds of organisms. A species is a group of organisms that can interbreed and give rise to fertile offspring (that is, offspring that are able to reproduce).

The DOT PointTherefore to address hybridisation within a species (intraspecific hybridisation as opposed to interspecific hybridisation), the selection of examples should not include creatures such as mules or any other hybrids across

The DOT PointExamples that meet the criteria of this dot point are: corn hybridisation grape hybridisation cattle breeding (e.g. Hereford Angus) seedless watermelons dog hybridisations (e.g. labradoodles)

The DOT PointExamples that do not meet the criteria (that is, examples of hybridisation between species) are: donkey X horse = mule/hinny tiger X lion = liger/tigon cabbage X radish = rabbage emmer wheat X goat grass = common

Activity/Homework-Students to answer the following questions in their notebooks.What is meant by hybridisation?Describe an example of hybridisation within a species and explain the purpose of this hybridisation.a

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