blue lotus technologies private limited quality policy lotus...

Post on 26-Mar-2018






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Blue Lotus Technologies Private LimitedBlue Lotus is the symbol of Intelligence and we provide cost effective and intelligent IT Solutions to clients.

Our Vision:-To be the Preferred IT solutions provider for all the corporate clientele globally.

Our Mission:-To support & assist the customers globally in achieving their core business models.-To Promote & Nurture our competencies to achieve service excellence.-To constantly upgrade our Professional & Technological competencies to suit the customer needs and changing IT Trends.

Quality Policy:"Strive to provide cost effective IT solutions to Corporate / Institutional Clientèle & achieve highest degree of Customer satisfaction through effective integration of People, Process, Technology & Consulting Services”

Overview:At Blue Lotus, we are committed to meet our customers' needs by providing end-to-end IT solutions to various verticals. We are there WITH YOU, whether it is implementing an IT solution, global resource pooling, Corporate Training Solutions in niche segment, Custom based finishing school for Institutions, outsourcing ,S/W development or maintenance assignments.

Blue Lotus works with a proven project management methodology, which is stable, reliable, cost-effective and time-boundSince the inception year 2003, we have been providing customized IT solutions to customers around the globe on a wide range of interests.

We are ISO 9001:2000 certified by Intertek, a quality milestone that further validates our ceaseless efforts to provide quality solutions and services, enhance performance and support businesses with most effective technology strategies. ISO certifica-tion has recognized the industry level quality and service we offer which enable our customers to be confident in their decision to partner with BLT.

Our core value is to ensure our commitment towards providing ultimate A – Z solutions to our customers for all their technology-based requirements. We are in the areas of processing and implementing IT solutions, augmenting staff, pooling global resources, providing corporate and institutional training, and outsourcing development and maintenance. Our unique and highly successful style of operations has been consistently sought after and appreciated by our customers. The delight and the satisfaction of our customers has been the fuel that has been driving us in all our most fulfilling ventures

The excellent record of accomplishment of Blue Lotus rests on these four strong pillars:

1. Constantly updating its technical base to keep phase with the rapid advancement of technology around the globe.2. Working in close communion with the client organizations to perceive their need and providing the most appropriate

and up-to-date solutions at their front for enduring growth.3. A strong team of most accomplished professionals with a sound technical knowledge and first-rate expertise to meet any

requirement of the clients.4. A highly customer centered work ethics and an extremely professional project management system to provide an inimi-

table customer support and service. The Best Reasons to Choose Blue Lotus Technologies

What Sets Blue Lotus as a differentiator?

• Business knowledge & Proven expertise

• Strong technical skills and experience

• Proven Methodology in providing Corporate Solutions

• Global presence and local support

• Ability to ramp up/ ramp down quickly

• High clientele retention rate thro’ satisfied services

• Transition Management

• High quality assurance standards

• High price performance ratio

• Maintenance of Highly Skilled & quality Work Force

• Maintenance of High Quality delivery Commitments

• Extending Prompt & Effective Services to Map Clientele needs.

FOCUS AREASCRM – Clarify, Siebel, Chordiant, Kana, PeopleSoft & Remedy ERP – SAP, Oracle Applications, PeopleSoft, JD Edwards Database Administration – Oracle, SQL Server, INGRES, Informix, Btrieve OLAP/ ETL Tools – COGNOS, Informatica, Business Objects, Ascential DataStage, Datamining Technical Architects/ Project Leaders/ Project Managers -PMPIBM – AIX, Mainframes & AS/400 EAI – See Beyond (e-gate & ICAN), Mercator, TIBCO, MQ Series, MQSI, Web Methods, WBI MB Content Management Tool: Documentum, RHYTHMYX, Filenet, StellentOthers – DBA, QA, J2EE, Microsoft & Oracle Products (Oracle 10g Apps server, 10g Portal, E-Business Suit), PMP, Vignette, Object-star, Gentran, WMI, Biz Talk Server, Sharpoint portal server, Websphere Application and portal server, Weblogic Application, integration and portal server, Sunone UDS, Telelogic, Tuxedo, Hyperion Essbase, Plumtree portal, HP Open VMS, Citrix, Oracle Toplink, VOIP, wince,Peregrine etc.

Software configuration Management – VSS, CVS, Subversion, Security Audit & Services - BS 7799

Testing- Win runner, Load Runner, Silk Test, QTP,QC…

Blue Lotus operates as Four distinct business units A : Training [Corporate & Institutional Training Segment (CTS)] At Blue Lotus Technologies, we believe that a successful blended of learning consists of three key components: Content, Technology and Services. This allows us to provide the right blend of learning solutions for every level of the organization / Institutions.

Our clients are comprised of all sizes and types of companies in many different industries, including finance, defense, medical and healthcare, IT software, ITES, BFSI segments including those of government and manufacturing.Leading organizations from around the globe look at Blue Lotus Technologies to maximize business performance by provid-ing learning and training support solutions that connect corporate strategy and individuals.Blue Lotus Technologies also maintains strategic partnerships with a number of top-tier Corporate / IT & ITES companies. To support this initiative, Blue Lotus Technologies has created a Resource Center, providing strategic partners with access to numerous technologies and documentation resources .

Corporate Training - Induction Training Our goal is to help new employees reach the level of performance expected from an experienced employee. Successfully provided complete Corporate Solutions from Low level to Middle level to high end to various Verticals of IT / ITES Companies on all fronts right from the inception year 2003.

Unique business Model was rolled out by us to Provide Corporate Training Solutions in the form of Training “Induction Program” for our Clientele. We are Proud to state that our uniquebusiness model has earned laurels in serving successfully more than 1500 participants in thecalendar year 2007.

- Project-based TrainingWe provide tailor made training sessions as per company’s requirements. We provide this facility on both technical and non technical demands

Technology is on rapid growth. What is technical excellence today becomes an outdated solution tomorrow. Therefore, to keep phase with the advancing technology and to bring home the best of the available technical solutions, every firm needs to constantly update the technical knowledge of its staff. To constantly update and advance the technical expertise of the staff of its clients, Blue Lotus offers customized IT Training solutions on emerging technologies to large corporations. Working with massive projects involving immediate, time-based, competitive and in-depth coverage commitments, Blue Lotus’s experience has been to the best of the satisfaction of its clients.

Institutional Training – I TapIT Talent Acceleration Program (I-TAP) is a structured training initiative which is Industry relevant, Near-Real, Structured based on inputs from Organizations. The broad categories of the skills are

Technical skills .NET Platform Java EE Platform

Process skills Lifecycle Management in line with ISO and CMM standardsSoft Skills Business Communication (email, telephone etiquettes) Presentation and Customer FocusProject Experience By Experienced Project Professionals Case Studies Developed and Deployed simulating On-site / Off-Shore projects

Taking inputs on a continuous basis from the industry helps in addressing the growing needs and the feedback from the participants of the program helps in fine tuning the structure of the program.

I-TAP Delivery ModelThe delivery of this program is structured in such way that the aspiring engineers’ time and effort is well utilized as the Program is Delivered Along With Academic Semesters, starting from the 3rd Semester of their regular education. Around 150 Hours program, per semester including E-Learning Training (ELT), helps in learning at ones’ own pace all the basic concepts. This forms the basics of the concepts and the Instructor-Led Training (ILT) delivered through Industry certified Trainers, helps in clearing the clarifications from ELT.

I-TAP = A Win-Win ModelI-TAP is a winning formula for Organizations, Academic Institutions and aspiring engineers. The Organization benefit from the large number of High Quality engineers produced after the program, readily deployable with a faster learning curve. This results in cutting down, cost. They also need not spend much time in training them further.The Academia benefit by Leveraging Capabilities and Resources, improved quality of engineers and increased placement rates.

The aspiring Engineers benefit from their early exposure to the industry, and by equipping themselves with the industry-needed skills. The increased placement opportunities and the focus on training and education help them to focus on the required skills.

B : Technical Support- Offshore Development SupportUnlike other corporate areas, technical solutions need to be constantly maintained and updated. Every installation needs to be followed by an on-site support and maintenance service for the successful implementation of the solution. In addition, every solution needs continuous updating and development in phase with the advancing technology. Pushing IT solutions further in these lines would help the institutions stay at the winning front of the competitive corporate scenario. In this regard, Blue Lotus is always with its customers playing a vital role in their growth and development. Blue Lotus offers a continuous on-site supporting service to provide immediate and complete solution to all the day-to-day technical requirements of the clients and outsources the development and maintenance of the technical solutions. This enables Blue Lotus to be a part of the enduring success of its customers. Through its sound and up-to-date technical base, Blue Lotus is always at the service of its customers to assist them in their successful journey.

- Application Development & Project-based SupportLooking the turn of the globe during this century, one feels that technology has not left any stone untouched. Every institu-tion of the society has been modernized with the use of technology. Technology has made the impossible into possible and the possible into easily feasible. Technological advancement is able to bring the complete IT solutions to the doors of every institution in need. However, the Herculean task in providing IT solutions in the current scenario lies in assessing the exact technical requirements of a firm and providing the most customized IT solution to suit its typical and specific needs. Out of its wonderful and challenging experience in providing IT solutions, Blue Lotus has championed this cause. During the initial phase, Blue Lotus makes a systematic study of the requirements of its clients and with its hands on experience with the up-to-date technology; it is able to accomplish the projects of the customers to meet their targeted needs.

The merits of the Application Development Segment of Blue LotusBlue Lotus constantly stays at the winning edge by continuously updating all its systems with the advancing technology. Therefore, Blue Lotus is successfully able to meet the requirements of its clients on the up to date competitive platform. In accomplishing every single technical solution for the client, Blue Lotus applies thoroughly proven and standardized processes with the help of highly skilled personnel using highly cost-effective strategies. Therefore, Blue Lotus is always able to deliver both large and small complex projects within the budget and the specified time, far exceeding the quality expectations of the customers. The success stories of Blue Lotus rest firmly on its most unique and perfect development and enhancement model.

Blue Lotus actively focuses on the advanced client server applications, ERP, CRM, EAI and the recent web-technologies and has successfully developed the most reliable and highly quality conscious technical applications. With these core competencies, Blue Lotus is always able to excel its competitors in system development, implementation, testing and maintenance. In every

regard, the most effective development and enhancement model of Blue Lotus allows the customers to maximize the value delivered by the applications.

In the process of application development, the role played by the proactive maintenance approach adopted by Blue Lotus offers enduring support, constantly staying by the side of the customers. The proactive maintenance approach is designed to quickly detect and rectify problems, prevent unanticipated and future problems and provide most satisfying functionality. Staying with the client, Blue Lotus shoulders their ongoing maintenance burden helping them to freely engage with more strategic and business driven initiatives. Blue Lotus provides its on-site support in the following other ways too.

• Redeployment of existing staff to mission-critical projects• Elimination of critical staff attrition risk• Lower maintenance costs• Higher user satisfaction• Better troubleshooting• Reduced response time• Improved stability, flexibility and security

C : Consultancy - Contract Staffing & One-time PlacementThe success of any firm depends on its technically sound and performance driven staff. Right from the top-level management of IT practices until the project consultants, the quality of staff needs to be exceptionally good to determine the quality of every single product or service offered by a firm. Therefore, developing a highly efficient supporting structure with a well-trained and experienced work force is a major concern in an organizational structure. Perceiving this need, Blue Lotus provides technical support staff in all four levels of operations namely Senior Executive, Technical Consultants, Contract-Staffing and project outsourcing personnel across a spectrum of platforms. In providing work force solutions, the task of Blue Lotus has been the one of bridging the gap between the best of the technical excellence available with the people with the highly focused IT requirements of the companies. In association with a band of excellent technical experts, Blue Lotus is able to do its best in meeting the staffing solutions of its clients.

The Merits of the Recruitment Services of Blue LotusThe technical recruitment base of Blue Lotus offers systematic and the most effective staffing solutions to the customers. Blue Lotus provides candidates for all the technical requirements of the clients both on regular and contract basis. For its clients, Blue Lotus provides a wide range of more than ten thousand profiles to choose from, ranging over developers, consultants and architects. Introducing the right people to the right opportunities has indeed been a challenging task, which Blue Lotus is able to take seriously and accomplish efficiently to yield mutually rewarding solutions to the clients and the candidates. In every single staffing solution, Blue Lotus has been able to discharge its responsibility to its customers and the candidates alike. Often, the experience with the recruitment industries all around is frustrating to many corporate concerns. Today, several industries require employees of high-end IT skills. However, when it comes to reality, the high cost solutions provided by the recruitments services prove to be of low standard. In our interaction with many of our clients, we could perceive this disap-pointing experience. To find an effective remedy to this issue, Blue Lotus proposed to develop its own independent recruit-ment body for the benefit of its customers. This is how the recruitment segment of Blue Lotus came about. With its strong and sound recruitment base, Blue Lotus is able to prove its accountability to its clients in terms of addressing the issues of high cost and lack of skill guarantees. Blue Lotus offers technical resources on short, medium and long-term contract basis. Staffing services of Blue Lotus is closely integrated with its consulting and training divisions. As Blue Lotus is a centre of excellence in all these three areas, it is able to offer the following services in isolation and customized combinations. • Placements & Contract Staff • Skills growth and training for prospective placements and contract staff • Specialized consulting augmented by contract or placement staff For any and every requirement of its clients, Blue Lotus has a wide range of resources to accomplish it to its clients’ desired expectation.

D : Skill Trac – Skill Tracking tool (Pre-Screening to Post-Screening)Skill Trac is an online skill tracking system hat provides a complete experience for managing events, assessing skills & taking tests.

Features:• A single application that can work with any question bank or Standardized format of question paper that can use any

question bank as a source as long as the question paper is compliant to the format defined.• Proper and clear instructions at beginning of tests and within sections / Level and questions.• Personalized with corporate logos.• Customizable interface for capturing candidate details. • Capability to support a wide range of question types.

• User can select Questions for review at the end of each level by enabling Select to Review checkbox at the top of the Ques-tion Box.

• Continuous time display (Timer Countdown) to know the time left for taking the test for each section / Level.• Locally computed scores, candidate details, and test taking details are updated on to Skill Trac.• Controlled display of result page at the end on the test - turn on/off depending on the event. • Pop up box to alert the candidate about the time left for the particular section / Level.• Encryption/Decryption of question papers is taken care of, for data security.• Candidate details can be enabled/disabled even certain fields in it as per customer requests can be masked or hidden.• Section / Level wise filtration of scores.• Duplicate check of candidates. Checks if candidate has come again for the same client within the criteria set by client on

re-appearing for test.• Test engine will not allow the same user to take up the test more than once depend on the event.• Customer profile display before test starts.

Partial list of our prestigious Clientele are as follows:• Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt.Ltd, (Chennai, Pune, Bangalore, Kolkata)• HCL, Chennai,Noida• Steria, Chennai, Noida• Lehman Brothers, Mumbai• Fidelity Business Solutions, Bangalore• IBS, Trivandrum• Satyam-Chennai, Hyderabad• Virtusa, Chennai.• HP Educational Service, Delhi, Hyderabad.• Mastek Limited, Mumbai, Pune• Caritor, Chennai & Bangalore, Formerly IT Solutions• AutoDesk, Bangalore• I-Flex, Bangalore, Chennai• I-gate-Chennai,Bangalore.• US Technologies, Trivandrum• Infosys, Hyderabad• AmitySoft, Chennai• Reliance InfoComm Limited, Mumbai• @Road, Chennai• ADDR-COM, Bangalore• TechSpan Ltd, Noida• Take Solutions, Chennai• Sherpa Business Solutions, Chennai• Winfoware Technologies Ltd, Bangalore• Arrow Point Technologies, Chennai• Ness Global Services Pte Ltd (Formerly Apar Infotech Services Pte Ltd.)• SISI, Chennai




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