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Blue Blue May 2017

Celebrating our best ever SACE results!


1Blue & Blue May 2017 | School News


CLASS OF 2016In a word - ‘exceptional’! The Class of 2016 have achieved the College’s best ever SACE results. These are detailed within this edition of the Blue and Blue and I am sure you will find the breadth and depth of their achievements quite impressive.

From our humble Dux, Joshua Smith (Boarder from Farrell Flat), to Ethan Murphy (Student Respondent at the SACE Merit Ceremony), to our 11 students who achieved ATARs of 99, to our university students who achieved High Distinctions through to our VET students who achieved employment - congratulations!

Not just to be remembered for their academic prowess, the Class of 2016 were highly commended by Encounter Youth (organisers) for their respectable, friendly and good-spirited conduct at ‘Schoolies’. Their efforts have gone a significant way towards rebuilding the College’s reputation at this event. The impact of their efforts should not be underestimated.

Our Strategic Plan mentions a focus on the development of personal and social responsibility in our students.

These students have let their actions speak for themselves and I wish to acknowledge them for it.

We look forward to their future successes and their doubtless, positive impact on the broader community into the future!

MARYMOUNT & SACRED HEART AMALGAMATIONLate last year a formal announcement was made by the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS) and Marist Schools Australia (MSA) in regard to the amalgamation of Sacred Heart and Marymount Colleges.

Again, more details follow but I would like to express sincere gratitude to the many members of the broader Sacred Heart and Marymount communities for the support and trust being placed in the hands of those leading this significant project. It is history in the making and its success is dependent on this support and quality, timely communication of developments.

I am most fortunate to be working in collaboration with Acting Head of Marymount, Shana Bennett, and Catholic Education SA Project Officer, Mark Corrigan. Together, and with your

support and that of numerous other groups and bodies, we can achieve a world class outcome for the families of our region. Exciting times indeed!

‘THE MAIN’Finally, in yet another significant achievement, the Brother Joseph McAteer Centre has been completed on ‘The Main’. It is the largest ‘Hearts’ building project to date and the result speaks for itself. Plenty of SHOC’s connections along the way and prudent oversight by SHC Operations Manager, Peter McCabe have ensured a wonderful facility for many years to come!

In a certain regard, we now have a facility befitting the celebration of the wonderful achievements of the Class of 2016, but also a quality, contemporary sporting, educational, social and aesthetic space for numerous groups across the College.

So, apart from that, there’s not much going on around Sacred Heart!

Best wishes,

Steve Byrne Principal


Greetings to the broader Sacred Heart community for 2017!

Cover image: Class of 2016 Boarding House graduates at the Laureate Assembly (L-R from back) Tom Kitschke, Josh Finckler, Josh Smith, Steve

Byrne (Principal), Louise Hinge, Nicola Burdette, Eliza Taheny, Madi Brock, Winnie Taylor, and Shane Hennessy (Director of Boarding).

Absent: Hannah Grady and Josh Patterson.

Inside cover: The Marist Hall in the new Br Joseph McAteer Centre.

Blue & Blue is a bi-annual publication for the Sacred Heart College community.

Submissions are welcome and can be emailed to or contact Jane Crisp in the Foundation Office on 8350 2590.

Editorial by Jane Crisp, Foundation and Old Collegians Liaison Officer

Design by Darelle Tasker, Communications Coordinator

Published by Lane Print & Post.

Thank you to everyone who collaborated on this edition of the Blue & Blue.

1 Principal’s Report

2 College Council


3 Celebrating the Class of 2016

7 Introducing the 2017 College Captains

8 An exciting direction for Sacred Heart College and Marymount College

9 The Br Joseph McAteer Centre

10 Co-Curricular News

12 P&F News

13 Boarding House News


16 Marist Immersions in 2016


18 Foundation President’s Report

19 Bursaries

20 Under the Spotlight

21 New sports uniform launch

22 The Archives


23 SHOC President Report

24 SHOC Sports Association

28 SHOC Music Group

29 Upcoming Reunions

30 Where are they now?

35 Obituaries

37 Celebrations - Special Anniversaries, Engagements, Weddings & Births


2 3Blue & Blue May 2017 | School News

01. Welcoming back the highest achieving 2016 Year 12 students for the Laureate Assembly.

01. 2017 College Captains, Luke

Wormald and Gemma Thomas

at the Laureate Assembly; 02.

2016 College Dux, Joshua Smith

with Principal, Steve Byrne.

College Council

This year was the second with Sacred Heart College operating as a single College on two campuses. Experience to date overwhelmingly supports this initiative which has allowed a smoother transition for the boys from the middle campus.

The College Council acts in an advisory way by providing advice and support to Steve Byrne as College Principal.

Council also continues to be supported by energetic Finance and Building Committees, which in recent years have managed two significant capital projects – St Paul’s Food and Hospitality Centre and the newly completed Brother Joseph McAteer Centre at the Main Oval precinct.

In its first year of operation, the redeveloped St Paul’s has been a great success and underpins our strengths in Food and Hospitality.

The new Brother Joseph McAteer Centre is now in operation for the 2017 school year and for the first time in many years, the College has an indoor venue capable of seating the entire senior campus.

The Middle campus has also enjoyed capital works as part of its Master Plan. More redevelopment work will be carried out in coming years.

The Finance Committee also assists Council with another of its key responsibilities of financial oversight and advice.

Council continues to be pleased with the focus on academic excellence and notes that the 2016 cohort achieved 100% SACE completion in 2016. Overall, they achieved record academic results.

Congratulations are also extended to the boarding staff for the support and encouragement they give our boarders. Our boarding community makes our College unique amongst other senior secondary schools in South Australia and is an important part of the fabric of our culture.

Paul Teisseire Chair, College Council

Council continues to be pleased with the focus on academic excellence and notes that the 2016 cohort achieved 100% SACE completion!

School News

Celebrating the Class of 20162016 ACADEMIC RESULTSI am delighted to report that our Year 12 students achieved excellent results, both in the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) and with their Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

Learning and achievement continues to be promoted as a top priority in the College and we are confident that our graduating students are well equipped as independent learners to take on the challenges that exist beyond Sacred Heart College in the years ahead.

The Year 12 students of 2016 have performed at an exceptional level, with 91 students (compared to 78 students last year) achieving an ATAR over 90, placing them in the top 10% of

students in the State and also situating them in the top 10% of the nation.

Eleven students (compared to nine students last year) secured scores in excess of 99.0, which places them in the top 1% of the SACE group. This is truly outstanding!

Of the 308 students eligible for an ATAR, 29.5% achieved an ATAR over 90. In total, 148 of these students (48.1%) students secured an ATAR in excess of 80, which signifies a commendable level of achievement. The mix of students continues to be varied, with a number of students studying part-time and/or studying at more than one year level, including a selection of Year 11 students studying one or more Year 12 20-credit subjects.


99.8% of our scores were either A, B, or C

29% of achievements were A grades

11 students achieved ATAR > 99.0

91 students achieved ATAR > 90.0

62 Merits achieved in a wide variety of subjects

40% of Boarders achieved an ATAR > 90.0

64% of Boarders achieved an ATAR > 80.0.

01 02


4 5Blue & Blue May 2017 | School News

2016 COLLEGE DUXThe DUX for Sacred Heart College for 2016 was Joshua Smith. Josh was presented with his award by Brother Paul Gilchrist and his former Principal at St Joseph’s Primary, Peter Shearer. Peter was thrilled to have been given the opportunity to present the award to Josh, writing an email of thanks to Steve, congratulating not only Josh but the exemplary behaviour of the students during the ceremony.

Josh received an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank of 99.95 (the highest possible ATAR) with five subject merits (in Mathematical Studies, Chemistry, Biology, Accounting and Research Project), and was awarded a Governor’s Commendation for his outstanding effort. Josh was a boarder at Sacred Heart, with his family having been involved in farming in the Farrell Flat area for five generations. Josh hopes to study medicine at the University of Adelaide.

GOVERNOR OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA COMMENDATION I am pleased to announce that Joshua Smith was chosen to receive one of the Governor of South Australia Commendations for 2016.

The Governor of South Australia Commendation acknowledges and celebrates overall excellence in the South Australian Certificate of Education. It recognises excellent achievement in Year 12 subjects as well as success in developing the SACE capabilities of communication, learning, personal development, citizenship and work.

Each school in South Australia was invited to nominate only one student whom they considered would be a most worthy recipient of the award. We nominated Joshua as this student.

Out of more than 14, 500 students who received the SACE in 2016, only a handful have been selected to receive this prestigious award from the Governor of South Australia.

A high-level selection committee consisting of leaders from across the South Australian community, including the Governor of South Australia, carefully considered all nominations for this award. The selection committee has conveyed to Joshua its recognition of and high regard for his outstanding achievements. In addition, Joshua was personally congratulated by the Chief Executive of the SACE Board, Dr Neil McGoran, in a telephone conversation on the day of the results’ release.

Dux of the College

Recipient of Governor’s Commendation Award

Winner of the Way Medal for Chemistry

Joshua Smith, ATAR 99.95

Mathematical Studies, A+ MeritChemistry, A+ Merit

Biology, A+ MeritAccounting, A+ Merit

Research Project B, A+ Merit

Dux Proxime AccessitTaylor Kilpatrick, ATAR 99.90

Physics, A+ MeritResearch Project B, A+ Merit

Japanese, A+ Merit (2015)University of Adelaide ( Japanese 2A),

High DistinctionUniversity of Adelaide ( Japanese 2B),

High Distinction

MERIT RECIPIENTS Forty-five 2016 Sacred Heart graduates gained 1,302 subject Merits for A+ grades with “exceptional achievement”, which was recognised at the SACE Merit Ceremony at Government House on 7 February 2017.

Sacred Heart student, Ethan Murphy was invited to give the Student Responder address on behalf of all SACE students at the ceremony.

Sacred Heart College Senior provides a broad selection of subjects in Year 12. In 2016, 48 Tertiary Admissions Subjects (TAS) and 3 non-TAS subject were offered for study. This year, 61 students achieved 91 A+ grades. Of these, 62 were A+ merits achieved by 45 students in 21 subjects.

We commend the graduates of 2016 on their academic success, and extend sincere thanks to the dedicated

teaching staff who supported them throughout their learning.

The Laureate Assembly to formally congratulate the students was held on Wednesday 15 February 2017 in the new Brother Joseph McAteer Centre.

MERIT CEREMONY STUDENT RESPONDERCongratulations to 2016 Year 12 graduate, Ethan Murphy, who achieved an ATAR of 99.75 and was chosen to speak on behalf of the state’s top students at the SACE Merit Ceremony at Government House. Ethan achieved Merits for Nutrition, Chemistry and his Research Project last year.

During his speech, Ethan honoured his late brother, Jacob (‘14), who achieved a score of 96.9 with a Research Project Merit in 2014. In an interview with The Advertiser in February 2017, Ethan said,

“He wanted me to always do my best and succeed.”

“(He’d) probably be proud and well wishing. He’d recognise I did better than him but he wouldn’t hold it against me.”

“It does bring up feelings of sadness because he (Jacob) missed out on his Merit Ceremony,” he said.

Ethan, who wants to be a science teacher, volunteers helping children with autism and aspergers, including younger brother Oscar, 10, play and make friends.

Well done to all Year 12 students from 2016.

Gail Morgan Assistant Principal Curriculum (2016)

99.95 Joshua Smith99.9 Taylor Kilpatrick99.75 Ethan Murphy99.5 Shayne Doddrell99.45 Sarah Chigwidden99.4 Kristen Martini99.3 James Killian99.3 Yuyan (Lucy) Wang99.25 Joseph Kitschke99.25 Samuel Laube99 Chiara Libralato

ATARs over 99

01. 2016 College Dux, Joshua Smith at the Laureate Assembly with special

guests, Br Paul Gilchrist and Josh’s primary school

Principal, Peter Shearer from St Joseph’s School,

Clare; 02. Forty-five 2016 SHC graduates received

Merits at the SACE Merit Ceremony; 03. Ethan Murphy receiving his

Merit Certificate from Minister of Education and

Child Development, Dr Susan Close MP; 04. Ethan Murphy giving the student

responder address at the SACE Merit Ceremony.

01 02

03 04

6 7Blue & Blue May 2017 | School News

GEMMA THOMASFamily connection with SHC? First to attend!

Year 12 Subjects? RE, Research Project, Chemistry, Biology, English, Maths Methods.

Other interests? Photography, camping/travelling/adventuring/4WD, furniture design (DIY), learning, cooking, water sports.

Sporting interests? Netball and basketball.

Goals for after school? Study Medicine at University.

What do you hope to achieve as a leader? To bring Boarders and Day students closer, as well as the boys and girls, and create a vibrant community. I hope to achieve personal goals of a positive impact and represent the College and Boarding House, internally and externally.

A leader you admire and why? Rosa Parks who refused to surrender her bus seat, advancing the civil rights movement. She has a strong moral compass, mental toughness and resilience under adversity. Rosa is a role model as she takes responsibility for herself and those around her.

LUKE WORMALDFamily connection with SHC? My eldest sister Kate Wormald (‘15) attended Sacred Heart from 2013-2015. She was a source of inspiration for my College Captain nomination speech and we look forward to seeing my younger sister, Paige, attend Sacred Heart Middle in 2022.

Year 12 Subjects? English literature, Legal Studies, Research Project, Music (Solo and Ensemble Performance) and Business and Enterprise.

Other interests? Piano, which I have played for 12 years, and I have a big involvement in the Sacred Heart Performing Arts Department.

Goals for after school? Study Law and Legal Practices combined with International Relations at Flinders University, and remain balanced whilst enjoying all the challenges life after school will throw at me.

What do you hope to achieve as a leader? As a College Captain I want to make this inaugural year of new Houses, facilities and a new way of doing things one that will hopefully echo for the next few years and set a standard that will be remembered. In the first few weeks alone Gemma and I, along with other leaders, have already achieved so much from opening up Walter Park to all Year 12 students, to helping organise events like the Year 12 Formal, Graduation and various other days. Personally, I hope to achieve and create a College that really signifies our value of “family spirit” by spreading awareness of mental health and creating a community that is more accepting of all races, sexualities and genders no matter if they are a boarder or day student.

A leader you admire and why? Rory O'Neill (Panti Bliss) is an Irish Drag Queen and Gay rights activist. Their speeches in front of a Dublin audience with Tedtalks titled “All the little things” is something that inspired me to become College Captain because of Panti’s confidence and humour, even when discussing tough issues like discrimination or oppression of the LGBTI community. I admire Panti’s/Rory’s ability to make people laugh while fighting for equality, teaching me that there is not a situation that cannot be resolved with a friendly chat or even a little humour.

Welcome back to the following Middle and Senior staff for 2017:

• Graham Brine, Mathematics Teacher

• Siobhan Brophy, Counsellor

• James Gill, Director of Marist Mission

• Monica McGowan, Community Studies, Research Project, English and RE Teacher

• Peter Oswald, Careers and Pathways Counsellor (Term 1)

• Christopher Pittman, Music and RE teacher

• Katherine Rosenberg, Mathematics Teacher

• Sam Rossi, Year 6 Teacher

• Mark Semmler, Japanese Teacher.

And welcome to the following staff who are new to the College:

• Michelle Beecham, Physical Education Teacher (Term 1)

• Tom Cross, Japanese Teacher

• Donna Howell, Curriculum ESO

• Claudia Montiel, Italian, History and Economics & Business Teacher (Semester 1)

• Sheena Peters, Auslan ESO

• Lucy Pickering, Year 6 English, Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) and Religion

• Shane Ryan, Physics, Science and Mathematics Teacher

• Emily Upton, Year 8 Maths and Science

• Laura Wardleworth, Counsellor (Term 1).

The following 2016 Year 12 students had their achievement in their 2016 Language Studies formally acknowledged at the School of Language's Celebration of Achievement, held at the University of Adelaide on 29 November 2016.

Bior Aguer Deng, Dinka Language and Culture - The Award of Excellence.

Emilka Rustecka, Polish Continuers - The Award of Excellence.

Karina Turek, Polish Continuers - Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement.

The presentation of medals and certificates was made by Hon Susan Close, MP, Minister for Education and Child Development at the awards’ celebration.

Congratulations to 2016 graduating Year 12 students, Emily Ware and Ben Homburg, on each gaining one of the much sought after cadetships with Tilbrook Rasheed Chartered Accountants. The selection process involved a detailed application with recent school reports followed by interviews. Short-listed candidates were then invited to a second round of interviews, after which both Emily and Ben found out that they had been successful.

The cadetship means that they will be working full-time at Tilbrook Rasheed undertaking and learning about basic accounting procedures such as statutory financial statements and financial management. They will also be given time to study Accounting part-time at University with Adelaide University being their first choice.

Accounting cadetship with Tilbrook Rasheed

01. Bior Aguer Deng; 02. Emilka Rustecka; 03. Karina Turek;

04. Emily Ware; 05. Ben Homburg.

School of LanguagesCelebration of Achievement Awards 2016

Introducing the 2017 College CaptainsMeet our 2017 College Captains, Gemma Thomas and Luke Wormald. Gemma is a boarder from Roxby Downs and Luke is a day student who lives at Trott Park.

01 02 03



New Staff in 2017

8 9Blue & Blue May 2017 | School News

Director of Catholic Education SA, Helen O’Brien, has announced the appointment of Mr Steve Byrne as Principal of Marymount College for Terms 2, 3 and 4 of 2017. The appointment of Steve as concurrent Principal of Marymount College and Sacred Heart College will aid in the transition of the amalgamation between the two Colleges.

During this year, the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS) will retain governance, legal, employment and financial liability for Marymount College until the transfer of responsibilities to Sacred Heart College at the end of 2017.

During this period, Steve will lead the school communities of both Colleges in the planning and preparation of the culture, curriculum, learning programs,

leadership, staffing, building program and the community engagement for the amalgamated College.

The new vision for the South West has been endorsed by SACCS and includes three new developments:

• The development of a new co-educational Middle School throughout the amalgamation of Sacred Heart College and Marymount;

• The development of a new Early Years to Year 6 school at Hove for families in the South West;, which will include a focus on early years education and Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM);

• An invitation to students at St Teresa’s School, Brighton to become foundation students at this new school at Hove.

SACCS has established a South West Region taskforce led by an independent chairperson, Dr Paul Kilvert, who comes to this work with vast experience in education and change management. Steve and Regional Director of Marist Schools Australia, Paul Herrick, are also on this taskforce.

Earlier this term, a parent forum was held to consult on a range of issues in regard to the amalgamation. The staff, Marymount Board and the SHC College Council have also been consulted as an integral strategy for the amalgamation. Forums will again be held in Terms 2 and 3. Exciting times indeed!

An exciting direction for Sacred Heart College and Marymount College

01. SHC Principal, Steve Byrne with Marymount College Captain and

Vice Captain, Sophie McGlaughlin and Ella Maisey, and Acting

Marymount Principal, Shana Bennett; 02. The Br Joseph McAteer Centre Conference Centre at dusk;

03. The McAteer Centre gym; 04. The Marist Hall in the McAteer

Centre; 05. View of the McAteer Centre gym and conference centre

from the Main Oval.

The College is pleased to announce that the Brother Joseph McAteer Centre is now complete. The Centre will be the home for the gymnasium, teaching and conference facilities at Sacred Heart College. The project commenced with the demolition of the old facility in April last year, with practical completion being achieved on 30 January 2017 (just 41 weeks duration) and three weeks ahead of schedule.

Special thanks to all involved throughout the design, procurement and construction phase. The College is extremely excited about the quality of the project, value for money, early completion and the partnering approach Badge Constructions took throughout the project.

The McAteer Centre will be officially opened and blessed by His Most Rev Philip Wilson at 9.30am on Wednesday 17 May 2017.

If you would like to attend, please RSVP to by 8 May.

The Br Joseph McAteer Centre






10 11Blue & Blue May 2017 | School News

The 2017/2018 season sees the beginning of a new era for the Hearts First XVIII Football Team.

Sacred Heart congratulates and welcomes Jon Symonds (‘89) as the First XVIII Coach for 2017/18. Jon is well known in SHC footy circles, having played at Glenelg and SHOCs. His prior coaching roles have included Glenelg U/19s, Reserves and Assistant League Coach.

Jon has been in senior management in the ANZ Bank for 26 years, where he prided himself on "mentoring" and "developing people and leaders". We look forward to Jon enhancing the strong football traditions of the College and working with our boys in developing not just their football skills, but assisting their growth into fine young men! Welcome, Jon!

On Friday 3 March 2017, Sacred Heart Senior celebrated Sports Day in true Marist spirit. The day saw all events highly contested, with each of the five new Houses vying to win the top spot for the first year! Chavoin House (purple) triumphed by two points to win the day, with Fourviere House (yellow) taking home the Spirit Cup. A fantastic effort by all other Houses – Marian (white) Chanel (red) and Montagne (green). They all showed exceptional team work and community spirit!

Sports Day

2017 SPORTS DAY RESULTSSports Day Champion House Chavoin House

Sports Day House Spirit Fourviere House

1st Place Chavoin (708) (formerly Joseph & MacKillop)

2nd Place Marian (618) (formerly Chisholm & Teresa)

3rd Place Fourviere (517) (formerly Marcellin & Newman)

4th Place Chanel (504) (formerly Camara & Franklin)

5th Place Montagne (428) (formerly Polding & Mitchell)

2017/18 footy season kicks off with new coach

As soon as the senior students finished their Sports Day on a beautifully hot summer’s day, the Performing Arts students were preparing for an intensive rehearsal weekend (4-6 March 2017) at the College - the Arts Workshop Weekend. With a variety of music groups, along with the Stage 2 Dance and Drama classes, the Performing Arts Centre was buzzing all weekend as students prepared the repertoire and pieces they will use for performances and assessments throughout the year.

The group of more than 60 students from the Senior and Middle School campuses rehearsed all weekend whilst still having some time to relax together and play some good old retreat games. On Saturday afternoon, we came together for a liturgy where we reflected on the amazing gifts we have been given and how we plan to use them. It was a special time to come together.

We also saw some performance debuts at Saturday night’s in-house concert, combined with some veterans of the Debourg Centre. It was a great

night of celebrating our shared love of music and the arts. On Sunday morning the students presented the whole weekend’s work with a public performance for parents and friends in the auditorium. It was a great concert to a nearly packed house and an excellent way to publicly show the fruits of the weekend.

The Arts faculty and instrumental staff involved on the weekend were:

Dan Ryan (Stage Band); Felicity Freeman (Jazz Ensemble); Louise Durrans (Stage 2 Dance); Robyn Page (Stage 2 Drama); Kelvin Maynes (Concert Choir); Neil Christopher (Guitar Band); Paul Lewis (Drum Line); and Bianca Pittman (everything behind the scenes).

Special thanks to all of the staff involved, as well as the 2016 Arts Captains, Alex Cruz and Nastassja Beatrice who worked well together to pull off another amazingly successful Arts Workshop Weekend.

Dan Ryan Director of Music

Arts Workshop Weekend

2017 AGE CHAMPIONSYear 10 Female Age Champion Abby Thorne (Fourviere House)

Year 10 Male Age Champion Jack Downey (Chavoin House)

Year 11 Female Age Champion Alice Priestly (Marian House)

Year 11 Male Age Champion Tristan Camilleri (Chavoin House)

Year 12 Female Age Champion Sophie Agostino (Chavoin House)

Year 12 Male Age Champion Nathan Ryan (Marian House)

01. Chavoin House celebrate as 2017 Sports Day Champions; 02. Chanel House getting in the spirit; 03. The Year 12’s celebrate their last Sports Day; 04. Year 12 age Champions, Nathan Ryan and Sophie Agostino; 05. Fourviere in relay action!

01. Band performing at the concert to parents and friends; 02. Drum Line performing at the final concert; 03. Stage 2 dancers at the Friday night games; 04. The Saturday night Liturgy where puzzle pieces showing what everyone would bring to the Arts Department were put together to make a house.

Co-Curricular News01









12 13Blue & Blue May 2017 | School News

The 2017 year has begun with a fresh, new look for the Parents and Friends (P&F) Association, with a new Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. The AGM was held on 23 November 2016, at which time Chairperson, Louise Williams, Treasurer, Beryl Rowe and Secretary, Jane Crisp handed over the reins.

We would sincerely like to thank Louise, Beryl and Jane, and other outgoing committee members, Mel Whitchurch and Rosetta Hamood, for their help over many years.

The P&F committee continues to support the College by hosting events such as the Welcome Night, Mother’s Day Mass and luncheon, movie and shopping nights throughout the year.

The first function for the year was the Welcome Night for all Senior School parents. This was on 17 February 2017 and was held in the Debourg Centre. The night was enjoyed by all with around 40 Parents in attendance. The committee will look at changing the date of the welcome drinks next year, as for the past few years it has been on the opening weekend of the Fringe,

which conflicts with social calendars if tickets have been purchased in advance.

Our meeting dates for the year are:

• Wednesday 3 May, 7pm - meeting will be held in the St Paul’s Food and Hospitality Centre. This is for those parents who haven’t seen the newly refurbished building.

• Wednesday 2 August, 7pm

• Wednesday 25 October, 7pm.

Please feel free to come along at any time and invite others. Meetings are usually held in the Parlour of Paringa Hall. This invitation extends to parents/caregivers at both campuses.

If you would like any information about the P&F, please feel free to contact Chairperson, Lynne Kurtzer at

The following boarding students were elected last year to represent the Boarding House and College in 2017:• Gemma Thomas, College Captain• Alice Fry, Head Boarder • Lauren McInerney, Deputy Head

Boarder• Rashaun Stephenson-Stuart,

Head Boarder• Kade Morris, Deputy Head


WELCOME TO THE BOARDING HOUSEMonday 30 January 2017 began with new Boarders heading up to the city with Boarding Supervisors, Thomas Hennessy, Alex Hurley, Lucy Engel and Zoe Martini. After a bite to eat and a trip around the city, they returned to the Boarding House.

The Boarder Parent Association meeting was held in the Debourg and was well attended by the families. After nine years at the helm, Jenni and Leo Redden handed over the reins to Luke and Judy McCabe of Hamley Bridge who will chair the Association in 2017.

Following on from the meeting, the Opening Boarders’ Mass with Monsignor Ian Dempsey was held in the Chapel. At the completion of the Mass, Operations Manager, Peter McCabe, opened the Brother Joseph McAteer Centre for boarding families to have a “preview screening” of the new facility. The boarding community then joined together for dinner. It was wonderful to see so many families and friends catching up with one another.

HENRY & RICHARD WHITING BURSARYThe Henry & Richard Whiting Bursary was established by the Whiting family in memory of their late sons and brothers, Henry and Richard Whiting, and is open to boarders in Year 10. It provides a sum of money towards school fees in Years 11 and 12 for each recipient.

The 2016 Bursary for 2017 has been awarded to two young people who conducted themselves admirably and presented well in their interviews. Congratulations to Year 11 students Remee Agars of Cleve and Zac Driver of Keith.

P&F News

2017 Committee Members

Chairperson Lynne Kurtzer

Secretary Ingrid McKay

Treasurer Jeannie Franklin

School Rep Gail Morgan

Committee Sarah Tinney Jodie Ffrench Fiona Davies

01. Parents and Friends at the 2017 P&F Welcome Drinks.

Boarding House News

01. Henry & Richard Whiting Bursary recipients, Year 11 Boarders Remee Agars and Zac Driver; 02. Welcome Boarding

Mass; 03. Welcome dinner for boarding families.

01 01



14 15Blue & Blue May 2017 | Marist Corner

This year we celebrate a most significant milestone in the Marist story. It is 200 years since St Marcellin Champagnat assembled the first Brothers after making a pledge to establish the Society of Mary at the footsteps of the Black Madonna in the Fourviere Chapel a year earlier. Since then, the Marist family has grown to span over 80 countries.

As we reflect on the pledge that Marcellin made, it is important to consider what it means to be Marist not only now, but in the future.

This year’s Marist theme, AWAKEN, is a call to action to embrace the opportunities to make a difference locally and globally, and respond to the needs of others.

We celebrate our Marist Bicentenary with the same expectancy and hope of the awakening of a brand new day. A time to react on what has been and look ahead to what is to come. It is a moment of gratitude for the inspiring vision and life of Saint Marcellin and the early Marists. It is a moment of giving thanks for each one of us, for all Marists, and for our God who has journeyed with us.

As we awaken to a new dawn, let us take up the invitation of Pope Francis to “Wake Up the world!” Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, of acting, of living!

Braving heights and the wet weather, on 19 February 2017, 18 Year 10 students displayed both courage and resilience by conquering their fears on the high ropes challenge at Woodhouse Activity Centre on Sunday as part of their Red Caravel Remar camp.

The students were left with a sense of humility and accomplishment, and affirmed as a Remar Caravel that “the only way is up!" The following quote by Chris Hadfield (accomplished astronaut and space engineer) seems particularly fitting:

"Ultimately, leadership is not about glorious crowning acts. It's about keeping your team focused on a goal and motivated to do their best to achieve it, especially when the stakes are high and the consequences really matter. It is about laying the groundwork for others' success, and then standing back and letting them shine."

The word “heart” in the biblical sense stands

for the whole person. It is used in scripture

to indicate the deepest core of a person; it is

the place of thoughts, feelings, desire, and

motives. The Sacred of Jesus is the centre

of his person, a symbol of his love. Devotion

to the Sacred Heart is devotion to the love

of God for us manifested in the humanity of

Jesus Christ. As such, it was implicit in the

life, worship and teaching of the Church from

the beginning.

Champagnat and Our Lady and the Sacred Heart of Jesus

It is no matter of wonder then, that

Champagnat was strongly attached to

Mary, the Mother of the incarnate God. His

devotion to her was fundamental, but not

specialised under one of her particular titles.

He knew he could turn to her in complete

trust, because in the Incarnation Mary had

such an important role and carried it out so


“With Mary we have everything,” he said.

“Without her, we are nothing”.

Yet there was never any question of priorities

going awry. Jesus was the destination:

Mary was a clear pathway leading to him.

In his letters he often spoke of Jesus and

Mary together, but always with the correct


For example, “Mary, offer my resolutions to your son, Jesus”.

Brother Stephen Debourg, the first Principal

of Sacred Heart College, chose the name of

the school in 1897.

Devotion to the humanity of Jesus Christ, as

symbolised by his physical heart, ‘the sacred

heart, as the source of God’s redemptive love

was one of the principal Catholic devotions

of the late 19th Century. Popular devotions to

the Sacred Heart, the Eucharist and the Virgin

Mary were examples of the contemporary

Catholic spirituality.

By the 17th Century, the French School (an

expression used to describe a spirituality

that began and developed in France in the

16th and 17th Centuries) saw that the love of

Christ penetrates not only all the Gospel,

but all aspects of Christ’s extended life in

the members of the Mystical Body. Pierre de

Berulle fathered the French School and also

founded the Oratory. Charles de Condren,

Jean Jacques Olier, St John Eudes, St Vincent

de Paul and later, Bossuet and St Louis-

Marie Grignion de Montfort, all saw the

Incarnate Word of God in the person of Jesus

Christ at the centre of the universe, at the

centre of human history, and at the centre

of each person’s life. The emphasis placed

on the inner life of Jesus, especially his love,

encouraged devotion to the Heart of Jesus.

St Francis de Sales and St Jane Frances de

Chantal introduced the devotion to the Heart

of Christ into the Visitation Order.

Compiled by Old Collegian,

Frank Holland (‘36)

“Awaken” ~ The 2017 College theme

Marist Association of St Marcellin Champagnat

REMAR: Red Caravel Camp

Recently I attended a series of meetings in relation to the Marist Mission, or works, in Australia. As a member of the Association Council (MAC) I would like to extend an invitation to members of the Sacred Heart Community who might wish to have a conversation, or to explore, possible membership of the Association.

In brief, the purpose of the MAC is to continue the core mission of the Marist Institute making Jesus known and loved, in the way of Mary, and bringing hope to the youth of today. The Association aims to provide a spiritual family within the Church for people committed to living the Gospel of Jesus, with Mary as their inspiration, in the style of St Marcellin Champagnat.

As a public association it conducts the religious and educational ministries of the Marist Institute.

The Association offers members the possibilities of formation, prayer life, community and ministry. Members are typically like-minded people, from young adults to retirees, from those working in Marist ministries and those not, lay people, Brothers and other religious. Young people are usually invited to involvement with the Marist Youth Ministry movement - which has a healthy membership of recent, former students and a growing number of current Year 12's.

The website ( is a good starting point for further information and the 'We Marists' document should stimulate

your thinking. If you wish to discuss further please don't hesitate to contact Director of Marist Mission, James Gill at

James Gill Director of Marist Mission

A time to reflect...

Marist Corner

01. Angus Keogh fully trusting his anchor; 02. Remar students supporting each other through

anchoring at the high ropes challenge; 03. The Remar team.

01 02


16 17Blue & Blue May 2017 | Marist Corner

Leading up to the trip, excitement and any real light about the enormity of what we were to experience only came intermittently. Eight students and three staff were bound for Fiji to forge new friendships and learn about others.

The main team accommodation was with Brother Kees and Brother Fergus in their home in Suva. We were thrown out of our comfort zones and sent off for homestays with families of students from Marcellin Primary, which ensured we gained an appreciation of all that was truly Fijian.

We were thrown into the gruelling task of revamping rooms in the Brothers’ house, spending days scrubbing, cleaning and painting. The warm smile of gratitude on Brother Kees’ face on the completion of this project made this all well-worth it!

The main project of our trip was painting the ground floor of Marcellin Primary School. We were each assigned a buddy from the Champagnat Institute who gave up their own school holiday time to help us achieve our goal.

We then spent a week living with team members from Through People’s Community Network (PCN). Our team was able to experience living on or below the poverty line in different communities around Suva. We were also incredibly lucky to travel via carry

truck and water taxis to an island in Nasouri, where locals treated us to traditional dance, kava and a lovo. At the end of the week we were privileged to hold a Christmas party for 35 local children in the PCN main office, as well as make a donation towards the program’s future endeavours.

Fiji captured our hearts with its beautiful locals and natural surroundings. The relationships we made were some of the closest and most raw we may ever experience in our lifetimes. It is not that we feel privileged for the lives we have lived so far; it is that we feel privileged to be able to understand a world so different from our own through this Marist Immersion experience.

Overall, we have come to appreciate that life is not about possessions, but about adding to this world by making a difference for others and with others.

Lauren McInerney 2016 Year 11, Marist Immersion: Fiji

No words can describe the 2016 Immersion experience. It was truly the highlight of many of our lives, and a once in a lifetime trip. Twelve Year 11 students and two team leaders flew to India, where we would spend three weeks forming friendships, developing a sense of identity and meeting people who would change our lives forever.

Arriving in India opened our eyes, our lives, and for some, it was a huge step out of our comfort zones. Instantly we felt the warmth of the Brothers in India as they welcomed us at the train station. These Brothers, who were at first strangers to us, are now people we will never forget. Because of them, we had the opportunity to experience the Indian culture whether it be eating curries, visiting temples or listening to the Brothers’ inspiring stories. But the one thing that inspired us the most is the work that the Brother’s do for the people in their communities. We got the opportunity to meet people in tough situations and immerse ourselves into their lives. No matter the hardships they faced, we were welcomed with warm hospitality and love. Every person we came across was full of happiness and hope, which was truly inspirational.

One thing that will remain forever in our hearts is being a Marist. The Brother’s taught us what it means to be a Marist, and for many of us we learnt why we go to a Marist school - being a Marist is a lifelong commitment that we will never take for granted.

Karina Turek 2016 Year 11, Marist Immersion: India

After nearly a year of fundraising, a three week experience of a lifetime to the Philippines for 15 very excited and enthusiastic Year 11 students began on 23 November, 2016.

The group spent three days at the Kuya Center for Street Children, which hosts young boys who have been living on the streets and helps them to re-establish their lives and personal identity. The boys’ continuing willingness to share their time with us, despite the language barrier, was truly heart warming.

We then spent three nights at a homestay in San Narciso, which when looking back, found to be a most enriching experience purely because the true Filipino culture of warmth and welcoming towards hosting shone throughout all of the stay.

Our next stop was Mother Rita, a community which had to be relocated because their homes were completely destroyed by a volcano eruption. The community in Mother Rita welcomed us with open arms and we were graced with hospitality from both children and adults alike.

Our nights were spent playing with the locals children and we were even blessed to be presented with a concert by them on the final night.

Near the end of the trip, we headed to Bagong Barrio where the most confronting but inspirational experience came to light. We were welcomed into the homes of families whose children’s schooling is sponsored by Sacred Heart College.

These families had very little yet were still so willing to share their first-hand life stories with us which brought much of the team to tears. We will never be able to thank them enough from the bottom of our hearts every single person we met along the way and most of all our team leaders, Daniel Head and Caitlin Brown, without whom we could never have experienced such a journey of enrichment, inspiration and most of all the knowledge that the Marist spirit unites us all as one loving family.

Special thanks also goes to Br. Des Howard who carried us through the trip, it could not have happened without him; we all agree that Br. Des is an absolute living legend and champion. Overall, we deemed the trip as a great success as we all gained so much out of it, such as caring for each other more and not taking the things we have for granted.

Alison Rahier 2016 Year 11 Marist Immersion: Philippines


01. At Fiji’s Champagnat Institute; 02. Indian children enjoyed the Indian Immersion team’s company; 03. Teaching children in the Philippines how to play an Australian game; 04. Receiving of Indian symbolism; 05. Last day at the Brother’s residence in Fiji; 06. Painting of the Brother’s residence in Fiji; 07. The India team at a majestic Indian temple; 08. With a family sponsored by Sacred Heart College in Bagong Barrio, Philippines; 09. With children from Mangamanuthu, India; 10. Enjoying time with street children in the Philippines.



Marist Immersions in 2016In 2016, 35 Year 11 students set out to make a difference to the lives of others, visiting Marist communities in Fiji, India and the Philippines.

01 02 03 04







1918 Blue & Blue May 2017 | Foundation

The Foundation and Sacred Heart Old Collegians Association (SHOCs) offer several bursaries every year. The Senior School offers a bursary to a Year 11 student who has demonstrated solid Marist characteristics, together with good academic achievements. For 2016, the award was presented to Cara McGlaughlin (Year 12). Cara is also the 2017 House Captain for Chanel House.

The Foundation is also responsible for several awards to Year 9 students at the Middle School. These are the Champagnat Award and the Sister Marie Ralph Christian Service Award. In 2016, the Champagnat Award went to Year 9 student, Liam Chapman (Year 10). The Champagnat Award recognises an exceptional student who models the key characteristics of a Sacred Heart College student.

The Sister Marie Ralph Award for Christian Service went to Tom Schar. The Sister Marie Ralph Award is sponsored by Sister Marie’s brother, John, and his wife, Barbara. Sister Marie worked at Sacred Heart Middle School in the role of counsellor, Liturgical Coordinator and within the religious domain of the Middle School for many years. The award is presented to a student who reflects an open hearted generosity in providing service to others in a variety of ways.

The Sacred Heart Old Collegians Association is responsible for the following bursaries/awards to Year 9 students at the Middle School. These are the Marcellin Spirit Award and the Brother Jordan Redden Award. The Marcellin Spirit Award is given in memory of Daniel Awak, a past pupil

of the College and is named after our Patron Saint, Marcellin Champagnat. This award is in recognition of a boy who has shown enthusiasm, friendliness and commitment in his approach to his schooling, towards his colleagues and the life of the school. This student is respected by his peers and is inclusive in his relationships. In 2016 the award went to Zachary Dumesny (Year 10).

The Brother Jordan Award is for a student who actively lives out the Marist family spirit and is named after Brother Jordan Redden, who actively lives the pillars of Marist spirituality. He has been an integral part of SHC at both the Senior and Middle School for many years. In 2016, the award went to Henry McCabe (Year 10).

On behalf of the Sacred Heart College Foundation, I would like to congratulate Principal, Steve Byrne, and his team on the 100% completion rate for the Year 12 Class of 2016. An outstanding achievement the entire SHC community should be very proud of.

Our sense of pride should continue each time we go past the College and see the new Br. Joseph McAteer Centre facility on the Main Oval. I have been lucky enough to visit and tour the facility throughout its construction and feel very envious of today’s students. Once again, I would like to congratulate

Steve and his SHC team, and Jim Whiting and his Badge Construction team, on a truly magnificent building that will be a significant asset to the SHC community now and well into the future.

Importantly, the College has requested the Sacred Heart College Foundation’s assistance in providing a scoreboard for the new oval facility. Consistent with the high standards we have already seen delivered with the project, there is a development approval with Council for an electronic scoreboard.

The Sacred Heart College Foundation feels the scoreboard is a special opportunity for families to celebrate their experience with Sacred Heart College and the Main Oval.

For this reason the SHC Foundation will be presenting the College with the Sacred Heart College Family Scoreboard, funded by donations to the Sacred Heart College Foundation.

A limited number of Scoreboard Donation packages are available ranging from $500 to $15,000. If you are interested in donating money to the Scoreboard Fund please contact

the Foundation office on 8350 2590 or email

Each donation will have the opportunity to include family name and/or message placed on the scoreboard. The number of characters is commensurate with the level of donation. All donations made to the SHC Family Scoreboard will be tax deductible.

While it has been a great start to the year for the SHC community, we have another full year of action ahead.

One key date to put in your diary is the Annual SHC Foundation Business Lunch which will be on the afternoon of Friday 14July. Details of the venue and format will be communicated in the coming weeks.

In closing, I would like to acknowledge, thank and congratulate Michaela Kenneally on her outstanding commitment to the cause during her time as President of the SHOCs Association. Well done, Michaela!

Go Hearts!

Rob McKay Chairman, College Foundation


Foundation President’s Report


2016 Award recipients: 01. Cara McGlaughlin received the Foundation’s 2016 Bursary;

02. Champagnat Award recipient, Liam Chapman; 03. Thomas Schar

received the Sister Marie Ralph Award; 04. Zachary Dumesny

received the Marcellin Spirit Award; 05. Henry McCabe received the

Brother Jordan Award.

01 02 03 04 05

2120 Blue & Blue May 2017 | Foundation

Passion, pride and being true to oneself are powerful forces in the life of Anthony Goodrich.

From the classroom to the football field, he has imbued these qualities in countless young people who have graduated from Sacred Heart College with rich and rewarding memories of their learning and sporting achievements.

“Goody”, as he is best known among staff and former students, is a modest man with deep thoughts and carefully chosen words.

He was therefore a little hesitant about being the subject of this Blue & Blue profile. But in his 33rd year as a teacher at Sacred Heart, the College at which he excelled as a student, and after 19 years as coach of the First XVIII football team, there is every reason to showcase a career with many milestones.

Born in Broken Hill, the fifth of six children to Pat and Ray Goodrich, Goody attended St Joseph’s College, Broken Hill where he embraced the Marist charism.

As a teenager, he was an outstanding footballer for his school and North Broken Hill Football Club. At the age of 15, he was the youngest person to play senior football in the Broken Hill league and he was equally talented in basketball.

Excelling in a Broken Hill representative side against Norwood in 1978, he was offered an opportunity to play for the Redlegs, with support to attend boarding school in Adelaide.

At one stage, Goody was carrying a brochure for Rostrevor College. However, fate stepped in to shape his career and much of his life.

Former West Adelaide league player, David Bertelsmeier, (a former Sacred Heart College student whose grandchildren now attend the school) was a recruiting officer for Norwood and he rated Goody an outstanding prospect.

About the same time, there was a chance meeting at a family birthday party with Gerry Baldwin and his son, John (‘Arget’) Baldwin, a student at Sacred Heart with whom he would share a lasting friendship and bond in football.

“My mind was made up,” Goody said. “I threw the Rostrevor brochure in the bin and came to Sacred Heart.”

Boarding in 1979 and 1980, he became School Captain, Head Boarder and Captain of the First XVIII football team.

At Norwood Football Club, Goody played in a winning Under 19 grand final and in Reserves, but a promising league career was felled by serious injuries.

Inspired by outstanding teachers in his boarding years at Sacred Heart, Goody decided on a career in education. He graduated from Adelaide University in 1984 with a Diploma of Education and Bachelor of Arts, specialising in history, economics, politics and philosophy.

The following year he responded to an alma mater opportunity to teach at Sacred Heart, and with an enduring commitment to the Marist ethos to support a love of learning and the personal growth of each student, he returned to Somerton Park.

Primarily, Goody’s focus has been on the classroom teaching history, economics and business studies.

“There is a clear synergy between these subjects,” he explained.

“Economics is a primary driver of politics, and politics has a major influence on history. It is also about getting students involved in current affairs.”

This year, Goody stepped down as coach of the Sacred Heart First XVIII football team after 19 outstanding seasons explaining simply that, “It’s time! I have more behind me than ahead of me.”

He succeeded former coach, Brian Quist in 1998 after working alongside

colleague Warren Wright in coaching the Year 10 sides. Since being at the helm, the Sacred Heart senior side has won 13 times in the annual showdown against Assumption College, Kilmore, and 15 times in the traditional “Intercol” competition against Rostrevor College. Also in that time, the Sacred Heart First XVIII has played in 17 grand finals, winning 13.

Over the 19 years, “Arget” Baldwin has been Goody’s unofficial assistant coach and runner, while Clayton Beal and Brian Quist have also made major contributions as team managers.

“It has been a fantastic journey and a real privilege to coach so many young people,” Goody said.

“Many of those kids have become mates and there are very special relationships with so many families.”

Fremantle champion, Matthew Pavlich, Port Power’s Kane Cornes, Crows’ Jason Porplyzia, and Geelong’s Andrew Mackie are among Goody’s former players at Sacred Heart.

“There are many other outstanding players who for various reasons did not go on to play at elite level,” he said.

“Apart from their achievements in sport, I enjoy catching up with former players who have established their careers and formed their own families.

“The Sacred Heart community is a broad family and I have been very happy and fortunate to spend my teaching career at the school.

“I’m now 54 and have some good years ahead of me teaching here. I enjoy being in the classroom. In some ways it is not a lot different from coaching because it requires planning and motivation to bring out the best in our students.”

Goody’s wife, Chris, also teaches at Sacred Heart. Their son, Clem, completed Year 12 at Sacred Heart last year and daughter Ellen is currently in Year 11.

Trevor Gill

Under the SpotlightAnthony ‘Goody’ Goodrich (‘79-80)

As Sacred Heart College moves into its 120th anniversary year, it is with great excitement that we formally launch our new range of sporting attire, bringing a contemporary, fresh look to all sports whilst still being true to the rich traditions of the College.

2017 will be a year of transition to the new attire, except for all 'First' sporting teams for which the new uniform will be required. In 2018, all sporting teams will be required to wear the new uniform.

Available items for each sport, including optional items, are detailed in the link below.

The new range is now available to purchase from the College Uniform Shop (43 Oaklands Road, Somerton Park).

For more information, please visit

New sports uniform launch

01. The new College basketball, football and netball uniforms; 02. The new soccer uniform; 03. The new cricket, volleyball and rugby uniforms; 04. The College Uniform Shop staff at the new location (43 Oaklands Rd, Somerton Park).

01 02



Goody with Old Scholar, Matthew Pavlich (‘99).

23Blue & Blue May 2017 | Old Collegians22

This year marks the bicentenary (200 years) of the founding of the Marist Brothers, 120 years of Sacred Heart College and 50 years of Marist education at the Mitchell Park campus (formerly known as St Joseph’s).

On Sunday 26 February, members of the Marist Association (Adelaide), Marist Youth Ministry and the Sacred Heart College community gathered to celebrate Mass and a shared lunch to acknowledge the Marist Bicentenary.

In the true Marist character of Family Spirit and Simplicity, young Marists, students and brothers mingled and enjoyed a BBQ on the lawn in front of the Brothers' residence at Sacred Heart College, Somerton Park. We were blessed with the presence of Brothers and lay Marists who had travelled from rural areas and from interstate for the occasion.

At the conclusion of Mass, Damo Ruiz and Julianna Kittle delivered a speech

to the Boarding community about what it means to be Marists. As recent Old Scholars who are passionate about their school and the Marist ethos, Damo and Julianna were both able to inspire the congregation to continue living Marcellin’s dream. Br. Paul Gilchrist led us in prayer prior to lunch, and Br. Greg McDonald addressed us, with a message to remember Marcellin's humility and devotion to Mary throughout this year of celebration and to continue being ministers to all those in our community, regardless of their faith and background.

Fittingly, the Bicentennial cake was cut by Br. Marius, and Year 10 student and REMAR participant, Chloe Phyland. It was truly symbolic of our call to 'Awaken', a new beginning for Marists in Australia and throughout the world!

2017 has already been a successful one for the Sacred Heart Old Collegians Association (SHOCs) and, as we are only part way through, there are clear signs that it’s going be a fruitful year. One of the exciting endeavours is the formation of the SHOC’s Music Group. This has been the hard work of Joe Kitschke (‘16), James Killian (‘16)and Dani Rosa (‘16), and I am very thankful they approached us with this initiative. To those that are musically inclined, please become involved, and for everyone else - please get behind this new addition to our community and make them your entertainment of choice at all SHOC events.

After a sneak peak at the end of 2016, I got to experience the new McAteer Centre in all its glory at SHOC netball trials this year where Coach, Paul Angley, claimed the ‘first netball goal’ on the new courts. The venue is amazing and I had a great time exploring and imagining running up the race onto the football field. The building is truly state of the art. When you have opportunity, get down there for a look. The SHOC Association will hopefully host a casual event at the Centre later this year which will allow people to drop in and check it out – watch this space!

SHOC SPORTThe SHOC sporting clubs are looking strong again in 2017. The cricket teams are finishing off another successful season, with both teams still in the hunt for finals at time of writing. The football club has had strong numbers pre-season and will have three senior teams and an U/18s team again. Soccer is likely to field three male teams and one female team this season, while the netball club keeps growing and growing, and will break records again this season, jumping from six to eight teams (at this rate the competition will soon run out of grades to cover all of SHOCs!). It’s not too late to get involved in these clubs as some are still seeking players/fill-ins and they are always happy to welcome more officials, volunteers and coaches.

CALL FOR INTERESTSadly this is my last President’s report as I will be stepping down at the AGM. I am grateful for this opportunity and have greatly enjoyed the last few years in the role. Many thanks for the support and assistance of all those at the School, Foundation and Association over this time. Thank you in particular to Jim Whiting for the nomination and

his faith that I could take on the role, Steve Byrne for his collaboration and support of SHOCs and, as always, Jane Crisp, for being my sounding board over the last few years and keeping the SHOC wheels in motion. Jane will continue on in her role as Secretary but will be vacating the Treasurer’s role. Please keep an eye on the SHOCs website for the announcement of the new President.

SUPPORTING SHOCsAn organisation such as this only survives by the involvement and enthusiasm of its members, so please get out and support the sporting teams; go see the music group perform, attend the Golf Day, Business Lunch or SHOC Ball and you will keep the SHOC’s community a great one.

Make sure to sign up for the regular newsletter at our website and join us on Facebook at sacredheartoldcollegiansassociation.

Over and out,

Michaela Kenneally President, SHOCs

Old Scholars

SHOCPresident Report

SHC in picturesSir Donald Bradman with Kevin Sykes (‘60) (in SHC blazer) and two other young enthusiastic autograph hunters at a cricket match on Railway Oval, Adelaide in early 1957. Image on display at the Don Bradman Collection, Adelaide Oval.

The ArchivesCelebrating 200 years of the Marist Brothers



03 04

01. Br. Marius and Chloe Phyland cutting the bicentennial cake; 02. Students,

Gemma Thomas (College Captain), Alice Fry (Head Boarder) and Lauren

McInerney (REMAR, Marist Immersion Team); 03. Br. John McMahon with young

Marists; 04. The bicentennial cake.

2524 Blue & Blue May 2017 | Old Collegians

After 15 years at the helm, Chris Wright (‘70) has stepped down as Chairman of the SHOC’s Sports Association. We welcome new Chairman, John Morrissy (‘85), who is another very well known Old Collegian.

The Sports Association was founded in 1990 to assist in funding Old Scholars’ facilities at the Middle School in Mitchell Park. In 2000 the Old Collegians ceased to use these facilities and in April 2005, the Association was resurrected to look after the interests of Old Collegians sport in general.

In that time, it has assisted with the

start-up of the Old Collegians Soccer and Netball Clubs and has also given significant assistance to the Football and Cricket Clubs.

Most recently, it was responsible for the installation of the lights on the Brighton Oval in conjunction with the College. The Association continues to work on upcoming projects with the College.

The Association is made up of representatives of all clubs who must have been past office bearers of their respective clubs.

Chris has been a great source of enthusiasm and dedication to the committee and provided leadership from the perspective of a well-respected Old Collegians and sportsperson.

Thank you, Chris, from all Old Collegians sporting clubs.

Jim Whiting (‘74) Foundation Committee Member

SHOC Sports Association

It is with great pleasure that I present this report for SHOC's Athletics.

SHOCs Athletics, in its present form, has come about with the amalgamation of a number of local athletic clubs. It currently has approximately 40 competing members. These members are a combination of SHC Old Collegians, current Sacred Heart College students and members of surf lifesaving clubs ranging from West Beach through to Seacliff.

The 2016/17 season has so far realised a number of significant achievements for the group as follows.

• Kayla Lemm (‘14) won the 300m Women’s Final at the Nippy’s Loxton Gift in Loxton.

• Jack Norris (‘16) won the prestigious Nippy’s Loxton Gift in the 120m Open Final, as well as placing 3rd in the State 100m title at SANTOS Stadium.

• Jack Whelan (Year 8) won the 70m U14 Final at the Nippy’s Loxton Gift.

• Tristan Camilleri (Year 11) won a number of state titles at SANTOS Stadium, as well as competing strongly in SA Athletic League (SAAL) events.

• Kate Monks (‘14) won a number of races early in the season and was 4th in the Women's Bay Sheffield. Kate is an early favourite for the SAAL Athlete of the Year award.

• Lily Micklethwaite (‘14) won the 120m race at the City of West Torrens Camden Classic Carnival.

• Mark Burns (‘83) won the 300m Masters Race at Hectorville.

SHOCs Athletics looks to provide an elite athletic pathway for Old Collegians. In recent seasons it has produced a couple of Bay Sheffield winners, a Stawell Gift Easter Carnival winner, a number of national surf lifesaving champions, a number of national finalists on the track and a host of winners from local athletic carnivals.

As well as success on the track, the club has a proud record of positive and successful personal and interpersonal development amongst its athletes. The group subscribes to high codes of conduct and always aspires to present, on and off the track, in the most positive manner possible.

Training occurs for 11 months of the year, 3-4 times a week at a number of local venues.

If you would like to be involved in SHOCs Athletics, please contact me at

Luke Hildyard SHOC’s Athletics Coordinator

SHOC Athletics

01. Mark Burns; 02. Lily Micklethwaite (centre); 03. Jack Whelan (centre); 04. Jack

Norris (right); 05. Kayla Lemm (centre); 06. Tristan Camilleri (left); 07. Kate Monks

and the Women’s Bay Sheffield team; 08. Kate Monks features in the local


President Michelle Rice-Murphy:

Secretary Jane Crisp:

Committee Stephen Juniper, Heidi Wolff and Danny Burns

SHOC Athletics Luke Hildyard:

SHOC Cricket Brendan Hall:

SHOC Football Scott Collins:

SHOC Netball Alex Craig:

SHOC Soccer Michael Cannavan:

SHOC Music Joe Kitschke:

Join SHOCs, update your details, view ongoing activities, sporting results and events.

Football: (sign up to footy club newsletter)


Cricket: See page for further information and link to FB page

Soccer: See page for further information

Facebook Sacred Heart College: @shcadelaide

Sacred Heart Old Collegians Association group: @sacredheartoldcollegiansassociation

SHOC Cricket Club: @shoccricket SHOC Soccer Club: @shocsoccerclub

SHOC Netball: @shoc.netball SHOC Music: SHOC Music

Sacred Heart College Old Collegians Association (SHOC)








2726 Blue & Blue May 2017 | Old Collegians

The Sacred Heart Old Collegians Football Club is pleased to announce that the Board has appointed Andrew Underwood as the new (old) Senior Coach for the next two seasons. Andrew has coached the SHOC Under 18 team for the past three years and has a strong understanding of the SHOCFC culture, values and standards. He is an AFL accredited Level 3 coach, and has previously played in the AFL with Richmond and Essendon. He also played more than 100 games for Sturt in the SANFL.

When asked about the appointment, he responded, “It’s a privilege to be appointed as the A Grade Coach of this great club. I’m very much looking forward to the challenge ahead, building on what has been put in place over the last few years.”

Andrew (Undies) will also continue in his role as the Director of Coaching and part of his brief will be to develop the next coach of the SHOCFC in that time.

The A Grade Leadership Group will be captained by Matt Delmenico for the third consecutive season. His Vice Captain will again be Mitch Parr, and the Deputy Vice Captains will be Jacob Laba and Taylor Angel. Congratulations to these lads, who have had an outstanding pre-season and will set the bar on and off the field. The other members of the Leadership Group this year are Assistant Playing Coach, Lachy Button, Ned Brooks, Nick Forster (Skinny), Connor Hartshorne and Mitch Bosley.

The club also confirms that Steve Kay will continue on as B Grade Coach and Heath Treacy will continue as C Grade Coach.

The club would like to acknowledge and thank Steve Byrne and the staff at SHC for the opportunity to play up to five games on the Main Oval this year and make use of the new facilities that have been recently built.

Check out the SHOC Football Club Facebook page and website at for further details about the upcoming 2017/18 season.

Scott Collins SHOC’s Football Club President

The SHOC Cricket Club (SHOCCC) has just completed another successful season, with both teams qualifying for the finals series, highlighting the depth of SHOCCC.

Captained by Rav Prakash, the A Grade played well in the minor rounds, managing seven victories and four losses. SHOCs finished the regular season fourth on the A3 ladder, with our bowling our strong point all year, which was nice, as it meant the boys never had to field for too long.

Nevertheless, there were some terrific individual performances with the bat to, highlighted by Andy Hyland who was phenomenal all season, ending the year second on the A3 batting list with 538 runs for the season. SHOCs also saw the most impressive individual batting effort in history through first-season player, Lachlan Mill whose 225 started trending on Facebook.

Captain Matt Adamson led from the front throughout the entire season in the B Grade, but their best was Daryl Joseph, who finished second on the B2 batting list with 484 runs for his season. Like the A Grade, the twos

were knocked-out in their semi-final, ending a great season in a relatively disappointing way.

Our off-field season was outstanding this year, after we made the switch from the Broadway Hotel to The Holdy as our new major sponsor, and we could not be happier. The Holdy have been truly accommodating and have shown particular interest in the club this season, and will continue to do so. Furthermore, we have a bunch of new sponsors, thanks to our new president, Brendan Hall, who has done an amazing job in his first year.

The highlight of the off field season came on 5 March, when we hosted our first Sponsors T20 on the pristine Sacred Heart Main Oval. Former club greats and some of our most loyal supporters showed that age is no barrier, with multiple players clearing the fences (one of which unfortunately struck a passing car). The boys also enjoyed touring the new facilities, which have been masterfully created by Badge.

We would like to extend a special thanks to Rav Prakash, whose last

three seasons as our captain have been sublime, and the work he has done for the club is unprecedented. We thank Rav for his service, and he will continue as a player and a leader of the club next season. Our 2017/18 season will have a fresh leadership look, with Andrew Hyland taking-over the reigns, and Tom Simpson his vice.

We look forward to the continued support for the 2017/2018 season, and as always, invite any new players to join us as we try to continue this extremely successful era of the SHOCCC.

For more on SHOCCC, please Like us on Facebook - search ‘Sacred Heart Old Collegians Cricket Club’ or @shoccricket.

Tom Simpson Club Secretary

SHOC Cricket Club

01. The SHOC Cricket Club in action; 02: the Cricket Club welcomes their new major

sponsor, The Holdy.

SHOC Football Club

Greetings from the SHOC Netball Club.

The future is bright.

Trials have concluded, and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Shannon Visockis, our in-house trial guru/coordinator and her extremely talented panel of selectors for their incredible work. Special mention goes to Alex AP, Amanda Shattock, Ella Floreani, Emma Martin, Michaela Kenneally, Paul Angley, Prue Wilkosz and Sarah Hall for all their amazing work!

This year is all about breaking the glass ceiling. It’s a year of growth and development. Over the off-season we have had time to reflect on the season that was, winter 2016, and we’re ready to ramp it up a notch for winter 2017. This year we are trailblazing through that glass ceiling with a whopping 8 teams across B3, B4, B6, C1x2, C2, C3 and C4. It’s never been done before at SHOC’s, and I am proud to say that the netball club has never been so big and so full of life. I think we are very lucky at SHOC’s to be packed to the brim with beautiful, intelligent and strong young women.

Over the off-season, our fitness queen Kerry ‘The Commando’ Fernandez has been putting the girls through their paces

with some fitness sessions. Kez is always so generous with her time and is one of the club’s biggest assets. Squad training will resume on the 14th March in the new facility at Sacred Heart Senior, with the first game taking place on the 22nd April, which we are all very excited about.

We can’t wait to kick off the season at our annual joint season launch with the football club on the 1st April. The event will be held at our loyal sponsors – the BMH on Broadway, with a ‘Back to School’ theme.

It takes many hands to run this netball club, so I’d like to take this opportunity to thank my new committee members for their continuing input, support and hard work; special mention goes to Grace Redden, Niamh Noonan, Katie Fritz, Kellie Gardner, Brigie Whiting, Shannon Visockis, Eyerus Curtis, Nina Juniper, Kate Duthy, Tayla Lovering, Jess Harders, Brittany Prout and Emily Garrett. It takes a lot of work for 8 teams to take the court in the Blue and Blue and you guys rock!

As always, stay tuned for more details and GO SHOCS!!

Alex Craig Club President

01 02

SHOC Netball

01. New SHOC Football Club Coach, Andrew “Undies”

Underwood; 02: SHOC’s footy in action.

01 02

2928 Blue & Blue May 2017 | Old Collegians

The newly formed SHOC Music Group has had its first official rehearsal!

Fourteen Old Scholars came along to the DeBourg Performing Arts Centre for the very first SHOC Music session. The group has formed a stage band, with full rhythm section and three horns; a small singing trio; and a guitar duo.

The rehearsal went really well for a first rehearsal for stage band, with the musicians jamming through four charts.

Another very exciting announcement is that Dan Ryan, Director of Music at SHC, has been helping out the SHOC’s Music Group and has secured a regular gig for them at the Holdfast Hotel (The

Holdy). More details to follow. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact Joe Kitschke (

SHOC’s is very proud to welcome the SHOC’s Music Group as SHOC’s newest club and we wish them every success for the future.

Joe Kitschke (‘16), Dani Rosa (’16) and James Killian (‘16) SHOC Music Group

The SHOC’s Soccer Clubs, both ladies and men, are looking for players of all ages and all skill levels are welcome. Training is currently held on Wednesday nights at 6.30pm at Marymount College. For enquiries, please email or check out the Facebook page at

SHOC Soccer

SHOC Music Group

Upcoming ReunionsThe Class of 2006 Reunion.

10 Year Reunion - Class of 2007 TBA Organisers: James Gill & Tania Bode

20 Year Reunion - Class of 19977 October 2017 The Highway, Anzac Highway, Plympton Organisers: Sally Scott & Paul Hadad

30 Year Reunion - Class of 19878 July 2017 The Highway - Anzac Highway, Plympton Organisers: Shaun Moroney & Paula Brinkworth

35 Year Reunion - Class of 198223 September 2017 Stamford Grand Horizons Cocktail Lounge, Glenelg Organiser: Robyn Verrall

40 Year Reunion - Class of 1977 22 July 2017 TBA Organiser: Tony Smith, Michael Duff, David Brookes, David Whiting Search Facebook Class of 77 Sacred Heart College

50 Year Reunion - Class of 1967


1950’s School Reunion - Old Collegians who started at SHC in 1950’s4 August 2017, Adelaide Oval This reunion coincides with the annual Intercol weekend. The venue for lunch is Adelaide Oval, with optional tour beforehand. More details to follow.

If you haven’t already registered your interest to attend, please email at your earliest convenience. Organisers: John Crosby & Tony Shaw

3130 Blue & Blue May 2017 | Old Collegians

Where are they now?Colonel Matthew Jeremy Galton (‘88)Recipient of Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) - Australia Day Honours 2017.

Colonel Matthew Galton (‘88), who graduated from SHC in 1988, was recently the recipient of an Australia Day Honours Award, the Distinguished Service Cross (DSC). The award was for distinguished command and leadership in warlike operations as the Commander, Task Group Taji in Iraq in 2015.

The citation read: “He expertly led the inaugural combined Australian and New Zealand contribution to ‘Build Partner Capacity’ training of the Iraqi Army. He coordinated multifaceted efforts to build, from the ground up, a combined Task Group that fostered relationships with the Coalition and Iraqi Army fighting capability”.

Matthew was awarded a scholarship at the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra in 1989 where he subsequently completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering in 1994. During this time he also graduated from the Royal Military College Duntroon in 1993 as a Lieutenant in the Royal Australian Engineer Corps. He later attended the United Kingdom Command and Staff College where he gained a Masters of Arts in Defence Studies.

During his career in the Australian Army, Matthew served in Combat Engineer Regiments in Darwin and Townsville. He has commanded the 6th Engineer Support Regiment based in South East Queensland. He has also served in staff positions on various headquarters including Division/

Deployable Joint Force Headquarters in Brisbane, as well as Joint Operations Command and Army Headquarters in Canberra.

He has deployed on operations as an Engineer Squadron 21C in East Timor, Engineer Squadron Commander in the Solomon Islands and a United Nations Military Observer in Israel, Syria and Lebanon. He was the Deputy Director of the US-led Counter Insurgence Training in Afghanistan and most recently, he was the US 1st Infantry Division Chief of Plans and then the Commander of Task Group Taji.

This year Matthew is moving to Canberra for a career change with Defence, taking up a Director’s position in the Capital Facilities and Infrastructure Branch where he will oversee major construction projects for Defence facilities in the north of Australia.

Benjamin Goodyear (‘97)After graduating from SHC in 1997, Benjamin Goodyear (‘97) studied a Bachelor of Science majoring in Theoretical Physics at Adelaide University, graduating in 2000. Life then took a few interesting turns as he became heavily involved in DJ-ing, playing in bands, and amateur acting, which paved the way for a hedonistic 20s… The acting was, in fact, as part of the Heartspace Theatre Company, a collection of Sacred Heart College Old Collegians (and a few others) under the leadership of former SHC drama teacher, Christopher Havey. The group had well over a decade of success with performances dating back to King Lear in the Adelaide Fringe in 2002, as well as many well-received ‘Nights in the Parlour’ showcasing various short plays

to intimate audiences in a gorgeous setting.

Things settled down in his mid-20s (slightly) and Ben completed a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment at the Securities Institute (now Kaplan), followed by a Graduate Diploma in Property at the University of South Australia. Ben ended up working as a property valuer, helping his father’s business grow for a few years.

As he reached his late 20s he sensed he was not making the most of things. The DJ-ing and acting died down, and he then took time to seriously consider what he wanted to do next. After a long deliberation he felt compelled to do a law degree, which he began in 2009. And from the very first lecture, he has not looked back. Ben describes law as “definitely my life calling.” He took a Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice at Flinders University (being the only University he had not yet studied at!) and was fortunate to be taught by a fantastic teacher called Tania Leiman. She instilled a passion for the law in him, and he followed it right through.

In 2012, Ben graduated from law (top of the year) with the University Medal and 16 other prizes in law. He then worked for a year as a Judge’s Associate in the Federal Court of Australia in Adelaide. The Judge for whom he worked, Justice Lander, is now the Independent Commissioner against Corruption.

From there, he moved to Sydney in 2013 where he joined the big litigation firms. Most recently, he was working for a fantastic partner at King & Wood Mallesons… “a truly brilliant mind and a down to earth top guy. But there was one challenge left… one ‘academic Mount Everest’ yet to be climbed.”

01. Col. Matthew Galton (‘88) in Taji Iraq, addressing the Iraqi Army 76th Brigade at the completion of their training. The

Brigade went on to fight successfully in Ramadi and Mosul; 02. Col. Galton

on Taji Military Complex, Iraq, in 2015; 03. Benjamin Goodyear (‘97); 04. The Duke Humfrey Reading Room in the Bodleian Library, Oxford University,

where Benjamin Goodyear studies; 05. Scott Illingworth (‘98) playing the sax on

stage with the Hilltop Hoods; 06. John Bartlett (‘03) teaming up with Paul Kelly

and AB Original on keys; 07. Paul Bartlett (‘99) teaming up with Paul Kelly and AB

Original on drums.

There is a course at Oxford University that is regarded as the toughest law Masters in the world, the Bachelor of Civil Law. This one-year Masters degree is difficult to get into as they receive over 1,000 applicants each year and only accept just under 150 from around the world. About 15 or so Aussies get in, and this year Ben applied and was accepted!

“So I am reading law for some 10 hours a day, but the experience is surreal. The history, the architecture, the academic prowess, and the atmosphere contained in this place is intoxicating and inspiring.“ Ben said.

Ben is impressed by the Duke Humfrey Reading Room in the Bodleian Library. “The books are from the 16th and 17th Century and it’s a fantastic place to read and study. You can read the books, but the entire Bodleian Library is a non-borrowing library, so everything is read inside. There are hundreds of desks around to accommodate the readers and yes, they have shot some Harry Potter scenes there.”

Ben expects he will return to Adelaide

in mid-2017 after his course ends, and before he returns to Sydney to return to work as a commercial lawyer - just in time for his 20-year school reunion!

Successful musicians...

Scott Illingworth (‘98)Congratulations to Scott Illingworth (‘98) who recently shared an ARIA as best live Australian act as a touring member of the Hilltop Hoods. Scott also worked on the sound design of their album and appeared onstage at Clipsal 500 concert with them.

He continues to produce the sounds and music for many adverts you might hear regularly on Adelaide radio and TV. His clients include the RAA, Foodland, Clipsal and many others.

If you want to check out Scott’s work, follow the link (at about 3 min 30) which shows him playing sax with the Hoods in front of a massive crowd last New Year’s Eve at Falls Festival.

John Bartlett (‘03) & Paul Bartlett (‘99)Other successful Old Collegians who have succeeded in the music industry include John Bartlett (‘03) and Paul Bartlett (‘99). This link ( shows them in action, teaming up with Paul Kelly and AB Original. Paul is on drums and John is on keys. John also co-wrote a song with the Hilltop Hoods on their last album. Check out John’s solo at around the 3 minute mark!

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3332 Blue & Blue May 2017 | Old Collegians

Meg Lemon (‘07)Meg Lemon (‘07) was invited to compete as part of an 11-rider team for the 2017 UCI Para-cycling Track World Championships, held in Los Angeles from 2-5 March 2017.

This was Meg’s debut. The event was held at the VELO Sports Centre in Carson, in the west of Los Angeles, California, signifying the first time in the history of the sport that a UCI Para-cycling Track World Championships will be held during the season following a Paralympic Games.

Meg Lemon finished fourth in the women’s C4-C5 scratch race.

Her efforts at the championships were outstanding as she had only been classified for the event less than three months ago.

The South Australian riders’ efforts, and strong results from their teammates saw Australia win 14 medals at the championships to finish third on the ladder behind the United States and Great Britain. The Australian team won four gold, six silver and four bronze medals.

SASI coach, Loz Shaw, said the SA riders were outstanding.

“For someone like Meg (Lemon) to produce the results she did with fourths in her events was quite amazing as she has only been newly classified for about two and a half months.”

Henry Duregon (‘11) and Jackson Kalz (Year 12)In 2016, the Glenelg Golf Club won the Simpson Cup, capping off a great season with a tough final win against

a determined Grange team. The team featured two Sacred Heart College boys, Old Collegian, Henry Duregon (‘11) and current Year 12 student, Jackson Kalz.

Henry Duregon came into the team for his first match in the Simpson Cup, completing a strong 4/2 win playing at no. 6. This completed a very good pennant season for Henry, who was unbeaten in the Bonnar and Simpson Cup this year. Henry’s win then gave each team a win.

Jackson Kalz played at no. 4, which gave the team the advantage, winning his match 3/2 to complete a very solid first Simpson Cup season. Jackson, with six wins from eight matches in his first season at this level, has been outstanding. This win gave the advantage of three wins and one loss and just needing one more result in our favour.

Jackson recently caddied for Canadian Maude-Aimee LeBlanc in the Women’s Australian Open held at the Royal Adelaide after applying through Golf SA’s high-performance squad. He carried LeBlanc’s clubs, asked her questions between holes and soaked up the experience.

Jackson is currently Australia’s 10th ranked junior and plays off scratch. This year he has already won his first interstate event (the Golf Victoria Junior Masters), played his first professional tournament, qualified 38th in the Men’s Australian Amateur Championships and has been named SA’s junior captain for the interstate series in Wollongong held in April. To read more about Jackson Kalz, see the story featured in the Messenger Community News - Coast City Weekly on 8 March 2017. Well done to both!

Jakeb Solley (‘12)Congratulations to Old Collegian Jakeb Solley (‘12), who has been awarded the NECA Communications Apprentice of the Year.

Jakeb took part in SHC’s VET program while he was in Year 11 and 12, starting with a Certificate I in Construction in Year 11 and then changing to a Certificate II in Electro-technology in Year 12.

Jakeb was also awarded an Australian Vocational Student Prize at the end of Year 12 when, at the time, he said, “If the students are willing to put in the effort, hard work and actually care about the future they hold, the College staff are there to see us through.”

Whilst at school Jakeb displayed initiative, an excellent work ethic and enthusiasm for all that he did. He was also very motivated, self-aware and determined; characteristics that have helped him in his working life. We congratulate Jakeb and wish him continued success into the future.

Samantha Oxford (‘13)Samantha Oxford (‘13) has been chosen as one of only two business school students from Flinders University to go to Italy to spend two months with global Italian shipbuilding company, Fincantieri.

Fincantieri is one of three shipbuilders short-listed by the Federal Government to bid for the $35 billion job to build nine new frigates for the Australian Navy.

Samantha, who grew up in Broken Hill before moving to Adelaide to board at Sacred Heart College, was keen to learn


01. Meg Lemon (‘07) with other members of the 2017 UCI Para-cycling team; 02. Harry Duregon (‘11) with Glenelg Golf

Club team mates after winning the Simpson Cup; 03. Year 12 student, Jackson Kalz featured in the City Coast Weekly

Messenger on 8 March 2017; 04. Jakeb Solley (‘12) receiving his Apprentice of the Year Award; 05. Luke Paparella (‘15)

with his HIA-Stratco Carpenter Apprentice of the Year award; 06. Isaac White (‘16) is in the United States on a

Scholarship at Stanford University; 07. Jordan McArdle (‘16) has signed a contract with the Arizona Diamondbacks

Baseball team in Arizona, USA; 08. Emmanuel Irra (’11) is the first Ugandan player in the AFL and was picked by Port Adelaide Football Club in 2016; 09. Mitchell Hinge (‘16) was

selected by the Brisbane Lions in the 2016 AFL draft; 10. Liam Mackie (‘16) was picked up by the Collingwood Football

Club in 2016 AFL draft.

more about the Italian company and to help forge new relationships for SA businesses.

“We’re hoping in the future to create an internship for engineers and in our business school at Flinders,” said Samantha recently to The Advertiser.

Luke Paparella (‘15)Luke Paparella (‘15) was awarded the HIA - Stratco Carpenter Apprentice of the Year at their Annual Awards held on 25 March 2017. Luke is an apprentice to Old Collegian, Andrew Ramage (‘81) of JK Ramage Builders. Luke was a quiet achiever whilst involved in the VET Program at Sacred Heart College. He studied Certificate II in Construction and partial Certificate III Carpentry and was quickly snapped up by the Ramage’s post school.

Sporting dreams realised...

Isaac White (‘16) Isaac White (‘16) has been offered a four year, full scholarship to Stanford University, California. He will be studying Kinesiology and participating in the Basketball program.

Isaac was made several offers from other leading universities in the United States, but decided this was the best fit for him. Older brother and Old Collegian, Sam White (‘14) is currently studying Medicine at Sydney University.

Jordan McArdle (‘16) Jordan McArdle (‘16) is pursuing his sporting dream in baseball and has signed a contract with the Arizona Diamondbacks Baseball team in the

United States. Jordan will study at the Central Arizona College.

Emmanuel Irra (‘11) Emmanuel (Eman) Irra (’11) grew up a long way from Adelaide. He left his extended family in Uganda when he was just 11 years old. He didn’t grow up dreaming of one day playing in the AFL, but when he arrived at Sacred Heart College and started playing football for the First XVIII he started believing it could be a reality.

Emmanuel has played for South Adelaide in the SANFL since 2004 and was recently picked up by Port Power in the 2016 AFL draft. He will be the first Ugandan to get onto an AFL list.

Mitchell Hinge (‘16)Mitchell Hinge (‘16) was pick #20 in the 2016 AFL draft where he was selected by the Brisbane Lions. Mitch was a boarder at Sacred Heart, having come from his home town of Mundulla. Before he was drafted to the Brisbane Lions he played Under 18’s for the Glenelg Football Club, having played his junior football with Mundulla. In footy terms, he is a very competitive player. He is described as a poised left-footed medium utility who loves taking intercept marks.

Liam Mackie (‘16)Liam Mackie (‘16) was pick #39 in the 2016 AFL draft and was picked up by the Collingwood Football Club. Liam won the medal in the State School Football Final last year and caught the attention of Collingwood. He is also the cousin of Old Collegian and very successful Geelong footballer, Andrew Mackie (‘02). Liam played for Sacred Heart First XVIII and for the Glenelg Football Club before being drafted to Collingwood.

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3534 Blue & Blue May 2017 | Old Collegians

Scott Kingsley Parham (‘78)2 January 1963 - 22 October 2016

Scott Parham (‘78) sadly passed away on 22 October, 2016. Scott was a Life Member of the Sacred Heart Old Collegians Association and was very passionate about his community. Rest in peace, Scott.

Brian David Fennell Ld’H (‘43) 1923 - 2016

Brian Fennell (‘43) passed away on 19 August, 2016. He was a life member of the Sacred Heart Old Collegians Association and was passionate about Sacred Heart. In 2014 Brian attended the celebration of 100 years of Sacred Heart College as the oldest Old Collegian!

Brian was a Warrant Officer in the Royal Australian Air Force and received several honours for his service.

On 24 September last year, the Honorary Consul of the Netherlands in South Australia, Mr Willem Ouwens, presented Mr Fennell with the Dutch Arnhem Medal in recognition of his service during World War II. At the beginning of September this year, sadly just a few weeks after Brian’s passing, his family received the insignia of the Legion of Honour from the French Embassy in Canberra in recognition of their father’s service in the liberation of France.

Brian Fennell served in the RAAF

from 10 October 1942. After training in Australia, he undertook further training in Canada. As a member of the Canadian No. 437 Squadron, he served as a Wireless Operator/ Air-Gunner. He flew out of England and India before returning to the UK and flying in the Battle of Arnhem – Operation ‘Market Garden’ (17–25 September, 1944). His aircraft was a DC3 of No. 271 Squadron RAF, towing a glider carrying Airborne troops. He later flew on a second mission that dropped supplies to troops on the ground. He finished his service with No. 271 Squadron, and was demobilised on 8 October, 1945.

Lest We Forget.

James ( Jim) Mortimer Butler (‘38) 26 February 1922 - 26 January 2017

Jim Butler (‘38) passed away on 26 January 2017 surrounded by his loving family. Jim was very actively involved in the Sacred Heart community and a Life Member of the SHC Old Collegians Association.

Jim was a loyal Old Collegian and great supporter of the Marist Brothers who did a lot for the parish. He was very active in St Vincent de Paul, Hutt Street Centre, Catholic Communications Office and the Papal Visit Committee. He was one of the main organisers of the visit of Pope John Paul II in 1986 and for many years did voluntary work for the team at The Southern Cross.

Jim was larger than life, successful at school, successful at business and an outstanding Catholic layman who gave much to the Church. He lived a long life, had two very happy marriages and was blessed with his sons, Monsignor John Butler AM (‘56-63), Kevin Butler (‘58-66) and his daughter Julie. He will be sadly missed by his family and friends.

Rest in peace, Jim.

ObituariesPatrick Constable (‘12)Patrick Constable (‘12) continues to excel in his chosen sport of cycling. He recently competed with South Australia’s elite and up-and-coming cyclists at the 2017 Cycling Australia Track National Championships at the new Anna Meares Velodrome in Brisbane, with SA once again taking top of the podium.

SA was announced champion state for the fifth time in six years, after four days of competition across 32 events. In the Men’s team sprint, Patrick Constable made it back-to- back gold medals when he teamed with fellow Olympians, Matt Glaetzer and Ben Scholl. The outstanding results from the SA team should see the riders in strong contention to make Australian teams for various World Cup competitions later in 2017.

Bior Aguer (‘16)Bior Aguer (’16) was born in South Sudan and completed Year 12 at Sacred Heart last year. He has generously agreed to share his story with our school community. His journey to Sacred Heart College has been a far more challenging one than many of us would ever experience.

Bior also attended the South Australian School of Languages during his time at Sacred Heart where he achieved an Academic Excellence Award for gaining an A+ in his study of Languages and Culture in Dinka (a Nilotic dialect cluster spoken by the Dinka people who are the major ethnic group of South Sudan).

As a result of this subject, Bior has a much greater appreciation and

knowledge of key factors that have shaped the culture and society of South Sudan.

He has studied the language and linguistics of Dinka but has also grappled with the impact of civil war on Sudan's people, as well as examining the cultural significance of cattle as a store of wealth both in a contemporary and historical context.

Bior has been a student at Sacred Heart College for the last three years and has always sought to maximise his opportunities at the school, outwardly exemplified by the pride he has taken in wearing his uniform along with his commitment to study, co-curricula and leadership within the school.

When Bior was 4 years old when he and his family made the decision to leave Sudan for Kenya where they spent a year in a refugee camp. Bior was then given the opportunity to come to Australia with an aunt and her family.

Upon arriving in Adelaide Bior started Reception at Pennington Primary School, and completed his primary schooling at Greenwith Primary School, Golden Grove. He then moved onto secondary school starting Year 8 at Mark Oliphant College and after moving house, transferred to Seaview High School until the end of Year 9. It was then that Bior came to Sacred Heart College to begin his senior schooling in Year 10.

Bior is very grateful for the supportive SHC community where he has tried to make the most of every possible opportunity afforded him. In his senior years of schooling he has lived with his older brother and has juggled study, work at KFC and involvement in sport, (in particular basketball which he hopes will always play a part in

his future life, especially if he is lucky enough to get a sports scholarship for the United States).

In Year 12, in addition to Language and Culture, Bior studied English Studies, Legal Studies, Integrated Learning, Sport and Fitness, and Research Project. In the future he hopes to work in professional advocacy and is looking towards a degree in either Law or Journalism and Professional Writing to help him realise this dream. Over the Australian summer, prior to university starting, Bior will be travelling back to South Africa with his brother to see his family who he has not seen for 13 years. In closing, Bior said that he hopes that he has shown that anything is possible with hard work and a supportive environment.

Molly (Mary) Noonan (‘16)Recent College graduate Molly Noonan (‘16) has received an Award for Excellence for the Animal Care and Husbandry – Certificate III in Rural Operations program for 2016 after completing her VET course with Sacred Heart College. Congratulations, Molly!

01. Brian David Fennell Ld’H (1963-2016) with Sir Eric Neal AC Kt CVO KStJ (the

32nd Governor of South Australia, 1996-2001, and former Chair of the Veterans

Advisory Council in SA). This was photo taken at the Arnhem Medal award

ceremony on 24 September 2015; 02. Brian Fennell as a student in his SHC uniform;

03. James Butler (1922 - 2017).

01. Bior Aguer (’16) was presented with an Academic Excellence

Award by the Hon Susan Close, MP, Minister for Education and Child

Development, for gaining an A+ in his study of Languages and Culture

in Dinka; 02. Molly Noonan (‘16) received an Award for Excellence

for the Animal Care and Husbandry – Certificate III in Rural Operations

program for 2016; 03. Patrick Constable (‘12).

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3736 Blue & Blue May 2017 | Old Collegians

Desmond (Des) John Stroud (‘56)Desmond Stroud (‘56) sadly passed away on 19 January 2016. Des was a student at Sacred Heart College in the 1950’s and received a Commonwealth Scholarship in his final year, after which he returned to his home town of Port Pirie for a metallurgical cadetship at the BHAS Smelter where he graduated in Primary Metallurgy, which he followed up with a Bachelor of Applied Science from the University of Adelaide in 1964.

He always had a special interest in the discoveries of Australian and world explorers. Des kept in touch for many years with fellow students from Sacred Heart and particularly with his teacher, Brother Romulus, who was always keen to hear about his travels as Leader of three expeditions to Central Australia in search of the fabled Lasseter’s Lost Gold Reef.

Des lived a life of inquiry, exploration and with recognition of the importance of education. He had a strong sense of social justice. Des left this world with projects still pending – several outback novels in draft stage, an extensive family tree almost completed and an uncatalogued collection of rocks and historic items of interest.

Des is survived by his wife, Natalie, and children Mark, David and Rebecca and his seven grandchildren.

Danielle Murdoch (‘11) got engaged to Lewis Gunn from Mildura on 15 October 2016 at Bird In Hand Winery in the Adelaide Hills. They celebrated their engagement party at Mr & Co Wine Bar in Mildura on 18 February 2017. Their wedding will be held on 8 December 2018 in the Sacred Heart College Chapel.

Kate Wishart (‘08) became engaged to Daniel Morton on 17 February 2017. Her brother, Old Collegian, Daniel Wishart (‘00) designed a beautiful engagement ring for her. They celebrated their engagement in their soon-to-be new home followed by a long lunch with their family.

Lauren Henly (‘12) became engaged to Stephen Watson. They will be married next year in January.

Congratulations to all our Old Collegians on their engagements! We wish them all the best for the future.

Laurie Brooks (‘41)Old Collegian, Laurie Brooks (’41) and his wife, Norma celebrated a grand milestone recently - their 60th wedding anniversary. They celebrated this auspicious occasion at Largs Bay on 9 February 2017.

Laurie and Norma were married in the Sacred Heart Chapel on 9 February 1957 (incorrectly recorded in the Old Collegian as 9 January 1957).

Congratulations Laurie and Norma!

CelebrationsSpecial Anniversaries


Douglas (Doug) James Omond OAM (‘44)2 October 1927 - 3 November 2016

Doug Omond (‘44) passed away peacefully on 3 November 2016. Doug was the dearly beloved husband of the late Terry. He was the Order of Australia South Australian Branch Secretary from 1993 - 1995, and Chairman from 1995 - 1998. Doug was also an esteemed Charter member, Life Member, Past President and Past District Governor of the Lions Club of Edwardstown. Doug was recognised locally, nationally and internationally for the humanitarian service he so freely gave through the Lions Organisation for 54 years.

Eileen LinksonEileen Linkson, widow to late husband, Old Collegian, Paul Linkson (‘50), passed away peacefully on 26 December 2016 at 84 years of age. Paul and Eileen were both very active in the Sacred Heart community.

Desmond (Des) Vincent McCaffrey (‘42) 3 April 1927 - 27 January 2017

Old Collegian, Desmond Vincent McCaffrey (‘40-42) passed away on 27 January 2017 at the age of 89. Des was the loving husband of Betty (deceased) and loving father of Elizabeth, Christopher and Paul. He was a Life Member of the SHC Old Collegians Association.

01. Laurie Brooks (‘41) and wife, Norma, celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary;

02. Danielle Murdoch (‘11) was engaged to Lewis Gunn; 03. Kate Wishart (‘08) was

engaged to Daniel Morton; 04. Lauren Henly (‘12) was engaged to Stephen Watson.



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3938 Blue & Blue May 2017 | Old Collegians

Jamilen (Jenny) Chaina (‘85) was married to Simon on 27 August 2016.

Jeremy Leach (‘95) married Alison Klingberg on 3 September 2016.

Kathleen Creek (‘06) was married to Nathan Hyatt on 24 September 2016.

Adrian Dipilato (‘05) married Hailey Robertson on 24 September 2016.

Nicholas Gelekis (‘08) married Alison Hastie on 1 October 2016.

Martin Quinn (‘06) and Kelly Evans married on 8 October 2016.

Old Collegians Liam Grieve (‘07) and Stacey Nolan (‘07) were married on 8 October 2016.

Justin Sanders (‘95) married Rachel Mason on 22 October 2016.

Jack Carter (‘09) married Courtney Buckley on 5 November 2016

David Exton (‘02) married Kirsty Fraser in the Chapel on 12 November 2016.

Effie Skouroumounis (‘11) married Jeremy Facciol on 3 December 2016.

Shane Mayger (‘93) married Nicole Riley on 21 January 2017.

Old Collegian Amy Verrall (‘03) and Matthew Fechner were married on 22 October 2016 at Cummins House, Novar Gardens. Bridesmaids were Old Collegians, Michelle Sloan (nee Fitzgerald) (‘03) and Hannah Evans (nee Vieceli) (‘03).

William Spurling (‘06) married Gertrude Taylor (‘08) in the Sacred Heart Chapel on 3 December 2016. The reception was held at Paxton Winery. The bridal party consisted of Old Scholars, Winnie Taylor (‘16), Martha Taylor (‘14), Ursula Taylor (‘17), Maid of Honour, Jaime Byrne (‘08), Jack Fosdike (‘06), Sam Gordon-Smith (‘06) and Aaron Day (‘06). The Best Man was Henry Whiting.

James Hayes (‘09) married Ellen Syme (‘10) on 14 January 2017 in the Sacred Heart Chapel, followed by a beautiful reception at Morphettville Racecourse Chandon Pavilion. James and Ellen met when Ellen was in Year 12, with James proposing on a beach in Thailand.

Bill Noblet (‘00) married Sarah on 27 January 2017 at the Glen Ewin Estate, Houghton. The bridal party included several Old Scholars including Best Man, Ben Williams (‘99) and groomsmen, Justin Kurenda (‘00), Chris Catalano (‘00), Steve Cousins (‘99) and Lachie Smyth (‘00). Bill and Sarah spent their honeymoon on a road trip in a motor home across the Nullarbor to Perth, stopping at all the best places the south west corner of WA has to offer.

Ali Trewartha (SHC Staff member) married Andrew Wright at the Royal Pita Maha in Ubud, Bali on 30 December 2016. Andrew proposed to Ali on a yacht in Sydney on his birthday and they were married a year later. Congratulations Ali and Andrew.


01. Amy Verrall (‘03) and Matthew Fechner; 02. William Spurling (‘06) and Gertrude Taylor

(‘08); 03. The Spurling/Taylor wedding; 04. James Hayes (‘09) and Ellen Syme (‘10); 05.

James Hayes (‘09) and Ellen Syme (‘10); 06. Bill Noblet (‘00) and Sarah’s wedding party; 07. Bill Noblet (‘00) and Sarah; 08. Ali Trewartha (Staff

member) and Andrew Wright; 09. Ali Trewartha (Staff member) and Andrew Wright.

01 02


04 05



08 09

4140 Blue & Blue May 2017 | Old Collegians

Congratulations to Steven John Williams (‘05) and Emily Williams (nee Wray, ‘05) on the birth of Billie Kate Mary Williams on 26 October 2016 weighing in at 3.6kg and measuring 53cms. Billie joins big brother Darcy into the Williams family. We welcome Billie to the Sacred Heart family!

Heath Treacy (‘88) and Julie Klovekorn welcomed their beautiful baby boy, Mike Jay Treacy into the world on 8 January 2017, weighing 3.46kg. The addition of Mike now makes a happy little family of five kids under 10! Congratulations Heath and Julie.

Luke Ware (‘99) and Sahra Ware were delighted with the safe arrival of Leo Hamilton Ware on 18 November 2016 in Bangkok Thailand.

Tim and Angela Queale (nee Jarvis, ‘98) welcomed Liam Dennis Queale on 22 December.

Jack Horan (‘01) and Nat Horan are thrilled to announce the arrival of their little girl, Ella Victoria Horan, born on 16 January 2017. Mum and Dad are smitten!

Old Scholars, Mark Hazelwood (‘02) and Kathryn Hazelwood (nee Naguib, ‘04) are thrilled to announce the arrival of their son, Alfie Max Hazelwood born on 12 October 2016. He weighed 7lb 2oz and was 51 cm long.

Old Scholars, Dr Michael Quinn (‘97) and Bettina Quinn (nee Downing, ‘97) welcomed their second child, Theodore (Teddy) Michael Quinn into the world on 8 November 2016. Teddy weighed in at 5lbs, 13oz. His big sister April is in love with her new baby brother!

Old Scholar and teacher at SHC, Amanda Byrne (nee Norman, ‘04) and her husband Rory Byrne were very excited to announce the birth of their little boy, Connor Shane Byrne. He arrived into the world at 8.01pm on 16 March 2017, weighing in at 3.25kg and was 51cm long. Needless to say that Amanda and Rory are very excited and couldn’t be more in love with their little boy!


01. Baby Billie Kate Mary Williams; 02. Baby Mike Jay Treacy; 03. Baby

Leo Hamilton Ware with parents, Luke (‘99) and Sahra Ware; 04. Baby

Liam Dennis Queale; 05. Baby Ella Victoria Horan; 06. Baby Alfie Max

Hazelwood; 07. Baby Theodore (Teddy) Michael Quinn; 08. Baby

Connor Shane Byrne.

















Opening Blessing

& of the Br Joseph McAteer Centre to be celebrated by Most Rev Philip Wilson.

The Sacred Heart College Community cordially invites you to the

9.30am, Wednesday 17 May 2017Sacred Heart College, 195 Brighton Rd, Somerton Park.

RSVP by 8 May to Julie Hext at

College events

Sacred Heart College

College Tours

Middle School Percy Ave, Mitchell Park T: 8276 7877 Senior School and Boarding House Brighton Rd, Somerton Park T: 8350 2500

Middle School Tours 2017Thursday 18 May, 9.15amThursday 24 August, 9.15amTuesday 24 October, 4.00pmWednesday 8 November, 9.15am

Senior School Tours 2017Thursday 25 May, 9.00am

Tuesday 29 August, 9.00amTuesday 31 October, 9.00am

195 Brighton Road, Somerton Park SA 5044 T (08) 8350 2500 E

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