blog writing presentation

Post on 15-May-2015



News & Politics



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10 Blog Writing & Posting Tips for

Your Local Business

Presented by: Brian Wilson860-729-6329


Tip #1

Choose a Blog Platform that Best Fits Your Business Needs

Self-Hosted Blog –More control and options so this type is recommended

Hosted Blog – Limited options and less control, but OK to use as a starting point. Most popular hosted blogs are and

Tip #2

Use Relevant Keywords in Your Blog Posts

People enter certain keyword terms when searching for local products or services

You should use these same keywords in your blog posts

Will help you show up higher in the search engine results – drawing in your target market

Tip #3

Incorporate Location-BasedSEO in Your Blog

Results are geo-targeted, so this will help you capture those who are in your particular area

Include your city’s name in your blog post headlines

Don’t over-do it

Tip #4

Keep Your Posts Short and Sweet

People love high-quality content, but do not want to read lengthy, drawn-out content

Stay “on-topic”

Get all of the important points across in a timely manner

Tip #5

Use Bullet Points in Longer Posts

Break up your longer posts by using bullet points

More visually appealing

Makes content a lot easier to follow and read

Tip #6

Proofread Your Posts Before Posting

First impressions are everything

Proofread your content BEFORE posting

Look for Typos and Grammatical Errors

Unprofessional posts could turn off customers and potential customers

Tip #7

Use Images in Your Posts

People are naturally attracted and drawn to content that has images

Add images to your blog posts to spice them up and to break up the content

Tip #8

Remain Consistent with Your Posting Schedule

Once you start posting, don’t top

Do not go months at a time without posting as your audience will lost interest

Create a consistent schedule to post

Tip #9

Make a List of Blog Post Ideas Ahead of Time

Don’t let yourself run out of ideas

Set aside some time to sit down and write down at least 20 blog post ideas

Do this every so often to ensure you always have fresh ideas

Write the content yourself or outsource it

Tip #10

Provide Value on Your Blog

Keep your blog entertaining, informative, and engaging for your target audience

This will keep them coming back for more

When trying to decide on topics, ask yourself what THEY would want to know


If you would like more information about blogging, contact me at 860-729-6329

For a FREE Consultation

Brian Wilson860-729-6329


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