blessed teresa of calcutta

Post on 22-Jun-2015






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Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

Presented by:

3rd Grade

Mother Teresa lived from 1910-1997. She founded a religious

order of sisters called the

Missionaries of Charity

who serve Jesus in the sick, dying, orphaned

and the hungry.

She did most of her work in Calcutta,

India but her sisters now work with the “poorest of the

poor” all over the world.

Mother Teresa loved little children and helped many who had no one to care for them.

She opened homes for the dying, cared for the starving and nursed the


While she did amazing work with the people whom no one else wanted to

help, she did not see her work as

anything great.

Mother Teresa loved St. Therese and

followed her “Little Way” of doing

small things with great


“ It is not how much we do

but how much lovewe put in the doing

that makes our offering something beautiful for


The key to Mother’s ministry was her strong prayer life.

We should pray everyday too!

Mother Teresa became very

famous all over the world for

her work. She met with

presidents and world leaders.

She won many medals and awards.

But none of that was important to her.

Everything she did was for Jesus.

“All we do– our prayer, our work, our suffering– is for Jesus. Our life

has no other reason or motivation.”

Right now, our class decided we are not called to live as radical a lifestyle as Mother Teresa, but that does not mean we cannot

follow her example.

We brainstormed what we could do here in our own

school to be like her and be more Christ like.

Mother Teresa inspires us to do

“ordinary things with extraordinary love”

Small things…


Here is what we came up with…

Share what you have with others!

Be helpful!

Play nicely!

Help someone who is hurt!

Help classmates when they drop something!

Include everyone!

Give people what they need!

Be a peacemaker!

Donate to the food pantry!

Do the right thing even when no one is watching!

Follow the saints and they will lead you to


and remember…

Small things…

Great Love!!

Blessed Teresa, pray for us!

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