blackdot bridging the gap whitepaper

Post on 10-Nov-2015






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Blackdot Bridging the Gap WhitePaper


  • BRIDGING THE GAPThe Critical Role of the First-Line Sales Manager

    in Re-focusing the Frontline Sales Effort

    First-line Sales Managers are the critical link in the performance lifecycle of a pharma sales representative. By applying the four sales management disciplines that re-focus their team onto high-yielding sales activity, first-line Sales Managers can more effectively and efficiently bridge the performance gap and build high-performing teams.


    PAGE 2: First-Line Sales Managers: Worth their Weight in Gold

    PAGE 4: Manage Performance Using the Principles of Tight-Loose

    PAGE 8: Drive Adherence and Buy-in to Segmentation and Targeting Processes and the Sales Model

    PAGE 11: Run a Consistent, Efficient and Effective Management Rhythm

    PAGE 13: Set Clear Quality Standards and Build Effective Teams

    PAGE 15: Conclusion

    PAGE 18: Blackdots 4 Disciplines of Sales Management Program


    Bridging the Gap: The Critical Role of the First-Line Sales Manager in Re-Focusing the Frontline Sales Effort

    DisciplinePAGE 3:

  • Bridging the Gap: First-Line Sales Managers: Worth their Weight in Gold

    First-Line Sales Managers:Worth their Weight in Gold

    The profound and compounding impact a Sales Manager have on their sales teams means that one high-performing Sales Manager is as valuable as a handful of high-performing sales reps. High-performing Sales Managers manage teams that achieve superior results and the cumulative effect of their efforts far exceeds the revenue uplift achieved by a single high-performer working at the frontline.

    Benchmark Managers are those first-line Sales Managers that fall within the top Quartile across the proven drivers of Sales Manager effectiveness. Benchmark Managers matter because they materially impact the bottom line. High-performing Sales Managers teams beat their targets and drive almost four times more growth across their portfolios (see Figure 1 and Figure 2).

    Unfortunately, first-line Sales Managers often bear the brunt of organisational squeeze. Buried by admin, over-burdened by their many masters and bogged down wearing too many hats, Sales Managers increasingly find themselves consumed by everything but sales. In fact, selling and enabling their teams to sell more, better, and more effectively is often the last thing on their burgeoning to-do lists and a task many find hard to even get to.

    Yet focusing sales teams onto high yielding activity is without question the most important part of a first-line Sales Managers role. When they do this with focus, diligence and discipline; they directly drive results.

    So, how do we better enable our Sales Managers to focus on managing sales in order to drive predictable, repeatable and sustainable high performance?


    Benchmark Managers build teams that achieve 16% greater On-Target-Performance than teams managed by Core Managers*

    FIGURE 1

    Benchmark Managers




    Benchmark Managers build teams that grow their portfolios 3.8% faster than teams managed by Core Managers*

    FIGURE 2

    Benchmark Managers





    * Based on 18 months of Quarterly territory sales data (and controlling for new hires, territory size and changes)


  • 3Discipline

    dis ci pline*noun

    1. to train oneself to do something in a controlled and habitual way.

    2. the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour.

    Blackdots benchmark research has isolated four key management disciplines that differentiate high-performing first-line Sales Managers from the core. These are not simply management practices or leadership prerogatives. They are tangible, sales-specific disciplines that, when applied effectively, make a material difference to the results achieved by the sales engine as a whole.

    High-performing Sales Managers apply discipline to the ways in which they:

    1. Manage performance using the principles of Tight-Loose2. Drive adherence and buy-in to segmentation and

    targeting processes and the sales model3. Run a consistent, efficient and effective management

    rhythm4. Set clear quality standards and build effective teams

    Each of these must be applied with consistency, in a controlled and habitual way, in order to truly reap the rewards from the un-tapped potential that is our first-line Sales Managers.

    Bridging the Gap: Discipline

    * Oxford University Press; 2014

  • Manage Performance Using the Principles of Tight-Loose

    We all know a one-size-fits-all approach to managing sales rep performance is ineffective. Yet many first-line Sales Managers still fail to adapt their approach to the specific needs of individuals in their teams. In fact, compared to 82% of Benchmark Managers, less than 50% of core Sales Managers view managing performance as a dynamic, active and ongoing activity (see Figure 3). This drops to an astounding 13% for low-performing managers.

    Benchmark Managers are more likely to view performance management as a dynamic, active and ongoing (vs. static, moment-in-time) activity

    FIGURE 3



    33% 13%


    2nd Quartile Managers

    3rd Quartile Managers

    4th Quartile Managers

    Benchmark Sales Managers are almost three times more likely to provide coaching than core Managers

    FIGURE 4Benchmark Sales Managers also provide more effective coaching in addition to the heightened provision with which they dispense it

    FIGURE 5




    Benchmark Managers Core Managers

    This is not the only difference between Benchmark Mangers and their broader peer population when it comes to managing performance. Notably, Benchmark Managers are far more likely to recognise the importance of coaching compared to core or low-performing Sales Managers (see Figure 4). Interestingly, when Sales Managers (across-the-board) do provide coaching, this coaching is by-and-large rated as effective by their team members (see Figure 5).

    So the real challenge is how we get Sales Managers to coach more, and then more dynamically adjust the way they manage different individuals using a consistent set of principles that still reflects the unique needs and requirements of each sales professional.

    Typical approaches take Year-To-Date On-Target-Performance as the starting point for assessing and driving performance. In pharma however, this is a particularly poor indicator of performance because of the lack of doctor prescribing data and associated difficulties in predicting product demand.

    Yet if we add to this another measure of performance - that of Performance Trajectory - we are able to develop a more complete view of the reps overall performance. Useful metrics for measuring performance trajectory include backward-looking Compound Annual Growth Rate, forward-looking opportunity forecast, or a combination of the two.


    Bridging the Gap: Manage Performance Using the Principles of Tight-Loose





    2nd Quartile Managers

    3rd Quartile Managers

    4th Quartile Managers

    2.1 hrs*

    4.1 hrs*

    6.4 hrs*

    6.5 hrs* * coaching hours per rep per month

  • EMERGINGBelow Target

    Performance Improving

    EXCELLINGAbove Target

    Performance Improving

    DEVELOPINGBelow Target

    Performance Declining

    PLATEAUINGAbove Target

    Performance Declining

    Below AboveCurrent Performance vs. Target









    The four Performance Profiles allow Sales Managers to segment their teams according to each reps current performance and performance trajectory.

    FIGURE 6

    This multi-dimensional approach offers a deeper level of insight into performance and a more robust platform from which to determine the best way to managing the individuals performance in the immediate term. By introducing the second dimension of performance trajectory, Sales Managers can segment individual reps into one of four Performance Profiles (see Figure 6):



    90% 110%



    % V


    e G




    n =



    Having segmented reps into their relevant Performance Profile, Sales Managers can build individually-relevant coaching and performance management plans for each rep and focus on progressing each rep up the performance curve.

    With these insights in-hand, Sales Managers also possess a more granular, insightful snapshot of the true performance distribution of their teams in terms of the outputs that matter today and tomorrow.

    FIGURE 7

    Scatterplot of Territory On-Target-Performance and Compound Annual Growth Rate for the representatives of a major pharma company benchmarked in 2013*

    * Based on 18 months of Quarterly territory sales data (controlling for prouct maturity and underlying market demand)


    Bridging the Gap: Manage Performance Using the Principles of Tight-Loose

  • 1SETOBJECTIVESDefine individual performance and

    development goals and objectives (such as

    specific activity)


    coaching, mentoring and support in pursuit of the defined performance and

    development goals

    3EVALUATE PERFORMANCEFollow through and close

    the loop on outcomes achieved against the

    defined performance and development goals

    Depending on the individual reps Performance Profile, Sales Managers can adopt atight or loose approach at each stage of the performance management cycle:

    Armed with this knowledge, Sales Managers can adapt their management style to best suit each individual rep. The Tight-Loose framework focuses Sales Managers onto what matters most: managing sales. And we know that Benchmark Managers apply these principles more than anyone else in their Sales Manager peer group (see Figure 8).

    Benchmark Managers apply theTight-Loose management principles and adjust their approach to the performance management cycle to best suit each individual rep

    FIGURE 8


    50%40% 33%



    2nd Quartile Managers

    3rd Quartile Managers

    4th Quartile Managers

    The ultimate goal of the Sales Manager is to accelerate progression of each rep up the performance curve into the Excelling quadrant as quickly as possible. To efficiently enable sales people to excel and outperform, Sales Managers need to master the ability to adapt how they manage their reps across the the performance management cycle:


    Bridging the Gap: Manage Performance Using the Principles of Tight-Loose

    Correct PerformanceManagement Approach





    TIGHTExplicit & Clear


    LOOSEHands-off, Low-touch

    Support, Guidance & Coaching

    TIGHTHands-on, High-touch

    Support, Guidance & Coaching










  • Actions to bridge the gap:Manage Performance Using the Principles of Tight-Loose

    Consider the current performance (using metrics such as On-Target-Performance) as well as the performance trajectory (using metrics such as Compound Annual Growth Rate, Opportunity Forecast, or a combination of the two) of each sales repSegment sales people into their respective Performance Profile based on the current performance vs. performance trajectory mix - Are they Developing, Emerging, Plateauing or Excelling?Manage each of the four Performance Profiles using the correct Tight-Loose mix across the three stages of the performance management cycle (setting objectives, providing support and guidance, and evaluating performance)




    In general however, the frequency with which Sales Managers fail to adapt their approach (or adapt it correctly) when managing their teams signals tangible missed opportunities to lift performance across the board. The potential performance uplift from implementing Tight-Loose principles is significant and an opportunity worth leveraging.


    Bridging the Gap: Manage Performance Using the Principles of Tight-Loose

  • Drive Adherence and Buy-in to Segmentation and Targeting Processes and the Sales Model

    Building an army of True Believers - those who follow the defined processes and actually see them as enabling - is absolutely fundamental to the long-term success of any sales organisation. Why? Only adherence to process can drive truly repeatable, predictable and sustainable results. In pharma, this takes the form of the:

    1. Defined segmentation and targeting process;2. Call coverage and frequency planning process; and3. Organisations sales model

    Benchmark Managers extract maximum value from the processes their organisations have created and invested in, and effectively leverage their organisations defined sales model to drive more sales.

    Even where other sales tribes out-perform True-Believers (eg. Mavericks - who typically make up approximately 5-10% of the frontline fieldforce), their population size is significantly smaller, they are harder to find, and frequently operate in unpredictable or unsustainable ways. High-performing sales organisations focus on building their army of True-Believers to ensure long-term, sustainable profitable growth.

    True Believers deliver repeatable, predictable and sustainable performance results for the organisations they work forFIGURE 10

    Dont follow any processes yet recognise the

    lack of processes hinders them


    Dont know processes exist, and work it out for themselves


    Defy the processes and do their own



    Follow the processes, but dont see them

    as enabling


    Follow the defined

    processes and see them as



    True Believers ...

    Contribute more revenue ... - 9.2%- 6.9%+ 1.1%- 5.1%Base Case

    Grow their portfolios faster ... 4.7% --12.0%4.0%-0.5%


    Bridging the Gap: Drive Adherence and Buy-in to Segmentation and Targeting Processes and the Sales Model

    51%40%45%52%28%... and represent lower flight risk

    49%35%33%38%27%Spend less time on non-sales activity ...

    37%46%44%33%60%Believe targets are achievable ...

  • A common misconception is that sales reps dont like process. In reality, if the process is seen as an enabler of performance and is simple to follow, then the value of adherence is appreciated and True Belief develops as a result.

    Adherence to process is what fundamentally drives the behavioural predictability associated with True Believers and underscores the sustainability of their performance outcomes. True Believers are far more likely to:

    Focus on making (rather than taking) orders Have an external focus on proactively pursuing growth opportunities Hit the potential rather than just the plan

    With the belief that they are working with, and being supported by the organisation, True Believers align their personal goals to those of the organisation and sell with the wind at their backs. This engagement means True Believers want to stick around which also results in lower flight risk. As their performance improves year-on-year, True Believers become an increasingly valuable asset to their respective companies.

    If True Belief is a fundamental ingredient that drives performance, then driving True Belief is a critical ingredient of the Sales Managers role. But how are they to do this effectively?

    Building an army of frontline True Believers necessitates being a True Believer oneself, and this is what our research has confirmed. Benchmark Managers consistently demonstrate greater clarity around their organisations processes, appreciate the utility of these processes and understand their enabling qualities. In other words, they are True Believers.

    Furthermore, Benchmark Managers proactively drive True Belief among their teams and become critical conduits in the creation of more True Believers within their organisations (see Figure 11).


    Bridging the Gap: Drive Adherence and Buy-in to Segmentation and Targeting Processes and the Sales Model

    Benchmark Sales Managers are 22% more likely to manage True Believer sales teams than core Sales Managers

    FIGURE 11

    Benchmark Managers


    Core Managers



  • When rated by the frontline around process understanding, advocacy and coaching; Benchmark Managers score higher across all key True Believer dimensions:

    When it comes to driving adherence and buy-in to the organisations segmentation and targeting processes and sales model; the Sales Manager has enormous influence, casting a long shadow on adoption across their teams.


    Bridging the Gap: Drive Adherence and Buy-in to Segmentation and Targeting Processes and the Sales Model

    FIGURE 12Benchmark Managers have a superior personal understanding of their organisations processes


    Benchmark Managers possess a superior personal understanding of their organisations segmentation and targeting process, call coverage and frequency planning process, and sales model. 93% of Benchmark Managers understand and apply these processes meaningfully, and 94% can explain them clearly and deeply.



    67%36% 44%

    2nd Quartile Managers

    3rd Quartile Managers

    4th Quartile Managers

    FIGURE 13Benchmark Managers are far stronger advocates of their organisations processes


    Benchmark Managers promote and positively position their organisations processes with their sales teams. 98% of Benchmark Managers adhere to their organisations processes, and 87% stress the importance of following the process with their team. 88% create opportunities via meaningful application of these processes, and 90% are consistent and disciplined in their use of systems and tools, organisational language and methodologies. 39%




    2nd Quartile Managers

    3rd Quartile Managers

    4th Quartile Managers

    FIGURE 14Benchmark Managers integrate their

    organisations processes into coaching and training


    Benchmark Managers adhere to their organisations Learning and Development processes far more than core Managers. 88% of Benchmark Managers provide effective coaching and training on these processes.

    28% 35%




    2nd Quartile Managers

    3rd Quartile Managers

    4th Quartile Managers

    Actions to bridge the gap:Drive Adherence and Buy-in to the Segmentation, Targeting and Sales Model

    Establish absolute clarity on your organisations defined segmentation and targeting process, call coverage and frequency planning process and sales modelIntegrate explainations and advocacy of these processes into your consistent sales meetings and forumsMake explaination of your organisations processes a Business-As-Usual component ofall (formal and informal) coaching and training interactions and activities




  • Run a Consistent, Efficient and Effective Management Rhythm

    Eliminating the costs associated with poorly-run sales forums represents one of the greatest efficiency and effectiveness quick-wins in every pharma company. Although sales forums and meetings exist to enable and re-focus the frontline onto high-yielding activity, all too often they evolve into a catch-all for everything and everyone, and rapidly lose their real utility and value.

    The best management rhythms - the integrated program of sales forums and activities defined by the organisation - are consistent, efficient and effective. In benchmark sales organisations, three out of four frontline reps believe their organisations meetings and forums are run consistently, efficiently and effectively.


    Benchmark Managers are also more effective and efficient in the meetings and forums they do run (see Figure 16).

    Benchmark Managers run meetings and forums that are perceived by the frontline to be twice as effective than those run by core Managers.

    Benchmark Manager effectiveness is strongest in running forums focused on strategy and development, with nearly two-thirds of all Benchmark Managers developing growth strategies and providing 1:1 coaching and development (see Figure 17).


    Bridging the Gap: Run a Consistent, Efficient and Effective Management Rhythm


    FIGURE 15 Manager rhythm consistency


    Benchmark Managers run more consistent meetings (see Figure 15). Their consistency is strongest in running disciplined sales meetings where sales strategies are developed to profitably grow key segments, geographies, verticals, products and services, or alliances.

    Benchmark Managers are also far more consistent when it comes to performance management forums. They consistently run formal and organisation-wide performance evaluation and development planning for sales reps and sales leaders, as well as consistently engage in target setting forums more so than core Managers (see Figure 17).

    38%45% 40% 44%


    2nd Quartile Managers

    3rd Quartile Managers

    4th Quartile Managers



    2nd Quartile Managers

    3rd Quartile Managers

    4th Quartile Managers


    56%FIGURE 16Manager rhythm effectiveness and efficiency

  • 12

    So how do Benchmark Managers establish and run more consistent, effective and efficient forums? What information do they share and discuss?

    Benchmark Managers operate to a more consistent, effective and efficient management rhythm across the meetings and forums that matter most.

    Bridging the Gap: Run a Consistent, Efficient and Effective Management Rhythm


    Benchmark Managers

    Core Managers

    STRATEGYDevelop sales strategies to profitably grow key segments, geographies, verticals, products / services, or alliances

    Gather, organise and use market and competitor intelligence

    RESULTS COMMUNICATIONTimely performance reporting and results communication to sales people and sales leaders

    SALES PROCESS AND OPPORTUNITY IDENTIFICATIONRegular and robust client prioritisation based on potential, fit and convertibility

    Disciplined sales meetings

    DEVELOPMENTProvide regular 1:1 coaching and development

    MANAGE PERFORMANCEFormal and organisation-wide performance evaluation and development planning for sales reps and sales leaders

    Formal and organisation-wide target-setting of financial objectives for salespeople

    Benchmark Managers

    Core Managers


    Benchmark Managers are disciplined across a suite of diversified forums and meetings with far superior consistency, efficiency and effectiveness

    FIGURE 17

    41% 37% 61% 25%

    24% 27% 55% 27%

    63% 62% 57% 30%

    33% 34% 45% 32%

    76% 58% 51% 23%

    27% 28% 63% 27%

    45% 33% 43% 28%

    49% 43% 63% 31%

    Actions to bridge the gap:Run a Consistent, Efficient and Effective Management Rhythm

    Take stock of all of the meetings and forums being run across your organisation; documenting the core purpose, participants required, frequency, running agenda, roles and responsibilitiesBuild out a quarterly schedule of forums that eliminates duplication and ensure coverage of the focus areas of strategy, results communication, sales process and opportunity identification, development and performance managementCrystalise the new meeting and forum objectives, running agenda and roles and responsibilities. Communicate this to meeting and forum participants, and adhere to the execution schedule




  • Set Clear Quality Standards and Build Effective Teams

    There exists an enormous amount of literature on the impact of the 1-Up Sales Manager on their direct reports. Blackdots benchmark data supports this.

    Benchmark Managers are consistently rated by their teams as being highly effective in setting clear expectations and goals to work towards (see Figure 18). They are much more effective at helping their teams understand what good looks like, and role-modelling these behaviours and disciplines (see Figure 19). Benchmark Managers are good at enabling teamwork across the team and with other groups (see Figure 20) to drive people enablement and performance (see Figure 21).


    Benchmark Managers are better role models for their salespeople and provide good examples of organisational values

    FIGURE 19

    85% of Benchmark Managers consistently demonstrate the desired organisational values, with nine out of ten being rated as providing a good example.





    2nd Quartile Managers


    3rd Quartile Managers


    4th Quartile Managers


    FIGURE 20Benchmark Managers are better at facilitating teamwork, collaboration and learning from one another

    Nine out ten Benchmark Managers are rated as effective at seeking and listening to input from team members. 79% of Benchmark Managers facilitate teamwork and encourage salespeople to share information and learn from one another.




    2nd Quartile Managers


    3rd Quartile Managers

    4th Quartile Managers

    Benchmark Managers are superior at enabling people and performance

    FIGURE 21

    At least seven out of ten Benchmark Managers eliminate unnecessary barriers to selling effectively and are attentive to the developmental needs of all team members. 85% supervise salespeople fairly and offer constructive feedback around sales performance.





    2nd Quartile Managers


    3rd Quartile Managers


    4th Quartile Managers

    FIGURE 18



    Benchmark Managers are better at setting expectations

    Benchmark Managers are much more effective at setting expectations, with 88% of Benchmark Managers rated as doing a good job of explaining sales roles and expectations of performance.



    2nd Quartile Managers


    3rd Quartile Managers


    4th Quartile Managers

    Bridging the Gap: Set Clear Quality Standards and Build Effective Teams


  • 14

    Bridging the Gap: Set Clear Quality Standards and Build Effective Teams

    The value of these disciplines cannot be under-estimated, especially when we bear in mind people join the company, but leave the manager. With these things in place, Benchmark Managers achieve higher frontline satisfaction and engagement overall (see Figure 22). The net consequence is that flight risk is substantially minimised (see Figure 23) and ROI from your team and investments maximised.

    Benchmark Managers


    Overall satisfaction is higher in sales teams managed by Benchmark Managers

    FIGURE 22




    Benchmark Managers






    UndecidedLikely to leave


    Reps managed by Benchmark Managers pose a far smaller flight risk than those managed by Core Managers

    FIGURE 23

    Actions to bridge the gap:Set Clear Quality Standards and Build Effective Teams

    Use the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound) framework for setting performance objectives, and ensuring mutual buy-in exists from the frontline around the objectivesCreate a true culture of teamwork and collaboration by promoting and facilitating information sharing across the team, as well as opportunities to learn from one anotherCollectively determine opportunities to eliminate unnecessary barriers to selling effectively with the frontline through the introduction or elimination of (un)necessary Business-As-Usual processes or systems




  • ConclusionAs the critical link in the performance lifecycle of a pharma sales representative, first-line Sales Managers need to possess an understanding of the management disciplines proven to move the performance needle. The critical role of the first-line Sales Manager is to do exactly that: manage sales. Getting disciplined around the four proven drivers of performance in a controlled and habitual way is your fast-track to sales performance uplift:

    1. Manage Performance Using the Principles of Tight-Loose

    Apply a consistent approach to managing performance and tailor that approach according to the Performance Profile of the individual. It may be tight. It may be loose. Or a combination of both. But always start with setting tight objectives in the performance management cycle.

    Consider the current performance (using metrics such as On-Target-Performance) as well as the performance trajectory (using metrics such as Compound Annual Growth Rate, Opportunity Forecast, or a combination of the two) of each sales rep

    Segment sales people into their respective Performance Profile based on the current performance vs. performance trajectory mix - Are they Developing, Emerging, Plateauing or Excelling?

    Manage each of the four Performance Profiles using the correct Tight-Loose mix across the three stages of the performance management cycle (setting objectives, providing support and guidance, and evaluating performance)

    2. Drive Adherence and Buy-In to Segmentation and Targeting Processes and the Sales Model

    Consistently demonstrate, role model, and advocate application of the organisations processes. Sing the same mantra, whatever that is, and sing it over and over again until everyone joins in.

    Establish absolute clarity on your organisations defined segmentation and targeting process, call coverage and frequency planning process and sales model

    Integrate explainations and advocacy of these processes into your consistent sales meetings and forums

    Make explanation of your organisations processes a Business-As-Usual component of all (formal and informal) coaching and training interactions and activities

    3. Run a Consistent, Efficient and Effective Management Rhythm

    Define a clear set of sales forums and execute them consistently. This is the drum beat to which the team marches. Without it they are soldiers wandering lost in the dark.

    Take stock of all of the meetings and forums being run across your organisation; documenting the core purpose, participants required, frequency, running agenda, roles and responsibilities

    Build out a quarterly schedule of forums that eliminates duplication and ensure coverage of the focus areas of strategy, results communication, sales process and opportunity identification, development and performance management

    Crystalise the new meeting and forum objectives, running agenda and roles and responsibilities. Communicate this to meeting and forum participants, and adhere to the execution schedule


    Bridging the Gap: Conclusion

  • 4. Set Clear Quality Standards and Build Effective Teams

    Be clear on what you expect of the team and everyone in it, and consistently role model the sales behaviours you expect to see in them.

    Use the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound) framework for setting performance objectives, and ensuring mutual buy-in exists from the frontline around the objectives

    Create a true culture of teamwork and collaboration by promoting and facilitating information sharing across the team, as well as opportunities to learn from one another

    Collectively determine opportunities to eliminate unnecessary barriers to selling effectively with the frontline through the introduction or elimination of (un)necessary Business-As-Usual processes or systems

    So when it comes to enabling our Sales Managers to focus on managing sales to drive predictable, repeatable and sustainable high performance; the formula is not elaborate nor complicated. Rather, it is eminently practical and profound in its applied simplicity. The secret sauce is discipline.

    Bridging the Gap: Conclusion


  • 17

    Bridging the Gap

  • 18

    Blackdots 4 Disciplines of Sales Management Program

    Blackdot have created the 4 Disciplines of Sales Management Program, designed to ensure that your Sales Managers become more effective in executing the proven sales management disciplines required to continually re-focus your frontline onto high-yielding activity. What are the core components of the Program?

    Complete pre-workshop Sales Manager effectiveness assessment for each participant, illuminating strengths to leverage and gaps to address, as well as internal and external benchmark and performance rating comparisons


    INTENSIVE COACHINGTwo personalised 1:1 coaching sessions, at 4 weeks and 12 weeks post-workshop, covering:

    De-briefing of Dynamic Diagnostics insights Individually-relevant application of the 4 critical management disciplines

    SALES ENABLEMENT PLATFORM12-month subscription to the Blackdot Sales Enablement Platform, providing:

    Centralised, 24/7 cloud-based access to coaching and development plans for each report

    Access to a suite of educational, experiential and exposure-rich best practice activities, tools and resources designed to fast-track development for frontline salespeople

    Ongoing frontline team assessments against the 7 critical frontline behaviours Benchmarks and assessments of team and individuals against external, peer

    group (eg. industry) and internal (eg. company, divisional, job family) benchmarks Access to internal and external community groups that enable the sharing of

    best practices and receipt of the latest updates and push tips

    CONSULTATIVE LEARNING2-day workshop covering modulated learning on the 4 critical sales management disciplines:

    Sales Management Rhythm

    Frontline Engagement

    Coaching and Performance Management

    Process Adherence and Pipeline Integrity

    Bridging the Gap: Blackdots 4 Disciplines of Sales Management Program

  • 19

    Ready access to best practices for immediately uplifting team and individual performance

    Equipped to run more effective coaching, learning, sales meetings and performance improvement initiatives

    Centrally manage and track all coaching, learning, sales meetings and performance improvement initiatives


    How do I get the most out of each individual


    Use performance data to determine whether reps in your team are Developing, Emerging, Plateauing, or Excelling

    Use tight-loose coaching and performance management principles to adapt approaches to setting objectives, providing support and guidance, and evaluating performance

    Use individually-relevant, needs-based coaching and performance plans to support and develop individual team members

    How do I leverage key forums and meetings to focus the team on whats the highest and best use of their time



    Leverage benchmark insights to assess current overall rhythm, individualised forums and identify key areas for improvement

    Develop and refine your suite of high-impact, value-adding forums and meetings that cover strategy, results, sales process, opportunity identification, personal development and performance management

    Execute a better-sequenced schedule of efficient, effective and consistent forums

    How do I lift our opportunity volume, size

    and conversion rate?



    Drive process adherence and buy-in to build an army of True Believers (those that adhere to your organisations processes and see them as enabling)

    Diagnose and address pipeline bottlenecks to convert sales activity into results using defined measures of success

    Learn how to forecast accurately at the individual and team level


    How do I mobilise my team around common goals, quality standards and



    Review and reset expectations around performance behaviours and roles to drive greater frontline role and goal clarity

    Facilitate greater teamwork and collaboration to encourage salespeople to share information and learn from each other

    Establish minimum standards and behavioural expectations with your team to lift accountability

    What Critical Learnings are Included in the 4 Disciplines of Sales Management Program?

    How First-Line Pharma Sales Managers Benefit ...

    Bridging the Gap: Blackdots 4 Disciplines of Sales Management Program

  • Blackdot exists to assist our clients to achieve more predictable, repeatable, and sustainable sales performance.

    What makes us unique is our total fixation on the use of data-driven, evidence-based techniques to understand what does (and does not) drive sales performance.

    By viewing the sales engine holistically, as an ecosystem of component parts that work interdependently to impact sales results, were able to identify the root cause of whats inhibiting and enabling your current performance, including quantifying the payoff in actually getting it right.

    Armed with this knowledge, we stand alongside our clients who engage us to define, implement and embed change programs that bridge the gap between hoping and knowing youll deliver top and bottom line performance improvement.

    About Blackdot

    North America347 5th AveNew York, NY 10016United States

    +1 646 205 8059

    Europe / AfricaThe Broadgate Tower20 Primrose StreetLondon, EC2A 2EW, UK

    +44 (0) 20 3551 6894

    Asia PacificSuite 1, 185 Gloucester StSydney, NSW 2000Australia

    +61 2 8246 7300

    Contact Us

    Contact Blackdot to learn more about Blackdots 4 Disciplines of Sales Management Program and how to bridge the gap for more effective execution of the 4 management disciplines proven to drive performance.

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