blackbaud webinar: turning fans into donors and activists through social media

Post on 10-May-2015






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Carie Lewis, Director of Emerging Media@cariegrls

[ Turning Fans into Donors and Activists Through Social Media ]

[ My name is Carie, and I’m a social media addict. ]

“I just got a keychain and address labels in the mail from you guys. Now that I see you posting on Facebook and know you're

legit, I'll be sending a donation. Thanks for the work you do.”

– Posted to our Facebook Page wall, January 2010

[ Just a Fad? ]

• HSUS’ Social Media Program– Where We Are– Culture– Strategy– Structure– Goals and Measurement

• Tactics for converting fans and followers to donors, advocates, and event attendees

[ What We’ll Talk About ]

I am well aware of the cute puppy and kitty factor.

[ Let Me Get This Out of the Way Now…]

That certainly helps us, but that is not why we are successful.

[ Where We Are ]

[ By The Numbers ]

• 1.4 million Facebook fans• 150,000 Twitter followers• 129% growth rate on Facebook from ’11-’12• $600,000 raised on Facebook (lifetime at the

middle of 2012)• Over 150,000 actions taken on Facebook so

far in 2012

[ How We’re Structured ]

Carie LewisDirector of Emerging Media

Strategy and project management

Ellen PascaleSocial CampaignerSocial media technical

Sarah ButlerOnline Ad Coordinatoronline advertising

Sarah BarnettSocial CommunicationsManagertalking points and PR

Anne HoganCommunity ManagerPosting and engagement

Online Volunteers

Teddy, Bella, and MaxDogs of Emerging Media

Emotional Support

Emma WilliamsEmerging Media Intern

[ How Social Media Works at HSUS ]

• The HSUS Twitter and Facebook pages are maintained by Comm• Social media is a small part of everyone’s job, but we are the gatekeeper • Over 100 presences on Facebook in addition to our Fan Page• Monthly Social Media Working Group for admins • All Admins must sign anadmin contract• No social media policy for employees but hold quarterlyprivacy trainings• Read industry publications and participate in networking events to stay ahead

[ How We Use Them Differently ]

Where our constituents are

For customer service and relationship building but is

also our action oriented community

People talk about us here

A customer service and relationship building tool

[ How We Operate in Social Media ]

• Answer everyone who comes to us with a legitimate question or concern• Do not use tools to schedule or post • Monitor every public mention of HSUS• Facebook response time = under 2 hours, Twitter = 30 minutes.• Don’t delete comments unless they violate our commenting policy• Very selective about what we post • Every post must provide fans some kind of value or benefit. • Never post more than once a day unless there is breaking news.• Social media is no longer an

afterthought – its integrated

[ We are not afraid to fail or screw up! ]

We have, plenty of times.Learn from your mistakes!

We have a crisis plan whichincludes our guidelines ondeleting comments, responding to angry fans, etc – but to boil it down:

In a crisis we:acknowledge, rectify, and move on.

[ Our Social Media “Philosophy” ]

By providing our fans what they want like:

• fun contests• polls asking for their opinion• listening to feedback on posts• answering every question• Show ways to make a difference• other engagement opportunities

We believe they will feel enough of aconnection with the brand to do what we ask such as:

• donating• taking action• filling out a form• Answering a question• RSVPing to an event

[ But Perhaps Most Importantly…]

We don’t measure success by # of fans or followers.

“…that’s so myspace.” –C. Lewis

[ What Matters? ]

The Like or Follow is the beginning of the relationship between you and a fan,

not the end.Ask yourself:• Do those people do what you want them to do? (tie to goals)• How can you get them to do it? (think like a user)• How are you making it a valuable community for both you and

your fans? (be selective and creative)• How will you get them to come back? (engage)

You must be relevant, interesting, concise, responsive, and provide value to your fans.

[ Goals ]

Our goals in using social media are: advocacy, fundraising, providing customer service, and increasing brand sentiment online by

promoting the good work of the organization.

Customer service & engagement Interest & trust

Positive connectionto the brand

Better chance of becoming a member

More likely to share our content

Everything we do online is tied to advocacy and fundraising – social media is no exception.

• # of actions taken• # of donors• Amount of donations*• # of new names to file• Customer service wins• Sentiment %• Growth rate• Most popular content• # mentions• Notable mentions

[ What We Measure ]

*both from Facebook Causes and sourced from our website

[ Don’t Forget About the Intangibles! ]

Our Weekly Social Media Mentions Report showcases notable mentions about our brand in social media.

Includes mentions from: • Supporters/members/fans• Other organizations• Companies• Celebrities

Sent to executives to showcase intangible benefits from social mediaas well as give them an insight of what’s buzzing online that week related to our brand.

[ Tactics to Steal! ]

Get excited!!

[ 15 Tactics to Convert Fans to Constituents ]

#1: Ask explicitly with a solid call to action.

How to do it: – Add “Please RT” or “please share” or “take action now” to your posts. Note: use sparingly or it will not mean as much.

Why it works: People tend to do things if you just ask.

[ 15 Tactics to Convert Fans to Constituents ]

#2: Make every piece of content you already have shareable and ask people to share on every thank you page.

How to do it: – Use a free tool like AddThis to make your emails, webpages, and advo/donation forms shareable on Facebook and Twitter

Why it works: Your existing constituency is more likely to share your content and recruit like-minded friends, and right after they’ve taken action is the peak time for their engagement with you.

[ 15 Tactics to Convert Fans to Constituents ]

#3: Replicate all of your asks inside Facebook.

How to do it: Use Facebook Causes fundraising projects or your CMS’ API technology to bring forms onto a custom Facebook tab

Why it works: People on Facebook want to stay on Facebook, and will convert at higher rates if you keep them there.

[ 15 Tactics to Convert Fans to Constituents ]

#4: Answer and thank everyone.

How to do it: Answer everyone that asks a question in a comment string or writes on your wall. On Twitter, set up keyword monitoring for anyone that shares their donation.

Why it works: When someone gets a response, it builds trust and loyalty. Donors want to feel that you appreciate them and that they’re not just another donor. They will be more likely to donate again or recruit others (modern-day donor cultivation!)

[ 15 Tactics to Convert Fans to Constituents ]

#5: Get serious about social monitoring.

How to do it: Use Tweetdeck and Google Alerts (free) or purchase a social CRM like SmallAct, Spredfast

Why it works: When someone is talking about you, you can respond and give them the info they need, like help with their donation or clear up misinformation.

[ 15 Tactics to Convert Fans to Constituents ]

#6: Make real world events social by replicating events on Facebook.

How to do it: Create a Facebook event for all of your events, even online (like webinars). Add Twitter handle to your registration fields, and create a Twitter hashtag. Add RSVP on Facebook on the registration thank you page.

Why it works: People on Facebook like to stay on Facebook, and show the world all the fun things they’re doing. They might even suggest to friends. This gets people online, offline.

[ 15 Tactics to Convert Fans to Constituents ]

#7: Don’t dismiss custom tabs yet.

How to do it: Create custom tabs to show people how they can become a member / donate / take action

Why it works: Timeline may have gotten rid of landing tabs, but you can still push people to tabs. Pushing people to our member tab to get our magazine was the most successful donation method in 2011.

[ 15 Tactics to Convert Fans to Constituents ]

#8: Make it about THEM.

How to do it: Instead of saying “sign our disaster preparedness pledge” say “you wouldn’t leave your pet behind in a disaster, would you? Then sign the pledge!”

Why it Works: People ask “what’s in it for me?” Make it about them and they’ll feel more connected to you.

[ 15 Tactics to Convert Fans to Constituents ]

#9: Use Facebook ads (yes, I said it.)

How to do it: Even $100 will produce results via Facebook’s robust ad targeting system.

Why it works: You can target ads to your fans via a promoted post, linking to a certain post. Use this for donation and action campaigns. This is a great way to ensure fans see your posts, and convert them.

[ 15 Tactics to Convert Fans to Constituents ]

#10: Give them multiple ways to donate - whatever is comfortable for them.

How to do it: Give options to donate on Facebook, on your website, via mobile, via a custom tab, etc.

Why it works: Some people still aren’t comfortable with donating on Facebook, and some don’t want to leave. Give them all possible options.

[ 15 Tactics to Convert Fans to Constituents ]

#11: Make it a safe plans for fans.

How to do it: Have a commenting policy on your page and enforce it.

Why it works: Your fans don’t necessarily know everything about you, so when they come to your page you don’t want a bunch of spam, misinformation, etc. on your page. It could deter them. Be there! (And don’t disable posting or commenting by fans!)

[ 15 Tactics to Convert Fans to Constituents ]

#12: Post a variety of types of content.

How to do it: Ask for opinions, post actions, post funny photos or videos.

Why it works: People like variety. Switch it up. Don’t beat people over the head with asks, but don’t just post fluff all the time. That way when you do ask for something, they’ll know you mean it / need it.

[ 15 Tactics to Convert Fans to Constituents ]

#13: Make your content as relevant as possible to your fans.

How to do it: Localize your posts so that they are geographically relevant.

Why it works: When something is more relevant to you, you’re more likely to pay attention and do something about it.

[ 15 Tactics to Convert Fans to Constituents ]

#14: Close the loop.

How to do it: When you ask fans to do something, let them know what happens as a result.

Why it works: People want to see how their time and money is making a difference. Show them by following up and closing the loop, and they’ll be more inclined to do it again when you ask.

[ 15 Tactics to Convert Fans to Constituents ]

#15: Make sure you’re tracking.

How to do it: Use Google Analytics or your CMS’ trackable link system to uniquely source all different promotion types.

Why it works: How will you know if you’re converting fans to constituents if you’re not tracking it? Test different ad text, images, post types, etc. to see what resonates best with your audience.

[ That All Being Said… ]

You still need a sizable base to take advantage of the virality of social networks.

[ Integration Will Help People Find You ]

• Social media works in conjunction with all of our online channels: email, website, online advertising, and mobile.

• Every piece of content we put out is shareable on Facebook, Twitter, and via email.

• Our homepage has a live feed of Facebook and Twitter

• Every page on our website has a link to our social media presences

• We have a daily 9 minute Communications meeting about what each channel is putting out that day.

• We maintain an editorial calendar for social media• Website content links to related Facebook pages,

events, etc.

[ All of This is Working! ]

• All positions in Emerging Media have been paid for by social media fundraising.

• We are the third most successful nonprofit on Facebook Causes in terms of fundraising.

• We reached our goal of $500,000 raised on Facebook at the end of 2011.

• Our fundraising strategy is to be where people are, and provide them opportunity to give how and where they want to give.

Integration and engagement are the keys to our growth and success in social media.

[ Final Thought ]

#SMWES // @cariegrls

“Social media is free….

free like a puppy.”

[ Thank you! ]

This presentation is available for download at

Also check out my Prezi: “Why I Don’t Like You: Strategies and Tactics for

Continued Social Engagement”

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