black & white mag issue 70

Post on 01-Apr-2016






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Islam by choice pg24


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Published by: Muscat Press & Publishing House SAOCBlack & WhitePostal address: P O Box 86, PC 115, Madinat Sultan QaboosOffice location: Hatat House A, II Floor, Suite No: 212, Wadi AdaiPh: 24565697 Fax: 24565496Website: www.blackandwhiteoman.comEditorial: editor@blackandwhiteoman.comPrinted at Oman Printers


Editor-in-chief Mohamed Issa Al ZadjaliManaging editor Priya ArunkumarWork editor Adarsh MadhavanEditorial Khadija Al ZadjaliDesign & production Beneek SirajPhotography Haitham Al Balushi



Some women cannot sleep. However much they try, they just toss and turn and while the night away. What is it that keeps such women up every night?

Who says Muscat is not so safe?They say Muscat is not a safe enough place anymore, but this man left hgis car with the keys on the door and a laptop inside...


Men can live long, providing…

Bitter Batter

Many of us say we don’t want to live long, but the truth is, we do. Whatever we say, there is something that is deep inside us wanting to live forever and still wanting to do more.

A path to the House of Islam24A recent visit to the Islamic Information Centre (IIC) Azaiba, proved to be an eye opener; the IIC is a treasure trove of information on various aspects of Islam and the Holy Quran.

10 48 Sleepless, these women

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Scribes should not create riftBy Adarsh Madhavan

I remember as a novice reporter, of an English daily, attending a major conference after which we had the good opportunity to hobnob with the big government officials at a five star hotel here. I was clearly wet behind the ears but bubbling with zeal and although I never ever displayed any show, inside, I was raging, wanting to break a new story every day!

Everything, my writing skills, my reporting skills, my querying skills, were on a basic-basic level but my enthusiasm was on the top rung, panting with anticipation and excitement at the thought of getting ahead.

Everyone was openly speaking and there was some environmental issue where an official was talking about; he spoke of an area in the interior, which had a huge segment of expatriates too. Without even giving a thought to it, I blurted out: Is this problem because of the expatriates in that area? Are they the cause of the problem; are you looking at reducing the number of expatriates in that area?Suddenly it seemed as though the conversation went dead, like the mike was pulled out from everyone’s hands and no one could hear anyone speaking. But after that sheer dead silence, near pandemonium broke out! I got a very bad castigation from all around and quickly my senior scribe friends moved me out of the scene with a stern warning that I should not shoot off my mouth like that in the future (which I am following through even today).

But before I was hauled out of the room, the officials told me in no uncertain terms that there was no move whatsoever to reduce any expatriates, perish the thought, and that coexistence of the nationals and the foreigners in the country was literally in a sea of harmony, which they hoped to continue and maintain forever. “They are our brothers; why should we not want our brothers here, in this country?” they asked me sternly. I was totally

dismayed by my choice of words and the silly, audacious manner I strung it and displayed it in front of these high ranking officials, but then shamefaced as I was, I also knew that the real problem was not in the question or the answer but in what I would have done with that kind of an information and what damage I would have caused if I, a newbie scribe, spewed out such irresponsible and unwanted information in the guise of news to the innocent public out there.

Of course, I never attempted any such damaging acts of journalism and even though I was totally wet behind the ears, I was not an irresponsible scribe! But, lately, I have a feeling that some sections of the media here are displaying the irresponsibleness that even, I, during my hair brained and green days did not attempt to do and are resorting to ways and means that could spell trouble. They are, knowingly or unknowingly, trying to produce a rift between several segments of the public and the society here.

Without getting into examples, let me try to explain the sheer mischief that media can bring about. Even in Oman. It can divide and rule, turn one against the other and spread a lot of confusion when it is in the wrong hands. So these subtle references pitting an Omani against an expatriate are not the type of articles that you would want a decent media to write about. Because Oman is not that – it is not a war between two key segments of the public here.

Oman has been having expatriates since a long time and they will continue to have, which is why some of the scribes out here need to understand the dangers of their writing, especially quoting knee-jerk reactions from stray members of the public just for a byline. Still, whether you write rot or right, it still has to be wetted by the editors and lately, I wonder whether the senior editors of these publications read what their staff reporters write, or, whether they edit these reports…it is as though these reports are filed and no one ever reads them before it goes to print!

All a



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Congratulations to

His Majesty

Sultan Qaboos bin Said

and the people of Oman on the

44th Renaissance Day

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I am reminded of my old neighbour in Wadi Kabir when I went through your story on the family in Mabela that fed more than 2000 faithful on every single day of the Holy Month. The numbers maybe dissimilar but the intention, the spirit and the sheer love to serve the deprived segments of the society is the same here with my old neighbour, whom I will only refer by the name of Abdullah (he would not like me to give his full name). He and his family of four are one of the most remarkable Omanis that I have met in my 20 years in this wonderful country. I could write a book (maybe that is indeed a thought to explore) on him and his generosity and how his heart beats for his fellow beings, be it a national or expatriate. He is forever seen helping someone or the other and every Ramadan, he keeps open house where anyone can walk in and have an iftar. He would normally pick around 10 to 20 people who have no proper means to have an iftar and invite them home. In fact, during the month, he feeds close to 50 people per day!I always used to wonder how he and his family managed it. Cooking for 50 was indeed a task and both he and his wife and two helpers used to do the needful; the young children would also pitch in and while they could, some neighbours, who although a bit hesitant at the start, slowly understood

Another family that feeds the deprived





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that with or without them, Abdullah and his family would cook for the 50 and more and yes, sometimes, there were more, like when we all were invited. Those were wonderful times and I wish and hope that I get a chance to be part of Abdullah’s iftars once more!

Mohammed Mansour, Seeb

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The Holy Month is indeed the time when so many acts of charity spring forth. It is indeed delightful to see these small, small acts of charity that may go unnoticed but is still a throbbing reality for many who are at the receiving end of these acts. If a family notices that their neighbour is not too well off, they are always invited for iftar, or at least, some essential household items, perishable and non perishable items are slowly sent to their homes; sometimes, help, even in the monetary form is given. If they find the deprived children are not able to buy something because their parents are not able to afford it, then, they are helped. Like this, so many who would

Acts of charity during Ramadanotherwise be deprived during Ramadan is almost always taken care of.

Mrs D’Abrielle, Qurum

The Holy Month brings forth a special glow in the hearts of the fasting faithful. And it makes most of them into real charitable souls. This is what happens during Ramadan. Everywhere you go, you hear of honourable acts of charity and the like. Maybe it is the spirit of the season, but there are so many people out there who are indulging in small as well as big acts of charity and spreading goodness. What does this reveal? It actually shows the inherent nature of human beings. We are not born to harm, kill and maim. We are not born to be selfish, unkind and unjust to our fellow human beings. We are all that because we wilt under the pressure, fall prey to unnatural substances to enhance our feelings and we end up being poor human beings. In reality, this is not our true nature. We are not that what we have portrayed ourselves to be! Our inner selves are much calmer, sweeter, pleasanter, and we are not as evil as we would like ourselves to believe. But, yes, the more we get into a world of competition, of commercialism and where our sole aim is to make more money at the expense of someone else, we will only end up being corrupt and weak.But, if we allow ourselves to glow like this – not only in Ramadan – but throughout the year, it is not just us, the whole world is going to be a better place!

Mustafa Al Lawati, Seeb

Love Omani cooking

All 365 days…

While one must concede that the element of charity and the sheer feeling of spirituality pervades the air during the Holy Month, I bring to your attention a trivial aspect of Ramadan, but nevertheless of some significance – I refer to the enormous amount of food that is generated at every home and dwelling in Oman. I am a visitor to this wonderful land during this month, and I am staying at an Omani friend’s home and by God,

the kind of food, the variety, the colours, the aroma, the taste…it has been an incredible journey for a foodie like me and I really relish the fantastic spread my hosts and at many homes to whom I have been invited to sample their iftar fare! Wonderful! It has been a treat like no other! God bless Oman, the Omanis and their wonderful cooking!

Tony Andrews, visitor, Australia

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EAT AND LIVE LIKE AN OKINAWAN There is a small island in Japan, called Okinawa. Or, in other words, the heaven of longevity is experienced at Okinawa, which besides detaining the record of longevity, it is also the only place on the planet, where 80 to 90 year olds live like 30 year olds. The reason for all this is simple: the diet here is rich in green and yellow vegetables and low in calories. Apparently, some Okinawans are known to eat only 80percent of the food on their plates. And they have also proved that anyone who strays from this diet will pay the price: the youngsters there today don’t follow these strict dietary practices and naturally the longevity rates have dropped rapidly!

THE ART OF CONSCIENTIOUSNESS There is also a research that the best way to have a long life is to be a conscientious person. Now, what is a kon-shen-shius person? He is one who lives with his conscience switched on permanently. These are people who always have proper attributes like attention to detail and are quite persistent in their approaches. Such people tend to take care of their health and also make the right choices to have strong relationships and are in good careers.

GO MAKE FRIENDSNow, this may sound easy as pie, but not so. Yet, being in a bunch of good, loving friends definitely can increase your life span. Researchers have discovered that old men and women who are always in the company of their own group friends as compared

to those who were mostly alone lived longer than their lonelier counterparts.

…BUT MAKE GOOD FRIENDSHaving said the above, one must hasten to add that you are what your friends are most often! So, it pays to have good friends and not ones who may influence you to the wrong lifestyle. You need to have friends with healthy lifestyles, not the slouches, or the douche bags and the couch potatoes, for their bad and unhealthy habits may rub off on you!Smokers may rub their smoking habit on you and the perennially unhealthy eaters could also push you into the wrong direction!

STUB IT!“While it’s no secret that giving up cigarettes can lengthen your days -- the amount of extra time may surprise you. According to a 50-year British study, quitting at age 30 could increase your lifespan by an entire decade. Kicking the habit at age 40, 50, or 60 boosts life expectancy by 9, 6, or 3 years, respectively,” a report says! Need we say more?

AFTERNOON SIESTANow, this can be used both ways: it can be used as an excuse for employees to snooze in the office and if not, it can actually be used by the same to extend their lifespan. A siesta is nothing unusual and it might actually have scientific backing to prove that it helps one live longer!Studies have actually found out that nappers are 37 percent less likely to die from heart disease than occasional nappers.

Men can live long, providing…

Many of us say we don’t want to live long, but the truth is, we do.

Whatever we say, there is something that is

deep inside us wanting to live forever and still

wanting to do more.So, whether we like it or not, let us admit that our lives are ever entwined

to the fear of mortality and the hope that we

get up better tomorrow than we did today!

Wanting is one thing, but fulfilling that task is easier said than done. But, there are a set of people, who, by their

very nature, tend to live long. By nature,

we mean, the way they nurture themselves, follow a set healthy

pattern and squeeze the very life out of life and

live for a tomorrow than there is no tomorrow!

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The house of Khonji (Bait Al Khonji) in Mutrah, played host to a number of guests, throughout the Holy Month of Ramadan. Bait Al Khonji has always served as a meeting point for people from various nations. In the early days, where there were no hotels, Al Khonji’s majlis was always open and captains of ships were known to even stay there. Today, the tradition continues with Khalil Al Khonji, the former Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief and his family, hosting informal gatherings to discuss on various subjects. During the Holy Month, a cross section of the community, including high-ranking officials, media and people from all walks of life are treated to sumptuous Iftars and dinners.

IFTAR in townBait Al Khonji gatherings

Bank Muscat

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Class apartBy Adarsh Madhavan Off t

he wall

Sometimes, economy passengers are treated like railway passengers. Now, Oman does not have railway passengers, so let us say, they are treated like bus passengers. And bus passengers in India, not Oman.

Maybe Oman too, but it is easier to allude to Indian bus passengers because anything can happen there. You can buy a ticket but there is no guarantee for a seat, which is not surprising because if all seats are taken then you have got to stand, holding on to the hand rails and wait till someone gets up and you pounce on the chair like a cat on a mouse. And, on most flights though, you are treated almost in the same manner, except that you don’t have to stand! One would not know if it is due to an increase in traffic at the Muscat International Airport or whether the workers and the staff manning the different airline counters are having their hands full, but there is a general sense of apathy and a genuine disregard and disregard to passengers, especially the ones travelling on economy, passengers claim.

Before the bags are screened, the only thing you encounter is the bag wrapping section where rude, totally disinterested and perhaps overtly worked staff handle the wrapping part.

A man of Asian origin sidled in front of the queue and asked the man who was next in line to put his baggage for packing, whether he could just have his semi-large can (carrying some liquid…) wrapped as he was already late and the counter was about to close. Go ahead, said the generous man and allowed the rushed passenger to cut the queue and get his luggage item wrapped. But the rude wrapper staff refused to cut the plastic off the wrapped item; snatched the money from the man’s hand and waved him away. After this, he ignored the man who was next in line for the baggage wrapping and took the bag from another man who was not in the queue, but had slowly come forward.

When the man who was legally in the queue protested, the wrapper man raised his voice and said: “form a straight line”! At this affront, the former exploded: “I am not here in a mathematics class, you better take my bag…” Intimidation worked and a couple of hard stares and some direct murmurings straight into the face did the trick and the worker’s irritation was subdued at least until the irate passenger moved away. But then the passenger with his family had more in store at the Jet Airways’ counter where the staff, who seemed to be in a lousy mood, bluntly told his family members not to push all the passports and the tickets together but to give them one at a time. But, we are all travelling together, the passengers chorused to which the rude staff maintained that he could not do much unless his rule was followed. The passengers, though miffed, followed as was told as they were in a bit of confused state of mind too and although educated and occasional travellers were still slightly off colour and the counter staff was of no big help. They seemed to enjoy bullying and sort of intimidating the passengers.

Where have the smiling faces gone and when will airline staff treat passengers as kings, or at least with the decent courtesy and pleasantness that they should accord to their passengers, who obviously are not travelling free.

They are paying through their nose and in a business like this where the sole bread and butter of the airlines are the passengers, however difficult they maybe, should show more than just respect – they should genuflect!

Even on the air, even if the thin line separating the business and the economy class is just a curtain, the near irritation displayed by those who are meant to serve is such a put downer! Of course, not all airlines are the same and not all staff can be called indecent, but unfortunately, not all staff can be called decent too!





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Announcing the first-ever THOUGHT LEADERSHIP initiative in Oman on September 3 and 4, 2014 featuring 10 global thought leaders!

More details soon...

on September 3 & 4, 2014

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The Berger Paint’s wall proved to be an instant attraction for children who were eager to showcase their skills on a large ‘canvas’ at Markaz Al Bahja during the ongoing Kid-Centric event, the first of its kind in Oman. What’s more, everyone who visited the stall was equally thrilled at the prospect of winning a complimentary room makeover!Painting is something that comes naturally to children. And helping them bring out their inner creativity and imagination through colours is Berger Paints, one of the co-

sponsors of Kid-Citement, a unique role play-based edutainment event being organised at Markaz Al Bahja until August 6. A first-of-its-kind initiative in Oman, Kid-Citement enables children to pick up new skills and ‘professions’ normally associated with grown-ups. At the venue, children will perform tasks that teach them creativity, teamwork and responsibility – all in a highly realistic and safe environment supervised by trained adults. Aimed at children aged 3 to 14 years, Kid-Citement will be open at the mall

Kid-Citement with Berger Paint colours

daily (including the Eid holidays) from 7.30 pm to 11.30 pm. Berger Paints are sponsoring a painting role-play activity at Kid-Citement, as part of which it has set up a new 2.5x1.5-metre wall that will be changed daily.

Customers purchasing the Honda City 2014 model will enjoy free registration for five years/150000km mileage warranty (which ever comes earlier), free insurance and an Omasco gift voucher to the value of OMR 60 which can be redeemed for any services or products provided by Omasco including Panasonic and Black and Decker brands among many others. Customers will also avail of the exciting ‘Scratch and Win’ vouchers which promises 10 lucky customers the option of winning OMR1000 or a Honda CBR 250. Honda have also included 10 Panasonic 55 inch 3D HD LED TVs

and five 60inch 3D HD LED TVs in their basket of Ramadan goodies for lucky customers to win. The All new Honda City 2014 was recently launched in Oman by Omasco and has fast become a popular pick by customers seeking a classy drive to get around town. Developed as a global sedan, the Honda City 2014 encompasses the best of Honda’s technologies to deliver an advanced sporty design which offers both drivers and passengers the best in comfort, fuel efficiency and style. The 2014 Honda city is based on a grand concept of an “Advanced Cool Sporty Car”

that has a stunning presence with its dynamic stance, outstanding fuel efficiency, comfortable and spacious interiors. It aims to reflect sophistication and vigor while in motion and a striking charisma when stationary."With many of our customers making journeys to celebrate Ramadan with family and friends the Honda City 2014 is the perfect choice," an Omasco spokesperson said.

Ramadan treats for Honda City drivers

Following the success of the previously launched football tournament, and in order to continue promoting a healthy and social lifestyle, Bank Sohar organised its second internal football tournament which will be played throughout the Holy Month of Ramadan.The tournament which has already been underway since the first week of Ramadan with eight teams representing various departments and divisions within the bank are

taking part in the tournament. The first round of the tournament has already commenced with 12 matches having been completed, each witnessing an exceptionally large turnout of spectators, comprising of

senior and junior staff accompanied by their friends and families, who cheered the teams as they displayed deft football skills on the field.Commenting on the football tournament, Munira Abdulnabi Macki, DGM of human resource and corporate support said, ‘‘promoting a healthy and social lifestyle have always been at the core of Bank Sohar’s operational philosophy since its inception, especially amongst its staff.”

Bank Sohar second staff Ramadan football tournament

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More than 400 women from the community took control of their heart health over the span of two weekends, visiting City Centre Muscat and City Centre Qurum to take advantage of complimentary heart health testing on offer. The drive was part of a global awareness campaign called Go Red for Women and supported in the region by Majid Al Futtaim. This marks the second year that City Centre malls

have hosted this worthy campaign, with the aim to raise the red flag on cardiovascular disease. Over the course of two weekends at City Centre malls, medical professionals from the Medical Simulation Centre, Oman conducted a series of tests including blood pressure, blood sugar, Body Mass Index (BMI), and cholesterol rate in addition to providing advice on how to prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease

City Centre malls health check for women

through nutrition and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The team also trained more than 425 visitors on how to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to save the life of a person who is in cardiac arrest.

Ithraa’s newly-created Investment Promotion Working Group held its first meeting to assess the current status of investment opportunities in Oman. For the next two years, the Investment Promotion Working Group will focus its efforts on providing recommendations on how to grow Oman’s private sector and assist in the creation of new businesses. The group consists of 13 high-ranking representatives from public and private investment companies, commercial banks and funds and has been created to help

enhance Oman’s investment climate and provide guidance on boosting Oman’s competitive business offer. Faris Al Farsi, Ithraa’s director general for investment promotion, said: “Collaboration between the public and private sector is key to developing Oman’s investment climate. The collective expertise of the group is invaluable. Indeed, it

has the potential to play an important role in helping take our business community on and up.”Eng. Hassan Ahmed Al Nabhani, Ceo of the Oman Investment Fund, was elected as chairman of the Investment Promotion Working Group and Sheikh Rashid Al Saadi, chairman of Oman National Investment Corporation Holding, will serve as vice-chairman. Ithraa will be represented by Faris Al Farsi, director general for Investment Promotion, who will advise the group in a secretariat role.

Ithraa Investment promotion working group meeting

In the light of Ramadan, Muscat Grand Mall (MGM), is bustling with activity. Hosting numerous activities and events for shoppers and visitors, the mall is filled with the spirit of the holy month with visitors participating in huge numbers. Commenting on the various activities taking place at the mall, Hassan Jaboub, the general manager of Muscat Grand Mall said, “At Muscat Grand Mall, we constantly strive to engage our customers and tenants in various activities. Benevolence is very important aspect of Islam, more so during Ramadan. Charity drives and the anti-drug awareness campaign encourage customers to

give back to the community and be vigilant. Holy Quran classes are also being conducted for women and children. In addition, HSBC’s female entrepreneurs SME exhibition is currently ongoing.” “In addition to the other activities, we are also running a ‘Shop and Win’ contest which gives shoppers an opportunity to win prizes daily throughout this festive season. We are pleased with the response and energy of the crowd throughout the Mall and don’t expect it to die down until the very last day of the promotion,” he added. As part of its Ramadan activities, Muscat Grand Mall has been running a ‘Shop and Win’ contest where prizes are given

away on a daily basis. The promotion also includes a grand prize of two Infiniti QX60, are being given away to lucky winners through two draws. The first draw conducted on July 14 was won by Saed Al Rawas who drove home the stylish Infiniti QX60. The draw for the second car will be conducted on July 28. Customers are eligible for the Shop and Win coupon for every OMR20 purchase at Muscat Grand Mall.

Muscat Grand Mall Ramadan activities

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The GMC Acadia has received praises ranging from its distinguished looks, luxurious and spacious interior, competent performance to unmatched safety standards. This Ramadan, a very competitive price is another factor that has been added to the list. “The Acadia offers a remarkable combination of unmatched features, highest safety levels and a very competitive pricing that has been

especially worked out for the Holy month of Ramadan. The long list of features that emanate luxury include its exterior styling, rich interiors, spacious cargo and touch screen infotainment, to name a few,” said Virendra Agarwal, Ceo, Moosa Abdul Rahman Hassan & Co LLC.The Acadia line-up includes SLE, SLT and Denali models all of which come with an eight-passenger configuration. It is capable of towing

Remarkable offer from GMC Acadia

up to 2,364 kg when properly equipped. It has proved to be one of the most successful entrants in the premium SUV in three-row segment since its launch.

National Bank of Oman and Qatar Airways have announced a series of summer pro motions as part of their recent alliance. The various offers will give National Bank of Oman Visa cardholders the chance to win flights, claim discounts on holidays and tickets as well as earn extra frequent flyer miles when travelling with Qatar Airways.These exclusive offers include a seven per cent discount on all Qatar Airways holiday packages for the bank’s cardholders, and any customer who books a Qatar Airways ticket using their National Bank of Oman card between July 1 and July

31, travelling before August 31, will receive double frequent flyer miles on bookings. Cardholders will also be entitled to 12 per cent off business and first class flights. In addition to this, all NBO customers who have

booked flights on Qatar Airways using the special promotion code will be entered into a raffle to win economy flight tickets to Bangkok or London. Moosa Al Jadidi, deputy general manager retail banking said: “We are delighted to announce our exciting summer offers in partnership with Qatar Airways, which are the first in a series of promotions which will be launched as part of this agreement. We have some great promotions for our customers to enjoy when travelling in the coming months, and we look forward to rewarding their loyalty.”

National Bank of Oman and Qatar Airways summer offers

Shortly f ollowing the launch of the second round of its Direct Support Programme on June 23, 2014, Zubair Small Enterprises Centre (Zubair SEC) reports a remarkable level of interest and applications by existing and new members. The launching of the second round of the Programme highlighted a year of success and accomplishments since the establishment of Zubair SEC, and renewed commitment by The Zubair Corporation and Zubair SEC towards supporting and developing the Small

Enterprises sector in The Sultanate.The Direct Support Programme rewards the Centre’s members who join its membership through their existing small businesses or concepts of businesses and who prove throughout their work with the Centre their commitment towards success and dedication in applying the consultancy and advice provided to them by the Zubair SEC team. These members’ projects and businesses should also reflect proper strategic planning and accurate

Direct support programme of Zubair SEC

feasibility studies that reflect their owners’ eagerness to apply best business administration measures with the assistance of Zubair SEC. Accordingly, selected members for the Direct Support Programme receive extra direct advisory and consultancy services in addition to a financial grant to support their businesses.

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The Autocare sector in Oman has undergone rapid surge in popularity in recent years and in just a few years of operations Sayarti has already established itself as a pioneer and market leader in various services related to the car care sector. Sayarti recently announced that it is expanding its services to Mabaila, opening a dedicated new Sayarti branch at the first phase of the Mabaila Industrial Area. Commenting on the opening of the new branch, Salim Al Harthy, the marketing manager for Sayarti noted; “Auto Care is not just about vehicle servicing, it’s about complete automotive care combined with the health and appearance of a vehicle. It is this philosophy that guides our operations and services at every turn, which include our dedicated new Sayarti branch at Mabaila. As a result, product quality and outstanding customer service demonstrate our

Sayarti Autocare Branch at Mabaila

SWISS resumes daily flight operations into Muscat

Gujarati wing annual blood donation

Effective July 20, 2014, Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) resume its daily flight operations with flight numbers LX242 and LX243 to and from Muscat. The heavy maintenance runway upgrading work at Dubai International Airport from the period of May 1 and maximum July 19, 2014, resulted in the temporarily discontinuation of SWISS’ Dubai – Muscat – Dubai flights for a period of 80 days. SWISS will be operating with an Airbus A330-300 equipment into Zurich via Dubai with 3 class configuration First-, Business- and Economy class and offers very convenient connections to and from Europe, the USA and Canada.

The Muscat Gujarati Samaj (the Gujarati wing) of the Indian Social Club Muscat recently organised the annual blood donation at the Temple Hall in Darsait. Around 157 donors donated their blood to the Central Blood Bank. Rajendra Ved, Arvind Toparani and Chandrakant V Chothani appreciated the spirit of the donors.

commitment to client satisfaction, and are the foundation principles for the Sayarti brand.”

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Meethaq, from Bank Muscat, Islamic Development Bank (IDB), and Islamic Research and Training Institution (IRTI) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) that aims to support joint business opportunities in the Islamic banking sector. The MoU provides a general and a broad understanding of the common interests of the respective institutions and a desire to work together for mutual benefits and the greater good of the Islamic finance industry. Sulaiman Al Harthy, group general manager – Meethaq Islamic Banking, Dr Abdulaziz Al Hinai, IDB VP Finance, and Prof. Dato Azmi Omar, general manager of IRTI signed the MoU in a ceremony in Saudi Arabia. They expressed delight in signing the MoU as the culmination of mutual desire to work together in various fields of

Islamic banking to develop new opportunities. Sulaiman Al Harthy said: “Oman is witnessing substantial growth in Islamic banking industry and we consider our partnership with IDB and IRTI a great advantage to maximise favorable opportunities and thereby expand our coverage. In addition to that, it will support the position of Meethaq Group in the Islamic banking industry.”

Meethaq sign mutual MoU to promote Islamic banking opportunities

Offering a haven outside of the city, Millennium Resort Mussanah is hosting a series of exciting social activities for its guests and visitors throughout the month of Ramadan. In true essence of the occasion, the resort is offering beautiful views of the Marina complemented by gourmet buffets that cater to all tastes. Maurice De Rooij, General Manager of the Millennium Resort

Mussanah, said: “Ramadan is a time for families and friends to get together, and we invite everyone to share in the spirit of the occasion with us through traditional food specially prepared by our chefs.” For the duration of the Holy Month, Millennium Resort Mussanah is offering special room rates of OMR 53 per night with Suhoor included for each guest. The resort is also

offering private and group Iftar bookings with special Ramadan dishes with prices starting at OMR 10 per person.

Millennium resort ramadan special activities

Oman Oil Marketing Company (omanoil) has launched a redemption scheme for its premium multi-faceted loyalty card, Basma. In collaboration with Bank Muscat and Lulu Hypermarkets, the scheme encourages cardholders to take full advantage of the benefits by redeeming accumulated points. Basma cardholders can redeem points at any of Lulu’s 12 Hypermarkets across the Sultanate until the December 31, 2014.Hussain Bait Ishaq, omanoil general manager of retail, fuel cards and regional offices said, “Our philosophy is to offer customers the greatest possible shopping experiences

Omanoil launches Basma card redemption scheme

with broader benefits and value for money. We looked towards the future of Smart Card technology and designed the scheme for flexibility and freedom to live up to our promise of offering higher levels

of convenience. At our forecourts, cardholders are encouraged to redeem points at every opportunity to enjoy the benefits with a hassle-free exchange.”

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The Renaissance day which is celebrated on July 23 each year, is a very special occasion to every Omani national. His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said laid the foundations of the renaissance on July 23,1970. Since that day, Oman has made great achievements in all sectors, transferring the country into the ranks of developed nations. The developments achieved within the last 44 years are a source of pride for Oman and its people. The National Center for Statistics and Information (NCSI) issued a report revealing some of Oman’s accomplishments over the past 44 years.The total area of the Sultanate is 309,500 square kilometers, while the total population has reached four million by the end of June 2014, compared with 2.6 million in 2006. The population density has increased from 8.3 (person per square kilometer) in 2006 to 12.5 (person per square kilometer) in 2013. Although the government has focused on the development of all sectors, great attention was

Great transformation in education, health, transport and communication sectors since 1970

given to the education sector in order to develop human resources and to enhance the contribution of the citizens in the construction and development of the country and subsequently taking it into the ranks of developed nations. The education sector has seen great change over the years; from just three schools in 1970, to 1,259 schools in 2006, increasing to 1,418 schools in 2009, and 1,553 schools in 2013. The total number of students studying at these schools also witness an increase from less than 1,000 student before 1970 to 626,474 students in 2006. This number witnessed an increase in 2009 to 629,353 students, and then to 660,973 students in 2013. The total number of teachers also increased from 44,055 in 2006, to 50,796 in 2009, and 64,990 teacher in 2013.Additionally, the health sector

received special attention from the government as well, witnessing significant development under the wise leadership of His Majesty the Sultan since the dawn of the Renaissance Day. The number of hospitals increased from 59 hospital in 2006 to 66 in 2013. The number of beds also increased from 5,328 beds in 2006 to 6,518 beds in 2013. Number of health centers also increases from 131 in 2006 to 172 health center in 2013. Meanwhile, polyclinics increased from 19 in 2006 to 23 in 2013. Medical staff also witnessed a great change from 4,578 doctor in 2006 to 5,862 doctor in 2010, increasing to 7,662 doctor in 2013. The total number of nursing staff also increased from 9,615 in 2006 to 12,102 in 2009 then to 16,957 in 2013.The same report also mentioned a significant change in the transportation and communication sector over the past 44 years, the total number of paved roads doubled from 17,533 km in 2006 to 32,605 km in 2013. The total number of fixed telephone lines also increased from 262,870 in 2006 to 300,139 in 2009, increasing to 351,411 in 2013. Over the same period the total number of mobile phone subscribers increased from 1.8 million in 2006, to 4 million in 2009, increasing to 5.6 million in 2013. Additionally, the total number of internet subscribers increases from 63,800 in 2006 to 78,000 in 2009, increasing again to 158,700 in 2013.

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A FOUNTAINHEAD OF KNOWLEDGEThe Holy Quran is a wealth of knowledge and is not limited to any subjects. It contains all the branches of knowledge accessible to humanity, the learning of which is in the interest of humanity and also brings happiness to them. As kids, we began our basic education from the Quran schools, which has the Holy Book as its basis of education, teaching us all the basic truth that there is no end to learning…While the Holy Book may be complicated for many who do not pause to understand and reflect on its true meaning, to many it may be a call of reflection concerning the creation of the human being and the mysteries and secrets inherent in the structure of the universe, and, above all, in its self, internal world and its relationship with the heavenly. To each his own interpretation! That is where the danger and confusion sometimes arises. The B&W team recently visited the Islamic Information Centre at the Grand Mosque that has a dedicated team of brothers and sisters who do a wonderful service of welcoming guests of all religion and communities and explaining to them the strengths of Islam. They also serve in clearing many myths that surround Islam and as we experienced it, we thought it was worth doing a cover story on the IIC and related aspects. When a non believer embraces Islam, it is a new lease of life granted, but it is once again a voluntary decision and

The IIC has the translated version of the Holy Quran in over 15 languages, handed out free to those visiting guests and curious youth. What is more important is retaining the real meaning of the lines of the Holy Quran is the most essential factor in the process

Mohamed Issa Al ZadjaliEditor-in-chief

In Black...

& White

has no strings attached other than deep belief that one is on the right path to realisation. THE REAL ESSENCEToday the IIC has the translated version of the Holy Quran in over 15 languages, handed out free to those visiting guests and curious youth. What is more important is retaining the real meaning of the lines of the Holy Quran is the most essential factor in the process. In this era of information overload, and information mobility, it is only pertinent to use the digital world to reach the message of the Holy Quran to the younger generation. Imagine the youth today… all are addicted to mobile applications and video impact. The era of visualisation and self understanding is slowly evolving to that of digitalised information.

Imagine how beneficial it would be if only the pages of the Holy Quran are made accessible with an audio-video impact to the youth, with the right interpretation…?

In B


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A path to theB&




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House of ISLAM

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Atiya Abdullah Saif Al Zadjali





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Three young Ethiopian women were sitting on a sofa of the Islamic Information Centre (IIC) of the Grand Mosque complex in Azaiba and slowly pronouncing this shahada (testimony of faith) when we walked into the IIC premises, one recent morning, during the Holy Month of Ramadan.We were invited to the IIC – which provides information and teaching of Islam and its practices in several languages -- by its enthusiastic volunteers to learn more of the work done by them when we encountered this blessed scene.

Atiya Abdullah Saif Al Zadjali and Naima Ali, two key volunteers of the IIC, who received us, told us the meaning of these words: “I bear witness that there is no God, but Allah; I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is his one and only messenger!”“If these words come from the heart, then this is the key to the house of Islam!” Naima Ali explained to us. Once a person says that the testimony of faith (shahada) with conviction and understand its true meaning, then he/she has become a Muslim. INFORMATION ON THE TEACHINGS OF ISLAMThere was a clear element of peace and beauty in the approach of these two ladies who gently took us through a literal understanding of the centre’s purpose. The mission of the IIC, which is under the support and guidance of the Sultan Qaboos Higher Centre for Culture and Science, is to provide information on the teachings of Islam and its practices to non-Muslims and provide essential support to new Muslims who are residing in Oman. In effect, Atiya Zadjali’s and Naima Ali’s gentleness reflected that of the all pervading mood of the IIC. The three Ethiopian women smiled at us as we sat near them, while Atiya and Naima Ali settled on the carpet below and briefed us about the IIC and also explained how these women were embraced into Islam. The three women were apparently happy and beaming from their new accomplishment. Their faces reflected the peace within them in taking this new direction and they seemed ready for this brand new journey of their lives. ANSWERS TO ALL QUERIESAtiya and Naima had an answer to every query we threw at them and they were only happy to explain the beliefs and practices of Islam. They were also ready and willing to remove any misconceptions about Islam and were quick to explain the position of Islam in relation to other

religions. They noted how the IIC’s purpose was also to provide an interactive platform for dialogue in matters of religious beliefs and practices and to offer authentic links to other sources of Islamic information. HOST OF SERVICES TO NEW MUSLIMSAs to those who embraced Islam, there were a host of services for the new Muslims. The IIC provides a standard package of books, which new Muslims need; these include the Holy Quran with translation, books on the five pillars of Islam etc; the services include training on Salaa, reading of the Holy Quran and teachings of the basic tenets of Islam; providing mentorship and follow up of the new Muslim’s progress and needs, organise social gatherings where new Muslims can interact and know each other. COFFEE AND DATES RECEPTIONThere were several other women sitting at the IIC and since it was during the Holy Month, the dates, coffee etc, were conspicuous by their absence. “It is Ramadan, otherwise, all visitors are served tea, coffee and dates and everyone can enjoy a pleasant sitting and get as much information that they would want to have with us here,” Atiya and Naima noted. As they spoke, we quietly wondered about the background of these two energetic ladies who took this path to spread information of Islam to all and sundry. Didn’t they have families; were they working somewhere else; how were they rewarded for their work at the IIC? REWARDED WITH SMILESThe smiling faces of Atiya and Naima widened more in a wreath of smiles.“Of course we have families, but our children are now grown up and so we obtained this opportunity to serve the Almighty in this manner – and you talk of rewards? The fact that we can serve itself is our reward, the beautiful smiles of those who understand us when we reveal to them the information they were seeking are again our just rewards – what more do we want?” they chorus. “The energy that is here at the IIC and the spark and the enthusiasm it gives us all helps us to do our work with great love and happiness and greater satisfaction. When visitors come and ask whether they need to pay for the services we provide them, we smile and when they smile back, we tell them that well, they have already paid us with their beautiful smiles…”

La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah!





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Naima Ali





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And the duo smiles and us and we can’t help smiling back at them. ISLAM BY CHOICE“I am a retired teacher with grown up children, which makes it easier for me to devote my time as a volunteer at the IIC. I feel it is a very fulfilling service to humanity and keeps my mind pure and open to learning,” Atiya Abdullah Saif Al Zadjali explained to the Black & White. “Islam has its various practices and beliefs and every day I meet a visitor, it is a new learning experience for me. It is not about educating a non believer; it is about providing clarity to visitors on the beliefs and practices of Islam. We have visitors every day, and during the peak tourism season – December and January – we have around 600 visitors a day!” CLEARING THE MYTHSAtiya explained how she was part of a group of lady volunteers who attend to the visitors on a daily basis during the visiting hours of the Grand Mosque. “We keep in mind that most of these visitors are curious to know about Islam and the Holy Quran. There are a few of them who think women are not empowered under Islam and we clear the myths and perceptions of many with facts and figures. And sometimes, it really tickles us when we witness the visible shock and surprise of some visitors who witness the freedom that we enjoy because they were until then under the misconception that Muslim women are chained to their homes! When they see that we are all educated, speaking their language and are confident and free, they accept the truth. Thanks to our beloved ruler His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, the women of Oman are empowered

and are seen in almost all fields and they have also grown tremendously in all sectors.“As volunteers we know it is our responsibility to update ourselves and speak the truth with clarity and do not attempt to mislead anyone. We are guided by the officials of the IIC and the books at our library!” NO EXPECTATIONS, ONLY BLESSINGSNaima Ali had entered the doors of the IIC almost in the same manner and expressed her deep interest and love in the propagation of the tenets of Islam. “I have been a volunteer for the last three years with the IIC and find immense pleasure in receiving tourists and visitors and explaining to them the true practices of Islam.“I meet quite a lot of visitors who have apprehensions, doubts and misconceptions…but, all of them change when they visit us, sit with us and learn more about Islam. Almost all are open to listening to us. Again, it is a good learning process for us as a team here.We are a team who feel happy and do the necessary service with no expectations. You will see that visitors leave the room with a smile on their face. And you asked us what we get out it of it – well, that is it! Those wonderful smiles, it gladdens our hearts and that is our true rewards!” NO COMPULSIONS ONLY FREE WILLTo a question on how and why non Muslims come and show their interest to embrace Islam, the duo explained in detail. They also noted there was no compulsion among anyone to embrace Islam; it has to be by their own free will and driven by their inner desire to embrace it! The Holy Quran, Surah 2, Al Baqarah, section 34 verse 256 states:





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Hafidh Al Rawahy





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“Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error” “We impart information as a team to the women folk who come to our centre with no compulsion of any sort. They are welcomed with the traditional Omani hospitality; they are offered kahwa and dates and given small souvenirs. Only when they ask for information and books do we hand them out. Most of them come in looking for truth and clarifications; we do not enter into debates or arguments, or fight anyone’s beliefs. We tell them what Islam stands for: Peace! “There are many visitors and local residents who belong to other religion and come here with a wish to embrace Islam. We tell them that religion is their personal choice and we do not force anyone to change religions or beliefs. We have seen a few who embrace Islam and become Muslims on their own free will; some who frequent here to learn prayers and practices the right way, who bring in friends and relatives, and new Muslims who want to be volunteer themselves. We are open to all.“Today we have with us three Ethiopian ladies, residents of Oman, who expressed their desire to embrace Islam. They have been visiting the IIC since weeks now and finally decided with a clear mind to embrace Islam and become Muslims. They are happy in their choices and we help them with learning the prayers and practices and provide them with the Holy Quran in their own language so that they can read and understand the beliefs the right way,” Atiya and Naima said. STATUS OF WOMEN IN ISLAMIslam grants numerous rights to women, at home and in the society. Among them is the right to earn a living, to financial support, to education, to inheritance, to a dowry, to being treated kindly, to vote, to keep their maiden name, to choose their spouses, to worship, to witness and to participate in public service. Women are not oppressed in Islam and anyone (individual or government) that oppresses women or fails to give women their rights as dictated in the Holy Quran and Sunnah is not following Islamic teachings, the duo noted. INDIVIDUAL AND COMMUNITYThe Islamic law is established on the benefits of the individual and that of the community. Its rulings are designed so as to protect these benefits and facilitate improvement and perfection of the conditions of human life on earth. They also seek to preserve religion, life, lineage, intellect, health and wealth. EMBRACING ISLAMLa ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah!(I bear witness that there is no God, but Allah

I bear witness that Mohammed (PBUH) is his messenger.) “By reciting these words, with sincerity and honesty a non believer can embrace Islam. They can join the Holy Quran classes, the basic Arabic language classes and learn how to pray the right way through right practices.Once they embrace Islam, we offer them a gift bag with the prayer mat, the Holy Quran in their own language, a few books and brochures on beliefs, an audio CD on Holy Quran, some clothes etc. We have the Holy Quran to guide us in this process, our seniors and the officials of the IIC to guide us the right way,” Naima and Atiya said. After Naima and Atiya detailed to us the above, they led us to their senior brother at the IIC. THE RIGHT INFORMATIONHafidh Al Rawahy, who was the senior member and obviously the key person in chargethere, also accentuated on the explanations and points made by Atiya and Naima.“The IIC basically provides information on Islam and its practices to the visitors and residents of Oman. Throughout the year, visitors, tourists, and residents of Oman trickle in and most of them happily walk in to our offices after learning more about Islam, its teachings, practices and about the Holy Quran,” Hafidh Al Rawahy said.“We provide the right information; give away books, brochures and the Holy Quran translated in various languages. We welcome them in the true spirit of Omani hospitality, clear their doubts and offer them small souvenirs to take back along with them. Most of the visitors and tourists genuinely want to know more at the Grand Mosque, the prayer details, practices and information on the Holy Quran. We only offer them facts and details, with no compulsion to accept any of the doctrines of Islam.The numbers of tourists have gradually increased and we have a dedicated team of volunteers at the centre who come every day and attend to the visitors.We also have a few residents of other communities coming in to the centre with a wish to embrace Islam. It is fully on their own choice; we only facilitate and provide what they require. They learn the practices, prayers and way of life in Islam and come every day to learn more. Most of them come in to clear myths, women’s rights and empowerment and to collect a copy of the Holy Quran,” Hafidh said. THE HOLY QURAN IN OTHER LANGUAGESUnder the supervision of the Diwan of Royal Court, the IIC has a collection of books to be given away as handouts to the visitors and tourists. In fact we have

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Text: Adarsh Madhavan & Priya Arunkumar, Photos: Ben

the Holy Quran translated in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Singhalese, Nepalese, Ethiopian, Russian, Albanian, Urdu, and Tagalog etc. as per the demand we get the stocks and store it, Hafidh said. “The reason is that most of the visitors may not know Arabic and if they are keen to read, we make it accessible for them.”The IIC has also created a handy information module, packaged in such a way that it is easy to take along without adding much to the travel baggage. The module has six pocket-sized brochures/pullouts, which gives information on:*Time line of development in Muslim Civilisations- 632-1796*Jewels of the Society - About Women in Islam (FAQ)*Islam explained - About Islam by non-Muslims (FAQ)*Do you Know Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)*Do you know the Holy Quran? (A Glimpse at the beauty of God’s last revelation)*Do you know Allah? This pack is handed out to interested tourists and visitors so that they can read through and get to know the right information in a concise way. UNDERSTANDING THE HOLY QURANThe translated version of the Holy Quran is done with an objective to acquaint the reader with certain matters, which he should grasp at the very outset, to achieve a deeper understanding of the Holy Quran and to clarify disturbing/confusing questions that commonly arise in the minds of the readers. The Holy Quran embodies beliefs, conduct, moral directives, legal prescriptions, exhortations, admonitions, censure and condemnations of evildoers, warnings, good tidings, words of consolations,

arguments, corroborative evidences, and allusions to anecdotes.“It could get complicated if you are not guided rightly to understand and follow the real essence of what is said in its pages,” Hafidh noted. Sitting along with the other officials of the IIC was a unique visitor from the United States of America. While we spoke to Atiya and Naima, we also saw a young foreigner, but in a black abaya, sitting and talking with the other IIC members. We later learnt that this girl was Bryn, a visitor to the IIC from America.The uniqueness was that Bryn was an 18-years old American student who had embraced Islam just some months back, this March. AVID READER“I was a Christian by birth and my mind was always curious to read more and find out about the authenticity of various religions. Once I started reading the Holy Quran, I found out various scientific and historical evidences that the holy book contained and I realised that it was a true revelation of the Almighty God. There are no versions of the Holy Quran, just one and it is the original. This wide reading and researching made me a believer of Islam and I embraced Islam this March.I am studying at the Oklahoma State University in the USA. Some Omani friends had invited me to Oman during the Holy Month of Ramadan and so I took the plunge and came here. This is my first experience of the fasting month and I wanted to have a true Islamic atmosphere during this month, hence my presence in Oman.“I visited the IIC to meet other volunteers and new Muslims so that I can share experiences and learn more about the religion and the Holy Quran.”

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Strategy and Life

By Dr CK Anchan

Dr Anchan C.K.managing director,World Wide Business House

A life without some life strategy is like a boat without a rudder. The boat will definitely get you somewhere due to the forces of wind and water currents, but where you end up may not be where you really want to go. For that reason, it is important to give life some direction to end up where you want to be in life in the future. Strategies are our most powerful tools for creating great life. They help us see the world in the right way to solve the important problems of our field.

Most of us are not what we could be. We are less. We have great capacity. But most of it is dormant; most is undeveloped. As long as we take our thinking for granted, we don’t do the work required for improvement.

Strategy is determining where you are now, where you want to go, and then how to get there. It’s the art of developing and implementing specific actions and decisions that will enable the growth of life.Strategies are something like mental best practices. People doing great work, then, are not necessarily faster or smarter than others doing mediocre work. They do great things because they have changed themselves to see the world in a certain way. They notice the things which help them articulate and solve significant problems, and they ignore the rest. Building the right strategies into our lives is important because through them we begin to notice the right things unconsciously, freeing more brain power for the novel parts of our problems.

The problems of deciding what is relevant and what is deserving of our attention is one of the most difficult in our lives, much less our science. If we were perfectly able to cut the noise out of our lives, focusing only on what was important, most of us would be living far differently than we do now. Unfortunately, we often don’t know what is noise and what is signal, or how to remove the noise or act on the signal. A good set of strategies help us solve these problems.

Development in thinking requires a gradual process requiring plateaus of learning and just plain hard work. It is not possible to become an excellent thinker simply because one wills it. Changing one’s habits of thought is a long-range project, happening over years, not weeks or months. The essential traits of a critical thinker require an extended period of development.One great thing about having a good set of strategies is that when we apply the appropriate ones to the question at hand, the choice of tactics becomes much easier. Strategies work together to build a set of constraints which help us choose the right tool for the job. Without them, it would basically be working randomly, via trial and error method.

First, understand the why behind your goals. Knowing the why will make your strategy much easier to develop. It also allows you to ensure that your strategy is in line with your goals and the desired end result. Once you know the goal, and the why behind it you can start piecing together the components of your overarching strategy. A mind map is an excellent way to do this. Being able to visualise and easily update your business or life strategy is incredibly valuable.

You do not have to give up spontaneity or the natural evolution of your life to embrace a life strategy even 20 years into the future. It is equally important to be open to all possibilities in your life so that you do not overlook opportunities that might come to you.

You will discover that when you have a life strategy that has a 15 to 20 year horizon you will be continually refining your life strategy as you gain more knowledge and experience in your life. Additionally, you will also learn to fine-tune opportunities as they present themselves, which further enhances the fulfillment of your life strategy. What was the last good, positive thing that happened to you? Perhaps it made you smile or dance around the room or maybe even want to shout it from the rooftops...and think of the strategy behind.





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Fun facts on

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Tongue twisters, try them!Much mashed mushroomsMuch mashed mushroomsMuch mashed mushrooms

The oldest mushroom found in amber is from 90 million years ago – a Cordyceps.

Mushrooms are fungi. Fungi are as uniquely different from plants as plants are from animals. In fact, fungi and animals are now in the same super-kingdom, Opisthokonta.

Mushrooms are also called toadstools.

Mushrooms are made up of around 90 percent water.

Fungi recycle plants after they die and transform them into rich soil. If not for mushrooms and fungi, the Earth would be buried in several feet of debris and life on the planet would soon disappear.

Some of the oldest living mushroom colonies are fairy rings growing around the famous Stonehenge ruins in England. The rings are so large that they can best be seen from airplanes.

Many mushrooms grow towards light, following the sun just like plant. Unlike with plants, scientists do not yet know how mushrooms use sunlight; only that they do.

The spores of mushrooms are made of chitin, the hardest naturally-made substance on earth.

Mushrooms are useful not only as food and medicine; some are also being used in bioremediation, to absorb and digest dangerous substances like oil, pesticides and industrial waste, in places where they threaten the environment.

The worlds largest producer of edible mushrooms is China which produces about half of all cultivated mushrooms.

There are over 30 species of mushroom that actually glow in the dark.

Before the invention of synthetic dyes, mushrooms were widely used for dyeing wool and other natural fibers. Mushroom dyes are organic compounds and produce strong, vivid colours.

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Do your clients call you at 3.30 or 4am? We have someone who sends messages at 2am and then when he does not get answers, he calls at 3.30am! We have tried reasoning with him at the start and then when it became a habit for him, we decided to tell him openly that it was a bad habit. Of course we did not tell him that we were not just miffed but totally mad and crazy about this early morning unwanted wake up call. Now, coming back to the question that is burning in us: why does this man have to call at 3.30am? Why is he awake at this time? Why does he get up at 2am and send us mails?Is there something wrong with him?

Who says Muscat is not so safe?

Early morning calls

We have been thinking of it since quite sometime now. Finally, we have taken the plunge to bring home to you some offbeat stuff. Here goes, if you like it, give us the green signal for more; if not, just take it with a pinch of salt. For this month,

here is some nitter natter for the B&W Bitter Batter:





They say Muscat is not a safe enough place anymore; you should not leave the door of your home open; don’t leave your car running and empty; don’t leave your valuables out and don’t walk alone in the night etc etc…But, our friend, in a hurry to reach somewhere left his costly laptop in his car, with the key outside the car door and rushed to attend an iftar along with some of his friends at a prominent man’s home recently and did not return until two hours! Suddenly, in the midst of his dinner, he realised with a stomach-wrenching realisation that he had lost his car keys; he searched his shirt pocket, his pant pockets, he asked his friends if they found it, he searched the floor of the home where he was, he went back to his friend’s car and searched and then he racked his own brains to see where he could have kept the danged keys but to no avail…the keys were not to be found and finally he went back to where his car was parked in a dark corner of a residential area and with heart in his mouth he stepped out and walked to his car…to see his beloved keys hanging there! Wasn’t it a sight for sore eyes? Now, this man is going around telling everyone he knows how safe Muscat is!Experience, circumstances, that is what life is all about!

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And there are top executives whom we meet and are so gregarious, friendly, full of life and joie-de-vivre; they are quite enthusiastic and encouraging when you talk to them of a proposal or ask them for ads or sponsorship. They will do everything possible to put you at ease and make you so comfortable and complacent that you may tend to believe that they are going to give you ads, sponsorship, life support and whatnot. You meet them and there is all around hospitality, good humour, even a bit of backslapping jokes and one could easily get lost in this spirit of amiability because when you get back to your seat telling yourself and your colleagues what a wonderful man this executive is and suddenly you are rendered speechless when you realise that the email they have sent you is actually a very short, direct and passion less, humour less and plain reject that bursts your happy bubble!It is not that you have been taken for a ride, but, somehow after all that goody talk that filled you, realisation dawns in the bitter aftertaste left in your mouth that this whole drama of camaraderie was just that – drama!

A sales executive of a well known company was invited for dinner to a top businessman’s home where the latter said post dinner they could discuss business. So, the salesman wore his best garb to the dinner and reached really early to the businessman’s home. The main gate was closed, but since the slip gate was not locked, our salesman opened and walked in casually. He must have reached half way to the door of the villa when a blood curdling growl was heard very close to him. Turning around to the direction of the growl, the salesman froze in his tracks and then fled for his life with a huge German Shepherd barking at his heels. Somehow he got out of the side gate, and held it shut while the raging monster bayed his lungs out! The salesman looked for a bell and found one, and pressed on it, but it was not working. He hoped someone would come out hearing the dog bark, but no one did. So, he dialled the businessman’s number but the phone kept on ringing.This went on for nearly an hour and he almost passed out in anger and frustration when suddenly a car that was passing by, slowed down and the window rolled down and the

An executive drama

Dog in the manger?

(Note: Readers who have something bitter to chatter about can either email on or call 99218461)

businessman who had invited him asked the salesman what he was doing outside that villa? “But Sir, this is your home, right?” the salesman asked, almost in tears. “No, the villa just next to it…just go a bit further and there you are,” the businessman said and the salesman nearly choked in anger and shame, but he swallowed all that and followed the former to his actual home!

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You have a strong competitive edge this week, but on its own it won’t be enough to ensure outright success. Gather like minded people around you and you’ll all bounce off each other as you move as one towards collective goals. Challenges at work stimulate you.

It’s an active week where you’ll find plenty in your daily life to keep you occupied and interested. Rule and regulations are easy to deal with, and if they get in your way, you’ll simply ignore them. Not everyone is co-operative this week, so stick with those who are.

You’d be wise to keep a low profile while this lunar low is about, so avoid situations where you could end up arguing with someone you’ve always found to be abrasive or inconsiderate. It’s time to let others take some of the strain. Keep emotional mood swings to a minimum.

Ambitious ideas and strong desires predominate this week, but try not to come on too strong or bulldoze others into your way of doing things. They’ll only rebel. Use your time in the limelight to get the attention of someone you want to pursue romantically.

Old faces from the past re-appear in your life this week, and although many of them are positive, there’s one or two that don’t have your best interests at heart and are only out to get what they can from you. It is time to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Your professional life is running smoothly, but if there are even minor rough edges to smooth down, do it now. Use common sense to get what you want from others emotionally and practically. Adopt a softer approach with lovers in the evenings and at weekends.

March 21-April 20

June 22-July 23

April 21-May 20

July 24-August 23

May 21-June 21

August 24-September 23










PAUL MICHAEL LEVESQUE (BORN JULY 27, 1969), better known by his ring name Triple H (an abbreviation of his character's full name,

Hunter Hearst Helmsley), is an American business executive, professional wrestler, actor, and former bodybuilder. He is the executive vice president

(Talent/Live Events/Creative) of the New York Stock Exchange-traded professional wrestling promotion WWE and is married into the McMahon

family, which maintains majority ownership of WWE. In addition to his corporate role, Levesque makes regular appearances on WWE television

as an authority figure and wrestler.

Levesque began his professional wrestling career in the International Wrestling Federation under the ring name Terra Ryzing in 1992. He joined

World Championship Wrestling (WCW) in 1994, where he was soon repackaged as Jean-Paul Lévesque, a French Canadian aristocrat. In

1995, Levesque moved to the World Wrestling Federation (now WWE), where he became Hunter Hearst Helmsley and, later, Triple H.

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Out of the blue you’ll find solutions to problems that have been loitering on the periphery for far too long, and you’ll be over the moon. Your clear thinking approach and ability to get to the heart of the matter is impressive, so don’t be surprised when others ask for advice.

Your intuition counts for a great deal today so don’t be tempted to do anything that contradicts your gut feelings. If friends need a helping hand, reach out to them. Be enterprising in your career and take new changes to your heart. Rely on your intuition at home.

It’s a great week as the lunar high intensifies your level of energy. If you’re on holiday don’t just lounge around. Go and see what interests the local area holds. Yes, you’ve earned the break. So, go take a much awaited holiday.

This week kick starts a kind of swings and roundabouts few weeks where one minute you’re happy and ecstatic and the next you’re down in the dumps. Work to find some consistency in professional matters, even though it won’t be easy, and try to balance home matters too.

Not everything that goes on this week will be to your liking; however it is worth asking yourself whether your view of situations is an accurate one. Why do you think others know better than you? Don’t let your self confidence run out.

You’re so focused on your work that you’ll leave very little time for socialising this week. That’s unlike you Pisces. What’s going on? You can be charming, entertaining company and love being the centre of attention so what has such a pull on you that you’re not going out?

September 24-October 23

December 23-January 20

October 24-November 22

January 21-February 19

November 23-December 22

February 20-March 20







ARNOLD ALOIS SCHWARZENEGGER (BORN JULY 30, 1947) is an Austrian-born American actor, film producer, activist, businessman,

investor, writer, philanthropist, former professional bodybuilder and politician. Schwarzenegger served two terms as the 38th Governor of

California from 2003 until 2011.

Schwarzenegger began weight training at the age of 15. He won the Mr. Universe title at age 20 and went on to win the Mr. Olympia contest seven times. Schwarzenegger has remained a prominent

presence in bodybuilding and has written many books and articles on the sport. Schwarzenegger gained worldwide fame as a Hollywood

action film icon. He was nicknamed the "Austrian Oak" and the "Styrian Oak" in his bodybuilding days, "Arnie" during his acting career and more recently "The Governator" (a portmanteau of "Governor" and

"The Terminator" – one of his best-known movie roles).

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WADI KABIRBait al Zubair Bait al BarandaMarina Bander Al Bustan Palace HotelOman Dive club Shangri-La- Barr Al JissahSri Lankan School NHIPencil Building (Stationery shop)Al Maha bunk –Wadi Kabir Ajay Enterprises (Khimji) – (Next to Jingles nursery) Hotel Golden OasisSana FashionsAl Maya markets – (Old Rawasco) Scientific pharmacy – Opp to al Maya market ( Arab Udipi Rest)

CBD AREA TO DARSAITAl Amana Building materials – Opposite Jawad SultanAl Omaniya Financial Services office Oman oil bunk Khimji mart shopping mall – (Old shopping & saving)Khimjis Bait al Ahlam- CBD areaPizza Muscat (Opposite ministry of manpower)Pizza Hut/TFC – CBD areaCentre point-SplashMuscat Securities market Times of OmanShell petrol Bunk (Next to Sheraton)OCCI Library – Oman Chamber of commerce (OPP MSM)KFC – Ruwi Oman International Bank – RuwiPalayok Restaurant – Filipino restaurant Ever ready supermarket New India Assurance OfficeAl Fair – Ruwi high street Lakhoos Money Exchange, Ruwi High streetDamas Jewellery/office – Ruwi Oman UAE Exchange – OCC CentreAir Arabia Office- Shanfari TravelsRuwi HotelGulf air building – Gulf air officeSaravanabhavan Restaurant Sarco – Samsung showroom Khimji Megastore – Swarovski showroomOTEMoosa Abdul Showroom – next to al JadeedToshiba Showroom Al Jadeed shoppingBadr Al Samaa Samara video (next to Talentz, old bait al ahlam) after 5pmMinistry of Education – Opp Wearhouse – Ruwi Future management consultants -(opp Toshiba showroom)Haffa House HotelAl Falaj Hotel Muscat Bakery- Near church Pakistan School (after temple & church Darsait)Naranjee Hirjee office (before Hotel Golden Oryx)Hotel Golden Oryx Bank Muscat corporate office (Opposite Hotel Golden Oryx)Kamat Restaurant Uptown Restaurant Turtles Book shopAl Rima Clinic Lama Polyclinic

Oman Air – CBD NBO- CBD areaBank MuscatBank SoharHSBCStandard CharteredOman Arab BankHarmony Music Centre – Next to OAB Bahwan Travel Agencies – CBD banks areaOTTB – Oman Travels BureauAir India office – CBD next to Costas CostasPapa John Supa Save – CBDWoodlandsBank DhofarHorizon Restaurant – (Next to Moon travels)Oman post office Lulu DarsaitKhimji Ramdas Head office, Muttrah (Kanaksi Khimji & pankaj Khimji) Majan College – Darsait junction (canteen)Indian Social ClubMelody Music Centre – Next to ISMGerman Embassy – Hamriya roundaboutApollo Medical CentreComputer Xpress – Hamriya Roundabout Atlas Travels (Wadi Adai Roundabout (next to polyglot)Hatat HousePassage to IndiaBest carsHyundai/Subaru/GM showroomAl Asfoor FurnishingAhli BankShell marketing officeSEAT car showroom- Wattayah DHL office- Wattayah Honda ShowroomSabco Head office wattayahNTT travels WattayahToyota Bahwan Advertising – Ist floor – Toyota showroomLexusFord showroomShanfari AutomotiveWattayah Motors- VW showroomKhoula HospitalInstitute of Health sciences – opposite KhoulaKia showroom- wattayah

QURUM AREA TOWARDS AL KHUWAIRAl Harthy Complex- Pizza Muscat – next to Sultan Center in al Harthy complexSultan Center Nissan showroomBMW showroom Muscat Private School Qurum city centrePizza Hut – Qurum Capital StoreAl Asfoor PlazaKFCHardeesFono showroom next to Sabco centreShah NagardasSabco Centre- Barista coffee shop onlyAl AraimiPanasonic ShowroomNBO QurumAl Khamis PlazaAl Wadi commercial centre – Coffee shopMercedes showroom

CCC- StandCCC Al FairBollywood chatPizza Hut – Qurum Second CupNandos McDonaldsSalman StoresJawahir OmanHamptonsBusiness Services & Travel Amex office Ernst & Young buildg (OUA Travels) StarbucksHawthorne institute- ELS Fahud Street, opp Qurum parkMumtaz Mahal Left bankOman Association for the disabled Ministry of education (20 +20=20)Muscat Intercon Jawaharat Al Shatti complex- standOasis by the sea - crepe café standLNG OfficeAl Qurum resortBareek Al Shatti ComplexAl Qandeel head office -, Entrance of Bareek al Shatti Al Shatti Cinema - Dunkin DonutsAl Sahwa Schools– principal’s office next to Ramada hotelHotel RamadaAl Muriya Offices- next to Al sahwa schoolsGrand Hyatt MuscatAl Masa MallRadio ShackAl Sarooj ComplexShell Petrol Bunk- Al Sarooj Al FairRamee GuestlineRock BottomClassic Institute of Arts- next to Asas OmanAsas Oman ApartmentsCrowne PlazaCoral hotelQurum Pvt schoolPDORas Al Hamraa ClubOmanoil head office

AL KHUWAIR/MSQ TOWARDS AZAIBAAl Thabat Travel & TourismELS – Al khuwair service roadBritish School Muscat – MSQBritish Council Oman oil- Madinat Qaboos Pizza HutKhimjis mart – MSQ Kargeen Café Al fairFamily Book shop- MSQ Tavola – Al Noor Hall buildgStarbucks Hana slimming centre – Ist FloorFotomagicAl Noor Hall Al JadeedEqarat office Above Welcare Clinic – al KhuwairDomino Pizza Oman mobileSafeer Hypermarket Mustafa SultanSouk TechniaOmantelOman international Bank – Al khuwair main office

Ibis HotelPark inn HotelFriendi OfficeMuscat Bakery Tropical Ice creams SubwayPizza Hut service road Ice Skating RinkNational Training InstituteGolden spoon RestaurantShell Select- Al KhuwairMcdonaldsMct holiday Inn HotelOman Bowling Center HalliburtonCafé VergnanoKhimji Mart – Next to Verganano Safeer suitesAxa insurance (opp assarain Al khuwair)Zakher shopping MallPAN Furnishing Harley DavidsonThriftyAl Amal Medical Centre – Dr BashirHotel RadissonPizza Hut Al KhuwairOzone Video Shop(Next to Pizza Hut)American British School Omar Khayyam Restaurant, next to V kool Grill House (next door)V KoolTAISM Centre for British Teachers – CFBT Baushar Complex CaféAviation Club Restaurant

AZAIBA TOWARDS SEEBLulu Hyper market – BausharOman Medical collegeCollege for Business & financial Studies opp Oman medical, bausharAzzan Bin Qais school - BausharMuscat private HospitalDolphin Village – BausherRoyal hospital Ghala industrial area – NTINational mineral water – Tanuf ( next to Al Madina Holiday Inn)Oman oil AzaibaSpicy Village – Rusayl Pizza Hut – GhalaOman oil – GhalaTowell head office – Enhance & Ist floorMazda showroom Mcdonalds – Azaiba Select shell AzaibaOman Tribune – Al Watan officeNew India assurance Azaiba office Safeer HypermartNawras head office Zubair showroom and Yamaha corporate office(two places)- Yamaha Showroom – close to Zubair showroom – 1st floor Polyglot InstituteGU Tech – Beach road AzaibaChedi Muscat The wave Muscat corporate officeNACA – national cancer Awareness AssnMCC – Crepe CaféAl Bahja– Mood Café & food CourtAl Maya Super market Oman air Seeb office (Below Flyover, before Golden Tulip)Oman Tourisn College Golden Tulip HotelAir portSelect Shell – SeebPizza Hut airport



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SHOPPING MALLSLulu shopping centerAl- Istaqarar shopping center (Salalah)Dhofar shopping centerBab Al- Salam marketAl- Mashoor (Salalah)Al- Mashoor (Saada)Al-KhareefK.M TradingAl-Isteqarar (Saada)Al-Hoq super marketHamdan commercial marketFresh super market (Al-Sarat)Union Salalah MarketFamily bookshop

HOTELSCrown PlazaHilton Salalah Hamdan plazaDhofar HotelSalalah hotelHaffa HouseRedan HotelAl- Hanaa HotelBAMSIR hotelAl- Jabel hotelAl- Nile suite (Saada)Salalah Mariott

MINISTRIESMinistry agriculture & fisheries Ministry of educationMinistry of defenseMinistry of housing & electricityMinistry of waterMinistry of tourism Diwan of Royal court (Salalah)Ministry of primary court and justiceMinistry of Commerce & industryDhofar municipality (Baladia)Ministry of man power

PETROL STATIONS, BANKSShanfari filling Stationshell select, al saadaOman oilShell SalalahBank MuscatOmantelOman Arab BankPizza hutDhofar UniversityAl Maha souk

OIB, NizwaOIB, FirqBankMuscat, NizwaBM main branch, NizwaBankMuscat, FirqNBO, NizwaNBO, FirqBank AbudhabiToyotaOTEOmantelNawrasKhimji, NizwaKhimji, IzkiMuscat Bakery, NizwaPizza HutDiscount centreFamily shoppingAl Diyar HotelSafari hotelAl-Nif shopping, IzkiHungery Bunny, NizwaCollege of ScienceCollege of TechnicNizwa Medical CollegeBusmath ClinicThalal ClinicOmanoil, IzkiOmanoil, FirqOmanoil, NizwaOmanoil, MarfaShell, IzkiShell, FirqShell, NizwaAl-Maha, FirqNizwa university -Dept of foreign langAl-Maha, Marfa

Lulu hyper marketSafeer CentreAl Nahda resortAl Maha SoukOman Oil RumaisOman College of managementOIBNBOBank MuscatShellOTESARCONissan showroomOmantel

MUSCAT continued...





SURAl-HasharLNGLNG, Club SurSur Beach HotelSur UniversityOTE, SurMitsibushiRawaya coffee shopToyotaNissanSur Plaza HotelMazdaKhimjiOmantelPrivate Hospital, SurBankMuscatSur HotelNBO, SurBank Dhofar, SurELS, Sur

KFCMuscat golf hills, SEEBKOMSQU – SQUH hospital , SQUH 2- canteen, 3- Diplomatic Club, 4 – College of Commerce, 5 – Students banking area)Pizza Hut – al Khoud Sultan School al hail service road – principals’ officeCaledonian college – principal’s officeOman Foot ball association

RUSAYL AREARusayl Industrial EstateOman CablesSadolin PaintsJotun PaintsAl waqia shoesMehdi FoodsAreej veg oils

MINISTRIES AREA – AL KHUWAIRMinistry of tourism(Ghala, next to ISG)Ministry of social Development(next to Regional municipalities, Bank Mct)Ministry of foreign affairs

Spicy Village RestaurantLulu HypermarketJumeirah Shopping CentreKhimji’s MartAl Salem shoppingCentrepointMoosa Abdul Rahman – GMCToyotaNissanMitsubishiLG showroomSohar BakerySohar UniversityBank MuscatHabib BankBank SoharOman International BankAl Raffah HospitalBadr Al SamaaOman Arab BankBank DhofarHSBCTravel CityNational Travels and ToursUniversal Travels and TourismDHLDhofar InsuranceAl Ahlia InsuranceTaeeger Finance CoOmantelAl Jazeera GroupNarenjee Hirjee (International)

Circulation enquiries: 98675976/24565697



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Cherries, along with many other berries, are a rich source of antioxidants. A handful of fresh cherries in the summertime are a natural gourmet delight, here are a few easy recipes with cherries that can add on

variety to your menu… the healthy way!

Ingredients1 large ripe banana1 (6 oz) Black Cherry Greek Yogurt 1-1/4 cups (cold) vanilla almond milk1-1/2 cups frozen dark sweet cherries, pitted

1 Tablespoon honey2 cups ice

MethodsAdd all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth.

Ingredients4 cups pitted sour or sweet cherries, fresh or frozen (not thawed, see Tips)1 cup water2-4 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar or superfine sugar

MethodPuree cherries, water and sugar to taste in a blender until smooth. Strain through a fine sieve, pressing on the solids to extract as much liquid as possible. (Discard solids.) Process in an ice cream maker until firm and slushy. Transfer to an airtight container and freeze until ready to serve.

Cherry Vanilla banana smoothie

Cherry Sorbet

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IngredientsFor the Vinaigrette:1 shallot finely chopped1/3 cup good quality extra virgin olive oil1/4 cup balsamic vinegar1-1/2 teaspoons garlic, finely minced1/4 teaspoon white pepperFor the Salad:4 ears of corn cooked and kernels cut off cob (cooled)5 oz baby arugula1/2 cup finely diced red onion3/4 cup crumbled feta cheese1 lb cherries, pitted and sliced in half

MethodAdd all ingredients for the vinaigrette to a mason jar and shake until mixed. Can be made 1-2 days ahead but you will have to bring it to room temperature before using. Add corn, arugula and red onion to a large bowl and toss together gently with vinaigrette. Transfer to a large platter and sprinkle with feta cheese and place cherries all over the top.

Corn and Cherry Salad

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FIFA and

FASTINGBy Fatma Mohammed Al Ardhi

Mulling over the recent ‘Fifa mania’ also gave me a chance to reflect on it. I enjoyed watching the Fifa World Cup matches held in Brazil. I believe it encouraged people

to take up sports and I know that it brought families together even though it was held at unreasonable late hours! Germany deserves big congratulations for winning the

treasured cup!

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It was truly an exceptional tournament! People will have plenty of things to talk about in the years to come; the high average of the number of goals per match, Luis Suarez’s bite, Brazil’s unfortunate 7 to 1 defeat against Germany, Neymar’s nasty injury or how social media served as a double-edged sword for different teams. I hope that the next World Cup will be just as entertaining.But what really caught my attention at the World Cup was the Algerian team. And I am not talking about their captivating performance or how they gave hope for many Middle-Easterners that an Arab team could go further. No, I wish to talk about their fasting. Since the Holy Month of Ramadan fell during the tournament, the Algerian players decided to fast during their match against Germany. Some went as far as to blame their fasting for losing. But let us not forget, they stood-up against one of the strongest teams in the recently concluded World Cup matches –Germany. For well over 90 minutes while protecting their net from any goal that their opponents struggled so hard to score –the Germans won with a 2:1 result at the half time- and delivered an electrifying performance that matched any major football league. Was that due to their fasting?Sadly, many associate Ramadan with laziness, lethargy and low productivity. According to an economist, Hussam Ayesh, productivity for both the private and public sector drops by 50 percent during Ramadan. But during the holy month, working hours are usually reduced so that may help explain the high rate. It shouldn’t be like that. Fasting, if done correctly by eating a meal that is balanced, both in nutrition and amount, is supposed to give us a burst of energy and we can actually perform many tasks better than if we weren’t fasting. Physical activity is not an exception.I remembered last year reading a book titled ‘The Fast Diet’ by Dr Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer. In the book, the authors are advocating the benefits of fasting two days a week for optimal health. Something that all Muslims have known for well over 1,400 years! In the

book, on the subject of fasting and physical performance, a 2008 study on a group of young Tunisian footballers concluded that fasting didn’t pose a negative effect on their performance while playing. Then it mentions how it is actually beneficial to train on an empty stomach as it forces the body to use its own fat stores as a source of fuel -- instead of having to use food inside the stomach if one was not fasting-. This can increase our chances of weight loss and it can also enhance our physical performance. According to Dr Andreas Buchinger, who is the third medical generation of a Therapeutic Fasting Clinic in Germany that has been running for the past 90 years, on the subject of exercising while fasting, he said that there was no problem. The endurance during fasting is better. Some people might be worried that they would go hungry or thirsty if they exercise while fasting. From my own personal experience, I have noted that weight-loss is much easier during Ramadan and I didn’t face any difficulty when combining fasting with mild exercise. I would not recommend very strenuous exercise while fasting. As for when is the best time, I prefer before Maghrib prayers but people should not use this as a rule of thumb. It’s always wise to see what time best fits and whoever is getting into any physical activity while they are fasting, they should consult a physician first. Unfortunately, many associate Ramadan with sleeping, lethargy, resting when in fact it is the best time to perform. Ramadan is loved by Muslims all around the world because it is highly charged with spirituality and it gives all a chance to reconnect with God during this time of the year and to try to achieve spiritual well-being. I encourage everyone to consider adding another element to this blissful month: physical well-being and to strive towards achieving wholesomeness on all levels. Let us all pray that the Algerian team would become the champions for the 2018 World Cup, which will be held in Russia !

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Most studies have found out that women have more trouble sleeping than men. It is noted that women are more likely to seek medication for insomnia and they are more likely to seek some kind of aid to help them fall asleep…it is indeed damaging for without sleep, we may tend to go

these WOMENSleepless,

Some women cannot sleep. However much they try, they just toss and turn and while the night away. What is it that keeps such

women up every night? Why do they hug this

prickly Insomnia and lose sleep?

through the worst moments of our lives.Some women have problems sleeping two or three days in a week and there are many who are beset with sleep problems almost every day! The torture undergone by these sleepless at night women are really difficult to digest.Many of us find it difficult that there are sleepless women out there, some

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of whom could be our wives, our family members! But studies have proven that there are many reasons why women have trouble sleeping. Women, through their pregnancy age to menopause, are driven by hormones but perhaps in an irregular way. While some hormones do not make you jumpy, many others rob sleep. This has pushed our women to sleepless nights, made them seek aid at a sleep clinic, and other sleep aids to fall asleep. Most often than not, these women could clock much less than six hours sleep per night. Anjela reportedly gets good sleep just two days every month! And the others in many studies have been found to getting only good night sleeps only couple of times a week and some reported sleep problems of varying kind almost every night.The repercussions are plenty: such women drive drowsily to work where they are often seen slumped on their desks and some of them are noticed

to be significantly overweight.There are many reasons given as to why some women are unable to find sleep.Compared to men, women are not good at compartmentalisation and therefore their daily worries, stress and anxiety cause havoc during the night. In short, such women are too stressed to sleep. Compartmentalisation, at which men seem to be good at is to sort out the daily or otherwise difficulties into various store areas in the brains and close the doors on them, women tend to turn over their worry in their mind over and over until it cracks a bit.Women, are well women. And over the course of each month, their bodies undergo a sea of shifting hormones that can actually hurt your sleep. What do these bring? Well, they have to battled with menopause, pregnancy and their monthly cycles and the slowly team up with various bad sleeping habits and rob them of

their sleep.Women are expert jugglers too! But unlike the circus this is not an act where they can drop the balls! They have to keep all of them in the air, constantly. What is the danger in this is that when a ball drops off, it sabotages the entire act. Shabana points out an interesting factor about the difficulties of being a woman who cannot sleep. “I am a working mother with two kids. This means that while I have the office pressures, the work-related disturbance and finally, I have to cook and feed everyone. “A husband can have a wife, but a wife cannot have a wife!”Studies also note that their research have found out that many women who have poor sleep are found to be eating erratically. But doctors suggest that the best way for such women to get sleep, they should eat breakfast within an hour of waking, they should take their lunch within four hours of breakfast. Also, if three to four hours pass between dinner and snoozetime, it was better to have a snack before bed. But, of course,

this snack should be made up of fat, protein and carbohydrate.

So, in short, you can have part of an apple,

a portion of nut butter, cheese and crackers, or a very

small portion of dinner

leftovers, an article


The little one was in her own world, oblivious to the chaos and confusion around her.There was the angelic smile on her face, and laughter followed for no reason.She ran back to hug her mother at intervals and once again moved forward with a hop, skip and jump.The girl ran to one of the strangers and shook hands shyly, and said hello, and not stopping went ahead and shook hands with the others in the family too. Without a break she continued her hopping and went forward. She was happy and without any baggage burdening her little heart.Her younger sister was running behind her squealing in laughter, trying to catch up, and fell down tripping on her shoes. The little one stopped, turned back and ran back to her young one, pulled her up, and whispered something in her ears and pulled her along in her run to the stairs. The girl, who fell down, refused to join for a few minutes, had a sad face with tears welling in her eyes, then for no reason cheered up smiling, her pretty face still wet with tears and followed her elder one, forgetting that a few seconds back she had tripped and hit her knee. Believe me, it is always fun to see little girls running around, smiling in their own world, spreading happiness. If you pause to notice, you will always see that unmistakably common skip hop and run in all their strides, unlike the little boys.I sat there watching the two little girls holding hands and running around in the shopping mall. Their excitement was visible and made passersby stop to smile at them. Whoever passed by them, walked past smiling as if their smiles were infectious. Children in general have the beautiful gift to find joy all around them, find happiness in small things that becomes silly to an

By Priya Arunkumar

A hop, skip and run…

adult. They sing aloud, with no notes or rhythm, they dance when they feel like it, they are born with the ability to find joy in everything around them. Simple things that we as grown up adults take it for granted or sometimes even non- existent, give them immense joy and intrigue, because in their cute little minds, these simple things are miracles of life, which they are curious about. They have no limits, they believe in what they see.I was smiling too. It is easy to smile if you watch them.A stark contrast were their parents who in the adult world, talking animatedly, taking turns to call out the girl’s names, to bring them back to them, with frowns on their faces and dabbing at phones in their hands, oblivious to the carefree laughter of their girls. I was still staring at the little girl, now playing with a pink ball, she is just playing ball and yet she is happy. She is not thinking about a 100 odd things that she could be doing, when she is playing. We were there once, single focussed, not overwhelmed with a ‘to do’ list hanging down our necks.How and when did we start jogging, with music in our ears, money in our mind, ringing phones in our pockets, fake smiles on our faces, thinking how to reach home, before the traffic sets in? When did we all stop noticing the tiny miracles that surround us daily?How many of us are happy, doing all the things we can? No, don’t answer that!The easier solution is that you don’t have to look very far to learn how to be happy, just look at the kids running around. You were there once; once in a way pause, look at a child, you can still hop and skip back to happiness…



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