black templars mmviii 0716 warhammer 40k 2nd edition

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  • 8/10/2019 Black Templars MMVIII 0716 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition


    The Black Templars07/16/08

  • 8/10/2019 Black Templars MMVIII 0716 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition


    Armies of the 41 st Millennium

    Black Templar Rules

    Standard AbilitiesSpace Marines of the Blood Angels Chapter may use all of the standard Space Marine abilities (Rapid Fire,the Shaken rule, Tech Marines restrictions and repairs, etc !

    ombat S!uadsThe Black Templars do not subscribe to the "nde# Astartes lists concerning the organi$ation of troops on the

    battlefield As such, they cannot di%ide their s&uads into half, as other Chapters can This modified s&uadle%el organi$ation is presented in the S&uads section of the Chapter, belo'

    Black Templar as Alliesnless agreed to before the army lists are chosen, Black Templars may not be used as Allies, and may not

    take other specific Space Marine Chapters as Allies

    Chapter Rules

    Remember, the follo'ing rules are in addition to all other rules 'hich normally apply to Space Marines,and apply only to Black Templars Space Marines

    "i#hteous $eal)hilst most Space Marines under hea%y fire of facing difficult odds in close combat 'ill become Shaken if they fail a Moral roll, the Black Templars 'ill hurl themsel%es at the enemy 'ith e%en greater determination and fer%ent anger "f a Black Templars unit e%er becomes Shaken, it 'ill use the follo'ingrules instead The unit 'ill head to'ards the nearest enemy unit, ad%ancing *d+ before taking into accountany modifiers for terrain- models e&uipped 'ith .ump /ack may use them, pro%ided the unit has notalready 0umped in this turn "f this mo%ement takes the s&uad into contact 'ith an enemy unit, the Black Templars count as making a Charge into 1and to 1and combat 2ote that enemy units may still shoot at thes&uad B3F4R3 it mo%es, if such fire is applicable

    "n close combat, Black Templars normally pass any morale checks thy ha%e to make automatically1o'e%er, this rule does not apply if there is an inter%ention by the 3mperor5s Champion (see belo'!

    %urit& SealsBlack Templars characters and "nitiates may be gi%en purity seals, at a 6* pts per model (2eophytes maynot be gi%en purity seals! Should a Black Templar 'ith a /urity Seal become filled 'ith Righteous 7eal, itallo's the model to roll an e#tra die and discard one die of your choice 'hen determining their mo%ementto'ards the enemy Should the model8unit be broken, they may use the e#tra die to'ards their rally roll inthe follo'ing turn, instead

    Mi'ed Armor Black Templars s&uads often ha%e models 'ith different armor sa%es Remember that 'hen dicing

    casualties you must take into account the troop type 'hen making armor sa%es (mperor)s hampion

    The 3mperor9s Champion M ST be taken in a Black Templars army e%en if both players ha%e agreed notto use special characters This model is al'ays and independent character- the 3mperor9s champion al'aysfights as an independent character and so my ne%er be accompanied by a command unit

    The Black SwordThe Black s'ord can be used 'ith one or t'o hands "f used as a single:handed 'eapon it5s treated as a

    po'er 'eapon 'ith a 6; STR, and may be used in addition to the Champion5s bolt pistol "f used as a

  • 8/10/2019 Black Templars MMVIII 0716 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition


  • 8/10/2019 Black Templars MMVIII 0716 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition


    Arm& ,r#ani-ation* D6 Troops p to ED Support p to ED Characters

    Troops: Assault, 2eophyte, S'ord Brother, Tactical, and eteran S&uadsCharacters Captains, Standard Bearers, Apothecaries, Tech Marines, "n&uisitors, and eteranSergeantsSupport Allies- =e%astator S&uads- Support )eapons- ehicles

    An army commander must be selected for any Space Marine Army

    Space Marine armies ha%e a basic Strategy Rating of

  • 8/10/2019 Black Templars MMVIII 0716 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition


    Space Marines Armory

    Armor Models picking from this list may select only one item

    Armor Cost

    Carapace Armor (G6 Sa%e! H/o'er Armor ( 6 Sa%e! ;ETerminator Armor '8Stormbolter, Targeter (6; to hit!, /o'er Fist GITerminator Armor '8@ightning Cla's (pair! GITerminator Armor '8Thunder 1ammer and Storm Shield Terminator Armor '8Stormbolter, Targeter, Chainfist ;Terminator Armor '8Stormbolter, Targeter, /o'er S'ord G

    Assault .eaponsModels picking from this list may select as many items as they 'ant

    %eapon CostChains'ord */o'er A#e H/o'er Fist ;E/o'er Maul +/o'er S'ord +Bolt /istol *1and Flamer H/lasma /istol

    Special .eaponsModels picking from this list may select only one item

    Spec"al %eapon CostBoltgun Flamer IMeltagun J/lasma Kun J

    ea & .eaponsModels picking from this list may select only one item 3ach 'eapon comes 'ith a Targeter (6; to hit!

    %eapon CostAutocannon *1ea%y Bolter ;

    w/Hellfire Shells 6@ascannon GMissile @auncher '8Frag and Super Lrak Missiles G

    Melta missiles 6 Anti-plant missiles 6 Plasma missiles 6

    Multi:Melta +1ea%y /lasma Kun GE

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  • 8/10/2019 Black Templars MMVIII 0716 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition


    Space Marines Characters


  • 8/10/2019 Black Templars MMVIII 0716 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition


    Artificer Armour (*6 Sa%e!, Terminator honors, purity seals, master crafted bolt pistol, the Black S'ord

    A Black Templars army must be accompanied by an 3mperor5s Champion- this model is an"ndependent character, and cannot 0oin or command a unit

    OptionsAn 3mperor5s Champion may carry one additional )argear Card

    'n/ "s"tor100 points

    Troop Type M %S BS S T % ' A !d"n&uisitor ) * + ) + - 01

    The model initially comes 'ith no 'eapons and no armor

    "n&uisitors are immune to psychology, and 'ill ne%er break

    A Black Templars army may be accompanied by an "n&uisitor, if you 'ish 4nly one "n&uisitor can beincluded in a Black Templars army

    OptionsMay ha%e up to )argear Cards, and may choose from any of the Krenades, Armor, Assault, Special,and Terminator Assault )eapon @ists Any "n&uisitor may be a psyker of any Mastery @e%el each@e%el costs 6* points

    Apothecary!0 points

    Troop Type M %S BS S T % ' A !dApothecary G G G ; ; I

    An Apothecary 'ears /o'er Armor ( 6 sa%e!, 'ields a Bolt /istol and Frag grenades, and carries aMedi:/ack

    OptionsMay pick items from the Armor, Assault, Special, and Krenades lists, and may ha%e up to ; )argear Card 1e may ride a Bike for 6*E points

    Techmar"ne33 points

    Troop Type M %S BS S T % ' A !dTechmarine G G G ; ; I

    A Techmarine 'ears /o'er Armor ( 6 sa%e!, 'ields a Bolt /istol and Frag grenades

    A Techmarine must be included in a Black Templar army that fields any %ehicles

    "n the midst of battle, a Techmarine may attempt to repair a damaged %ehicleOptions

    May pick items from the Armor, Assault, Special, and Krenades lists, and may ha%e up to ; )argear Card Tech Marines may ride a Bike for 6*E points

    2eteran Sergeant5 points

    Troop Type M %S BS S T % ' A !deteran Sgt G G G ; ; I

    For each ;EEE points of Army strength, one "nitiates s&uad may ha%e one Brother upgraded to aeteran Sergeant 'ith the stats sho'n abo%e 1is 'eapons and armor remain unchanged (and he may

    not be the model 'ith the Special or 1ea%y 'eapon!, but he may carry up to ; )argear Card

  • 8/10/2019 Black Templars MMVIII 0716 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition


    Black Templar Squads

    S!uads 25% Assa lt S/ ad

    3* points per mo'e&Troop Type M %S BS S T % ' A !d

    Space Marine G G G G G ; G ; J3ach s&uad includes to ;E Black Templar "nitiates- each Marine 'ears /o'er Armor ( 6 sa%e!,carries a Bolt /istol and Assault )eapon and has a 0ump pack

    The entire unit may buy Lrak grenades and Melta bombs as 'ellOptions

    p to * models may replace their Bolt /istols for a second /lasma /istol or /o'er 'eapon- any modelmay replace its Bolt /istol for a Storm Shield for 6;E points

    B"ke S/ adron!* points per +i,er

    Troop Type M %S BS S T % ' A !dSpace Marine G G G G G ; G ; J

    3ach s&uad includes to Black Templar "nitiates riding Space Marine Bikes 3ach Marine 'ears/o'er Armor ( 6 sa%e!, and carries a Bolt /istol

    3ach Bike is e&uipped 'ith t'in:linked Bolt guns and a Targeter (6; to hit!Options

    Any model may carry Assault )eapons, and up to * "nitiates may choose to replace their Bolt /istol'ith a Special )eapon The entire s&uadron may carry Frag grenades for 6* points per model, and8or Lrak grenades for 6 points per model

    "n addition to the : normal Bikes, the S&uadron may include up to 2eophytes on Bikes for points per Bike

    Black Templar Close Com3at S/ ad

    30 points per mo'e&Troop Type M %S BS S T % ' A !dSpace Marine G G G G G ; G ; J

    3ach s&uad includes to ;E Black Templar "nitiates- each Marine 'ears /o'er Armor ( 6 sa%e! As aS&uad, the "nitiates carry a Bolt /istol and Close Combat 'eapon The entire unit may buy Frag and8or Lrak grenades as 'ell

    Optionsp to ; model may change his Bolt /istol for a Special 'eapon The entire s&uad may carry Lrak

    grenades for 6 E points

    3ach s&uad may purchase a %ehicle capable of transporting the unit as part of its cost This %ehicle isthen attached to the unit, and must remain 'ithin +< of it (as long as it functions!

    Black Templar Tact"cal S/ ad30 points per mo'e&

    Troop Type M %S BS S T % ' A !dSpace Marine G G G G G ; G ; J

    3ach s&uad includes to ;E Black Templar "nitiates- each Marine 'ears /o'er Armor ( 6 sa%e! As aS&uad, the "nitiates may carry a Boltgun The entire unit may buy Frag and8or Lrak grenades as 'ell

    Optionsp to ; model may s'ap his Boltgun for a 1ea%y 'eapon The entire s&uad may carry Lrak grenades

    for 6 E points

  • 8/10/2019 Black Templars MMVIII 0716 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition


    3ach s&uad may purchase a %ehicle capable of transporting the unit as part of its cost This %ehicle isthen attached to the unit, and must remain 'ithin +< of it (as long as it functions!

    Neophytes20 points per mo'e&

    Troop Type M %S BS S T % ' A !d

    2eophyte G G G ; G ; H3ach "nitiate S&uad may include up to 2eophytes 3ach 2eophyte 'ears Carapace Armor (G6 sa%e!Options

    Any model may carry either a Shotgun or Boltgun, or may select from the 2eophyte Close Combat'eapons "f grenades are purchased for the "nitiate S&uad, they must be purchased for the 2eophytes as'ell

    Sword Brother S/ ad!50 points

    Troop Type M %S BS S T % ' A !dTerminator G G G ; ; I

    3ach s&uad includes Black Templar "nitiates 3ach S'ord Brother 'ears Terminator Armor ( 6 sa%eon *=+! 'ith a /o'er Fist and a Storm Bolter 2ote that amongst other things, the Armor incorporatesa Targeter (6; to hit!

    4ptionsp to ; Terminator may replace his Storm Bolter 'ith a Terminator 1ea%y )eapon, and any number of

    models may replace their /o'er Fist 'ith a Terminator Assault )eapon The entire s&uad may beteleported into battle

    2eteran Space Mar"ne Assa lt S/ ad33 points per mo'e&

    Troop Type M %S BS S T % ' A !deteran Space Marine G G G ; ; I

    3ach s&uad includes to ;E Black Templar "nitiates- each Marine 'ears /o'er Armor ( 6 sa%e!,carries a Bolt /istol and a Close Combat )eapon The entire unit may buy Blind Frag, and8or Lrak grenades, and Melta bombs as 'ell

    Optionsp to t'o models may take Space Marine Special )eapons- any model may replace its Bolt /istol for

    a Storm Shield for 6;E points

    The entire s&uad may be e&uipped 'ith .ump /acks for 50 points- alternately, the entire s&uad may beallo'ed to "nfiltrate for 10 points per model- ho'e%er, they are still sub0ect to the normal rules for

    o's, and may not use dispersed formation

  • 8/10/2019 Black Templars MMVIII 0716 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition


  • 8/10/2019 Black Templars MMVIII 0716 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition


    Emperor(s Champ"on 4readna ght 5Sarcophag s Chass"s6235 points

    Crew Type M %S BS S T % ' A !dSpace Marine : H + : G ; * ;E

    "am 2umber of Speed Mo#ementStr 4mg Sa#e Crew $assengers %alk Charge 7ast TypeJ =;E :G 0 1 +< ;E< 28A %alker

    Both =readnaught arms 'ield a Champions S'ord, and one arm carries an au#iliary Meltagun 'ith aIE arc of fire to the front The =readnaught may upgrade 'ith auto:launchers ('ith Frag or Lrak! for 6 points The =readnaught is affected by all applicable o's taken by the army

    t Stats%S A

    H N NThe A in not reduced by the loss

    of the models arms

    4+ !egs 4amage Ta3le

    0 The =readnaught5s leg holds, but the force of the blo' slo's it do'n The =readnaughtmay not mo%e ne#t turn

    - The 'alker is knocked spra'ling, "t staggers = < in a random direction, colliding 'ithanything it mo%es into

    89) The leg is seriously damaged The =readnaught may no' only limp along at = < per turn

    9+ The leg is blo'n off The =readnaught crashes to the ground, and is effecti%elydestroyed

    4+ Arm 4amage Ta3le

    0 The arm is partial paraly$ed- ranged 'eapons may be used, but the arm may not be usedin 1t1 combat- The links to the arm are damaged The arm may only 'ork on a roll of G6

    89 The arm is torn off the =readnaught

    + The 'eapons in the arm e#plode, causing a flashback into the body of the dreadnaughtRoll on the Body table to determine the result

    4+ Body 4amage Ta3le

    0The controls are damaged The machine may only mo%e and attack on a roll of G6(make one check each turn!

    - The Champion controlling the =readnaught is badly in0ured- the characteristics of the=readnaught are hal%ed for the rest of the game

    89)The =readnaught5s engine bursts into flames and the machine is immobili$ed The pilotmay still use emergency controls to fire one 'eapon At the start of each turn, roll =+- ite#plodes on a roll of ; or * Any models 'ithin < suffer =+ S:;E hits 'ith a : sa%eThe Champion =readnaught is slain The =red staggers = < in a random direction, andthen collapses to the ground

    + The =readnaught5s ammunition e#plodes, completely destroying the machine and

    Armor 4+ !ocat"on 7ront S"de:;ear ; @egs *E ;J* @eft Arm ;I ;H

    Right Arm ;I ;HG:+ Body *; ;I

  • 8/10/2019 Black Templars MMVIII 0716 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition


    inflicting =+ S:;E hits 'ith a :* Mod to any models 'ithin

  • 8/10/2019 Black Templars MMVIII 0716 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition


    !and ;a"der Mk< ''' Cr sader 250 points

    Crew Type M %S BS S T % ' A !dSpace Marines G G G G G ; G ; J

    "am 2umber of Speed Mo#ementStr 4mg Sa#e Crew $assengers Slow Com3at 7ast TypeJ =;* : 8 -1 M or 01 T H< ;G< *E< Tracked

    The @and Raider Crusader %ariant is armed 'ith t'in linked Assault Cannons on a for'ard mount 'itha IE arc of fire from the front of the %ehicle 1urricane Bolters on each side of the tank ha%e a I arcof fire on each side, 'hile a Multi:Melta has a ;JE arc of fire around the %ehicle T'o Frag =efenderscome as standard A @and Raider may upgrade 'ith auto:launchers ('ith Frag or Blind! for (6 !


    Armor 4+ !ocat"on 7ront S"de:;ear ;:* Track ;H *E8;H

    : 1ull *E **

    + 1urricane BolterN ;J ;JNClosest one to attacker

    4+ Track 4amage Ta3le

    0 The track is damaged but keeps running The @and Raider may only mo%e at slo'speed for the rest of the game

    -9 The track is blo'n off The @and Raider mo%es out of control ne#t turn, and then comesto a permanent halt

    +The track is blo'n off, and the %ehicle flips o%er, coming to a halt =+< a'ay in arandom direction Any model hit takes =+ S:H hits 'ith a :* sa%e Any models on boardare killed on a =+ roll of G6- sur%i%ors may dismount normally the follo'ing turn

    4+ H ll 4amage Ta3le0 The t'in linked 1ea%y Bolters are destroyed and may no longer be used

    -98 A fiery e#plosion tears through the cre' compartment Any models on board are killedon a =+ roll of G6

    ) The engine e#plodes All models on board are killed, and the tank is spun around to facea random direction, and comes to a permanent haltThe fuel tank ignites All models on board are killed, and the 'reck mo%es out of control ne#t turn before e#ploding Any model 'ithin < of the point 'here it stops 'ill

    be hit as if by a hea%y flamer

    + The ammunition e#plodes All models on board are killed, and any model 'ithin < 'ill be hit by =+ S:;E hits 'ith a : sa%e

    4+ H rr"cane Bolter 4amage Ta3le

    0The 1urricane Bolter is damaged, and may only be used on a roll of G6 (check eachturn!

    -9 The 1urricane Bolter is destroyed

    + The 1urricane Bolter is destroyed- molten fragments ricochet inside the %ehicle Rollon the 1 @@ table to determine the result

  • 8/10/2019 Black Templars MMVIII 0716 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition



  • 8/10/2019 Black Templars MMVIII 0716 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition


    Black Templar Special Characters

    ndi idual eroes!ord Hel3recht, H"gh Marshal of the Black Templars of the Black Templars

    129 points% 169 points inc&u'in# ar#ear (0-1x)Troop Type M %S BS S T % ' A !d

    1elbrecht G J H G J G ;EArmed 'ith a Black S'ord and Bolt /istol, and 'ears Artificer Armor ( 2 sa%e! 1elbrecht5s armor isalso e&uipped 'ith a Con%ersion Field- note that this count as a single )argear Card

    )ith a Strategy Rating of 6, 1elbrecht is automatically your army5s commanderOptions

    1elbrecht may carry up to 3 )argear Cards- t'o of these 'ill al'ays be the Black S'ord, and hisArtificer5s Armor

    1elbrecht may be escorted by a S'ord Brothers S&uad Any number of models in this bodyguards&uad may take Space Marine Terminator )eapons at normal cost

    Chapla"n Tancedar, & ard"an of the 7a"th

    6 points (0-1x)Troop Type M %S BS S T % ' A !d1ero G + + * + * I

    As a Chaplain, Tancedar 'ears /o'er Armor ( 6 sa%e!, 'ields a Bolt /istol and Frag grenades, ha%e aCro$ius Arcanum and a Rosarius (integrated Con%ersion Field G6 unmodified sa%e!

    "n addition, any friendly Space Marines 'ithin J< of Tancedar may re:roll any failed Break Test once,adding an e#tra die for his Righteous /urity Seal

    OptionsTancedar possesses a /urity Seal Relic, and may take one additional )argear Card 1e may ride a Bikefor 6*E points

    'n/ "s"tor Cadman !ochran, the Emperor(s Hammer

    269 points (0-1x)Troop Type M %S BS S T % ' A !d"n&uisitor ) * + + ) + 8 01

    Armed 'ith a Master:Crafted /lasma /istol and a Force S'ord, Cadman @ochran 'ears Terminator Armor ( 3 sa%e on *=+!, and carries Frag and Lrak grenades

    @ochran is a psyker of Mastery @e%el !

    Because of his un'a%ering de%otion to the 3mperor5s cause, any attempts to nullify his /sychic po'ers are at a 6; difficulty, 'hile any attacks directed at him or 'hich come in contact 'ith themodel 'ill be nullified at :; difficulty for the "n&uisitor

    1e is immune to =aemonic possession of any sortOptions

    Cadman @ochran may carry up to 3 )argear Cards

    Thorre"ch, Hero of the 4on"an Cr sade60 points (0-1x)

    Troop Type M %S BS S T % ' A !dThorreich G + + * + * I

  • 8/10/2019 Black Templars MMVIII 0716 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition


    Armed 'ith a Chains'ord, a Boltgun O /istol, Frag and Lrak grenades, and 'ears /o'er Armor ( 3sa%e!

    OptionsThorreich may carry up to 2 )argear Cards

    Brother Capta"n %ernher, Marshal of the Thangdron Cr sade106 points (0-1x)

    Troop Type M %S BS S T % ' A !d)ernher G H H H ;E

    Armed 'ith a combi:'eapon, Boltgun O Meltagun, Frag and Lrak grenades, and 'ears /o'er Armor (3 sa%e!

    )ernher hates 4rks 1e may command your army, and has a Strategy Rating of 5 if he does soOptions

    )ernher may carry up to 3 )argear Cards

  • 8/10/2019 Black Templars MMVIII 0716 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition


    Black Templar !ar"ear This section lists )argear 'hich is e#clusi%e to this Specific Chapter- for a list of additional )argear a%ailable to all Space Marine Armies, see the Space Marine Army @ist at the beginning of the Code#

    Auto5 auncher Uncommon

    5 pointsSpace "arine terminators on&$% one useThis is an automatic point defense system, 'hich is loaded before the game starts 'ith either Frag or Blindgrenades This can be triggered at any time, and 'ill automatically deploy the grenade +< in front of themodel

    on ersion ield Rare10 pointsThe 'earer gains an additional, unmodifiable armor sa%ing thro' of G6 A successful sa%e using the Fieldcauses a blinding flash- unprotected troops 'ithin a radius e&ual to the incoming 'eapon5s Strength ininches 'ill be blinded until the beginning of their ne#t turn on a G6 on =+ Blind models cannot mo%e or shoot and fight in hand:to:hand combat 'ith a )S of ; 2ote that only one personal Field may be used at atime

    orce S+ord Rare10 pointsps$,ers on&$At the end of the psychic phase, one unused Force Card may be stored in the S'ord instead of being placedin the discard pile The stored Force Card may be retrie%ed and used in subse&uent psychic phases "n hand:to:hand combat, the S'ord increases the 'ielder5s Strength by a number e&ual to his Mastery @e%el, and'ounds =aemons automatically 'ith no sa%e possible The 'ielder may also e#pend the stored Force Cardto gain an e#tra 6* Strength and P* armor sa%e in hand:to:hand combat May also be used to parry

    ump %ack Uncommon10 points/ermits the 'earer to make a long, po'ered leap instead of its normal mo%e A 0ump can be up to a distanceof ;J

  • 8/10/2019 Black Templars MMVIII 0716 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition


    2emesis orce .eapon Rare20 points n uisitors an' re$ ni#hts on&$See the 'eapon profile for this 'eapon for more information

    %urit& Seal 9"elic: Common points mperium on&$

    Models bearing /urity Seals are immune to Fear and Terror Furthermore, if hit by a psychic attack, themodel has a psychic sa%e on a =+ of G6 This does not 2ullify the po'er- you must roll for each model'ith a /urity Seal indi%idually to see if it is effected 2ote that, unlike other Relics, the /urity Seal may betaken by any model 'ith the ability to choose "mperium 4nly5 )argear

    %urit& Seal Common2 points4&ac, Temp&ar nitiates on&$Black Templars characters and "nitiates may be gi%en purity seals Should a Black Templar 'ith a /uritySeal become filled 'ith Righteous 7eal, it allo's the model to roll an e#tra die and discard one die of your choice 'hen determining their mo%ement to'ards the enemy Should the model8unit be broken, they mayuse the e#tra die to'ards their rally roll in the follo'ing turn, instead

    "osarius 9Standard: Uncommon10 points mperia& orces on&$A Rosarius is a Relic fitted 'ith a Con%ersion Field The 'earer gains an additional, unmodifiable armor sa%ing thro' of G6 A successful sa%e using the Field causes a blinding flash- unprotected troops 'ithin aradius e&ual to the incoming 'eapon5s Strength in inches 'ill be blinded until the beginning of their ne#tturn on a G6 on =+ Blind models cannot mo%e or shoot and fight in hand:to:hand combat 'ith a )S of ;

    2ote that only one personal Field may be used at a time

    Scanner Uncommon1 point=etects hidden troops 'ithin *G

  • 8/10/2019 Black Templars MMVIII 0716 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition


    Chapter #nique !eapons@ike the )argear, abo%e, this section lists 'eapons 'hich are e#clusi%e to this Specific Chapter Again, for a full list of additional 'eapons a%ailable to all Space Marine Armies, see the Space Marine Army @ist atthe beginning of the "nde#

    Black Sword

    ;ange To H"t Sa#e Armor Short !ong Short !ong Str 4mg Mod $en Spec"al

    Close combat only ser6; ; ser =+6Str Close Combat: 1 Hand Close combat only J ; : =+6=*E6J Close Combat: 2 Hands

    The Black S'ord does not suffer the usual :; "nitiati%e penalty if used in t'o hands

    Champ"on(s Blades 54readna ght6Sa#e Armor

    Str 4mg Mod $en Spec"alJ = : J6= 6=*E6=+ Close combat, one parry per S'ord

    "f you score 2 or more hits, you may combine all of the hits into a single hit 'ith an Armor /enetration of 3 6 20

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