black magic of success

Post on 11-Nov-2015






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  • The Black Magic of Success

  • The Black Magic of Success

    The Black Magic of Success

    Why You Will Fail If You Focus on Success!!

    By Mohamed Tohami

  • The Black Magic of Success

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    All Rights Reserved No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without express written, dated and signed permission from the author. Disclaimer and/or Legal Notices The information presented herein represents the views of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the rights to alter and update his opinions based on the new conditions. This report is for informational purposes only and the author doesnt accept responsibilities resulting from the use of this information. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided here, the author and his referrals cannot assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional.

  • The Black Magic of Success

    About Mohamed Tohami

    Mohamed Tohami is a leading authority on creating everlasting success. Tohami is the author of "The Life Purpose Discovery System: Your Ultimate Guide to a Meaningful Life". He is also the creator of "The Success Avalanche: 70 Exclusive Interviews with Ultra Successful People". He is featured as one of the worlds top success experts by - the #1 ranked

    website for Self Improvement on Google and Yahoo. Tohami has been featured as the Middle East's first self-help guru in Arabian Man magazine (the Gulf's leading Men's magazine, read only by the eyes of the Gulf's most successful - or soon to be successful men). He has recorded over 100 interviews with the world's leading success and business experts including Anne Bruce, Dan Lok, Debbie Allen, Gary Blair, Dr. Joe Rubino, Joe Sugarman, John Gordon, Frank McKinney, Mark Sanborn, Michel Gerber, Mike Litman, Peggy McColl, Simon T. Bailey, Terri Levine, Eva Gregory and many more. Tohami's mission is to uncover the success wisdom of the ages to help millions of people worldwide to transform their lives from making a living to making a difference. To find out more about Tohami and his work, please visit these websites:

  • The Black Magic of Success

    Introduction Success has a magic! It is a general interest for everyone to become a successful person. But this attractive magic can turn against you, if you dont know the truth about creating successEverlasting Success. If youre sick and tired of the false promises and information overload in the success industry, then youll be very pleased to read this report NOW. Im NOT going to add another promise, tell you that this report is different, or guarantee to give you the (ultimate/hidden/little known) secret that (nobody tells you about/gurus dont want to reveal) that will make you an overnight success. Instead, I prefer to show you in detail why you will FAIL if you focus on success, and what alternative issues you SHOULD focus on to build EVERLASTING SUCCESS. Im going to show you an alternative approach that you MIGHT want to consider carefully in your quest for success. This report will go into great depth about:

    The truth behind my controversial claims; The essential ingredients you need to kick off your journey

    towards success. (Yes, only kick off! Believe it or not, I cant teach you beyond that. Youll find out why later on.);

    Key insights into developing your OWN UNIQUE SUCCESS

    STRATEGY. (Please take a note of the words own, unique, and strategy. Again, youll find out why later on.)

    And ALL I want is for you to open your mind and read this report in full without pre-judgment. It will explain itself fully as you go along. Take a well-deserved break, eliminate distractions, print this report, sit in a quiet place, and start reading and taking notes. Who knows? You might find your own SUCCESS BREAKTHROUGH in the next half hour. One more thing: I want you to wipe the very idea of success right out of your head. Be patient and read the whole reportthen youll see exactly what I mean when I say, Dont focus on success.

  • The Black Magic of Success

    What I need you to do now, before we get into the meat of the matter, is to simply STOP thinking about success and STOP trying to be successful no matter what! My sole purpose in writing this report is to open your eyes to the fact that ONLY YOU can create your successAND that you can do it without focusing on success or being successful! My goal is to empower you to use what you already have to build the life of your dreams, create everlasting success, and leave a LEGACY.

    Get ready to transform your life from making a living to making a difference.

  • The Black Magic of Success

    The Burning Question

    To be clear, my purpose is not to go against the norm just to create a buzz, achieve fame, get people to talk about me, or attract the media. I dont need to do any of that. In fact, I have already reached a high level of success in a very short period of time. But I perceive a BIG problem that we are so deeply immersed in that we cant even see it. Millions of dollars are spent every year on success literature in all mediabooks, CDs, tapes, and so on. People are clearly desperate to find the all-in-one remedy, the ultimate cure, the success elixir that will improve their lives. Based purely on the amount of information available, I can readily claim that the success industry is one of the biggest in the world. Massive information overload! Thousands of experts, thousands of step-by-step guides, thousands of promises that your life will change if you try THIS solution. I am not judging or pointing fingers here, but let me ask you one question: If all this information is available, then why is only 1-3% of the world population successful? Why are successful people so very rare? All the tools are there. All the clues for success are there. But most of us are still struggling to find our way. Tell me, up until this very moment, how much money have you spent on success? Dont get me wrong there is nothing better than investing in yourself. But my question is why arent you successful yet? With all those experts offering advice, promises, and money-back guarantees that their products will change your life forever, why arent you successful yet? Thats the burning question we need to examine

  • The Black Magic of Success

    What Inspired Me to Write This Sensational Report

    One day I was speaking on the phone with my friend Ossama El-Kaddi, one the worlds top experts on the Sun Tzu Art of War strategy. He was very nervous and told me very succinctly that he believed all this personal development stuff amounted to nothing more than promises in the air. He told me that he had attended all the gurus seminars, listened to all the tapes, and read hundreds of books, yet his life had not changedin fact, it was headed in a downward spiral. But then he was introduced to the Sun Tzu Art of War strategy. It totally changed his life. He said to me, Mohamed, study Sun Tzu. It is essential. If you study it, you will never fail. At first I didnt pay much attention to his comment or his judgment against the industry which I am part of myself. After all, how could I devote my life to teaching success and then turn around and say that these teachings will never work! But a couple of months later I remembered that conversation and started reading about the Sun Tzu Art of War strategy. Written by Sun Tzu thousands of years ago, it remains the ultimate strategic system in the history of mankind. Once I started reading about it, I just couldnt stop. I became so deeply involved that I even got some online certifications in the subject. My mind was totally blown away. And the real shocker? By applying just the basic Sun Tzu principles, I saw an increase of 447% in sales within a couple of months! And from that moment on, my business started growing exponentially!

  • The Black Magic of Success

    WARNING #1: There Is No Blueprint for


    But wait! I am not teaching Sun Tzu here. That was just the story that inspired me to tell you why NO ONE in the worldnot even Ican give you a blueprint for success. You will NOT be successful if you follow someone elses blueprint or strategy for success. You are unique, and that means you have to develop your OWN success strategy. Im aware that you might have read some of my articles on the internet, and that in this report I may go against some of my own words and beliefs. But I am willing to go out on a limb and contradict myself because I believe this information is so vital for you. You need to let go of the myth and grab hold of the keys to your own success. Why am I so confident that no one can give you a blueprint for success? The answer is inherent in the question What is success? Consider these points:

    There is no single definition of success. All successful people say that success is different for every person. So what I consider success, you might consider failure, right? Given that, how can I promise you that my system will guarantee your success when I dont know what success means to you in the first place? Make sense?

    You are 100% unique. Every success blueprint on the market

    lays out the steps that helped its creator to succeed. Therefore, the steps he followedwhich are based on HIS character, circumstances, current trends, and specific point in timeare really only valid for HIM. It is not enough to say, This worked for me, it must work for you. There are hundreds of factors that contribute to the equation. Its just not that easy.

  • The Black Magic of Success

    While there is absolutely no question that there are universal

    laws of success and general principles, rules, traits, and habits shared by most successful people, the mixture of those elements could never be the same for every person. Every combination lock has the same numbers on it, but each one requires a different sequence to open.

    So the bottom line is that ONLY YOU can decide the best way to reach the level of success you desire. I still firmly believe that successful people have much to offer you and that you most certainly can learn valuable information from the clues they leave behind but ONLY YOU can formulate the success strategy that will work for you.

    WARNING #2:

    Focusing On Success Will Only Lead to Failure

    Read this carefully (and please be patient until I explain): You will fail if you focus on SUCCESS. Instead, you must focus on VALUE. If you dont trust me on that one, then hopefully youll trust Albert Einstein! Yes, one of the most powerful minds in the history of mankind once said, Try not to become a man of success; rather, try to become a man of value. So what does that mean exactly? It means developing a strategy for your life that is based on increasing your value. It means moving from your current position in life to a different position where you can provide more value better than anyone else. In fact, all of the success stories that I recorded in my project The Success Avalanche (more about that later) share this one common factor. Every person I interviewed focused on service to others, and in so doing increased their own value. And those who serve more people are more successful by default.

  • The Black Magic of Success

    Why Is Bill Gates the Richest Person in The World?

    Think about it for a minute. Some common responses to that question might include: He is intelligent. He has a product that runs the world! He is a genius. He is lucky! He is the owner of Microsoft. If your answer was similar to any of those, then allow me to tell youNO, NO, NO! Absolutely not! No, Im not being too harsh on Mr. Gates. I just want to direct your attention to an extremely important concept that will guarantee your success in any endeavor. Simply put, Bill Gates is the richest person in the world because Bill Gates is the most VALUABLE person in the world! One of the major secrets to everlasting success and wealth is the combined power of VALUE and SERVICE. The more you serve, the more you succeed. The more value you add to yourself and to the world, the more wealth and success you accumulate. Bill Gates is making irreplaceable contributions of VALUE and SERVICE to the whole world, and hes doing it in a way like no one else. So how valuable are YOU right now? What actions can you take to increase your value just 1%? And what service are you offering to the world? How can you become more valuable by offering more? Answering these questions can transform your way of thinking.

    Lets look more closely at the idea of service. Your level of success depends on how many people you help, either directly or indirectly, to become more successful.

    For example, if what you do helps 100 people to become successful, then you can measure your success by giving it a value of 100. Now you have a numerical factor with which to measure your success and progress in life. And if you want to have more success than you

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    have now, think about how you can help even more people to become successful.

    When youre at work, help your boss become more successful. Help the team you are working with become more successful. Help your customer become more successful. If you are a boss, look for ways to help your employees become more successful. If you are a father, help your children become more successful. If you are a wife, help your husband become more successful.

    When all of these people do become more successful, they will transfer that success to their families, their friends, and so on. And right there, you have had a direct and indirect impact on the success of many other people.

    So how do you master this powerful combination of value and service? First you must discover your life purposethe area you have the greatest passion for and in which you can serve the maximum number of people. That area will be your area of greatness, the field in which you can have an enormous impact on others and create a lasting legacy for yourself. Then, instead of focusing on success, focus on specific, measurable activities that will increase your value to yourself and others. Compounded over time, any small effort you make to increase your value will yield a great harvest. Its enough to remember this simple formula: Purpose + Value + Service = Everlasting Success If you apply this idea, you will increase your personal value, achieve more success, make a positive impact on other peoples lives, feel satisfied in your own life, and leave a wonderful legacy. So lets do a quick summary of where we are up to this point. To be successful, you must:

    1. Develop your own unique strategy for success. 2. Focus on value and service, rather than on success itself.

    Easy, right? But in order to plant that garden, you need some basic gardening tools! This next section will help you focus on what you need to know and do to formulate your own strategy for success.

  • The Black Magic of Success

    The Ingredients of Success

    Going back to my story about Sun Tzu, its important to understand that Sun Tzu did not teach about saleshe taught about WAR! So why did my sales increase 447% after I read about his Art of War strategy? Did I stumble upon some secret knowledge that Id never known about before? Of course not! I used the same basic tactics Ive always used, but I changed the strategy. I had always followed other peoples systems and blueprints, but had never found the success I craved. This time, I changed the formula, I changed the steps, and I developed the secret code that unlocked the door to my OWN success. You need to do the same thing. You need to take all the elements of success and discover your own secret code. And the only ingredients you need to kick off your journey are:

    A clear purpose in life that you're passionate about; Proven success principles and universal laws; Success stories that illustrate how success is created in the

    real world and how successful people put the principles into action and develop their own strategies.

    The good news is that all of these ingredients are available to anyone who is ready to create a legacy of success. Its not that difficult, and Ill show you how! Lets break it down one ingredient at a time.

  • The Black Magic of Success

    Ingredient #1: A Clear Life Purpose

    You were born for a purposea unique purpose. And the best way to live your life is to fully express that purpose. Knowing your purpose in life is simply the first step you must take. How can you start a journey if you dont know where youre going? Youll get lost for sure! Thats why the first project I put together for people like us was The Life Purpose Discovery System: Your Ultimate Guide to a Meaningful Life, a 7-step guide that helps you discover and clarify where you are and where youd like to be. Knowing where you are in your life is vital because it identifies the unique you. You must know yourself, your environment, what you have control of, what you can and cannot change, and what skills and tactics you need to use to reach your final destination. Once youve clarified that for yourself, you can start your journey toward developing your success strategy. Id like to lay out here the 7-step system that Ive created to help you find your purpose in life. (Before we move on, Id like to stress that I am not selling anything. If you want to click on a link, fine; if not, thats fine, too. When I mention resources, I do so because I dont want to hide anything and because I believe these resources are of GREAT VALUE to you. But in the end, it is only you who can decide whether they would be useful for you!) Overview of The Life Purpose Discovery System Step 1: Discover the WHY The system begins with the most important and most universal question: WHY? Why do you need a life purpose? You will never be able to discover your true life purpose without having a strong reason that urges you to find it.

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    The reason for your search may be that you are suffering from a meaningless life that causes you too much pain. Or perhaps you feel an intense desire for self-fulfillment and satisfaction, which can only be gained through fulfilling the purpose that is ready to explode from within you. Life purpose discovery is not just a nice skill to learn, nor is it an optional element to be used in the pursuit of a better life. The need for a life purpose must be deeply embedded in the core of your soul. You must feel that having a purpose is as essential to your well-being as your bodys need for food and water. My friend, believe me or not, you cant live a true and meaningful life without having a clear purpose that ignites your core desires. The next three steps take you through the Logical Discovery process. Here you will use your mind to logically set in order the facts that cover your basic understanding of yourself and your life. You will use this logic to identify your passions and talents as they relate to the worlds needs. Step 2: Find Your Passion In this step, you will analyze your past to assess those moments that were the greatest, the happiest, and the most pleasurable. You will identify those activities that make you lose all sense of time while youre doing them, the activities that you would like to spend your whole life doingeven if you receive no money in return. Example: I am passionate about success and human potential. Step 3: Identify Your Talents Then you will identify your talents, the things that you do better than anyone else. Your talents are GODs gift to you and they make you unique and special. Example: I have the ability to motivate, inspire, and empower people. Step 4: Determine Your Contribution In Step 4 you will answer the question, What value can I add to the world? The true calling and purpose of your life lies in the cross-connection between your passions, talents, and the worlds needs.

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    Example: I can help people transform their lives from making a living to making a difference. Once you complete the Logical Discovery, you will have the common ground and the basic information from which you can extract and write the first draft of your life purpose statement. Then you will move on to the Emotional Discovery process where youll begin to evaluate your draft statement. You will use your emotions to clarify your work up to this point so that you can be absolutely certain that the purpose you identified is truly right for you. Step 5: Define the Level of Your Desire In this step you will answer the question, Do I have 100% desire to live for that purpose? The purpose of this step is to unleash the power of intense desire and ignite a fire that never goes out. Step 6: The Power of Solitude The Emotional Discovery process will require moments of solitudeextended periods of time in which you will meditate and reflect on the desire in your soul. It is at this point that you will strive to find the connection between your true self and this life purpose. Sitting alone in peaceful surroundings, with only nature for company, is a wonderful way to open the gate to your inner guide, the guide that will lead you in the right direction. Step 7: Future Projection Finally, you will use a Future Projection technique to create a lens through which you can see yourself living this purpose and the effect it will have on your emotions in the future. Will you feel completely satisfied and fulfilled by living that life? Once youve completed the Emotional Discovery process, you will be ready to write the final version of your life purpose. The Life Purpose Discovery System is a powerful tool. The tremendous results of applying this system are beyond imagination, and can help you define your purpose and ultimate value to the world.

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    (For more information about The Life Purpose Discovery System, just go to: )

    Ingredient #2:

    Success Principles and Universal Laws

    To learn the best success principles and universal laws, I suggest you cut to the chase and read the two greatest success classics of all time: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and As a Man Thinketh by the inimitable James Allen. The principles contained within the pages of these books will teach you all about the qualities you must develop in order to create everlasting success. Theyll also bring you to the blazing realization that everything you need to achieve massive success lies in the power of your thoughts. My Favorite Success Principle One day I was watching a video by Jim Cathcart, a professional speaker and business author. He was sharing some secrets and principles to help salespeople maintain the right attitude. During his speech, Jim shared a very powerful question that created a true mind shift for me. That question is...How would the person you want to be do the things you are about to do? That fascinating question propels you into the future where you are already the ideal person you would like to be, and helps you act from that perspective in your present life. And that simple question activates the power of the "Act as if" principle. You simply act as if you have already reached your goals and have become the person you always wanted to be. Acting as if will focus your mind and shape your thoughts around your ultimate dream. Acting as if you've reached your goals will also shape your character in the best and fastest way possible. You will immediately start modeling your ideal self, which will help you develop a success

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    mindset and maintain that mindsetand a positive attitudeevery moment of your life. Asking yourself that question will point your attitude and your actions in the most effective direction so that you will be able to accelerate your success and reach your goals faster than you ever imagined before. Another FABULOUS Success Principle Another one of my favorite principles is the Think Rich to Be Rich principle. In his book As a Man Thinketh, James Allen wrote a phrase that I consider to be the grounding principle for anyone who wants to transform his reality and achieve great success. "A man can only rise, conquer, and achieve by lifting up his thoughts. He can only remain weak, abject, and miserable by refusing to lift up his thoughts." That principle is what Allen calls the Thought Factor in achievement. The fact is, your thoughts must match the level of achievement you want to reach. For example, if your goal is to earn one million dollars, then you have to lift up your thoughts and think like a millionaire. If you want to be a CEO, you must think like a CEO. The quality of your thoughts defines the level of achievement you can reach. If you feel stuck in place and unable to rise to a better situation, then you must immediately fix your thought pattern. Look for ways to lift up your thoughts to match the heights you wish to reach. James Allen also said, "All achievements, whether in the business, intellectual, or spiritual world, are the result of definitely directed thought." Your thoughts must be the first thing to change when you want to improve your life and transform your reality. Great achievements follow great thoughts, not the other way around. Think about the quality of your thoughts. How do you rate them on a scale from 1 to 10? Now, starting today, ask yourself what you can do to go up just one point on that scale.

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    Ingredient #3: Learning from Success Stories

    As Ive stressed throughout this report, there are lots of theories and blueprints for success out there, but your own success ultimately depends on YOU and the unique strategy that YOU develop. That doesnt mean, however, that you should ignore what successful people have to offer. In fact, I would say that it is ESSENTIAL that you listen to the stories of highly successful people in order to learn how they develop their own formulas and strategies for success. I know that I have been blessed by learning from them directly. Besides learning from ancient and classic masters like Sun Tzu, James Allen, and Napoleon Hill, Ive had the privilege of interviewing over 100 ultra-successful people from all over the world. I listened to and recorded their success stories and secrets. And I discovered that every story was both the same and entirely different! How could that be? All those highly successful people had certain things in common. They all had a clear life purpose and great passion for what they do. And they all shared the same ingredients and principles for success. But each one used those common ingredients for success in brilliantly different combinations. They each mixed those ingredients in their own unique pots and came up with success strategies exclusively tailored to their own needs and desires, their own situations, and their own definitions of success. And you can do it, too. Once youve discovered your life purpose and identified how you can add value to the world, all you have to do is search for the clues and principles of success that will help you develop YOUR OWN SUCCESS STRATEGY, a strategy that is based on your specific situation and is as unique as you are. Success stories are an invaluable tool for helping you understand how success is created in the real world. Why? Because they help you discover the inner game of success.

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    You may have already read a lot of success books and how-to information, and perhaps youve gotten an intellectual grasp on some of the success concepts. But just imagine reading a book on how to perform brain surgery! Sure, you could go to medical school and study the concepts and techniques for months, but until you actually get in an operating room and watch experienced surgeons perform the operation, you'll never be qualified to do it yourself. You'll never see how all of the concepts and techniques work together in the real world. That same concept applies equally to creating your own success in life! To be effective, you need to see how successful people have applied the success principles and techniques in the real world. Here are three easy ways to use success stories to gather the information you need to start developing your success strategy: 1. Read the Clues Search for the common threads that unite successful people. Pick up the clues theyve left behind on their paths to success, and analyze each one to see if it is useful for you. Keep the ones you like, throw the rest out! If you weave these clues into your own strategy, you'll reach the same level of success they've reachedmaybe even greater because youll be able to sidestep all the mistakes they made. 2. Listen to Ideas Ideas are power. The more ideas you are exposed to, the more you will grow and expand your mind. One idea can literally transform your life overnight. Keep an open mind and listen to the ideas of successful people. Something you hear may ignite a spark in you today, tomorrow, or ten years from now. File away what you learn so that it will be available to you later in your own success strategy. 3. Learn Only from the Best Gather information only from the most successful people, those who have already achieved the level of success that you aspire to. When you listen to their stories, pay close attention to their thoughts and actions. Examine their tactics, methods, principles, and results. Learning from the best guarantees that youll have the most

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    pertinent information available when it comes time to create your own success strategy. The principles, clues, and formulas youll encounter when listening to success stories are worth their weight in gold. Listening to a personal conversation with a successful person reveals a lot about the inner game of success. In fact, I created The Success Avalanche, a collection of 70 exclusive interviews revealing inspiring success stories from some of the most successful people of our time, just for that purposeto gather all the clues for success in one place. But remember you must take those clues and success formulas and MAKE THEM YOUR OWN. Success stories can give you all the basic knowledge you need, but you are the only one who can mix and match those basics into a success strategy that will unlock the door to your OWN success a success as only you can define it! (For more information about The Success Avalanche, just go to: )

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    Key Strategy Insights

    So now youre ready to draft your own unique success strategy! Here are two key insights to keep in mind: 1. Success strategy is all about advancing your position over time and making victory pay. Move into areas where you can provide more value and do it better than anyone else. Once upon a time, the great American poet and philosopher Henry David Thoreau offered a brilliant pearl of wisdom that enlightened the world: "If one advances confidently in the direction of one's dreams, and endeavors to live the life which one has imagined, one will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." So define your purpose, then stay on the road. As you go along, you will find the key to the NEXT step in your journey, and then the next. Every step will have its own key, but as you grow, finding those keys will become easier and easier. Find your niche, your area of greatness, and strive to add value to the world by serving those around you. Remember that success brings more success. 2. To develop a solid strategy, you need persistence & patience. And here lies the answer to why successful people are so rare. It is because very few people have the persistence and patience they need to find the right combination of ingredients to create their success strategies. Some people simply cant overcome the obstacles and circumstances that stand in their way, and they quit too soon. But remember this if you stay in the game long enough, you will find your breakthrough point. Consider this: If You Want to Succeed, Go to a Blacksmith! Have you ever watched a blacksmith at work?

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    You may be surprised to find out that the blacksmith offers one of the most precious lessons about success that you will ever learn, a lesson that will help you succeed in your own life. Look at the procedure for working with raw metal that every blacksmith follows: 1. Heat the metal until it's red hot. 2. Mold it into the desired form by hitting it with a heavy hammer. 3. Plunge it into a bucket of cold water. 4. Watch the metal crackle in response to the sudden change in temperature. 5. Repeat the process until the metal achieves its perfect shape. Sometimes, the metal can't withstand such harsh treatment and it breaks. The metal has proven to be useless, so the blacksmith throws it away. Now, you're probably wondering what this has to do with succeeding in life! Here is the blacksmiths lesson, a lesson that you MUST engrave in your mind: In order to succeed, you must accept the blows of life! The changes, challenges, and failures youll experience in your life will mold you into the shape you need to be in and prepare you for success. You must be hard and solid to succeed. Success is never given to the weak. You still have much experience to gain and many lessons to learn before youll be deserving of the level of success you aim for. And until youve been molded into your best form, you must never, ever give up. If you are unable to tolerate the tough requirements of success, life may find you useless and just throw you away. Thomas Edison once said, "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."

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    You only fail when you give up. Keep that knowledge close to your heart. Know that the moment you give up is the moment you were closest to success. Just give it one more push. If you believe in your dream and youre happy with the path youve chosen for your life, you must persist along the way no matter how bumpy the road is. The journey to your dream may be long and difficult, but dont lose sight of the rewards! The most euphoric moment of your life will be the moment when you reach the top the moment when you can finally hear, see, touch, and smell the fruits of your labor, the beauty of your dream, and the value of your legacy. Heed the blacksmiths lesson and be a rock-solid person. Never give up. Persistence is the most important trait you can have, and is the key to your success. I can tell you with confidence that you will NEVER succeed without persistence. Are you ready to get red-hot, to withstand the blows of the hammer, to plunge yourself into cold waterand then sizzle and crackle your way to success? Then persist, my friend....PERSIST! As long as youre on the right path for you, just keep moving forward and youll meet with success - GUARANTEED. Whats next?...

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    Summing Up and Moving

    Forward As we come to the end of this report, I hope that I have succeeded in delivering my message loud and clear. I know I may have been controversial, but I appreciate your open mindedness and willingness to keep reading until this point. I also hope that by now you understand how important it is to recognize and fight against the two biggest success myths that are out there! If you remember nothing else, remember that:

    1. You will NOT be successful if you follow someone elses blueprint or strategy for success. You are unique, and that means you have to develop your OWN success strategy.

    2. You will fail if you focus on SUCCESS. Instead, you must focus

    on VALUE and service.

    The only truth is that YOU are the ONLY ONE who can unlock the door to your success. You will have to find your own path. No one has the ultimate answer. Dont believe that anymore. Just know that the first step you must complete before anything else is to find your purpose in life and your unique value. After that, I can only recommend further action but youre absolutely free to figure out your own way! I will only summarize one last time some of the things you might want to consider as you begin your journey:

    Find your purpose and your passion. Study universal success principles and wisdom. Analyze the stories of successful people and learn how

    success is achieved in the real world. Use the combined power of value and service. Move into areas

    where you can provide more value and do it better than anyone else.

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    Then develop your own success strategy based on your own unique circumstances and desires the strategy that will take you to the next level in your journey. Persist and be patient until you find the right combination to unlock your greatness. In the end, my only hope is that youve gained some insights from my work that can help you transform your life...from making a living to making a difference. God Bless YOU.

    When you were born you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die the world cries and

    YOU REJOICE. Indian Proverb

  • The Black Magic of Success

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