black friday, white noise

Post on 17-Oct-2014






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Black Friday has become White Noise. Door busters are now 24 hour binges. Cyber Monday has become cyber week. Retailers beckon with "Black Friday in September." With the days and deals blurred beyond recognition, all that's left of the Black Friday we've known for decades is nostalgia. And while many shoppers still feel a little tug of the heartstrings thinking back to the good old days, its evolution brings convenience and collaboration to the holiday shopping experience. Here are five ways how.


Door busters are now 24-hour binges.

Cyber Monday has become cyber week.

Target beckons with “Black Friday in September”.

Black Friday has become White Noise.

All that’s left of the Black Friday we’ve known and loved for decades is nostalgia, with the

days and deals blurred beyond recognition. And while many shoppers still feel a little tug of

the heartstrings thinking back to the good old days, its reincarnation, an experience with

the same soul but a different body, gives more shoppers the deals they’re looking for at

their leisure, on their device of choice. Here are five ways how.

one-day-only deals are replaced byalways-on deals

Brands and stores are “leaking” deals earlier and earlier every year via social

media, making it easier for you to share socially via whatever device you

happen to be on, rather than the traditional in-person prep with your posse.

Retailers post deal after deal, many times only days apart, one-upping

yesterday’s 20% off with 25% off and free shipping tomorrow — and it’s all

being pushed via Twitter, Facebook, email, even Instagram and Pinterest.

Retailers are training us, saying “hey, if you miss today’s great deal, not to

worry, another one is right around the corner.”

the thrill of the hunt is replaced

by the thrill of theUPS delivery text

These days, rather than scheming with friends and mapping out who goes

where to look for which deals, you rely on the best deal-watching sites and

apps via social media. lets you put your name on a waiting list if

something’s sold out, and will email you the second your

desired item is available for purchase. Last year, Walmart created a handy

little Black Friday app that told you exactly where the deals would be and

at what time. The thrill that used to come from physically having that hot

little item in your hot little hands has been replaced by the thrill of getting

a UPS text message telling you a package has been delivered.

me-me-me is replaced by

we-we-weIn the good old days, your personal success was dictated by the size

of your Black Friday haul — which you’d relay in multiple phone calls to

your friends. These days, bragging rights are less about deal hoarding

and all about deal sharing. With experiences like Target’s Cartwheel,

your network of friends gets to see when you’ve redeemed a coupon,

and how much you saved. Not only does sharing the best deals and

deal-watching apps via social media help your street cred, it can also

be rewarding. Sites like ShopBop give you a $25 gift certificate when

you invite friends — so the kudos go both ways.

one big social event is replaced by

multiple solo surfs

Prepping for Black Friday used to be as much about the camaraderie as it

was about the deals. But the days of getting everyone together to plan are

long gone. With so many devices on hand, people are shopping more

often, in more places and in more ways, effectively breaking up the posse

you used to plan and shop with. So instead of 4 AM coffee runs, you can

relax while claiming deals in your PJs from the comfort of your couch, bed

or favorite tropical vacation spot.

finding your deals is replaced by your

deals finding youToday, no hunting and gathering required. Sites like

ping you the second a new Black Friday circular is dropped, so you just

have to sit back and wait. Plus, deal-watching sites like

and Amazon Price Watch and apps like PopSugar do it all for you.

Simply drop in your wish list and wait for texts and emails to come to

you. What used to take hours can now be squeezed in between getting

out of work and dropping the kids off at soccer practice.

So the fact is,Black Friday truly has become White Noise.

But that’s not a bad thing. Shoppers are always on,

and retailers are finally giving them what they want.

Discuss. #BlackFridayWhiteNoise

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