bj ch 06

Post on 12-Nov-2015






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Chapter-VI: OnBalarishTa or early death:

Contents: (01).Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from Birth time,position ofLagnaand position of malefic planets(b). From Planets occupying Kendra houses: [SL: 01](02).Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from Birth time,position of lagna and position of Malefic and Benefic planets (b). Position of lagnaand Malefic planets: [SL: 02](03).Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from position of Malefic planets (b). Position of Planet Moon: [SL: 01](04).Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from-position of Waning Moon and position of planets in LagnaEighth house, and Kendra houses: [SL: 04](05).Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from position of Moon and position of Benefic planets: [SL: 05] (06).Prediction of birth the child (a). Instantly (b). Death after Eight- Month (c). after four month of birth (d). Death after one monthof birth: [SL: 06](07).Prediction of (a).early deathof the child so born and (b).immediate death of Both Mother and- the child born child born from position -of Moon not Waning: [SL: 07](08).Prediction of early immediate death ofthe child born Child born from position -of Moon not Waning: [SL: 08](09).Prediction of early immediate death ofthe child born and/or its mother from Eclipsed Sun and/or Moon: [SL: 09](10).Prediction of Instant deathof the child from position of Moon Sun Mars nd Saturn: [SL: 10](11).Prediction of Instant deathof the child from -position of Moon and planets aspecting or associated with Moon: [SL: 11](12).Prediction of Instant deathof the child from -position of Moon at birth and also during transit (in the year of birth): [SL: 12]

Sloka: 01:

(01). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from Birth time, position oflagna and position of Malefic planets (b). from Planets occupying Kendra houses: [Sl:01]xkrr WqSkiWU mm p Air ai lklr |mirM vv mm xqi MS u x ulv Emi ||01|| [BJ: Ch: VI:SL: 01]saMdhyAyAM himadIdhitihOrA pApaiH bha aMtya gataiH nidhanAya |pratyEkaM shashi pApa samEtaiH kEMdraiH vA sa vinAshaM upaiti ||01|| [BJ: Ch: VI:SL: 01]Sloka:02:(02). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from Birth time, position of lagna and position of Malefic and Benefic planets (b). position of lagna and Malefic planets: [Sl:02]cxr mu AmU paaw Uw xqrw c MO sal -| m ulz xqmi ei mm usal Axiqrpi c ||02|| [BJ: Ch: VI:SL: 02]Chakrasya poorva apara bhAgagEShu kroorEShu sou^myEShu cha kITa lagnE -| kShipraMvinAshaMsamupait jAtaH pApaiH vilagna astamayAbhitaHcha||02|| [BJ: Ch: VI:SL: 02]Sloka:03:(03). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from position of Malefic planets (b). position of Planet Moon: [Sl:01]mm ESr Axiai Uh ri c zz S-|c zp l rS qir c pui AcUi ||03|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL: 03]pApAH udaya astagataiH kroorENa yutaH cha shashI dRuShTaH -|cha shubhaiHna yadA mRutyuH cha bhavEt achirat ||03|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL: 03]Sloka:04:(04). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from-position of Waning -Moon and position of planets in Lagna Eighth house, and Kendra houses: [Sl:04]h Wqa urra mm ESr Aqa-|lMSw zp c ci mlkl muSi ||04|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL: 04]kShINE himagou vyayagE pApaiH udaya aShTamagaiH -|nakEMdrEShu shubhaH cha chEt kShipranidhanaM pravadEt ||04|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL: 04]Sloka:05:

(05). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from position of Moon and position of Benefic planets: [Sl:05] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:05]Uh xri zz xqU Air qirS sala-| MOM oW zp Aui c qirS ||05|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL: 05]kroorENa saMyutaH shashI smarAH aMtyaH mRutyudaH lagnagaH -| kaMTakA bahiH shubhaiH avIkShitaH cha mRutyudaH ||05|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL: 05]Sloka:06:(06). Prediction of birth the child (a). Instantly (b). death after Eight-Month (c). after four month of birth (d). death after one monthof birth : [Sl:06]zzlr AUa ulza lkl Az mm ui zp Aj -|xqM Ss Aj c q xji Axi p AusMi osp -|A qx zp MsxWi c mmuei usalkm ||06|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL: 06]shashinya arigE vinAshagE nidhanaM ashu pApaH vIkShitE shubhaiH athaH -|samAShTakaM dalaM athaH cha mishraiH sthitiH asat bhiH avalOkitE balibhiH -|atra mAsaM shubhE kalatrasahitE cha pApavijitE vilagnAdhipE ||06|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL: 06]Sloka:07:(07). Prediction of (a).early deathof the child so born and (b).immediate death of both Mother and- the child born child born from position -of Moon not Waning : [Sl:07]sal h zzl lkl Ulk MlSw mm -| mm Aixj lkl WoM l xxj c cS -| Lu sal pui qSl cNS xxj c mm qi -| x rS l c zp lui zp ||07|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL: 07]lagnE kShINE shashini nidhanaM randhraH kEndrEShu pApaiH -| pApAH aMtasthE nidhanaH hibukaH dyoonaH saMsthE cha chaMdrE-| EvaM lagnE bhavati madanaH chChidraH saMsthaiH cha pApaiH mAtA -| sArdvaM yadi na cha shubhaiH navIkShitaH shaktibhRudbhiH ||07|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL: 07]Sloka:8:(08). Prediction of early immediate death of child born from position of Moon not Waning : [Sl:08]Uzrira xi p Aurqh cS Mh Emai c mm mh -|mri Az zz ura Axi c mm iWlz sal ||08|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL: 08]rAshyaMtyagE sat bhiH avIkShyamANE chaMdrE trikONa upagataiH cha pApaiH prANaiH-|prayAti ashu shishuH viyOgaM astE cha pApaiH tuhinAMshu lagnE ||08|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL: 08]


(09). Prediction of early immediate death ofthe child bornand/or its mother from Eclipsed Sun and/or Moon: [Sl:09]AvpxWi axi cS Me lkl Ai-| ell xir qir sal Uu i xvxe -| ESri Uu viv u Mh ulva lkl-|Avp urmi vp lrii ||09|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL: 09]ashubhasahitE grastE chaMdrE kujE nidhana AshritE -|jananI sutayOH mRutyuH lagnE ravou tu sashastrajaH-|udayati ravou shItAMshou vA trikONa vinAshagaiH nidhanaM -|ashubhaiH vIryOpEtaiH shubhaiH nayutEkShitE ||09|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL: 09]Sloka:10:(10). Prediction of Instant deathof the child from position of Moon Sun Mars nd Saturn: [Sl:10]Axi Uu zzM pqe urr luq ESr lkl Ai | pui qUhAz SWl rS osl ah l ui ||10|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL:10]AsitaH raviH shashAMkaH bhoomijaiH vyaya navama udaya nidhana AshritaiH |bhavati maraNaMAshu dEhinAM yadi balinA gurooNA na vIkShitAH ||10|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL:10]Sloka:11:(11). Prediction of Instant deathof the child from -position of-Moon and planets aspecting or associated with Moon: [Sl:121] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:11]xi qSl luq Air sal USw Azp-| ri qUhr ziUzqpaxi zzm-| SumerrS osp lriusMi u ||11|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL:11]suta madana navamaH aMtyaH lagnaH raMdrEShu ashubha-| yutE maraNAya shItarashmiHbhRugusutaH shashiputraH -| dEvapoojyairyadiH balibhiH nayutEvalOkitO vA||11|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL:11]Sloka:12:(12).Prediction of Instant deathof the child from -position of-Moon at birth and also during transit (in the year of birth): [SL: 12] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 11]ra xil aiui osl cS [oslS] xu u ilaW Aj u |mm S osui qUh uwxri Ms qlaSi||12|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL:12]yOgE stAnaM gatavati balinaH chaMdrE [balinashchaMdrE] svaM vA tanugRuhaM atha vA |pApaiH dRuShTE balavati maraNaM varShasyAMtaH kila munigaditaM||12|| [BJ: Ch: VI: SL:12]|| Ci uUWqWUcr mhi oWeeiM AU Ar w ||6|||| iti shrIvarAhamihirAchArya praNItE bRuhajjAtakE ariSTa adyAya ShaShTaH ||6||

Chapter-VI: On BalarishTa or early death:

Revised and renumbered text:


(01). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born-from Birth time, position of lagna and position of Malefic planets: [Sl:01][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:01](02). Prediction of Instant death of the child so born-from Planets occupying Kendra houses: [Sl:02] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:01](03). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: from-position of lagna -and position of Malefic and Benefic planets: [Sl:03][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:02](04). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: from- position of lagna -and position of Malefic planets: [Sl:04] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:02](05). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from- position of Maleficplanets (b). position of Planet Moon: [Sl:05] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:03](06). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from-position of Waning -Moon and position of planets in Lagna Eighth house, and Kendra houses: [Sl:06][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:04](07). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from-position of Moon and position of Benefic planets: [Sl:07] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:05](08). Prediction of Instant deathof the child from position of Moon: [Sl:08][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:06](09).Prediction of death after Eight yearsof the child from -position of Moonand planets aspecting the Planet: Moon: [SL: 09] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 06](10).Prediction of death after Eight yearsof birth the child from -position of Moonand planets aspecting the Planet: Moon: [SL: 10] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 06](11).Prediction of death after one monthof birth the child from position -of Benefic planetsand/or the Planet: Lord of the lagna at birth: [SL: 11][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 06](12).Prediction of early death of child born -from position -of Waning Moon: [SL: 12][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 07](13).Prediction of early death of child born-from position -of Moon not Waning: [SL: 13][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 07](14).Prediction of early immediate death of both Mother and-the child born child born from position -of Moon not Waning: [SL: 14][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 07](15). Prediction of early immediate death ofthe child bornchild-born from NAvamsha occupied by Moon at the time of birth: [Sl:15] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:08](16).Prediction of early immediate death ofthe child bornfrom-Possession of Moon and malefic planets at the time of birth: [SL: 16][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 08](17).Prediction of Instant deathof the child and its -Mother from position of Moon and Mars: [SL: 17] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 09](18).Prediction of Instant deathof the child and its - Mother from position of Sun and Mars: [SL: 18] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 09](19).Prediction of Instant deathof the child and its - Mother scurvies from position of Sun and/or Moon: [SL: 19] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 09](20).Prediction of Instant deathof the child from -position of Moon Sun Mars nd Saturn: [SL: 20] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 10](21).Prediction of Instant deathof the child from -position of- Moon and planets aspecting or associated with Moon: [SL: 21] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 11](22).Prediction of Instant deathof the child from -position of-Moon at birth and also during transit (in the year of birth): [SL: 22] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 12]

Revised and renumbered text:

Sloka: 01:(01). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born-from -Birth time, position of lagna and position of Malefic planets: [Sl:01] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:01]rS elqMs xkrMspui c iiMs sal cS-|WUxji [WqSkiWU] c iiMs xr Me zl -|[mm] Uzrxr Airluzxji [p Air ai]-|iS ei [x] qUhxpu [ulzEmi] ||01|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 01]yadi janmakAlE saMdhyAkAlaHbhavatiH cha tatkAlE lagnaH chaMdra-|hOrasthitaH [himadIdhitihOrA] cha tatkAlE sooryaH kujEshaniH-| [pApaiH] rAshyasya aMtyanavAMshasthitaH [bha aMtyagataiH]tadAjAtaH [sa]maraNaMsaMbhavaH [ vinAshaMupaiti] ||01|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 01]Sloka:02:(02). Prediction of Instant death of the child so born-from Planets occupying Kendra houses: [Sl:02][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:01]rS elqMs xr Me zl cS [zz]-|MSai [MS] [zz mm xqi MS]-|iS ei [x] qUhxpu[ulzEmi]||02|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 02]yadi janmakAlE sooryaH kujE shaniH chaMdraH [shashiH]-| kEMdragataiH [kEMdraiH] [shashiH pApaH samEtaiHkEMdraiH]-|tadA jAtaH [sa] maraNaMsaMbhavaH [vinAshaMupaiti]||02|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 02]Sloka:03:(03). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: from-position of lagna -and position of Malefic and Benefic planets: [Sl:03][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:02]rS elqMs MOMsal u uMsal pui [MO sal ] -| c iiMs xr Me zl [U] Nxr mu paaw -| c iiMsa z [xqr]; [Nxr AmU paaw]iS ei -|m ulz xqmi[m ulz xqmi] ||03|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 03]yadi janmakAlE kaTakalagnaH vA vRushchikalagnaH bhavatiH [kITa lagnE ] -| cha tatkAlE sooryaH kujaH shaniH [kroorE] Chakrasya poorva bhAgagEShu -| cha tatkAlEguruH shukraH [sou^myE]; [Chakrasya apara bhAgagEShu]tadA jAtaH -| kShipraM vinAshaM samupaiti [kShipraMvinAshaMsamupaiti] ||03|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 03]

Sloka:04:(04). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: from- position of lagna -and position of Malefic planets: [Sl:04][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:02]rS elqMs MOMsal u uMsal pui [ MO sal]-| c iiMs xr Me zl [ mm] sali iraW c -|SzaW xji u iiMs xr Me zl [ mm] -|wqaW c AqaW xji xji iS ei-|m ulz xqmi [ m ulz xqmi]yadi janmakAlEkaTakalagnaH vA vRushchikalagnaHbhavatiH [kITa lagnE] -| cha tatkAlE sooryaHkujaHshaniH [pApaiH]lagnAtdvitIyagRuhaH cha -| dwAdashagRuhaHsthitaH vA tatkAlE sooryaH kujaHshaniH [pApaiH]-| ShaShTamagRuhaH chaaShTamagRuhaH sthitaH tadA jAtaH-| kShipraM vinAshaM samupaiti[kShipraMvinAshaM samupaiti]||04|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 04]Sloka:05:(05). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from- position of Maleficplanets (b). position of Planet Moon: [Sl:05] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:03]rS elqMs xrMe zl [mm] salxji [ESrai] c-|xmiqaWxji [Axiai] c iiMs cS [zz] Azp-|aWri [Uhri] c cS [zz] zpaWlui -|[zp l S] iS ei AcUi qir pui ||05|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 05]yadi janmakAlE sooryaHkujaH shaniH [pApAH]lagnaHsthitaH [udayagataiH] cha-|saptamagRuhasthitaH [astagataiH] cha tatkAlE chaMdraH [shashiH] ashubha-|grahayutaH [kroorENayutaH]cha chaMdraH [shashiH]shubhagrahanavIkShitaH -|[shubhaiH na dRuShTaH] tadAjAtaH achiratmRutyuHbhavEt||05|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 05]Sloka:06:(06). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from-position of Waning -Moon and position of planets in Lagna Eighth house, and Kendra houses: [Sl:06][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:04]rS [ ci]elqMs hcS [ h Wqa] sali SzaWxji-|[urra] c xr Me zl [ mm] salxji [ESra] c sali Aq-|aWxji [ Aqa] c iiMs zpaW MSaW lxji iS ei-|mlkl muSi [ m lkl muSi] ||06|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 06]yadi [ chEt] janmakAlE kShINachaMdraH [ kShINE himagou] lagnAt dwAdasha -|gRuhasthitaH [vyayagE] cha sooryaHkujaH shaniH [ pApaiH] lagnasthitaH -| [udayagaiH] cha lagnAt aShTama gRuhasthitaH [aShTamagaiH] cha -| tatkAlE shubhagrahaH kEMdragRuhaH nasthitaH tadA jAtaH kShipra -|nidhanaM pravadEt [ kShipraH nidhanaM pravadEt] ||06|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 06]

Sloka:07:(07). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from-position of Moon and position of Benefic planets: [Sl:07][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:05]rSelqMs cS [zz] UaWxri c iiMs -| salxji [sala] u sali xmiqaWxji [xqUa] u -|AqaWxji [qira] u SzaWxji [Aira] -| c iiMs zpaW MSaWlxji [MOMoW] -| c iiMs cS [zz] zpaWlui [zp Aui] -| iS ei mlkl muSi [qirS] ||07|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 07]yadijanmakAlE chaMdraH [shashI] krooragrahasaMyutaH cha tatkAlE -| lagnasthitaH [lagnagaH] vAlagnAt saptamagRuhasthitaH [smaragaH] vA -|aShTamagRuhasthitaH [mRutyugaH] vAdwAdashagRuhasthitaH [aMtyagaH] -| cha tatkAlE shubhagrahaH kEMdragRuhaHnasthitaH [kaMTakAbahiH] -| cha tatkAlE chaMdraH [shashI] shubhagrahaHnavIkShitaH [shubhaiH avIkShitaH] -|tadA jAtaH kShipranidhanaM pravadEt[mRutyudaH] ||07|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 07]Sloka:08:(08). Prediction of Instant deathof the child from position of Moon: [Sl:08][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:06]rS elqMs cS [zzlr] sali wqaW-|xji [AUa] u AqaWxji [ulza] c iiMs-|cS [zzlr] AzpaWui [mmi] iS -|ei mlkl muSi[Azlkl mmi] ||08|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 08]yadijanmakAlE chaMdraH [shashinya] lagnAt ShaShTamagRuha-|sthitaH[arigE] vA aShTamagRuhasthitaH [vinAshagE] cha tatkAlE-|chaMdraH [shashinya] ashubhagrahaHvIkShitaH [pApEkShitE] tadA-| jAtaH kShipranidhanaM pravadEt[ashu nidhanaM prAptiH] ||08|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 08]Sloka:09:(09). Prediction of death after Eight yeasof the child from -position of Moon and planets aspecting the Planet: Moon: [Sl:09] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:06]rS elqMs cS [zzlr] sali wqaWxji-| [AUa] uAqaWxji [ulza] c cS-| [zzlr] zpaWui [zpUj] ciiMs -| cS [zzlr] AzpaWlui [mm Aui] -| iS ei xqM lkl mmi ||09|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 09]

yadijanmakAlE chaMdraH [shashinya] lagnAt ShaShTamagRuhasthitaH-| [arigE] vAaShTamagRuhasthitaH [vinAshagE] cha chaMdraH-| [shashinya] shubhagrahaHvIkShitaH [shubhairathaH] chatatkAlE -| chaMdraH [shashinya] ashubhagrahaHnavIkShitaH [pApE avIkShitaH] -| tadA jAtaH samAShTakaM nidhanaM prAptiH ||09|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 09]Sloka:10:(10). Prediction of death after Eight yearsof birth the child from -position of Moon and planets aspecting the Planet: Moon: [Sl:10] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:06]rS elqMs cS [zzlr] sali wqaWxji [AUa] -| u AqaWxji [ulza] c iiMs cS [zzlr] -| zpaW [zp] c AzpaW [mm] [q ] ui-| iS ei xqMSs lkl mmi ||10|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 10]yadijanmakAlE chaMdraH [shashinya] lagnAt ShaShTamagRuhasthitaH [arigE] -| vAaShTamagRuhasthitaH [vinAshagE] cha tatkAlE chaMdraH [shashinya] -| shubhagrahaH [shubhaiH] cha ashubhagrahaH [pApaiH] [mishraiH ] vIkShitaH-| tadA jAtaH samAShTakadalaM nidhanaM prAptiH ||10|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 10]Sloka:11:(11). Prediction of death after one monthof birth the child from position of Benefic planets and/or the Planet: Lord of the lagna at birth: [Sl:11][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:06]rS elqMs zpaW [zp] sali wqaWxji [AUa]-| u AqaWxji [ulza] c iiMs os AzpaWui -|[ospAxUusMi] u rS elqMssalSm [usalkm] xmiq-| aWxji [MsxWi] c iiMs salSm [usalkm] mmuei-| iS [A] ei qxlkl mmi ||11|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 11]yadi janmakAlE shubhagrahaH [shubhaiH] lagnAt ShaShTamagRuhasthitaH [arigE]-| vA aShTamagRuhasthitaH [vinAshagE] cha tatkAlE baliShTa ashubhagrahavIkShitE -|[balibhiasadbhiravalOkitE] vA yadi janmakAlElagnAdipaH [vilagnAdhipE] saptama-|gRuhasthitaH [kalatrasahitE] cha tatkAlE lagnAdipaH [vilagnAdhipE] pApavijitE -|tadA [atra] jAtaH mAsaMnidhanaM prAptiH ||11|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 11]Sloka:12:(12). Prediction of early death of child born-from position -of Waning Moon: [Sl:12][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:07]rS elqMs hcS [h vv] salxji c-| iiMs xr Me zl sali mjqaW cijaW-|xmiqaW SzqaW c AqaW xji [mm-|UkMSaWw] iS ei lkl mmi||12|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:02:SL: 12]yadi janmakAlE kShINachaMdraH [kShINashashiH] lagnasthitaH cha -|tatkAlE soorya kujaH shaniH lagnAt prathamagRuhaH chaturthagRuhaH -|saptamagRuhaH dashamagRuhaH cha aShTamagRuhaH sthitaH [pApaiH-|raMdhrakEMdragRuhEShu] tadA jAtaH nidhanaM prAptiH ||12|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:02:SL: 12]Sloka:13:(13). Prediction of early death of child born-from position -of Moon not Waning : [Sl:13][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:07]rS elqMs cS [zz] xr [mm] Me -| [mm] zl [mm] Alixj c cijaW-| [WoM] xmiqaW [l]u AqaW-|[lkl] xji iS ei lkl mmi ||13|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:02:SL: 13]yadi janmakAlE chaMdraH [shashiH] soorya [pApaiH] kujaH -| [pApaiH] shaniH[pApaiH] antasthE cha chaturthagRuhaH -| [hibukaH] saptamagRuhaH [dyoonaH] vA aShTamagRuhaH -| [nidhanaH] sthitaH tadA jAtaH nidhanaM prAptiH||13|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:02:SL:13]Sloka:14:(14). Prediction of early immediate death of both Mother and-the child born child born from position -of Moon not Waning : [Sl:14][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:07]rSelqMs cS [S] xr [mm] Me [mm] zl [mm] -| Alixj c xr [mm] Me [mm] zl [mm] sali xmiqaW -| [qSl] u AqaW [cNS] xji c iiMs cS [cS] -| urri zpaW [zp zp] lui iS [Lu] -| ei x qi xku qUh pui ||14|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:02:SL: 14]yadijanmakAlE chaMdraH [MdrE] soorya [pApaiH] kujaH [pApaiH] shaniH [pApaiH] -| cha soorya [pApaiH] kujaH [pApaiH] shaniH [pApaiH] lagnAt saptamagRuhaH-|[madanaH] vA aShTamagRuhaH [chChidraH] sthitaH cha tatkAlE chaMdraH [chaMdrE] -| vIryayutaHshubhagrahaH [shaktibhRudbhiH shubhaiH] navIkShitaH tadA [EvaM] -| jAtaH sa mAtAH sArdhvaM maraNaM bhavati ||14|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:02:SL: 14]Sloka:15:(15). Prediction of early immediate death ofthe child bornchild-born from NAvamsha occupied by Moon at the time of birth: [Sl:15][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:08]rS elqMs cS[cS] Uzrxr Airluzxji [Uz-| Air Aza]c cS [cS] zpaWlui [xi p-| Aurqh] c iiMs xr Me zl [mm] sali mcq-| aW xji c luqaWxji [Mh Emai] iS eim-|lkl pui [vv mh Av mri] ||15|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:02:SL: 15]

yadi janmakAlE chaMdraH [chaMdrE] rAshyasya aMtyanavAMshasthitaH [rAshi-| aMtya aMshagE]cha chaMdraH [chaMdrE] shubhagrahaHnavIkShitaH [sat bhiH-| avIkShyamANE] cha tatkAlE soorya kujaH shaniH [pApaiH] lagnAt paMchama-| gRuha sthitaH cha navamagRuhasthitaH [trikONa upagataiH] tadA jAtaH kShipra -| nidhanaM bhavati [shishuH prANaiH ashu prayAti] ||15|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:02:SL: 15]Sloka:16:(16). Prediction of early immediate death ofthe child bornfrom -Possession of Moon and malefic planets at the time of birth: [Sl:16] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:08]rSelqMs cS [iWlz] salxji [sal] c -| iiMsxr Me zl [mm] sali xmiqaW [Axi] -|ei qUh pui [zz ura mmi] ||16|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:02:SL: 16]yadijanmakAlE chaMdraH [tuhinAMshu] lagnasthitaH [lagnE] cha -| tatkAlEsoorya kujaH shaniH [pApaiH] lagnAt saptamagRuhaH [astE] -| jAtaH maraNaM bhavati [shishuH viyOgaM prAptiH] ||16|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:02:SL: 16]Sloka:17:(17). Prediction of Instant deathof the child and its -Mother from position of Moon and Mars: [Sl:17] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:09]rS elqMs salxji [sal] cS [cS] axj zlri-|[Azp xWi] c iiMs Me [Me] sali AqaWxji-|[lkli]iS ell xir qir mmi ||17|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL:17]yadi janmakAlE lagnasthitaH [lagnE] chaMdraH [chaMdrE] grasthE shaniyutE-|[ashubha sahitE] cha tatkAlE kujaH [kujE] lagnAt aShTamagRuhasthitaH -|[nidhanAshritaH] tadA jananI sutayOH mRutyuH prAptiH ||17|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL:17]Sloka:18:(18). Prediction of Instant deathof the child and its -Mother from position of Sun and Mars: [Sl:18][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:09]rS elqMs salxji [sal] cS [cS] axj zlri [Azp -|xWi] c iiMs Me [Me] sali AqaWxji [lkli]-|iS ell xir xzxe qir mmi ||18|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL:18]yadi janmakAlE lagnasthitaH [lagnE] chaMdraH [chaMdrE] grasthE shaniyutE [ashubha -|sahitE] cha tatkAlE kujaH [kujE] lagnAt aShTamagRuhasthitaH [nidhanAshritaH] -|tadA jananI sutayOH sashastrajaH mRutyuH prAptiH ||18|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL:18]

Sloka:19:(19). Prediction of Instant deathof the child and its -Mother survies from position of Sun and/or Moon: [Sl:19] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:09]rS elqMs xr [Uu] u cS [ziz] salxji-|[ESri] c urmi xr Me zl [Azp] Mha-|c AqaW xji[ulza]c iiMs salxji -|[ESri] xr [Uu] ucS [ziz] zpaW -|lui [zp lui] uzpaW lri -|[zp lri] iS xir lkl mmi ||19|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL:19]yadi janmakAlE sooryaH [ravou] vA chaMdraH [shItAMshou]lagnasthitaH [udayati] cha vIryOpEtaH sooryaH kujaH shaniH[ashubhaiH] trikONagaiH cha aShTamagRuha sthitaH[vinAshagaiH] cha tatkAlE lagnasthitaH[udayati] sooryaH [ravou] vAchaMdraH[shItAMshou] shubhagrahaHnavIkShitaH [shubhaiH-| navIkShitaH] vA shubhagrahaHnayutaH [shubhaiH nayutaH] tadA sutayOH nidhanaM prAptiH ||19|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL:19]Sloka:20:(20). Prediction of Instant deathof the child from -position of Moon Sun Mars nd Saturn: [Sl:20] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:10]rS elqMs cS [zzM] salxji [ESrAi]-|xr [Uu] sali luqaWxji [luqAi]-|Me [pqe] AqaWxji [AqAi]-|zl [Axi] SzaWxji [urrAi] c -|iiMs ii aW osa [osla] lui-| iS eixr [SWl] Az lkl mmi ||20|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL:20]yadi janmakAlE chaMdraH [shashAMkaH] lagnasthitaH [udayaAshritaiH]-| sooryaH [raviH] lagnAt navamagRuhasthitaH [navamaAshritaiH]-|kujaH [bhoomijaiH] aShTamagRuhasthitaH [aShTamaAshritaiH]-| shaniH [asitaH] dwAdashagRuhasthitaH [vyayaAshritaiH] cha-|tatkAlE tat grahaiH baliShTha guruH [balinAguruH] navIkShitaH-| tadA jAtasya [dEhinAM] ashu nidhanaM prAptiH ||20|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL:20]Sloka:21:(21). Prediction of Instant deathof the child from -position of-Moon and planets aspecting or associated with Moon: [Sl:21][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:11]rSelqMs cS [ziUzq] Azpri c-| salxji [salw] u mcqaWxji [xiw]-|uxmiqaWxji [qSlw] u AqaWxji-|[USw] u luqaWxji [luqw] u Sz-|aWxji [Airw] c iiMs cS [ziUzq]osp Sumer uosp paxi u osp-|zzm lui u lri iS [A] eixr-|mlkl [qUhr] mmi ||21|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL:21]yadijanmakAlE chaMdraH [shItarashmiH] ashubhayutEcha-| lagnasthitaH [lagnEShu] vA paMchamagRuhasthitaH [sutEShu] -| vAsaptamagRuhasthitaH [madanEShu] vA aShTamagRuhasthitaH-| [raMdrEShu] vA navamagRuhasthitaH [navamEShu] vAdwAdasha-|gRuhasthitaH [aMtyEShu] cha tatkAlE chaMdraH [shItarashmiH] -| balibhiH dEvapoojyaHvAbalibhiH bhRugusutaH vA balibhiH-|shashiputraH navIkShitaH vA nayutaH tadA [atra] jAtasya-| kShipranidhanaM [maraNAya] prAptiH ||21|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL:21]Sloka:22:(22). Prediction of Instant deathof the child from -position of-Moon at birth and also during transit (in the year of birth): [Sl:22] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:12]rS elqMs osricS[oslS] osri [osui] -| AzpaW [mm] ui [S] c rS aiui osri cS-| raxjlxji [raxjl] u elqsalaWxji [ilaW] -| uxuxxji [xu] iS eixr lkl [qUh] uwxri -|[uw Axr Ai] Msmmi [Ms]Aj qlaSi ||22|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL:22]yadi janmakAlE balayutaHchaMdraH[balinashchaMdrE] balayutaH[balavati] -| ashubhagrahaH [pApaiH] vIkShitaH [dRuShTE] cha yadi gatavatiH balayutaH chaMdraH-| yOgEsthAnaMsthitaH [yOgEsthAnaM] vA janmalagnagRuhasthitaH [tanugRuhaH] -| vAsvasaMsthitaH [svaM] tadA jAtasyanidhanaM [maraNaM] varShasyAMtaH -| [varSha asya aMtaH ] kilaprAptiH [kila] athaH munigaditaM ||22|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL:22]

Chapter-VI: On BalarishTa or early death:

AnvayAnusAra Artha (VarAhamihira):(In English to revised and renumbered text given above)


(01). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born-from Birth time, position of lagna and position of Malefic planets: [Sl:01][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:01](02). Prediction of Instant death of the child so born-from Planets occupying Kendra houses: [Sl:02] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:01](03). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: from-position of lagna -and position of Malefic and Benefic planets: [Sl:03][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:02](04). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: from- position of lagna -and position of Malefic planets: [Sl:04] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:02](05). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from- position of Maleficplanets (b). position of Planet Moon: [Sl:05] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:03](06). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from-position of Waning -Moon and position of planets in Lagna Eighth house, and Kendra houses: [Sl:06][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:04](07). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from-position of Moon and position of Benefic planets: [Sl:07] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:05](08). Prediction of Instant deathof the child from position of Moon: [Sl:08][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:06](09).Prediction of death after Eight yearsof the child from -position of Moonand planets aspecting the Planet: Moon: [SL: 09] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 06](10).Prediction of death after Eight yearsof birth the child from -position of Moonand planets aspecting the Planet: Moon: [SL: 10] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 06](11).Prediction of death after one monthof birth the child from position -of Benefic planetsand/or the Planet: Lord of the lagna at birth: [SL: 11][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 06](12).Prediction of early death of child born -from position -of Waning Moon: [SL: 12][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 07](13).Prediction of early death of child born-from position -of Moon not Waning: [SL: 13][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 07](14).Prediction of early immediate death of both Mother and-the child born child born from position -of Moon not Waning: [SL: 14][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 07](15). Prediction of early immediate death ofthe child bornchild-born from NAvamsha occupied by Moon at the time of birth: [Sl:15] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:08](16).Prediction of early immediate death ofthe child bornfrom-Possession of Moon and malefic planets at the time of birth: [SL: 16][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 08](17).Prediction of Instant deathof the child and its -Mother from position of Moon and Mars: [SL: 17] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 09](18).Prediction of Instant deathof the child and its - Mother from position of Sun and Mars: [SL: 18] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 09](19).Prediction of Instant deathof the child and its - Mother scurvies from position of Sun and/or Moon: [SL: 19] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 09](20).Prediction of Instant deathof the child from -position of Moon Sun Mars nd Saturn: [SL: 20] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 10](21).Prediction of Instant deathof the child from -position of- Moon and planets aspecting or associated with Moon: [SL: 21] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 11](22).Prediction of Instant deathof the child from -position of-Moon at birth and also during transit (in the year of birth): [SL: 22] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch: 06: SL: 12]

Sloka: 01:(01). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born-from -Birth time, position of lagna and position of Malefic planets: [Sl:01] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:01]rS elqMs xkrMspui c iiMs sal cS-|WUxji [WqSkiWU] c iiMs xr Me zl -|[mm] Uzrxr Airluzxji [p Air ai]-|iS ei [x] qUhxpu [ulzEmi] ||01|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 01]yadi janmakAlE saMdhyAkAlaHbhavatiH cha tatkAlE lagnaH chaMdra-|hOrasthitaH [himadIdhitihOrA] cha tatkAlE sooryaH kujEshaniH-| [pApaiH] rAshyasya aMtyanavAMshasthitaH [bha aMtyagataiH]tadAjAtaH [sa]maraNaMsaMbhavaH [ vinAshaMupaiti] ||01|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 01]

rS yadi elqMs janmakAlE xkrMs pui saMdhyAkAlaHbhavatiH c cha iiMs tatkAlE salcSWUxji lagnaHchaMdrahOrasthitaH [WqSkiWU himadIdhitihOrA] c cha iiMstatkAlE xr sooryaH Me kujE zl shaniH [mm pApaiH] Uzrxr Airluzxji rAshyasya aMtyanavAMshasthitaH [p bha Air aMtya ai gataiH] iS tadAei jAtaH [x sa] qUhxpu maraNaMsaMbhavaH [ulv Emi vinAshaMupaiti]||01|| [BJ:Ch:VI:Part:01: SL: 01]rS yadi = If;elqMs janmakAlE= at the Birth time; xkrMspui saMdhyAkAlaHbhavatiH = happens during the Sandhyakala or twilight period [N.B: In this contextthe term "saMdhyAkAlaHbhavatiH" must be read as "yadi janmakAlEsaMdhyAkAlaHbhavatiH" which means and includes: (a). That period which preceeds the moment when the Sun has just half risen and that which succeeds the moment when the Sun has just half set, during which the stars are invisible, is known as Sandhyakala or twilight period; (b). Accordingly,if the birth of the individual so born happens during the Sandhyakala or twilight period which includes; (i). if the birth of the individual so born takes place during the moment when the Sun has just half risen and at the same time the stars are invisible or (ii). If the birth of the individual so born takes place during the moment when the Sun has just half set and at the same time the stars are invisible]ccha = and[N.B: In this context the term "cha" Means and includes: and at the same time or at the time of birth of the individual so born]; iiMstatkAlE= at the same time; sal cSWUxji lagnaHchaMdrahOrasthitaH [WqSkiWU himadIdhitihOrA] = the rising sign or the Ascendant or First house or the lagna at the birth time occupies the ChaMdrahOra or lunar hOra [N.B: In this context the term "lagnaHchaMdrahOrasthitaH" must be read as : "cha tatkAlE lagnaHchaMdrahOrasthitaH [himadIdhitihOrA]" which means and includes: If the rising sign or theAscendant or First house or the lagna at the birth time occupies the ChaMdrahOra or lunar hOra or occupies between: 000 00to150 00 of the sign(s):Vrushabha kataka Kanya Vrushchika makara Meena or occupies between: 150 00 to 300 00 of the sign (s): Mesha Mithuna Simha TulADhanussuKumbha] ccha= and[N.B: In this context the term "cha" Means and includes: and at the same time or at the time of birth of the individual so born]; iiMs tatkAlE = at the same time [N.B: In this context the term "tatkAlE" Means and includes:If at the time of birth time of the individual so born] xr sooryaH [mm pApaiH] = The Planet: Sun; Me kujE[mm pApaiH] = the planet Mars; zl shaniH [mm pApaiH] = the planet Saturn;Uzrxr Airluzxji rAshyasya aMtyanavAMshasthitaH [p Air ai bha aMtya gataiH] = occupies the last navamsha of any sign [N.B: In this context the term "kEMdragataiH [kEMdraiH]" must be read as: "tatkAlEsooryaHkujEshaniH [pApaiH] rAshyasya aMtyanavAMshasthitaH " which means and includes: and at the same time or at the time of birth of the individual so born, The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamsha of any of the twelve signs and it implies that: (i). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamsha of the sign: Meshaor occupies between: 260 40 to 300 00 of the sign: Mesha represented by the Nakshatra: KRuttikA pada: 01 and Dhanussu Navamsha Ruled by the planet Jupiter and/or (ii). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamsha of the sign: Vrushabha or occupies between: 260 40to 300 00 of the sign: Vrushabha represented by the Nakshatra: mRugashira and pada: 02, and Kanya Navamsha Ruled by the planet Mercury and/or (iii). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamsha of the sign: Mithuna or occupies between: 260 40 to 300 00 of the sign: Mithuna represented by the Nakshatra: punarvasu and pada: 03, and Mithuna Navamsha Ruled by the planet Mercury and/or (iv). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamshaof the sign: Katakaor occupies between: 260 40 to 30000 of the sign: Katakarepresented by the Nakshatra: AshlESha and pada: 04, andMeena Navamsha Ruled by the planet Jupiter. and/or (v). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamsha of the sign: Simha or occupies between: 260 40to300 00 of the sign: Simha represented by the Nakshatra: uttara or uttaraphalguNi and pada: 01, and Meena NavamshaRuled by the planet Jupiter. and/or (vi).when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, theplanet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamshaof the sign: Kanya or occupies between: 260 40to300 00 of the sign: Kanya represented by the Nakshatra: chitta and pada: 02, and Kanya Navamsha Ruled by the planet Mercuryand/or (vii). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamsha of the sign: Tula or occupies between: 260 40 to 300 00 of the sign: Tula represented by the Nakshatra: vishAkha and pada: 03, and Mithuna NavamshaRuled by the planet Mercury and/or (viii). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamsha of the sign: Vrushchika or occupies between: 260 40 to 300 00 of the sign: Vrushchika represented by the Nakshatra: jyEShTha and pada: 04,andMeena NavamshaRuled by the planet Jupiter and/or (ix). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamshaof the sign: DhanussuH or occupies between: 260 40to 300 00 of the sign: DhanussuH represented by the Nakshatra: uttarAShADa and pada: 01, and Dhanussu NavamshaRuled by the planet Jupiter and/or (x). when the malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamsha of the sign: Makara or occupies between: 260 40to 300 00 of the sign: Makara represented by the Nakshatra: dhaniShTaand pada: 02,and Kanya NavamshaRuled by the planet Mercury.and/or (xi). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamsha of the sign:kumbha or occupies between: 260 40to300 00 of the sign: kumbha represented by the Nakshatra: poorvAbhAdra and pada: 03, and Mithuna Navamsha Ruled by the planet Mercury. and/or (xii). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamsha of the sign: kumbha or occupies between: 260 40to300 00 of the sign: kumbha represented by the Nakshatra: rEvai and pada: 04,andMithuna NavamshaRuled by the planet Mercury].[p bha = the signs; Air aMtya = the last navamsa of; ai gataiH = occupy;] iS tadA=then or under the said circumstences;ei jAtaH [xsa]= of the individual so born; qUhxpu maraNaMsaMbhavaH[ ulvEmi vinAshaM upaiti] =the death of individual so born is going to happen soon.

[N.B: Here in this context the term "maraNaMsaMbhavaH [vinAshaMupaiti]" mean and include: According to Varahamihira: Firstly:If thebirth of the individual so born happens during the Sandhyakala or twilight period which includes,(i). if thebirth of the individual so born takes place during the moment when the Sun has just half risen and at the same time the stars are invisible or (ii). If the birth of the individual so born takes place during the moment when the Sun has just half set and at the same time the stars are invisible. Secondly: and at the same time or at the time of birth of the individual so born if the rising sign or theAscendant orFirst house or the lagnaat the birth time occupies the ChaMdrahOra or lunar hOra or occupies between: 000 00 to150 00 of the sign(s):Vrushabha katakaKanya VrushchikamakaraMeena or occupies between: 150 00 to300 00 of the sign(s): Mesha MithunaSimhaTulADhanussuKumbha Thirdly: and at the same time or at the time of birth of the individual so born, The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamsha of any of the twelve signs and it implies that: (i). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, theplanet Mars, theplanet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamsha of the sign: Mesha or occupies between: 260 40 to 300 00 of the sign: Mesha represented by the Nakshatra: KRuttikApada: 01 and Dhanussu NavamshaRuled by the planet Jupiter and/or (ii). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun,the planet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamsha of the sign: Vrushabha or occupies between: 260 40to300 00 of the sign: Vrushabha represented by the Nakshatra: mRugashira and pada: 02, and Kanya NavamshaRuled by the planet Mercury and/or (iii). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the NinthNavamsha of the sign: Mithuna or occupies between: 26040 to300 00 of the sign: Mithunarepresented by the Nakshatra: punarvasu and pada: 03, and MithunaNavamshaRuled by the planet Mercury and/or (iv). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamsha of the sign:Kataka or occupies between: 260 40to300 00 of the sign: Kataka represented by the Nakshatra: AshlESha and pada: 04, and Meena Navamsha Ruled by the planet Jupiter and/or (v). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the NinthNavamsha of the sign: Simhaor occupies between: 260 40to 300 00 of the sign: Simha represented by the Nakshatra: uttara or uttaraphalguNiand pada: 01, andMeena NavamshaRuled by the planet Jupiter and/or (vi). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, theplanet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamshaof the sign: Kanya or occupies between: 260 40to300 00 of the sign: Kanya represented by the Nakshatra:chitta and pada: 02, andKanyaNavamshaRuled by the planet Mercury and/or (vii). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun theplanet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamsha of the sign: Tula or occupies between: 260 40to300 00 of the sign: Tula represented by the Nakshatra: vishAkha and pada: 03, andMithuna NavamshaRuled by the planet Mercury and/ or (viii). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, theplanet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamsha of the sign: Vrushchika or occupies between: 260 40to30000of the sign: Vrushchika represented by the Nakshatra: jyEShTha and pada: 04, and Meena Navamsha Ruled by the planet Jupiter and/or (ix). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, theplanet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamsha of the sign: DhanussuH or occupies between: 260 40to300 00 of the sign: DhanussuH represented by the Nakshatra: uttarAShADa and pada: 01,andDhanussuNavamshaRuled by the planet Jupiter and/or (x).when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamsha of the sign: Makara or occupies between: 260 40to300 00 of the sign: Makara represented by the Nakshatra: dhaniShTaand pada: 02, and Kanya Navamsha Ruled by the planet Mercury.and/or (xi). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, theplanet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamsha of the sign: kumbha or occupies between: 260 40to 300 00 of the sign:kumbha represented by the Nakshatra: poorvAbhAdra and pada: 03,andMithuna NavamshaRuled by the planet Mercury. and/or (xii). when The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun,the planet Mars, the planet Saturn occupies the Ninth Navamshaof the sign: kumbha or occupies between: 260 40to300 00of the sign: kumbha represented by the Nakshatra: rEvai and pada: 04,andMithuna NavamshaRuled by the planet Mercury Fourthly: then or under the said circumstences, the death of individual so born is going to happen soon]. ||01|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 01]

Sloka:02:(02). Prediction of Instant death of the child so born-from Planets occupying Kendra houses: [Sl:02][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:01]rS elqMs xr Me zl cS [zz]-|MSai [MS] [zz mm xqi MS]-|iS ei [x] qUhxpu[ulzEmi]||02|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 02]yadi janmakAlE sooryaH kujE shaniH chaMdraH [shashiH]-| kEMdragataiH [kEMdraiH] [shashiH pApaH samEtaiHkEMdraiH]-|tadA jAtaH [sa] maraNaMsaMbhavaH [vinAshaMupaiti]||02|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 02]

rS yadi elqMs janmakAlE xr sooryaH Me kujEzl shaniH cS chaMdraH [vv shashiH]MSai kEMdragataiH [MS kEMdraiH] [vv shashiH mm pApaH xqi shashiH MS kEMdraiH]iS tadA ei jAtaH [x sa] qUhxpu maraNaMsaMbhavaH [ulv Emi vinAshaMupaiti]||02|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 02]

rS yadi = If;elqMs janmakAlE= at the Birth time; xr sooryaH= The Planet: Sun; Me kujE = the planet Mars; zl shaniH = the planet Saturn;cS chaMdraH [vv shashiH] = the planet Moon; MSai kEMdragataiH [MS kEMdraiH] =occupies the kendra houses [N.B: In this context the term "kEMdragataiH [kEMdraiH]" Means and includes:(i). If at the time of birth time of the individual so born,The Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn andtheplanet Moon occupies any one or more of the kendra houses or the First, fourth Seventh and Tenth houses reckoned from the the rising sign or the Ascendant or First house or the lagna at the birth time of the individual so born.(ii). According to: N.Chidambaram Iyyar and Swami, Vijnanananda@Hari prasanna chatterjee, If at the time of birth time of the individual so born, The Planet: Sun,the planet Mars, theplanet Saturn andthe planet Moon occupies one in each of the kendra houses or the First, fourth Seventh and Tenth houses reckoned from the the rising sign or theAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time of the individual so born. (iii).The aspect of benefic planet(s) is not to be considered in this yoga]. [vv shashiH =The Planet: Moon; mm pApaH =the malefic planets namely: The Planets: Sun, MArs and Saturn; xqi shashiH =along with the malefic planets namely: The Planets: Sun, MArs and Saturn kendra houses MS kEMdraiH =occupies the kendra houses]iS tadA=then or under the said circumstences; ei jAtaH [xsa]= of the individual so born; qUhxpu maraNaMsaMbhavaH[ ulvEmi vinAshaMupaiti] =the death of individual so born is going to happen soon.[N.B: Here in this context the term "maraNaMsaMbhavaH [vinAshaMupaiti]" mean and include: According to Varahamihira: Firstly: If at the time of birth time of the individual so born, The Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn and the planet Moon occupies any one or more of the kendra houses or the First, fourth Seventh and Tenth houses reckoned from the the rising sign or theAscendant orFirst house or the lagna at the birth time of the individual so born. Secondly: According to: N.Chidambaram Iyyar and Swami,Vijnanananda@Hari prasanna chatterjee, If at the time of birth time of the individual so born,The Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn andtheplanet Moon occupies one in each of the kendra houses or the First, fourth Seventh and Tenth houses reckoned from the the rising sign or theAscendant or First house or the lagnaat the birth time of the individual so born. Thirdly: then or under the said circumstences, the death of individual so born is going to happen soon. Fourthly: The aspect of benefic planet(s) is not to be considered in this yoga].||02|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 02]

Sloka:03:(03). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: from-position of lagna -and position of Malefic and Benefic planets: [Sl:03][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:02]rS elqMs MOMsal u uMsal pui [MO sal ] -| c iiMs xr Me zl [U] Nxr mu paaw -| c iiMsa z [xqr]; [Nxr AmU paaw]iS ei -|m ulz xqmi[m ulz xqmi] ||03|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 03]yadi janmakAlE kaTakalagnaH vA vRushchikalagnaH bhavatiH [kITa lagnE ] -| cha tatkAlE sooryaH kujaH shaniH [kroorE] Chakrasya poorva bhAgagEShu -| cha tatkAlEguruH shukraH [sou^myE]; [Chakrasya apara bhAgagEShu]tadA jAtaH -| kShipraM vinAshaM samupaiti [kShipraMvinAshaMsamupaiti] ||03|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 03]

rS yadi elqMsjanmakAlE MOMsal kaTakalagnaH u vA uM sal vRushchika lagnaH pui bhavatiH [MOsal kITa lagnE] c cha iiMs tatkAlE xr sooryaH Me kujaH zl shaniH [U kroorE]cxr mu paaw Chakrasya poorva bhAgagEShu c cha iiMs tatkAlE a guruH z shukraH [xqr sou^myE]; [cxr AmU paaw Chakrasya apara bhAgagEShu] iS tadA ei jAtaH m ulv xqmi kShipraM vinAshaM samupaiti [m kShipraM ulv vinAshaM xqmi samupaiti] ||03|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 03]

rS yadi = If;elqMsjanmakAlE= at the Birth time; MOMsal kaTakalagnaH =the rising sign or theAscendant orFirst house or the lagnaat the birth time, happens to be the signs: Kataka; u vA = or; uM sal vRushchikalagnaH=the rising sign or the Ascendant orFirst house or the lagna at the birth time, happens to be the signs:Vrushchika; pui bhavatiH = Becomes or happens to be;[MOsal kITa lagnE =the rising sign or theAscendant or First house or the lagna at the birth time, happens to be the signs: Kataka or Vrushchika] ccha = and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time] iiMstatkAlE = at the same time; xr sooryaH= The Planet: Sun; Me kujaH = the planet Mars; zl shaniH = the planet Saturn; [U kroorE = The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn]cxr mu paaw Chakrasya poorva bhAgagEShu= occupies between: 000 00 to 180000 of the Zodiac circle reckoned from the sign Mesha; ccha = and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time]iiMstatkAlE = at the same time; a guruH = the planet Jupiter z shukraH= the planet Venus; [xqr sou^myE = theBenefic planets namely the planet Jupiter andtheplanet Venus]; [cxr AmU paaw Chakrasya apara bhAgagEShu = occupies between: 1800 00to3600 00 of the Zodiac circle reckoned from the sign Mesha]; iS tadA=then or under the said circumstences; ei jAtaH = of the new born child or the individual so born; m ulv xqmi kShipraM vinAshaM samupaiti =then there will be immediate death of the child born. [m kShipraM=(then there will be) immediate (death of the child born) ulv vinAshaM = (then there will be immediate) death of the child born; xqmi samupaiti=then there will be [immediate death of the child born] [N.B: Here in this context the term "kShipraM vinAshaM samupaiti" mean and include: According to Varahamihira: Firstly: If at the Birth time, the lagna occupies the Sign Kataka or Vrushchika and Secondly: (a). If at the Birth time, the malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn, occupies the Eastern half or occupies between: 000 00 to 1800 00 of the Zodiac circle reckoned from the sign Mesha and (b). at the same time, the Benefic planets namely the planet Jupiterandthe planet Venus occupies the Western half or occupies between: 1800 00 to3600 00 of the Zodiac circle reckoned from the sign Mesha. (c). The plane of meridian divides the Zodiac into two equal halves known as the Eastern and Western halves; so that, (i). if the 100 00 of the sign Kataka, for instance, should be rising at the time, the Eastern half would roughly comprise the portion of the Zodiac from the 100 00 of the sign Mesha to the 100 00 of the sign Tula: and the Western half would comprise the portion of the Zodiac from the 100 00 of the sign Tula to the 100 00 of the sign Mesha. Thirdly: then or under the said circumstences, there will be immediate death of the child born]. ||03|| [BJ:Ch:VI:Part:01:SL: 03]

Sloka:04:(04). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: from- position of lagna -and position of Malefic planets: [Sl:04][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:02]rS elqMs MOMsal u uMsal pui [ MO sal]-| c iiMs xr Me zl [ mm] sali iraW c -|SzaW xji u iiMs xr Me zl [ mm] -|wqaW c AqaW xji xji iS ei-|m ulz xqmi [ m ulz xqmi]yadi janmakAlEkaTakalagnaH vA vRushchikalagnaHbhavatiH [kITa lagnE] -| cha tatkAlE sooryaHkujaHshaniH [pApaiH]lagnAtdvitIyagRuhaH cha -| dwAdashagRuhaHsthitaH vA tatkAlE sooryaH kujaHshaniH [pApaiH]-| ShaShTamagRuhaH chaaShTamagRuhaH sthitaH tadA jAtaH-| kShipraM vinAshaM samupaiti[kShipraMvinAshaM samupaiti]||04|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 04]

rS yadi elqMs janmakAlE MOMsal kaTakalagnaH u vA uM sal vRushchika lagnaH pui bhavatiH [MOsal kITa lagnE] c cha iiMstatkAlE xr sooryaH Me kujaHzl shaniH [mm pApaiH]sali lagnAt iraW dvitIyagRuhaH c cha SzaW dwAdashagRuhaH xji sthitaH u vA iiMstatkAlE xr sooryaH Me kujaH zl shaniH [mm pApaiH] wqaW ShaShTamagRuhaH c cha AqaW aShTamagRuhaH xji sthitaH xji sthitaH iS tadA eijAtaH m ulv xqmi kShipraM vinAshaM samupaiti [m kShipraMulv vinAshaM xqmi samupaiti] ||04|| [BJ: Ch:VI:Part:01:SL: 04]

rS yadi = If;elqMsjanmakAlE= at the Birth time; MOMsal kaTakalagnaH =the rising sign or theAscendant or First house or the lagna at the birth time, happens to be the signs: Kataka ; u vA = or;uM salvRushchikalagnaH =the rising sign or the Ascendant orFirst house or the lagnaat the birth time, happens to be the signs:Vrushchika; pui bhavatiH = Becomes or happens to be;[MOsal kITa lagnE =the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house orthe lagna at the birth time, happens to be the signs: Kataka or Vrushchika] ccha = and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time]iiMstatkAlE = at the same time; xr sooryaH= The Planet: Sun; Me kujaH = theplanet Mars; zl shaniH = the planet Saturn;[mmpApaiH = The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn]sali lagnAt =reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign or the Ascendant orFirst house or the lagnaat the birth time;iraWdvitIyagRuhaH = Occupies the Second house reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign or theAscendant orFirst house or the lagna at the birth time; c cha= and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time] SzaW dwAdashagRuhaH =the Twelfth house reckoned from thehouse considered as the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house orthe lagna at the birth time; xjisthitaH= occupies u vA = or; iiMstatkAlE = at the same time; xr sooryaH = The Planet: Sun; Me kujaH= the planet Mars; zl shaniH = the planet Saturn; [mm pApaiH = The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, theplanet Mars, the planet Saturn]wqaW ShaShTamagRuhaH =theEighth house reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign or theAscendant orFirst house orthe lagna at the birth time; ccha = and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time] AqaW aShTamagRuhaH = the Eighth house reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house or the lagnaat the birth time; xjisthitaH= occupies xjisthitaH= occupies ; iS tadA= then or under the said circumstences; ei jAtaH = of the new born child or the individual so born; m ulv xqmi kShipraM vinAshaM samupaiti=then there will be immediate death of the child born. [m kShipraM=(then there will be) immediate (death of the child born) ulv vinAshaM =(then there will be immediate) death of the child born; xqmi samupaiti=then there will be [immediate death of the child born] [N.B: Here in this context the term "kShipraM vinAshaM samupaiti" mean and include: According to Varahamihira: Firstly: If at the Birth time, the lagna occupies the Sign Kataka or Vrushchika and at the same time, the malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn, Occupies the Second house and also the twelfth house reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign or theAscendant or First house or the lagna at the birth time, then or under the said circumstences, there will be immediate death of the child born; or Secondly: If at the Birth time, the lagna occupies the Sign Kataka or Vrushchika and at the same time, the malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn, Occupies the Sixth house and also the Eighth house reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign or theAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time, then or under the said circumstences, there will be immediate death of the child born]. ||04|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 04]

Sloka:05:(05). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from- position of Maleficplanets (b). position of Planet Moon: [Sl:05] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:03]rS elqMs xrMe zl [mm] salxji [ESrai] c-|xmiqaWxji [Axiai] c iiMs cS [zz] Azp-|aWri [Uhri] c cS [zz] zpaWlui -|[zp l S] iS ei AcUi qir pui ||05|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 05]yadi janmakAlE sooryaHkujaH shaniH [pApAH]lagnaHsthitaH [udayagataiH] cha-|saptamagRuhasthitaH [astagataiH] cha tatkAlE chaMdraH [shashiH] ashubha-|grahayutaH [kroorENayutaH]cha chaMdraH [shashiH]shubhagrahanavIkShitaH -|[shubhaiH na dRuShTaH] tadAjAtaH achiratmRutyuHbhavEt||05|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 05]

rS yadi elqMsjanmakAlE xr sooryaHMe kujaHzl shaniH [mm pApAH] sal xji lagnaHsthitaH [ESrai udayagataiH] c cha xmiqaWxji saptamagRuhasthitaH [Axiai astagataiH] c cha iiMs tatkAlE cS chaMdraH [vvshashiH]AzpaWri ashubhagrahayutaH [Uhri kroorENayutaH] c cha cS chaMdraH [vvshashiH] zpaWlui shubhagrahanavIkShitaH [zp shubhaiH l na S dRuShTaH] iS tadA ei jAtaH AcUi achirat qir mRutyuH pui bhavEt ||05|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 05]

rS yadi = If;elqMsjanmakAlE= at the Birth time; xr sooryaH= The Planet: Sun; Me kujaH= the planet Mars; zl shaniH = theplanet Saturn;[mmpApAH = The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, theplanet Saturn]sal xji lagnaHsthitaH [ESrai udayagataiH ] = Occupies the rising sign orthe Ascendant orFirst house or the lagna at the birth time; c cha= and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time] xmiqaWxji saptamagRuhasthitaH[Axiai astagataiH] = Occupies the Seventh house reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign ortheAscendant or First house or the lagna at the birth time;c cha =and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time] iiMs tatkAlE = at the same time; cS chaMdraH [vvshashiH] = the planet Moon; AzpaWri ashubhagrahayutaH [Uhri kroorENayutaH] = (and at the same time any one or more of the malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn) is in association with the Planet: Moon; c cha = and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time]; cS chaMdraH [vvshashiH]= the planet Moon;zpaWlui shubhagrahanavIkShitaH= and at the same time Planet: Moon in association with the any one or more of the malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn, is not aspected by the benefic planetsnamely the Planet: Jupiter and/orthe Planet: Venus [zp shubhaiH =the benefic planetsnamely the Planet: Jupiter and/orthe Planet: Venus l na = is not S dRuShTaH = aspected by] iS tadA=then or under the said circumstences; ei jAtaH = of the new born child or the individual so born; AcUi achirat = Soon or immediately; qir mRutyuH = death of the child born; puibhavEt = will going to occur, will happens; [N.B: Here in this context the term "jAtaH achiRat mRutyuH bhavEt" mean and include: According to Varahamihira: If, at the Birth time, Firstly: the malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn, Occupies the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time and also the Seventh house reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign or the Ascendant orFirst house orthe lagna at the birth time, Secondly: and at the same time any one or more of the malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn, is in association with the Planet: Moon; Thirdly: and at the same time Planet: Moon in association with the any one or more of the malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn, is not aspected by the benefic planetsnamely the Planet: Jupiter and/orthe Planet: Venus then or under the said circumstences, there will be immediate death of the child born]. ||05|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 05]

Sloka:06:(06). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from-position of Waning -Moon and position of planets in Lagna Eighth house, and Kendra houses: [Sl:06][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:04]rS [ ci]elqMs hcS [ h Wqa] sali SzaWxji-|[urra] c xr Me zl [ mm] salxji [ESra] c sali Aq-|aWxji [ Aqa] c iiMs zpaW MSaW lxji iS ei-|mlkl muSi [ m lkl muSi] ||06|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 06]yadi [ chEt] janmakAlE kShINachaMdraH [ kShINE himagou] lagnAt dwAdasha -|gRuhasthitaH [vyayagE] cha sooryaHkujaH shaniH [ pApaiH] lagnasthitaH -| [udayagaiH] cha lagnAt aShTama gRuhasthitaH [aShTamagaiH] cha -| tatkAlE shubhagrahaH kEMdragRuhaH nasthitaH tadA jAtaH kShipra -|nidhanaM pravadEt [ kShipraH nidhanaM pravadEt] ||06|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 06]

rS yadi [ci chEt] elqMs janmakAlE hcS kShINachaMdraH [h Wqa kShINE himagou] sali lagnAt SzaWxji dwAdashagRuhasthitaH [urra vyayagE] c cha xr sooryaHMe kujaHzl shaniH [mm pApaiH] salxji lagnasthitaH [ESra udayagaiH] c cha sali lagnAt AqaWxjiaShTamagRuhasthitaH [Aqa aShTamagaiH] c cha iiMs tatkAlE zpaW shubhagrahaH MSaW kEMdragRuhaH lxji nasthitaH iS tadA ei jAtaH mlkl muSi kShipranidhanaM pravadEt[m kShipraHlkl nidhanaM muSi pravadEt] ||06|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 06]

rS yadi [cichEt]= If;elqMsjanmakAlE= at the Birth time; hcS kShINachaMdraH [h WqakShINE himagou] = the Planet waning moon; sali lagnAt =reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time; SzaWxji dwAdashagRuhasthitaH [urra vyayagE] = Occupies the Twelfth house reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time; [N.B: Here in this context the term "dwAdashagRuhasthitaH [vyayagE]" must be read as:"yadi janmakAlE kShINachaMdraH [kShINE himagou] dwAdashagRuhasthitaH [vyayagE]" which mean and include: If, at the Birth time, Firstly: the malefic planets namely the Planet: Moon, Occupies the Twelfth house reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign or theAscendant orFirst house or the lagnaat the birth time];c cha = and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time] xr sooryaH= The Planet: Sun; Me kujaH= the planet Mars; zl shaniH = the planet Saturn; [mmpApaiH= The malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn] salxji lagnasthitaH [ESra udayagaiH] = Occupies the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time [N.B: Here in this context the term "lagnasthitaH [udayagaiH]" must be read as:"yadi janmakAlE sooryaHkujaH shaniH lagnasthitaH cha aShTamagRuhasthitaH [pApaiH udayagaiH aShTamagaiH]"which mean and include: If, at the Birth time, Firstly: the malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn, Occupies the rising sign or theAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time and also the Eighth house reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign or the Ascendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time]; c cha = and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time]sali lagnAt =reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time; AqaWxji aShTamagRuhasthitaH [Aqa aShTamagaiH] = Occupies the Eighth house reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time; [N.B: Here in this context the term "aShTamagRuhasthitaH [aShTamagaiH]" must be read as:"yadi janmakAlE sooryaHkujaH shaniH lagnasthitaH cha aShTamagRuhasthitaH [pApaiH udayagaiH aShTamagaiH]"which mean and include: If, at the Birth time,Firstly: the malefic planets namely the Planet: Moon, Occupies the Twelfth house reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign ortheAscendant or First house orthe lagna at the birth timeSecondly: the malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, theplanet Mars, the planet Saturn, Occupies the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time and also the Eighth house reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign or the Ascendant or First house orthe lagna at the birth time]; c cha = and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time] iiMstatkAlE = at the same time; zpaW shubhagrahaH=the benefic planetsnamely the Planet: Jupiter and/orthe Planet: Venus MSaW kEMdragRuhaH =the Kendra Houses namely theFirst-house, Fourth-house, Seventh-house and Tenth-house reckoned from the rising sign or theAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time; lxji nasthitaH =do not occupy;[N.B: Here in this context the term "nasthitaH" must be read as:"chatatkAlE shubhagrahaH kEMdragRuhaH nasthitaH" which mean and include: If, at the Birth time, Firstly: the malefic planets namely the Planet: Moon, Occupies the Twelfth house reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign or the Ascendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time Secondly: the malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn, Occupies the rising sign ortheAscendant or First house orthe lagnaat the birth time and also the Eighth house reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time Thirdly: and at the same time, the Kendra Houses namely theFirst-house, Fourth-house, Seventh-house and Tenth house reckoned from the rising sign or the Ascendant or First house or the lagnaat the birth time are not occupied by the benefic planetsnamely the Planet: Jupiter and/orthe Planet: Venus] iS tadA=then or under the said circumstences;ei jAtaH = of the new born child or the individual so born; mlkl muSi kShipranidhanaM pravadEt= then or under the said circumstences it is declared that there will be immediate death of the new born child or the individual so born. [m kShipraH= immediate or instant.lkl nidhanaM= death of the new born child or the individual so born muSi pravadEt = can be declared; [N.B: Here in this context the term "kShipranidhanaM pravadEt" must be read as:"tadAjAtaH kShipranidhanaM pravadEt"which mean and include: According to Varahamihira: If, at the Birth time,Firstly: the malefic planets namely the Planet: Waning Moon, Occupies the Twelfth house reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time Secondly: and at the same time, the malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn, Occupies the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house or the lagna at the birth time and also the Eighth house reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign or theAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time and Thirdly: and at the same time, the Kendra Houses namely theFirst-house, Fourth-house, Seventh-house and Tenth house reckoned from the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house orthe lagna at the birth time are not occupied by the benefic planetsnamely the Planet: Jupiter and/orthe Planet: VenusFourthly: then or under the said circumstences it is declared that there will be immediate death of the new born child or the individual so born]. ||06|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL:06](07). Prediction of Instant deathof the child so born: (a). from-position of Moon and position of Benefic planets: [Sl:07][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:05]rSelqMs cS [zz] UaWxri c iiMs -| salxji [sala] u sali xmiqaWxji [xqUa] u -|AqaWxji [qira] u SzaWxji [Aira] -| c iiMs zpaW MSaWlxji [MOMoW] -| c iiMs cS [zz] zpaWlui [zp Aui] -| iS ei mlkl muSi [qirS] ||07|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 07]yadijanmakAlE chaMdraH [shashI] krooragrahasaMyutaH cha tatkAlE -| lagnasthitaH [lagnagaH] vAlagnAt saptamagRuhasthitaH [smaragaH] vA -|aShTamagRuhasthitaH [mRutyugaH] vAdwAdashagRuhasthitaH [aMtyagaH] -| cha tatkAlE shubhagrahaH kEMdragRuhaHnasthitaH [kaMTakAbahiH] -| cha tatkAlE chaMdraH [shashI] shubhagrahaHnavIkShitaH [shubhaiH avIkShitaH] -|tadA jAtaH kShipranidhanaM pravadEt[mRutyudaH] ||07|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 07]

rS yadielqMs janmakAlE cS chaMdraH [vv shashI] Uh xri krooragraha saMyutaH c cha iiMstatkAlE salxji lagnasthitaH [sala lagnagaH] u vA sali lagnAt xmiqaWxji saptamagRuhasthitaH [xqUa smaragaH] u vA AqaWxji aShTamagRuhasthitaH [qira mRutyugaH] u vASzaWxji dwAdashagRuhasthitaH [Aira aMtyagaH]c cha iiMstatkAlE zpaW shubhagrahaH MSaW lxji kEMdragRuhaH nasthitaH[MOMioW kaMTakAbahiH] c cha iiMstatkAlE cS chaMdraH [vv shashI] zpaWlui shubhagrahaHnavIkShitaH [vpAui shubhaiH avIkShitaH] iS tadA ei jAtaH mlkl muSi kShipranidhanaM pravadEt[qirS mRutyudaH] ||07|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 07]

rS yadi= If;elqMsjanmakAlE= at the Birth time; cS chaMdraH [vv shashI] = the Planet Moon; Uh xri krooragrahasaMyutaH =ThePlanet: Moon is in association with the malefic Planet: Mars and/or Sun but according to translator, V. Subramanya sastry's View: The word Krura means and include the planet: Mars who unfailingly cause death, and as he is one of the planets governing child hood according to Naisargika Dasa. c cha = and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time] iiMstatkAlE = at the same time; salxji lagnasthitaH [sala lagnagaH]=occupyingtheAscendant or First house orthe lagna at the birth time u vA=or; [N.B: Here in this context the term "lagnasthitaH" is interpreted to mean and include: Firstly: the Planet: Moon is in association with the malefic Planet: Mars and/ or Sun but according to translator, V. Subramanya sastry's View: The word Krura means and include the planet: Mars who unfailingly cause death, and as he is one of the planets governing child hood according to Naisargika Dasa.Secondly: the Planet: Moon in association with the malefic Planet: Mars and/or Sunoccupies (a).the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house or the lagnaat the birth time] u vA=or; sali lagnAt =reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign or the Ascendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time; xmiqaWxji saptamagRuhasthitaH [xqUa smaragaH] =occupyingthe Seventh house reckoned from the Ascendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time [N.B: Here in this context the term "saptamagRuhasthitaH" is interpreted to mean and include: Firstly: the Planet: Moon is in association with the malefic Planet: Mars and/or Sun. But according to translator, V. Subramanya shastry's View: The word Krura means and include the planet: Mars who unfailingly cause death, and as he is one of the planets governing child hood according to Naisargika Dasa. Secondly: the Planet: Moon in association with the malefic Planet: Mars and/or Sunoccupies (a). the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house or the lagnaat the birth time or (b).occupying the Seventh house reckoned from theAscendant or First house orthe lagna at the birth time] u vA=or; AqaWxji aShTamagRuhasthitaH [qira mRutyugaH] =occupyingthe Eighth house reckoned from theAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time [N.B: Here in this context the term "aShTamagRuhasthitaH" is interpreted to mean and include: Firstly: the Planet: Moon is in association with the malefic Planet: Mars and/or Sun. But according to translator, V. Subramanya sastry's View: The word Krura means and include the planet: Mars who unfailingly cause death, and as he is one of the planets governing child hood according to Naisargika Dasa. Secondly: the Planet: Moon in association with the malefic Planet: Mars and/or Sunoccupies (a). the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time or (b).occupying the Seventh house reckoned from theAscendant or First house orthe lagnaat the birth time or (c). occupying the EIghth house reckoned from theAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time] u vA= or; SzaWxji dwAdashagRuhasthitaH [Aira aMtyagaH] = occupying the Twelfth house reckoned from theAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time [N.B: Here in this context the term "dwAdashagRuhasthitaH" is interpreted to mean and include: Firstly:the Planet: Moon is in association with the malefic Planet: Mars and/or Sun But according to translator, V. Subramanya sastry's View: The word Krura means and include the planet: Mars who unfailingly cause death, and as he is one of the planets governing child hood according to Naisargika Dasa. Secondly: the Planet: Moon in association with the malefic Planet: Mars and/or Sunoccupies (a). the rising sign ortheAscendant or First house orthe lagnaat the birth time or (b). occupyingthe Seventh house reckoned from theAscendant orFirst house or the lagnaat the birth time or (c). occupyingthe EIghth house reckoned from theAscendant or First house orthe lagnaat the birth time or (d). occupyingthe Twelfth house reckoned from the Ascendant or First house or the lagnaat the birth time] c cha = and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time] iiMstatkAlE = at the same time; zpaW shubhagrahaH= the benefic planetsnamely the Planet: Jupiter and/or the Planet: Venus MSaWlxji kEMdragRuhaHnasthitaH[MOMioW kaMTakAbahiH]=do not occupy the Kendra Houses namely theFirst-house, Fourth-house, Seventh-house and Tenth-house reckoned from the rising sign or theAscendant orFirst house or the lagna at the birth time;[N.B: Here in this context the term "kEMdragRuhaHnasthitaHna sthitaH" must be read as:"chatatkAlE shubhagrahaHkEMdragRuhaHnasthitaH" which mean and include: If, at the Birth time, Firstly: the malefic planets namely the Planet: Moon, Occupies the Twelfth house reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign ortheAscendant or First house orthe lagnaat the birth time Secondly: the malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the planet Mars, the planet Saturn, Occupies the rising sign or theAscendant orFirst house or the lagna at the birth time and also the Eighth house reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time Thirdly: and at the same time, the Kendra Houses namely theFirst-house, Fourth-house, Seventh-house and Tenth house reckoned from the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house or the lagnaat the birth time are not occupied by the benefic planetsnamely the Planet: Jupiter and/orthe Planet: Venus] c cha = and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time] iiMstatkAlE = at the same time; cS chaMdraH [vv shashI] = the Planet Moon; zpaW lui shubhagrahaHnavIkShitaH [vpAui shubhaiH avIkShitaH] =has not been aspected by the benefic planets namely the Planet: Jupiter and/or the Planet: Venus [N.B: Here in this context the term "shubhagrahaHnavIkShitaH" mean and include: If, at the Birth time, Firstly: the Planet: Moon is in association with the malefic Planet: Mars and/or Sun. But according to translator, V. Subramanya sastry's View: The word Krura means and include the planet: Mars who unfailingly cause death, and as he is one of the planets governing child hood according to Naisargika Dasa. Secondly: the Planet: Moon in association with the malefic Planet: Mars and/or Sunoccupies (a). the rising sign or the Ascendant or First house or the lagnaat the birth time or (b). occupyingthe Seventh house reckoned from the Ascendant or First house orthe lagnaat the birth time or (c). occupyingthe EIghth house reckoned from the Ascendant or First house or the lagnaat the birth time or (d). occupyingthe Twelfth house reckoned from theAscendant or First house or the lagnaat the birth time Thirdly: and at the same time, the Kendra Houses namely theFirst-house, Fourth-house, Seventh-house and Tenth house reckoned from the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time are not occupied by the benefic planets namely the Planet: Jupiter and/or the Planet: Venus Fourthly: and at the same time, the Planet: Moonin association with the malefic Planet: Mars and/or Sun and occupying (a). the rising sign ortheAscendant or First house orthe lagna at the birth time or (b).occupying the Seventh house reckoned from theAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time or (c). occupyingthe EIghth house reckoned from theAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time or (d). occupyingthe Twelfth house reckoned from theAscendant orFirst house or the lagna at the birth time is not aspected by the benefic planetsnamely the Planet: Jupiter and/or the Planet: Venus].iS tadA=then or under the said circumstences;ei jAtaH = of the new born child or the individual so born;mlkl muSi kShipranidhanaM pravadEt[qirS mRutyudaH] =then or under the said circumstences it is declared that there will be immediate death of the new born child or the individual so born. [N.B: Here in this context the term "kShipranidhanaM pravadEt" must be read as:"tadA jAtaH kShipranidhanaM pravadEt"which mean and include: According to Varahamihira: If, at the Birth time,Firstly: the Planet: Moon is in association with the malefic Planet: Mars and/or Sun. But according to translator, V. Subramanya shastry's View: The word Krura means and include the planet: Mars who unfailingly cause death, and as he is one of the planets governing child hood according to Naisargika Dasa. Secondly: the Planet: Moon in association with the malefic Planet: Mars and/or Sunoccupies (a). the rising sign or the Ascendant orFirst house orthe lagna at the birth time or (b).occupyingthe Seventh house reckoned from the Ascendant or First house or the lagna at the birth time or (c). occupying the EIghth house reckoned from theAscendant or First house or the lagnaat the birth time or (d).occupying the Twelfth house reckoned from theAscendant orFirst house or the lagna at the birth time Thirdly: and at the same time, the Kendra Houses namely theFirst-house, Fourth-house, Seventh-houseand Tenth house reckoned from the rising sign ortheAscendant orFirst house orthe lagna at the birth time are not occupied by the benefic planets namely the Planet: Jupiter and/orthe Planet: Venus Fourthly: and at the same time, the Planet: Moonin association with the malefic Planet: Mars and/or Sun and occupying (a). the rising sign or the Ascendant or First house orthe lagna at the birth time or (b).occupyingthe Seventh house reckoned from theAscendant or First house orthe lagnaat the birth time or (c). occupyingthe EIghth house reckoned from the Ascendant or First house or the lagna at the birth time or (d).occupying the Twelfth house reckoned from the Ascendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth timeis not aspected by the benefic planetsnamely the Planet: Jupiter and/orthe Planet: Venus Fifthly: then or under the said circumstences it is declared that there will be immediate death of the new born child or the individual so born]. ||07|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 07]

Sloka:08:(08). Prediction of Instant deathof the child from position of Moon: [Sl:08][Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:06]rS elqMs cS [zzlr] sali wqaW-|xji [AUa] u AqaWxji [ulza] c iiMs-|cS [zzlr] AzpaWui [mmi] iS -|ei mlkl muSi[Azlkl mmi] ||08|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 08]yadijanmakAlE chaMdraH [shashinya] lagnAt ShaShTamagRuha-|sthitaH[arigE] vA aShTamagRuhasthitaH [vinAshagE] cha tatkAlE-|chaMdraH [shashinya] ashubhagrahaHvIkShitaH [pApEkShitE] tadA-| jAtaH kShipranidhanaM pravadEt[ashu nidhanaM prAptiH] ||08|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 08]

rS yadielqMsjanmakAlE cS chaMdraH [vvlr shashinya] sali lagnAt wqaWxji ShaShTamagRuhasthitaH [AUa arigE] u vAAqaWxji aShTamagRuhasthitaH [ulza vinAshagE] c cha iiMstatkAlE cS chaMdraH [vvlr shashinya] AzpaW ui ashubhagrahaHvIkShitaH [mmi pApEkShitE] iS tadA ei jAtaH mlkl muSi kShipranidhanaM pravadEt[Av lkl mmi ashu nidhanaM prAptiH prAptiH] [Av ashu lkl nidhanaM mmi prAptiH] ||08|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 08]

rS yadi= If;elqMsjanmakAlE= at the Birth time; cS chaMdraH [vvlr shashinya] = the Planet Moon; sali lagnAt =reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign or the Ascendant orFirst house or the lagna at the birth time; wqaWxji ShaShTamagRuha sthitaH [AUa arigE ] =occupyingthe Sixth house reckoned from the Ascendant orFirst house or the lagnaat the birth time u vA= or; AqaWxji aShTamagRuhasthitaH [ulza vinAshagE] =occupying the Eighth house reckoned from theAscendant orFirst house or the lagna at the birth time c cha = and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time] iiMstatkAlE = at the same time; cS chaMdraH [vvlr shashinya] = the Planet Moon; AzpaWui ashubhagrahaHvIkShitaH[ mmi pApEkShitE] = is aspected by any one or more of the malefic planetsnamely the Planet: Sun, the Planet: Mars and/or the Planet: Saturn iS tadA=then or under the said circumstences; ei jAtaH = of the new born child or the individual so born; mlkl muSi kShipranidhanaM pravadEt[Av lklmmi ashu nidhanaM prAptiH prAptiH] = then or under the said circumstences it is declared that there will be immediate death of the new born child or the individual so born [Av ashu = then,soon there will be (death of the child born) lkl nidhanaM = (then, there will be) immediate death of the child born.; mmi prAptiH=the native will acquire or gain. In this context it is interpreted to mean will suffer from ] [N.B: Here in this context the term "kShipranidhanaM pravadEt [ashu nidhanaM prAptiH prAptiH]" must be read as:"tadA jAtaH kShipranidhanaM pravadEt [ashu nidhanaM prAptiH prAptiH]"which mean and include: According to Varahamihira: If, at the Birth time, the Planet: Moon occupies the Sixth house or the Eighth house reckoned from the Ascendant orFirst house or the lagnaat the birth time and at the same time has been aspected by any one or more of the malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the Planet: Mars and/or the Planet: Saturn then or under the said circumstences it is declared that there will be immediate death of the new born child or the individual so born]||08|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 08]

Sloka:09:(09). Prediction of death after Eight yeasof the child from -position of Moon and planets aspecting the Planet: Moon: [Sl:09] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:06]rS elqMs cS [zzlr] sali wqaWxji-| [AUa] uAqaWxji [ulza] c cS-| [zzlr] zpaWui [zpUj] ciiMs -| cS [zzlr] AzpaWlui [mm Aui] -| iS ei xqM lkl mmi ||09|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 09]yadijanmakAlE chaMdraH [shashinya] lagnAt ShaShTamagRuhasthitaH-| [arigE] vAaShTamagRuhasthitaH [vinAshagE] cha chaMdraH-| [shashinya] shubhagrahaHvIkShitaH [shubhairathaH] chatatkAlE -| chaMdraH [shashinya] ashubhagrahaHnavIkShitaH [pApE avIkShitaH] -| tadA jAtaH samAShTakaM nidhanaM prAptiH||09|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 09]

rS yadielqMsjanmakAlE cS chaMdraH [vvlr shashinya] sali lagnAt wqaWxji ShaShTamagRuhasthitaH [AUa arigE] u vAAqaWxji aShTamagRuhasthitaH [ulza vinAshagE] c cha cS chaMdraH [vvlr shashinya] zpaWui shubhagrahaHvIkShitaH [vpUj shubhairathaH] c chaiiMs tatkAlEcS chaMdraH [vvlr shashinya] AzpaWlui ashubhagrahaHnavIkShitaH [mmAui pApE avIkShitaH] iS tadA ei jAtaH xqM samAShTakaM lkl nidhanaM mmi prAptiH ||09|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 09]

rS yadi= If;elqMsjanmakAlE= at the Birth time; cS chaMdraH [vvlr shashinya] = the Planet Moon; sali lagnAt =reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign or the Ascendant orFirst house or the lagnaat the birth time; wqaWxji ShaShTamagRuhasthitaH [AUa arigE ] =occupying the Sixth house reckoned from theAscendant orFirst house orthe lagna at the birth time u vA=or; AqaWxji aShTamagRuhasthitaH [ulza vinAshagE] = occupying the Eighth house reckoned from theAscendant or First house orthe lagna at the birth time c cha = and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time]cS chaMdraH [vvlr shashinya] = the Planet Moon; zpaWui shubhagrahaH vIkShitaH [vpUj shubhairathaH]=hasbeen aspected by the benefic planets namely the Planet: Jupiter and/or the Planet: Venus; c cha =and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time] iiMstatkAlE = at the same time; cS chaMdraH [vvlr shashinya] = the Planet Moon; AzpaWlui ashubhagrahaHnavIkShitaH [mm Aui pApE avIkShitaH]= is unaspected by any one or more of the malefic planets namely the Planet: Sun, the Planet: Mars and/or the Planet: Saturn iS tadA=then or under the said circumstences; ei jAtaH = of the new born child or the individual so born; xqM samAShTakaM = at the end ofeighth years;lkl nidhanaM = (then,there will be) death of the child born. mmi prAptiH=the native will acquire or gain. In this context it is interpreted to mean will suffer from; [N.B: Here in this context the term "prAptiH" must be read as:"tadA jAtaH samAShTakaM nidhanaM prAptiH"which mean and include:According to Varahamihira: If, at theBirth time, Firstly: the Planet: Moon occupies the Sixth house or the Eighth house reckoned from the Ascendant or First house or the lagna at the birth time and Secondly:at the same timethe Planet: Moon occupying the Sixth house or the Eighth house reckoned from theAscendant or First house orthe lagna at the birth time hasbeen aspected by the benefic planets namely the Planet: Jupiter and/or the Planet: Venus; Thirdly:at the same timethe Planet: Moon occupying the Sixth house or the Eighth house reckoned from theAscendant orFirst house orthe lagna at the birth time has beennot aspected by any one or more of the malefic planetsnamely the Planet: Sun, the Planet: Mars and/or the Planet: Saturn Fourthly: then or under the said circumstences it is declared that death of the child born the new born child or the individual so bornsuffer from there will be caused at the end of eight years from the date of birth of the Individual so born. ||09|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part: 01: SL: 09]

Sloka:10:(10).Prediction of death after Eight yearsof birth the child from -position of Moonand planets aspecting the Planet: Moon: [Sl:10] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:06]rS elqMs cS [zzlr] sali wqaWxji [AUa] -| u AqaWxji [ulza] c iiMs cS [zzlr] -| zpaW [zp] c AzpaW [mm] [q] ui-| iS ei xqMSs lkl mmi ||10|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 10]yadijanmakAlE chaMdraH [shashinya] lagnAt ShaShTamagRuhasthitaH [arigE] -| vAaShTamagRuhasthitaH [vinAshagE] cha tatkAlE chaMdraH [shashinya] -| shubhagrahaH [shubhaiH] cha ashubhagrahaH [pApaiH] [mishraiH ] vIkShitaH-| tadA jAtaH samAShTakadalaM nidhanaM prAptiH ||10|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 10]

rS yadi elqMs janmakAlE cS chaMdraH [vvlr shashinya] sali lagnAt wqaWxji ShaShTamagRuhasthitaH [AUa arigE] u vAAqaWxji aShTamagRuhasthitaH [ulza vinAshagE] ccha iiMstatkAlE cS chaMdraH [vvlrshashinya] zpaW shubhagrahaH [zp shubhaiH] c cha AzpaW ashubhagrahaH [mm pApaiH] [q mishraiH] ui vIkShitaH iS tadA ei jAtaH xqMSs samAShTakadalaM lkl nidhanaM mmi prAptiH ||10|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 10]

rS yadi= If;elqMsjanmakAlE= at the Birth time; cS chaMdraH [vvlr shashinya] = the Planet Moon; sali lagnAt =reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign or the Ascendant or First house orthe lagna at the birth time; wqaWxji ShaShTamagRuha sthitaH [AUa arigE] =occupying the Sixth house reckoned from theAscendant orFirst house or the lagnaat the birth time u vA=or; AqaWxji aShTamagRuhasthitaH [ulza vinAshagE] =occupying the Eighth house reckoned from theAscendant orFirst house orthe lagna at the birth time c cha = and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time] iiMstatkAlE = at the same time; cS chaMdraH [vvlr shashinya] = the Planet Moon; zpaWshubhagrahaH [zp shubhaiH] =(hasbeen aspected by) the benefic planetsnamely the Planet: Jupiter and/orthe Planet: Venus; c cha = and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time] AzpaW ashubhagrahaH [mm pApaiH] = (has been aspected by)any one or more of the malefic planetsnamely the Planet: Sun, the Planet: Mars and/or the Planet: Saturn [q mishraiH =hasbeen aspected by both thebenefic planetsnamely the Planet: Jupiter and/orthe Planet: Venus and the malefic planets namely Planet: Sun, the Planet: Mars and/or the Planet: Saturn] ui vIkShitaH = is aspected by [N.B: Here in this context the term "vIkShitaH"mean and include: The Planet: Moon occupyingthe Sixth house or the Eighth house reckoned from theAscendant orFirst house or the lagnaat the birth time has been aspected by both thebenefic planetsnamely the Planet: Jupiter and/or the Planet: Venus and the malefic planetsnamely the Planet: Sun, the Planet: Mars and/or the Planet: Saturn; iS tadA=then or under the said circumstences;ei jAtaH = of the new born child or the individual so born;xqMSs samAShTakadalaM= at the end of half of eighth years or at the end ofhalf of Four years;lkl nidhanaM = (then,there will be) death of the child born. mmi prAptiH=the native will acquire or gain. In this context it is interpreted to mean will suffer from; [N.B: Here in this context the term "prAptiH" must be read as:"tadA jAtaH samAShTakadalaM nidhanaM prAptiH"which mean and include:According to Varahamihira: If, at the Birth time,Firstly: the Planet: Moon occupies the Sixth house or the Eighth house reckoned from the Ascendant or First house orthe lagnaat the birth time and Secondly:at the same timethe Planet: Moon occupyingthe Sixth house or the Eighth house reckoned from theAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time hasbeen aspected by both (a). the benefic planetsnamely the Planet: Jupiter and/or the Planet: Venus; (b). and the malefic planetsnamely the Planet: Sun, the Planet: Mars and/or the Planet: Saturn Thirdly: then or under the said circumstences it is declared that death of the child born the new born child or the individual so bornsuffer from there will be caused at the end of fourth year from the date of birth of the Individual so born. ||10|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 10]

Sloka:11:(11).Prediction of death after one monthof birth the child from position of Benefic planetsand/orthe Planet: Lord of the lagna at birth: [Sl:11] [Ref: BJ: Original Text: Ch:06:Sl:06]rS elqMs zpaW [zp] sali wqaWxji [AUa]-| u AqaWxji [ulza] c iiMs os AzpaWui -|[ospAxUusMi] u rS elqMssalSm [usalkm] xmiq-| aWxji [MsxWi] c iiMs salSm [usalkm] mmuei-| iS [A] ei qxlkl mmi ||11|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 11]yadi janmakAlE shubhagrahaH [shubhaiH] lagnAt ShaShTamagRuhasthitaH [arigE]-| vA aShTamagRuhasthitaH [vinAshagE] cha tatkAlE baliShTa ashubhagrahavIkShitE -|[balibhiasadbhiravalOkitE] vA yadi janmakAlElagnAdipaH [vilagnAdhipE] saptama-|gRuhasthitaH [kalatrasahitE] cha tatkAlE lagnAdipaH [vilagnAdhipE] pApavijitE -|tadA [atra] jAtaH mAsaMnidhanaM prAptiH ||11|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 11]

rS yadielqMs janmakAlE zpaW shubhagrahaH [vp shubhaiH] sali lagnAt wqaWxji ShaShTamagRuhasthitaH [AUa arigE] u vAAqaWxji aShTamagRuha sthitaH [ulza vinAshagE] c cha iiMs tatkAlE osAzpaWui baliShTaashubhagrahavIkShitE[ospAxUusMi balibhiasadbhiravalOkitE] u vArS yadi elqMsjanmakAlE salSm lagnAdipaH [usalkm vilagnAdhipE] xmiqaWxji saptamagRuhasthitaH [MsxWi kalatrasahitE] c cha iiMs tatkAlE salSm lagnAdipaH [usalkm vilagnAdhipE] mmuei pApavijitE iS tadA [A atra] ei jAtaH qxlkl mAsaMnidhanaM mmi prAptiH||11|| [BJ: Ch: VI: Part:01:SL: 11]

rS yadi= If;elqMsjanmakAlE= at theBirth time;zpaWshubhagrahaH [vp shubhaiH] = the benefic planetsnamely the Planet: Jupiter and/or the Planet: Venus sali lagnAt = reckoned from the house considered as the rising sign or the Ascendant or First house orthe lagna at the birth time; wqaWxji ShaShTamagRuhasthitaH [AUa arigE] =occupying the Sixth house reckoned from theAscendant orFirst house or the lagnaat the birth time u vA = or; AqaWxji aShTamagRuhasthitaH [ulza vinAshagE] =occupying the Eighthhouse reckoned from theAscendant orFirst house or the lagnaat the birth time c cha = and[N.B: Here the term cha is interpreted to mean and include: and at the same time] iiMstatkAlE = at the same time; osAzpaWui baliShTaashubhagrahavIkShitE [ospAxUusMi balibhiasadbhiravalOkitE] =hasbeen aspected bypowerfulmalefic planetsnamely the Planet: Sun, the Planet: Mars and/or the Planet: Saturn [N.B: Here in this context the term "baliShTaashubhagrahavIkShitE [balibhiasadbhiravalOkitE]" which mean and include: (a). If at the Birth time the benefic planetsnamely the Planet: Jupiter and/orthe Planet: Venus occupying the Sixth house reckoned from theAscendant orFirst house orthe lagnaat the birth time and/or (b).I

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