bird id and calls call website: link

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Bird ID and calls

Call website:

Water birds/ near shore birds

Green heron (to 22”)

Great blue heron (to 4.5 feet)

Belted kingfisher (not required)

Canada goose (to 43 inches)Call: A-RONK, A-RONK

KilldeerTo 12” Note two breast bandsCall: loud, repetitive KILL-DEE


And Misc

Downy woodpecker (to 6”)Call: sharp, descending whinny and a single pick

Hairy (to 10”)

Red bellied woodpecker (not required bird)

Northern flickerWing and tail linings are yellowUp to 13”Call: WICK, WICK, WICK OR WIK-A-WIK-A-WIK

Rock dove“pigeon”

Mourning doveCall: OOAHOO, COO, COO, COO

Ruby throated hummingbird

Birds of Prey

Swainson’s hawk

Red shouldered

Turkey vultureDistinct V shape when flyingRed headTrailing half of wings are silvery

Golden eagle

Bald eagle

Perching Birds

Western kingbird (to 8”) Not required

Western/Eastern meadowlarks – not required

American goldfinchTo 5”, fields

Purple martin (to 8”)Notice notch in tail(NOT REQUIRED)

Barn Swallow(to 8”)Note forked tail

Scissor-tailed flycatcherOklahoma state birdTo 14”

Northern Mockingbird call is in triplets – mimics other songsTo 11”

Northern CardinalTo 9”Call: CHEER, CHEER, CHEER, PERTY, PERTY, PERTY


Not to be confused with Baltimore oriole

House finchCALL: musical warble, ending in a descending CHEER

Painted bunting – not required

Summer tanager – not required

Compare with Painted bunting

Eastern Bluebird, to 7”

Blue jayTo 14”, note crest; Call is a loud, harsh JAY, JAY

Indigo bunting – not required

Carolina wren to 6”. Note white eyebrow stripe and upward tailCall: TEA KETTLE, TEA KETTLE, TEA KETTLE

Carolina chickadee(to 4.5”) Call: CHIC-A-DEE, DEE, DEE

White breasted nuthatch(to 6”, creeps head down, down a tree)Call: ANNK, ANNK

Gray catbird(to 9”)

Note black cap

Ruby crowned kinglet(to 3.5 inches)(NOT REQUIRED)

Call is Peter-peter-peter

Tufted titmouse(to 6”)

House Sparrow Call is a repeated Chirp, Chirp, Chirp(to 6”)

Perching Birds

“Black Birds”

Common grackle (to 14”) Call is a harsh, nasal SPI-KANK also, CHUCK

Great tailed grackle (to 18”)

Red winged blackbird

Brown headed cow bird

American Crow (To 22”)Call is distinct “caw”

Brewer’s Blackbird (to 9 in)

European Starling(to 8”)

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