bird brochure #39133 - california state parks birds going about their everyday...

Post on 27-Jun-2020






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Acorn Woodpecker

This publication is available on the Asilomar state park website:

This publication is available in an alternate format by contacting the

Asilomar State Park Offi ce 804 Crocker Avenue

Pacifi c Grove, CA 93950 (831) 646-6440

711 TTY Relay Service

Cover photo and illustrations© California State Park, 2009

Illustrations by Gail Reeves,Northwest Watercolors

s Revised 2/2009

Starlings❍ European starling cPB

Vireos❍ Hutton’s vireo uPb*

Warblers ❍ Orange-crowned warbler umW❍ Townsend’s warbler cW❍ Yellow-rumped warbler cW❍ Yellow warbler um❍ Palm warbler rmW❍ Common yellowthroat umW

Sparrows & Towhees❍ Spotted towhee uPB❍ California towhee fcPB❍ Fox sparrow rW❍ Golden-crowned sparrow fcW❍ Lincoln’s sparrow uW❍ Savanna sparrow rW❍ Song sparrow fcPB❍ White-crowned sparrow cPB❍ White-throated sparrow rW❍ Dark-eyed junco cPB

Meadowlarks, Blackbirds & Tanagers❍ Western meadowlark umW❍ Brewer’s blackbird cPB❍ Red-winged blackbird uP*❍ Brown-headed cowbird uSb*❍ Western tanager rm

Weavers❍ House sparrow rP*

Finches❍ American goldfinch fcPb*❍ Lesser goldfinch umW❍ House finch fcPB ❍ Purple finch uP*


❍ Low voices and slow movements will enable you to watch birds going about their everyday activity.

❍ Viewing birds from designated trails, pathways and boardwalks ensures the survival of the ecosystem in which these birds thrive.

❍ Feeding birds and other wildlife is prohibited.

❍ The presence of dogs can negatively affect birds and other wildlife. Please keep your dogs leashed at all times.

❍ Report new bird sightings to the State Park staff.

Anna’s Hummingbird


State Beach &

Conference Grounds



ABUNDANCE c = common fc = fairly common u = uncommon r = rare

STATUS P = permanent resident W = winter resident S = summer resident m = spring/fall transient or migrant

BREEDING CODES B = confi rmed breeder at Asilomar b = probable breeder at Asilomar x = possible breeder at Asilomar * = breeds locally on or near

Monterey Peninsula

Grebes & Loons❍ Eared grebe cW❍ Clark’s grebe uW❍ Western grebe cW❍ Common loon cW❍ Pacific loon cW

Pelicans & Cormorants ❍ Brown pelican cP❍ Brandt’s cormorant cPb*❍ Double-crested cormorant uP❍ Pelagic cormorant cPb*

Herons & Egrets❍ Black-crowned night heron rW❍ Great blue heron rP❍ Great egret fcP❍ Snowy egret uP

Geese & Ducks❍ Canada goose fcPB❍ Surf scoter cW❍ Red-breasted merganser cW❍ Mallard rP*

Oystercatchers❍ Black oystercatcher fcPb

Plovers & Sandpipers❍ Black-bellied plover cmW❍ Semi-palmated plover umW❍ Snowy plover fcW❍ Killdeer fcPB❍ Willet cmW❍ Wandering tattler rmW❍ Whimbrel fcmW❍ Marbled godwit cmW❍ Black turnstone cmW❍ Ruddy turnstone umW❍ Sanderling cmW❍ Western sandpiper cmrW❍ Least sandpiper cmrW❍ Dunlin cmrW❍ Wilson’s snipe uW❍ Surfbird umW

Gulls❍ California gull cP❍ Glaucous-winged gull cW❍ Heermann’s gull fcP❍ Herring gull uW❍ Western gull cP*❍ Mew gull cW

Auks ❍ Cassin’s auklet fcP❍ Marbled murrelet rW

Kites & Hawks❍ White-tailed kite rP*❍ Sharp-shinned hawk umW*❍ Cooper’s hawk rmW❍ Red-shouldered hawk fcPx*

Falcons❍ American kestrel umW

Doves❍ Mourning dove fcPB❍ Eurasian collared-dove fcPx

Owls❍ Barn owl rm❍ Burrowing owl rW❍ Great-horned owl uS

Hummingbirds❍ Anna’s hummingbird fcPB❍ Allen’s hummingbird um

Kingfishers❍ Belted kingfisher uP

Woodpeckers❍ Acorn woodpecker cPB❍ Downy woodpecker uP*❍ Hairy woodpecker fcPx*❍ Nuttall’s woodpecker uP*❍ Northern flicker uPx*

Tyrant Flycatchers❍ Western wood-pewee rm❍ Olive-sided flycatcher rm❍ Black phoebe fcP*❍ Say’s phoebe fcW

Empidonax Flycatchers❍ Pacific-slope flycatcher fcSB

Swallows❍ Tree swallow umW❍ Violet-green swallow cmSb*❍ Purple martin rm❍ Barn swallow fcSB

Jays & Crows❍ Western scrub jay cPB❍ Steller’s jay fcP*❍ American crow cPB

Wrentit❍ Wrentit uP

Titmice & Chickadees ❍ Plain titmouse fcP*❍ Chestnut-backed chickadee fcPB

Bushtits❍ Bushtit fcPB

Creepers❍ Brown creeper uPx*

Nuthatches❍ Pygmy nuthatch cPB

Wrens❍ Bewick’s wren uPb*❍ House wren umW

Thrushes❍ Ruby-crowned kinglet fcW❍ Hermit thrush uW❍ American robin uP*

Waxwings❍ Cedar waxwing fcWSong


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