biology - chp 3 - the biosphere - notes

Post on 09-Jun-2015






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The Biosphere

3-1 What is Ecology?

Interactions and Interdependence

Ecology - _______________________________________________________________


biosphere - ______________________________________________________________


Levels of Organization

To understand relationships within the biosphere ecologists ask questions about events and organisms that range in complexity from single individuals to the entire biosphere

Studies can focus on…

Species - ________________________________________________________________


Populations - ____________________________________________________________



Communities - ___________________________________________________________


Ecosystem - _____________________________________________________________



Biome - _________________________________________________________________



The largest area of study would be the actual study of the biosphere itself

Ecological Methods

Regardless of the tools they use, scientists conduct modern ecological research using 3 basic approaches:




Name ____________________________________ Date _________________ Per _____

3-1 Section Review

1. List the six different levels of organization that ecologists study, in order from smallest to largest.

2. Describe the three basic methods of ecological research.

3. Identify two ways in which you interact with each of the three parts of the biosphere—land, water, and air—every day.

4. Suppose you wanted to know if the water in a certain stream is safe to drink. Which ecological method(s) would you choose, and why?

3 – 2 Energy Flow

The flow of energy through an ecosystem is one of the most important factors that determines the systems capacity to sustain life


_______________________ is the main energy source for life on Earth Some types of organisms rely on the energy stored in organic chemical compounds

Producers (autotrophs) - ____________________________________________________



Energy From the Sun

Photosynthesis - __________________________________________________________


Life Without Light

Some autotrophs rely on energy within the chemical bonds of inorganic molecules such as hydrogen sulfide

Chemosynthesis - _________________________________________________________



Many organisms cannot harness energy directly from their environment like autotrophs do

Consumers (heterotrophs) - _________________________________________________



There are many kinds of heterotrophs

Herbivores - _____________________________________________________________

Carnivores - _____________________________________________________________

Detritivores - ____________________________________________________________


Decomposers - ___________________________________________________________

Feeding Relationships

Energy flows through an ecosystem in one direction, from the sun or inorganic compounds to autotrophs (producers) and then to various heterotrophs (consumers)

Food Chains

Food chain - _____________________________________________________________


In most ecosystems, feeding relationships are more complex than they can be shown in a food chain

Food Webs - _____________________________________________________________



Trophic Levels - __________________________________________________________


1st - ____________________________________________________

2nd – 3rd or higher - ________________________________________

Each consumer depends on the trophic level below it for energy

Ecological Pyramids

Ecological Pyramid – a diagram that shows the relative amounts of energy or matter contained within each trophic level in a food chain or food web

There are 3 types of ecological pyramids

1. Energy Pyramid - _______________________________________________________


Only about ________ of the energy available within one trophic level is transferred to organisms at the next trophic level

2. Biomass Pyramid - ______________________________________________________


biomass - _______________________________________________________________


3. Pyramid of Numbers - ___________________________________________________


Note: Pyramid of numbers may not always be pyramid shaped

Name ______________________________ Date _____________________ Per _______

3 – 2 Section Review

1. What are the two main forms of energy that power living systems?

2. Briefly describe the flow of energy among organisms in an ecosystem.

3. What proportion of energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next in an ecosystem?

4. Show the following as a food chain: omnivore, autotroph, herbivore.

5. Draw an energy pyramid for a five-step food chain. If 100 percent of the energy is available at the first trophic level, what percentage of the total energy is available at the highest trophic level?

3 – 3 Cycles of Matter

Energy is crucial to an Ecosystem, but organisms need more than that to survive They also need







Recycling in the Biosphere

unlike the one way flow of energy, matter is recycled within and between ecosystems

The Water Cycle

Evaporation - ____________________________________________________________


transpiration - ____________________________________________________________



condensation - ___________________________________________________________

precipitation - ____________________________________________________________


Nutrient Cycles

Nutrients - ______________________________________________________________


Every living organism needs nutrients to grow and carry out essential life functions. Like water; nutrients are passed between organisms and the environment through cycles

The Carbon Cycle

There are four different kinds of processes involved in the carbon cycle:

1. biological processes, such as photosynthesis, respiration, and decomposition of plants and animals;

2. geochemical processes, such as the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas to the atmosphere by volcanoes;

3. mixed biogeochemical processes, such as the burial of carbon rich remains of organisms and their conversion into coal and petroleum (fossil fuels) by the pressure of the overlying earth; and

4. human activity, including mining, the burning of fossil fuels, and the cutting and burning of forests.

The Nitrogen Cycle

All organisms require nitrogen to make amino acids, which in turn are used to build


Many different forms of nitrogen occur naturally in the biosphere Although nitrogen gas is the most abundant form of nitrogen on Earth, only certain

types of bacteria can use this form directly

Nitrogen fixation - ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Phosphorus Cycle

Phosphorus is essential to living organisms because it forms part of important life sustaining molecules such as ________________________

Unlike Carbon, oxygen and nitrogen, phosphorus does not enter the atmosphere Phosphorus remains mostly on land in rock and soil minerals, and in ocean sediments As the rocks and sediments gradually wear down, phosphate is released Plants absorb phosphate then move to the rest of the ecosystem

Nutrient Limitation

Ecologists are often interested in the primary productivity

Primary productivity - _____________________________________________________


If a nutrient is in short supply, it will limit an organisms growth

Limiting nutrient - ________________________________________________________




Name _________________________________ Date _____________________ Per ____

3 – 3 Section Review

1. How does the way that matter flows through an ecosystem differ from the way that energy flows?

2. Why do living organisms need nutrients?

3. Describe the path of nitrogen through its biogeochemical cycle.

4. Explain how a nutrient can be a limiting factor in an ecosystem.

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