biol-crtu : certificate in biotechnology program change...

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3/11/2019 BIOL-CRTU: Certificate in Biotechnology 1/3

Program Change Request

Academic Career

Program Type



School/College College of Lib Arts & Sciences



CIP Code

Program Name

Please name thetrack(s)

Track Name(s)

Bioscience Pathway

BioAnalytical Pathway

Location(s) ofInstruction

Effective Catalog 2019 - 2020

In WorkflowA. CLAS Dean or


B. Provost'sOffice

C. CLASUndergraduateProgram andCourseCoordinator

D. CUSASubcommittee

E. CUSACommittee


G. CLAS FinalApproval

H. OIRP CIPApproval

I. Provost's Office

J. FutureAcademicCatalog

Approval PathA. 10/25/18 6:47

pm Karen Ledom

(kjh): Approvedfor CLAS Deanor AssociateDean

B. 11/14/18 1:05pm

Linda Luckey(lluckey):Approved forProvost's Office

C. 11/15/18 3:13pm

RachelSchwien(rschwien):Approved forCLASUndergraduateProgram andCourseCoordinator

D. 02/08/19 10:02am

Bridget Bradley(bbradley):Approved forCUSASubcommittee

New Program ProposalDate Submitted: 09/18/18 4:31 pm

Viewing: BIOL-CRTU : Certificate in BiotechnologyLast edit: 02/08/19 10:01 amChanges proposed by: dyanv

Undergraduate, Lawrence



Certificate in Biotechnology

Do you intend to offer a track(s)?



Do you intend for this program to be offered online?


3/11/2019 BIOL-CRTU: Certificate in Biotechnology 2/3

Program Description

Demand/Need for the Program

Comparative/Locational Advantage



Faculty Profile

Student Profile

Academic Support

Facilities and Equipment

E. 02/13/19 2:27pm

RachelSchwien(rschwien):Approved forCUSACommittee

The biotechnology certificate is designed for individuals seeking to broaden their science content-knowledge and gain cutting-edge,hands-on training in biotech research methods. This certificate will help prepare individuals for the demands of STEM-related graduate programs and thedemands of careers in the biotech industry.

There are more than 245 biotech companies that employ over 28,000 people in the Kansas City region. These companies have asignificant and growing demand for scientists trained in biotechnology. These companies have expressed a need for scientists trained in functional laboratoryskills and research methods. The biotech certificate will enhance access to courses offered through the existing B.A.S. in Biotechnology degree program.Biotech courses are specifically designed to delivery training on these highly needed skills.

That said, the Kansas City region could benefit from this certificate as no other 4-year college currently offers a biotech certificate.

The prerequisites for this certificate articulates well with STEM-related degree programs (A.S. degrees at community colleges andbachelor’s degrees at 4-year colleges). The general science requirements for admissions are as follows—

General Chemistry I & II, Organic Chemistry I, General Molecular Biology, Genetics, or associates of science degree in related scientific field.

Course ListCode Title HoursBTEC 300 Research Methods in Biotechnology 3BTEC 305 Molecular and Microbiological Techniques 4Choose from the following pathwaysBioscience PathwayBTEC 400 Applied Immunology 3BTEC 550 Applied Bioinformatics 2

ORBioAnalytical PathwayBTEC 475 Applied Separation Science and Quantitative Analysis 6

Name of Faculty and Rank

Highest Degree

Number of Faculty FTE

Dr. Randall Logan Ph.D. 1.0

Dr. Jack Treml Ph.D. 1.0

Anticipated student enrollment

Full Time Part Time Total

Year 1 2 0 2

Year 2 4 0 4

Year 3 6 0 6

Anticipated number of program graduates

After 5 Years 20

After 7 Years 30

No additional resources required.

3/11/2019 BIOL-CRTU: Certificate in Biotechnology 3/3

Program Review, Assessment, Accreditation

Costs, Financing

What is the source of the new funds?

Rationale forproposal




Key: 642

No additional resources required.

Program Review will occur every two years. Assessment of student-learning occurs continuously throughout all courses.

Biotechnology has no accrediting body.

Salaries OOE Equipment Other TOTAL

Year 1 0 0 0 0 0

Year 2 0 0 0 0 0

Year 3 0 0 0 0 0

No additional funding resources required for this certificate.

There are >245 biotech companies employing >28,000 people in the KC region. These companies have a significant, growing demandfor scientists trained in biotechnology. Unfortunately, the KC region currently does not have an established undergraduate-level

biotechnology certificate at any 4-year institution. KU is well-positioned to take advantage of the booming growth in biotech and establish the leading role in thiseducational sector.

The biotech certificate enhances access to courses specifically designed to deliver training on highly needed functional laboratory skills

and knowledge of research methods. This certificate program will allow KU to capitalize on the existing curriculum and courses establishedin the B.A.S. in Biotechnology with no additional investments in facility FTE or faculty upgrades.

Bridget Bradley (bbradley) (02/08/19 10:01 am): Per recommendation from the CUSA subcommittee, I have adjusted the curriculumtable to show that the student will either choose one pathway course sequence or the other in order to complete the certificate.

Proposed Changes to the Policy on Departmental Honors in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

February 19, 2019

An extensive discussion of the policy on departmental honors was initiated in the Policy and Awards

Subcommittee in response to student petitions. In light of these discussions, we propose that the

overall academic record requirement (minimum 3.25 overall GPA including all transfer coursework and

courses completed at KU) be removed as a criteria for departmental honors within the College of Liberal

Arts and Sciences. The rationale is that students who exhibit exceptional achievement in their major

should not be disqualified from “departmental honors” because of their performance in coursework

taken in other disciplines. The overall GPA requirement discourages students who, for a variety of

reasons, may not have a strong overall academic record, but have demonstrated remarkable abilities in

a specific department. While there is a petition mechanism in place for those that do not meet specific

College requirements, in the case of this specific requirement we feel this is an unnecessary barrier.

Last April, Departmental Honors Coordinators were sent an email and asked for feedback on this policy

change and a majority of departments who responded were in favor. Two departments were not

supportive; however, their concerns were related to the importance of a strong GPA for completing the

independent research project, and the potential of an influx of students wanting to do departmental

honors that could not be accommodated. While the College sets the minimum requirements for

departmental honors, the policy clearly states that individual departments and programs can set

additional requirements (that must be approved by CUSA). If this proposal moves forward, we

recommend that departments be reminded of this provision before the change comes into effect.


Most departments and programs allow qualified majors to work toward graduation with departmental

honors. Graduation with departmental honors is awarded in recognition of exceptional performance in

the major and, completion of a program of independent research or an alternative project, and a strong

overall academic record.

In addition to the requirements of individual departments and programs (which must be approved by

the College committee on undergraduate studies and advising), the College requires the following for

graduation with departmental honors:

1. Candidates must declare the intention to work for departmental honors with the appropriate

departmental honors coordinator(s) no later than the time of enrollment for the final undergraduate

semester, but sooner if required by the department(s). Copies of the intent form should be returned

to College Student Academic Services.

2. At the end of the final undergraduate semester, the candidate must have achieved an overall grade-

point average of at least 3.25 and a grade-point average of at least 3.5 in the major, including. Both

overall and major grade-point averages include work completed at other institutions, as well as at

KU. No minimum grade-point average is required to declare candidacy for graduation with

departmental honors unless specified by the department.

3. Each candidate’s departmental honors work must include independent research or an acceptable

alternative project. The results of research are presented in a form appropriate to the requirements

of the major department. Equivalents to the independent research component are established by

approved departmental honors programs. In courses meeting the independent research

requirement, the candidate must earn a grade of B or higher. Successful completion of all

departmental honors requirements must be certified to the departmental honors coordinator(s) by a

panel composed of at least three members of the College faculty who have read the report of the

independent research and heard the oral presentation, where required.


A department or program may petition to award graduation with departmental honors to deserving

students who, for good reason, do not meet every College and departmental requirement. Send

petitions to the committee on undergraduate studies and advising, College Advising & Student Services.

Late Completion of Honors Requirement

Requirements for graduation with honors may be completed after the date on which certifications are

requested from departments, and in some cases, requirements, if not needed for graduation, may be

completed after a student has graduated. However, the Incomplete policy does apply and grades would

lapse at the time of graduation. When a candidate finishes all requirements, departments must

notify College Advising & Student Services in writing.

Linguistics Admissions Requirements

We recently voted in the department to remove the courses and GPA requirement (taking Ling 106 and Ling 110, with 2.5 GPA) for admission to the major in Linguistics. So we do not have any courses that are required prior to declaration of a major in Linguistics.

Current Requirements

Admission Requirements

Course Requirements

Prospective majors should enroll in the following 2 introductory courses:

LING 106/ANTH 106 Introductory Linguistics (or its honors equivalentLING 107/ANTH 107)

LING 110 Language and Mind (or its honors equivalent LING 111)

Grade-Point Average Requirements

Students must earn a 2.5 grade-point average in the 2 designated admission courses. KU's course repeat policy applies to the GPA calculation.


Joan A. Sereno, PhD


Chair, Department of Linguistics

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