biodiversity and climate change adaptation in indonesia · 2014-01-08 · biodiversity and climate...

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Biodiversity and Climate Change Adaptation in Indonesia

Koko Wijanarka

Head of Sub Division for identification and Analysis Vulnerability of Climate Change

Ministry of Environment Republic of Indonesia

Biodiversity in Climate Change Adaptation Policy

• Biodiversity are important to support Climate Change Adaptation(CCA). Biodiversity considered in developed CCA Policy to support food security, environmental resilience, health (medicine), and energy security (such as biofuel)

• Biodiversity are vulnerability to climate change. The changes in climate and carbon dioxide concentration will affect the structure and function of ecosystems, species’ ecological interactions, and species geographical ranges with consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem services.

• Policy on biodiversity focus on the strategy to avoid biodiversity loss from climate change such as: water inundations due to the increase sea water level, increased temperature, increased evapotranspiration that can lead drought, deficit rainfall. The preservation of biodiversity can ensure to realizing food ecurity, energy security, and livelihoods

• Urban biodiversity, policy focus to support the mitigation efforts (for GHG absorption) .

Biodiversity in National Adaptation Plan

Main Goal of RAN – API (National Action Plan of Climate Change Adaptation)

The main objective of RAN API is the implementation of development system that is sustainable and is resilience to the impact of climate change.

RAN API directed to:1. Developing Economic

Resilience2. Developing Livelihood

Resilience to the impact of CC

3. Maintaining sustainability of environmental services of the ecosystem

Objective of RAN API

Sectors Sub Sectors

Economic Resilience • Food Security• Energy Security

Livelihood Resilience • Health• Settlements• Infrastructure

Resilience of Environmental Services

• Ecosystem and Biodiversity

Resilience of Special Area • Resiliency of Urban Area• Coastal Areas and Small Islands

Supporting System • Data and information• Capacity building• Research and Development

• CC can disrupt such environmental services, namely in such forms as extreme drought that result in shortage of water, changes in types of vegetation due to change in wheather patterns, water inundations due to teh increase of sea water levels that cover fishing cultivations ponds and agricultural lands.

• Biodiversity, as a key component in the ecosystem, is the provider of environmental services that holds the key to the sustainability of the ecosystem.

• The preservation of the forest ecosystem, crucial zones and biodiversity can ensure the availibility of water and ecosystem services and become one of the key components for realizing food ecurity, energy security, and livelihoods

Ecosystem and Biodiversity

Urban Biodiversity in RAN API (NAP)

• Urban biodiversity not specific mentioned on RAN –API (NAP).

• The main strategy Sub Sector Ecosystem and Biodiversity on RAN API:

1. Avoiding ecosystem and biodiversity loss

2. Conservation of ecosystem and biodiversity

Urban Biodiversity Program:Biodiversity Park (Taman Kehati)

• Biodiversity Park Program (Ministry Environment Decree No. 03/2012)

• Function: Plant collection, genetic resources, education, research development, seed/plant resources, green sapce, land cover, local species conservation

• Other function: reduce impact of climate change (reduce temperature, reduce flood (increase water absorption), reduce GHG)

• Develop by Cities, Regencies, or Personal (community)

• Budget: Environment Special Allocation Budget for Regencies/Cities to support Mitigation and Adaptation of Climate Change

Map of Biodiversity Park

Urban Biodiversity Program Climate Village Program- PROKLIM

• PROKLIM (Ministry of Environment Decree No. 19/2012)

• ProKlim is a program to recognize active participation of local communities in implementing actions of integrated climate change mitigation and adaptation, which contributes to the achievement of national green house gas reduction target and increases the community resilience to the climate change impact.

• The ProKlim’s implementation involves formal and informal organizations in the community, including local NGOs.

• Activities related biodiversity: vegetation planting, food security (integrated farming, food diversity, yard optimization, developing local biodiversity)

Urban Biodiversity Program Green Space

• Developing Green Space (Ministry of Public Work Decree 05/2008 under Act No. 26/2007 regarding Spatial Planning

• The Green Space in Urban Area minimum 30 % from total area

• Support to reduce GHG, reduce temperature, increase water infiltration, biodivercity conservation

Integrating Urban Biodiversity and CCAThe key entry point:- Developing Adaptation Options to

address CC impacts withVulnerability Assessments of CC

- Conduct species vulnerability assesments to climate change

- Promote programs to conserve and sustainable use of genetic resources and local/ indigenous species to address CC

- Mainstreaming urban biodiversity and CCA on National/Regional Middle Development Plan (RPJMN/RPJMD)

On Going Initiative

• Integrating adaptation strategies and mitigation strategies into national/province/ regency development plan to support low carbon and resilience development

• Develop capacity building for CCA in order to raise public awareness to CCA

• Developing CC Vulnerability Impact Assessment (CCVIA) to avoid mal adaptation.

• CCVIA for support policy driven (policy based on science) Low Carbon and

Resilience Development


Conclusions and Recomendations

• Policies in biodiversity and climate change need to address these issues and be integrated with each other;

• Integrating urban biodiversity programs and adaptation of CC programs to reduce vulnerability of society and ecosystem and to avoid biodiversity loss.

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