biochemistry of hormones 2. particular

Post on 11-Jul-2020






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Biochemistry of hormones – 2.

Particular endocrinology Studying material for students’ self-education during the quarantine.

M.V. Gromyko

Translated by A.N. Koval, M.Ye. Mazanik

Gomel, 2020


Hormones are considered according to the following plan:

1. Classification;

2. Hierarchy;

3. Synthesis, secretion, transport and catabolism;

4. Receptor and its effect(s);

5. Hyper/hypofunction.

TSH, Т3, Т4

1. Classification

Task 1 – Describe hormones, filling out the table 1.

Table 1 –TSH, Т3, Т4 classification

Hormone TSH Т3, Т4

1 By chemical nature

2 Solubility

3 By receptor localization

4 By biological functions

5 At the place of synthesis

6 By the mechanism of signal

transmission inside the cell

7 By signal stimulating hormone


2. Hierarchy

Task 2 – Complete the following tasks:

A) Sign hormones A, B, C in Figure 1;

B) Indicate the endocrine gland;

C) Indicate the forward and feedback positive and negative relationships.

Figure 1 - Hierarchy of TSH, T3, T4

3. Synthesis and secretion of TSH, T3, T4

Task 3 – Describe the synthesis and secretion of TSH as an example of protein hormones:

explain the concepts of "preprohormone", "prohormone", "leader (signal) sequence of amino


Task 4 – Describe the synthesis and secretion of T3 and T4 according to the scheme in Fig. 2.


Figure 2 - Synthesis of TSH

Task 5 – Write the chemical reaction of the synthesis of T3 and T4, according to the scheme

of Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Synthesis of T3 and T4

4. Receptor and its effect(s)

Task 6 - Redraw the figure 5 and complete the following tasks:

A) Indicate the type of receptor for TSH;

B) Explain the regulation mechanism;

C) Indicate the effects.

Figure 5 - TSH receptor

Task 7 – Redraw the figure 6 and complete the following tasks:

A) Indicate the type of receptor for T3 and T4;

B) Indicate the stages (A-E) of the interaction of T3 and T4 with the receptor;

C) Indicate the effects of T3, T4.


Figure 6 - T3, T4 receptor

Task 8 – Redraw the figure 7 and complete the following tasks:

A) Complete the drawing scheme (A, B, C and D);

B) Explain the role of TSH in the mechanism of blood glucose level regulation.

Figure 7 - Constant mechanism of blood glucose level regulation

3. Hyper/hypofunction

Task 9 – Complete the table 2

Table 2 –Clinical manifestations of hypo- and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland

Hypofunction Hyperfunction

Disease name


Clinical manifestations

ACTH, cortisol

1. Classification

Task 1 – Describe hormones, filling out the table 3.


Table 3 – ACTH and cortisol classification

Hormone ACTH Cortisol

1 By chemical nature

2 Solubility

3 By receptor localization

4 By biological functions

5 At the place of synthesis

6 By the mechanism of signal

transmission inside the cell

7 By signal stimulating hormone


2. Hierarchy

Task 2 – Complete the following tasks:

A) Sign hormones A, B, C in Figure 1;

B) Indicate the endocrine gland;

C) Indicate the forward and feedback positive and negative relationships, explain the

regulation mechanism.

Figure 1 - Hierarchy of ACTH and cortisol

3. Synthesis and secretion

Task 3 - Describe the synthesis and secretion of ACTH as a representative of protein

hormones: explain the concepts of “preprohormone”, “prohormone”, “leader (signal) amino

acid sequence”.

Task 4 - Redraw the figure 2 and explain the mechanism of cortisol synthesis.


Figure 2 - Scheme of the cortisol synthesis Task 5 - Redraw the figure 3 and name the enzymes of reactions B, indicate their classes.

Figure 3 - Synthesis of cortisol

4. Receptor and its effect(s)

Task 6 - Redraw the figure 4 and complete the following tasks:

A) Indicate the type of receptor for ACTH;

B) Explain the regulation mechanism;

C) Indicate the effects of ACTH.

Figure 4 - ACTH receptor

Task 7 - Redraw the figure 5 and complete the following tasks:

A) Indicate the type of receptor for cortisol;

B) Indicate the stages (A-E) of the interaction of cortisol with the receptor;

B) Indicate the effects of cortisol.


Figure 5 - Cortisol Receptor

Task 8 - Redraw the figure 6 and complete the following tasks:

A) Complete the drawing scheme (A, B, C and D);

B) Explain the role of ACTH in the mechanism of regulation of blood glucose.

Figure 6 - Constant mechanism of blood glucose level regulation

Task 9 - Redraw the figure 7 and insert the following words or phrases instead of numbers:

amenorrhea, increased blood pressure, atherosclerosis, decreased potency, thrombosis,

diabetes, decreased immunity.


Figure 7 - Effects of cortisol

5. Hyper and hypofunction

Task 10 – Complete the table 4

Table 4 - Clinical manifestations of hypo- and hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex.

Hypofunction Hyperfunction

Disease name


Clinical manifestations

ACTH, aldosterone

1. Classification

Task 1 – Describe hormones by filling out table 5.

Table 5 – ACTH and aldosterone classification

Hormone ACTH Aldosterone

1 By chemical nature

2 In terms of solubility

3 By localizing the receptor

4 By biological function

5 At the synthesis site

6 By the mechanism of signal

transmission inside the cell

7 On a signal that stimulates hormone


2. Hierarchy Task 2 – Complete the following tasks:

A) Sign hormones A, B, C in Figure 1;

B) Indicate the endocrine gland;


C) Indicate the forward and feedback positive and negative relationships, explain the

regulation mechanism.

Figure 1 - Hierarchy

3. Synthesis and secretion

Task 3 – Describe the synthesis and secretion of ACTH as a representative of protein

hormones: explain the concepts of “preprohormone”, “prohormone”, “leader (signal)

amino acid sequence”.

Task 4 – Redraw the figure 2 and explain the mechanism of aldosterone synthesis.

Figure 2 – Scheme of the aldosterone synthesis

Task 5 – Redraw the figure 3 and name the enzymes of reactions B, indicate their classes.

Figure 3 - Synthesis of aldosterone

Task 6 – Explain the participation of several factors (K+ and Na+ ions, angiotensin-

aldosterone system, ACTH) in the mechanisms of regulation of aldosterone excretion.

4. Receptor and its effect (s)

Task 7 – Redraw the figure 4 and complete the following tasks:

A) Indicate the type of receptor for ACTH;


B) Explain the regulation mechanism;

C) Indicate the effects of ACTH.

Figure 4 – ACTH receptor

Task 8 – Redraw the figure 5 and complete the following tasks:

A) Sign in the figure the parts of the nephron, indicated by the numbers 1-4;

B) Write in the diagram the effects of angiotensin II, indicated by the letters A-D (narrowing,

thirst, production of aldosterone, sodium reabsorption);

C) Explain the diagram of the figure 5.

Figure 5– Renin-angiotensin system

Task 9 – Redraw the figure 6 and complete the following tasks:

A) Indicate the type of receptor for aldosterone;

B) Indicate the stages (A-E) of the interaction of aldosterone with the receptor;

B) Indicate the effects of aldosterone.


Figure 6 – Aldosterone receptor

Task 10 – Redraw the figure 7 and complete the following tasks: A) Sign in the figure ____________________, indicated by the letters A-C; B) Explain the mechanism of Na+ reabsorption.

Figure 7 – Na+ reabsorption

5. Hyper/hypofunction Task 11 – Fill in the table 6. Table 6 – Clinical manifestations of hypo- and hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex.

Hypofunction Hyperfunction

Disease name


Clinical manifestations


1. Classification Task 1 – Describe the hormone by filling out the table 7. Table 7 – STH classification

Hormone STH

1 By chemical nature

2 Solubility

3 By receptor localization

4 By biological functions

5 At the place of synthesis

6 By the mechanism of signal transmission inside the cell

7 By signal stimulating hormone secretion


2. Hierarchy Task 2 – Complete the following tasks:

A) Sign hormones A, B, C in Figure 1;

B) Explain the role of insulin-like growth factors (IGF 1 and IGF 2);

C) Indicate the forward and feedback positive and negative relationships, explain the

regulation mechanism;

D) Indicate additional factors that activate the synthesis of STH.

Figure 1 – Hierarchy of STH

2. Synthesis and secretion

Task 3 – Describe the synthesis and secretion of STH as a representative of protein

hormones: explain the concepts of "preprohormone", "prohormone", "leader (signal)

sequence of amino acids."

3. Receptor and its effect (s)

Task 4 – Redraw the figure 2 and complete the following tasks:

A) Indicate the type of receptor for STH;

B) Indicate the extracellular domain (recognizing) and the intracellular domain (catalytic);

C) Explain the regulation mechanism.


Figure 2 – STH receptor

Task 4 – Redraw the figure 3 and indicate the effects of STH indicated by numbers 1-3

(activation of lipolysis and an increase in blood FA concentration, activation of TAG synthesis,

activation of AA transport into the cell, activation of glucose uptake by tissues, decrease in

glucose uptake by tissues, GNG, growth of muscle, bone, and cartilage).

Figure 3 – Effects of STH

Task 5 – Redraw the figure 4 and complete the following tasks:

A) Indicate the type of IGF receptor;

B) Indicate the extracellular domain (recognizing) and the intracellular domain (catalytic);

C) Indicate the reason for the activation of IGF synthesis;

D) Indicate the mechanism of IGF action, indicated by the numbers 3,4,5 (paracrine,

autocrine, endocrine);

E) Indicate the effects of IGF.


Figure 4 – IGF action

Task 6 – Redraw the figure 5 and complete the following tasks:

A) Complete the diagram of the figure (A, B, and C);

B) Explain the role of STH in the mechanism of blood glucose level regulation.

Figure 5 –The constant mechanism of blood glucose level regulation

5. Hyper/hypofunction

Task 7 – Fill the table 7


Table 7 – Clinical manifestations of STH hypofunction.

Disease name 1. Pituitary dwarfism;

2. Laron-type dwarfism;

3. The dwarfism of African pygmies

Cause 1.



Clinical manifestations 1.



Increase or decrease in GH and IGF 1.



Task 8 – Fill the table 7

Table 8 – Clinical manifestations of STH hyperfunction.

Disease name 1. Gigantism

2. Acromegaly

Cause 1.


Clinical picture 1.


Disease manifestation 1.


FSH, LH, oestrogens

1 Classification

Task 1 - Describe hormones by completing the table 8.

Table 9 - Classification of FSH, LH, oestrogens

Hormone FSH, LH estrogens

1 By chemical nature

2 In terms of solubility

3 By localizing the receptor

4 By biological function

5 At the synthesis site

6 By the mechanism of signal

transmission inside the cell

7 On a signal that stimulates hormone


2 Hierarchy Task 2 - Perform the following tasks:

A) In the figure 1 sign hormones A, B, C and D;

B) Specify the endocrine gland (E);

C) Specify the name of follicular development phases;


D) Explain the forward and backward positive and negative connections (numbers 1- 4).

Figure 1 - Hierarchy of FSH, LH, oestrogen

3 Synthesis and Secretion

Activity 3 - Describe the synthesis and secretion of FSH and LH as representatives of protein

hormones: explain the concepts of "preprohormone", "prohormone", "leader (signal)

sequence of amino acids."

Task 4 - Redraw the figure 2 and explain estradiol synthesis mechanism.

Figure 2 – Estradiol synthesis.

4 Receptor and its effect(s)

Task 5 - Redraw the figure 3 and perform the following tasks:

A) Specify receptor type for FSH and LH;

B) Explain the regulation mechanism;

C) Specify the effects of FSH;

D) Draw a similar to Figure 3 diagram for LH receptor and indicate its effects.



Endocrine gland














phase I

phase II








Figure 3 - FSH receptor Task 6 – Redraw the figure 4 and perform the following tasks: A) Specify the type of receptor for estradiol; B) Specify the stages (A-E) of the estradiol-receptor interaction; C) Specify the effects of estradiol.

Figure 4 - Estradiol receptor.

5 Hyper- and hypofunction Task 7 - Fill in the table 10 Table 10 - Clinical manifestations of hypo- and hyperfunction of estrogens.

Hypofunction Hyperfunction Reason

Clinical manifestations FSH, LH, androgens

1 Classification Task 1 - Describe hormones by completing table 1. Table 1 - Classification of FSH, LH, androgens

Hormone FSH, LH androgens 1 By chemical nature 2 In terms of solubility 3 By receptor localization 4 By biological functions 5 At the synthesis site 6 By the mechanism of signal

transduction into the cell

7 By the signal that stimulates the hormone secretion

2 Hierarchy Task 2 - Perform the following tasks:

A) Sign in Figure 1 hormones A, B, C;

B) Specify the endocrine glands;

C) Specify the forward and backward positive and negative connections.


Figure 1 - Hierarchy

3 Synthesis and Secretion

Task 3 - Describe the synthesis and secretion of FSH and LH as members of protein

hormones: Explain the concepts of "preprohormone", "prohormone", "leader (signal)

sequence of amino acids."

Task 4 - Redraw the figure 2 and explain testosterone synthesis scheme.

Figure 2 - Testosterone synthesis scheme

Task 5 - Redraw the figure 3 and explain the testosterone synthesizing mechanism.

Figure 3 - Testosterone synthesis reactions

4 Receptor and its effect (s)

Task 6 - Redraw the figure 4 and do the following tasks:

A) Select the type of receptor for FSH and LH;

B) Explain the mechanism of regulation;

C) Specify the effects of FSH and LH.


Figure 4 - FSH and LH receptors

Task 7 - Redraw the figure 5 and perform the following tasks:

A) Select the type of receptor for testosterone;

B) Specify the steps (A-E) of the testosterone receptor interaction;

C) Specify the effects of testosterone.

Figure 5 - Testosterone receptor.

5 Hyper- and hypofunction

Task 7 – Fill in the table 2.


Table 2 – Clinical manifestations of hypo- and hyperfunction of testosterone.

hypofunction hyperfunction


Clinical manifestations

Hormones of the pancreas

A) Insulin

1. Classification

Task 1 - Describe the hormone by completing the table 1.

Table 1 – Insulin classification

Hormone Insulin

1 By chemical nature.

2 In terms of solubility

3 By localizing the receptor

4 By biological function

5 At the synthesis site

6 By the mechanism of signal transduction

into the cell

7 On a signal that stimulates hormone


2. Hierarchy

Task 2 - Explain whether there insulin has a hormonal hierarchy? What regulates the

production of insulin?

3. Synthesis and Secretion

Task 3 - Redraw figure 1 and complete the following tasks:

A) Explain which process leads to insulin synthesis (total or limited proteolysis);

B) Explain physiological importance of prohormone into hormone conversion;

C) Sign the cellular localization of each stage in the figure;

D) Indicate the number of amino acids in the peptide at each of the stages, and the number

of amino acids in the A and B chains of insulin.

Figure 1 – Insulin synthesis


4. Receptor and its effect(s)

Task 4 - Redraw figure 2 and complete the following tasks:

A) Specify the type of insulin receptor;

B) Mark in the figure α- and β- receptor subunits;

C) Explain the regulatory mechanism (IRS – insulin receptor substrate);

D) Fill in insulin effects scheme indicated by the letters A-G (lipid synthesis, gene

transcription, DNA replication, protein synthesis, cell growth and proliferation, glycogen

synthesis, glucose uptake).

Figure 2 - Insulin receptor

Task 5 - Redraw figure 3 and perform the following tasks:

A) Explain the metabolic processes indicated by the numbers 1- 4 in the scheme;

B) Fill the end products of glucose metabolism, as indicated in the scheme by the letters A-



Figure 3 - The metabolic effects of insulin action

Task 6 - Redraw figure 4 and perform the following tasks:

A) Mark the adenylate cyclase mechanism components, indicated by the letters A-E in the


B) Highlight the enzymes for glycogen synthesis and mobilization in different colours;

C) Mark the metabolic pathways of muscles and liver (F, G);

D) Insulin activates the enzyme phosphodiesterase and phosphatase. Specify the localization

of these enzymes in the diagram and write the reactions catalyzed by these enzymes;

E) Make a general conclusion about the metabolic mechanisms triggered by the action of

epinephrine and insulin.


Figure 4 - Intracellular regulation of glycogen synthesis and mobilization by insulin

and epinephrine

5. Hyper- and hypofunction

Task 7 - Fill in the table 2.

Table 2 - Clinical manifestations of insulin hypo- and hyperfunction.

hypofunction hyperfunction

Name of the disease -


Age of manifestation -

Body mass -

Clinical manifestations


Task 8 - Redraw the figure 5 and do the following tasks:

A) Mark the metabolic pathways for different tissues in different colours indicated by

numbers 1-5;

B) Explain each metabolic pathway;

C) Make a general conclusion, due to processes which rises in blood glucose concentration

when insular effects are not sufficient.


Figure 5 - Metabolic effects in insular insufficiency

Task 9 - Redraw the figure 6 and perform the following tasks:

A) Fill in the scheme the pathways for AA, Glycerol and FA;

B) Explain the cause of ketoacidosis when insular effects are not sufficient.

Figure 6 - Ketoacidosis at insufficiency insular effects


B) Glucagon

1. Classification

Task 1 - Describe the hormone by filling in the table 14.

Table 1 - Classification glucagon

Hormone glucagon

1 By chemical nature.

2 In terms of solubility

3 By localizing the receptor

4 By biological function

5 At the synthesis site

6 By the mechanism of signal transmission

inside the cell

7 On a signal that stimulates hormone


2. Hierarchy

Task 2 - Explain whether there is a hierarchy for the glucagon hormone? What regulates

glucagon production?

3. Synthesis and secretion

Task 3 – Describe the synthesis and secretion of glucagon as a representative of protein

hormones: Explain the concepts of "prohormone", "leader (signal) sequence of amino


Task 4 - Redraw the figure 1 and explain the mechanism of glucagon synthesis regulation

(figures 1- 4).

Figure 1 - Regulation of glucagon synthesis

4. Receptor and its effect(s)

Task 5 - Redraw the figure 2 and perform the following tasks:

A) Mark the adenylate cyclase mechanism components, indicated by the letters A-D in the


B) Indicate the tissues, marked by the letters E, F, and G, where the processes in the

diagram take place.


Figure 2 - Effects of glucagon

Task 6 - Redraw the figure 3 and perform the following tasks:

A) Specify which type of receptor the glucagon receptor belongs to;

B) Mark the adenylate cyclase mechanism components indicated by the letters A-E in the


C) Highlight the enzymes for glycogen synthesis and mobilization in different colours;

D) Explain the mechanism of glycogen mobilization regulation by glucagon;

E) Insulin activates the enzymes phosphodiesterase and phosphatase. Specify the localization

of these enzymes in the diagram and write the reactions catalyzed by these enzymes;

F) Make a general conclusion about metabolic mechanisms triggered by glucagon and

insulin in the liver.


Figure 3 - Intracellular regulation of glycogen synthesis and mobilization by insulin

and glucagon

Task 7 - Redraw the figure 4 and perform the following tasks:

A) Specify the adenylate cyclase mechanism components in the scheme, indicated by the

letters A-D;

B) Highlight the enzymes of TAG synthesis and mobilization in different colours;

C) Write down the glycogen mobilization reaction equation;

D) Insulin activates the enzyme phosphodiesterase and phosphatase. Specify the localization

of these enzymes in the diagram and write the reactions catalyzed by these enzymes;

E) Make a general conclusion about metabolic mechanisms triggered by glucagon and

insulin in adipose tissue.


Figure 4 - Intracellular regulation of fat mobilization by glucagon

5. Hyper- and hypofunction

Task 8 - Fill in the table 2

Table 2 - Clinical manifestations of hypo- and hyperfunction of glucagon

hypofunction hyperfunction


Clinical manifestations


1. Classification

Task 1 - Describe hormones by filling in the table 1.

Table 1 - Classification of catecholamines

Hormone catecholamines

1 By chemical nature.

2 In terms of solubility

3 By localizing the receptor

4 By biological function

5 At the synthesis site

6 By the mechanism of signal transmission

inside the cell

7 On a signal that stimulates hormone



2. Hierarchy Task 2 - Redraw the figure 1 specifying the missing component of the hierarchy designated by the letters A and B.

Figure 1 - Hierarchy of catecholamines

3. Catecholamines synthesis and secretion

Task 3 - Perform the following tasks: A) Write catecholamine synthesis reaction chemical symbols; B) Insert the missing substance; C) What are the enzymes (1-4) and specify their classes; D) Sign the obtained compound (A-E);

Figure 2 - Synthesis of catecholamines

Task 4 - Redraw the figure 3 and explain the mechanism of catecholamines secretion.

Figure 3 - Secretion of catecholamines.

4. Receptors and their effect(s)

Task 5 - Redraw the figure 4 and indicate what type of receptors include 7TMS activating IP3 path 7TMS activating AC, and 7TMS blocking the active site.

Figure 4 - Types of adrenoreceptors.


Task 6 - Redraw the figure 5 and perform the following tasks:

A) Specify the type(s) of adrenoreceptors;

B) Label the diagram components of adenylate cyclase mechanism, designated by the letters


Figure 5 – β-adrenoreceptor.

Task 7 - Redraw the figure 6 and perform the following tasks:

A) Select the type of adrenoreceptor;

B) Explain the mechanism of regulation.

Figure 6 – α-adrenoreceptor.


Task 8 - Redraw the figure 7 by writing epinephrine effects into the diagram indicated by the

letters A-G (contraction, dilation, glycogen mobilization, fat mobilization, increase of the

heart rate beating, glycolysis, ketogenesis).

Figure 7 - The effects of epinephrine.

Task 9 - Redraw the figure 8 and perform the following tasks:

A) Specify the components of adenylate cyclase mechanism in scheme, indicated by the

letters A-D;

B) Specify by different colors the enzymes of TAG synthesis and mobilization;

C) Write the reactions of glycogen mobilization;

D) Insulin activates the enzymes phosphodiesterase and phosphatase. Specify the location of

the enzymes in the diagram and write down the reactions catalyzed by these enzymes;

E) Make general conclusion about the metabolic mechanisms triggered by the action of

epinephrine and insulin in adipose tissue.

Figure 8 - The intracellular regulation of fat mobilization by epinephrine.

Task 10 - Redraw the figure 9 and perform the following tasks:

A) Specify the components of adenylate cyclase mechanism in the scheme, indicated by the

letters A-E;

B) Specify by different colors the enzymes of glycogen synthesis and mobilization;


C) Write the pathways in the muscle and liver (F-G);

D) Insulin activates the enzymes phosphodiesterase and phosphatase. Specify the location of

the enzymes in the diagram and write down the reactions catalyzed by these enzymes;

E) Make general conclusion about the metabolic mechanisms triggered by the action of

epinephrine and insulin.

Figure 9 - Intracellular regulation of glycogen synthesis and mobilization by insulin

and epinephrine

5. Hyper- and hypofunction

Task 11 - Fill in the table 2.

Table 2 - Clinical manifestations of epinephrine hypo- and hyperfunction.

Hypofunction Hyperfunction


Clinical manifestations



Task 1 - Complete the sentence: "Stress is ....".

Task 2 - Redraw the figure 1 and complete the following tasks:

A) Give definitions of stress types;

B) Name a stress scientist.

Figure 1 - Types of stress

Task 3 - Fill in the table 1.

Table 1 - Stages of stress

Stages of stress Duration Hormones Result

1 Anxiety

2 Resistance

3 Exhaustion - - -

Task 4 - Redraw the figure 2 and explain the epinephrine activation mechanism in the

anxiety phase.

Figure 2 – Anxiety stage (regulation)

Task 5 - Redraw the figure 3 and perform the following tasks:

A) Mark the adenylate cyclase mechanism components, indicated by the letters A-E in the


B) Highlight the glycogen synthesis and mobilization enzymes in different colours;

C) Mark the metabolic pathways in muscles and liver (F-G);

D) Explain the role of epinephrine in the anxiety phase.


Figure 3 - Anxiety stage (effect)

Task 6 - Redraw the figure 4 and perform the following tasks:

A) Mark the components designated by the letters A-E in the scheme;

B) Highlight the thyrotrophic, adrenocorticotropic and somatotropic stress axes in different


B) Explain the mechanism of organism resistance.

Figure 4 – Resistance stage


Task 7 - Redraw the figure 5 and complete the scheme with the proposed options designated

by letters A-G: decreased sexual potency, decreased immunity, atherosclerosis, diabetes,

amenorrhea, hypertension, vascular thrombosis, and myocardial infarction.

Figure 5 - The negative impact of stress (adaptation disease)

Task 8 – Name the causes of the exhaustion stage.

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