billboard deconstructions

Post on 12-Feb-2017






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DECONSTRUCTION CONVENTIONS• Image- The image on the billboard is very large and colourful (red and black) which immediately catches the readers eye because it stands out from the white background. The image is

used to visually appeal to audience because it would be dull if it was all just writing and if it was all just writing it would be difficult to read from afar. It is placed in the centre of the billboard which draws the readers attention as it is in the central focus. The large image is easy to see from far away. I am going to apply a large image for my billboard to attract readers visually and I will use autumn colours to advertise my autumn magazine.

• Anchor- The image anchors to the text which is advertising the film Deadpool. For my billboard I am going to anchor my image to match the advertisement because if I used a random image people wouldn’t understand the product.

• Fonts- The font on the billboard is very large and simple, this is because people will be reading the billboard from afar and it would be difficult to read if the text is small. For my billboard I am going to apply using a large and simple font because people may struggle to read cursive writing from afar and I don’t want to make it too small.

• Colour- The colours are simple but work really well together on the billboard. This is because the red and black (with a bit of white) image stands out from the white background and it makes the billboard look vibrant and it catches the readers eye. If I just used a white background with a black font and no colourful image it would look really dull and no-one would take notice of the product being advertised.

• Date- Underneath the masthead is the date of the release. This is important as the reader must know when the film is coming out otherwise they won’t go see it. It is in a big font so people can’t miss it. I will say my magazine is out now instead of putting a release date because magazines never tend to have a release date it is mainly movies and television shows.

• Logo- For this brand I would go as far to say the masthead and the image of the hero is the logos for this brand. This is because people will immediately recognise the name and what the hero looks like. The image dominates the page as it is large and is in the centre which draws the readers focus. For my billboard I am going to use the Masthead of my magazine as a logo as people will recognise the name.

• Masthead- The masthead is placed on the right hand side of the image and is in big bold writing. It is bigger than the release date which makes it look more important. It is also in a different colour which stands out from the white background and other text on the page. It draws the reader in as it is colourful and is easy to read. For my billboard I am going to apply a big bold font in simple font so it is easier to read from a distance.

• Slogan- On the left hand side of the billboard is a slogan. A slogan is a phrase which will stick in the readers head and remember the product. In this case the slogan is “justice has a new face.” Indicating that it is a superhero film with hints of surprises. For my billboard I want to apply a slogan using dialect from the region so people in the region can recognise the product is for them.


• Image- The images on the billboard are advertising the magazine in diffèrent formats such as the paperback edition, on phones and on tablets. This provides variety for the reader because not everyone likes reading a normal paper magazine. For my magazine I am going to have an image of one of my models because I feel like that would catch people’s attention more and I would make the image bigger.

• Anchor- The images of the magazine covers anchor the text as it is advertising their magazine product for my bilbboard I am going to anchor my image so then people can understand what the product is.

• Fonts- The fonts on the regional billboard are simple and big. The masthead is bold and the slogan is in italics. The reason that the font is big and simple to read is because billboards can be seen from a distance so the letters otherwise if the font was small it would be diffiuclt to read especially if it was in cursive writing. For my billboard I am going to use a simple font and make it big so everyone can read it withou any trouble.

• Colour- I really like the colour scheme for this billboard ebcause I feel like the colours blend well together. The main colours are orange, white and black and the orange is used as a back gorund colour and the white and black colours are used for the fonts. I feel like the orange gives the billboard more colour and without it would look quite dull. For my billboard I want to use Autumn colours but I am going to use black and white and a main Autumn colour people will familiarise themselves with.

• Logo- The masthead of the billboard is the same as the magazines masthead which I think is the logo of this magazine. Many names of products can be a logo for a product if it is in a specific font that people will recognise for example Vogue’s font. For my billboard I am going to make the Masthead the logo for my product.

• Masthead- The magazine is for London and it is called The Resident and it is for the local people living in the London area permanently. The masthead is placed on the top left hand side and it takes up a lot of room as it is big. For my Billboard I am going to make the masthead in a big font so people will be able to read the brand name from afar.

• Slogan- Underneath the masthead is a slogan which is your magazine your London. The short phrase is used so people will remember the product easier as small slogans can be funny or simple. For my billboard I would like to apply a slogan using some fo the dialect so then people who live in the area can realise that it is for them.

• Website address- Right at the bottom of the billboard on the left hand side is the website address which is really clever way to advertise themselves even further. I am going to apply this to my billboard so then people can look at my website and subscribe to my magazine or just havea gernal look to see if they like it.


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