big xii skills for teaching success

Post on 31-Jan-2016






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The basic techniques to teach in today's world


The Big XII: Skills for Teaching

(and Life!)

Heather Sparks, NBCTOklahoma Teacher of the Year

May 5, 2009

12. Empathy

• Get to know your students and the lives they live.

• Show interest in student activities.

• “Even on your worst day, you’re a student’s best hope.” ~Larry Bell

11. Respect

• Show the respect you expect.

• Find ways to connect to students.

• Create a special greeting.

10. Patience

• “Students that are hardest to love, need your love the most.”

• Know when to “reschedule” students

• Keep your “power” in perspective.

9. Flexibility

• Be willing and able to make changes.

• Learn to compromise.

• Create win-win situations.

8. Collegiality

• Know your strengths and those of your colleagues.

• Find common ground and work together.

• ALWAYS treat the school secretary, custodian and other “power players” with respect.

7. Creativity

• Don’t be married to one specific teaching strategy or textbook.

• Explore resources regularly.

• Seek professional growth opportunities.

6. Problem Solving

• Have a solution before you complain about a problem.

• Ask advice of other professionals.

• Involve families.

5. Positive Attitude

• Fred Factor

• Being positive is a choice!

• Which candy salesperson are you?

4. Sense of Humor

• Don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself.

• Create class jokes that include everyone.

• Learn jokes appropriate for your field or subject.

3. High Expectations

• Set worthy goals for yourself and reflect often on your progress.

• Establish high expectations for your students.

2. Amnesia

• Learn to let go…Don’t be a garbage truck!

• Every day is a fresh start for students.

And the number one skill needed for successful

teaching…(and successful living)

1. Self-Care

•Know your needs and make sure they are met.

•As much as possible, leave school at school.

•Adopt a hobby and give yourself permission to enjoy it!

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