big sky first team

Post on 16-Oct-2021






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Big Sky First TeamJerry Luchau ......................................................................................1963Chris Pomajevich .............................................................................1963Pete Gotay ..........................................................................................1963Paul C on n elly ......................................................................................1964Wayne H arrington.............................................................................1964Terry Bergen ......................................................................................1965Willie Jones ........................................................................................1965Warren H il l ..........................................................................................1966Bob Graham ......................................................................................1967Lon H o w a rd ........................................................................................1967Larry Huggins ................................................................................... 1967Bryan Magnuson ...............................................................................1967Mick O’Neill ........................................................................................1967Bob B e e r s .................................................................................... 1967-68Herb W h ite .................................................................................. 1967-68Tuufuli U p e r e sa ......................................................................... 1968-69Tim Gallagher ................................................................................... 1969Bill Gutman ........................................................................................1969Les Kent .............................................................................................. 1969Jim Nordstrom ................................................................................. 1969Roy R ob inson......................................................................................1969John Stedham ................................................................................... 1969Larry Stranahan ............................................................................... 1969Arnie B la n ca s............................................................................. 1969-70Larry M iller................................................................................. 1969-70Karl Stein .................................................................................... 1969-70Steve Okoniewski .................................................................... 1970-71Steve Caputo ......................................................................................1971Ray Stachnick ................................................................................... 1971Kit Blue .................................................................................................1972Barry D a rro w ......................................................................................1972Mick Dennehy ................................................................................... 1972Leo LaRoche ......................................................................................1972

Ron Rosenberg ......................................................................1972, 1974Steve T a y lo r : ...........................................................................1973Dave Harrington ...............................................................................1973Sly Hardy .................................................................................... 1973-74Greg Anderson .................................................................... 1974-75-76Paul Cooley ........................................................................................1976

Sly Hardy1973-74 All-Big S/cy

All-AmericansPlayer Y earChris Bentz ........................................................................................................................ 1921Wild Bill K elly.....................................................................................................................1926Tom Davis ......................................................................................................................... 1929*Jim MorrowWaldo Ekegren ................................................................................................................. 1930*Bob Standsberry ............................................................................................................... 1933*Henry BlasticMilt Popovich .....................................................................................................................1937Joe Deluca ......................................................................................................................... 1954*Doug D ansinger................................................................................................................. 1955*Stan Renning ............................................................................................................. 1957**58John L an d s ................................................................................................................... 1958-59*Terry Dillon .......................................................................................................................1962Bob Beers (Associated Press, first team) ............................................................... 1967-68Herb White (AP) ............................................................................................................... 1968*Tuufuli Uperesa (AP, 2nd team; Kodak*)Les Kent (AP, 2nd team) .................................................................................................1969Larry Miller (AP, 3rd team)Ray Brum (AP*)Ray Stein (AP and Kodak*)Larry Miller (AP, 3rd team) .............................................................................................1970Ray Brum (Kodak, 1st team)Arnie Blancas (AP*)Steve Okoniewski (AP*)Greg Maloney (CoSIDA, 2nd team)Steve Okoniewski (AP, 3rd team; Kodak, 2nd team) ................................................. 1971Steve Caputo (AP*)Barry Darrow (AP*)Barry Darrow (Universal Sports, 2nd te a m )................................................................. 1972Ron Rosenberg (AP, 3rd te a m ).......................................................................................1974Greg Anderson (1975 AP*/AP, Kodak 1st team ......................................................... 1976Monty Bullerdick (AP*) ...................................................................................................1977Steve Fisher (Co-SIDA, Academic AA, 1st team)Jim Hard (Kodak, 1st team; AP*) ................................................................................. 1979Allen Green (Pepsi-Mizlou, 1st team)Ed Cerkovnik (Co-SIDA, Academic AA, 1st team)Greg Iseman (Co-SIDA, Academic AA, 3rd team) ......................................................... 1982Tony Fudge(AP, I-AA*)Marty Mornhinweg (AP, I-AA*)*Denotes honorable mention.

Monty Bullerdick ............................................................................... 1977Steve Fisher ........................................................................................1978Allen Green ........................................................................................1978Sam M artin .................................................................................. 1978-79Guy Bingham ............................................................................. 1978-79Greg Dunn .................................................................................. 1978-79Jim H a r d ...............................................................................................1979Raul Allegre ........................................................................................1979Kent Clausen ......................................................................................1979Pat Curry ............................................................................................ 1981Jim Rooney ........................................................................................1981Mickey Sutton ....................................................................................1981Tony Fudge ........................................................................................1982Ben K iefer............................................................................................ 1982

Pacific Coast, Northwest, SkylineChris Bentz ........................................................................................1914Alfred Robertson ....................................................................... 1914-15Earl “Click” Clark .............................................................................1915“Wild” Bill Kelly ......................................................................... 1924-25Reid Harmon ......................................................................................1929Bob Stansberry ................................................................................. 1933Milt Popovich ......................................................................................1937Aldo Forte .......................................................................................... 1937Ray B a u e r ............................................................................................ 1950Bob Byrne .......................................................................................... 1951Hal Maus ............................................................................................ 1952Jim M urray.......................................................................................... 1952Dick Imer .................................................................................... 1953-54Joe DeLucas ......................................................................................1954Doug D asin ger ....................................................................................1955Stan Renning ............................................................................. 1957-58John L a n d s.................................................................................. 1958-59Bob O ’Billovich ................................................................................. I960Pat Dodson ........................................................................................ I960Terry Dillon ........................................................................................1961

Sam MartinAll-Big S/cy,


All-Time Leaders(since 1948)

Single Season CareerRushing Yr. Yds. Rushing

1. Steve Caputo 1971 1,253 1. Rocky Klever 2,228 yards2 . Greg Iseman 1982 1,075 2 . Steve Caputo 2,076 yards3. Monty Bullerdick 1977 1,022 3. Monty Bullerdick 1,813 yards4, Les Kent 1969 972 4. Arnie Blancas 1,604 yards5. Terry Dillon 1962 892 5. Dick Imer 1,592 yards6 . Dick Imer 1954 889 6 . Terry Dillon 1,569 yards7. Arnie Blancas 1970 855 7. Del Spear 1,429 yards8 . Bryan Magnuson 1967 818 8 . Paul Connelly 1,348 yards9. Monty Bullerdick 1978 791 9. Jeff Hoffmann 1,345 yards

10. Rocky Klever 1981 783 10. Bob Byrne 1,313 yards

Scoring Yr. Pts. Scoring1. Greg Iseman 1982 84 1. Bruce Carlson 196 points2 . Dan Worrell 1969 67 2 . Dan Worrell 180 points3. Dick Imer 1954 64 3. Del Spear 126 points4. Dan Worrell 1970 60 4. Bob Turnquist 115 points

Del Spear 1974 60 5. Rocky Klever 112 points6 . Bruce Carlson 1976 55 6. Dick Imer 111 points

Dean Rominger 1981 55 7. Raul Allegre 102 points8 . Pat Dodson 1960 54 8. Greg Iseman 96 points

Rocky Klever 1979 54 Terry Dillon 96 points10. Bruce Carlson 1977 53 Casey Reilly 96 points11. Raul Allegre 1978-79 51 11. Pat Dodson 92 points12. Terry Dillon 1962 50 12. Jeff Hoffman 90 points

Arnie Blancas 1970 50Bob Turnquist 1971 50 Receiving

Receiving Yr. Yds. 1. Ray Bauer 1,250 yards1. Jim Hard 1979 722 2 . Vern Kelly 1,103 yards2 . 9.

Paul Cooley Vern Kelly Ray Bauer Vern Kelly Doug Bain Brian Salonen Terry Hurley Greg Iseman Brian Salonen

1976 1978 19501977 1969 1982 1955 1982

607564563539473452431420 .7.8 . 9.


Brian Salonen Jim Hard Paul Cooley Allen Green John Lands Duane Walker Brad Dantic Doug Bain

1,050 yards 960 yards 941 yards 837 yards 701 yards 700 yards 625 yards 584 yards

10. 1981 418 11. Tom McMahon 565 yards11. Glen Welch 1972 386 Passing

Passing Yr. Yds. 1. Marty Mornhinweg 3,630 yards1. Bob Boyes 1979 1,668 2 . Tom Kingsford 2,296 yards2 . Marty Mornhinweg 1982 1,569 3. Bob Boyes 2,178 yards3. Tom Kingsford 1950 1,361 4. Ray Brum 2,068 yards4. Marty Mornhinweg 1981 1,187 5. Tim Kerr 1,745 yards5. Tim Kerr 1977 1,097 6 . Van Troxel 1,447 yards6 . Ray Brum 1969 969 7. Rock Svennungsen 1,446 yards7. Marty Mornhinweg 1980 874 8 . Dick Heath 1,231 yards8. Gary Berding 1970 828 9. Gary Berding 1,177 yards9. Dick Heath 1953 809 10. Tom Huffer 1,144 yards

10. Norm Kampschror 1955 803 11. Ed Steiner 1,073 yards

Gary Berding Rocky Klever Allen Green


Grizzly CupInitiated in 1921, the Grizzly Cup is the University of Montana’s oldest athletic award. Dr. W. E.

Schreiber, a long time head of the UM physical education department, began the award which is given to the athlete who best represents the University on and off the playing field.

Greg Iseman1982 Grizzly Cup

Larry Higbee ...................................................1921Gil P o rte r .........................................................1922Gil P o rte r .........................................................1923Angus M eagher............................................... 1924Russ Sw eet.......................................................1925Ted Illman .......................................................1926Clarence C o y le ...............................................1927Eddie C hinske.................................................1928Tom D av is.......................................................1929Ray Lewis.........................................................1930Glenn Lockwood............................................. 1931Lowell D ailey...................................................1932Dale H inm an...................................................1933A1 Dahlbert.......................................................1934Naseby Rhinehart, Sr.......................................1935Henry Blastic...................................................1936Bill L azetich.....................................................1938Bob Thornally.................................................1940Tom O’D onnell...............................................1941Bill Jones .........................................................1942Henry Dahmer.................................................1943Charles M oses.................................................1948John Helding...................................................1949Jack O’Laughlin .............................................1950Ray Bauer.........................................................1951Robert Byrne .................................................1952Jack Luckman .............................................1953Ed Anderson .................................................1954

Murdo Cam pbell............................................. 1955Dale Shupe....................................................... 1956Don Williamson...............................................1957Naseby Rhinehart, J r ....................................... 1958Mike G ranbois................................................. 1959Rudy R uana..................................................... 1960Bob O’Billovich............................................... 1961Bob O’Billovich............................................... 1962Paul D. M iller................................................... 1963Tim Aldrich ..................................................... 1964William M. R ic e ............................................... 1965Gary B. P e c k ................................................... 1966Greg H anson ................................................... 1967Willie J o n e s ..................................................... 1968Mick H arrington............................................. 1969Roy Robinson ................................................. 1970Lonzo Lewis..................................................... 1971Steve Okoniewski........................................... 1972EarlTye ........................................................... 1973Robin Selvig..................................................... 1974Rock Svennungsen......................................... 1975Dean Erhard .................................................1976Marsha Hamilton ......................................... 1977Tim Kerr .......................................................1978Ed Cerkovnik ...............................................1979Craig Zanon ................................................. 1980Rocky K lever..................................................1981Greg Iseman ..................................................1982

Grizzly AwardsEach year five outstanding University of Montana football players are recipients of awards.The Terry Dillon Award, honoring the outstanding back, was established in 1964 following the

accidental death of former Grizzly Terry Dillon. Dillon played defensive and offensive halfback for UM from 1960 to 1962. He started at defensive halfback for the National Football League Minnesota Vikings.

The Paul Weskamp Award was established in memory of Paul Weskamp, a tackle on Ed Chinske’s 1954 Grizzlies. The award honors UMs’ outstanding lineman and was established by the citizens of Ronan, Mont.

The Golden Helmet Award honors the hardest hitter on the team. It was set up on a nationwide basis by the Coca-Cola Company in 1967.

The Larry Miller Award is given in memory of the great Grizzly lineman and wrestler who competed for UM in 1969 and 1970. Miller died in an automobile accident in 1974. The award honors the teams’ outstanding defensive lineman.

The Steve Carlson award is given to the teams’ most valuable player in memory of the former Grizzly football player who died in 1977.

Dillon1964—Wayne Harrington1965—Paul Connelly1966—Jim Neilsen1967—Bryan Magnuson1968—Mike Buzzard1969—Karl Stein1970—Arnie Blancas1971—Steve Caputo1972—Jeff Hoffmann1973—Bob Smith1974—Rock Svennungsen1975—Del Spear1976—Paul Fiskness1977—Monty Bullerdick1978—Rocky Klever1979—Rocky Klever1980—Wayne Harper1981—Rocky Klever1982—Greg Iseman

Weskamp1967—Larry Huggins1968—Tuufuli Uperesa1969—Tuufuli Uperesa1970—Larry Miller1971—Steve Okoniewski1972—Ron Richards1973—Jim Leid1974—Larry Farnam1975—Walt Brett1976—Dan Sullivan1977—Terry Falcon1978—Guy Bingham1979—Guy Bingham1980—Brian McHugh1981—Jim Rooney1982—Greg Amundsen

Golden Helmet1967—Bob Beers1968—Herb White1969—Jim Nordstrom1970—Jim Nordstrom1971—Casey Reilly1972—Mick Dennehy1973—Sly Hardy1974—Ron Rosenberg1975—Steve Dionas1976—Greg Anderson1977—Kelly Johnson1978—Kent Clausen1979—Greg Dunn1980—Jay Becker1981—Scott Gratton1982—Scott Gratton

Curt McElroy

Scott Gratton Golden Helmet, 1981, 1982

Miller1976—Doug Betters1977—Steve Fisher1978—Steve Fisher1979—Sam Martin1980—Arnie Rigoni1981—Pat Curry1982—Joe NuuCarlson (MVP)1977—Ron Lebsock1978—Tim Kerr1979—Jim Hard1980—Kent Clausen1981—Rocky Klever1982—Greg Iseman

Marty Mornhinweg


Current/Former Montana ProsSteve Sullivan.......... .. 1922 Evansville Barry D arrow ........ 1974 Cleveland BrownsEd Illm an.................. .. 1926 Wilson’s Wildcats Jim Hann .............. 1974 PortlandWild Bill Kelly.......... .. 1927 Brooklyn Professional Ron Rosenberg . .. 1975 Cincinnati BengalsLen Noyes .............. .. 1937 Brooklyn Dodgers Walt B re t t .............. 1976 Atlanta FalconsMilton Popovich . . . . .. 1937 Chicago Cardinals *Doug Betters ........ 1977 Miami DolphinsPaul Szakash .......... .. 1937 Detroit Lions *Terry Falcon ........ 1977 New England Patriots,Aldo Forte .............. .. 1938 Detroit Lions Arizona WranglersBill Lazetich ............ 1938 Cleveland Rams *Greg Anderson . . . 1979 MontrealJohn D o lan .............. 1941 Buffalo Indians *Tim Hook .............. 1979 Saskatchewan, OttawaStan Renning .......... 1959 Edmonton *Carm Carteri 1979 Ottawa, HamiltonJohn L an d s .............. 1960 Indianapolis Warriors *Guy B ingham ........ 1980 New York Jets (10th round)Gary Schwertfeger . .. 1961 Vancouver’s B.C. Lions tKent C lau sen ........ 1981 New York JetsBob O’Billovich . . . . 1962 Ottawa Rough Riders *Rocky Klever ........ 1982 New York Jets (9th round)Terry Dillon ............ 1963 Minnesota Vikings *Rich B urtness........ 1982 Dallas Cowboys, L.A. RamsMike Tilleman ........ 1964 New Orleans Saints *tPat Curry .............. 1982 Seattle Seahawks, SF 49ersBryan Magnuson , , , , , 1967 Washington Redskins *|Mike Hagen .......... 1982 Seattle Seahawks,Tuufuli Uperesa . . . . 1969 Philadelphia Michigan PanthersDave Urie ................ 1969 Houston Oilers tMike Hogan .......... . 1983 B.C. LionsRoy Robinson.......... 1972 Saskatchewan tMickey Sutton . . . . 1983 HamiltonWillie Postler .......... 1972 Vancouver’s B.C. Lions tBen K iefer.............. 1983 Denver BroncosSteve Okoniewski .. .. 1972 Atlanta

Note: Year listed is 1st as a professional. Team listed is team player was originally drafted on. *Still Active "\Free Agent

Guy Bingham Doug Betters Mike TillemanNew York Jets— 1980 Miami Dolphins— 1977 New Orleans Saints— 1964

Future Grizzly Schedules1984 1985 1986

Sept. 15 @Portland State Sept. 14 N. Iowa Sept. 13 E. WashingtonSept. 22 (5>Idaho State* Sept. 21 Portland State Sept. 20 @ Nevada-Reno*Sept. 29 @Weber State* Sept. 28 Reno* Sept. 27 Northern Arizona*Oct. 6 N. Arizona* Oct. 5 Boise State* Oct. 4 PacificOct. 13 @U of Pacific Oct. 12 Idaho State* Oct. 11 @ Boise State*Oct. 20 @Boise State* Oct. 19 @Montana State* Oct. 18 @ Idaho State*Oct. 27 Idaho* Oct. 26 @Idaho* Oct. 25 Montana State*Nov. 3 Montana State* Nov. 2 Weber State* Nov. 1 Idaho*Nov. 10 @Reno* Nov. 9 E. Washington Nov. 8 (5) Weber State*Nov. 17 @N. Iowa Nov. 16 @N. Arizona* Nov. 15 OpenNov. 24 Mirage Bowl Nov. 23 Open Nov. 22 @ Portland State

(In Tokyo, vs. Army)*Big Sky Conference Game



1897Blake, Harold** ..................MissoulaCrain, F r e d * ...........................MissoulaEbert, Fred* ........................ MissoulaGoodfellow, H ow ard * OvandoHeyfron, Dan* ...................... MissoulaJones, Martin* ...................... CorvallisKennedy, Hugh** ................MissoulaKennett, George** MissoulaRittenour, Clifford* MissoulaSchroeder, H ow ard*........... MissoulaWard, Sidney** ................... HamiltonWestby, George** Missoula

1898Allard, C h arles***....................RavalliEbert, Laurence* . . Vancouver, WAFlynn, Michael* ....................MissoulaHechler, L aurens**.............HamiltonHeyfron, Gil*** ....................MissoulaMiller, Ed* .............................MissoulaSedman, Ellis*** r.'..................MissoulaSedman, Oscar** Missoula

1899Cross, Shorty*Craig, William**** MissoulaGraham, H u g h * .................... BonnerHodson, William* MissoulaJameison, William* ................VictorMarceyes, Claude**** . . . . ForsythMcAllister, C lau d e* ............. MissoulaMcCormick, Washington* Missoula McDonald, Homer*** . . . PotomacSloane, Hugh* ....................MissoulaWalker, Sidney* ................Missoula

1900Buckhouse, J o e * * * * ........... MissoulaFarrell, George** Virginia CityGarlington, King**** . . . MissoulaGreenough, Leo**** . . . MissoulaHay, Walter**** ............... MissoulaHughes, Herbert** ......................NAPolleys, Hovey*** MissoulaWalters, Ray*****................Missoula

1901Barnes, George* ..............Olivet, WIGreenough, Warren* . . . . MissoulaJohnson, Elmer**** MissoulaLatimer, F rank**..................MissoulaMcCauley, Charles* MissoulaMcPhail, Roy***** New ChicagoParsons, Houston* MissoulaSheridan, Guy* ....................MissoulaWalters, Guy* ...................... MissoulaMarshall, Charlie* MissoulaWestby, Arthur* ..................Missoula

1902Cochrane, William* . . . . Red LodgeCrowley, C le m * .......................... ButteFergus, Faustus* .................WhitehallGreenough, Paul** MissoulaRussell, Harvey* ..................MissoulaSmith, Earl* .....................................NAUrlin, John* ........................ MissoslaWilliams, Arthur** RadersburgWilliams, Frank* ......... Deer LodgeWood, Leslie* ................................ NA

1903Corbin, Edwin** ..................MissoulaCurtis, John H.* ........................ ButteFarrell, Joseph T.* MissoulaGreenough, Earl*** MissoulaHammer, Walter* ...........Miles CityHardenburgh, Floyd** . . . MissoulaMessenger, Ralph* MissoulaMurphy, F red ***..................MissoulaSchoonover, Chas.** . . PhilipsburgSpaulding, Thomas* MissoulaWillis, H artwell***..................... Plains

1904Adam, E m il**........................ MissoulaCary, Robert** N. Platte, NEDimmick, C h a s.* * * ............. MissoulaFisher, Eugene*** RosebudHolmes, Robie* ........................BillingsLongley, Ed* ...................StevensvilleMarks, S am u el* .............. StevensvilleMcLeod, John** ........................ Butte

Editor’s Note: Player is listed the first year he lettered at UM. Asterisks indicate number of letters won.

1905Farrell, Thomas* ..................MissoulaFisher, John* St. Louis, MOFitzgerald, Edward* ..................ButteFulton, Scott* ...............................NAGunner, James* ............................ NA

1906Ambrose, Keith** MissoulaBerry, Oral** ...........................GraniteBishop, Arthur**** MissoulaCraig, Vincent* .................... MissoulaFlaherty, James* .................BozemanHarriman, William** . Petoskey, MILewis, Frank** .............................. NAKing, John R.* ................... LivingstonKitt, Berney** ...................... MissoulaMcCarthy, Eugene* . . . . TownsendMcNamara, J o h n * East HelenaMorgan, Arthur** . .Marshfield, OR

1907Dinsmore, Raymond* . . . . MissoulaMcLaren, G ilbert** HamiltonRyan, Emmett**** ...................ValierStoddard, Thayer*** . . . . Missoula Thomas, Dillwayn* ....................Butte

1908Connor, Daniel**** ............. DarbyFredell, Ernest** AnacondaJohnson, C h a s* * ..................MissoulaMcClay, Harry*** MissoulaReardon, Stephen** . . Boston, MASimpson, Martin*** MissoulaSmead, B urton*** MissoulaSoderston, John* Clinton, IATait, William* .........................MissoulaTorrey, Henry* ..................Manila, PIVealey, William** MissoulaWebster, F.* .........................MissoulaWinstanley, Edward**** . Missoula

1909Beard, LeBaron** MissoulaBennett, William** AnacondaIttner, William* Red Lake Falls, MNKennett, Holter* ..................... HelenaLittle, G eo rg e* * ....................MissoulaThieme, Fred** .................... Missoula

1910Day, Clifford***.................... MissoulaDeschamps, Elizierd** . . . Missoula Dobson, Cecil** . . . Dickinson, ND Dornblaser, Paul**** . . Chicago, ILGleason, Frank* ..................FlorenceSimpkins, Edward**** . . . Missoula

1911Forbes, Hugh* ...................... MissoulaHunt, Lewis** ....................... KalispellKelly, Pat*** ..................Big TimberKlebe, George** ..................MissoulaMcCarthy, P atrick** MissoulaRonan, Peter*** ..................MissoulaOwsley, Merritt**** . Twin Bridges

1912Busha, Tom** ............... Big TimberCraighead, Ed* ....................MissoulaDaems, Leonard**** . . . Harlowton Davidson, Bertram* . . . . AnacondaGault, James*** Great FallsGriffith, William* . . . . . . . AnacondaStone, George* ....................MissoulaStreit, Norm an**** MissoulaWeidman, Roy** ...................... Pony

1913Anderson, Herbert* ......................NACollins, Ray* ...............................ButteCraighead, Barclay* MissoulaKress, Paul* .......................... MichiganSheridan, Phillip*** Paola, KS

1914Bentz, Christian**** Aberdeen, SDBurris, Virgil* .................Mexico, MOClark, Earl*** Everett, WAGuerin, William* . . . . Olympia, WA Keeran, John*** . . Harrington, WA Robertson, Alfred** . . . . Minnesota Sanderson, Lawson*** Shelton, WAScherck, George*** MissoulaVance, C e c il* * WashingtonClaypool, Clinton* Missoula

1915Adams, Harry**** . Aberdeen, WABlackwell, Ira* Aberdeen, WACook, Sam* .................................IdahoDreis, Frank* ..................... MinnesotaLayton, Jack*** . . . . Portland, ORMcQuarrie, Claude** MissoulaMahrt, Pete* ........................ Missoula

1916Dahlberg, H arry****..................ButteJones, Lester* Everett, WALockridge, Earl* StevensvilleNelson, A l* .............................MissoulaOrr, Conrad** ....................MissoulaWoodward, Ward* Miles City

1917Carver, Dwight** FlorenceDoherty, E m m ett* ......................ButteDriscoll, J o h n * .............................ButteFelker, Preston* ..................MissoulaHarris, James*** . . ’....................ButteKreis, Robert* .......................... SidneyLamb, Henry* ...........................LaurelLeahy, Arthur* .......................... ButteSailor, Floyd* ..............................HavreSullivan, S tep h en ****............... Butte

1918—No team organized due to the war.

1919Brown, Wingfield* PhilipsburgClinich, Vernon* ........................ ButteDaylis, Fred*** ..................... WordenDeMers, Lambert** ..................ArleeDorsey, James*** MissoulaFarmer, James “Eck”* . . . MissoulaFitzgerald, Harold* Miles CityHoward, C o r t* ..................... BozemanKeeley, P atrick** Deer LodgeVolger, Ralph* .............................ButteWalterskirchen, Wm.** . . Missoula

1920Baird, Harold* ...................... MissoulaBarry, Earl* ...........................MissoulaElliott, Harvey*** MissoulaFreeman, Paul* Great FallsHigh bee, Lawrence* MissoulaKershner, Leroy J o e * * .......... BillingsMadsen, Lloyd*** Miles CityMcGowan, Thomas*** .LewistownRamsey, Ted*** Lewistown

1921Christie, Ralph** . . . .Spokane, WADahlberg, George*** ButteJohnston, William* .New York, NYLambert, J a m e s* Great FallsMurphy, Ray** ................. AnacondaPlummer, Ted*** StevensvillePorter, Gilbert** StevensvilleRooney, Harry* .................... MissoulaStraw, A lv a * .............................ForsythTanner, Gordon** Miles City

1922Coleman, Chas* ..................AlbertonJohnson, Earl** ....................MissoulaMaudlin, Warren*** . . Three ForksO ’Neill, William* ..................MissoulaShaffer, John*** Miles CitySilvernale, Grant*** .................Baker

1923Dahlberg, Oscar*** ..................ButteGriffin, Walter*** RoundupHyde, N e il* ..............................FairviewIllman, Ted*** ...................... MissoulaMeagher, Angus** ....................ButteMoe, O .K .* .................St. Cloud, MNPlummer, Ben*** StevensvilleSugrue, P a t* * * ....................AnacondaTaylor, E d * Miles City

1924Axtell, George** .................BozemanBurrell, Walter*** Tampa, FLCogswell, Andy*** MissoulaFletcher, Claude** RoundupHanson, D an ta**....................MildredKelly, “Wild” Bill*** MissoulaMartinson, Karl*** MissoulaRitter, Milton*** Eveleth, MNSweet, Russell** Miles CityVarney, Howard* ...................Helena

1925Beeman, Stewart* LewistownColeman, Charles* AlbertonBrittenham, Curtis*** . . . . KalispellKain, Sam*** ............................ HelenaOstrum, Emil** Wabash, MNVierhus, Louis*** . . . Portland, OR Whitcomb, C lark*** Helena

1926Callison, Lloyd*** ......................LomaChinske, Ed*** . Michigan City, INCoyle, C larence** AlbertonDavis, T o m * * * .............................ButteFogerty, Gerald* ........................ ButteMurray, Marshall*** MissoulaParmalee, James*** MissoulaRafferty, William* . . . Wabash, MNRognlien, Gordon*** KalispellTiernan, Robert*** . . . Toledo, OH

1927Clark, James** . . . . Pasadena, CADezell, William* Winona, MNFoss, Don*** ..............................HavreHarmon, R eid***................Price, UTLewis, Ray*** .............................ButteMellinger, Ted*** . Pine Island, MN Morrow, James*** ..................Moore

1928Carpenter, C lyde*** BillingsEkegren, Kermit*** HarlemEkegren, Waldo*** ............. HarlemLyon, Ray*** ............................BillingsMoore, Thomas*** . . . . Philipsburg Muhlick, Clarence*** Kenosha, WIPerey, Emile*** PhilipsburgPeterson, Russell*** . . . . Miles CityRyan, Jerry*** Deer LodgeRule, Ted*** ............... Deer LodgeSchotte, George** .................HelenaSpencer, Franklin*** Geyser

1929Boone, W illiam** Deer LodgeBurns, Elmer* .......................ChoteauCox, Walter*** ...........................ButteMcCarthy, Thomas*** . . AnacondaMurray, Henry*** MissoulaWalker, C a r l* Boundary, WA

1930Botzenhardt, August** . . AnacondaBreen, Robert** ........................ ButteDailey, Low ell**.......................ScobeyFox, Richard** ........................BillingsGrove, Joseph* . . . Glenwood, MN LeRoux, Leonard** Wis. Rapids, WIMadden, Gilbert** RoundupSnyder, George** Great FallsVidro, A u gust*** Anaconda

1931Caven, Arthur*** Miles CityCrowley, Cale** ........................ ButteDahlberg, Alfred** ....................ButteHinman, D a le * * .......... Greybull, WYKuka, Leonard***.....................HavreLyman, Chalmer** .................HelenaMcKay, John* ..........................NoxonMeeker, D elm er** MissoulaReynolds, Linwood*** ButteWilliams, Wendell* .................Billings

1932Andersen, Leif*** . . . Portland, OR Carpenter, Kenneth*** . . HamiltonEmery, Cal*** ..........................HelenaHawke, William** ......................ButteHileman, William*** WhitefishKuka, George*** Chicago, ILOech, V e r n * .............................. BillingsRhinehart, Naseby*** Milwaukee, WI Sayatovich, George*** . . Anaconda Stansberry, Robert* . . Norfolk, NB Vesel, F rank**......................Roundup

1933Benson, Frank* White PineBlastic, Henry*** Chicago, ILBrandenberg, Herbert*** Miles CityHartsell, Louis*** AnacondaHeller, Albert** ......... Twin BridgesKent, E d ison *.............................. DillonMcCall, Rodney* Silverton, ORNewgard, Morris* .................KalispellRoberts, James* ..................... BillingsStory, Leland** ......................Winnett

Sullivan, J o h n * * * ........................ ButteZemke, Hubert* ..................Missoula

1934Babich, Roy** .............................ButteCarter, Don* Los Angeles, CACosgrove, Robert*** Alhambra, CA Dickson, Robert* Los Angeles, CAHolmquist, Don* .................WhitefishNewgard, Morris* .................KalispellOlson, Clifford*** WhitefishWhittinghall, C h a s* * * HelenaWilcox, C h arles** Stevensville

1935Breen, Robert* .......................... ButteFarnum, Donald* HarlowtonNoyes, Leonard*** ....................ButtePomajevich, Joseph*** . . MissoulaPopovich, Milt*** ......................ButtePrevis, John* .......... Thompson FallsShields, John** ................. Miles CitySwanson, Carl** AnacondaSzakash, P au l** Chicago, ILWelch, Roderick* Long Beach, CA

1936Beal, Robert*** ................. AnacondaBonawitz, N o rv a l* ................MissoulaBrower, Gerald*** Miles CityDolan, John*** ........................HelenaForte, Aldo*** ................Chicago, ILGedgord, Tom* Chicago, ILGibson, Lyman* . . . . Puyallup, WAGolden, Joseph* Chicago, ILJenkin, Fred*** ................. AnacondaLazetich, William*** . . . . Anaconda Lundberg, Roland** . . . Chicago, ILMariana, Joseph* Miles CityMatasovic, William*** . Chicago, ILMcDonald, A rch ie**............... NiradaMorris, Clifford* Miles CityPeterson, Arthur*** . . . Great FallsPeterson, Philip*** KalispellRolston, Thomas*** ForsythSmith, Frank** Chicago, ILSpelman, Jam es*** ...........AnacondaStrizich, Joseph* Great FallsVogel, R o b ert* ................Whiting, INWilliams, Charles*** . . . Chicago, IL Zimmerman, Walter* . . Chicago, IL

1937Hoon, J a ck * * * ..........................HelenaLundberg, Roger*** Northwood, IANugent, Frank*** Miles CityShaffer, Harry** ........................ ButteStenson, Perry*** .................KalispellTaberacci, Emil*** . . . . Great FallsThornally, Robert*** . . Chicago, ILVan Bramer, G len * * * .............Billings

1938Edwards, Hugh*** ....................ButteHuacek, Ed** . . . . Wheeling, W.VAJohnson, Neil*** ..................MissoulaO ’Donnell, Thomas*** Casper, WYShegina, William** Anaconda

1939Brauer, F red *** .................... MissoulaBrown, Clyde* ............................DillonBryan, D o n * * ............................BillingsClawson, Gene*** MissoulaDrahos, Kenneth**** Puyallup, WADratz, John*** .................... MissoulaDuffy, Tom** ...............................ButteDuncan, John** ..................... HelenaGorton, Robert* ...................KalispellGustafson, Roy** CorvallisMufich, William**** ..................ButteNarche, Eso*** ...........................ButteNess, Robert* ....................... KalispellNussbacker, K arl* ................MissoulaRoberts, Buan* .......................... ButteRoberts, Sam* ..........................HelenaStrom, Roy*** .......................... ShelbySwarthout, Jack*** . . Prosser, WAVaughn, Coleman* AnacondaJones, William** Livingston

1940Dahmer, Henry* .......................HavreDaems, Leonard* BozemanEmigh, Jack* Kankakee, ILFiske, Karl*** ....................... OutlookJones, Charles* ................. LivingstonLeaphart, William*** MissoulaPage, John* ............................Kalispell


ALL FOOTBALL LETReagan, John** Chicago, ILRobertson, William*** . . Great FallsSparks, R ob ert*...........................ButteSwarthout, William*** Prosser, WA Walters, Ted** ........................Billings

1941Barbour, William* . . . . PhiladelphiaBurke, P au l**............................BillingsKampfe, Paul* ....................... KalispellKeig, William* ....................AnacondaKern, Richard**................. LivingstonMather, William* LewistownReynolds, Vernon** . .Prosser, WAScott, Arnold** ..........................PlainsTyvand, B en * * * .......................... ButteWestwater, James* . . . . Chicago, IL

1942Badgley, Kirk Jr.** MissoulaBerger, Edward* ..................... BillingsBowman, Richard* . . . Casper, WYFelt, Tom* ................................ BillingsFerris, Jack* ..................Belmar, NJFox, Donald* .................... Park CityLeaphart, Don* ....................MissoulaMcIntosh, James* MissoulaMisic, W illiam *............... Chicago, ILNyquist, D on ald * .................... ScobeySchiller, Carl* ............... Chicago, ILTaylor, Joseph* Chicago, ILThiebes, J o se p h * Great FallsVannett, Leonard* . . . . Pasco, WA

1943, 1944—Football dropped because of World War II

1945Arnst, Richard* Fort BentonCook, Robert** ..................Cut BankCraft, Archie* . . . Los Angeles, CADayton, Clark* ................. AnacondaDonovan, John* AnacondaFleming, Eugene* ...................EurekaGall, Donald* ..................Fort BentonGallagher, Edward* AnacondaGeorge, Donald* ........................ButteKalisch, Frank*** . . Dickinson, NDKrause, Kenneth* ..................... DillonO ’Loughlin, James*** . . . MissoulaPreuninger, W illiam * MissoulaRhehfield, R obert* MissoulaRist, S e v e r t* ..............................BillingsRossmiller, Edward** . . Minot, ND Shephard, William* Des Moines, IAStephens, W allace**...............BillingsThompson, Harry* KalispellThorsrud, Garfield* MissoulaWilliamson, Paul* MissoulaLewis, George* ....................Missoula

1946Anderson, Robert*** . . . . MissoulaBriney, Frank** .......................... ButteCheek, J o h n * ..............................DillonCork, Lee**** ...................... MissoulaGerner, Kenneth* . Thompson FallsHelding, John **** MissoulaKovacich, John* ........................ButteKumpuris, Mike**** Little Rock, ARLeeper, S a m * * * .......................... ButteLodell, Albert* ....................AnacondaMalcolm, Roy**** MissoulaNormand, Robert* AnacondaPalmer, Loren* .........................LaurelPattison, Leo* ...................... GlasgowRadakovich, Dan*** GlasgowReynolds, William*** . Highland, INRoberts, P ierre**..................MissoulaScott,. Wilbur* ...................... MissoulaSemansky, Frank**** ButteStreit, David** ...................... MissoulaSivingen, Marcus* GlasgowWalterskirchen, Jerome* . MissoulaWarden, Darrel* Great FallsYovetich, Dan* .......................... Butte

1947Bauer, Ray**** Great FallsDelaney, Don*** ..................MissoulaDeVore, K en t** ........................HelenaFord, Henry*** Durango, COGorton, Robert* ...................KalispellHammerness, Roland*** . Glasgow Harris, Doyle** . . . Forest City, ARHelding, Robert* ..................MissoulaKeim, Ronald*** ..................... HelenaKuburich, S te v e* * * AnacondaJourdonnais, J o n * * MissoulaLeaphart, Clark** Missoula

Malone, Jack** ....................... BillingsPrueninger, W illiam *........... MissoulaReplogle, Bert* ................ LewistownSelstad, Tom*** Great FallsWhalen, Robert* ........................ Butte

1948Campbell, D o n * * * Great FallsChaffin, Everett** MissoulaKafentzis, Andy*** MissoulaKafentzis, Chris* ..................MissoulaKing, Jack * * * ......................... KalispellKingsford, Tom*** MissoulaKorn, D a n * * ............................KalispellNaye, W illiam * Petaluma, CASmith, William (B .J .)* ............... ButteStewart, Gordon*** ForsythMorey, W illiam *....................Sheridan

1949Byrne, Robert*** ...................BillingsCampbell, K en * * .............. Great FallsDoyle, Richard* ....................MissoulaHanson, Robert** Santa Monica, CALamberg, Ed* (Mgr) ............... ButteMayte, Carol*** Sand CouleeMurphy, Charles** . . Burlington, IAOberweiser, Jack* ................BillingsReed, Dick** Miles CityVolk, Fred** Great FallsWold, Paul*** ...........................Laurel

1950Antonick, R ob ert***..................ButteBaker, William* ........................PoisonGerlinger, D o n * * * .......... Chicago, ILCarlson, Gene*** Great FallsGraves, Robert*** .................BillingsIngram, Mel*** ....................... BillingsJones, G ord on***......................ButteLaird, Loren*** ............... Miles CityLamley, Robert*** . . . Kenton, OH Leonard, Robert** Santa Ana, CAMaus, Harold*** ................. HamiltonMerrill, Earl**..................Selma, CAMiller, David** . . Santa Monica, CA Moomaw, Richard** Santa Ana, CAMurray, Jim*** ................. AnacondaNearing, Ed* . . . . Los Angeles, CARothwell, Jack* ....................... BillingsSherbeck, Harold** Big SandyThomas, Lloyd** . . Santa Ana, CAVucurovich, George** ButteWatt, Henry* . Hermosa Beach, CAWhite, John* Santa Ana, CAWalker, William* .................Bozeman

1951Anderson, Eddie*** MissoulaBurke, Jim ***....................LivingstonCampbell, Murdo**** . Great FallsDavidson, Ian* ..................Great FallsLindsey, Richard** MissoulaNickel, Frank** ....................... BillingsMirchoff, Fred** . . Santa Ana, CAShadoan, Richard** BillingsStewart, Robert** ..................ForsythRoberts, J o e * * .............................ButteYurko, Robert* Great Falls

1952Brandt, Don** ......................GlendiveBrott, Dean* ..................Seattle, WACrumley, Robert* Cut BankDantic, Robert*** .................... LaurelDe Luca, Joe** ................ Weed, CADeuchler, Owen** ................. SeattleGompf, H arold*.......................... LibbyDue, W illiam***................Great FallsHeath, Richard***............Miles CityJensen, Marlyn*** Miles CityLittle, Don*** ..........................HelenaOrlich, Don* ...............................ButtePinsoneault, Richard* . . St. Ignatius Samuelson, George*** . . . GlendiveStocking, G. Edgar* WhitefishSwearingen, C * Port Orchard, WA Wilson, James* .........................Laurel

1953Barone, Vincent** . . . Elizabeth, NJBurke, Howard** LivingstonByerly, K en neth***......... LewistownDasinger, Douglas** . . . .Wolf PointLaird, Walton** ................Miles CityLeuthold, Kenneth* ................LaurelMilne, Curtis** ....................GlendivePeterson, Keith** Seattle, WAShupe, Dale*** .................... HarlemWeskamp, Paul** .................... Ronan

1954Enochson, Paul*** ...................HavreGehring, Robert** Port Orchard, WA Kaiserman, William*** . . LivingstonMiles, Robert* ..................AnacondaMuri, P e te * * ......................Miles CitySmall, Robert*** ..................MissoulaRowam, James*(Mgr) . . . Livingston

1955Bissell, Don* ............................... BeltBray, Roy*** ...................... MissoulaDzivi, Richard** ..................KalispellErickson, Harold* . Sioux Falls, SD Gardner, William* . . . . Seattle, WAHurley, Terry*** Chicago, ILJohnson, Terry* ..................... BillingsJohnson, Ronald* . . . . Elmhurst, ILJones, Ivory** Oakland, CAKampschror, Norman* . . . GlendiveLonner, Walter* ......................ButteMading, Wallace* MissouriMcGibon, Robert** . . . Great FallsPangle, Louis*** Denver, CORhinehart, Naseby Jr.*** . MissoulaRosera, Ervin*** .................Lena, WIStrand, Carl* Bremerton, WAWikert, Milton* . . . Santa Ana, CA Wilhamson, Don* ...................... Butte

1956Benjamin, Karl** Seattle, WABockman, Montana*** . . . MissoulaButossish, Robert* ....................ButteCarver, Duane* Seattle, WAConnors, Jerry*** . . Spokane, WADixon, John** Spokane, WAEverson, Robert*** . . Cheney, WA Gorsich, Mathew*** . . Highland, INHand, Bill** Selah, WAHart, Willard* Oakland, CAHayes, Severn* Oakland, CAMcKelvie, Charles** . . Reseda, CAManno, P a t * ...................... AnacondaMoore, Edward*** . . . Deer Lodge O ’Brien, Michael*** .Spokane, WA Renning, Stanley*** . . . Great FallsTennant, Vernon* .................KalispellGue, Kenneth* (Mgr) . . Great Falls

1957Barney, Phil* .........................MissoulaBilan, Edward* . . . Calgary, Alberta Brown, Ronald* . . . Sun Valley, CAFell, Donald* ...................Vallejo, CAGrant, Russell* ................Mead, WAGriffin, Phil** Chicago, ILJankovich, Sam* ......................ButteJohnson, Howard** HamiltonKeeley, Earl* . . . . Vancouver, B.C. Leenhouts, Richard** . . Selah, WALove, John* ..................Burbank, CAMcArthur, Jon* . . . Vancouver, WAMyers, Larry** Pacoima, CAOlson, Bruce** ....................MissoulaPepe, Joe** ...........................MissoulaSorenson, Thomas** . Benicia, CA Sparber, Dale** . . . Cashmere, WAVierra, L e ster * Yakima, WAVercurovich, George* ButteWilliamson, Dan* ...................... ButteYoung, Jerry** Sandy, OR

1958Berry, Dale*** ...................... FairviewEmerson, Michael** . . Lewiston, ID Gratton, Roger (Tim)* . . . MissoulaGregor, John*** ......................ShelbyGreminger, Henry** Alhambra, CAJohnson, J a m es* * * MissoulaLands, John** . . .Baton Rouge, LAMatte, John*** ....................MissoulaMeese, J o h n * * Woodside, CANearamys, Robert* Pasco, WAPalayo, Alvin* Honolulu, HIJohnson, Richard*(Mgr) . . Hamilton

1959Beddes, L aw rence*** BillingsDotson, Jerry* . . . . Bremerton, WAEkegren, Gary*** .................. HarlemGrasky, J a m es* * * .............Miles CityGustafson, Paul*** Vancouver, B.C. Harris, James* . . . . Des Moines, IA Kosiur, David** . . Wetaskiwin, Alb.O ’Billovich, Robert*** ButteSchwend, H ow ard** BridgerSchwertfeger, C.**** Milwaukee, WI

Schwertfeger, G.**** Milwaukee, WISmith, Gary*** ...................WhitefishThomson, Mike** ...................BillingsSorenson, Glenn** .................BillingsSchulz, John*** ..................MissoulaRussell, Grant* ................Mead, WA

1960Bansemer, James* . Milwaukee, WIBartell, James*** Glencoe, ILBirgenheier, Richard** . . Harlowton Baucher, William*** . . . . LivingstonDillon, T erry * ...................... Irving, KSDodson, Pat *** ......................ShelbyHerber, Edmund** . . . Camas. WAMiller, D ick * * * .............Hopkins, MNMoe, Eugene** ........................HelenaPeters, D an iel** ...........................ButteRudio, Jack** ..........................HelenaShevalier, J a c k * * ..................... HelenaTrotter, C. M.** . . . Longview, WA Werba, Ronald*** Chicago, IL

1961Dennis, George* Irving, KSGilder, Richard** MissoulaHauck, Thomas*** ....................ButteHuse, Richard** Great FallsMiller, Paul D** ................. Miles CityWallwork, Bruce*** Waimanalo, HI Wood, Steve*** Great Falls

1962Calder, F red * * Toms River, NJDennis, Wayne* . Vancouver, B.C.Ellison, W illiam * Mandan, NDGotay, P e ter* * Clarkston, NYJenkins, G ary** ............. Great FallsKimmit, Dennis* Great FallsLeonard, Eugene** . . . Bay City, MILuchau, Gerald*** MissoulaMartin, Bill*** ............................DillonPomajevich, Chris** SuperiorRussel, Brent*** ..................MissoulaScouel, Larry* ....................... Kalispell

1963Bain, F rank*............................KalispellBarherie, John* . . Calgary, Alberta Benzley, Robert** Green River, WYBuetman, Charles* Telford, PA'Crippen, R ob ert* ........................ ButteGreenfield, Rocky* MissoulaHuffer, Thomas** . . . Maywood, ILMcElhenney, Ted* ....................ButteMeyer, Dennis* ........................HelenaPetty, Larry** ................Great FallsRobinson, C laren ce* KalispellSeeley, Roger** ........................ShelbyTilleman, Michael** ChinookTripp, Eugene** ..................Missoula

1964Aukamp, Ronald* Mt. Prospect, ILBergren, Terry* ...................... DarbyBrophy, Robert* Red LodgeClemens, Roger* PlentywoodConnoly, Paul* . . . . Muskegon, MIEnger, David* Deer LodgeFerris, Edward* ..........................DillonGarland, Roger* . Spring Valley, IL Harrington, Wayne* ..Yakim a, WAHill, Warren* ............................BillingsJoramo, Floyd* .................... ChoteauNeilson, J a m es* ........................ShelbySalois, Jerry* .................... PhilipsburgSalvo, Jim* ...................................DillonSchmauch, Michael* . . . Great FallsSmelko, D an ie l* ..........Hubbard, OHWalle, Charles*...................... SuperiorWelker, T h om as*....................ConradWhipple, Jam es*........................Helena

1965Adams, M erle* ................... LivingstonBecker, Wayne** . Chula Vista, CA Costello, Anthony. Chula Vista, CAFiala, J o e * Deer LodgeHanson, G re g * ...................... MissoulaMcDonald, Doug* MissoulaMeyer, Dennis*..........................HelenaMiller, Walter**. Walnut Creek, CASmith, M ike** Olympia, WAWalle, Virgil*...........................SuperiorSchaefer, G a ry * ....................... Billings

1966Bains, Ron E.*** Tacoma, WABeers, Bob*** . . . . . Beaverton, OR Brumback, D. G.** Walla Walla, WA

Dawson, E. L.** . . . Westport, WADudley, Ell T .** Detroit, MIFiske, Karl** .............................LaurelGlennon, Michael**** BillingsGraham, Robert** San Mateo, CAGray, M aceo*** Baltimore, MDGudith, Larry* Wyandotte, MIHedstrom, Olaf** .................... LaurelHuggins, Larry T .* * MissoulaJernberg, Ken** . . . Sunnyside, WAJones, Willie** Monroe, MIKelly, James R.*** . . . . Seattle, WAKenyon, Jim* ........................ MissoulaLung, Roderick** . . Placerville, CA Magnuson, Bryan** Minnetonka, MN Mullins, Peter*** San Francisco, CA McCann, Michael** . . Renton, WA Morgan, Garth*** Salt Lake City, UT Nicosia, Michael** . . Scranton, PA Nordstrom, Bruce** Vancouver, WA O’Neil, James M.** Edmonton, Alb. Ortiz, R. C.*** . . Monte Bello, CA Paresa, Gregory*** . . . Kahului, FIIRobinson, Roy**** GlasgowSparkes, Richard*** ..................ButteStedham, John*** . . . Chehalis, WAStrauss, Richard*** PoisonTubbs, Frederick*** . .Honolulu, HIUnruh, Richard*** .........* . . PoisonWaters, William** ....................... TroyWhite, H erbert*** Ecorse, MIStimac, Daniel** Great Falls

1967 (combined with 1966)

1968Bain, Doug** ......................... KalispellBrum, Ray** ................ Honolulu, HIBuzzard, Mike** . Mt. Vernon, WADeBord, J im * * * Pasco, WADolan, P a t* * * ..................Great FallsGabriel, Tony* . . . .South River, NJGallagher, Tim*** .................KalispellGarske, R o n * .................. Chico, CAGuptill, R ob ert*** Great FallsGutman, Bill** ...................... MissoulaHedstrom, Ole** .......................LaurelHoward, Lon* Centralia, WALavery, T h om as*...................ChicagoLovell, Byron** Honolulu, HILuis, Al* ........................... Orland, CALyons, Joe* ............................KalispellMcBurrows, John* .Englewood, NJ Nelson, LA Rue* New Orleans, LA Nordstrom, Jim*** ...A uburn, WA O’Neil, Mick* . . . . Walla Walla, WASchruth, Pat*** ........................BillingsStranahan, Larry*** MissoulaTalolutu, John** .................Oahu, HIUperesa, Tuufuli** .Aiea, Oahu, HIUrie, Dave** ................... Chico, CAWaters, William* ......................... TroyWaxham, John*** Mt. Lake Ter, WAWorrel, Dan*** Great FallsWysel, Glen* .....................Lewistown

1969Baldwin, Gene* Spokane, WABlancas, Arnie** . . . Aberdeen, WABozzo, T o n y * Salinas, CACaputo, Steve*** . . . . Seattle, WADennehey, Mick*** ..................ButteFisher, B o b * Aberdeen, WAFrustau, Martin** Los Angeles, CAGlennon, Mike* ........................BillingsHall, Wayne* . . . West Minster, CAHare, Ray* Spokane, WAHickerson, Bill** . . . . Sonoma, CA Hoffmann, Jeff*** . . . . Seattle, WA Johnson, L.** . . . Sacramento, CAKent, Les** .................. Honolulu, HIMcCann, M ik e* * Renton, WAMiles, G r e g * Seattle, WAMiller, Larry* Martinez, CAOchoa, John* Orange, CAPeters, R.*** . Cleveland Hts., OH Postler, W.*** . . . Vancouver, B.C.Reilly, C a se y * ......................AnacondaSchillinger, J im * * Vida, MTStachnik, R a y * * ...............Chicago, ILStein, Karl** . . . . San Anselmo, CASterns, Bill** Stevenson, WAAtwood, George** . . Lansdale, PA

Stein, Karl** . . . . San Anselmo, CASterns, Bill** Stevenson, WAAtwood, George** . . Lansdale, PA




Berding, Gary** . . . Cincinnati, OHBodwell, T o m * * Grayland, WAChong, Elroy* Honolulu, HIDarrow, Barry*** Great FallsDempsey, Dean*** Claremont, CAGaskins, W ally**..................MissoulaJackson, L o n zie* Oakland, CALewis, Lonzo* Rockford, ILLugviel, John** Longview, WAMaloney, Greg** Macon, MOMcMahon, T o m * Tustin, CAOkoniewski, Steve* . . Seattle, WAPugh, Terry** ....................... KalispellRichards, Ron** ........................ ButteSpencer, Bruce* . . . Hoquiam, WA Welch, Glen** .............................Butte

1971Anderson, Richard*** . Lacey, WABaumburger, J a y * Great FallsBlue, Christopher*** Olympia, WA Burnett, Clifford** . . . Caldwell, IDCleveland, Douglas*** ButteDodds, Richard** Snohomish, WADoyle, Dennis** Edina, MNHann, James** Centralia, WAKottke, Warren** . . . . . Great Falls Kouzmanoff, Marc*** Glen Ellyn, IL La Roche, Leo** . . . Fitchburg, MA Leid, James*** . . . Waitsburg, WAManovich, D a v e* * * ....................ButteOlson, James*** . . Rochester, MN

1972Troxel, Ed Van**** . . Moscow, ID Svennungsen, Rick*** . Shelby, MTBabish, Timothy* Azusa, CAEvans, Dean** La Puente, CAHarrington, David** . Portland, ORStark, Robert** ........................PoisonReynolds, Terry* . . . Glendora, CAStark, J o h n * Vancouver, WAWalsh, Creighton* ....................ButteStarkey, Steven** . . . El Monte, CATurnquist, Robert** BillingsKautz, James* ....................... WordenCooley, Jerry** . . . Anacortes, WA Rosenberg, Ronald*** . . . WhitefishDonner, Curt** Spokane, WABrett, Walt*** . . . Kings Beach, CA Brick, Timothy*** Traverse City, MISwearingen, Gary* MissoulaEnders, R ob ert* Kankakee, ILSoloman, T e d * .......... Spokane, WASalo, G regory***........................ButteTaylor, Steven* Great FallsDedrick, Kurt** . . Westminster, CA Harris, Gregory*** Kalispell

1973Adams, Mike* .................Newton, IAAnderson, Greg*** . Blue Island, IL Border, Richard** Salt Lake City, UT Buxton, John*** . . Owatonna, MNCarlson, Steve** Great FallsErickson, G reg * * Everett, WAFar,am, Larry**............. Seattle, WAFlowers, Terry** . . .Cincinnati, OHGrigsby, Bill** Spokane, WAHardy, Sylvester** . Monrovia, CA Ladd, Mike** . . Garden Grove, CALynn, R an dy** Omak, WAManegold, E ric** ..................GlendiveNakoa, Doug** Honolulu, HIOglesbee, Jim* ....................MissoulaParker, John* Kingston, MEPonqoha, Dave** Lacey, WAPrigmore, John* Winlock, WASchmasow, Glen*** . . . Great FallsSmith, Bob** Pasco, WASpear, D el**** Cheney, WAStorbakken, Rollie* Mt. Vernon. WAStuart, Gig* ........................Miami, FLSullivan, Dan**** ......................ButteTaylor, Steve* ..................Great FallsWalker, D u ane*** ......................MaltaWilliams, Ken* Houston, TX

1974Anderson, Greg**** . . . Chicago, ILArgo, Daniel** Cincinnati, OHBetters, Douglas*** Arlington Hts, IL Carlson, Bruce***** . . . Great Falls Carter, G.** . . . Far Rockaway, NY Cedarstrom, James* Scottsdale, AZChappie, Darrell* SpokaneClift, Tom*** . .Otis Orchards, WA Dionas, S te v e * * Sumner, WA

Facey, Tom** Lancaster, CAGulbranson, Wm.** Aberdeen, WA Harbison, Ben**** . . : . . . MissoulaLebsock, Ronald**** ................ButteMcCraw, Wyatt** . . E. Orange, NJ McReynolds, Kim* . . Olympia, WA Milliman, Hayes* . . . Cincinnati, OHMuse, Richard* ......................OpheimNielsen, William* Chicago, ILOgden, Randy**** Traverse City, MIPlum, M ark*** Tracyton, WARedurine, Randy** . . Reading, OH

1975Accomando, Dan* Westminster, CA Bonas, Jerry** . . . . Fair Haven, CTCarlson, J eff* * * Great FallsCheek, D on ald * Corvallis, ORCooley, Paul** . . . . Anacortes, WA Cunningham, George* Los Angeles, CA Egbert, Douglas*** Ogden, UTEstance, Bob** ........................HelenaFiskness, Paul** Huntington B., CAHansen, R a y * * Priest River, IDJordan, Richard** . . . Tacoma, WA Mickey, Michael** . . . Bellevue, WA Morton, Scott*** . . . Spokane, WA Pierce, Murray** . . . Cincinnati, OHScott, Duncan* Great FallsSmith, J effrey* Vancouver, WAStachnich, Richard** . . Chicago, ILSteinhauer, Ben* Chicago, ILVincent, Rusty ** . . Tinley Park, IL Weikum, George** . Wilmington, IL

1976Beriault, Don* Bellevue, WABingham, Guy**** . Aberdeen, WABitar, Greg** Hoquiam, WABrant, J im * * ...........................MissoulaCampbell, Neil** ..................... HelenaChampagne, Gene* . . . Lacey, WA Clausen, Kent**** . Aberdeen, WADews, R ob b ie** Newark, NJFalcon, Terry** CulbertsonFerda, Scott**** Great FallsFrost, Mike* . . Newport Beach, CA Gelaskoska, Joe*** . . . Bothel, WAGleason, Dave*** MissoulaGrady, Willie* Newark, NJGreen, A llen **** AnacondaHalverson, William* . . . Great FallsHarper, Wayne*** LivingstonHarris, R o ck ey * New YorkHogan, James**** . Olymppa, WAHuggins, J a y * ........................ MissoulaJohnson, Kelly*** Great FallsKleckner, G rant*** Great FallsMcDonald, Clev* . . . .Palo Alto, CA Magner, M.* . . Newport Beach, CAMartin, Sam*** Shelton, WARoban, Michael** Great FallsSacks, Barry**** Federal Way, WAShupe, Joe* Great FallsSobansky, Joe** ................... Ajo, AZSpigner, Paul* Newark, NJSullivan, Pat**** ........................ ButteVan Wormer, Matt** . . . . Missoula Williams, Bryon* New Orleans, LA Woldseth, George* . . Bellevue, WA

1977Albright, Keith* .....................KalispellBarrick, Brett*** LewistownBecker, Jay*** Atlantic, IABell, Darrell* . . . Federal Way, WABryant, Michael* ................. Hull, MABullerdick, Monty** . Anaheim, CA Carteri, Carm** . . . . Regina, Sask.Cavaligos, Nick* Chicago, ILCerkovnik, Ed*** ......................MaltaDunn, Greg*** Medical Lake, WAFritz, Robin* ............................ SidneyHook, Tim** Regina, Sask.Johnson, Mike** . North Bend, ORJones, Basil*** Spokane, WAKelly, Vernon** . . Los Angeles, CAKerr, Tim** ...........................MissoulaI^lever, Rocky**** Anchorage, AK Lane, William*** . . Englewood, CO McHugh, Brian*** . .Spokane, WARigoni, Arnie*** Chicago, ILSchmeckpeper, Cary* . . . . Buhl, IDTagmyer, W.* . . Federal Way, WA

1978Allegre, R au l** Torreon, MXAndrews, M arty* Grahan, WABoyes, B o b * * Sacramento, CA

Burtness, Richard*** Anacortes, WACarroll, Mike** ............. Seattle, WACerkovnik, Robert** . . Great FallsCurry, P a t* * * ............................BillingsDolan, William*** E. HelenaDuff, James* ...................Chicago, ILEicklemann, Mark** Indio, CAHard, J a m es* * Napa, CALaird, R andy***.................... MissoulaMenke, John** N. Broomfield, COMoe, Richardson** ..................PoplarMorton, S c o t t .............. Spokane, WANorwood, P a t* * * ..................... BillingsPrice, John* .................... Topeka, KSPerez, T o m * * * Palatine, ILRooney, James*** MissoulaSharkey, Ron*** ..................MissoulaThomas, T erry** Great Falls

1979Andrus, Bart* Sepulveda, CAAmundson, Greg*** . . Seattle, WACaraway, Brian*** Great FallsCleveland, Curt* Seattle, WAChalcraft, Steve* . . Richmond, WA Cordier, Bob*** . . . .Spokane, WAGratton, Scott*** MissoulaHinson, John*** Seattle, WAKovacich, John*** ....................ButteLamb, Carlton* Las Vegas, NVMadison, Reed*** ......................ButteMcElroy, Curt*** ......................ButteMurfitt, Steve* ..................PhilipsburgPaoli, David** ................Great Falls

1980Alex, Mike** Overland, KSBowman, Dennis* . . . Spokane, WAChaplin, Dave** Selah, WADantic, B rad*** .........................LaurelFudge, T o n y * * * .............. Great Falls,Garrison, Steve*** . . Spokane, WAHagen, M ik e** .............. Auburn, WAKline, D a v e * Bellevue, WAKlucewich, J o e * * * Alpine, CALowry, G ary*** ................Great Falls'Madsen, Mark** . . Ellensburg, WA McGinness, Curt** . . Janesville, WIMiller, Rocky*** Richland, WAMornhinweg, Marty*** San Jose, CAMurray, M ark* .• Choteau, MTRichardson, Kelly** Grants Pass, OR Rominger, Dean*** . . . Fort BentonSalonen, Brian*** Great FallsSilovsky, P a u l* ................Topeka, KSSorrell, Malcom** . . . Tacoma, WA Stephens, Andre*** . Tacoma, WA Sutton, Mickey** . Union City, CA

1981Connors, B o b * .......................GlasgowDacus, Glenn** . . . Enumclaw, WADilts, Dan**............ Walla Walla, WAGlenn, David** Elma, WAIseman, Greg** . . . Baldwin City, KSJahr, S e a n * Port Orchard, WAJones, Rob**..................Oakland, CAKiefer, Ken**...............Burlington, KSMcCauley, B ob **..................Missoula

Nelson, J o e * ...................Shelton, WANuu, Joe** Bakersfield, CAOakland, Brent**..................GlendivePowell, Alan**.....................LewistownRooney, J o h n * * ...........................ButteRutt, Tom** ............................... LaurelSundquist, T im **............. Great FallsTarrow, B ill* .................Eugene, ORWilliams, Derrick**Los Angeles, CA Trammell, Jake** . .Vancouver, WA

1982Becker, Ned* ..................Atlantic, IABotzheim, A lan* ................ lone, WACharles, Joey* Valencia, CACoppedge, Johnny* . . . Stayton, ORDawald, E r ic* ........... Owatonna, MNDeeks, Darryl* ....................Bend, ORDozier, Rick*........................Kent, WADummett, D a v e * Sanborn, IAGuse, Harold*.............Janesville, MNHarvey, Anthony* . . . Oakland, CAHelean, M ike*.........................MissoulaLewis, Cliff* Los Angeles, CAMcKenna, Mike*. . San Antonio, TXMoe, W arren*........................ MissoulaOliver, Larry*...............Hillsboro, ORPoole, S co tt* ................ Spokane, WAPoole, Shawn*.............. Spokane, WARay, T ed*............................StevensvilleRodriguez, Alex* . Los Angeles, CASethman, Richard* . . Lakewood, CAShillam, T erry*...........Orchards, WATaylor, Thomas* Wichita, KSYoung, Kevin*................Toledo, OH

Helena’s Charles “Bud” Whittinghall lettered in 1934-35-36.


Voice of the GrizzliesTom Morris begins his first year as the voice of the Grizzlies on KYLT-AM Radio. KYLT is

starting its 13th year as the official voice of the University of Montana athletic program. Morris, 29, came to KYLT from Danville, IL, where he was the sports director at WITY-AM

radio. While there he was responsible for play-by-play of University of Illinois varsity football and basketball. He is a 1976 graduate of DePauw University in Greencastle, Ind.

Former Sentinel High (Missoula) head football coach Gene Leonard will provide color commentary during the football season, and Dave Guffey, Grizzly S.I.D., will assist with basketball.

University of Montana Media OutletsNewspapersName Contact Sports EditorMissoulian Daryl Gadbow (sports editor)

Great Falls Tribune George Geise (sports editor)

Billings Gazette Warren Rogers (sports editor)

Montana Standard Hud Willse (sports editor)

Daily Interlake Pat Jenkins (sports editor)

Independent Record Roy Pace (sports editor)

Ravalli Republican Mark Scharfenaker (sports editor)

Montana Kaimin Sports Editor

Television StationsName ContactKECI-TV Dennis Patchin

KFAX-TV Ian Marquand

KFBB-TV Steve Schnall

KRTV-TV Ed Coghlan

KULR-TV Sports Director

KXLF-TV Pat Kearney

Radio StationsName ContactKYLT-AM Tom Morris


KYSS-AM/FM Sports Director

KGRZ-AM Glenn Schmidt

KUFM-FM Gregory MacDonald

KDXT-FM Bill Schwanke

Wire ServicesName ContactAP Bob Inez

UPI Bud Iwen

Address Phone502 N. Higgins (406)721-5200Missoula, Mt. 59801Tribune Building (406)761-6666Great Falls, Mt. 59401401 North Broadway (406)245-3078Billings, Mt. 5910125 West Granite (406)792-8301Butte, Montana 59701300 First Avenue West (406)755-7000Kalispell, Mt. 59901317 Allen (406)442-7190Helena, Mt. 59601232 Main (406)363-3300Hamilton, Mt. 59840University of Montana (406)243-6541

Address PhoneDrawer M (406)721-2063Missoula, Mt. 59806P.O. Box 4827 (406)543-7106Missoula, Mt. 59806P.O. Box 1139 (406)453-4377Great Falls, Mt. 59403P.O. Box 1331 (406)453-2433Great Falls, Mt. 59403Indian Caves Road (406)252-4676Billings, Mt. 591031003 S. Montana (406)792-0444Butte, Mt. 59701

Address PhoneFairway Center (406)728-5000Missoula, Mt. 59801KGVO Plaza (406)549-5152Missoula, Mt. 59801400 Ryman (406)728-9300Missoula, Mt. 59801P.O. Box 4106 (406)728-1450Missoula, Mt. 59806University of Montana (406)243-4931Missoula, Mt. 59812P.O. Box 4106Missoula, Mt. 59801 (406)728-9399

Address Phone317 Allen (406)442-7440Helena, Mt. 59601P.O. Box 4595 (406)442-6470Helena, Mt. 59601


Grizzlies Play Army in 1984 Mirage Bowl in TokyoThe University of Montana Grizzlies will serve as ambassadors

for Montana and the Big Sky Country and the United States in November of 1984 — travelling to Tokyo, Japan to play in the 8th Annual Mirage Bowl.

Montana will play the U.S. Military Academy (Army).The Mirage Bowl was initiated in 1977. The game is sponsored by

Tele-Planning International, Inc.“The fact that the Grizzly football team is going to Japan has

created excitement in Grizzly football for all ages,” said fourth-year coach Larry Donovan. “It is a once in a lifetime opportunity for players and fans to represent the United States and the great sport of football.

“It was Joe Dougal of Missoula’s concept, with help from Mr. Mike Mansfield,” he continued. “It has become an exciting thing for the entire state of Montana.”

The 1982 Mirage Bowl featured Clemson University against Wake Forest. Clemson won 21-17.

This year’s contest pits the University of Houston Cougars against the Southern Methodist University Mustangs.

The first bowl game in 1977 pitted Grambling against Temple, Grambling winning 35-32. Temple returned the following year, beating Boston College, 12-10. Notre Dame beat Miami 45-15 in 1979, UCLA beat Oregon 34-3 in 1980 and San Diego lost to Air 21-16 in 1981.

Brainchild of Tele-Planning International, Inc. President Atsushi Fujita, the Mirage Bowl was named after a car produced by the sponsoring Mitsubishi Motors, a subsidiary of Tele-Planning Int., along with the Yomiuri newspaper.

UM Athletic Director Harley Lewis said the University was aided by former Montana U.S. Senator Mansfield, who is now the U.S. Ambassador to Japan.

The Mirage Bowl is played in National Stadium in Tokyo, site of the 18th Olympic Games held in 1964. It has a seating capacity of 80,000 and the game has been a sell out every year.

The 1980 Mirage Bowl in Tokyo featured Pacific-10 teams UCLA and Oregon State. Inset is Atsushi Fujita, Presi­dent of Tele Planning International, Inc., and University of Montana Athletic Director Harley Lewis shaking hands in 80,000-seat Memorial Stadium.

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