big data & postgresql - using tablesample to analyze very large datasets

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© 2ndQuadrant 2016

Big Data & PostgreSQLUsing TABLESAMPLE to Analyze

Very Large Datasets

By Umair Shahid

© 2ndQuadrant 2016

Who am I?Got “pushed” into PostgreSQL in 2004, ended up

falling in love with itNot a hardcore techie, yet passionate about open

source softwareHeading the productization efforts at 2ndQuadrantInterested in Big Data, specifically the newer

PostgreSQL features supporting it

© 2ndQuadrant 2016

What is the problem?Number of Rows Size on Disk (MB) Time Taken (ms)

1k 0.23 219.706

100k 24 1,302.135

1M 195 7,696.386

5M 951 40,691.603

10M 1,923 60,012.457

100M 19,456 801,493.319

© 2ndQuadrant 2016

Why is this significant?Data mining has typically been a painful processMajor contributor to the pain has been the time it

takes for queries to returnMany false steps before the required data is

identifiedWaiting time is wasted timeSampling, count based or time based, reduces the

wasted time significantly

© 2ndQuadrant 2016


Ability to read a random sample of data in a table

Defined in SQL:2003 (5th revision of SQL)

Implemented in PostgreSQL 9.5

© 2ndQuadrant 2016


SELECT select_expression

FROM table_name

TABLESAMPLE sampling_method ( argument [, ...] )

[ REPEATABLE ( seed ) ]


© 2ndQuadrant 2016

sampling_methodargument is percentage of rowsSYSTEM

Block level samplingVery fastNon-independent rows

BERNOULLIRow level samplingSlower than SYSTEMIndependent rows (uniformly random)

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Demo sampling methods

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REPEATABLE results(Reminder: [ REPEATABLE ( seed ) ])

Optional argumentUsed if random, yet repeatable results are

requiredseed and argument need to be the same to

produce repeatable resultsAny changes made to the table will result in a

different data set

© 2ndQuadrant 2016

Now it gets interesting … TABLESAMPLE allows for additional sampling methods via

extensionstsm_system_time specifies max number of milliseconds

to spend reading a tableImplements the syntax:

SELECT select_expression

FROM table_name


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Demo tsm_system_time

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Enter Orange ...Funded by AXLE ( project funded

TABLESAMPLEAvailable integrated with

PostgreSQL in 2UDA (

Uses TABLESAMPLE to very quickly create visualizations for data

Can quickly create predictive models

© 2ndQuadrant 2016

Demo OrangeYou can find a very helpful tutorial at

© 2ndQuadrant 2016

Other Big Data features in PostgreSQL

JSON & JSONBHSTOREXMLScale-out by partitioning

Check out Postgres-XL (

etc ...

© 2ndQuadrant 2016

Umair ShahidEmail:

Twitter: @pg_umair

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Thank you for your time!

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