bids on highways jsitaflay v %wlm generai yoa kl gerof...

Post on 20-Apr-2018






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) fttoliii i >*r tou*

V<)L-X\'tIJ NO.JS6



.N,,i \ . i-> 0 > V F R A C T S •&&& f

t ':'

i n O F T H K STAtTEl.


' ) • • '

fall instead, ttf diarte£ iihe "wlntfei-m o n t h s At iftiis t ime t h e 'contractors will have a n opo'rtnnity t o go over t h s roads a n d wta&e 9, nitteh closer a n d \ h e t t e r examination a h * o shil c o n a t i o n s a n a t i e o t h e r ' t-ncidenmls •which mt&t:',, in to . t h e [contracting

4*o:st; They will aifcsa foavei a s oppor­tun i ty to use t h e t e a m s artd men dni> Jag th& winter months In getting- tihe mater ia l on -£ihk road • 'so that^-tltey will ;he atole t o starj^the. work t h ^ e of f e w weeks a r t i e r ifr t h e sprijftg than If t h e getting e£ the contracts was delayed tmtil t h e early p a r t ^ f the. year . gEome of. the- engineers atod cont rac tors ajave es t imated t h a i thexe Witt h e a saying 16* t he s ta te of &p-pr-oximately $50fl pe r mile hy letting

,! lisle. co:jnmisi'ibBlei> of I'trsun advertising for he cnnstruetio* <j>f vSO

. o a n i i e s . Thene ' roads i'-f from t h e ap&ropri-

.; I,..n dol lars f i t high* :..'»n; which becomes -e-, October 1. B i4s w$tt|*-he. epa t rae t s , a t this: time,

BtTow tift ••*•- •- ' ' ,f..r t he . construction, of ,A,VV Thursday,; Oeiofcer i S . j & t h e ra iny season t h e wet, flat

'. vi-.i at the ,h ighday d e - j l a n d s of Beaador proSwee a. vine yield-, 1 by road CohtWctors., ing a, t r a i t which, when djrted, fpftms vs.;: i>e a consider ihfe sav-[&, vegetahle sponge said hy some per-

'.vcfnsing h ighways Sn t h e 4 ^ o n s to h e sapeirtoJ-,to'ahiirtal sponges,

BaUots Wil Be Ready for livery

m jSitaflay


HOW T^&mtjewsrej X

Suitable No

Camping and Household' Uses

32! £$*&¥«*«& St *<Wt#j«M*£tMb*«iM&^ ii^lHMMWNMM

The ties? priniary election law will h * tried ont m tjhls stette, for the first t ime on nest Monday, aftfl the avet-age voter will find It a somewhat d4l'< fictilt pwspositiop. and- with" t h e n» edticatea voting:* ititelligently -witl to a «,n< almost impo^ihi t i ty, for the n a » * s of t he different candidates tor the' •various offices iftilj Tie grouped nnd^r one heading on the ballote. The Ueinocrats have thirty-five c\ndidat«s for idelegatek at Jarsre to the coast i t t*

f tional Convention, a n d of t h i s nntftbt r ] «o m«re than fifteen can he voted ft ^ by t h e enrolled elector. ?TI th i s county there a re s is candidates on tho. :B< a

pulvhcan ticbet for Che office <jf -Ctettii-ty~Snpei*lntendent of the J*oor a n d only one of these £&n he voted for hy eacl? electoif.. fn order to ovi*:--

^eotne thfc^rnafiy of the «a»didates <>t hoth, the Ke^ahllcah and Demliieraitie parties have secured a Eapply o f san i* pie hallots a n 4 ^^e now instructing the voters a» to ' the position their 1a\r* orjte candidate ioceopies on the, t iclirt and how* stjch candidate can he vo% *d for without spfjillng^ t h e haMot. *rtte new law, is a ntasl complicailed affair and wilt result In disfranchising n a t i * eroas ;honest vojtoe* in all ffcwts rof t h e state. OwJn« t o the fact tha t the p r e ­sent law has nfver heen tried* oat in thi* state and tjtoe face that -each c a n ­didate fQr"wh<snt t h e etect^r desises t« vote tnust be marked sepa ra t t l y j the voting •wfllfhe very Mo#, »nd t p e ]

Generai Yoa Kl gerof B^i9g


SAYS ;«B wjaii 4asp$ wAs^oite-

momm i>AS^»

Faris, S^eptJ £4.—FVench troops now to the sfitithj, to the 'vv- st, l o north and fe> the northeatet Gt German rigfit wins> nhdey C5Un*jraI

eaivtnjre of Pert<-nne, Worth-east'of Quer-.tln, and the almost- *tnpre?»shle force |» reptfi'ted to have oeet. slae-cessfnl in lie'epihjg the -enetrcledj

|r*»ir[:fatt^-*|e^:wlprfe JJ* - rhe wife, and «Sfei |&»% 1^ewteH*tog' ia t%« l»op*. W6

b«v-e i t i® I ' f ''• . • i -

all of -which-coe) Dolish so


,.:e|iifea%l&-'. to H2&& tich ef.fe5t» in fiiisfe. »t»d

are buildingmw* mi'm^immmm$; 'ffm:^M^om% %%*m% • pay you taiuRp<f«t <pr -poefe^Bl get' oar pr|©es*,' ' • '• ' •

Inilicatroil al*e rolled vbt^ ts ^| he diffl<?n«y itf the ilwra l imi t . ,

;that tf t M fall ctn-t the . polls the re tsiil -having i t cast within

-m^mmm^pm^i-^ • ^ r ^ ^ ^ * « f e ^ ' ^ ^ ^ * w ^ *«4« the electorate toram 3' o*cl-oeli in l h * ^ter«oon'nti t l l | i9'o. 'cloek Jn the «v^ai> toff .ist tx&xt • l|ie»»dayi „ Tho uoihnj? places f?lw hii»|6 the «arne *q«ipn*cnt a s -oa .general Election 4ss-' i"*>r es*Sh polling place <m general *lectton l a y

J t h t r e a r e fott | clectl<m officials :ofi «(aeh' of t h e Wo partfe# casting:' -Jhe highest nwmhei of votes at t h e last nreviojg, jftate. fkection. Of- the four -eWrtolh «>ifflel|^8 !of each. Qi t h e iwo •parties "tiitsrp OTCvtwo inspeci-ors, imn haliot eieitk a ta l « W poll xslerJt,

t n -Clinton •Hjere' wEil he A prin^siry

l^prjoperly' de»l|inated hy pe^ttJion-wilt he flWfpwifjert . on Jfthe hsaJlote' the tj-tle of the of | iee which, they are" scefc* ,iitp. in jiif ord^r. t»f t h e draw4ni?s- in i*de l a i t week, "3Jhe appeafance o f the 3jail.otr.''tv*Hl 'ho practically t h e *Mue sm those for t h e (-general election," ex­cept there will hjc no p a t t y emhlcms. •A hlank space will he r e s e H ^ 4 ^'Ith, ea^ch list of c^nditotesj to enable "

You can't aiw#;i-Mi fom 13m toefes HIM iteH'-Jusf w^at •• •i-nt; *s «apabl* of fept, srcfii/idia teeftjp- wteteva* capacity' ?he has by feedingibar* ,

win* f*cw» 'attjaScifrg; ife way joofc A tew m-Hes ur&gr**s t o the.fputh will mean the complete sarro«nt!fti3.«f thrWKJt-e r a wins',' ' I' -

WasMns tok Sept. .24,-«.lE4ate>t ;re«. ports «how :io e h a n s c ptaeticili.t &j t h e *»p|jr4>peai w a r ritnati^n. af! t a r as the . oftleiai he^vs offices t a w / . 'Rp-ports leeeKt to confirm t h e fact tha t the eiforts ox th'S trermaKs to'hp;Hn a 'new Invasion wvt Nancy, tWdufih •the- i ^ s e R wounta ins have rjisulittd in otter deft sal.

^ t r l i l sh StltmtJMt. • j i fttue Turlijlrh situation h«?s fip|»ar-

fft«1yitaise'n[«ft a more mloH?*} aspect


GIANTS owjon* wm %vmm4''

Bt«.y<i« S o w jfavfc .a l « « d «f Sevjeft Games In -t jfe R a c e for: t h e N*4 -,

Tfee Oiaa ts ;wepe yesterday pracftt calls" put ontjjof i^ . tvnJi?hsf fo*'.tWt Kational JLiva^tc "chaai^ioh?hfp whet they -w-tre -asS pla Sefeated |>y the Car» dia-alsanfl' t h $ Bostto-fts ^ h ' - t h e ' f l f S !

^»* J sKtme oSf -a: dto-nh^headcf & e m th«


Reds a M tiedji-the Eeeond;':in a n etght inninff ?tatne, ^?h.schvwa« -edited oh ae-co.«»t;ofLds«r*j;j8,ess. ;'. !:_

- ^ ' i o t t a l l ieagir^ •• ' '•• •\t 'iioston.'[Kttst game. ' l _ ^ H-/lt

«3ifc;inuali .i,'r . , . , . - . * . , ,\ ,/j* S ' t l tBostojt . ' » . - . i - i ' . . . . . , » .» ; i . ;»«5 i « ; i

feenton, FItiery aa& Goijgeales; »«» doi-^h and '©oiwdy* ' i '

^c'Coftd £ap>e, •• . fV; 3R H ; K r i t jclnjtat i , , ; . . , . » . . « » ; * . -, .2» t ' 1-Bo^on . . r , • v . , . , . . . . ' , , i . « * ; . % " a •' t

Schneider iSttnd tSohiepalesj Crstcfr-

At. .PhiJadtr^hta, jfest satac . B W'. E

| and ^ f i i e M j W a ^ h t a - r i ^ ts^twttell «-ith tnaeh linterest. T h e TtirkHit "bnfst&df't, A. JSuftem Bey, l-rmi^fi'it .is*; reported tft have roltero*«I h'fc| stnte* ment|«»t t^jauy tha t he still h a s : t h e fixmt* • vu?%i\ as &xptprsv& -tn a . r w e n v int-tiftflc-w, i:n whlt,«h he *-xaifclji»3lyj crttMs^d t:»e conduet <at -Vn'-ete ^a«i in t,he Phil lupines, T h e new^ thati he ha^ iitfr-nn ^d f*esid^hf Wilsoh «r! his iatcnilott tj> leave the, United Kt|itec:

ctoiiicit a.:«tlr In' |fl£'i| Fiaii, ciretejs. - •

K«iaitc<(^; Ru>tem til Keci* 'Qttiet !

<?ojnlns ;j-l:ofie, #m ltn»»i:het'dlpliim'ttie latc-riici*. restcrd*y*of which t t a ad-.wlhMtraiitsn a t -•once t*w* «ogni2tahcc| —^ia t of iSarcii 'Vott Sehoen of the! German emhaiss\r. dwelling' apon the

| i^cssifeaits' 'of w a r he t*een the %*& teoj | ^titites a«d(- 4apan—4t w a s intcrpritcdi a s a » indltotlAp of -f^esltient WJl*m*^ determinai 'on to ^elvs?e-ic?*n*ntent ^ t -for-el*m diir»to.j»atfst» •edttside'fed *Sa«-%ermn to ' the.hectfttlltl ' nt th is tsatm-i-j try.' (Phe TnrJtlsh- amh*ss*dftrV teller'

mmiM tw & . w r » » * t h * { U i o - . * * ! « » h w s M f K l . 1 w « w , j a f t t o -crattc JtepHhi|ban, Proetesslve, t n a e - ' ^ M ^ fl^icetJonahle -hy t h e adminls l pendente Ixxtifa*,. Social is t 'and I TO-: tt*ati^n, dnd S e c r e t a ^ *8ryan- a t tluj> hfbitl'on, Th* ; n k n e s «f the «aiifll-- ^ c ^ d e n t ' l s direction,, ions** t t e e.m-pastes for n o m l W i o n whielj have T w n b a « 4 d w io refistt»ft«»L such' <<xnm

• ' - ' " . . _ I! . ~ ... \ . _...J- _ ™*t^_..i ' * . 1 1 .

.voters to- * r l t t ferred ^ n d i d a k e s whose names d o afyptaas ' Therp-^fiO 5»6 a .hlanl t ,«i]

|4he t h e n a m e s of ij>re-

no i >ac*

fojPeaGh noml| |atIon to he m a d e nb'Jri" ,-th,© case of delegates at. large to the scqnstttjutional Ipnvenilon there •will he fiifeeh] trtanjfc repacks, .There will be three, ^olnmns. In the ' ;f l rs t i>f 'Which will he t h e names of Chose seel:injr jjfrniniiitlons. f | r state *Wtee ftftdt?jtlt-cd Sta tes aextaioe and delegates a t l a r s e to the i?ro»stl.t»tIonal copveniion, ^ H ' t h * «e.ednp cojqmn will he lh© iwitn«-8 o£ those seclilns the nomfna-Upn for pepi-ijtjsejPitative In Congi)' s late s e n i o r , district deleffafes, mmbHymeri, county superintenden| the poor and

icoi'umo be 4 names coroner. In the th i rd


and 1»e

dldates "for jifcats 'and county mitt'eeinen. . ,

The[ Kepublican 'hajtots will twentjj-flve Inches in length eleven: Jpch^s In width and wH


[t of'

slon'i IPhe 6h |eet lonahle Tntcrvicw.

• T f e Tn'rljlsh ambassador- in hlM: lnj« t-enijsw had said' tha t ' the send ln j .njf Amerkan warships to "forkey-tn -?o»:

•nr-et-fott'^'ith the r*pmt la£ ufrtUtoS& K%aiigft <*-iristians wonW lead- to *. 4ek tloaS s l twt ioh . At the «cme tlmij h * s a i d ' t h a t "while roasBsftcres had' ipret>' Ytm*M? occiwred. in ^tttrSey %hi*y lyerl? the .jsame nets a*f augp fleople '^.iRhfej

|«dna:|n»t t inder prov^eatlith. vKe $U$ the lyncl3iTt:ff,'ofv»eg:rG8 a k d ' t h e '*wa-ter jfujts"' intlm PhStfKnfwe* asripasp tttjAfem^ . reinindln^- tijte J^xumticou, peo-pj* of those incid^n'ts.' ' I' • '/ -:

'. J B«$^1^K^<A|A-J9* jp i i^ . J ' ; T 4 W ' # , S e p t 24.-*The ; wajj*, olftejis 'nuaJcjes th ?- ofittclaJ^ .*nnonh,cetn!ent t h a t British. 'tropBi? under Brljgadler ;Sen* erall-jfathftnl'el W*-Bartta!j*d|st4n» noEnj-njan;der of t h e ' KorBfi Chinaj. forces, iaM^fJ*-10" Sept-2-5, lit t h e nWKl.hoij-hood of %aioshan Bay to part ic ipate ih the |i»ov*nients;,n4a '*ns t * ** 'P^w**^-

' I-

'Lfindoti, ^ept , 24. S.08! *p« *ru-4Xt announce 3 ofllcially fjroik Uii H&j tha t the sarvivors t>f* jthe * cr'ijlse'ifs Atipjuktr, £gmiy mA[ Hotut- lost ijn t he iNottt. .Sea wn.o a*« «|t p r^enE &«-] i-ng'held by the He the r l tods -so'rerik- " ment , wtl! h e released and-ae:tt h o m e Their in t e rnment is •eon|fcrar3; to Trie; Has|«es.''c6nventJon

• * ^^rwstt'CJrtriscesjOntl: " xisndon, ; ;Seht, iZIT^Sa^^nv^fo ' i J*- : dlsjiateh i ront Athens, t h e .%< rrejspotiir •dent of- th- ? '-l^cchaaftse Teiegrf p h coni-ps&f -says- he h a s lerrned; fropt &[ dSp-

tie sopjfce t h a t t h e ernlan \otui--mr4 <*«ehen and Bre^iat*, -which. totjS refnge in TWklsh veatei's-shartl;?'. «,f-ter, t h e «u :WeaTt <of the, waf»--stei»n.ed: out" of the Se;a of IMarmora Monday of this "wee It send r e W n e I'.tp thft Soft-phoirns yes terday, ' \ l • ' i ' ' I

' N o t Ail Pxon *>ttitt 'W-o ffifllg. .Berlin, -€ept, 2S, jvla ^ondoh," lSe.p|t

24, 4.3? 4 rau—Official po l i t e been takenj of a statemtejnt t l tat lecafjje, t imes what'; appears 'to-i>» d a m dni» w^oiji-nd*-arer«S;use.d % ' sho t s s.t -Cer^aj r anges whejn t h f hnillet :i« Jfeet^ sirljke ^flat' » r ricochet * n d - - also

m. I pieces of antiJIery -^m'anJiHoiP,,

P h i l a d e l p h i a ' ; • . . . » . . . , . . 4 ' . 3 $ ti Kaa%ph-rl«f «utd Br«r»;*^a»J Rtstey,

Matl,i*on .otiatl- JCHMer. . ' j[ - .;' ,,

Fhtla^ielphSaf' , . . , » . - . . . 4"» *• •• " '. * Pk'fce,! Sfuhel awi^ &vt*fikn ^Hayet

and S u m s , j .- • i .'• At -Kew -*f'r,lv-., | * fc If-IS

15».. I r i t i s » J ' t . . . . , . ^ . » ..!.._,,'* I t I f ??(&•* U*0rk »ii"» • • »•»«»-•»»»>•• . S 1.1 -. t « P-erdwe iitji^- Winso ; i^Wafe**,

hew£<+». R M ] n'MeyeiJfs, . | -. . • At;*3Bwwiil«ji-a,- ' j - B H ' * i j

l^ropji lyn ^+ft !•**•*» .*»*»*"}*** *H- * - *** Isk«ttehh-i|itj,!;ail<i«lIiaH to5* S e h a ^ i J

JRagon,'- A f o ^ s o p a a d : Mc^awthy.

,- 'At Chlea^jfi,' - l

JF-hil»'deiph'JiSt)i-i » . , .*» ph&Stgo •..*>'>;.....*

PfenSv, •-•'j^icJaja, 3B**BS1| ISehass: Ci«^t^.4Pabe*.«i|>?

At. £tf I^l5lts. pftmatt' *. .:iluw.,»«* «.-»* *

Foster a^*1 ^-h&ma&^'Jfme*, ^a-m-|l!toa an.4 ^ a « * *

' Kew TorlJl And I^troltL t a in . ! A t -CleVeMnd,' FTwi *ga|ae • I t % . E -

^nasbii^t*j>i.i j , »•»»^ >, ' i . * *

Asrc-riR, H-airper -and HenVy ^aad O^Xett-.ii ' . ' l ^eeoad 'isajlree* ' ,l^a^Mn-ftoit'j ,.*.'•. ^pv-ieiaisi •»!,'. J . ' , " .'.Shaw and^Ainsfliiith.; B"<fwTO-an-, "Ted-v

, ' l4dic*ai'fica's«i|». A | Br-oofelli-n.


# t , 2-^-J-E'ffioftij a*e a"*' t o ' p i t c h - DM 11&*.

„«~„^. „ _ _ . — , -arranssatand Vl|ia»- it-1 wajs a n « | | n « e d ^i&day,

' 'i,we*e tnadf t o .-ehnfeeai new^ • 6f-: i t lealeed okt 'ttx] ies, ' 'eatisinf,;; * : se'afetfi^n. . . ._ |4i ien. ^ a e r a l feibito.}-

I'C'hlef; of- ' the -'alraty -fef© Itelegyftp'hed-"fiSt&-an *. eight* reas-an!* ;whyj Ifilla.. hsld^r his action a n l r e ? i

| d i r tei- <Jarrahzai. '- - ;* - Ip^-S iM Att^fefe Yfflife. -

igt*>»,] -Sep^- ' S-4.-^0eneral ,„.._ !ha&-informed lhe_ • United grof/crtt^i&pt he .wi l l not a t t ack | =©«»«

j e r t f TVj|4' hnt'-wfl-l ordef his. 'forces, to %e oflfthe -defensive and r e s ^ t at*,

The '§$$%' ©hiefs^ coibpiniilfeation-t h e .'..n'ationat,'i •coav|ntao-a held a s «ehed«led «n 30et,f

; | a ,provlssioa1?ll, Igovernm-ent l l ^ a W s h e d , -whitch ;h«f -h«p*|-i W s a t i s f a c t - w y | o thertJnit:


* i i e h 'shi mid. aw in '"



Wonld * % w h e # would «d| wow e4: Stet#3


day tfe •O me:

jwanld l i t c d

f jejota Vj fei


' UlUfffftfet St>

:^iM3."Sept- a*;-*t-«.'-w^s --of* p e d a t thfe i^hitte Horise't©-fehe "latest ''trduj&'te-si heitwee-»:| t|iC&ra.njKt and- <k'?-nefrad; Vi'tl* '

r ai ter •%« plans «fi t S e ^ n ^ A as to wlthdrajwins' fer»o|*s |a'0*-uif of' tSe_ sh i f t s of the-

^ a i # i | o » &*m£ .Ko d-ai« had heen,

S*resi|||nt Wilson i s tiniders^<9a.;.;/te Mice t h # .position t h a t C^ra,niz^ a h d Viilla "Iciest setHe' ' th^diA : t jst ' teiesr ;

bterf#renee'|Croa*'the X3iMe4 Id t h a t the -prese:neie ' o | AM**-0 | » a t V * r & € f c ^ ' w o # i »ot

f ^tlHlcalty. "' ' !";'''

o ra l Schools A*6 »tt St^ft? "" t*K> Atieni5ance is


Wit&oti* SAtes

»-»tve C

. * * • » > " * ' * !

H-ewnin^r . i « « .Easterly ttl wiatsjj' I ^ t f J t t e ^ t l WtattsJaa.

•§t, J,««is! |4a,-.1P«^b«ay iwUiw •At'Bal'ttisbre,,1 . j n"& h.

feltim-are ^!,,;,,..»;»'-..».^.-'|- ,'.!.S '« ; ' s 5^»ndn?f ^di" •Tpi-isoni Kfoiin, Don­

ley and" jfa-qi , A;t -'Btfffai IndiaaapoJfejj iB»fraio. . . . ; . [ . ' 'F-Uhen-hWilj


"and I! tJlalr. '

.:ar«ia: 2 'Chs3.-l>I>el3»,

, *tt J ' l I Raf ldeni JPordj

r^al pop»latJon e t t h i s s ta te ," «heil' May, secret-jary of state.

SH?llH-ns to snppor t hetter«i ihaa- a t any 'prevtems thn'e.-, It re?afi?ed.thftt all edneational . ptr agencies n-tnst he m$i$>

iCrelated, and,- tniore than- 'all It ,*h*y sntjst he. ^tcces^thi-e. to

I n many «bjthtiejs; w ^ t ^ ^ a ^ ss3l, most of the) schools a r e

ttQaated one roont variety. •usually located 4loh» . had

'hifch," dar ing , \h& . wiihiter» |e schools a r e usually i n ' s e s -ome so nearly impass ib le a s

it idiilc^ilt for jths chlldfe» • thest . . • . '

idlti M» <&«ses ^Uregular. a l ­and r sMct s thf ediieajiooal i-ties <p, the 'Child. 'Not onlj-j t oft* n impedes^fce ecohom-ijdati<>|i o£ ' ityese smaller

school^ljlnto larger , ' str-4^iSer graded ;KiTiools||™jlth. h igh ;s'choo| courses, -di* ee^.te4\Ify, a,-competent ijtrinci;i>ai and corps. -|i '#»a'chers. • . ' <x

•^n-nM^j^'r. o the r .hand, *L "OJI; li, in {jp-anties

iGamc Pioteclor^ W. 1-^uVello-n, attd*Jo«»ph Sofmiif.

had ar thh, had a ii exciting time! n ?ar Delva^b. I t ,had heenj reported t ? them t l ia t gome of tlfe 3jtahan ta-lofcn? on |rh^ highway ssiOfHing: brfds and an- mdeas onsA tur -Hes or othkr fowl belongmi: ^ Isomers taere . it was n«t < f pre the o n c e r s fc-4*' some It rffsfri Bjiroachin^ .Lrnied.|With gjan* and »n#^. , fy&xmis several iKiras and another a thrgey. Th^ oflice«;s aeo^led t h e Ifel-iftBb and aislced them if I they had l i -ptoses to tttent. The--It4liSt :Jiad- They were jas>k(S(f nto-tpean, hut ansteao, of doinjf «o t1

brought thjeir stuns np 1*intckly a n # J trained them on (the officers and or-

4«red then] to thrrow u p t h -sir h a n d < ^ | t e . cqmn^nd caine *o - m ickly tftft

;$$• c^c^di^is»<iijU'hB!»e t ime t o dr-Mtjt . j ^ h ^ ^ w e a j o n s ^ sgiA. thou jEhi t ' i t w»j» it^ise to co:»pTyv"!Keep_in¥'4i»#!|« teate |<i»6d t h e nli&n Jn^Ve* *a*f&r, t « t t i [warrants v e r e pjjoewred f rcm Jasftice i$ayers, of Dekalhl and the men were ,%eid under hail (for t h e ' g r a n d inrjf Jaow In session. fePhe contt actor fay whom they were [eiripWye-d furnishe-il the. necessary hall. | t

5IORSE WAS PI/AST l?od j ' '• ' ' 'A'bKTH AMEBiek lS BASK;

' 2Cew Yok-k, Sept. 24.—OtsjarleS W. MeS^e, former "Tee K3n-sr,,F yest-«rd»y suggested jat a meetinap of J! >tofckholdj-ers of the defunct Bank' of Kortp. America, tha t ia corporation, with capital stock e<)tual t o thaft of t h s hank, be fprmed td t ake ov ; r the r e ttialnin'r -iseeis and l a w s u t s froJit iJohn W', jiljclfinnpn, the shkreholdeni ' agent. Another sn-^gestion' w^as t h a t .^he assets he turned over j :o a trus|t com'pany- The= meetmjg: adioui'nead ti> the? call xj". the chain-nan.,

f.AXr Moir-se said h-e is prjepared t<* Onance such an under taking should^ (tends be (required. - The only claims outstanding against the bank a r e the t W H e i n z e

Claims,, ag gregatmg ahout $^50,000.

icy Jar

la r at] 'steteai se-hoal!

Schnltz and , I .jSfeco'nd; '^jnie_.callBd on a.cco«lnt off 'darlaiess, ' *, ' •. .

. , fntc pi^ational .i^s? jRie*" ".Tejsey Ci1\\ 4^ 'KewarX Z^. 'Boftalo ' , « H<jntt*eal.-vain.

' BMhn»pei

,: 3qjri BROKKI

hrpkers add |

4»t Release, O<st0her Mst| 3p«cd,ef

'Toronto, 25;; provlde-nf*?;,'%._

: which |JlaVe#nw^e-vedth:plr roads She ':SehQolli: are"easily re'Sich^'d, thle 'a*er-.. age/ al|ijftdance is greatd*, the kulclen-

iy -increased. $£4 e ^ n 0 * 1 ^ ation tpade possible. Regm-jhd*ance a t schoo^ means, con---,nd; re^nlar ..growth ^jf. hoth | ,dipttpil, ^nd C9psolid j,tS,on "of |

|sftitoo|H,|hifeans a p iaxi^uni , cf e p e l -|-enoy, a i ra ' '«unimum of cost." In is afco'

notewOTtlns' t h a t . the re t .is a marked .. •tende|3y- for the consoHdatetj: school | to heeoine .the sociat a^d intellectual

|r^e»te4'pf" the comnmnjtty/'T|he- cdn-I solidafeiid,school hecorpes sort '.of com-

-mnhit|rfc8.riter t o ^ h i c h a l l ediucation-' •al andf:facial acttvitaes leonveifge, and in ''OJwe. . that i t paay 'properly per -: for in | | |b ' ffunctSoh 'alii of -the high-wass.-|^a'iing to, it :sho.«.td he! so^ im-proveMap . to reader; it •readiily aeces-siMe.liir 'oushtJnt tiie ^ear.1

n'g; -only, to fckpensej thes f -day-s, . I t ' i s t:ievltahl«i'that ananjy entj •ploycs'shtort'119te lai-d oJf 'mx0 MsV picrkt . np|aifj|JJn^ > C ' . •• • , f

-Same- ^ - ' i l j .street" honses,. a w gl lag- (their-'' .^warr ied- e-nVplhyes • hoti*

.40 b e c a m e - w i i e c t ^ cin -• ©very 'eWqetf' ls|.hel-rjg:


i^nwlay H



2TJ 3^1







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