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Barth, K Protestant Theology in the Nineteenth Century,

translated Cozens and Bowden, London, SCM Press, 1972.

Bradley, F H Appearance and Reality; a metaphysical essay,

edited R Wollheim, Oxford, 1969.

Caird, J An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion,

Glasgow, 1880. "English Hegelianism and its Religion",

in The Church Quarterly Review, January 1884.

Carroll,L Through the Looking Glass,

Avenel Books.

Chapelle, A Hegel et la Religion,

Paris, Editions Universitaires, 1964.

Croce, B What is Living and What is Dead of the Philosophy of Hegel?,

translated Douglas Ainslie, London, Macmillan, 1915.


180 Bibliography

Derrida, J Writing and Difference,

translated Alan Bass, London, Routledge, 1978.

Fackenheim, E The Religious dimension in Hegel's Thought,

Chicago, 1967.

Fann, K (ed) Ludwig Wittgenstein,

Hassocks, Harvester Press, 1978.

Feuerbach, L Gesammelte Werke,

edited W. Schuffenhauer, Berlin, 1967.

Gilson, E God and Philosophy,

Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1941.

Green, T H Works,

edited R L Nettleship, London, 1885-8.

Habermas, J Erkenntnis und Interesse,

Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, 1977.

Harris, H S Hegel's Development,

three volumes, Oxford, 1972-.

"Religion as the Mythology of Reason", in Thought, 16, 1981, pp 300-315.

Hegel, G W F Gesammelte Werke,

herausgegeben im Auf trag der deutschen Forschungsgemein-

Bibliography 181

schaft, Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg, 1968. (abbreviated in footnotes to G W).

Werke, Frankfurt, Suhrkamp, 1970.

Samtliche Werke, edited Hermann Glockner, Stuttgart, Frommann-Holzboog, 1928-.

Briefe von und an Hegel, edited J Hoffmeister, Hamburg, 1952.

Early Theological Writings, translated T M Knox, edited R Kroner, Chicago, 1948.

Philosophy of Right, translated T M Knox, Oxford, 1952.

Encyclopaedia Logic, translated William Wallace, Oxford, 1975.

Science of Logic, in two volumes, translated W H Johnston and L G Struthers, London, George Allen and Unwin, 1929.

The Philosophy of Mind, translated William Wallace and A V Miller, Oxford, 1971. Philosophy of Nature, in three volumes, edited and translated by M J Petry, London, George Allen and Unwin, 1970.

Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, in three volumes, edited and translated Peter C Hodgson et al., Berkeley, University of California Press, 1984.

Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, in three volumes, translated E B Speirs and J B Sanderson, London, Kegan Paul, 1895.

Phenomenology of Spirit, translated A V Miller, Oxford, 1977.


Inwood, M J (ed) Hegel,

Oxford, 1985.

Jaeschke, W


Reason in Religion: The Foundations of Hegel's Philosophy of Religion,

Berkeley, University of California Press, 1990.

Die Religionsphilosophie Hegels, Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1983.

Jungel, E God as the Mystery of the World,

translated Darrell L Guder, Edinburgh, T and T Clark, 1983.

Kierkegaard, S Concluding Unscientific Postscript,

translated David F Swenson and Walter Lowrie, Princeton, 1944.

Journals and Papers, edited and translated Hand E Hong, Indiana University Press, 1970.

Philosophical Fragments, translated D. Swenson, Princeton University Press, 1974.

The Point of View for my Work as an Author, edited B Nelson, Harper and Row, 1962.

Kung, H Menschwerdung Golles: Eine Einfiihrung in Hegels Theologisches Denken als Prolegomena zn einer kilnftigen Christologie,

Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Okumenische Forschungen, 1970.

Lamb, D Hegel and Modern Philosophy,

London, Croom Helm, 1987.


Lauer, Q Essays in Hegelian Dialectic,

New York, Fordham University Press, 1977.

Hegel's Idea of Philosophy, New York, Fordham University Press, 1971.

Leonard, A La Foi chez Hegel,

Paris, Desciee, 1970.

Lessing, G E Siimtliche Werke,


edited Karl Lachmann and Franz Muncker, Berlin/New York 1979.

Lowith, K From Hegel to Nietzsche,

London, Constable, 1965.

Marx, K Early Texts,

translated and edited David McLellan, Oxford, Blackwell, 1971.

McTaggart, J Studies in Hegelian Cosmology,

Cambridge, 1901.

Meist, K "Der geschichtliche Zeitort der Freiheit", in Philosophisch -theologische Grenzfragen. Festschrift fur Richard Schaeffler,

Essen, 1986.

Oakeshott, M Experience and its Modes,

Cambridge, 1933.

184 Bibliography

Peperzak, A Le jeune Hegel et la vision morale du monde, The Hague, 1960.

Plato Dialogues,

translated B. Jowett, 4th edition revised, Oxford, 1964.

Rohrmoser, G Subjektivitiit und Verdinglichung,

Giitersloh, Gerd Mohn Verlag, 1961.

Rose, G Hegel Contra Sociology,

London, The Athlone Press, 1981.

Rosen, M Hegel's Dialectic and its Criticism,

Cambridge, 1982.

Rosenkranz, K Hegels Leben,

Berlin, 1844.

Sterret, J M Studies in Hegel's Philosophy of Religion,

New York, 1890.

Strauss, D The Life of Jesus,

edited P C Hodgson, London, SCM Press, 1973.

Der alte und der neue Glaube. Ein Bekenntnis, Bonn, 1904.

Theunissen, M Hegels Lehre vom absoluten Geist als theologisch - politischer Traktat,

Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 1970.

Bibliography 185

Troeltsch, E The Absoluteness of Christianity and the History of Religions,

translated David Reid, Virginia, 1971.

Gesammelte Schriften, Tubingen, 1913.

Weil, S Gravity and Grace,

London, Routledge, 1963.

Notebooks, London, Routledge, 1976.


Absolute Idea 1 Absolute Knowledge 1,47,81, 100,

113f, 135-136, 151, 156f Absolute Spirit 18--19, 31-32,90,

146, 153-160 Absolution 94f Absurd, category of 145 Anaximander 54 Aristotle 44 Aufhebung (Sublation)

of Christianity 40, 68 of religion 160, 113, 174

Austin, J.L. 3 Ayer, A.J. 3

Barth, K. 34, 82, 85f, 169 Beginning, problem of 152, 159 Being, concept of 128f Bhagavad Ghita 101 Bloch, E. 103 Blumenberg, R. 83 Bonhoeffer, D. 87 Bosanquet, B. 3 Bradley, F.R. 3 Bultmann, R. 86

Caird, J. 3 ChapeUe, A. 4 Christ

"absolute personality" of 9, 33-34

Divinity of 78 Passion of 42, 63

Christianity 74, 78, 105f, 130, 136 "Concept of Religion" and 17-25 consummate religion and 17-20

Comic, category of 141 Community (Gemeinde)

Christian 35, 67f, 116, 157 social 117f

Croce, B. 2, 34

Death of God 40-41 Deconstruction 143 Derrida, J. 142 Descartes, R. 172-173 Ding-an-sich 122 Divine Judgement 61, 64 Dionysus 92

Enligh tenmen t culture and 55 faith and 47 Islam and 102 secularisation and 40, 104

Ethical Life (Sittlichkeit) 50, 164 Eucharist 41 Existentialism 125

Fackenheim, E. 5, 34, 154, 158, 170 Feuerbach, L. 3, 82


188 Index

Fichte, J.G. 41 Freedom 67f Frege, G. 129

Gadamer, H.G. 86 Gandhi, M. 101, 106 Gans, E. 74 Gattungswesen, see Species Being Geist, see Spirit and Absolute Spirit Gemeinde, see Community Gilson, E. 172 God

as Absolute Spirit 31-32 account of in Hegel's Logic 122,

133 death of 40-41 and history 59f, 66, 95 knowledge of 87, 135-136, 144,

151,171-172,176 and religion 66 self - knowledge of 45

Green, T.H. 3

Hegel, G.W.F. Differenzschrift 76, 80 Encyclopaedia o/the Philosophical

Sciences 19-20 Faith and Knowledge 82, 84, 100 Fragment of a System 66 Frankfurt writings 39, 60, 63, 65f Jena writings 12, 30, 81 Life of Jesus, The 77 Phenomenology of Spirit, The 6,

12-13, 15, 17, 30, 49, 51, 53f, 62-63, 78-79, 89-111

Philosophy of History, The 32, 49f Philosophy of Religion, The 5, 14f,

30--31, 34--35 Philosophy of Right, The 50, 163n,

164n Philosophy of Spirit, The 31, 88,

156-160 Spirit of Christianity and Its Fate,

The 60, 66, 77 Hegelians

left and right wing 3 young 74

Habermas, J. 161 Harris, H. 6 Hartnack, J. 7 Heidegger, M. 85f, 142-143 Heine, H. 73 Heraclitus 122 Herder 43,50 Hermeneutics 85f HOIderlin, F. 39, 65 Historicism 10--11, 25, 43 History

end of 62 God in 59f, 66 reason in 52f of religion 9-17,46,54 of Spirit 11, 30

Imperialism 100f Incarnation 32f, 67, 80, 171 Irony 158

Jacobi, F. 84 Jaeschke, W. 4, 6 Jiingel, E. 85f

Kant, I. 43, 44, 50, 100, 122 Kierkegaard, S. 121-131, 143-144,

162, 174--175 Kimmerle, H. 4 Kiing, H. 4, 159

Lauer, Q. 5, 103 Leap, concept of 145 Legitimation, problem of 153, 160 Leibniz 44, 52, 54, 57, 172-173 Leonard, A. 4 Lessing, G.E. 23,47,84 Limit, concept of 139f, 162 Lowith, K. 6, 7, 40, 43, 73, 83 Love, concept of 58, 63 Lutheranism 74--75,87, 96, 104

Marx, K. 3, 100, 117f Mass, sacrament of 103 McTaggart, J.E. 3,76 Meist, K.R. 6 Metaphysics 143

Index 189

M0ller, P.M. 126 and philosophy 90, 153-160,

Nietzsche, F. 40

Oakeshott, M. 164n

Pannenberg, W. 86 Pascal, B. 173 Peperzak, A. 4 Pentecost 64 Philosophy

as presuppositionless knowledge 137, 151

religion and 90, 153-160, 169-171

revelation and 83 theology and 136, 169 as worship 151

Plato 143 Positivity 78f Praxis 65f Presuppositionless Knowledge 2,

137, 151

Reflection 124f, 145 Regnier, M. 5 Religion

absolute 9, 42, 59, 66, 94, 100, 103, 136

of art 99 of beauty 99 Buddhist 99 "Concept of' 14, 17f, 20--25, 59 consummate 14, 15, 17-20, 42, 59,

66 determinate 14 and God 66 Greek 16, 23, 93 Hindu 98 history of 9-17, 46, 54 Islamic 102f in Jena lectures 12 Jewish 91,97 of magic 99 manifest 104 natural 9lf, 98 in Phenomenology 12-13, 89f

169-171 Roman 16, 93, 97 and Spirit 23

Religious Experience 2, 173-175 Religious Pluralism 105f Representation (VorsteUung) 30, 45,

94, 103, 113 Revelation

Christian 23, 45 Hegel's philosophy and 83, 170--172 as witness of Spirit 77

Rohrmoser, G. 4 Rose, G. 161n Rosen, M. 156f, 172 Rosenkranz, K. 84 Ryle, G. 3

Schelling 42, 50, 65 Schleiermacher, F. 16, 60 Secularisation 83f, 104 Sittlichkeit, see Ethical Life Solomon, R.C. 156 Species Being (Gattungswesen) 117 Spinoza 39f, 43, 52, 58, 59f, 80,

172-173 Spirit (see also Absolute Spirit)

concept of 2, 154f history of 11 religion as mediation of 23 in Phenomenology 5lf

Sterret, J.M. 3 Strauss, D.F. 3, 98

The Life of Jesus 10 Sublation, see Aufhebung System

Hegel's thought as 137f, 151 logical versus existential 121

Theodicy 52,6Of Theology 3-4, 10--11, 83f, 136, 169

of Trinity 32, 88, 170 Theunissen, M. 4 Trendelenburg 129 Troeltsch, E. 9, 34

Unhappy Consciousness 93, 97f


and Islam 102 and sacrament of mass 103

Voltaire 40


Vorstellung, see Representation

Wei!, s. 143 Wittgenstein, L. 3, 142



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