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Bold-face numbers indicate pages of principal interest

Addition, 322, 349, 361 Aggradation, 307, 315, 361 Allevardite, 28 Allophane, 42, 47, 96, 299, 315, 340 Alumina-Aluminum, 22, 59, 118, 130, 272,

280, 334, 341, 366, 386 Alunite, 42, 152, 273 Amesite, 26 Ampelite, 38 Analcimolite, 175 Anauxite, 28 Antigorite, 4, 26, 336 Arenization, 92, 160 Argillite, 35, 186, 193, 199 Attapulgite, 18, 26, 172, 199, 257, 262, 305,


Batavite, 27 Bauxite-Bauxitization, 47, 69, 130, 147, 254,

273, 324, 331, 360 Beidellite, 11, 27, 308, 311, 338 Bentonite, 37, 45 Biorhexistasy, 77, 264, 274 Biotite, 6, 27, 89, 310, 383 Boehmite, 23, 118, 147, 254, 336 Bohnerz, 142, 149 Bowlingite, 27 Brammalite, 8, 27 Bravaisite, 8, 16, 30, 31, 217 Brucite, 350

Calcium, 50, 64, 119, 193, 199, 284, 332, 365, 385

Celadonite, 206 Chalcedony, 146, 283, 370 Chalk, 200, 263 Chamosite, 4, 13, 211 Chernozem, 111, 325 Chert, 55, 173, 199, 277, 289, 293, 326, 373 Chlorite, 12, 28, 44, 108, 211, 218, 257, 305,

311, 319, 327 Chlorite, swelling, 13, 211, 219, 257 Chloritization, 42, 103, 198, 210, 310, 323,

352, 361, 383 Chromocre, 27

Chrysotile, 5, 26 Claystone, 36 Climates, 80, 94, 100, 159, 164, 216, 245, 289,

371 Corrensite, 15, 28, 195, 219, 258, 318 Corundum, 23 Cristobalite, 201, 279, 285, 326, 370 Cronstedtite, 5, 26 Crust, lateritic, (see "cuirassement") Crystal growth, 209, 277, 296, 335, 353, 369 "Cuirassement", 70, 77, 114, 126, 146, 214,

274, 373

Damourite, 6, 27, 92 Degradation, 307, 309, 359 Deserts, 102, 154 Diagenesis, 82, 147, 182, 189, 197, 212, 234,

247,275,304,327,355,381 Diaspore, 23, 43, 152, 254 Dickite, 3, 26, 43, 147, 348 Dioctahedry, 4, 26 Disorder, 3, 15, 284, 301, 369 Dombassite, 26

Environment, confined, 123, 296, 331, 361 Environment of lessivage, 88, 96, 107, 121,

145, 330, 359 Eolian, 137 Estuaries, 139, 178, 316

Feldspars, 41, 62, 88, 92, 97, 120, 156, 323, 368, 384

Ferrallite (see Laterite) Fireclay, 4, 26, 254, 306 Flint (see Chert) Flysch, 187 Fuschite, 27

Garnierite, 5 Gels, 42, 55, 64, 277, 289, 341 Geochemical cycle, 68, 273, 355, 381, 384 Ghassoulite, 11 Gibbsite, 23, 118, 130, 146, 324, 343, 359 Glacial deposits - Freeze-Thaw, 85, 102, 136 Glauconie, 9, 27, 171, 199, 204, 263, 305


Glauconite, 9, 205, 326 Glimmerton, 8, 30, 217 Goethite, 22, 117, 126, 131, 151, 210, 350,

366 Greenalite, 5, 26 Greywacke, 187 Grovesite, 26

Halloysite, 3, 26, 43, 47, 146, 306, 325 Halmyrolysis, 48, 180, 310, 358 Hectorite, 12, 27, 44 Hematite, 22,117,156 Heritage, 32, 82, 100, 177, 185, 192, 198,

233, 275, 302, 356 Homeotypy, 4 Hydrobiotite, 15, 102, 309 Hydrodynamics, 71, 123, 335, 357 Hydrolysates, 49, 69 Hydrolysis, 62, 88, 98, 160, 330, 357 Hydromica, 8, 28, 126, 238, 246 Hydromuscovite, 8 Hydronium, 7 Hydrothermal, 40, 44 Hypersaline, 71, 173, 215, 257, 317, 363

IIJite, 7, 27, 108, 164, 170, 208, 239, 305, 325

Inheritance (see Heritage) Ionic potential, 49, 69 Ionic radii, 51, 69 Ionization potential, 66 Iron, 22, 50, 69, 87, 109, 126, 205, 213, 3ll,

338, 366, 385 lsomorphy, 4 Isotopes, 3 7 5 Isotypy, 4 Isovolume, 118, 130, 214

Jefferisite, 27 J enkinsite, 26

Kaolin, 41 Kaolinite, 2, 26, 41, 145, 239, 304, 325, 336,

344 Kaolinization, 41, 98, 166, 246, 254, 324,

341, 344, 352

Lakes, 146, 169, 281 Landscapes, 202, 291, 370 Lass ali te, 20 Laterite-Lateritization, 71, 112, 126, 143, 157,

201, 213, 254, 272, 340, 359, 372 Lateritic crusts (see "cuirassement") Ledikite, 27 Lepidocrocite, 22 Lepidomelane, 27

Leptochlorites, 28, 211 Lessivage (see Environment of lessivage) Leverrierite, 166, 205 Limonite, 22 Livesite, 4 Loess-Lehm, 137 Lutite, 34

Maghemite, 22 Magnesium, 44, 50, 61, 119, 196, 271, 284

318, 332, 344, 365, 385 "Marne", 36, 171, 193, 199 Mellorite, 4 "Meuliere", 172, 199, 289 Micas, 5, 27, 43, 89, 311, 383 Minnesotaite, 27 Mixed-layer minerals, 15, 42, 101, 139, 189,

218, 304, 310 Molasse, 187 Montmorillonite, 10, 27, 45, 108, 124, 199,

263,305,324,336 Mudstone, 36 Muscovite, 5, 9, 89, 219, 310, 383

Nacrite, 3, 26, 43, 348 Neoformation, 32, 82, 100, 177, 201, 210,

233, 276, 323, 356 Nepouite, 5 Nontronite, 11, 27, 44, 338 Noumeite, 5, 26

Oil, 240, 251 Oligiste (see Hematite) Oolithe, 71, 151, 210, 264 Opal, 44, 58, 279, 285 Orthoantigorite, 26 Orthoserpentine, 5 Oxidates, 69 Oxidation-reduction, 87, 208, 211, 333 Oxonium, 8

Palygorskites, 18, 44, 172 Paragonite, 6, 27, 383 Pelite, 34, 37 pH, 56, 62, 88, 331, 335 Phengite, 6 Phlogopite, 6, 27, 90 Phosphates, 199, 208, 263, 375 Phyllite, 36 Piedmont, 140, 149, 160, 237 Pilolite, 20, 29 Pinite, 6 Pisolite, 142 Podzol, 105, 141 Polytypy, 9 Potash-bearing clay, 8


Potassium, 50, 89, 102, 179, 215, 284, 312, 318, 332, 363, 385

Psammite, 34 Pseudochlorites, 211, 338 Pyrophyllite, 6, 27, 43, 139, 219, 310, 329

Quartz, 42, 69, 89, 108, 113. 156, 186, 236, 277, 369

Quartzification, 237, 246, 288, 297

Rectorite, 15, 44 Regur, 111 Rendzina, 103 Rivers, 139, 178, 316

Sandstone, 37, 69, 154, 186, 235, 289 Sandstones, red, 154 Saponite, 11, 27, 44, 336 Sauconite, 27, 44, 338 Schist, 36, 381 Sepiolite, 18, 26, 172, 199, 219, 257, 262,

305, 329, 344 Sequence, series, 68, 73,203,235,271 Sericite, 5, 27, 92, 312, 383 Sericite-like mineral, 8, 30, 217 Sericitization-Illitization, 41, 92, 103, 137,

162,239,309,323,352,360,383 Serpentine, 4, 26, 44, 114, 219 Shale, 36, 186 Siderolithique, 142, 157, 215, 264. Silica-Silicon, 55, 277, 334, 367, 386 Silicification, 55, 146, 158, 246, 274, 277,


Silt, 37, 239 Slate, 35 Sodium, 50, 63, 175, 215, 284, 332, 363, 385 Soil, brown, 1 04 Soil, calcimorphic, 111, 325, 361 Soil, ferruginous, 109, 157 Soil, tropical black, 111, 325 Stevensite, 11, 27, 339, 344 Subtraction, 322, 349, 359 Synthesis, 336

Talc, 6, 27, 44, 218, 329 Temperature, 42, 85, 88, 347, 357 Terra rossa, 110 Texture, 38 Tirs, 111, 325 Tonstein, 166, 325 Trace elements, 214, 247, 319, 375, 380 Transformation, 33, 43, 82, 101, 108, 174,

184, 233, 256, 275, 306, 356 Tridymite, 279, 285 Trioctahedry, 4, 26 Tropics, 76, 122, 143, 154, 273

Underclay, 163, 254

Vermiculite, 13, 24, 27, 43, 101, 105, 140, 308

Volcanism, 45, 168, 176, 181, 370

Weathering, 81, 85, 95, 114, 133, 303, 309, 322, 355, 370

Wolchonskoite, 27

top related