biblical timeline (rev 1)

Post on 12-Nov-2014






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Bible Time Line4000 B.C. – 70 AD.



Bible Time Line 4000 B.C. – 70 AD.

B.C. Antediluvian Age

Creation: Six days

4000 BC 1st day: Sunday - Earth / Night / Day In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void; darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of Elohim was hovering over the face of the waters. Then Elohim said, "Let there be light," and there was light; Elohim divided the light from the darkness.


Elohim called the light day, and the darkness He called night. [Gen_1:1-5] The sun, moon, and stars were not created until the 4th day.

2nd Day: Monday - Heaven Elohim said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters." Thus Elohim made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; Elohim called the firmament Heaven. [Gen_1:6-8] firmament = The vault or expanse of the heavens; the sky. YHVH Elohim has not caused it to rain on the earth, but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground. Before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown, and there was no man to till the ground. [Gen_2:4-6]

3rd Day: Tuesday - Continents / Oceans / Grass / Herbs / Trees Elohim said, "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear;" and Elohim called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called seas. Then Elohim said, "Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself." [Gen_1:9-13]

4th Day: Wednesday - Sun / Moon / Stars Elohim said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth;" then Elohim made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. Elohim set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day, the night, and to divide the light from darkness. [Gen_1:14-19] Since the earth was in existence on the 1st day, although without form and void... It appears that the earth was created before the sun, moon, stars and other planets... so much for the "big bang theory."

5th Day: Thursday - Great Sea Creatures / Fish / Birds Elohim said, "Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens." So Elohim created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And Elohim blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let the birds multiply on the earth." [Gen_1:20-23]


6th Day: Friday - Animals / Reptiles / Insects / Man Elohim said, "Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind." [Gen_1:24-25] Then Elohim said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, over the cattle, all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." So Elohim created man in His own image; in the image of Elohim He created him. And YHVH Elohim formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. YHVH Elohim said, "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make a helper comparable to him.... And YHVH Elohim caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in it's place. Then the rib which YHVH Elohim had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said: 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.' " [Gen_2:7, Gen_2:18, Gen_2:21-24] The Bible states that Elohim made Man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into him! Man was the last to be created... the animals, reptiles, birds, sea creatures were here already... so we lived together with them... all of them... including dinosaurs. The Evolution theory, spouted as fact in our schools and the media, states that millions of years ago ocean slime evolved into a fish that eventually crawled ashore then further evolved into a land animal, ie., a monkey, which in turn slowly evolved into a human being. ~ The Biblical Creation and the Evolution theory are diametrically opposed... they can not both be true! YHVH Elohim planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed. And out of the ground YHVH Elohim made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.... And YHVH Elohim commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden you Iyyar freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not ear, for in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die." Elohim said, "See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be food. Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food; and it was so." [Gen_1:29-30] Man, animals, birds were not originally carnivores. Only after the Flood did man and animals begin to eat meat. [Gen_9:1-3]


7th Day: Saturday - Elohim Rests - The Sabbath Day On the 7th day Elohim ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the 7th day. Then Elohim blessed the 7th day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which Elohim had created and made. [Gen_2:1-3] created = out of nothing; made = from something already existing.

3999 BC The Temptation / The Fall / Expulsion from Garden Elohim told Adam he could freely eat of every tree in the garden except the tree in the middle... the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Elohim didn't say he couldn't touch it... He said don't eat it or you will surely die. Evidently, when Adam relayed this command to Eve, she either didn't understand or didn't trust Elohim's word and was therefore tempted to sin by the serpent/dragon/Satan who told her she wouldn't die but would be like Elohim. Adam however, standing right next to her, was not tempted, he just took the forbidden fruit Eve offered and ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened and they knew they were naked. They sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings (Man's attempt to save himself). Both she and Adam disobeyed Elohim, blamed someone else for it, and died spiritually immediately. Elohim made tunics of skin and covered them (Elohim's provision for salvation). They were then driven out of the garden of Eden. [Gen_3:1-24] First Satan twisted Elohim's words, then outright lied to her... telling her that she would not die, that Elohim didn't want her to know that she would become a Elohim herself. He is still using the same tactics today... and people are still falling for it. Eve blamed the serpent and Adam blamed Elohim. If they had only confessed their sin and ask forgiveness they would have been forgiven. This is the first animal sacrifice for sin... the first reference to the blood of Messiah for salvation. It is also interesting to note that they "sewed" the fig leaves together so they must have invented needles and thread to do it with. [Gen_3:7; Heb_9:22]

3979 BC The First Murder Two sons were born to Adam and Eve: Cain and Abel. Cain was firstborn. Both were evidently taught what Elohim said... nothing man can do will earn his salvation, only the shed blood of an "innocent substitute" will do. When they were grown, Abel brought the blood sacrifice (a lamb) that Elohim required and was accepted. Cain, on the other hand, either doubted or outright


rejected Elohim's Word, as he brought "of the fruit of the ground" and was promptly rejected by Elohim, "If you do what is right will you not be accepted?" Rather than do as Elohim commanded, Cain became furious with jealousy and killed his brother. Cain was given a "mark" so that no one would kill him. He did not repent even after Elohim spoke to him, but went out from the presence of Elohim to the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. [Gen_4:1-16] The ground had been cursed by Elohim because of Adam and Eve's sin. So, when Cain brought the fruit of the ground as an offering, he was rejected by Elohim. Cain killed Abel because his works were evil and Abel's righteous [1Jn_3:12]. Since only a male, the head of the household, is allowed to offer a sacrifice... Abel must have been full grown, at least 20 years old (age of a warrior), when he began to sacrifice. If not, Adam would have made the sacrifice for his entire family. Abel might have even been married... Cain was. It is also interesting that Abel, and Adam, had to have fire in order to perform the sacrifice Elohim wanted. [Num_1:1-3] Cain and his wife had a son and named him Enoch. Cain built the first known city and named it after his son. [Gen_4:16-17] Adam and Eve had many children and since they were the only people on earth, Cain's wife was one of his sisters. Cain built the first city and named it after his firstborn son, Enoch. It was built east of Eden in the land of Nod. Nod was probably in Asia, Iyyarbe China. It is believed that Eden is buried under the waters of the Persian Gulf.

3870 BC In the day that Elohim created man, He made him in the likeness of Elohim. He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created. [Gen_5:1-2] Seth was born to Adam at the age of 130. Eve said, "Elohim has appointed me another seed instead of Abel whom Cain killed." Adam begot Seth in his own likeness, after his own image. After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 more years and had other sons and daughters. [Gen_4:26;Gen_5:3-4] Adam was created in the image of Elohim. Seth, as well as the rest of us, was born in Adam's image, the image of fallen man... in need of redemption. Adam 130


3765 BC Enosh was born to Seth at the age of 105. Men began to call on the name of YHVH after Enosh was born. [Gen_5:6] Adam 235 / Seth 105

3675 BC Cainaan was born to Enosh at the age of 90. [Gen_5:9] Adam 325 / Seth 195 / Enosh 90

3605 BC Mahalaleel was born to Cainaan at the age of 70. [Gen_5:12] Adam 395 / Seth 265 / Enosh 160 / Cainaan 70

3540 BC Jared was born to Mahalaleel at the age of 65. [Gen_5:15] Adam 460 / Seth 330 / Enosh 225 / Cainaan 135 / Mahalaleel 65

3378 BC Enoch was born to Jared at the age of 162. [Gen_5:18] Adam 622 / Seth 492 / Enosh 387 / Cainaan 297 / Mahalaleel 227 / Jared 162

3313 BC Methuselah was born to Enoch at the age of 65. [Gen_5:21] Methuselah is the 8th generation from Adam through Seth. Lamech is the 8th generation from Adam through Cain. Lamech's sons Jabal, Jubal (mother Ada), and Tubal-Cain and his daughter Naamah (mother Zillah) were born to him through his two wives. Jabal was the father of all those who dwell in tents and have livestock. Jubal was the father of all those who play the harp and flute. Tubal-Cain an instructor of every craftsman in bronze and iron. The use of iron followed bronze. This is the first reference to a man having two wives. Lamech states, "Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; O wives of Lamech, listen to my speech! For I have killed a man for wounding me, even a young man for hurting me. If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, then Lamech seventy-sevenfold."... It appears that Lamech has killed 11 men. This side of the family did not know or understand Elohim or His word. Each generation was more-than-likely told the story of Creation, the Fall, and the murder of Abel, from Cain's perspective. [Gen_4:19-24] Adam 687 / Seth 557 / Enosh 452 / Cainaan 362 / Mahalaleel 292 / Jared 227 / Enoch 65


3126 BC Lamech was born to Methuselah at the age of 187. [Gen_5:25] Adam 874 / Seth 744 / Enosh 639 / Cainaan 549 / Mahalaleel 479 / Jared 414 / Enoch 252 / Methuselah 187

3070 BC Adam died at the age of 930. [Gen_5:5] Adam died spiritually at the Fall and now he dies physically. Nothing is said about the death of Eve. The people of the antediluvian age had knowledge of Elohim, His word to man, the Fall and the consequences of it, directly from Adam for 930 years. Methuselah had heard Elohim's word directly from Adam for 243 years, and his son Lamech (Noah's father) for 56 years. Seth 800 / Enosh 695 / Cainaan 605 / Mahalaleel 535 /Jared 470 / Enoch 308 / Methuselah 243 / Lamech 56

3013 BC Enoch was translated by Elohim at the age of 365. As a prophet of Elohim, Enoch said, "Behold, YHVH comes with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are unElohimly among them of all their unElohimly deeds which they committed in an unElohimly way, and of all the harsh things which unElohimly sinners have spoken against Him." [Gen_5:23-24; Jud_1:14-15] "translated by Elohim" = raptured = taken alive to heaven. This is a prophecy of the end times and the 2nd coming of Messiah - see also [Rev_11:1-16]. Seth 857 / Enosh 752 / Cainaan 662 / Mahalaleel 592 / Jared 527 / Methuselah 300 / Lamech

2958 BC Seth died at the age of 912. [Gen_5:8] Enosh 807 / Cainaan 717 / Mahalaleel 647 / Jared 582 / Methuselah 355 / Lamech 168

2944 BC Noah was born to Lamech at the age of 182. [Gen_5:28] Lamech said, "This one will comfort us concerning our work and the toil of our hands, because of the ground that YHVH cursed." [Gen_5:5-9] After the Fall, planting and growing food had became more difficult because of thorns and thistles... weeds. After the Flood Noah and his family (and animals) were allowed to eat meat... which would make it easier to feed themselves. Noah would have learned about Elohim and the Fall from his grandfather Methuselah who had learned directly from Adam. Enosh 821 / Cainaan 731 / Mahalaleel 661 / Jared 596 / Methuselah 369 / Lamech 182


2860 BC Enosh died at the age of 905. [Gen_5:11] Cainaan 815 / Mahalaleel 745 / Jared 680 / Methuselah 453 / Lamech 266 / Noah 84

2765 BC Cainaan died at the age of 910. [Gen_5:14] Mahalaleel 840 / Jared 775 / Methuselah 548 / Lamech 361 / Noah 179

2710 BC Mahalaleel died at the age of 895. [Gen_5:17] Jared 830 / Methuselah 603 / Lamech 416 / Noah 234

2578 BC Jared died at the age of 962. [Gen_5:20] Methuselah 735 / Lamech 548 / Noah 366

2464 BC Sons of Elohim & the daughters of Men When men began to multiply on the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of Elohim saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. YHVH said, "My Spirit will not always strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days will be 120 years. There were giants on the earth in those days and also afterward, when the sons of Elohim came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were old, men of renown. Then YHVH saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." [Gen_6:2-5] "sons of Elohim" = angels. Gen 18:2-8, and Heb 13:1, tell us of three angels who materialized and appeared to Abraham, and while visiting with him partook of the meal which he provided. If a materialized angel can eat, there is no reason to suppose that other functions of the body would be impossible. The only human son of Elohim in this pre-Flood age was Adam, "he is a type of Him who was to come" [Rom_5:14-18]. This is the first reference of angels appearing to humans in human form. Even so, it seems logical the people knew they were angels and still they corrupted themselves... which is probably the reason Elohim declared them evil.


In procreating with angels, a race of giants was born that persisted even after the Flood. In these days there were probably no official wedding ceremonies. The act of procreation created the marriage in the sight of Elohim... as it still does today.

Noah Commanded to Build Ark The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Make yourself an ark of gopherwood; make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and outside with pitch. This is how you shall make it: The length shall be 300 cubits, its width 50 cubits, its height 30 cubits. You shall make a window, and you shall finish it to a cubit from above; and set the door in its side. You shall make it with lower, 2nd and 3rd decks. And behold, I Myself am bringing the flood of waters on the earth, to destroy from under heaven all flesh in which is the breath of life; and everything that is on the earth shall die. But I will establish My covenant with you; and you shall go into the ark - you and your sons, your wife, and your son's wives with you. And of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female. Of the birds after their kind, of animals after their kind, and of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind, two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive. And you shall take for yourself of all food that is eaten, and you shall gather it to yourself; and it shall be food for you and for them. [Gen_6:17-22] The ark was 450 ft L x 75 ft W x 45 ft H, the window was 18 inches below the roof. --- Noah has 120 years to build the ark before the Flood comes. It was in progress about 23 years when his sons were born. It is interesting to note that Noah didn't have to go fetch each pair of animals and birds... they came to him [Gen_6:20; Gen_7:19-21]. Methuselah 849 / Lamech / Noah 480

2442 BC Japheth was born to Noah at the age of 502. [Gen_5:32] Japheth was Noah's first born. Methuselah 869 / Lamech 682 / Noah 502

2441 BC Shem was born to Noah at the age of 503. [Gen_5:32] Since Shem's son Arphaxad was born in 2341 BC (2 years after the Flood at age 100), it stands to reason that Shem was born in 2441 BC. [Gen_11:10] Methuselah 872 / Lamech 685 / Noah 502 / Japheth 1


2440 BC Ham was born to Noah at the age of 504. [Gen_5:32] Ham was Noah's youngest son. Methuselah 873 / Lamech 686 / Noah 504 / Japheth 2 / Shem 1

2349 BC Lamech died at the age of 777. [Gen_5:31] Assur-banipal, king of Babylon (c. 1364-1368 BC), recorded that he "loved to read the writings of the age before the Flood." He referred to "inscriptions of the time before the Flood.".... Each person had their own seal. Seals were carved by delicate saws or drills on small pieces of stone or metal. In use they were impressed on clay tablets, while the clay was yet soft. The people of the antediluvian age were not ignorant cavemen, their seals and writings have been found under the Flood layer in Ur (modern Kuwait) ie., the "Temptation Seal" was found near Babylon, portraying in pictures exactly what Genesis says in words. It shows a tree, on the left side a man, the right side a woman plucking fruit, and behind her a serpent. Source: Halley's Bible Handbook, by H.H.Halley; Zondervan Publishing Co.; Copyright 1965; p. 44 Methuselah 964 / Noah 595 / Japheth 93 / Shem 92 / Ham 91

The Flood

2344 BC Methuselah died at the age of 969. [Gen_5:26] George Smith, of the British Museum, found in 1872, the tablets from the Library of King Assur-banipal at Nineveh, accounts of the Flood curiously parallel to the Bible account, which had been copied from tablets dating back to the First Dynasty of Ur, a period about midway between the Flood and Abraham... In these tablets these expressions repeatedly appear -- 'The Flood,' 'the age before the Flood,' 'inscriptions of the time before the Flood.' Source: Halley's Bible Handbook, by H.H.Halley; Zondervan Publishing Co.; Copyright 1965; pp. 76; 328 Yeshua said, "For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not understand until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be." [Mat_24:38-39] You gotta know Noah and his family pleaded with all who would listen that Elohim was going to send a world wide flood to destroy all people on earth ... and you know they didn't listen. They must have been tickled silly laughing at the old man and his kids building a huge boat in the middle of the desert. Today, Yeshua is our Ark... and they're still not listening.


17 Iyyar 2344 BC In the 600th year of Noah's life, in the 2nd month, the 17th day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. On the very same day Noah, Noah's sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth, Noah's wife and his sons three wives with them, entered the ark with two of every animal and bird. Elohim shut the door of the ark, and the Flood began. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. The waters increased and lifted up the ark, and it rose high above the earth. The waters prevailed and greatly increased on the earth, and the ark moved about on the surface of the waters. And the waters prevailed exceedingly on the earth, and all the high hills under the whole heaven were covered. The waters prevailed 15 cubits upward, and the mountains were covered. And all flesh died that moved on the earth: birds and cattle and beasts and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth and every man.... Only Noah and those with him in the ark remained alive. [Gen 7:11-23] 15 cubits = 22.5 ft. It's curious that nothing is said about the dinosaurs that lived at the same time as the pre-flood generation... Iyyarbe they're just included with the other animals. Dinosaur footprints along side human footprints have been discovered in a Texas riverbed... a fact which the Evolutionist seem to ignore. Also, nothing is said about any of the animals being full grown when they entered the ark... they could have been babies, or eggs, and therefore much smaller. The dimensions of the Ark allow for it's volume to equal that of 569 railroad box cars. 2344 BC marks the end of the Antediluvian age, it lasted 1,656 years. These people were not stupid cave men. They built ships; ruled cities; farmed the land; tended herds; and created music. They had fire; ate; walked; talked; married; danced and sang. They created extravagant gold, silver and lapis lazuli jewelry; bowls of alabaster, objects of art; and weapons. They had language and writing. From Adam to Noah each person had many children, who in turn had many children. This was a huge population that disappeared. Is it possible that the Pre-Flood Age represents Atlantis referred to by Plato... that "sank beneath the sea" 10,000 years before his time? You never know. Noah 600 / Japheth 98 / Shem 97 / Ham 96

27 Sivan 2344 BC Elohim remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the animals that were with him in the ark. And Elohim made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters subsided. The fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven were also stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained. [Gen_8:1-3] Three things were let loose creating this flood... (1) fountains of the great deep (2) windows of heaven, and (3) 40 days and night of torrential rain. (17 Iyyar plus 40 days/40 nights = 27 Sivan 2344)


17 Tishri 2344 BC The waters prevailed on the earth for 150 days then began to decrease. In the 7th month, on the 17th day of the month, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. [Gen_7:24; Gen_8:4] It has been 5 months since the flood began - 17 Iyyar plus 150 days = 17 Tishri 2344 (150 ÷ 30 days = 5 months) -- Mount Ararat is in Eastern Turkey (Old Armenia). "There are two main mountains. Great Ararat has an altitude of 16,946 feet (5,169 m) above sea level; 7 miles (11 km) southeast, Little Ararat is 12,877 feet (3,928 m) above sea level. Both are symmetrical, cone-shaped volcanoes composed of alternating layers of lava and ash. Because of the lack of water, the area is relatively barren and uninhabited. From medieval accounts, the Ararat region was a beautiful, forest-clad mountain with many human settlements and abundant wildlife; however, deforestation, overgrazing, and a destructive earthquake in 1840 have severely impacted the area." Source: -

1 Tevet 2344 BC The waters decreased continually until the 10th month. In the 10th month, on the 1st day of the month, the tops of the mountains were seen. [Gen_8:5] Noah and his family have been on the ark for 8 months and 14 days. The tops of Mt Ararat were seen. Actually there are two mountains... Great Ararat and Little Ararat.

11 Sheval 2344 BC At the end of the 40 days, Noah opened the window and sent out a raven which kept going to and fro until the waters had dried up from the earth, He also sent out a dove, to see if the waters had abated from the face of the ground. But the dove found no resting place for the sole of her foot, and she returned into the ark to him, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth. [Gen_7:1-11] It is now 9 months and 10 days since the flood began -- The Bible clearly states that the Flood covered the whole earth, it was not just a local flood as some believe.

18 Sheval 2344 BC At the end of 7 more days, Noah sent out the dove again, and it returned in the evening with a freshly picked olive leaf in her mouth; and Noah knew that the waters had abated from the earth. [Gen_8:10] It is now 9 months and 17 days since the flood began


25 Sheval 2344 BC After another 7 days, Noah sent out the dove, and it didn't return. [Gen_8:12] It is now 9 months and 24 days since the flood began.

1 Nissan 2343 BC And it came to pass in the 601st year of Noah's life, in the 1st month, the 1st day of the month, that the waters were dried up from the earth and Noah removed the covering of the ark and looked, and indeed the surface of the ground was dry. [Gen_8:13] The flood is finally over for Noah and his family after 11 months and 14 days. Actually we have no idea on what date a new year began in the antediluvian age. However, in Exo_12:2... Elohim made it law that Nissan would be the 1st month of the Jewish year, so this is the date I have used for all calculations here... accurately or inaccurately assuming it is the date He prefers for this time in history as well. Noah 601 / Japheth 99 / Shem 98 / Ham 97

Archaeological Significance of the Flood Creation scientists believe the great coal deposits of the world are the transported and metamorphosed remains of the extensive vegetation of the antediluvian world. This catastrophic interpretation is further supported by the presence of polystrate fossils in coal beds which indicate rapid formation. Also, the type of plants involved and the texture of these deposits testify of turbulent waters, not a stagnant swamp. ... human skeletons and artifacts, such as intricately structured gold chains, have been found in coal deposits. In Genesis 4 we learn that metal-working was already highly developed; Tubalcain was an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron. Source: - Source: - (Noah's Ark)

Post-Flood Age

Noahic Covenant

27 Iyyar 2343 BC In the 2nd month, on the 27th day of the month, the earth was dry. Elohim told Noah to leave the ark. Noah built an altar to YHVH, and took of every clean animal and every clean bird, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And YHVH smelled the soothing aroma.


YHVH said in His heart, "I will never again curse the ground for man's sake, although the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; nor will I again destroy every living thing as I have done. While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease." Elohim blessed Noah and his sons, and told them to be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth. "It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between Elohim and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth." And Elohim said to Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth." [Gen_8:1-17] "The fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth, on every bird of the air, on all that moves on the earth, and on all the fish of the sea. They are given into your hand. Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs. But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood." [Gen_9:3] Man is told he can now eat meat. "Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning; from the hand of every beast I will require it, and from the hand of man. From the hand of every man's brother I will require the life of man. Whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed. For in the image of Elohim He made man." [Gen_9:5-6] This is a clear reference allowing the death penalty for 1st degree murder. Elohim promised never again to destroy the earth with a flood. The rainbow is His sign to us of this covenant with Noah and his descendants. "While the earth remains, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night shall not cease." Noah 601 / Shem 98/ Ham 97 / Japheth 96

2341 BC Arphaxad was born to Shem at the age of 100, two years after the Flood. [Gen 11:10] Nothing more is said of Ham or Japheth. Noah 603 / Japheth 101 / Shem 100 / Ham 99

2306 BC Salah was born to Arphaxad at the age of 35. [Gen_11:12] The ages of these people, when their 1st child is born, are much lower now. Noah 638 / Shem 135


2276 BC Eber was born to Salah at the age of 30. [Gen_11:14] Noah 668 / Shem 165 / Arphaxad 65 / Salah 30

2242 BC Peleg was born to Eber at the age of 34. The earth was divided in his day. [Gen_11:16; 1Ch_1:19] It is now 101 years after the Flood. The Bible says the earth was divided... not language confused or people scattered... this is possibly when the seven continents were created. Peleg had a brother named Joktan. [Gen_10:25] Noah 702 / Shem 199 / Arphaxad 99 / Salah 64 / Eber 34 Nimrod born to Cush. [Gen_10:6-8] And the sons of Cush; Seba, and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah, and Sabtecha: and the sons of Raamah; Sheba, and Dedan. And Cush begot Nimrod:he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before YHVH: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before YHVH. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. [Gen_10:7-10] There is no mention in the Bible as to when Cush was born, or the age of Cush when Nimrod was born. It is possible that Cush was born to Ham shortly after the Flood. Nimrod was probably Cush's last son. Nimrod and his people began building the Tower of Babel (the Ziggurant) in Babylon. Worshiped in these cities were 4 main Elohims, (1) heaven-Elohim, An, (2) air-Elohim, Enlil, (3) water-Elohim, Enki, and (4) great mother Elohimdess, Ninhursag. In addition to these there were 3 important astral Elohims, (1) moon-Elohim, Nanna (also called Sin), (2) the sun Elohim, Utu, and (3) Inanna, Queen of Heaven, known to the Semites as Ishtar (from whom comes our word Easter), and her son Drumuzi (Tammuz). Elohim said, "Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them." He then confused their language and scattered them all over the face of the earth [Gen_11:1-9]. It is curious that in the late 20th century we are again attempting to build our tower of Babel in the guise of the New World Order... global unity. Nebuchadnezzar's Inscription Source: The Sumarians: Their History, Culture, and Character; by Samuel Noah Kramer; The University of Chicago Press; copyright 1963; pp. 44-45; 118 "... One of the grandsons of Noah is Cush and he was plotting a one-world government and building a tower to heaven in rebellion to Elohim. And he is married to the most beautiful woman in the world or so the legend goes. Her name is Semiramis and she is the original mother of all the fertility Elohimdesses, she is Isis, Diana, Artemis and all of the other Elohimdesses throughout history they all are this woman Semiramis. Cush and Semiramis had a son. And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.


He was a mighty hunter before YHVH: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before YHVH. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar". Source: Noah 702 / Shem 199 / Arphaxad 99

2212 BC Reu was born to Peleg at the age of 30. [Gen_11:20] Noah 732 / Shem 229 / Arphaxad 129 / Salah 94 / Eber 64 / Peleg 30

2200 BC Oetzi was an early Italian hunter, 25-40 years old. He livied about 35 miles from the border of the Austrian/Italian Alps. He wore three layers of garments made from goat, deerskin and bark fiber. He had well-made shoes and a bearskin hat. He also wore goatskin leggings and a grass cape. Oetzi is the name given to him by researchers after his mummified body emerged from a melting glacier 10,000 feet up in the Italian Alps by two mountain hikers. On the day of his death, he had eaten Ibex (goat), bread and plants, and just before he died he had venison. Oetzi was either killed in battle or murdered as he had a flint arrowhead in his left shoulder area, and deep cuts on his right hand, wrist and ribs. The wounds suggests Oetzi Iyyar have been engaged in hand-to-hand combat very shortly before he died. The injury to the back of the shoulder has led some researchers believe that Oetzi was shot as he fled the confrontation. He was still wearing goatskin leggings and a grass cape. His copper-headed axe and a quiver full of arrows were lying nearby. Noah 744 / Shem 241 / Arphaxad 141 / Salah 106 / Eber 76 / Peleg 42

2180 BC Serug was born to Reu at the age of 32. [Gen_11:20] Noah 764 / Shem 261 / Arphaxad 161 / Salah 126 / Eber 96 / Peleg 62 / Reu 12

2150 BC Nahor I, was born to Serug at the age of 30. [Gen_11:22] Noah 794 / Shem 291 / Arphaxad 191 / Salah 156 / Eber 126 / Peleg 92 / Reu 62

2121 BC Terah was born to Nahor I, at the age of 29. [Gen_11:24] Terah lived in the city of Ur, in the land of Shinar (near modern Kuwait). He worshiped the moon-Elohim Nanna (also called Sin) [Jos_24:2]. Noah 823 / Shem 320 / Arphaxad 220 / Salah 185 / Eber 155 / Peleg 121 / Reu 91 / Serug 59 / Nahor I 29


2051 BC Haran was born to Terah at the age of 70, in Ur. [Gen_11:26] Haran was undoubtedly raised by his father to worship the mood Elohim Sin. He had three children: Lot, Milcah, and Iscah. He died in Ur. Noah 893 / Shem 390 / Arphaxad 290 / Salah 255 / Eber 225 / Peleg 191 / Reu 161 / Serug 129 / Nahor I, 99 / Terah 70

2003 BC Peleg died at the age of 239. [Gen_11:19] Noah 941 / Shem 438 / Arphaxad 338 / Salah 303 / Eber 273 / Reu 209 / Serug 177 / Nahor I, 147 / Terah 118

2002 BC Nahor I, died at the age of 148. [Gen_11:25] Noah 942 / Shem 439 / Arphaxad 339 / Salah 304 / Eber 274 / Reu 210 / Serug 178 / Terah 119

1994 BC Noah died at the age of 950. [Gen_9:29] He was born 600 years before the Flood, and lived 350 years after the Flood. Through Adam, Methuselah, Noah, and Shem... men before and after the Flood had the word of Elohim. Shem 447 / Arphaxad 347 / Salah 312 / Eber 282 / Reu 218 / Serug 186 / Terah 127

1991 BC The Birth of Abraham Abram was born to Terah at the age of 130. [Gen_11:32; Gen_12:4; Act_7:4] Terah was born in 2121, he died at age 205 in 1916 BC. Abram was 75 years old when he left Haran shortly after Terah died. {205 - 75 = 130. Therefore 2121 - 130 = 1991 = Abram born}. Shem 450 / Arphaxad 350 / Salah 315 / Eber 285 / Reu 221 / Serug 189 / Terah 130

1981 BC Sarai was born to Terah and his 2nd wife (or concubine), at the age of 140. [Gen_17:17; Gen_20:12] Sarai was 10 years younger than Abram and his half sister. Shem 460 / Arphaxad 360 / Salah 325 / Eber 295 / Reu 231 / Serug 199 / Terah 140 / Abram 10


1973 BC Reu died at the age of 239. [Gen_11:21] Shem 468 / Arphaxad 368 / Salah 333 / Eber 303 / Reu 239 / Serug 207 / Terah 148 / Abram 18 / Sarai 8

1950 BC Serug died at the age of 230. [Gen_11:22-23] Shem 491 / Arphaxad 391 / Salah 356 / Eber 326 / Terah 171 / Abram 41 / Sarai 31

1928 BC The Kings: Bera of Sodom, Birsha of Gomorrah, Shinab of Admah, Shemeber of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela (Zoar) began serving King Chedorlaomer of Elam. [Gen_14:4] Shem 513 / Arphaxad 413 / Salah 378 / Eber 348 / Terah 193 / Abram 63 / Sarai 53

1916 BC Terah died at the age of 205 in Haran. Abram, his wife Sarai, and his nephew Lot, left Haran when Terah died. [Gen_11:32; Act_7:4] YHVH said to Abram: "Get out of your country, from you kindred and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." So Abram departed as YHVH had spoken to him, and Lot went with him. And Abram was 75 years old when he departed from the city of Haran. [Gen_12:1-4] Shem 525 / Arphaxad 425 / Salah 390 / Eber 360 / Abram 75 / Sarai 65 Abram and Sarai went to Egypt to sojourn there for the famine was severe in the land. Abram told a half truth to Pharaoh about Sarai being his sister, instead of his wife. Sarai was taken into Pharaoh's house, and Abram was treated well for her sake. YHVH plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai, and he sent Abram and Sarai away with great wealth. [Gen_12:10-20] Sarai was a beautiful woman at age 65. When Abram, Sarai and Lot left Egypt Abram was very rich in livestock, silver and gold.[Gen_13:1-2] Pharaoh is possibly Amenemhet II of the 12th Dynasty (r. c.1929-1895 BC).


They travelled back to the site of the original altar, between the cities of Bethel and Ai. The land was not able to support them, that they might dwell together, for their possessions were so great. There was strife between the herdsmen of Abram's livestock and the herdsmen of Lot's livestock. So Abram said to Lot, "Please let there be no strife between you and me, and between my herdsmen and your herdsmen; for we are brethren. Is not the whole land before you? Please separate from me. If you take the left, then I will go to the right; or, if you go to the right, then I will go to the left." Lot chose all the plain of Jordan and journeyed east. Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelt in the cities of the plain and pitched his tent even as far as Sodom. But the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinful against YHVH. [Gen_13:9-13] Shem 525 / Arphaxad 425 / Salah 390 / Eber 360 / Abram 75 / Sarai 65 Battle of the kings in the Valley of Siddim (the Dead Sea) For 12 years, King Bera of Sodom, King Birsha of Gomorrah, King Shinab of Admah, King Shemeber of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela (Zoar), had served King Chedorlaomer of Elam, and in the 13th year they rebelled. [Gen_14:1-4] In the 14th year, Chedorlaomer king of Elam and the three kings that were with him attacked the Rephaim in Ashteroth Karnaim, the Zuzim in Ham, the Emim in Shaveh Kiriathaim, and the Horites in their mountain of Seir, as far as El Paran, which is by the Wilderness. Then they turned back and came to En Mishpat (Kadesh), and attacked all the country of the Amalekites, and also the Amorites who dwelt in Hazezon Tamar. And the King of Sodom, the king of Gomorrah, the king of Admah, the king of Bela (that is Zoar) went out and joined together in battle in the Valley of Siddim against Chedorlaomer king of Elam, Tidal king of nations, and Amraphel king of Shinar, and Arioch king of Ellasar... 4 kings against 5. Now the Valley of Siddim was full of asphalt pits; and the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah fled; some fell there, and the remainder fled to the mountains. Then they took all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah, and all their provisions... they also took Lot, Abram's nephew who dwelt in Sodom, and his goods, and departed. [Gen_14:5-12] Shinar = Babylon - King Amraphel is possibly King Hammarabi of Babylon - Elam is ancient Persia (modern Iran) - The Valley of Siddim = The Salt Sea / the Dead Sea. Abram Enters the Battle Someone who had escaped came and told Abram, for he dwelt by the terebinth trees of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol and Aner; and they were allies with Abram. When Abram heard that Lot was taken captive, he armed his 318 trained servants who were born in his own house, and went in pursuit as far as Dan.


He divided his forces against them by night, and he and his servants attacked them and pursued them as far as Hobah, which is north of Damascus. He brought back all the goods, and also Lot and his goods, as well as the women and the people. [Gen_14:13-16] The king of Sodom went out to meet him at the Valley of Shaveh (the King's Valley), after his return from the defeat of Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him. He said to Abram, "Give me the persons, and take the goods for yourself." But Abram said to the king of Sodom, "I have lifted my hand to YHVH, Elohim Most High, the Possessor of heaven and earth, that I will take nothing, from a thread to a sandal strap, and that I will not take anything that is yours, lest you should say, 'I have make Abram rich.' except only what the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men who went with me: Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre; let them take their portion." [Gen_14:17] Abram Meets Melchizedek, King of Salem Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was the high priest of Elohim Most High. And he blessed him and said, "Blessed be Abram of Elohim Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth; and blessed be Elohim Most High, Who has delivered your enemies into your hand." [Gen 14: 18-20] King Melchizedek had no father, no mother, no genealogy, neither beginning or ending of life, but made like the Son of Elohim, remains a priest continually. He met Abram returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him, Abram gave him 1/10 of the spoils of the battle. Yeshua is a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek. This King Melchizedek is a pre-incarnation appearance of Messiah. [Hebrews 7]

1906 BC Abram was 85 years old when Elohim appeared to him in a vision and promised him an heir. Abram believed in YHVH and He accounted it to him for righteousness. [Gen_15:4-6; Rom_4:3-25] Abram believed Elohim! Faith in His word is what declares us righteous in His sight. Shem 535 / Arphaxad 435 / Salah 400 / Eber 370 / Abram 85 / Sarai 75 The Abrahamic Covenant YHVH made a covenant with Abram. He said to Abram: "Know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and will serve them, and they will afflict them 400 years. And also the nation whom they serve I will judge; afterward they will come out with great possessions. Now as for you, you shall go to your fathers in peace; you shall be buried at a good old age.


But in the 4th generation they shall return here, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete." [Exo 15:13-16] This passage speaks about Abraham's descendants being afflicted 400 years... not Abraham. The 4th generation from Abraham ~ (1) Isaac, (2) Jacob, (3) Joseph (4) Manasseh & Ephraim. Shem 535 / Arphaxad 435 / Salah 400 / Eber 370 / Abram 85 / Sarai 75

1905 BC Ishmael born to Abram and Hagar at the age of 86. [Gen 16:16] Hagar was Sarai's Egyptian handmaid. Because Sarai was barren she told Abraham to take Hagar in order to fulfill Elohim's promise. Ishmael was born and then raised as Sarai's son. However, this was not Elohim's plan. Shem 536 / Arphaxad 436 / Salah 401 / Eber 371 / Abraham 86 / Sarah 76

1903 BC Arphaxad died at the age of 438. [Gen 11:12-13] Arphaxad was born two years after the Flood. He saw the re-population of the earth. Shem 538 / Salah 403 / Eber 373 / Abraham 88 / Ishmael 2

1892 BC Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed Abram was 99 years old when YHVH appeared to him again. He changed his name to Abraham and Sarai's name to Sarah. YHVH told Abraham that Sarah would bear him a son the next year and they were to call him Isaac. Abraham circumcised himself and all the men in his household as a sign of this covenant. [Gen 17:1-21] Sometime between 1892-1891 B.C. Elohim destroyed five cities, including Sodom and Gomorrah, for their rampant homosexuality, and general wickedness. Only Lot and his two daughters escaped. His sons-in-law thought he was joking, or out of his mind, when told to leave the city and did not heed his warning. Lots wife was turned into a "pillar of salt" because she disobeyed Elohim's word not to look back at the conflagration. Lot's two daughters got him drunk and had sexual relations with him and in doing so created the nations of Moab and Ammon (modern Jordan) from the two sons born of these incestuous unions. [Gen 19] Shem 549 / Salah 405 / Eber 384 / Abraham 99 / Sarah 89 / Ishmael 13


1891 BC Isaac was born to Abraham at the age of 100. Sarah was 90 years old. Prophecy fulfilled. [Gen_21:5] Shem 550 / Salah 406 / Eber 385 / Abraham 100 / Sarah 90 / Ishmael 14

1885 BC Elohim was with Ishmael, and as he grew he lived in the wilderness and became an archer. When Ishmael was grown, probably about the age of 20, his mother Hagar arranged a marriage with an Egyptian girl from among her people. [Gen_21:21] It's possible that the pharaoh of the Exodus was a descendant of Ishmael. Shem 556 / Salah 412 / Eber 391 / Abraham 106 / Sarah 96 / Ishmael 20 / Isaac 6

1876 BC The Sacrifice of Isaac Abraham went to Mt. Moriah to sacrifice Isaac as commanded by Elohim who was testing his faith. [Gen 22:1-18] Abraham calls Isaac a "lad" or a young man... he could have been about 15 years old. The age of a warrior is 20, and at that age he would have been referred to as a man. This event is a correlation to the crucifixion of Jesus. Shem 565 / Salah 421 / Eber 400 / Abraham 115 / Sarah 105 / Ishmael 29 / Isaac 15

1873 BC Salah died at the age of 433. [Gen_11:14-15] Shem 568 / Eber 403 / Abraham 118 / Sarah 108 / Ishmael 32 / Isaac 18

1854 BC Sarah died at the age of 127. She died in Hebron and was buried in the Cave at Machpelah purchased by Abraham. Abraham later remarried a woman named Keturah and had six more children. (1) Zimran, (2) Jokshan, (3) Medan (4) Midian, (5) Ishbak, and (6) Shuah. He also had concubines and probably other children. [Gen_23:1-9; Gen_25:1-6] Shem 587 / Eber 422 / Abraham 137 / Ishmael 51 / Isaac 37

1851 BC Isaac was 40 years old when he took Rebekah as wife. She was the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of Padan Aram, sister of Laban. [Gen_25:20] Shem 570 / Eber 425 / Abraham 140 / Ishmael 54 / Isaac 40


1841 BC Shem died at the age of 600. [Gen_11:10-11] Shem is the last of the antediluvian patriarchs. Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael heard the word of Elohim through Noah's son Shem who learned from his great grandfather Methuselah who had learned directly from Adam. Shem lived 100 years before, and 500 years after the Flood. He must have told them all about the pre-Flood world. Eber 435 / Abraham 150 / Ishmael 64 / Isaac 50

1831 BC Jacob and Esau, twin sons, were born to Isaac at the age of 60. [Gen_25:26] Esau was the first of the twins to be born. He was red and hairy. Esau and Jacob had learned about the pre-Flood world from Abraham who had learn from Shem. Eber 445 / Abraham 160 / Ishmael 74 / Isaac 60

1816 BC Abraham died at the age of 175, and Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave at Machpelah, along side of Sarah. [Gen_25:7] Eber 460 / Ishmael 89 / Isaac 75 / Jacob & Esau 15

1812 BC Eber died at the age of 464. [Gen_11:16-17] Ishmael 93 / Isaac 79 / Jacob & Esau 19

1791 BC Sometime before Esau was 40 years old he sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew. [Gen_25:29-34] He then took two Canaanite wives: Judith the Hittite daughter of Beeri, and Basemath the Hittite daughter of Elon. He also took other wives from the women of Canaan: Adah daughter of Elon the Hittite, and Oholibamah daughter of Anah and granddaughter of Zibeon the Hivite. He also took Basemath daughter of Ishmael and sister of Nebaioth (Nabajoth). [Gen_26:34; Gen_36:2-4] Eliphaz is the first born son of Esau by Adah. Eliphaz's 1st born son was Teman. The people of Ameleck descended from Eliphaz and his concubine Timna. Esau = Edom = modern Saudia Arabia. In certain societies, a concubine is a woman contracted to a man as a secondary wife, often having few legal rights and low social status. [Gen_36:1-16] Ishmael 114 / Isaac 100 / Jacob & Esau 40


1768 BC Ishmael died at the age of 137. [Gen_25:17] Ishmael had 12 sons: (1) Nebajoth, (2) Kedar, (3) Adbeel, (4) Mibsam, (5) Mishma, (6) Dumah, (7) Massa, (8) Hadar (Hadad), (9) Tema, (10) Hetyrm (11) Naphish, (12) Kedemah. They dwelt from Havilah as far as Shur, which is east of Egypt as you go toward Assyria. [Gen_25:12-18] Isaac 123 / Jacob & Esau 63

1754 BC Issac sent Jacob, age 77, to Laban, in Padan Aram (Syria) to find a wife among the Hebrews. When Jacob arrived in Padan Aram he fell in love with Rachel and made a deal with Laban to work 7 years for her hand in marriage. [Gen_28:9; Gen_29:15-20] As to Jacob's age when he went to Padan Aram - the Bible clearly states that Jacob was 130 when he went to Egypt because of the famine (Gen 47:9). His son Joseph was 39 years old at that time. Joseph was born to Rachel about 14 years after Jacob went to Padan Aram. He was the next to last to be born. Joseph was 17 when sold into slavery. I can see no other option but that Jacob was 77 years old when he went to Laban's house to find a wife {77+14+ 39=130}. Laban and Rebekah were born to Bethuel, son of Nahor II and Milcah. Nahor II is Abraham's brother - Milcah is Abraham's niece, Harran's daughter. Laban is Jacob's uncle (Gen_24:24; Gen_28:2; Gen_29:2). Isaac 137 / Jacob & Esau 77

1747 BC Jacob worked 7 years to have Rachel as his wife. At the end of the 7 years, Laban tricked Jacob and gave him his oldest daughter Leah instead of Rachel, as was the custom (oldest first). If Jacob wanted Rachel too, he would have to work another 7 years for her. He agreed and Rachel became his wife. [Gen. 29:26-30] Isaac 144 / Jacob & Esau 84

The 12 Tribes of Israel

1746 BC Reuben was born to Jacob and Leah. [Gen 29:33] Isaac 145 / Jacob & Esau 85


1745 BC Simeon was born to Jacob and Leah. [Gen_29:33] Isaac 146 / Jacob & Esau 86 / Reuben 1

1744 BC Levi was born to Jacob and Leah. [Gen_29:34] Isaac 147 / Jacob & Esau 87 / Reuben 2 / Simeon 1

1743 BC Judah born to Jacob and Leah. [Gen_29:35] Dan was born to Jacob and Billah (Rachel's handmaid). [Gen 30:61] Isaac 148 / Jacob & Esau 88 / Reuben 3 / Simeon 2 / Levi 1

1742 BC Naphtali was born to Jacob and Billah. [Gen_30:8] Gad was born to Jacob and Zilpah (Leah's handmaid). [Gen 30:11] Issachar was born to Jacob and Leah. [Gen 30:18] Isaac 149 / Jacob & Esau 89 / Reuben 4 / Simeon 3 / Levi 2 / Judah & Dan 1

1741 BC Asher was born to Jacob and Zilpah (Leah's handmaid). [Gen_30:13] Zebulun was born to Jacob and Leah. [Gen_30:20] Isaac 150 / Jacob & Esau 90 / Reuben 5 / Simeon 4 / Levi 3 / Judah & Dan 2 / Naphtali, Gad, & Issachar 1

1740 BC Joseph was born Jacob and Rachel. [Gen_30:25] Dinah was born to Jacob and Leah. [Gen_30:21] Isaac 151 / Jacob & Esau 91 / Reuben 6 / Simeon 5 / Levi 4 / Judah & Dan 3 / Naphtali, Gad, & Issachar 2 / Zebulun 1

1734 BC Jacob left Padan Aram (Haran, Syria) after 20 years. [Gen_31:38-41] Jacob met Esau on the trail and they separated as friends. Then Jacob wrestled with an Angel of YHVH and YHVH changed Jacob's name to Israel. Benjamin was born to Jacob and Rachel. She died in childbirth and was buried on the road to Bethlehem. [Gen_35:9, Gen_16:1-19] Isaac 157 / Israel & Esau 97 / Reuben 12 / Simeon 11 / Levi 10 / Judah &38; Dan 9 / Naphtali, Issachar & Gad 8 / Asher & Zebulun 7 / Joseph 6


1723 BC Joseph was 17 years old when his brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt. [Gen_37:1] Isaac 168 / Israel & Esau 108 / Reuben 23 / Simeon 22 / Levi 21 / Judah & Dan 20/ Naphtali, Issachar & Gad 19 / Asher & Zebulun 18

1714 BC Kohath was born to Levi at the age of about 30. He is Levi's second son. [Exo_6:18]

1712 BC Joseph was 28 years old when he was sent to prison for 2 years by Potiphar. Joseph was a good looking man, and Potiphar's wife tried to seduce him and when he refused, she falsely accused him attempting to rape her. [Gen_39:6-20] Isaac 179 / Israel & Esau 119 / Reuben 34 / Simeon 33 / Levi 32 / Judah & Dan 31/ Naphtali, Issachar & Gad 30 / Asher & Zebulun 29

1711 BC Isaac died at the age of 180. He was buried by Jacob (Israel) and Esau in Hebron. [Gen_35:28-29] Nothing more is known of Esau. Israel & Esau 120 / Reuben 35 / Simeon 34 / Levi 33 / Judah & Dan were 32/ Naphtali, Issachar & Gad were 31 / Asher & Zebulun 30 / Joseph 29

1710 BC Joseph was 30 years old when he was summoned from prison to interpret Pharaoh's dream of 7 years of plenty and 7 years of severe famine. Pharaoh was so pleased, he made Joseph vizier of Egypt, second only to Pharaoh (Gen 41:40), changed his name to Zaphnath-Paaneah, and gave him Asenath, the daughter of Poti-Phera, the priest of On, as his wife. [Gen 41] Could be Joseph is the same as Vizier Ankhu mentioned by Josephus who was vizier through the reign of several Hyksos rulers. Pharaoh Apachman, according to Josephus, is the 3rd Hyksos king of Egypt, reigning c. 1771-1674. The Vizier was 2nd in power only to Pharaoh. Source: Egypt of the Pharaoh's: An Introduction, by Sir Alan Gardiner, © 1961, Pub. Oxford University Press, pp. 153-156. Israel 121 / Reuben 36 / Simeon 35 / Levi 34 / Judah &38; Dan 33/ Naphtali, Issachar &38; Gad 32 / Asher & Zebulun 31

1709 BC Manasseh was born to Joseph at the age of about 31, before the years of famine. [Gen_41:50]


Israel 122 / Reuben 37 / Simeon 36 / Levi 35 / Judah &38; Dan 34/ Naphtali, Issachar &38; Gad 33 / Asher & Zebulun 32

1704 BC Ephraim was born to Joseph at the age of about 36, before the years of famine. [Gen 41:50] Manasseh and Ephraim are the 4th generation from Abraham. Israel 126 / Reuben 41 / Simeon 40 / Levi 39 / Judah &38; Dan 38/ Naphtali, Issachar &38; Gad 37 / Asher & Zebulun 36 / Manasseh 4

1703 BC Joseph was 37 years old when the famine began. Israel 128 / Reuben 43 / Simeon 42 / Levi 41 / Judah &38; Dan 40 / Naphtali, Issachar &38; Gad 39 / Asher & Zebulun 38 / Joseph 37 / Manasseh 6 / Ephraim 2

1701 BC All three of Levi's sons, Gershon, Kohath & Merari, were born before they went to Egypt. [Gen_46:6-11] Israel was 130 years old when he took his family to Egypt to sojourn because of the famine. [Gen_47:8-9] This is a fulfillment of the prophecy given by Elohim to Abraham 205 years earlier [Gen 15:13]. Israel 130 / Reuben 45 / Simeon 44 / Levi 43 / Judah &38; Dan 42 / Naphtali, Issachar & Gad 41 / Asher & Zebulun 40 / Joseph 39 / Manasseh 8 / Ephraim 4

1684 BC Israel died in Egypt at the age of 147. [Gen_47:28] He was embalmed and mummified. The Egyptians allowed Joseph and his brothers to take Israel's body to Canaan for burial, and with them went all the servants of Pharaoh, the elders of his house, and all the elders of the land of Egypt. Israel was buried in Canaan in the cave of the field of Machpelah and mourned for 7 days. [Gen_49:33, Gen_50:7-8, 13] The fact that all these people went with him to bury Israel, a Hebrew, is a good reason to believe that Joseph was vizier of Egypt during the Hyksos reign. Reuben 62 / Simeon 61 / Levi 60 / Judah & Dan 59/ Naphtali, Issachar & Gad 58 / Asher & Zebulun 57 / Joseph 56 / Manasseh 25 / Ephraim 21

1663 BC Amram was born in Egypt to Kohath at the age of about 51.


1630 BC Joseph died in Egypt at the age of 110. He was embalmed and put in a coffin in Egypt. Joseph lived to see the 3rd generation of Ephraim's children. The children of Machir, the son of Manasseh, were also brought up on Joseph's knee. [Gen_50:22, 26] The fact that Joseph's body was not taken to Canaan for burial, is a good reason to believe that the reign of the Hyksos was nearly at an end, and they were at war with Kamose, son of Sekenerre'. Reuben 116 / Simeon 115 / Levi 114 / Judah & Dan 113/ Naphtali, Issachar & Gad 112 / Asher & Zebulun 111 / Manasseh 79 / Ephraim 75

1607 BC Levi died in Egypt at the age of 137. [Exo_6:16] Joseph had died, and all his brothers, and all that generation. But the children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly, multiplied and grew exceedingly mighty; and the land was filled with them. [Exo_1:6-7]

1581 BC Kohath, Levi's second son, died in Egypt at the age of 133. [Exo_6:18] The Bible doesn't say when Kohath was born or when he died; it just states that he lived 133 years and that he, and his brothers, came to Egypt with their father Levi, and their grandfather Israel (Jacob).

1575 BC A new pharaoh arose in Egypt who did not know Joseph, and the Egyptians set taskmasters over the Hebrews to afflict them with many burdens. The children of Israel built for Pharaoh the supply cities of Pithom and Raamses. But the more the Egyptians afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. The Egyptians were in dread of the Hebrews. So they made them serve with rigor, and they made their lives bitter with hard bondage ~ in mortar, brick, and in all manner of service. [Exo_1:1-14; Act_7:17] I believe this new pharaoh is Ahmose I. He defeated the Hyskos rulers and took over the throne of Egypt. Merytamun, his daughter was wife of Amenhotep I and is possibly the one who saved Moses from the Nile.

1550 BC Pharaoh Ahmose I died and his son Amenhotep I reigns as Pharaoh of Egypt. Pharaoh Amenhotep I's queen was Merytamun, daughter of Ahmose I.


1529 BC Aaron was born to Amram about the age of 134. It's possible that Amram married Jochebed (his father's sister) much earlier. [Exo 6: 20]

1528 BC Pharaoh Amenhotep I died, and Tuthmose I assumes the throne of Egypt Tuthmose I (r. 1528-1510).

1526 BC Moses was born to Amram and Jochebed. Pharaoh Tuthmose I of Egypt commanded the midwives that all male Hebrew babies were to be killed at birth. Jochebed kept him hidden at home for three months, then she put him in a basket and into the Nile River. Merytamun, Pharaoh Ahmose I's daughter, found him while bathing and knowing he was a Hebrew adopted him as her own son. Jochebed was paid by Merytamun to nurse him until weaned (abt. 2-3 years). Moses was then raised in the court of Pharaoh and educated in all the wisdom of Egypt. [Exo_1:15-19; Exo_2:1-10; Act_7:22] Nothing is said of when Miriam, Aaron and Moses sister, was born, but she was quite a bit older than Moses. It is possible that Moses was born to Amram at the age of 137, Iyyarbe even a few months before he died as there is no mention of him after Moses was born. Since her father had commanded all male Hebrew children to be killed, Merytamun told her husband, Amenhotep I, that Moses was her son. Amram died at the age of 137. [Exo_6:20] Aaron 3

1510 BC Pharaoh Thutmoses I dies and his son Thutmose II reigns. His half-sister Hatshepsut is his wife.

1509 BC Joshua born to Nun. Aaron 20 / Moses 17

1490 BC Pharaoh Tuthmose II died. His sister/wife Hatshephut reigns as chief co-regent with Tuthmose III who is only a small child. Tuthmose III is the son of Tuthmose II by a concubine. Hatshephut reigns with him for 22 years.


1486 BC Moses, at the age of 40, has it in his heart to visit his people, the Hebrews. When he saw an Egyptian beating one of his brethren, he avenged him by killing the Egyptian and buried his body in the sand. Moses then fled from the presence of Pharaoh into the desert of Midian because Pharaoh sought to kill him. [Gal_3:18] Moses thought his brethren would understand he was to lead them out of Egypt's bondage. But they did not understand. Hatshephut, as a young princess, rescued Moses from her father's murderous rampage against male Hebrew children. She had raised him in the court of Pharaoh as her own son, and gave him everything Egypt had to offer. She therefore might have felt betrayed when he killed an Egyptian for beating a Hebrew slave. As supreme ruler and judge of Egypt she, probably believing her father had been right in the first place, commanded he be found and executed for murder.[Exo_2:15; Act_7:20-25] During his desert sojourn, Moses married Zipporah, the daughter of the priest of Midian, Jethro (Reuel), who is descended from Abraham and Keturah (Abraham's 2nd wife). Zipporah bore Moses two sons, Gershom and Eliezer. Aaron 43 / Moses 40 / Joshua 23

1484 BC Caleb born to Jephunneh the Kenizzite [Jos_14:7]

1446 BC When Moses was 80 years old, Queen Hatshephut died, Tuthmose III reigns alone as Pharaoh of Egypt. [Exo 2:23] I believe the Pharaoh of the Exodus is Tuthmose III (r. c. 1490-1436).> YHVH appeared to Moses in a burning bush and commanded him to return to Egypt to lead the children of Israel when He brought them out of Egypt as He had promised. [Exo_3:2-22; Exo_4:1-17; Exo_7:7] Aaron 83 / Moses 80 / Joshua 63 / Caleb 38


Exodus From Egypt Moses and Aaron had, by the power of Elohim, demonstrated 9 plagues on Egypt in an attempt to make Pharaoh let the children of Israel go out of Egypt.

10 Nissan 1446 BC

The 1st Passover Instituted by YHVH "YHVH spoke to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, "This month, Nissan (Nisan), shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you. Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying: 'On the 10th day of this month every man shall take for himself a lamb, according to the house of his father, a lamb for a household... Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year. You Iyyar take it from the sheep or the goats. Now you shall keep it until the 14th day of the same month. Then the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it at twilight. And they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two door posts and on the lintel of the houses where they eat it. Then they shall eat the flesh on that night; roasted in fire, with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs they shall eat it. Do not eat it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roasted in fire - its head with its legs and its entrails. You shall let none of it remain until morning, and what remains of it until morning you shall burn with fire. And this you shall eat of it: with a belt on your waist, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. So shall you eat it in haste. It is YHVH's Passover. For I will pass through the land of Egypt on that night, and will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the Elohims of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am YHVH. Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. So this day shall be to you a memorial'; and you shall keep it as a feast to YHVH throughout your generations. You shall keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance." [Exo_12:1-14] 14 Nissan 1446 BC Even after the 9 plagues, Pharaoh still refused to let the children of Israel go. However, after the 10th plague, the death of the firstborn of all Egypt including the firstborn of Pharaoh, he begged them to go. The only ones spared from the 10th plague were those who had put their trust in God's word and were "covered by the blood of the lamb" when YHVH passed over at midnight. When the children of Israel left Egypt they asked to be given articles of silver, of gold, and clothing. They also took with them the remains of Joseph as promised. There were about 600,000 men on foot, besides children. And a mixed multitude of others went out with them also. [Exo 12:37-38]


During the Passover night... when the Death Angel struck the firstborn in all Egypt... the Bible does not say the firstborn of Pharaoh was his son... could have been his daughter. [Exo 12:29] There is a footnote to Exo. 12:40 pointing to the Samaritan Pentateuch and the Greek Septuagint. These two documents state that this verse refers to the sojourn of children of Israel who lived not only in Egypt, but Canaan as well. This verse says nothing about 400 or 430 years of "affliction," only that they had lived in Egypt and Canaan for 430 years. Exo 12:41 says only that they went out of Egypt "on that same day"... which I believe points to a day in 1876 BC when Abraham went to Mt. Moriah to sacrifice Isaac as a test of his faith in God (1876-430=1446). This event is a correlation of the Crucifixion of Yeshua when God sacrificed His own son for us [Exo 12:40-41]. The 430 years sojourn could not have begun when Jacob brought his family to Egypt... if it had, the Exodus would have taken place in about 1250 BC (as some believe)... and Amram would have been 314 years old when Moses was born, 80 years before the Exodus... the Bible states he only lived 137 years.

Crossing The Red Sea The children of Israel camped for the night by the Red Sea. Pharaoh made ready his chariot and took his people with him to go after them. He took 600 choice chariots, and all the chariots of Egypt with captains over every one of them. Moses was commanded to lift up his rod, and stretch out his hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea. Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and YHVH caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into dry land, and the waters were divided. So the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea on the dry ground, and the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on their left. The Egyptians went after them into the sea, all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen. [Exo 14: 10-26]

15 Nissan 1446 BC In the morning, God took off their chariot wheels, so that they drove them with difficulty. Then YHVH told Moses to stretch out his hand over the sea so the waters would come back upon the Egyptians, on their chariots and on their horsemen. Moses did so and when morning appeared, the sea returned to its full depth, while the Egyptians were fleeing into it. The waters covered the chariots, the horsemen, and all the army of Pharaoh. Not so much as one of them remained. [Exo 14: 24-28] Nothing was said about Pharaoh himself going into or drowning in the Red Sea.


Wilderness Wanderings

18 Nissan 1446 BC

Miracle at Marah Moses lead the children of Israel out into the Wilderness of Shur. And after three days in the Wilderness they had found no water. When they came to Marah, they could not drink the waters because they were bitter. And the people began to whine and gripe against Moses. So he cried out to YHVH and told him to cast a tree into the waters; he did and the waters were made sweet. Then they moved on and camped at Elim, where there were 12 wells of water and 70 palm trees. [Exo 15: 22-27]

15 Iyyar 1446 BC

Wilderness of Sin Journeying from Elim, all the children of Israel came to the Wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the 15th day of the 2nd month after they departed from Egypt. Then the whole congregation of the children of Israel whined again against Moses and Aaron. Saying to him, "Oh, that we had died by the hand of YHVH in the Land of Egypt, when we sat by the pots of meat and when we ate bread to the full! For you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger. Then YHVH told Moses He would rain bread from heaven for them. The people shall go out and gather a certain quota every day, that I Iyyar test them, whether they will walk in My law or not. And it shall be on the 6th day that they shall prepare what they bring in, and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily." [Exo: 16: 1-14]

14 Sivan 1446 BC In the 3rd month after the children of Israel had gone out of Egypt, on the same day, they camped before Mt. Sinai. Moses went up Mt. Sinai, but, the people were commanded not to go up to the mountain or touch its base. Whoever touches the mountain shall surely be put to death. Moses came down from the mountain.


17 Sivan 1446 BC YHVH descends on Mt. Sinai On the 3rd day, in the morning, there were thunderings and lightnings, and a thick cloud on the mountain; and the sound of the trumpet was very loud, so that all the people who were in the camp trembled. And Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. Now Mt. Sinai was completely in smoke, because YHVH descended upon it in fire. Its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain quaked greatly. And when the blast of the trumpet sounded long, and became louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him by voice. Then YHVH came down upon Mt. Sinai, on the top of the mountain. And YHVH called Moses to the top of the mountain, and Moses went up. God commanded Moses to go back down the mountain, and then come back up bringing Aaron with him. Moses went up the mountain, also Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and 70 elders of Israel, and they saw the God of Israel. And there was under His feet as it were a paved work of sapphire stone, and it was like the very heavens in its clarity. [Exo 19: 3-20; 24: 1-10] Then YHVH said to Moses, "Come up to Me on the mountain and I will give you tablets of stone, and the law and commandments which I have written that you Iyyar teach them."Moses arose with his assistant Joshua and told the elders, "Wait here for us until we come back to you." Then Moses went up into the mountain, and a cloud covered the mountain. Now the glory of YHVH rested on Mt. Sinai and the cloud covered it 6 days. [Exo 24:12-16]

24 Sivan 1446 BC On the 7th day God called Moses out of the midst of the cloud. The sight of the glory of YHVH was like a consuming fire on the top of the mountain in the eyes of the children of Israel. Moses was on the mountain 40 days. YHVH told Moses about the Tabernacle, the Priesthood, sacrifices and everything that went with it. [Exo 24-31]

4 Tammuz 1446 BC When the people saw that Moses delayed coming down from the mountain, they gathered together and came to Aaron, and said to him, "Come make us gods that shall go before us; as for this Moses, the man who brought us up out of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him." So Aaron did as they asked, and made for them a golden calf. [Exo 32: 1-6] Then God told Moses to get down off the mountain for the people have corrupted themselves. When Moses came down off the mountain, the two tablets of the Testimony were in his hand.


The tablets were written on both sides, and the writing was the writing of God. As soon as he entered the camp he saw the calf and the dancing. Moses became furious and threw down the tablets and broke them at the foot of the mountain. Then he took the calf which they had made, burned it in the fire, and ground it to powder; and scattered it on the water and made the children of Israel drink it. [Exo 32: 8-20]

5 Tammuz 1446 BC YHVH commanded Moses to make two more stone tablets and bring them to the mountain. Moses was on the mountain with YHVH 40 days and 40 nights, he neither ate nor drank. God re-wrote the 10 commandments.

9 Av 1446 BC The Tabernacle is built When Moses came down from the mountain he commanded that the Tabernacle be built.

Nissan 1444 BC YHVH spoke to Moses in the Wilderness of Sinai, in the 1st month of the 2nd year after they had come out of Egypt and reminded them of the Passover. Aaron 85 /Moses 82 / Joshua 65 / Caleb 40

1 Iyyar 1444 BC On the 1st day of the 2nd month, in the 2nd year after they had come out of Egypt, YHVH told Moses and Aaron to take a census of all the congregation of the children of Israel, by their families, by their father's houses, according to the number of names, every male individually from 20 years old and above ~ all who are able to go to war in Israel, except the tribe of Levi. The Levites were in charge of the tabernacle. All who were numbered were 603, 550. [Num 1:1-46]

20 Iyyar 1444 BC Kadesh in the Wilderness of Paran Now it came to pass on the 20th day of the 2nd month, in the 2nd year, that the cloud was taken up from above the tabernacle of the Testimony. And the children of Israel set out from the Wilderness of Sinai on their journeys; then the cloud settled down in the Wilderness of Paran. [Num 10:11-12]


23 Iyyar 1444 BC The children of Israel had departed from the mountain of YHVH on a journey of 3 days; and the ark of the covenant of YHVH went before them for the 3 days journey, to search for a resting place for them. [Num 10:33]

25 Iyyar 1444 BC Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he married. And they said, "Has YHVH indeed spoken only through Moses? Has He not spoken through us also?" And YHVH heard it. YHVH came down and talked with Miriam and Aaron, when He departed Miriam became leprous, as white as snow. Aaron confessed their sin. Moses cried out to YHVH to heal her. YHVH told them to shut her out of the camp for 7 days. [Num 12:1] Sometime before 1444 Moses' wife Zipporah died as he has remarried an Ethiopian woman.

1 Sivan 1444 BC The leprosy is gone and Miriam is back in camp.

2 Sivan 1444 BC Spies sent to Canaan YHVH told Moses to send one man from each tribe to Canaan to spy out the land. The descendants of Anak were there. [Num. 13:1-3, 28] The Anak were giants. Possibly more sons of the "sons of God and the daughters of men." The Bible states that these giants were on the earth both before and after the Flood. Aaron 85 /Moses 82 / Joshua 65 / Caleb 40 [Jos 14:7]

11 Tammuz 1444 BC The spies return from Canaan After 40 days of spying out the land of Canaan, the 12 leaders returned to Moses. All but two, Joshua and Caleb, didn't trust YHVH and returned a negative report. They didn't believe that they could "take" Canaan as YHVH had promised. They Lord was furious and said to Moses, "As I live... the carcasses of you who have murmured against Me shall fall in the wilderness, except Joshua and Caleb. According to the number of days in which you spied out the land, 40 days, for each day you shall bear your guilt one year, namely 40 years." [Num 14: 6-34]


1 Av 1406 BC

The Death of Aaron on Mt. Hor The 40 years of wilderness wandering is over. Aaron went up to Mt. Hor at the command of YHVH, and died there in the 40th year after the children of Israel had come out of the land of Egypt, on the 1st day of the 5th month. Aaron was 123 years old when he died. The whole congregation mourned for him 30 days.[Num 33: 38-39] Moses 120 / Joshua 103 / Caleb 78

30 Av 1406 BC The time of mourning for Aaron is past.

1 Adar 1406 BC Mountains of Abarim in the plains of Moab Now it came to pass in the 40th year, in the 11th month, on the 1st day of the month, while the children of Israel are camped in the plains of Moab, by the Jordan River across from Jericho that Moses spoke to the children of Israel according to all that YHVH had given him as commandments to them, after he had killed Sihon, king of the Amorites, who dwelt in Hesbon, and Og, king of Bashan who dwelt at Ashtaroth in Edrei.. [Deu 1: 3-4] King Og, the only remaining giant [Deu 3:11], had an iron bedstead that was 9 cubits long and 4 cubits wide. According to the short cubit, King Og's bed was 13.5 ft in length and 6 ft wide. Also remember the Jewish year begins with Nissan... so Adar would be the 11th month. The Death of Moses Moses died on his 120th birthday on Mt. Nebo. His eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor abated. The children of Israel wept for Moses in the plains of Moab for 30 days. [Deu 31:1-1; 32:48-52; 34:7-8] Sometime before he died, Moses wrote the Torah, the first 5 books of the Bible. He probably learned about the Creation and the Fall from his grandfather Levi. Shem died when Moses' great-great grandfather Isaac was 50 years old. Isaac lived to be 180 years old and would have told his sons, his 12 grandsons, and his granddaughter all about the pre-Flood world. (Moses-Levi-Issac-Shem-Methuselah-Adam)

31 Adar 1406 BC So the days of weeping and mourning for Moses ended. Joshua is now the leader of the children of Israel. [Deu 34:8-9]


Joshua sent two spies to Jericho. [Josh 2:1]

3 Nissan 1405 BC Joshua and the Children of Israel crossed the Jordan River... heading for Jericho. [Josh 3:1]

The Judges

1399 BC Caleb is 85 years old, he was 40 when Moses sent the spies to Canaan [Jos 14:10] Joshua died at the age of 110 after he gives the children of Israel their inheritance the promised land. [Jos 24:29] After Joshua and all the leaders died, the children of Israel began to worship and serve other gods. YHVH became very angry and made them serve King Cushan-Rishathaim of Mesopotamia for 8 years.

1391 BC The children of Israel cried out and God sent them a deliverer. Othniel, the younger brother of Caleb. He defeated the Mesopotamians and judged the Israelites. [Jud 3:9]

1352 BC Amenhotep IV "Akhenaten" becomes Pharoah of Egypt.

1351 BC Othniel died, he had judged Israel for 40 years. After his death the children of Israel again did evil in the sight of God and served and worshiped the Baals and Asherahs. So YHVH gave them into the hand of King Eglon of Moab for 18 years. [Jud 3:8]

1336 BC Pharoah Akhenaten died. r. 1352-1336. Tutankhamen became pharaoh shortly after Akhenaten’s death. He was only nine years old, but was married to the daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti.


1333 BC The children of Israel again cried out and YHVH sent them Ehud. Ehud killed King Eglon and defeated the Moabites. [Jud 3:16-30]

1327 BC Pharoah Tutankhamen, the "boy king" never became a "man king" because he died of a head injury only nine years into his rule.

1291 BC Seti I becomes Pharaoh of Egypt.

1279 BC Pharaoh Seti I died, Rameses II, his son, becomes Pharaoh of Egypt.

1253 BC Ehud died, judged Israel for 80 years. [Jud 3:29] After Ehud died the children of Israel again did evil in the sight of YHVH. So YHVH sold them into the hand of King Jabin of Canaan who harshly oppressed them for 20 years. [Jud 4:1-3] And after him was Shamgar the son of Anath, which slew of the Philistines six hundred men with an ox goad: and he also delivered Israel. [Jdg 3:31]

1233 BC When the children of Israel cried out to YHVH, He sent Deborah, a prophetess, who was judging Israel at that time. Deborah, Barak and Jael defeated King Jabin of Canaan and his army. [Jud 4:4-24]

1212 BC Pharaoh Rameses II died.

1193 BC Deborah died, and Israel had rest for 40 years. But, again the children of Israel did evil in the sight of YHVH. So He delivered them into the hand of Midian for 7 years. [Jud 5:31; 6:1]

1186 BC Israel was greatly impoverished because of the Midianites, and the children of Israel cried out to YHVH. YHVH sent Gideon and he defeated the Midianites with 300 men.


1146 BC Gideon died, and the country was quiet for 40 years in the days of Gideon. [Jud 8:29] After Gideon died, the children of Israel again were evil in the sight of God in that the men of Shechem gave Abimelech, son of Gideon, 70 shekels of silver from the temple of Baal-Berith. Abimelech hired worthless and reckless men and they followed him. He went to his father's house and killed 70 of his brothers, all except Jotham, the youngest. Then the men of Shechem made Abimelech king.

1143 BC Abimelech reigned as king over Israel for 3 years. After Abimelech Tola, son of Puah son of Dodo from Issachar, judged Israel. [Jud 9:22; 10:1]

1123 BC Tola died and was buried in Shamir. He judged Israel for 20 years. After Tola died, Jair, a Gileadite became judge of Israel. [Jud 10:2-3]

1101 BC Jair died and was buried in Camon. He had judged Israel for 22 years. The children of Israel again did evil in the sight of YHVH, and served the Baals and Ashtoreths, the gods of Syria, Sidon, Moab, Ammon, and the Philistines. So the anger of YHVH was again aroused and He sold them into the hands of the Philistines and Ammonites. They harassed and oppressed Israel for 18 years. [Jud 10:3-8]

1095 BC Jephthah the Gileadite died. He was judge for 6 years. Ibzan judge of Israel. [Jud 12:7]

1088 BC Ibzan died and was buried in Bethlehem. He was judge for 7 years. Elon judge of Israel

1083 BC The Philistines and Ammonites were suppressed. The children of Israel lived in peace all the days of the judges.

1078 BC Elon died. He judged Israel for 10 years. Abdon judge of Israel. [Jud 12:12-15]


1071 BC Eli the priest, age 58, is also a judge of Israel. [1 Sam 4:15, 18]

1070 BC Abdon died, he judged Israel for 8 years. [Jud 13:1] Again the children of Israel did evil in the sight of YHVH and He delivered them into the hands of the Philistines for 40 years. About this time, the Angel of YHVH appeared to Manoah and his wife and were told that their as yet unborn son Samson would begin to deliver Israel from the Philistines. [Jud 13:1-5]

The Kings of Israel

1050 BC Samson died, he judged Israel for 20 years. The children of Israel wanted a king over them like the other nations. So YHVH had Samuel anoint Saul as king of Israel. [Jud 16:31; 1 Sam 10:1]

1038 BC King Saul did not obey the commands of YHVH, and was rejected as king by God in the 2nd year of his reign. [1 Sam 13:1-14]

1031 BC When Israel went out to battle the Philistines, the Ark of God was captured and taken to Ashdod and into the temple of Dagon the fish god. When Eli the priest, age 98, heard about the Ark he fell, broke his neck and died. He had judged Israel for 40 years. The Ark was in Ashdod for 7 months [1 Sam 4:15-18; 5:1; 6:1]

1030 BC The Philistines were ravaged and struck by God with tumors. They couldn't get the Ark of God away from Ashdod fast enough. They sent it by cart to Beth Shemesh. From Beth Shemesh it went to Kirjath Jarim, where it stayed in the house of Abinadab for 20 years. Samuel defeated the Philistines and ended their 40 year oppression of Israel. About this time David, age abt. 10, killed Goliath. [1 Sam 5:1-7, 17:40-48]

1011 BC The prophet Samuel died. He had judged Israel all his life. He died before King Saul. [1 Sam 28:3]


1010 BC King Saul consulted a medium instead of YHVH. He, and his sons, died in battle with the Philistines the next day. King Saul had reigned over Israel for 40 years. [Acts 13:21] a medium = a fortune teller, a psychic. David, age 30, became king of Israel. King David went to the house of Abinadab in Kirjath Jarim and brought the Ark of God to Jerusalem. [Acts 13:21, 2 Sam 2:10, 5:4, 6:1-16]

970 BC King David died at the age of 70. He reigned over Israel for 40 years. His son Solomon reigned in his place. [1 Kin 2:10-12]

966 BC The First Temple Built In the 480th year after the children of Israel had come out of Egypt, in the 4th year of his reign, King Solomon began to build the Temple of God. [1 Kin 6:1]

959 BC The house of YHVH is finished. It took King Solomon 7 years to finish it. Then he started building his own palace.[1 Kin 6:2, 37-38] Sometime in his early reign King Solomon married an Egyptian Princess, daughter of Pharaoh Psusennes (r. c. 959-945 BC) of the of the 21st Dynasty. And he built her a house. [1 Kin 7:8]

946 BC King Solomon finished building his palace. Whereas it took only 7 years to complete the house of God, it took him 13 years to finish his palace. [1 Kin 6:38; 7:1]

930 BC King Solomon died. He reigned over Israel for 40 years. His son Rehoboam, age 41, reigned in his place. [1 Kin 11:42] King Solomon was at least 60 years old, since his son was 41, when he died.


Israel Split: Kings of Israel and Judah In this year Israel was split. King Rehoboam, reigned over Judah (J) only. Jeroboam I, son of Nebat and servant to King Solomon, ruled over the other 10 tribes of Israel (I). [1 Kin 11:42; 12:20] King Jeroboam I was afraid that if his people went to Jerusalem to worship in the Temple that they would kill him and go back to King Rehoboam. So he made two calves of gold, and he said to the people, "It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem. Here are your gods, O Israel, which brought you up from the Land of Egypt!" He set one up in Bethel, and one in Dan. Now this thing became a sin, for the people went to worship before the one as far as Dan. Jeroboam I made shrines on the high places, and made priests from every class of people, who were not the sons of Levi. He ordained a feast on the 15th day of the 8th month, like the feast that was in Judah, and offered sacrifices on the altar. So he did at Bethel, sacrificing to the calves he had made. A prophet went to Bethel and to King Jeroboam I as he stood by the altar to burn incense. The prophet cried out, "O altar, altar! Thus says YHVH: 'Behold, a child, Josiah by name, shall be born to the house of David; and on you he shall sacrifice the priests of the high places who burn incense on you, and men's bones shall be burned on you." [1 Kin 12:28-32; 13:1-2] The designations I and II are used to alleviate any confusion that Iyyar be caused between this king and Jeroboam the son of King Jehoash of Israel. Also (J) = king of Judah, and (I) = king of Israel

925 BC In the 5th year of Rehoboam's (J) reign, Pharaoh Shishak I of Egypt (r. c. 945-925) attacked Jerusalem. He took all the treasures of the Temple and the palace. [1 Kin 14:25-26]

914 BC King Rehoboam (J) died at the age of 58. He reigned 17 years in Jerusalem. [1 Kin 14:21; 15:1]

913 BC Abijam, son of King Rehoboam (J), began to reign in the 18th year of King Jeroboam I (I). [1 Kin 15:1]

911 BC King Abijam (J) died, he reigned 3 years. His son, Asa, reigned in his place in the 20th year of King Jeroboam I (I).[1 Kin 15:2]


910 BC Nadab, son of King Jeroboam I (I) became co-regent with his father in the 2nd year of King Asa (J) [1 Kin 15:25]

909 BC King Jeroboam I (I) died. He reigned 22 years in Samaria. Nadab, his son, becomes king. [1 Kin 14:20] King Nadab of Israel did evil in the sight of YHVH by continuing his father's idolatry.

908 BC After reigning 2 years, King Nadab (I), was killed by Baasha in the 3rd year of King Asa's (J) reign. Baasha reigned in his place. [1 Kin 15:25] King Baasha of Israel did evil in the sight of YHVH by continuing King Jeroboam I's idolatry.

886 BC King Baasha (I) died, he reigned 24 years. His son Elah reigned in his place in the 26th year of King Asa's (J) reign. [1 Kin 15:33]

885 BC King Elah (I) was killed by Zimri, commander of half his chariots [1 Kin 16:10] Zimri reigned 7 days then died in the fire he set to burn down the palace of King Elah. [1 Kin 16:15, 18] After the death of Zimri the people were divided. Half the people followed Omri (commander of the army) and half followed Tibni. So they co-ruled Israel for 4 years. [1 Kin 16:21]

881 BC Tibni died and Omri became sole ruler of Israel in the 31st year of King Asa's (J) reign. [1 Kin 16:23] King Omri of Israel did evil in the sight of YHVH in continuing King Jeroboam I's idolatry. He did worse than all who were before him. [1 Kings 16:25-26]

874 BC King Omri (I), died and was buried in Samaria. He reigned 12 years, 6 years in Tirzah. Ahab, his son, reigned in his place in the 38th year in the reign of King


Asa (J). He reigned over Israel from Samaria. [1 Kings 16:28-29] King Ahab married Jezebel the daughter of King Ethbaal of Sidon. King Ahab served Baal and worshiped him. He set up an altar for Baal in the temple of Baal, which he had built in Samaria. He made a wooden image. He did more to provoke YHVH to anger than all the kings who were before him. [1 Kings 16:30-33] Elijah and Elisha were prophets of God in the days of King Ahab. [1 Kin 17:1] Queen Jezebel massacred the prophets of YHVH. Obadiah who was in charge of King Ahab's house rescued 100 of YHVHs prophets by hiding them in caves and feeding them bread and water. [1 Kings 18:3-4] Elijah challenged 450 prophets of Baal to prove who was God, YHVH or Baal. The prophets of Baal lost, and Elijah executed them by the Brook Kishon. [1 Kings 18:21-40] In the days of King Ahab, Hiel of Bethel built Jericho. He laid it foundation with Abiram his firstborn, and with his youngest son he set up its gates [1 Kings 16:34] Prophecy Fulfilled [Joshua 6:26]

871 BC King Asa (J) died. He reigned 41 years in Jerusalem. His son, Jehoshaphat, reigned in his place in the 4th year of King Ahab (I). [1 Kin 22:41]

854 BC Ahaziah, son of King Ahab (I), became regent in the 17th year of King Jehoshaphat (J). [1 Kin 22:51] Joram (J), became regent of Judah.

853 BC Jehoram, King Ahab's (I) son, became regent in the 2nd year of Joram's (J) regency, in the 18th year of King Jehoshaphat (J). [2 Kin 1:17] Ahaziah (I), son of King Ahab, died when he fell through the lattice of his upper room. He was regent for 2 years. [1 Kin 22:51] Three years has passed without war between Israel and Syria. In the 3rd year, King Jehoshaphat went to visit King Ahab. Ahab (I) decided he wanted the city of Ramoth in Gilead back from the Syrians and asked Jehoshaphat to join him in the battle. Ahab was told by Micaiah that he would not return and so was killed in battle by the Syrians in the 22nd year of his reign.


Jehoram, his son, became king of Israel in the 18th year of King Jehoshaphat, the 2nd year of Joram's (J) regency.[1 Kin 16:29; 2 Kin 3:1]

847 BC King Jehoshaphat (J) died at the age of 60. He reigned 25 years. His son Joram, age 32, became king in his place in the 5th year of King Jehoram (I). [2 Kin 8:16]

841 BC Ahaziah, age 20, son of King Joram (J) became regent with his father in the 11th year of King Jehoram (I). [2 Kin 9:29] YHVH struck King Joram (J) with an incurable intestinal disease. This was a prophecy given by Elijah in a letter. [2 Chron 21:12-18]

840 BC King Joram (J), age 40, died in severe pain as his intestines came out because of his disease. His son, Ahaziah, reigned in his place in the 12th year of King Jehoram (I). [2 Kin 8:25] King Ahaziah (J) and King Jehoram (I) were killed in battle by Jehu. Jehu anointed as King by Elijah. [2 Kin 9:24, 27] When she heard of the death of her son King Ahaziah (J), Athaliah assumed the throne of Judah and killed all the royal heirs... except one. Joash, about 1 year old, was hidden in the Temple by King Ahaziah's sister, Jehosheba, and Jehoiada the priest. [2 Kin 11:1]

835 BC Queen Athaliah (J) was executed by the Temple guard. She reigned 6 years. Joash, age 7, was crowned king of Judah in the 7th year of King Jehu (I). [2 Kin 11:3, 12:1]

821 BC Prince Amaziah was born to King Joash of Judah and his wife Jehoaddan.

813 BC King Jehu died. He reigned 28 years in Samaria. His son, Jehoahaz, reigned in his place in the 23rd year of King Joram (J). [2 Kin 10:36]


799 BC Jehoash, son of King Jehoahaz (I), became regent, in the 37 year of King Joash (J). [2 Kin 13:10]

797 BC King Jehoahaz (I) died. He reigned 17 years. His son Jehoash became king in his place. [2 Kin 13:1]

796 BC King Joash (J) was murdered in his bed at the age of 47 by Jozachar and Jehozabad his servants. He reigned 40 years. His son Amaziah began to reign in his place in the 2nd year of King Jehoash (I). [2 Kin 12:21; 14:1]

793 BC Jeroboam II, son of King Jehoash (I), became regent of Israel.

782 BC King Jehoash (I) died. He reigned 16 years. His son, Jeroboam II, began to reign as king in his place in the 15th year of King Amaziah (J). [2 Kin 14:13]

780 BC Azariah (Uzziah), son of King Amaziah (J), became regent of Judah.

776 BC The first Olympic games were held. The only event was a "stade race" and was won by Koriobos of Elis.

768 BC King Amaziah (J) died at the age of 54. He reigned 29 years. [1 Chr 25:1] His son Azariah (Uzziah), age 16, became king in his place in the 27th year of King Jeroboam II (I). [2 Kin 15:1] Amos was prophet of God during the reigns of King Uzziah (J) and the reign of King Jeroboam II (I) The words of Amos, who was among the herdsmen of Tekoa, which he saw concerning Israel in the days of Uzziah king of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Jehoash king of Israel, two years before the earthquake. [Amo 1:1] Sometime between 768 BC and 742 BC there was a major earthquake in Israel.


742 BC King Jeroboam II (I) died. He reigned 41 years. His son Zechariah reigned as king in his place in the 38th year of King Azariah (Uzziah) (J) [2 Kin 14:23]

741 BC King Zechariah was killed by Shallum, son of Jabesh, in the 39th year of King Uzziah (J). [2 Kin 15:8]

Shallum assumed the throne of Israel. [2 Kin 15:8] King Shallum murdered by Menahem in the 39th year of King Uzziah (J). He had reigned a full month in Samaria. Menahem reigned on the throne of Israel in Shallum's place. [2 Kin 15:17]

731 BC King Menahem (I), died. He reigned 10 years in Samaria. [2 Kin 15:17] King Uzziah tried to offer incense in the Temple of God and was struck by God with leprosy. His son Jotham became co-regent. [2 Chr 26:16-21]

730 BC Pekahiah, son of King Menahem (I), became king in the 50th year of King Uzziah (J). [2 Kin 15:23]

729 BC King Pekahiah (I) was killed by Pekah, son of Remaliah. He had reigned 2 years in Samaria. [2 Kin 15:23-25]

728 BC Pekah became king of Israel in the 52nd year of King Uzziah (J). [2 Kin 15:27] King Uzziah (J) died at the age of 68. He reigned 52 years. [2 Kin 15:2]

727 BC Jotham, son of King Uzziah (J), age 25, became king in the 2nd year of King Pekah. [2 Kin 15:32]


713 BC At age 20, Ahaz, son of King Jotham, became regent of Judah in the 17th year of King Pekah (I). [2 Kin 16:1]

709 BC King Jotham (J) died. He reigned 20 years, 4 as co-regent. [2 Kin 16:30, 32-33] King Pekah (I) killed by Hoshea, he had reigned 20 years. [2 Kin 16:27] Hoshea (I) became king in the 20th year of King Jotham (J). [2 Kin 15:30]

707 BC Hezekiah, son of King Ahaz (J), became regent 3rd year of Hoshea. [2 Kin 18:1]

703 BC King Shalmaneser V of Assyria came and besieged Jerusalem in the 4th year of Hezekiah, which is the 7th year of King Hoshea. King Shalmaneser V died and was replaced by Sargon II. [2 Kin 18:9] The empires of Ancient Assyria and Babylon are now modern Iraq.

701 BC

The Assyrian Captivity of the 10 Tribes of Israel King Hoshea (I), and the 10 tribes of Israel in Samaria, were captured and taken to Assyria by Sargon II in the 9th year of Hoshea, which was the 6th year of Hezekiah. [2 Kin 18:10]

698 BC King Ahaz (J) died at age 36. He reigned 16 years. [2 Kin 16:1] Hezekiah, age 25, son of King Ahaz (J) became king. [2 Kin 16:20]

692 BC King Hezekiah became sick and near death in the 14th year of his reign. YHVH healed him and added 15 years to his life. [2 Kin 18:13] From The Sennacherib Prism: "In my third campaign I Adared against Hatti. Luli, king of Sidon, whom the terror-inspiring glamor of my lordship had overwhelmed, fled far overseas and perished....


As to Hezekiah, the Jew, he did not submit to my yoke, I laid siege to his strong cities, walled forts, and countless small villages, and conquered them by means of well-stamped earth-ramps and battering-rams brought near the walls with an attack by foot soldiers, using mines, breeches as well as trenches. I drove out 200,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, big and small cattle beyond counting, and considered them slaves. Himself I made a prisoner in Jerusalem, his royal residence, like a bird in a cage. I surrounded him with earthwork in order to molest those who were his city's gate. Thus I reduced his country, but I still increased the tribute and the presents to me as overlord which I imposed upon him beyond the former tribute, to be delivered annually. Hezekiah himself, did send me, later, to Nineveh, my lordly city, together with 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, precious stones, antimony, large cuts of red stone, couches inlaid with ivory, nimedu-chairs inlaid with ivory, elephant-hides, ebony-wood, boxwood and all kinds of valuable treasures, his own daughters and concubines..." Source: - "In the fourteenth year of King Hezekiah, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, went on an expedition against all the fortified cities of Judah and captured them. Hezekiah, king of Judah, sent this message to the king of Assyria at Lachish: "I have done wrong. Leave me, and I will pay whatever tribute you impose on me." The king of Assyria exacted three hundred talents of silver and thirty talents of gold from Hezekiah, king of Judah. Hezekiah paid him all the funds there were in the temple of YHVH and in the palace treasuries...That night the angel of YHVH went forth and struck down 185,000 men in the Assyrian camp. Early the next morning, there they were, all the corpses of the dead. So Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, broke camp and went back home to Nineveh. When he was worshiping in the temple of his god Nisroch, his sons Adram-melech and Sharezer slew him with the sword and fled into the land of Ararat." [2 Kings 18-19] But after he had proved his [Hezekiah's] fidelity by such deeds, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, came. He invaded Judah, besieged the fortified cities, and proposed to take them by storm.... His officials said still more against YHVH God and against his servant Hezekiah, for he had written letters to deride YHVH, the God of Israel... They spoke of the God of Israel as though he were one of the gods of the other peoples of the earth, a work of human hands. But because of this, King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah, son of Amos, prayed and called out to him. Then YHVH sent an angel, who destroyed every valiant warrior, leader and commander in the camp of the Assyrian king, so that he had to return shamefaced to his own country. And when he entered the temple of his own god, some of his own offspring struck him down there with the sword. Source: -

691 BC Manasseh (J), age 12, son of King Hezekiah (J) became regent of Judah.


679 BC King Hezekiah (J) died at age 54. His son, Manasseh reigned in his place. [2 Kin 21:1] The Prophet Nahum prophesied during the reign of King Manasseh.

637 BC King Manasseh (J) died at the age of 66. He reigned 54 years. Then his son Amon, age 22, became king. [2 Kin 21:19]

636 BC King Amon (J) died at age 24. He reigned 1 year. His son Josiah, age 8, became king in his place. [2 Kin 22:1] The Prophets Zephaniah and Jeremiah prophesied during the reign of King Josiah.

623 BC The Word of YHVH came to the Prophet Jeremiah, son of Hilkiah the priest, in the 13th year of King Josiah. [Jer 1:1]

606 BC King Josiah (J) is killed at Megiddo by Pharaoh Necho II. He reigned 31 years. [2 Kin 23:29] Jehoahaz, son of King Josiah, at the age of 23 was made king of Judah by the people. [2 Kin 23:30-31] Jeremiah prophesied during the reign of King Jehoahaz. Pharaoh Necho II made Eliakim, age 25, son of King Josiah (J) king, and changed his name to Jehoiakim. He became a vassal of King Nebuchadnezzar. [2 Kin 23:34] Jeremiah, Daniel, and Habakkuk prophesied during the reign of King Jehoiakim. King Jehoahaz was taken to Egypt by Pharaoh Necho II and he died there. [2 Kin 23:34]


The Babylonian Captivity

605 BC King Nebuchadnezzar becomes king in Babylon. [2 Kin 25:8] Picture of ancient Babylon

604 BC In the 3rd year of King Jehoiakim, having been a vassal of King Nebuchadnezzar for 3 years, he rebelled. In the 2nd year of his reign, King Nebuchadnezzar came to Jerusalem and besieged it. he carried away some of the articles of the Temple and placed them in the temple of his god. Then he instructed Ashpenaz, master of his eunuchs, to bring some of the children of Israel and some of the king's descendants and some of the nobles, young men in whom there was no blemish, but good-looking, gifted in all wisdom, possessing knowledge and quick to understand, who had ability to serve in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the language and literature of the Chaldeans. Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah went to Babylon at this time and Babylonian names were given them... Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach, Abed Nego. [Dan 1:1-6] These are the first people to be carried into captivity. King Nebuchadnezzar had a vision of a statue with a head of fine gold, chest & arms of silver, thighs of bronze, legs partly of iron and partly of clay. [Dan 2:32-33] In his 2nd year, King Nebuchadnezzar built his image of gold. It was 90 ft high and 9 ft wide. He demanded everyone bow down to it or be thrown alive into a fiery furnace. Hananiah (Shadrach), Mishael (Meshach), and Azariah (Abed Nego) refused and were thrown into the furnace, where one like the Son of God appeared with them. They came out untouched by the fire... to the amazement of the Babylonians. [Dan 3:22-26]

598 BC In the 7th year of his reign King Nebuchadnezzar took 3,023 people captive to Babylon. [Jer 52:28]

597 BC King Jehoiakim, age 36, was taken captive to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar. His son, Jehoiachin age 18, became king in his place. [2 Kin 24:7-8] King Jehoiachin (J) reigned 3 months and 10 days, then King Nebuchadnezzar (8th year of his reign) took him, his mother, his wives, his servants, his princes, and his officers captive to Babylon. [2 Kin 24:12-15]


Jeremiah, Daniel & Ezekiel prophesied during the reign of King Jehoiachin. King Nebuchadnezzar made Mattaniah, brother to Jehoiakim (and Jehoiachin's uncle), king in his place. He changed his name to Zedekiah. [2 Kin 24:17] Jeremiah, Daniel, & Ezekiel prophesy during the reign of King Zedekiah.

10 Tivet 588 In the 17th year of his reign, King Nebuchadnezzar and all his army came against Jerusalem and camped against it. They built a siege wall all around Jerusalem. Jerusalem was besieged until the 11th year of King Zedekiah. [2 Kin 25:1-2; Eze 24:1] This was the 9th year, 10 month, 10th day of King Zedekiah's reign.

587 BC In the 18th year of King Nebuchadnezzar's reign, he took 832 more people captive to Babylon. [Jer 52:29]

9 Tammuz 586 BC By the 19th year of the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar, and the 11th year of King Zedekiah, the famine had become so severe in Jerusalem that there was no food for the people. The city wall was broken through, and all the men of war fled at night by way of the gate between two walls, which was by the king's garden, even though the Chaldeans were encamped all around against the city. King Zedekiah went by way of the plain. The army of the Chaldeans pursued the king, and they overtook him in the plains of Jericho. All his army was scattered from him. They took King Zedekiah and brought him to Nebuchadnezzar at Riblah, and they pronounced judgment on him. Then they killed the King Zedekiah's sons before his eyes, put out the eyes of King Zedekiah, bound him with bronze fetters, and took him to Babylon and put him in prison until the day of his death. [2 Kin 25:3-7; Jer 52:11]

7 Av 586 BC In the 5th month, on the 7th day of the month, Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard, came to Jerusalem. He burned the Temple and King Zedekiah's palace and all the houses of the great men of Jerusalem with fire. Then the army of the Chaldeans who were with Nebuzaradan broke down the walls of Jerusalem all around. [2 Kin 25:8-9] King Solomon's Temple (the first temple) stood for 378 years (964-586). The 70 years of Babylonian captivity begins. From this date on, until 14 Iyyar 1948, Israel as a self-governing nation ceased to exist. The children of Israel were first referred to as Jews by the Babylonians.


582 BC In the 23rd year of King Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuzaradan, the captain of the guard, took 745 people captive to Babylon. [Jer 52:30]

The Return from Captivity

560 BC

27 Adar 560 BC In the 37th year of King Jehoiachin's captivity in Babylon, King Evil-Merodach, in the year he became king, released King Jehoiachin, age 55, from prison. He spoke kindly to him, and gave him a more prominent seat that those of the kings who were with him in Babylon. King Jehoiachin changed from his prison garments and he ate bread regularly before the king. And as for his provisions, there was a regular ration given him by the king, a portion for each day, all the days of his life. [2 Kin 25:27-30] This is the 44th year of the Babylonian captivity.

539 BC King Belshazzar of Babylon gave a great feast and drank wine from the gold and silver vessels from YHVH's Temple. That same night King Darius, age 62, son of Ahasuerus the Mede, and Cyrus the Great king of Persia, attacked Babylon. King Belshazzar was killed and Babylon was divided between the Medes and Persians. [Dan 5:1-5, 30] Ancient Persia is modern Iran. The modern Kurds claim descendancy from the ancient Medes.

538 BC The 2nd Temple 1st Return From Exile King Cyrus issued a decree in the 1st year of his reign allowing the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple.... 42,360 Jews plus 7,337 servants returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel, Sheshbazzar, Jeshua. [2Chron 36:22-23; Ezra 1:1-3; Ezra 5:13-14; Ezra 6:3] Haggai and Zechariah prophesied while Zerubbabel was Governor of Jerusalem. Source: During excavations at Babylon (1879-82), archaeologist Hormuzd


Rassam discovered a small (ten inches), clay, barrel-shaped cylinder that contained an inscription from Cyrus. Now housed in the British Museum, the cylinder reported the king’s policy regarding captives: “I [Cyrus] gathered all their [former] inhabitants and returned [to them] their habitations” (Pritchard, 1958, 1:208). As noted scholar Jack Finegan observed: “The spirit of Cyrus’s decree of release which is quoted in the Old Testament (II Chronicles 36:23; Ezra 1:2-4) is confirmed by the Cyrus cylinder...” (1946, p. 191).

Tishri 538 BC In the 7th month, the Jews finished building the foundation of the temple. An altar and sacrificial offering to YHVH was made on the foundation of the temple. At this time the Samaritans and other neighboring nations brought such influence to bear on Cyrus's court at the imperial capital that the government suspended their building permit. [Ezra 3: 10-11; 4:24] Because of this opposition, all further work on the building of the temple was suspended until the 2nd year of Darius the Great, about 520 BC.

Iyyar 535 BC Work on the Temple in Jerusalem begins, and is stopped.

530 BC King Cambyus begins to reign in Persia (Iran).

521 BC King Darius I begins to reign in Persia.

1 Elul 519 BC In the 2nd year of King Darius, in the 6th month, on the 1st day of the month, while the wealthier members of the Jews were busily building nice homes for themselves, they made no effort at all to pursue the task of rebuilding the temple of YHVH. Haggai was directed by YHVH to stir up the people of Judah and Jerusalem to start building on the foundation (Haggai 1:3-4). The prophets of God are Haggai and Zechariah. Zechariah was murdered by the Jewish religious leaders between the temple and the altar. [Matt 23:35]

24 Elul 519 BC In the 2nd year of King Darius I, on the 24th day of the 6th month, the Jewish governor Zerubbabel and the high priest Jeshua, along with the rank and file of the people, began to rebuild the 2nd temple on the foundation that was laid 16 years before. [Haggai 1:15]


3 Sheval 516 BC The 2nd Jewish Temple is completed. The Babylonian captivity ends after 70 years. [Ezra 6:15]

14 Nissan 515 BC The first Passover since the captivity is joyfully celebrated.

486 BC King Ahasuerus (Xerxes I) reigns in Persia.

Tivet 483 BC In the 3rd year of his reign, King Ahasuerus made a feast for all his officials and servants - the powers of Persia and Media, the nobles, and the princes of the provinces being before him. Queen Vashti made a feast for the women in the royal palace. The king wanted his wife to appear so he could show her off. She refused to come. The king was furious and decided to give her royal position to another woman. He called for the most beautiful virgins in the land to be brought before him. Each young woman's turn came to go in to the king after she had completed 12 months of preparation. Whichever young girl he chose would reign as Queen. Mordecai is the son of Jair, the son of Shimei, the son of Kish, a Benjaminite, who was taken captive to Babylon is 586. Esther was raised by Mordecai her 1st cousin (her father is his uncle). King Ahasuerus is known to us as Xerxes I, one of the richest kings of Persia. [Est 1:5-7]

480 BC King Ahasuerus was defeated by the Greeks at the battle of Salamis.

Tivet 479 BC Esther was presented to King Ahasuerus and selected as his queen in the 10th month of the 7th year of his reign. [Est 2:16]

Nissan 474 BC Haman sought to destroy all the Jews who were throughout the whole kingdom of King Ahasuerus. In the 1st month, in the 12th year of King Ahasuerus, they cast lots before Haman to determine the day and the month, until it fell on the 13th day of the 12th month. A decree was written according to all that Haman commanded - to the king's satraps, to the governors who were over each province, to the officials of all people, to every province according to its script, and to every people in their language.


In the name of King Ahasuerus it was written, and sealed with the king's signet ring - and so was irrevocable. And the letters were sent by couriers into all the king's provinces, to destroy, to kill, and to annihilate all the Jews, both young and old, little children and women, in one day, on the 13th day of the 12th month, and to plunder their possessions. [Est 3:6-7, 13] When Queen Esther heard of this she told the king. Haman was hanged by order of the king. Esther was set over the house of Haman and a decreed was written to allow the Jews to defend themselves on the 13th day of the 12th month.

23 Sivan 474 BC King Ahasuerus scribes were called and a decree was written allowing the Jews to gather together and protect their lives - to destroy, kill, annihilate all the forces of any people of any province that would assault them on one day in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus, on the 13th day of the 12th month. A copy of the document was to be issued as a decree in every province and published to all people, so that the Jews would be ready on that day to avenge themselves on their enemies. [Est 8:9-13]

13 Adar 474 BC The time came for the king's command and his decree to be executed. One the day the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, the opposite occurred, in that the Jews themselves overpowered those who hated them. [Est 9:1] The Feast of Purim is celebrated because of the Jews victory over Haman and his plot to destroy them.

470 BC King Ahasuerus of Persia died. Artaxerxes I reigned in his place.

469 BC Socrates is born.

1 Nissan 466 BC


2nd Return from Exile On the 1st day of the 1st month Ezra began his journey from Babylon. [Ezr 6:9]

1 Av 466 BC On the 1st day of the 5th month Ezra arrives in Jerusalem. [Ezr 6:9] It took Ezra 4 months to traveled from Babylon to Jerusalem.

20 Kislev 466 BC Ezra prayed for the Jews, that they should put away their pagan wives and turn to YHVH. On this day the people of Judah and Benjamin came to Jerusalem to settle the matter of foreign wives. [Ezr 9-10]

460 BC Hippocrates the Greek physician born on the island of Cos, Greece. He became known as the founder of medicine and was regarded as the greatest physician of his time. He based his medical practice on observations and on the study of the human body. He held the belief that illness had a physical and a rational explanation. He rejected the views of his time that considered illness to be caused by superstitions and by possession of evil spirits and disfavor of the gods.... Today Hippocrates is known as the "Father of Medicine".

14 Nissan 450 BC

3rd Return from Exile In the 20th year of King Artaxerxes I, Nehemiah was made governor of Jerusalem and allowed to return and rebuild the city. [Neh 5:14] From this date, there are 483 years until Messiah is "cut off" (Yeshua crucified, 450-483=33 A.D.). Malachi is prophet of God. [Dan 9:24-26] "The History of Herodotus", written by Herodotus of Halicarnassus. He was called the father of history. He was a Greek historian.

427 BC Plato is born.


399 BC Death of Socrates... Although the amnesty of 405 forestalled direct prosecution for his political activities, an Athenian jury found other charges—corrupting the youth and interfering with the religion of the city—upon which to convict Socrates, and they sentenced him to death in 399 B.C.E. Accepting this outcome with remarkable grace, Socrates drank hemlock and died in the company of his friends and disciples. Source:

384 BC Aristotle was born in the city of Stagira in Macedonia. His father, Nichomacus, was the personal physician to King Amyntas of Macedonia.

The Greek Empire

356 BC Alexander the Great, born in Pella, Macedonia, was the son of Philip of Macedon and Princess Olympias of Epirus.

336 BC At the age of 20, Alexander the Great succeeded his father, Philip II who was assassinated, as King on the Macedonian throne.

333 BC Alexander the Great defeated King Darius III of Persia at the battle of Issus.

332 BC Alexander defeated the Persians and ended the Persian rule of Palestine.

331 BC Alexander the Great conquered Babylon.

326 BC Alexander defeated the Indian King Porus on the banks of the Hydaspes river.


323 BC Alexander the Great came down with a fever and died in Babylon. He was 32 years old and had no heirs. His kingdom was divided by his four generals. The two most important being: Seleucus (Syria), and Ptolemy I (Egypt).

322 BC The Assembly in Athens declared war against Alexander's successor, Antipon. Aristotle was considered an anti-Athenian, pro-Macedonian, and so he was charged with impiety. Aristotle went into voluntary exile to Chalcis, where he died of a digestive ailment at the age of 63. Aristotle's philosophy, logic, science, metaphysics, ethics, politics and system of deductive reasoning have been of inestimable importance ever since.

175 BC King Antiochus IV Epiphanes of Syria was a cruel, Jew-hating king who began his occupation of Jerusalem on this date.

168 BC "Antiochus IV Epiphanes vehemently hated the Jews. He was determined to exterminate them and their religion. He devastated Jerusalem. He forbade circumcision on pain of death, sold thousands of Jewish families into slavery, destroyed all copies of Scripture that could be found, and slaughtered everyone discovered in possession of such copies, and resorted to every conceivable torture to force Jews to renounce their religion. All this led to the Macabean revolt, one of the most heroic feats in history." Source: Halley's Bible Handbook: An abbreviated Bible Commentary, by Henry H. Halley, Pub. by Zondervan, p. 403.

15 Kislev 168 BC King Antiochus IV Epiphanes desecrated the Temple when he sacrificed a sow on the Temple altar.

25 Kislev 165 BC Judas Maccabee and his followers recaptured Jerusalem, and the Syrian occupation ended.


The Roman Empire begins

69 BC Cleopatra born to Ptolemy VII Auletes in Alexandria, Egypt. Source: -

63 BC Palestine was conquered by the Roman General Pompey. Antipater, an Idumean (Edomite, descendant of Esau) was appointed ruler of Judea. Source: -

51 BC Ptolemy VII Auletes dies and his eldest daughter reigns as Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt at the age of 18. Pompey was a senate-appointed guardian of Ptolemy VIII. According to Egyptian law, Cleopatra was forced to have a consort, who was either a brother or a son, no matter what age, throughout her reign. She was married to her younger brother Ptolemy XIII when he was 12 years old. When Cleopatra became co-regent, her world was crumbling down around her. There was anarchy abroad and famine at home. In the name Ptolemy, the "P" is silent. Source: -

28 Elul 48 BC Pompey had been defeated at Pharsalus in Av of 48 BC. He headed for Alexandria hoping to find refuge with Ptolemy XIII. Pompey did not realize how much his reputation had been destroyed until it was too late. He was murdered as he stepped ashore. The young Ptolemy XIII stood on the dock and watched the whole scene. The Alexandrian War was started when Pothinus called for Ptolemy XIII's soldiers in November and surrounded Caesar in Alexandria with twenty thousand men. During the war, parts of the Alexandrian Library and some of the warehouses were burned. During the fighting, Ptolemy XIII, age 15, drowned in the Nile while he was trying to flee. Because of his death, Cleopatra was now the sole ruler of Egypt. Caesar had restored her position, but she now had to marry her younger brother Ptolemy XIV, who was 11 years old. Source: -

2 Tishri 48 BC Four days later, Caesar arrived in Alexandria. He brought with him 3,200 legionaries and 800 cavalry. He also brought twelve other soldiers who bore the insignia of the Roman government who carried a bundle of rods with an ax with a blade that projected out.


This was considered a badge of authority that gave a clear hint of his intentions. Source: -

23 Sivan 47 BC Julius Caesar and Queen Cleopatra's son, Caesarion (Ptolemy Caesar), was born.

Tammuz 46 BC Caesar returned to Rome from Egypt and was given many honors and a ten-year dictatorship. These celebrations lasted from Elul to Tishri and he brought Cleopatra over, along with her entourage. The conservative Republicans were very offended when he established Cleopatra in his home. Her social manners did not make the situation any better. She upset many. Cleopatra had started calling herself the new Isis and was the subject of much gossip. She lived in luxury and had a statue made of gold placed by Caesar, in the temple of Venus Genetrix. Caesar also openly claimed Caesarion as his son. Many were upset that he was planning to marry Cleopatra regardless of the laws against bigamy and marriages to foreigners. Upon returning to Alexandria, Cleopatra had her consort, Ptolemy XIV, assassinated and established Caesarion as her co-regent at the age of 4. Source: -

15 Adar 44 BC On the Ides of Adar, Julius Caesar, age 55, was assassinated outside the Senate Building in Rome. He was killed in a conspiracy by his Senators. Caesar is said to have been tall, fair, and well built, with a rather broad face and keen, dark brown eyes. His health was sound, apart from sudden comas and a tendancy to nightmares which troubled him towards the end of his life; but he twice had epileptic fits while on campaigns. He was something of a dandy, always keeping his head carefully trimmed and shaved; and has been accused of having certain other hairy parts of his body dipilated with tweezers. His baldness was a disfigurement which his enemies harped upon, much to his exasperation; but he used to comb the thin strands of hair forward from his poll, and of all the honours voted him by the Senate and People, none pleased him so much as the privilege of wearing a laurel wreath on all occasions. His dress was, it seems, unusual: he had added wrist-length sleeves with fringes to his purple-striped senatorial tunic, and the belt which he wore over it was never tightly fastened. He drank moderately, was an expert swordsman and horseman. It is said he equaled, if not surpassed, the greatest orators and generals the world had ever known Avus (Octavian) Caesar, becomes Emperor of Rome.


1 Tivet 42 BC. Caesar was officially divinized in Rome.

41 BC. Cleopatra was invited by Mark Antony to Tarsus in 41 BC. She sailed with silver oars, purple sails with her Erotes fanning her and the Nereid handmaids steering and she was dressed as Aphrodite, the goddess of love. This was a very calculated entrance; considered vulgar by many. Source: -

37 BC Antipater died. He was succeeded by his son, Herod the Great (r. 37 BC-4 AD). He was appointed procurator of Judea by Julius Caesar. procurator = governor

30 BC Mark Antony committed suicide by falling on his own sword.

12 Av 30 BC After Antony's death, Cleopatra was taken to Octavian (Avus) where her role in Octavian's triumph over Egypt was carefully explained to her. He had no interest in any relationship, negotiation or reconciliation with the Queen of Egypt. She would be displayed as a slave in the cities she had ruled over. She would not live this way, so she had an asp, (an Egyptian cobra), brought to her hidden in a basket of figs. She died on Av 12, 30 BC at the age of 39. After Cleopatra's death, Caesarion was strangled and the other children of Cleopatra were raised by Antony's wife, Octavia. After her death, the Roman Emperors came to rule in Egypt. The Ptolemies were Macedonian in decent, but ruled as Egyptians, as Pharaohs. Cleopatra VII was the last Pharaoh of Egypt. Source: -

Birth of Yeshua the Messiah

4 BC Herod Antipas I (4 BC - 40 AD) He ruled with the Roman title of "tetrarch" over the lands of Galilee and Perea (part of what is modern Jordan).


Herod Philip II (ruled 4 BC - 34 AD) Philip received a corner of his father's kingdom along with the title of Tetrarch. Emporer Avus Caesar issued a decree that everyone in Israel should be registered. [Luk 2:1] John the Baptist was born 6 months before Yeshua to Elizabeth and Zacharias. [Luk 1:13, 26-36] Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem to be registered and Yeshua was born. Mary was a young girl at the time of Jesus' birth, about 15 years old. As to whether Mary remained a virgin until her death, the Bible is very clear... "Joseph did not know (have intercourse with) Mary until she had her firstborn Son, and named Him Jesus." Joseph and Mary clearly had 5 other children after Yeshua was born: James, Jose, Simon, Judas and a sister, Salome. In Acts 1:13-14, it is also clear that His 11 remaining disciples, His mother Mary, and His brothers are gathered together in the upper room at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fell upon them. Mary was probably about 15 years old when Yeshua was born. Joseph was probably quite a bit older than Mary. [Matt 1:22; 13:55-56; Acts 1:13-14] Now after Yeshua was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, "Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him." When Herod the king heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. [Mat 2:1-3] Joseph was warned in a dream by God not to return to Jerusalem, but to go to Egypt. [Mat 2:13-14] Shortly before his death, King Herod the Great, spoke with the wise men trying to learn the exact location of Jesus. When he had no luck with them, he summoned the scribes and chief priests and inquired of them. They told him, "Bethlehem." He then ordered all baby boys in Bethlehem, aged 2 years and under slaughtered... in the hopes of eliminating this new King of the Jews. [Mic 5:2; Mat 2:3-11]

13 Adar 4 BC King Herod the Great died in severe agony. That night there was an eclipse of the moon. "And that very night there was an eclipse of the moon. But now Herod's distemper greatly increased upon him after a severe manner, and this by God's judgement upon him for his sins: for a fire glowed in him slowly, which did not so much appear to the touch outwardly, as it augmented him pains inwardly; for it brought upon him a vehement appetite to eating, which he could not avoid to supply with one sort of food or other.


His entrails were also exulcerated, and the chief violence of his pain lay on his colon; an aqueous and transparent liquor also settled itself about his feet, and a like matter afflicted him at the bottom of his belly. Nay, further, his privy-member was putrefied, and produced worms; and when he sat upright he had a difficulty breathing, which was very loathsome, on account of the stench of his breath and the quickness of its returns; he had also convulsions in all parts of his body, which increased his strength to an insufferable degree." Source: Josephus: Complete Works; by Josephus (Joseph Ben Matthias), written shortly after 100 A.D., age abt. 63; translated by William Whiston, Pub. by Kregel Publications, © 1981, p 365 King Herod's kingdom was divided among his 3 sons. Herod Antipas was given Galilee and Peraea (east of Jordan). Herod Philippos received Gaulanitis, Trachonitis, Batanaea, and Panias. Herod Archelaus was made Tetrarch of Judea, Samaria, and Idumaea.


9 Herod Antipas tetarach of Galilee. Herod Archelaus Tetrarch of Judea, Samaria, and Idumaea. Yeshua sits in the Temple. He listened to and instructed the teachers. Sometime after 9 AD Joseph died... as he is not presented as if alive again.

19 Av 14 Avus Caesar died of natural causes at the age of 75. He was succeeded by Tiberius Claudius Nero. Tiberius was married to Livia Drusilla and they had one child, Tiberius. Avus decided he wanted Livia for his wife, and while she was still pregnant with Tiberius' 2nd child Drusus, Tiberius gave her up and Avus married her and adopted her two sons. Tiberius Nero died shortly thereafter. Tiberius Claudius Nero Caesar was the son of Tiberius Nero and Livia Drusilla... he was the step-son of Avus Caesar. Source: "The Twelve Caesars," by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (born: abt 69 A.D); Translated by Robert Graves; Pub. Penguin Books, Ltd., Translation copyrighted 1957; pp 48-82 Tiberius becomes Emperor of Rome


26 Pontius Pilate is governor of Judea,

29 In the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar, John the Baptist began his ministries. [Luk_3:1, Luk_1:23] Yeshua begins his ministry about 30 years of age. Sometime during his first year, John the Baptist was beheaded by King Herod at the request of his daughter Salome.

Last Week of The Messiah's Life Sabbath, 9 Nissan 33 Six days before Passover Yeshua went to Bethany and visited Martha and Mary. [Joh 12:1] Mary 48 / Yeshua 33

Sunday, 10 Nissan 33 The next day, Yeshua rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. A great multitude that had come to the feast, when they heard that Yeshua was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him, and cried out: "Hosanna! 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of YHVH!' The King of Israel!" [Joh_12:12] Fulfilled prophecy: "Speak to the congregation of Israel, saying: On the 10th day of this month (Nisan/Nissan) every man shall take for himself a lamb, according to the house of his father, a lamb for a household." [Exo 12:3] "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you, He is just and having salvation, lowly and riding on a donkey, a colt, the foal of a donkey."[Zec_9:9]

Tuesday, 12 Nissan 33 Yeshua reminded his disciples that in two days He would be delivered up to be crucified. [Mat_26:2] The chief priests, the scribes, and the elders of the people assembled at the palace of Caiaphas the high priest and plotted to take Yeshua by trickery and kill him. But they said, "Not during the feast, lest there be an uproar among the people." [Mat_26:3-5] Yeshua left the Temple and taught His disciples. [Mar_13:1-36]


Wednesday, 13 Nissan 33 When Yeshua was in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, a woman came to Him having an alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil, and poured it on His head as he sat at the table. Judas was upset at the waste of money and went to the chief priests and asked what they would give him to betray Yeshua to them. They counted out 30 pieces of silver. From that time on he sought an opportunity to betray Him. [Mat 26:6-16] Fulfilled Prophecy: "Then I said to them, 'If it is agreeable to you, give me my wages; and if not, refrain.' So they weighed out for my wages 30 pieces of silver."[Zec_11:12]

Passover / Feast of Unleavened Bread Thursday, 14 Nissan 33: Just After Sunset Just after sunset Yeshua ate the Passover with His disciples. Judas leaves at sometime during the meal to betray Him. Peter is told by Yeshua that before the rooster crows twice he will deny he even knows Him three times. Then Yeshua and His 11 remaining disciples go across the Brook Kidron to the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mt. of Olives to pray. [Mat_26:20; Mar_14:17; Luk_22:14; Joh_13:1; Joh_18:1]

The Trial of Yeshua the Messiah Judas having received a detachment of troops, and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, came to the Garden of Gethsemane with lanterns, torches, swords, and clubs. Judas pointed Yeshua out to them saying, "Rabbi, Rabbi," then kissing Him. Peter drew his sword and cut off the right ear of Malchus, the servant of Caiaphas the high priest. Yeshua scolded Peter and healed Malchus. Then the detachment of troops, and the captain, and the officers of the Jews bound and arrested Jesus, and led him first to the house of Annas (father-in-law of Caiaphas). The 11 disciples forsook Yeshua and fled, but Peter and John followed Him. John had a linen cloth around his naked body. And the young men laid hold of John and he left the linen cloth and fled from them naked. [Mar 14:43-45, 51-52; Joh 18:10-13] They led Him away to Annas first, for he was the father-in-law of Caiaphas who was the high priest that year. It was Caiaphas who gave counsel to the Jews that it was expedient that one man should die for the people. Caiaphas knew full well that Yeshua is the Messiah. He is conspired against by the Jewish religious leaders. He is given a mock trial, blindfolded, spat on, and beaten. Annas sent Him bound to Caiaphas where the scribes and elders were assembled. The chief priests, the elders, and all the council sought false testimony against Him to put Him to death, but even though many false witnesses came forward, they found none. Yeshua didn't open His mouth unless asked to swear by God. Again He is beaten. [Mar 14:65; John ]


Friday, 14 Nissan 33: Sunrise Very early in the morning, the chief priests and elders bound Yeshua and led Him from Caiaphas' palace to Pontius Pilate (governor of Judea) at the Praetorium. When Pilate learned that Yeshua was from Galilee, he told the Jews this was not his problem and sent Him bound to King Herod Antipas. When Peter denied Yeshua for the third time... the rooster crowed. Judas tried to return the 30 pieces of silver he'd gotten from the chief priests for betraying Jesus. They refused to take it back so he threw it on the floor of the Temple and went out and hung himself on a tree. [Mat_27:3-5; Act_1:18] Herod wanted to see Yeshua perform a miracle but Yeshua would not comply nor even open His mouth to answer him. Herod and his soldiers, treated Yeshua with contempt. They put on Him a gorgeous robe, and mocked Him. Then, as Herod found no fault in Jesus, he removed the robe, but not the crown of thorns, and sent Him back to Pilate. After speaking to Him, Pontius Pilate told the Jewish religious leaders he found no fault in Yeshua worthy of death. He proposed to chastise Him and release Him. He reminded them of the custom of releasing one prisoner each Passover. The chief priests and elder persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabas, a convicted insurrectionist and murderer, instead of Jesus. When Pilate asked what they wanted him to do with Yeshua they said, "Away with Him," "Crucify Him!" Pilate released Barabas and sent Yeshua into the Praetorium. The soldiers gathered the whole garrison around Him. They striped Him and put a scarlet and purple robe on Him. They then twisted a crown of thorns and put it on His head, and put a reed in His right hand. They bowed before Him and mocked saying, "Hail, King of the Jews!" Then they spat on Him, took the reed and beat Him on the head with it. Afterward they removed the robe and put His own clothes back on Him and led Him out to be crucified. Simon, a Cyrenian, was told to carry Jesus' cross.

The Crucifixion of Yeshua the Messiah

Friday, 14 Nissan 33: 3rd Hour Yeshua is nailed to a cross on Golgotha, between two thieves. Fulfilled Prophecy: "And after 62 weeks (62x7=434 years) Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself... Dan 9:26]


The 6th Hour Now from 6th hour until the 9th hour there was darkness over all the land. [Mat 26:45]

The 9th Hour About the 9th hour Yeshua cried out, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" (My God, My God, Why have You forsaken Me?) Someone offered Him sour wine on a sponge to drink and He refused it. He then cried out again in a loud voice and yielded up His spirit. The sun was darkened and the Temple veil was torn in two from top to bottom. There was an earthquake, rocks and graves were split open. Fulfilled Prophecy: "Now you shall keep it (the lamb) until the 14th day of the same month (Nisan/Nissan). Then the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it at twilight. [Exo 12:6,10] Yeshua the Messiah, God incarnate, died specifically for our sins. All of them!. We are saved only when we trust in God's free gift of unearned mercy through faith in Yeshua [Rom 5:16-18]. Yeshua is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, there is no other name by which we must be saved. God has said, "That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." [Rom 10:9-10]. Trying to be saved any other way, or under any other name, is not Christianity.

Evening, after Sunset When evening had come, because it was the Preparation Day, that is, the day before the Sabbath, Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. Pilate marveled that He was already dead; and summoning the centurion, he asked him if he had been dead for some time. Then he released Jesus' body to Joseph. Joseph bought fine linen, took Yeshua down from the cross, wrapped Him in the linen and laid Him in the tomb and rolled a stone against the door. fulfilled Prophecy: "You shall let none of it (lamb) remain until morning." [Exo 12: 10]

Sabbath, 15 Nissan 33:

Feast of Unleavened Bread Weekly Sabbath Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of Jesus, returned and prepared spices, and they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment. [Exo 20:8-11]


On the next day (Sabbath), which followed the Day of Preparation, the chief priest and Pharisees went to Pontius Pilate asking him for a guard to be posted at the tomb until the 3rd day.

The Resurrection of Yeshua the Messiah

Sunday, 16 Nissan 33:

Feast of First Fruits There was a great earthquake for an angel of YHVH descended from heaven, and rolled back the stone from the door and sat on it. The guards shook with fear of him and became like dead men. With the earthquake, graves were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many. On the 1st day of the week, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early, while it was still dark. Mary (Yeshua mother) arrived at the tomb when the sun had risen. The angel told the women that Yeshua was not here, that he has risen, and to go tell the disciples. [Mar 16: 1-2; Joh 20:1] The text of John 20, states that Mary Magdalene came to the tomb while it was still dark. Mark 16 states "they" came when the sun had risen. Unless these are two separate trips to the tomb, they can not both be correct unless it can be assumed Mary Magdalene came while it was still dark and Jesus' mother, the other Mary, arrived when the sun had risen. Makes sense to me. Mary Magdalene looked into the tomb and saw two angels in white sitting, one at the head and one at the feet, where the body of Yeshua had lain. She turned around and saw a man standing there whom she did not recognize until He spoke to her, then she knew it was Yeshua. Yeshua appeared a second time as the women were going to tell the disciples about Jesus' resurrection. Peter and John returned to the tomb. Peter looked into the tomb and saw that Yeshua was indeed gone. They returned to their homes and mourned Him as they did not yet understand what they had been told of the resurrection. Two disciples (one named Cleopas) while walking to Emmaus (7 miles from Jerusalem) Yeshua appeared to them, but they did not know Him. Yeshua walked with them and told them of all the prophecy concerning Himself.


Then, while Yeshua sat and ate with them, He broke bread and blessed it, and their eyes were opened and they knew who He was. Then Yeshua disappeared from their sight. These two returned to Jerusalem to the house where the disciples were and told them of the incident.

Monday, 24 Nissan 33 Eight days later, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, Yeshua came and stood in their midst. He showed His hands and His side to doubting Thomas as proof of who He was. Then He ate with them.

The Ascension Sunday, 23 Ilyar 33 "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and the end of the earth" Now when he had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven." [Act_1:8-11]

Pentecost - Feast of Harvest - Shavuot Sunday, 4 Sivan 33 When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they (the 11 disciples, Jesus' mother Mary, and His brothers) were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. [Act_2:1-4] Matthais was chosen to replace Judas Iscariot as the 12th Apostle.

34 Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, Nicolas were chosen as the first deacons of the church, and put in charge of daily distributions. [Acts 6:1-8] Stephen was acused of speaking blasphemous words against Moses and God. A young Pharisee named Saul of Tarsus watched and consented as the people stoned Stephen to death. [Acts 6:9 - 7:1-60; 8:1]


Saul made havoc of the church entering every house and dragging off men and women, committing them to prison. Therefore those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the word. [Acts 8:3-4]


Saul's conversion Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples, went to the high priest and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem. On his way to Damascus, a light shone around him from heaven. Then he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" He trembled and was astonished and ask the Lord what He want him to do. Yeshua told him to go into the city, and you will be told what you must do. Saul arose from the ground, and when his eyes were opened he was blind. But they led him by the hand and brought him into Damascus. He was 3 days without sight. He neither ate nor drank. Ananias was sent to Saul by God to open his eyes. Paul began preaching to the Jews. [Acts 9:1-20] After many days the Jews plotted to kill Saul, but when their plot became known the disciples took him at night, and let him down through the wall in a large basket. When Saul came into Jerusalem he tried to join the other disciples, but they were afraid of him.

Barnabas introduced him to them and told of his conversion and his preaching. Saul began to preach. When the Hellenists attempted to kill him, the disciples took him to Caesarea and sent him to Tarsus.

37 Barnabas went to Tarsus to find Saul and when he found him he brought him to Antioch, Syria. They stayed there for a whole year. It was at Antioch that the disciples were first called Christians. [Acts 11:25-27]

16 Adar 37 Emperor Tiberius died at the age of 77. He reigned for 23 years. He was strongly and heavily built and above average height. His shoulders and chest were broad, and his body perfectly proportioned from top to toe. His was left handed, and was so strong he could poke a finger through a newly-plucked apple. He had a handsome, fresh-complexioned face, though subject to occasional rashes of pimples. His eyes were remarkably large and possessed the unusual power of seeing at night and in the dark, when he first opened them after sleep. His gait was a stiff stride, with the neck poked forward, and if ever he broke his usual stern silence to address those those walking with him, he spoke with great deliberation and eloquent movements of the fingers.


Thunder had a most frightening effect on him. Whenever the sky looked like it would storm, he put on a laurel wreath which, he supposed, would make him lightening proof. Source: "The Twelve Caesars," by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (born: abt 69 A.D); Translated by Robert Graves; Pub. Penguin Books, Ltd., Translation copyrighted 1957; pp 130-131 Gaius Caesar Germanicus, "Caligula" (which means "Little Boots") becomes Emperor of Rome. He was the adopted son of his uncle Tiberius Caesar. "Now, Gaius managed public affairs with great magnanimity during the first and second year of his reign, and behaved himself with such moderation, that he gained the good-will of the Romans themselves, and of his other subjects. But, in the process of time, he went beyond the bounds of human nature in his conceit of himself, and, by means of the vastness of his dominions, made himself a god, and took upon himself to act in all things to the reproach of the Deity itself." Source: Josephus: Complete Works, Book XVIII, Ch. VII, verse 2.

Herod Antipas was exiled for crimes against Rome. He is remembered as the one who beheaded John the Baptist. Herod Agrippa I (r. 37 BC - 44 AD) governor of Judea. "So great was the caprice of Caligula in his conduct towards all, but especially toward the nation of the Jews. As he was excessively hostile to these, he appropriated their places of worship to himself in all the cities, beginning with those at Alexandria, filling them with his images and statues. For having permitted it when others erected them of their own accord, he now began to erect them by absolute command. But the temple in the holy city, which had been left untouched as yet, and been endowed with privileges as an inviolable asylum, he changed and transformed into a temple of his own, that it should be publicly call the the temple of Gaius the younger, the visible Jupiter." Source: Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History; translated from the original with an introduction by Christian F. Cruse, Pub by: Baker Book House, Sivan 1984; p 56... Eusebius Pamphilus was Bishop of Caesarea.

40 Shortly before his death, Caligula sent Petronius to invade Judea and erect a colossal guilt statue of himself in the Temple of God in Jerusalem. When Petronius saw that the Jews were willing to die rather than have their Temple desecrated, he promised to write to the Emperor to try and have the order rescinded. As soon as Petronius finished his speech to the Jews, a miracle from God occurred... God caused it to rain on a clear, sunny day. The whole year had been subject to severe drought. So Petronius and the Jews discerned that God was on their side in the matter. Meanwhile Emperor Caligula, as a favor to King Agrippa, had already canceled the order, and sent a letter to Petronius to this


effect. But, when Caligula received Petronius' letter telling him that the Jews were ready to revolt because of his order, he was enraged. He then sent a letter to Petronius ordering him to commit suicide. Source: extracted and paraphrased: Josephus: Complete Works; by Josephus (Joseph Ben Matthias), written shortly after 100 A.D., age abt. 63; translated by William Whiston, Pub. by Kregel Publications, © 1981, pp 389-392

24 January 41 Herod Agrippa I ruled all of Galilee. He is the son of King Herod the Great. Emperor Gaius Caesar, "Caligula," was murdered by the Prefect of the Praetorian guard at the age of 29. He reigned 3 years, 10 months, and 8 days. Even at a young age he love to watch tortures and executions. After his courtiers reminded him that he already outranked any prince or king, he insisted on being treated as a god --- sending for the most revered or artistically famous statues of the Greek deities (including Jupiter at Olympia), and having their heads replaced by his own. He established a shrine to himself as God, with priests, the costliest possible victims, and a life-sized golden image which was dressed every day in clothes identical with those that he happened to be wearing. In less than a year he had squandered Tiberius's entire fortune of 27 million gold pieces. Source: "The Twelve Caesars," by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (born: abt 69 A.D); Translated by Robert Graves; Pub. Penguin Books, Ltd., Translation copyrighted 1957; pp 143-150 Tiberius Claudius Drusus becomes Emperor of Rome. Claudius became emperor at the age of 31. He was born 1 Av 10. Though tall, well built, with a handsome face, a fine head of white hair and a firm neck, he stumbled as he walked owing to a weakness in his knees; and because, both in his lighter moments and at serious business, he had several disagreeable traits. These included an uncontrolled laugh, a horrible habit, under the stress of anger, of slobbering at the mouth and running at the nose, a stammer, and a persistent nervous tic of the head, which was apparent at all times but especially when he exerted himself to the slightest extent. His health was wretched until he succeeded to the throne, when it suddenly became excellent, except for violent stomach-aches which often, he said, made him think of suicide. He was always ready to eat, slept in short snatches, and his cruelty and bloodthirstiness appeared equally in great and small matters. Source: "The Twelve Caesars," by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (born: abt 69 A.D); Translated by Robert Graves; Pub. Penguin Books, Ltd., Translation copyrighted 1957; pp 162, 177 Petronius received first the letter about the rescinded order and Caligula's death, then the one ordering him to commit suicide. Petronius escaped death and the statue was never installed in the Temple.


Source: extracted and paraphrased: Josephus: Complete Works; by Josephus (Joseph Ben Matthias), written shortly after 100 A.D., age abt. 63; translated by William Whiston, Pub. by Kregel Publications, © 1981, p. 392

15-22 Nissan 44

Passover / Feast of Unleaven Bread During the days of Unleaven Bread James, the brother of John, was beheaded by order of Herod Agrippa I. [Acts 12:2].

Death of Herod Agrippa I Herod Agrippa I arrayed in royal apparel, sat on his throne and gave an oration... And the people kept shouting, "The voice of a god and not of a man." then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died. [Acts 12:23]. There was a great famine in the land in the reign of Emperor Claudius. The disciples, each according to his ability, determined to send relief to the brethren in Judea. This they did, and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Paul. [Acts:11:28-30] Cuspius Fadus becomes governor of Judea. Source:

45 First Missionary Journey From Antioch (Syria) to Seleucia, sailed from there to Cyprus. Passed through Salamis to Pahphos where the was a sorcerer named Elymas. The proconsul Sergius Paulus believed and was saved. They went from Cyprus to Perga in Pamphylia where Mark left them and returned to Jerusalem. From Pergia they went to Antioch (Pisidia). In Antioch the unbelieving Jews stirred up the people against them, they then went to Iconium. In Iconium the Jews again stirred up the people against them, but this time Barnabas and Paul stayed a long time, until the Jews again stirred up the people. They went to Lystra. In Lystra Paul healed a man who had been crippled from birth. The people immediately thought they were gods and began worshiping them. Paul and Barnabas tried to correct them to no avail. While in Lystra the Jews from Antioch (Pisidia) and Iconium came there and persuaded the people to kill Paul. He was stoned, dragged outside the city, and left for dead.


But when the disciples gathered around him, he got up and went back into the city. The next day they left for Derbe. They returned to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch (Peridia), Perga, and Attalia... then home to Antioch (Syria). [Acts 13:4-51 - 14:1-26] Food for thought... At some time in his life, Paul was "caught up to the 3rd heaven.... into paradise and heard inexpressible words..." Paul didn't know if he was in the body, or out of the body. The Jews, along with the people, stoned Paul, and dragged his dead body outside the city. When the disciples gathered around him... he "rose up" and went back into the city. In other words, Paul was mortally wounded and God raised him from the dead. When someone was stoned, neither pebbles nor little rocks were used... people used big rocks or boulders as large as they could throw. This "caught up to the 3rd heaven could have occured in the period... after the stoning <...... > and before rose up. He probably went back into the city to show the people (especially the Jews) that God had raised him from the dead. [Acts 14:19-20; 2 Cor 12:2-7] Plutarch was born. He studied philosophy, rhetoric and mathematics at the Academy in Athens. He was a student of the philosopher Ammonius. Plutarch traveled to Rome where he lectured on philosophy. Plutarch wrote and lectured. Seventy-eight of his pieces are preserved in the "Moralia," but his most famous work is the "Parallel Lives," which compares Greek and Roman statesmen. This work gained the attention of the Emperor Trajan. Even though Plutarch lived hundreds of years after many of his subjects, his information is our best source for many historical figures. This biographical project, he believed, helped him improve morally

50 Herod Agrippa II becomes king of Judea. He is the last of the Herodian Dynasty. He is the son of Herod Agrippa I and the grandson of Herod the Great. He was a friend of Josephus and the two corresponded frequently on historical matters; in his autobiography, Josephus states that Agrippa wrote him sixty-two letters concerning his work. Paul and Barnabas attend first church council in Jerusalem.


Second Missionary Journey Barnabas wanted to take John Mark, but Paul refused. The contentions grew strong and the parted company. Paul was with Silas on this journey. Antioch to Lystra. In Lystra Paul meets Timothy he travels with Paul from now on. In Troas Luke joins Paul, as noted by the "we" and "they" statements. In Philippi, Paul and Silas are beaten with rods and thrown in prison because Paul cast out the fortune-telling demon in the slave girl. A great earthquake opened the prison doors. They stay only a short time in Thessalonica, but made many converts.


Berea is where many were converted. Athens was the home of Pericles, Socrates, Domothenes, and Plato; center of Philosophy, Literature, Science and Art; seat of the greatest university of the ancient world; meeting place of intelligentsia; and wholly given to idolatry. Corinth was a principal city of the Roman Empire. Paul stayed here for 1½. He met Priscilla and Aquila in Corinth. [Acts 15:36 - 18:22]

52 About this time Emperor Claudius expels the Jews from Rome.

53 Antonius Felix is appointed procurator of Judea, by Emperor Claudius. Source: "The Twelve Caesars," by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (born: abt 69 A.D); Translated by Robert Graves; Pub. Penguin Books, Ltd., copyright 1957; p 177

54 Spring: Paul leaves Corinth and reaches Jerusalem at Pentecost; goes to Antioch


Third Missionary Journey Paul goes to Ephesus. Ephesus was a magnificent city with a population of 225,000. The main industry was in association with the goddess Diana, ie., statues, trinkets, etc. When multitudes of Diana worshipers came to Messiah, it put a lot of people out of business. Paul remained in Ephesus for 3 years. Magicians, who pretended to work miracles, were so over-awed that they made a great bonfire and burned their books.

13 Tishri 54 Emperor Claudius Caesar was murdered by poisoning. He reigned 13 years. He was succeeded by 17 year old Nero Claudius Caesar.


56 P. Cornelius Tacitus was born. He may have been the greatest Roman historian. He held the positions of senator, consul, and provincial governor of Asia. He wrote "Annals," "Histories," "Agricola," "Germany," and a dialogue on oratory.

Sivan 57 Aristobulus of Chalcis (r. 57 BC - 92 AD) One extremely interesting coin was known to have been issued by Aristobulus. On one side is shown the head of Aristobulus with the inscription OF KING ARISTOBULUS in Greek. On the other side is the head of a woman wearing a crown. surrounded by the inscription QUEEN SALOME. This is Aristobulus' wife (Antiquities 18.5.4 137), who is the same Salome as in the John the Baptist story. It is a rare depiction of a person from a New Testament story. Source: Paul leaves Ephesus He was in Macedonia in the summer and fall. He sailed from Philippi and returned to Antioch (Syria).

Sivan 58

Paul's Trial Paul returns to Jerusalem and after a week goes to the Temple, and was mobbed by the Jews. The commander of the garrison saved him from the mob, but bound him with two chains and was about to have him scourged when Paul told him he was a Roman citizen, and uncondemned. Immediately he was unbound. After the commander heard testimony he assigned 470 soldiers to take Paul to Caesarea by night. In Caesarea Paul was put in Herods Praetorium and held until Felix, governor of Judea came. When testimony was heard by Felix, and it was Paul's turn to defend himself. Paul was kept in Caesarea in "protective custody" for 2 years [Acts 21:17 - 26:1-32]

60 Felix is recalled and is succeeded by Poricus Festus as governor of Judea. Paul appeared before Festus and was again accused by the Jews. But when he knew that Festus was thinking of releasing him, he appealed to Caesar. After some days King Agrippa II came to Caesarea with his wife Bernice to visit Festus. Herod told Festus he would have released him if he had not appealed to Caesar. [Act_25:1-13] This Herod is the son of Herod Agrippa I who killed James, the brother of John. He was the grandson of Herod Antipas who killed John the Baptist and mocked


Messiah... and also the great grandson of Herod the Great who murdered the children of Bethlehem. Bernice was his sister, living with him as his wife.

Paul's Journey to Rome In the fall Paul and some other prisoners were sent by boat to Rome, guarded by Julius a centurion. Aristarchus and Luke went with him. They sailed past Cyprus, and came to Myra. In Myra the centurion found an Alexandrian ship sailing to Italy. With high winds and difficulty aimed for the harbor of Phoenix on Crete. However, a northeaster arose and blew them off course. [Acts 27:1 - 28:16]

61 When neither sun nor stars appeared for many days all hope of being saved was given up. Paul related that an angel had appeared and told him that he had to appear before Caesar and there would be no loss of life on this journey to Rome. But on the 14th night they feared they would run aground, as the depth was 15 fathoms (90 feet) they dropped four anchors. Paul told the centurion that unless the men stay in the ship they cannot be saved. There was 276 men on the ship. They discovered the island was called Malta (Melita). Paul was gathering sticks and was bitten by a viper, he shook it off and was ok. The natives thought he was a god. Paul healed the father of Publius was sick with a fever and dysentery. After 3 months they sailed to Syracuse and stayed there 3 days. From there they sailed to Rhegium. And two days later came to Puteoli. There were brethren there and they stayed with them 7 days. When more brethren heard they came to meet them as far as Appii Forum and Three Inns. Next they came to Rome and the centurion delivered his prisoners to the captain of the guard; but Paul was permitted to live by himself in a rented house with the soldier who guarded him. Paul lived 2 whole years in this house. [Acts 27:1 - 28:16]

62 After a normal 8 year reign, at the age of 25, Nero degenerated into an insane monster. Early Christian writers say that about this time... The high priest in Jerusalem convened an illegal meeting of the council and executed James, the brother of Jesus. They threw him down from a height and stoned him to death. Source: Avus to Constantine, by Robert M. Grant, © 1970; Published 1990 by Harper & Row, Publishers, San Francisco; p 35 Paul was released from the Roman prison and he continued to preach the gospel. [2Ti_4:6]


9 Tammuz 64

Rome Burns Christians were directly confronted by the imperial power of Rome. A fire had destroyed a large part of the city and it was suspected by many that the emperor Nero was responsible for it. Many of the buildings destroyed were in the area where he was building a great new palace. In order to quell the rumor, Nero accused the Christians of arson. Convicted on the charge of arson and possibly of such crimes as holding Thyestean feasts (cannibalism) and engaging in magic, some Christians were dressed in animal skins and lacerated by dogs; others were crucified or burned as torches in Nero's gardens while he, dressed as a charioteer, drove among the audience. Source: Halley's Bible Handbook, by Alexander H. Halley, © 1965; Published by Zondervan Publishing House; p 635 With Rome burning, Nero needed a scapegoat and he evidently thought the Christians were a good choice. Paul was probably recaptured, brought back to Rome, and martyred at this time. Paul wrote his last letter to Timothy from Rome. In it, it is obvious he knew he was going to die very soon. He said only Luke was with him. [2 Tim 4:6] Roman citizens were executed by beheading. The apostle Paul was a Roman citizen. Tradition says Peter was also martyred in Rome... but Paul states clearly that he was alone.

66 The Jews revolt against Rome. Vast numbers also of those that were of the first rank among the Jews, were scourged with rods, and nailed upon the cross at Jerusalem, by Florus for he happened to be procurator of Judea at the commencement of the war, in the twelfth year of Nero's reign. "Then," he says, "throughout all Syria a tremendous commotion seized upon the inhabitants, in consequence of the revolt of the Jews. Every where did the inhabitants of the cities destroy the Jews without mercy. So that you could see the cities filled with unburied corpses, and the dead bodies of the aged mixed with those of children, and women not even having the necessary covering of their bodies. The whole province, indeed, was filled with indescribable distresses. But greater still than the crimes already endured, was the anticipation of those that threatened." Such is the statement of Josephus, and such was the condition of the Jews at this time. Source: Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History; translated from the original by Christian F. Cruse, Pub by: Baker Book House, Sivan 1984; p 81 (Eusebius Pamphilus was Bishop of Caesarea). Quoting from...


Source: Josephus: Complete Works; by Josephus (Joseph Ben Matthias), written shortly after 100 A.D., age abt. 63; translated by William Whiston, Pub. by Kregel Publications, © 1981

68 Paul is again in prison at Rome, he writes to Timothy. He is then beheaded on the orders Nero. Roman citizens are executed by beheading... The Apostle Paul was a Roman citizen.

9 Sivan 68 "Emperor Nero, with the help of his secretary Epaphroditus, committed suicide by stabbing himself in the throat. He died at the age of 31 after he had reigned 14 years. He was of average height, with a pustular and malodorour body, light blond hair, with pretty, rather than handsome features. His eyes were blue and rather weak, and he had a squat neck, a protuberant belly and spindly legs. He was entirely shameless in the style of his appearance and dress but always had his hair set in rows of curls." Source: "The Twelve Caesars," by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (born: abt 69 A.D); Translated by Robert Graves; Pub. Penguin Books, Ltd., Translation copyrighted 1957; pp 206-207 Servius Sulpicius Galba becomes Emperor of Rome.

69 Emperor Galba was hated by his troops. He was assassinated, being hacked to pieces by a party of his cavalrymen near the Curtian pool and left lying just where he fell. He died at the age of 72, before he had reigned 7 months. He was of medium height, bald, blue eyes, and a hooked nose. His hands and feet were twisted by gout, which made him unable to unroll or even hold a parchment scroll or wear shoes. His body was badly ruptured on the right side, requiring a truss for support. He was a heavy eater.

He was a homosexual invert, he showed a preference for mature and very sturdy men. Source: "The Twelve Caesars," by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (born: abt 69 A.D); Translated by Robert Graves; Pub. Penguin Books, Ltd., Translation copyrighted 1957; pp 221-223 Otho becomes Emperor of Rome. Emperor Otho died, and was succeeded by Vitellius. He was succeeded by General Vespasian.


70 Herod Agrippa II died.

Destruction of Jerusalem and the 2nd Temple

8 Elul 70 In the spring of 70, shortly before Passover, the Roman army under General Titus reached Jerusalem. A long siege, with assaults by battering rams, ended on Elul 8th when Roman troops entered the sanctuary of the temple and, intentionally or not, destroyed it by fire. Resistance continued in the upper city for another month, but the victory was complete. Exactly 40 years after Jesus' prophesy, Jerusalem and the temple were completely destroyed by Titus in the 2nd year of Emperor Vespasian's reign... and the Jews were scattered throughout the world. [Ezek 37: 1-14; Mark 13: 1-2] They remained scattered, persecuted, and without a country of their own for 1,878 years until 15 May 1948 when the nation of Israel was reborn. Keep your eyes on Israel! The first sign of the approaching end was the rebirth of the nation of Israel. The next will be the confirmation of a 7 year treaty between Israel and her Arab enemies... and there have already been many attempts by every U.S. President since Jimmy Carter in 1978. [Dan_9:27]

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