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8/9/2019 Bible Brochure PDF 1/2

Hebrew-Egish Tanakh,

Pcket Editi, Back

I$22 Paper 2,030 pages 4” x 6

SBN: 978-0-8276-0766-8

JPS Hebrew-Egish TanakhThe most authoritative complete version of the Hebrew Bible,

side by side with JPS’s renowned English translation. 

“Virtay every rabbi ad ibrary wi wat this vme.” —Associated Press

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CRoWn oF AlEPPo The MysTery of  The oldesT hebrew 

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 A Sydney Taylor Book Award NotableBook for Readers of All Ages

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“An enchanting, beautiul book … sure todraw in young people while providing them  with an accurate and dynamic understandingo the Bible. And Avi Katz’s illustrations just en-tice and pull in the reader again and again.” —Rabbi Joseph Telushkin

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