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Learning Outcome Assessment 2

Assignment: ePortfolio Artifacts

Student Name: Belal Al-Rammah

Student ID: 201300601

Section: 102

E portfolio

Introduction/ about me

E portfolio is one of the most important assignment in PMU, so all of the students in PMU had an experience with this assignment, because this assignment help the students to share their ideas and experience about the six competences and takes the benefit from each other. The six competences are very important for students to help them to know about communication and teamwork and professionalism, also how to be a leader.

This is Belal Al-Rammah, I am a Junior student at Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd University in Saudi Arabia in Al-khoubar. I am studying the electrical engineering in the college of engineers, I choose this major because when I am younger I was curious about how the electrical devices work and what inside them, this curiosity lead me to learn more about electric and to be an electrical engineer, also Electrical engineers wanted to work in Saudi Arabia in many places it's good for Saudi Arabia to have electrical engineers to help them in the issue of alternative energy.

Professional goals

My short-term goal is to graduate from PMU with high grade and wide knowledge of electrical engineers after 3 years.

My long-term goals is to continue to study about electrical to reach the master degree in electrical engineering, after that, I will use my knowledge to serve my home Saudi Arabia to give them the benefit of my study.

-Belal Al-Rammah

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Al-jubail industrial city, Al-deffiy district, Al-Anduls 16

Phone: (+996) 591020010


ObjectiveSeeking a position in the field that meets my qualification whereby I can utilize my educational background together with my experience to reach a promising career that offers growth and challenge.

Education Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Al-Jubail industrial city & Al-Khoubar city

2010-2013Najd high school (graduate, 2013) with excellent degree 90%.2013~ Prince Mohammed bin Fahd university- studying Electrical engineering (Presented 2013 – continuing).

Employment Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Al-Dammam city

2014 Present quick solutions electrical engineering responsibilities Two month of training course in electrical circuits & training the technician regarding the use of equipment.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Al-Jubail industrial city

2015 Three months in industrial area mechanical cars work shop, maintenance of engines and transmission systems.

2016 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Al-Khoubar city

Three months in Careem company as a driver.Two months in Jareer book store as a client of customer service.

Personal Awards Gold medal for running club (health & wellness day event 2016)

Special Skills Speak English & Arabic fluently Communication and presentation skills Ability to learn quickly Ability to work as a team member and work individually Wiliness to gain professional knowledge and expertise

ActivitiesParticipated in the engineering day at PMU 2016.

InterestsReading, Cooking, Football, Traveling and technologies.

ReferencesAvailable on request.


The six competences are very important for student to learn and it's highly required to study in PMU, every student in PMU should know these six competences no one can pass the core if he don't know the six competences.


1. Geography of Saudi Arabia

Introduction: I did this assignment in writing and research course in the past semester, the assignment was to do a research paper about geography of Saudi Arabia and it was require a big amount of information's to do it, this assignment was to teach me how to collect data and analyze information also to solve problem. Our professor told us to gather information from books and internet also from other people who have the knowledge about the topic.

Reflection: I learn from this assignment how to do a research paper in proper way, also how to use the technology to find and collect information that related to my topic also to meet and communicate to others and gather the information from them, I learn that geography of Saudi Arabia is rich in its geography and that is related to its surface, climate, border area and its vegetation.

2. Informative speech

Introduction: I did this assignment in Oral communication, my topic was comparison between two cars Camry Toyota 2016 and Optima Kia2016, it was group presentation with a lot of instruction and guides to do, I worked with my friend Abdul-Aziz each one take a car to talk about, we search from the internet about these two cars and we abstract the information about these two cars and put it in a power point slides, while we do the search we communicate to each other and select the most important data of these two cars, so the purpose of the assignment is to communicate, then we present and used our oral communication skills to deliver the information .

Reflection: I learn from this assignment how to compare between two things such as cars in proper way, and how to use my skills communication and when, also I learn how to make a presentation in front of the student within 5 min, I learn how to deliver an information to people, I helped the student after I present how to do the work in proper way.

3. Cause and Effect Essay

Introduction: I did this assignment as part of my writing communication. My topic was causes and effects of marrying in Saudi Arabia. I did different causes for men and women. This assignment was to teach me communication competency. I increased my skills and learned to know more about adults and their marriage life.

Reflection: I learn from this assignment how to know the causes and effects of subjects. I now know why many Saudi men and women don’t want to get married. If assignment is repeated, I can differentiate between the marriages before and after. I advise people to collect some causes and effects about marriages to know more about people’s life and gain experience from them.

4. Descriptive Essay

Introduction: I did this assignment in communication, a descriptive essay is a type of essay that author uses to describe the topic to the readers and to let people know his feeling and thoughts. I chose this topic in communication competency to improve my writing skills by descriptive essay.

Reflection: I am sure that I learned a lot of experience when writing descriptive essay and increased my writing skills too. If the task will repeat, I will search for advices from professors to improve my descriptive writing. I advise students to take the chance and enhance their writing skills by doing this assignment.

Critical thinking

1.Direct and Indirect argument development

Introduction: I did this assignment in critical thinking and problem solving course, it was talk about direct and indirect approach, and the idea of this assignment is to learn the difference between the direct and indirect approach, and our professor ask form us to do a sample for two these approach, and the main idea of the direct approach, is comes in the "top" of the document, followed by the evidence,Unlike in the indirect approach the evidence is presented first, leading therefore to the main idea.

Reflection: I learn from this assignment the differences between direct and indirect approach, and when I use direct or indirect approach, for direct approach is used when your audience will be neutral or positive about your message. Unlike indirect approach is best if your audience may be displeased about or may resist what you have to say.

2.Organ Donation Case

Introduction: I did this assignment in Critical thinking and problem solving course, this assignment talk about should organs be sold in the market? I use the cycle of critical thought to help me write the assignment which is Assess mean what is the problem? And Explore means what are the assumptions or ideas?  And Evaluate means what is the best choice from the possible solutions? Finally Integrate it means Use the best solution and evaluate if it works well.

Reflection: I learn from this assignment to seek into the fact of the issue and what is the values that I have when I start think about such as thinking about the case of organ donation, I learn also from this assignment how to use the cycle of critical thought, which is assess, explore, evaluate, then integrate .

3.Constructing A Case

Introduction: I did this assignment in critical thinking and problem solving course, I was talk about analysis of argument and the construction of it. I added the policy and value arguments, and fact cases. This assignment is a critical thinking competency because it wants to have many arguments and cases. My skills become very good in argumenting and construct vases.

Reflection: I learn from this assignment the best in argument and construct and if assignment is repeated, I will use my skill and add more cases and argument it to increase my skill. I advise people to use this assignment to become good in case constructing and critical thinking.

4.Toulmin Model

Introduction: I did this assignment in critical thinking and problem solving course, I was to evaluate articles by Toulmin model and to use the six parts and constructing a chart combining all. I should analyze two articles or more, so it is good fore critical thinking competency. I am used my thinking and knowledge skill to do Toulmin model.

Reflection: I learn from this assignment to how to have good critical thinking mind and to enhance my skills in analyzing many articles. If I repeat the assignment, I will try to analyze more than two articles to achieve reliable results. I advise people to have best analysis skill from doing this assignment.


1.presentation leader

Introduction: I did assignment in leadership and teamwork course. This assignment was a presentation for a group of students to lead the class by delivering a showcase about a random leader and his traits. The presentation was not only portraying the abilities of the leader but also his shortcomings.

Reflection: In this assignment I take a lesson by other leaders who face many cases in their life and how they react when they in bad situation and by the act we learn to act wisely and care about people if the situation was a humanitarian. This assignment helps me to move a step toward the leadership by learning from other leaders such as the responsibility, communication. Also when I got a situation in the workplace from what I learn I act. I liked in this assignment the teamwork between me and my friends Fawwaz and Mohammed. I also like the feedback about the leader we select (Bill gates) from our instructor.

2.Textbook Chapter analysis

Introduction: I did this assignment when I was in leadership and teamwork course this assignment is about chapter analysis. And I have been study the phase's number 2 in the book for Fran Rees. After I did this assignment our instructor asks me to do a presentation for it and talk about it.

Reflection: I have learned the steps of phase2 and these are plan the work, do the work, review team performance and complete the work, each step is important to learn to be a good leader, I have learned that the most important goal of leadership is to achieve results. And several things must come together before this can happen, the leader need clear goal, team members must collaborate and reach consensus, resources and support be available, and plenty of coordination and communication needs to take place. I like from this assignment to using books and resources to expand my knowledge about leadership, this assignment will help me in the future how to build my personal leadership and improve it step.

3.Leaders and problems

Introduction: this assignment helps me to solve my problems in a leading way and to make it smoother. This is a leadership competency because it talks about leaders. It will help my leadership skills to increase more. I already used my leading skills in this assignment.

Reflection: after making this assignment, I felt like my leadership skills has increased and that I can deal with any problem in a more professional way. If I repeat this assignment I will look for experience from elders and learn from them. I advise for everyone who wants to enhance the leadership skills to pass this assignment.

4.Leadership Styles

Introduction: I did this assignment when I was in leadership and teamwork course, this assignment is about six leadership styles. And it about the manner and approach of providing direction. This is leadership competency because I collected six different leadership styles and used them in my assignment. I used my leadership skills to complete this assignment.

Reflection: I learned how to be smart and elegant in leadership with many knowledge and my skills became advanced in this competency. If I repeated this assignment, I will try to add more styles and use it more professionally. I advise people to search and learn for similar styles to become more professional.



Introduction: I did this assignment when I was in leadership and teamwork course this Assignment was debate about a topical issue, this assignment was a group presentation and teamwork with my friends. The purpose of this assignment is to help students understand the structure of a debate and be able to identify the issue, conclusion and reasons supporting and opposing an issue. An additional purpose is to help the students know how to orally defend an issue. Also, will have the chance to further hone their presentation skills.

Reflection: I learned from this Assignment of how to choose a controversial issue and debate it in many ways between against or with (pro) the issue, also to give the reasons why I am with (pro) or against the issue with proving whether data analysis or research study, I also learned how to deliver the speech with persuading the listener whether i am pro or against the issue. I loved this Assignment diversity in subject's controversial issues, such as Saher, Saudization. The chosen subject was Saudization means the replacement of foreign workers with Saudi nationals in the private sector is the official national policy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has been one of the most controversial issues in Saudi Arabia. I suggested that in the future if there will be more diversity of controversial issues, so that the student gets more aware of the wider study skills and expand the learning of diction for case controversial issues. Teamwork was important to brainstorm, exchange and debate. This Assignment could help me in the future in the workplace when I face a controversial issue in the company in which the debate will be with my colleagues.

2.Group project

Introduction: I did this assignment when I was in leadership and teamwork course this assignment was about to put the student in a real life business situation and let him deal with it. In my opinion this was the most important assignment in this course because the skills and critical thinking that I have used was much more than the previous assignments.

Reflection: I learned from this assignment how to use critical thinking, also how to give a solution to a problem and to make an important decision for a real life situation in a limited amount of time. I learned how to narrow my focusing to a specific problem with finding a lot of solutions and choose the best solution of all solutions, which will be for the benefit of the company, I didn't like the teamwork for this situation because there was a lazy student, I liked from this assignment to force the student to use the critical thinking. I recommend that in the future this assignment will be perfect if it's individual assignment because in my opinion this kind of situations we face it in our personal life more than in companies and workplace.

3.Business Proposal

Introduction: I did this assignment when I was in leadership and teamwork course, we should propose for a business for me and my team. Everyone in the team had a task to do. Our objective was to participate in organizing the traffic in the street and everyone had his role to do. This is a teamwork competency because we all worked as a team. We used out teamwork skills along with the communication and time management skills to complete this task.

Reflection: we learned to propose in a business and to have the business together with my team. If task is repeated, I will try to manage and become closer with my team more often. My advice for people is to join an team to experience the different solutions from every team member

4.Customer Relation Letter

Introduction: I participated in a group project that was divided into teams to send and receive technical letter and also making new letter. The project was based on responding from previous letters, and this involved every member of the team. Therefore, it is a teamwork competency. My technical, social and writing skills have increase very much.

Reflection: this project made me perfect in increasing my social and writing and technical skills and working along the team. If the assignment is repeated, I will use my previous experience and compensate it with the new one to hold a better new assignment. I advise people to gain experience by doing this assignment.


1.Ethics of My Discipline

Introduction: I did this assignment when I was in professional development course this assignment was talk about understanding the set of professional ethics that attend a chosen profession. This assignment was an individual written report. This assignment was selected to represent the importance of the ethical behavior in the workplace.

Reflection: I learn from this assignment the most important ethics that we should take care in the workplace. Also, I learned from this assignment the definition and the meaning of ethics. Also I learned the good work ethics for an example is coming in to the office on time even if the boss is on vacation. Good work ethics include being a hard worker, not cutting corners, being diligent, and having a sense of responsibility, caring about quality and being committed.

2.Career Path in a Selected Company/Specialized Area of Interest

Introduction: I did this assignment when I was in professional development course this assignment was talk about the opportunities, demands, and career path of my major within a selected company or specific area of interest. This assignment was an individual assignment and presentation and written report. For this assignment I asked my father to help me for it. So my father was a resource for this assignment.

Reflection: I learned from this assignment the benefits of planning for the future and seek to it, I also learned that that not all the companies will fit to my major (Electrical engineer) because electrical engineer required the most for the energy companies.

3.Why professionalism in needed

Introduction: professionalism is the best way to negotiate with business and people, we should learn more about professionalism to enhance out skills in social, communication and business doing. Therefore, this is a professionalism competency.

Reflection: learning professionalism made aware about the worlds way of working and how to communicate in the language of business. If task repeated, I will not hesitate to learn more about them. I advise people to learn more about professionalism.

4.Cover Letter

Introduction: I did this assignment when I was in professional development course this assignment was talk about writing cover letters. I used my writing skills to achieve this assignment and I should write it in a professional way. which makes it under professionalism competency.

Reflection: my writing and professional skills have increased and useful for further assignments. If repeated, I will practice on many cover letters. I advise people to look forward to write cover letters to help them in their work.


1.Presentations and reports in PMU

Introduction: I did the most of assignment and reports in PMU such as: presentations and homework by Microsoft office word or Microsoft power point, our instructors teach us how to submit a homework done or assignment by using the blackboard.

Reflection: I learned that the easiest and the faster way to submit a work done is to submit it by using technology, also I learned that the faster way to get information is to search it by using technology, the technology now is the most widely used with it we learn faster than books and other ways .

2.Tests in PMU

Introduction: I did some of tests in PMU by using technology such as the course World Regional Geography, our teacher teach us how to take a test by using technology on the blackboard this web provide the students to take the test or the quizzes on it.

Reflection: I learned that doing a test by using technology is faster than take it by using a paper also easier for the instructor to correct the answers because it will be corrected automatically, but not all courses should take the test by using technology such as Math courses because Math courses need to be focused and need to resolving issues.

3. Microsoft PowerPoint

Introduction: I used Microsoft PowerPoint in almost every presentation projects. It helps me to be professional in my job. It is a software in the computer, which makes it a technology competency. I used my technical, writing and technological skills to overcome this software.

Reflection: I learned how to represent my presentations through this software and to have the ability to send my word to the people in a good looking and animated way. if assignment is repeated, I will use more specifications that is available in this software. I advise people who would like to present their work to use this software.


Introduction: in this assignment, I used the Audacity program to record my autobiography and my personal podcast through it. This is an advance technology program, which makes it a technology competency. I used my technical, writing and technological skills to overcome this software.

Reflection: I learned how to create podcasts through this software and to have the ability to send my word to the people in a good looking way. if assignment is repeated, I will create many podcasts in this software. I advise people who would like to create podcasts to use this software.

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