bhavesh mistry design portfolio

Post on 13-Mar-2016






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The works of Bhavesh Mistry. Product, graphic, exhibition and digital designer


Final Year Major Project*

Medical Design Engineering

Using trends, I choose to forecast what I believed to be the next major epidemic, pandemic or natural disaster threatening the planet, Influenza. The product was a self diagnostic nasal swab device for Avian Influenza which used genetically modified cells to react and alter (by colour change) to give a positive or negative result. The device would be used as an efficient diagnosis instrument for this particular strain of influenza in the event of a pandemic, in order to avoid the virus from spread-ing globally. Using anthropometric and nasal data, whilst working closely with a University lecturer I developed a nose swab which could accurately test for the Influenza virus

Avian Influenza Rapid Test Device_:

The AVN Rapid Test device has been designed to take the cleanest and most accurate bacterial sample from the human nostril. The swab can detect between 60 – 80% of bacteria once a good sample is taken from the user, which makes it far more accurate than a regular cotton bud. The design (shown on the left) is the only nasal swab, specifically tailored to detect bacteria and viruses, so its features could be applied to many industries, most notably the Policing force where it could be used to detect drug abuse. The product has been designed for it to be instantly manufactured, with the relevant working drawings and costs being made. Currently the swab is going through more tests to determine its overall accuracy

Avian Influenza TestTechnical Information_:

Design Exhibition*

exhibition interior visualisation role: designer & event organiser

Brighton University Design Association (BUDA) is a student lead organisation on the Product Design course at Brighton Univer-sity. BUDA are the organisation responsible for the exhibitions held for the Product Design course, I was the Events Manager for BUDA. Having previously had some experience in events de-sign I lead the BUDA exhibition from the design to the event. Using techniques acquired from respective placement years within Architecture and Graphic Design firms, the exhibition project team was able to re-create a realistic scale-model of the planned exhi-bition, to ensure a successful and beautiful design and exhibition. The project was completed by modelling the exhibition space in CAD, rendering the image and

creating a visualisation of what we planned to achieve. The technical drawings were then used to help build a 3-D model of the exhibi-tion space to physically show the intended use of the area. The project was brought to life by creating a render of the proposed exhibition design over the exist-ing 3-D model; this enabled us to form an architectural drawing of the space. Once the model and visualisation was completed, I was able to plan exactly where each individual designer was able to exhibit. This was allocated by which project they had completed and where it was believed to cor-respond with the other designers’ projects

3D effective visualisation

BUDA Exhibition, Brighton:

New DesigNers staND

Design Exhibition*

exhibition visualisation role: designer & event organiser

New Designers exhibition was held at the Business Design Centre, London which hosts the best design graduates across the United Kingdom. BUDA was responsible for the organisation of the Product Design stand at New Designers. My responsibility was once again pivotal in the design and layout of the exhibition. Using CAD software and Photoshop I was able to create small visualisations of the stand and how the stand could be put together. We used reclaimed scaffolding wood to create the floor for our stand – this was no mean feet as we had to assemble the floor ourselves

in one day. The stand had 12 students on it and was one of the largest stands at the show. The stand theme was to represent the homeliness of the BUDA brand and using the wooden flooring and the elegant use of the frames, this was transpired with the stand. The stand received praise for its innovative floor and for the inventive mirror which was placed on the back

New Designers 2011, London_:

Apparel Design*

Sustainable Eyewear Design19.48_:

This is a project which brings together my passions for eyewear design, technology and sustainability. The 19.48 brand uses iconic eyewear designs from various periods of history but re-design the eyewear using alternative materials and methods, to give it that playful attitude. The eyewear frames are being made from locally sourced wood, collected from reclaimed wood yards so each piece can be tailored to its user – as well as being sourced locally the glasses are handmade by the designer in his studio/workshop to give it that extra level of sophistication. The designs have also been created with the relevant working drawings so it can taken into manufacture. The future development plans for the eyewear are; to create frames from recycled tyres, using the rubbery texture to its full aesthetic and technical full potential and to develop glasses frames from scrapped iconic cars, stamping out the frames from various areas of the car – I am currently in the process of finding the relevant methods and technologies to complete these processes

furniture design. sus-table

For this project, the brief was to design a space saving piece of furniture for a trendy London studio apartment in the style of Vitra. sus-table is a sophistically crafted product in the elegant style of vitra. sus-table allows its owner to maximise the space around the liv-ing room. influenced by western and eastern traditions the table offers a unique socialising aspect, allowing its owner complete control in the multi-use factor by placing each cushion satisfyingly around the table. sus-table also offers something to the user which others fail, its use of climate, cotton embedded with seeds allows the cushions to blossom into flowers once discarded. with a fine coat of alkaline to preserve the seeds the cush-ions has become as desirable as the creatively sculptured piece of furniture

vitra. Project_:

Inclusive Design Project - AutismErno Case_:

Ernő case is the unique pencil case designed to help the wellbeing and interaction between an autistic child and a “normal” child. Ernő Case has been designed to combat the difficult transition for children between Primary and High School specifically focusing on social interaction and intelligence. The product has 2 possible ways of opening the first being a relatively simple twist and aligning of the top 4 pieces inspired by the rubiks cube, the second being a more difficult “Japanese Puzzle” style open at the bottom of the case which entails each piece to be moved up/down/left/right to release the opening mechanism to allow the case to be opened. The Product had been rapid-prototyped on the Z-Corp machine


Trending Project*

Trending Project: Obesity

This was a 2nd year university project brief, focused at trend forecasting and designing to influence the topic – my project was focused at obesity. Using the booming gaming market as a backbone, I developed a product which utilises current GPS technology whilst integrating it into new smart-phone/gaming technology. The con-cept is simple; using the users current location the user is able to plan a walking route using the GPS for the distance you would like to walk (i.e. 2 miles), the user is then taken on a walking path whilst playing the game, collecting points and defeating opponents on the way – the product has been made to encourage users to walk, improving their health whilst maintain the love for gaming. There are three core elements to the product, the gaming screen – a large LCD screen which allows the user to see their character and the game they are playing; an ankle bracelet - this contains the GPS to plan the route and show you where you are and the data chip to indicate how much you have walked and other fitness data using algorithm; and finally a three button controller, containing Bluetooth technology to connect to the gaming screen and also for controlling the character.. FUTURE CHANGES - because of the current boom in apps for smart phones this product could easily be manufactured and designed as an app

GPS Game_:

Freelance Graphic Design*

Branding, Websites and MarketingFreelance Graphic Design_:

Using my creativity and graphic skills, I regularly work on client projects for graphics and branding for new businesses, rebranding existing businesses and developing website concepts all for clients. I have created brands which are international and also brands which have been used locally. The freelance branding work allows me to continually develop my communication skills and also continually improves my portfolio

Company: Bridge to India

Whilst working on my place-ment year in India, I undertook some freelance branding work for a New Zealand mineral water company - the company were looking to establish themselves in a thriving economy and growing middle class. The brands were developed based on the clients brief and a number of solutions were put forward. The final pitch was done to international clients based in 2 different continents across the world. The brand was a built around the concept of “honest” and “simple” and is demonstrat-ed through its contemporary design

Water Branding_:

Digital Design*

Having had experience in website design in my placement year and during university, I have been able to develop an impressive portfolio of webpage designs both for companies and personal freelance. I have worked on projects from Karaoke interactive websites, corporate web pages for film production companies, to developing concepts freelance, including personal design websites to e-commerce integrated sites. I have had experience in working with developers and software engineers from making sites from Javascript, C++, Flash and HTML. I develop my designs on Photoshop and Illustrator so that it can be fully interactive with developers

WEB Design_:

These projects consist of my graphic design work completed in either freelance work, presentation work or as artwork pieces. The pieces use a number of skills from word manipulations to typography posters. I use typographic skills regularly in presentations and projects, and I have a great attention to detail in any work which I undertake, but particularly presentations


I have had some experience regarding editorial design. Having designed pages and spreads for local companies and for university projects both commerically and for private use I have developed a small collection of editorial pieces. I combine Photoshop/Illustrator files and work with them in InDesign

Editorial Design_:


Attributes and Knowledge*

software_: solidworks, rhinoceros 4.0, google sketchup,

rendering packages knowledge

Having gained 4 years of experience using CAD software, such as SolidWorks and Rhinoceros I have been able to develop a number of key skills on these software. From understanding how to make simple shapes accurately and efficiently, I can also create technical engineered products and large scale scenarios over time, which can often to be used to identify whole areas of engineering within products and projects. With having a keen interest in the latest software packages and technology I regularly keep up to date with relevant pieces of software which would affect my future. As well as possessing CAD skills, I have a understanding of some of the best rendering packages i.e. Maxwell Render and Cinema 4D but I have the drive and passion to develop those skills when needed


Whilst also having creative attributes during my product development, I have also developed extensive engineering knowl-edge for more technical projects which I have undertaken. Using the CAD modelling, I am able to create working drawings for the manufacturing of a product. I have also been able to learn the basics of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) during the product development process. As well as these attributes I have used wind-machines and other machinery for various applications so I have become comfortable using large machinery. I have also briefly looked at PIC programming and electrical engineering on some minor projects I have undertaken and finally, my knowledge of material properties and processes is vast – I am particularly strong with plastics and the forming of these materials with a large knowledge of adhesives

Engineering & Manufacturing_:

sketching, adobe suite packages, marker pens, presentation, photography

“You should know innovation has no schedule”

[ Brian Griffin, Family Guy Season 5 ]

Visualising an idea at the exact point that it is generated is instrumental in developing a truly successful product. I am a firm believe that any doodle is better than a word, so I regularly carry a pen and small pad to jot any development of designs. I regularly draw and have developed the right skills in order to continue the develop-ment of an idea...however I do use the Adobe packages to bring the drawings to life. As well as a pen, a camera is never too far away from me – I’m always trying to capture that bit of inspiration to help my designs and development continue to grow. I have also regu-larly participated in presentations, from; University presentations, to international client presentations completed in my placement year in India

CREATIVE attributes_:

Over the past 4 years I have been able to develop a number of skills involving model making. I can create models from foam, creating realistic concepts using a number of different finishing techniques. As well as model making from foam, I have great under-standing in working with woods and plastics – understanding exactly how they can be formed and the proper-ties associated with these particular materials. I can also develop models using metals, I have had experience and have been taught techniques from welding to milling. More common in the design industry is using rapid-proto-typing machines – I have made many models using different rapid-proto-typing machines, from polycarbonate machines to powder filled machines

Prototyping and Modelling_:

I ‘ MN Tchicken

Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Realistic rendering,


Over the past 4 years I have excelled using Adobe Photoshop. Having used the software throughout my placement year, my knowledge and application of the package has improved signifi-cantly. I often use this software with its siblings, InDesign and Illustrator to achieve its best result. I regularly use Photoshop to enhance images which I have done, from creating photo realistic renders of potential product, to improving and enhancing drawings and presentations for myself and cli-ents. My experiences as an artist have enabled me to use this software to its creative potential

Adobe Packages_:

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