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8/14/2019 Bf Brochure 1/7 1Predict Your Future… Make It Happen… Earn A Bright Futures Award!


 The Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program has helped more than 379,000 Florida students attend a

postsecondary institution. The program oers three levels o scholarship awards – the Florida Academic Scholars

award (FAS), the Florida Medallion Scholars award (FMS), and the Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars award (GSV).Read this brochure to nd out how to qualiy or a Bright Futures Scholarship.

Your ResponsibilitiesIt is your job to know and meet the requirements o the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program beore high schoolgraduation and throughout your college career.

 The Application To apply or a Bright Futures Scholarship, you must submit a completed (error ree) Initial Student  Florida Financial 

 Aid Application during your last year in high school (ater December 1 and prior to graduation). You must apply

during your last year in high school, beore graduation,* or you will oreit all uture eligibility or a Bright

Futures Scholarship.  To apply online, visit, select “State Grants, Scholarships

& Applications” and click on “Apply Here.” The application gives the Florida Department o Education permission toevaluate your high school transcript and test scores or eligibility or state scholarships and grants, including a Bright

Futures Scholarship. You may apply prior to meeting all requirements.

Note: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is NOT a requirement or Bright Futures qualication

but you are encouraged to apply as it may help you nd other available nancial aid.

Not Sure About College?You should apply or a Bright Futures Scholarship even i you are considering not going to college, are planning to goout o state, are taking a ew years o, or are enlisting in the military. Eligible students have up to three years rom highschool graduation to begin using the scholarship.

Note: Initially eligible students who enlist in the United States Armed Forces immediately ater high school graduation(within three years ater separation rom active duty), or students who receive a Florida Bright Futures Scholarship anddiscontinue their education to enlist in the United States Armed Forces, commence the remainder o their seven-yearrenewal period upon the date o separation rom active duty.

Make the GradeIt is your responsibility to earn the necessary Grade Point Average (GPA) in the required high school classes. Not allhigh school courses will qualiy you or a Bright Futures Scholarship. Ask your guidance counselor or reer to the BrightFutures Web site or course inormation.

Earn the Score To qualiy or a Bright Futures Scholarship, you must earn the minimum required test score (SAT, ACT, or CPT) or theaward or which you wish to qualiy.


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Graduate!You may receive early notication o your award status during your last term o high school; however, i you do notgraduate,* you will not receive the award!

Stay CleanYou must not be ound guilty o, or plead no contest to, a elony charge.

We Will Let You KnowAter submitting an Initial Student  Florida Financial Aid Application, your high school will submit your transcript orconsideration during the middle o your nal year and the Florida Department o Education will evaluate your eligibility.I you qualiy or a Bright Futures Scholarship, the Florida Department o Education will notiy you prior to graduation.*However, i your GPA improves and/or other requirements are met during your nal high school semester, youmay then qualiy or an award or higher award level. I so, you will be notied ollowing graduation.*

Getting Your Money  The Florida Department o Education will:• Beginfundingyourscholarshipduringtheall term ollowing your high school graduation.*  The academic year

begins in the all and ends in the summer. Scholarship recipients are not eligible or unding during the summerterm immediately ollowing high school graduation;* thereater, summer disbursements are only made i unds are available. Check our Web site each year or summer unding inormation.

• SendscholarshipfundstotheeligibleFloridapostsecondaryinstitutionofyourchoicepriortothebeginningofeachterm. The money will then be applied to your account ater the last day o the drop/add period at your college.


You Must:• BeaFloridaresidentandaU.S.citizenoreligiblenon-citizen,as determined by your postsecondary institution.• PursueanundergraduatedegreeataneligibleFloridacollege,orenrollinapostsecondaryadultvocational

certicate program.• Beginusingthescholarshipfundswithinthreeyearsofyourhighschoolgraduation.* I you enlist directly in the

military ater graduation,* your three-year period begins upon the date o separation rom active duty.• Enrollforatleastsix non-remedial semester hours (or the equivalent in quarter or clock hours) per term.

Keep Up the Good WorkRemember, you must maintain the required cumulative GPA and earn the minimum credit hours in order to renew yourscholarship each year.

We Need to KnowIt is your responsibility to check the status o your application and your award. It is also your responsibility toprovide your correct name, address, date o birth and social security number, and to inorm us o any changes.Prior to submitting an Initial Student  Florida Financial Aid Application, you should report all changes to yourguidance counselor in order to update your transcript. Ater submitting an application, you will receive an applicationacknowledgement correspondence which will inorm you how to create a personal User ID online to update yourdemographic inormation and monitor your nancial aid history. We cannot award you with a scholarship i we cannotcontact you.

 Activate your User ID & PIN -Know it, Use it, Be Responsible for your state nancial aid!

Why Do We Need Your Social Security Number (SSN)?Your SSN is essential or matching your test scores with your student records, and or matching your Bright FuturesScholarship with your college records. However, i you choose to leave your SSN blank on the Initial Student  FloridaFinancial Aid Application, the system will generate a pseudo number. Financial assistance will not be denied or ailureto disclose your SSN.

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Verication o Receipt (This is not the application or the scholarship.)

I veriy that I have received and read the initial eligibility requirements o the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program or the year 2010.

NAME (please print) ______________________________________ DATE ___________________

SIGNATURE ____________________________________________


Please return this verication portion to your high school guidance counselor.

Florida Academic Scholars (FAS) and Florida Medallion Scholars (FMS) Awards

In addition to the other requirements, students must earn the minimum required weighted GPA in the ollowing required16 credits o college preparatory coursework.

4 English4 Mathematics** (Algebra I level and above)3 Natural Science (2 with substantial lab)3 Social Science2 Foreign Language (in the same language)


Students may use up to 2 additional credits rom courses in the academic areas listed above as well as AP, IB, or AICE nearts courses to raise the GPA.

**For 2011 and 2012 graduates only, the sequence o Algebra Ia and Ib and the sequence o Applied Math I and II maycount as two credits or high school graduation, State University System (SUS) admissions and FAS/FMS eligibility. For2013 and later graduates, these courses will revert to the traditional one credit per sequence or SUS Admissions andFAS/FMS eligibility. 

 The 2009 Florida Legislature passed SB 1696 which permits each university’s Board o Trustees to establish a tuitiondierential or undergraduate courses. This tuition dierential (or institutional ees) will not be covered by Bright Futures.

* To qualiy or a Bright Futures Scholarship, you must graduate rom a Florida public high school or a registered FloridaDepartment o Education private high school; however, i you are a home education student, GED recipient, or anout-o-state student due to a parent’s military or public service assignment, you may still qualiy or a Bright FuturesScholarship (See the “Other Ways to Qualiy” section in this brochure or eligibility guidelines). Contact our ofce or visitour Web site or specic requirements. 

Toll-Free: 1-888-827-2004 E-mail:



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Initial Eligibility Requirements For Year 2010 High School ApplicantsInitial Eligibility Requirements must be met prior to graduation from a Florida public high school or a registered FDOE 

  private high school. Students must apply by submitti ng an Initial Student Florida Financial Aid Application at during their last year in high school, prior to their high school graduation or forever 

forfeit a Bright Futures Scholarship.

The Florida Legislature is

authorized to change eligibility

and unding requirements.

Florida AcademicScholars Award (FAS)

Florida MedallionScholars Award (FMS)

Florida Gold Seal VocationalScholars Award (GSV)

Award Amount

A student mayreceive unding or only oneaward (FAS, FMS, or GSV). The highest award earned bythe student will be selected.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Weighting or morechallenging, higher levelcourses is prescribed by lawas .50 per course per year.


Credit Weighting1.00 .50.50 .25

3.5 weighted GPA using the creditslisted below, combined with thetest scores and community servicehours listed below.

(Note: GPAs are not rounded.)


3.0 weighted GPA using the creditslisted below, combined with thetest scores listed below.

(Note: GPAs are not rounded.)

3.0 weighted GPA using the 15.5credits listed below or a 4-yearDiploma and a 3.5 unweightedGPA in a minimum o 3 vocationalcredits in one vocational program,combined with the test scoreslisted below.

(See “Other Ways to Qualify” or3-year graduation options.)

(Note: GPAs are not rounded.)

Public and Private Institutions -

All students will receive the specied award amounts established by the Florida Legislature in the GeneralAppropriations Act. Award amounts or the 2010-11 academic year will be available in summer 2010 ater thelegislative session.

For current year award amounts visit:

Required Credits

See the ComprehensiveCourse Table on the BrightFutures Web site to identiycourses that count towardeach award level.

Courses must include 15 creditso college preparatory academiccourses.

4 English(3 with substantial writing)

3 Mathematics*(Algebra I level and above)

3 Natural Science(2 with substantial lab)

3 Social Science2 Foreign Language

(in the same language)_________15* Credits

Courses must include 15 creditsof college preparatory academiccourses.

4 English(3 with substantial writing)

3 Mathematics* (Algebra I level and above)

3 Natural Science(2 with substantial lab)

3 Social Science2 Foreign Language

(in the same language)_________15* Credits

4-year Diploma**Credits must include 15.5 corecredits required or high schoolgraduation.

4 English3 Mathematics* (including

Algebra I)3 Natural Science3 Social Science

(Am. Hist., World Hist., Am.Govt., and Economics)

1 Practical Arts OR 1Perorming Arts OR .5credit in each

.5 Lie Management Skills*

.5 Personal Fitness

.5 Physical Education_________15.5* Credits

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May use up to 3 additional creditsrom courses in the academic

areas listed above and/or AP, IB, orAICE ne arts courses to raise theGPA

*2011 and uture graduates mustearn 4 credits o Mathematics ora total o 16 college preparatorycredits.

May use up to 3 additional creditsrom courses in the academic

areas listed above and/or AP, IB, orAICE ne arts courses to raise theGPA

*2011 and uture graduates mustearn 4 credits o Mathematics ora total o 16 college preparatorycredits.

Plus a minimum o 3 VocationalJob-Preparatory or Technology

Education Program credits in onevocational program

*2011 and uture graduates mustearn 4 credits o Mathematics andno Lie Management Skills or atotal o 16 core credits.

(See “Other Ways to Qualify” or3-year graduation options.)

Community Service 75 hours, as approved by thedistrict or private school

No requirement No requirement

Test Scores

Sections o the SAT, ACT, orCPT rom dierent test datesmay be used to meet thetest criteria.

For spring eligibilityevaluations, test datesthrough the end o Januarywill be admissible.

For summer eligibility

evaluations, test datesthrough the end o June willbe admissible.

Best composite score o 1270 SATReasoning Test (based on thecombined Critical Reading andMath sections only)or28 ACT(excluding the writing section).

NOTE: The writing sections orboth the SAT and ACT will not beused in the composite.

SAT Subject Tests are not used or

Bright Futures eligibility.

(ACT scores are rounded up orscores with .5 and higher; SATscores do not require rounding.)

Best composite score o 970 SATReasoning Test (based on thecombined Critical Reading andMath sections only)or20 ACT(excluding the writing section).

NOTE: The writing sections orboth the SAT and ACT will not beused in the composite.

SAT Subject Tests are not used or

Bright Futures eligibility.

(ACT scores are rounded up orscores with .5 and higher; SATscores do not require rounding.)

Students must earn the minimumscore on each section o the CPT orSAT or ACT.

Sections o dierent test types maynot be combined.

CPT:Reading 83Sentence Skills 83Algebra 72

ORSAT Reasoning Test:

Critical Reading 440Math 440

ORACT:English 17Reading 18Math 19

The Florida Legislature is

authorized to change eligibility

and unding requirements.

Florida AcademicScholars Award (FAS)

Florida MedallionScholars Award (FMS)

Florida Gold Seal VocationalScholars Award (GSV)

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Other Ways to Qualiy

Initial eligibility criteria usedin “Other Ways to Qualiy”must be met by high schoolgraduation. Contact theBright Futures ofce orurther details.

 The other ways to qualiylisted below must also include

the community service hoursrequirement.• NationalMeritorAchievement

Scholars and Finalists• NationalHispanicScholars• IBDiplomaRecipients(based

on exams taken prior to highschool graduation)

• Studentswhohavecompletedthe IB Curriculum with bestcomposite score o 1270 SAT or28 ACT

• AICEDiplomaRecipients(basedon exams taken prior to high

school graduation)• Studentswhohavecompletedthe AICE Curriculum with bestcomposite score o 1270 SAT or28 ACT

• Studentswhohaveattendeda home education programaccording to s. 1002.41, F.S.,registered with the districtduring grades 11 and 12, andhave a best composite score o 1270 SAT or 28 ACT

• GEDwithbestcompositescoreo 1270 SAT or 28 ACT and a 3.5weighted GPA in the above 15

required credits• 3-yearstandardcollege

preparatory program with bestcomposite score o 1270 SAT or28 ACT and a 3.5 weighted GPAin the above 15 required credits

• NationalMeritorAchievementScholars and Finalists and

National Hispanic Scholars whohave not completed 75 hours o community service

• Studentswhohavecompletedthe IB Curriculum with bestcomposite score o 970 SAT or20 ACT

• AICEDiplomaRecipientswhohave not completed 75 hours o community service

• Studentswhohavecompletedthe AICE Curriculum with bestcomposite score o 970 SAT or20 ACT

• Studentswhohaveattendeda home education programaccording to s. 1002.41, F.S.,registered with the districtduring grades 11 and 12, and:

• Haveabestcombinedscore o 1070 SAT or 23ACTOR

• Haveabestcombinedscoreo 970 SAT or 20 ACT witha weighted 3.0 GPA in theabove 15 required credits(documented throughFlorida public, FDOE-

registered private, FLVS ordual enrollment transcripts)

• GEDwithbestcompositescoreo 970 SAT or 20 ACT and a 3.0weighted GPA in the above 15required credits

• 3-yearstandardcollegepreparatory program with bestcomposite score o 970 SAT or20 ACT and a 3.0 weighted GPAin the above 15 required credits

 The other ways to qualiy listedbelow must also include a 3.5

unweighted GPA in a minimum o 3vocational credits in one vocationalprogram and minimum test scoreslisted above.

• 3-year Career PreparatoryDiploma** with 3.0 weightedGPA using the 13 core creditsrequired or graduation listedbelow

4 English( 3 with substantial writing)

3 Mathematics (including

Algebra I)3 Natural Science(2 with substantial lab)

3 Social Science (Am. Hist.,World Hist., Am. Govt., andEconomics)

_________13 Credits

• 3-year College PreparatoryDiploma with 3.0 weighted GPAusing the 15 core credits requiredor graduation listed below

4 English

(3 with substantial writing)3 Mathematics

(Algebra I level and above)3 Natural Science

(2 with substantial lab)3 Social Science (Am. Hist.,

World Hist., Am. Govt., andEconomics)

2 Foreign Language(in same language)

_________15 Credits

• GED with 3.0 weighted GPA usingthe core credits required or yourselected high school graduationoption (standard, career, orcollege)

**Note:For other diploma optionsestablished by legislativesessions, visit

The Florida Legislature is

authorized to change eligibility

and unding requirements.

Florida AcademicScholars Award (FAS)

Florida MedallionScholars Award (FMS)

Florida Gold Seal VocationalScholars Award (GSV)

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