beyoutiful salon report

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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Prepared byAhmad AlshehriBrayan Pereira

Prepared For BeYouTiful SALON SPA SUPPLY

June 4, 2014


PAGEAbstract …………........…………………………………………………..…… 1

Introduction ………………………….…………….………………….….…… 2

Data Collection ……...………………………….…………………….....……. .2

Analysis ……………………………………….….………..……………….….. 3

Final Design ……………...…………….……………………….………………3

Conclusion ……………...………………………………………………..……..4

Appendices ……………………………………………………………………..5



The current layout of BeYouTiful salon was found to be ineffective when it comes to travel time between stations. To remedy this, a new layout was designed using a layout design method. The new layout was made and found to be an improved solution. This layout also takes into account the stations that cannot be moved feasibly, while at the same time incorporating the owner’s desire to have a central desk.



The purpose of report is to illustrate the merits of redesigning BeYoutiful Salon Spa Supply’s current facility. This introduction highlights the need for redesign.

Currently, BeYoutiful is very popular amongst the local population. It currently enjoys positive reviews from the review website Yelp. In the last three months reviews and check-ins for this location have increased by around 10%. This indicates a possible increase in customer presence at peak hours (Thurs 4-6, Fri 4-6).

Stores with high volume of customers must be very accessible. Space must be used efficiently to maximize walking/free space. The layout must also be easy to understand to avoid customers walking without direction, which causes congestion and an uncomfortable atmosphere.

Presently, BeYoutiful’s layout can be confusing to understand. This is mostly due to having two widely used entrances. Customers entering from the door by Foothill Blvd. must walk the length of the store to find the front desk. Additionally, shelves and products block the view of the desk from that entrance, thus making it difficult to locate. Furthermore, products are scattered throughout the store. This would require a customer to walk between all services to view all the products that this location has to offer (see Appendix A).

Data Collection

Since our main focus was to redesign the layout for the salon, it was decided to employ a basic layout design method. The approach, which is outlined in the book “Manufacturing Facilities: location, planning, and design”, determines the location of certain stations based on travel frequency between said stations. Since there are too many combinations of possible customers for this salon, only the top five customers and their frequency of travel between stations are considered. Based on sales the top five customers are as follows:

1. Customer sits in the waiting area, gets a haircut, nails are done, shops for products and then pays

2. Customer sits in the waiting area, gets nails done and then pays3. Customer shops for products and then pays4. Customer sits in the waiting area, gets a haircut, does a facial/wax , receives a

massage and then pays5. Customer sits in the waiting area, gets a haircut, receives hair coloring treatment, hair

is dried and then pays

In this situation, each area that is used by a customer is assigned a letter (see Appendix B). Using this notation a simplified view of the top five customer’s path can be obtained:

1. WaHcNaSaFd2. WaNaFd3. SaFd4. WaHcFwTrFd5. WaHcCtDFd


The trips per month were determined by extrapolating values of each type of customer throughout a week. Customer 1: 100 trips per month, customer 2: 40 trips per month, customer 3: 20 trips per month, customer 4: 10 trips per month, customer 5: 5 trips per month.


Using our basic layout method, the From-To chart and total flow chart were constructed (Appendix B).

From this it was determined that an “A” (absolutely necessary) relationship would be a value of 120, “E” (especially necessary) would be 100, “I” (Important) would be 40, “O” (Ordinary) would be 10, and “U” (Unimportant) would be 0. From this a relationship chart was constructed (Appendix B).

From this relationship chart, two different node diagrams were constructed in order to have more than one redesigned layout (Appendix C). Also for comparison, a node diagram for the current layout was constructed (Appendix E).

Using these node diagrams and knowing, after measuring during our visits to the facility, the square footage, three grid layouts were constructed (Appendix C). The total square footage of the location is measured at 3500 sq ft. The stations were measured to be in the sizes shown in appendix B. Grid blocks that equal 100 sq ft were used, thus making the area 7 x5 blocks.

Using these three grid layouts the effectiveness chart of each layout was determined and shown below. This takes into account the relationship value and distance between stations by block count. A lower effectiveness value is desirable (Appendix D & E).

As you can see the two new layouts have an effectiveness value of 3 and 6 respectively, while the current layout has an effectiveness value of 38. This suggests that the new redesigned layouts are superior to the current layout when it comes to minimizing travel time for customers/employees between stations.


Now the decision is between the two new redesigned layouts. Immediately when examining the layouts a problem arises. Both layouts require major restructuring of the facility. Both layout 1 and layout 2 require the movement of both the facial/wax room and the therapy room. This would require tearing down walls and relocating the rooms. This endeavor would be very costly and thus not recommended. Another pressing issue is the fact that both redesigns require the movement of the color treatment area. Since this area requires sinks and thus plumbing, any movement of this location will cause a high increase in cost.

At this point in our report we consulted with the owner to talk about our redesigns. She coincided with us that movement of the facial/wax room and the therapy room would be though and that it should be avoided. On the movement of the color treatment area the felt like it would be though but doable. This suggested that she was not looking to move it, but if needed to she would. She then also requested that the front desk be in the middle of the shop, since she has two widely used entrances. Taking in all the feedback and the analysis of proposed layouts we are now able to continue our report.

Keeping in mind that facial/wax room and the therapy room should not be moved, while knowing the coloring treatment is desired to stay in its original location, a new layout was made. This new layout (Appendix F) has a nodal and grid diagram as well as an efficiency calculation.


As you can see the desk was place in the middle while we left the facial/wax room and therapy room in the same location. Luckily we were able to place the coloring treatment station in the same location as well. This layout not only addresses the concerns of cost from the previous layouts, but also incorporates the owner’s desires to have a central desk. Of course this relocation of areas caused the effectiveness score to go up, but to a manageable value of 9. All this being said it is clear that the third and final layout is the best choice for BeYoutiful Salon.


From the analysis it was determined that the current layout is not effective when it comes to travel time between stations. Then by using a basic layout method, which optimizes travel time between stations, two new layouts were designed. Both layouts saved travel time, but did not take into account that certain stations are too costly to move. Therefore, a third layout was designed that took into account what stations were stationary, while also meeting the owner’s needs to have a central desk. However, importantly this third layout’s effectiveness score only went up by three, which is still substantially less than the original layout’s score of 38. This third layout not only incorporates a central desk but also makes the layout of the design easier to understand for the customers. To fully accomplish this layout a circular ergonomic desk must be purchased, but other than that everything thing else is a simple movement of stations. We also recommend the installation of adjustable sinks. This sinks protect the employees from bending over when washing hair, which will reduce injuries. The ergonomic mats for the stylist should also be replaced because they are getting old and inefficient.


Appendix A

Current Layout


Appendix BFlow/Relationship Chart

Hc Ct Na D Fw Tr Fd Sa Wa SumHc - 5(O) 100(E) 10(O) 115(A) 230Ct - 5(O) 40(I) 50Na - 40(I) 100(E) 240D - 5(O) 10

Fw - 10(O) 20Tr - 10(O) 20Fd - 120(A) 175Sa - 220Wa - 155

To-From ChartHc Ct Na D Fw Tr Fd Sa Wa

Hc - 5 100 10Ct - 5Na - 40 100D - 5

Fw - 10Tr - 10Fd -Sa 100, 20 -Wa 100 ,

10, 540 -

Appendix C

Wa = Waiting Area = 300 sq ftHc = Hair Cut = 600 sq ft

Na = Nails = 200 sq ftSa = Shopping Area = 800 sq ft

Fd = Front Desk = 300 sq ftFw = Facial/Wax = 300 sq ft

Tr = Therapy Room = 300 sq ftCt = Color Treatment = 400 sq ft

D = Dryer = 300 sq ft








Sa Fd


Layout 1 Layout 2







Ct D


Appendix D

Grid 2Sa Sa Sa Sa FdSa Sa Sa Sa FdHc Hc Na Na FdHc Hc Hc Hc TrWa Wa Wa Tr TrCt D D D FwCt Ct Ct Fw Fw

Grid 1Fw Fw Tr Wa WaFw Hc Tr Tr WaHc Hc Hc Ct CtHc Hc Na Ct CtSa Sa Na Fd DSa Sa Sa Fd DSa Sa Sa Fd D


Effectiveness Chart (Layout 2)Hc Ct Na D Fw Tr Fd Sa Wa RV

Hc - 1x1 3x0 1x2 4x0 3Ct - 1x0 2x0 0Na - 2x0 3x0 0D - 1x3 3

Fw - 1x0 0Tr - 1x0 0Fd - 4x0 0Sa - 0Wa - 0

Effective: 6Effectiveness Chart (Layout 1)

Hc Ct Na D Fw Tr Fd Sa Wa RVHc - 1x0 3x0 1x0 4x0 0Ct - 1x0 2x0 0Na - 2x0 3x0 0D - 1x0 0

Fw - 1x0 0Tr - 1x3 3Fd - 4x0 0Sa - 0Wa - 0

Effective: 3

Appendix EEffectiveness Chart (Original Layout)

Hc Ct Na D Fw Tr Fd Sa Wa RVHc - 1x2 3x1 1x3 4x2 16

Grid Original LayoutTr Tr Fw Fd FdTr Fw Fw Fd WaCt Ct Ct Wa WaCt Sa Sa Sa SaNa Sa Sa Sa SaNa D Hc Hc HcD D Hc Hc Hc


Original Layout








Ct - 1x2 2x0 2Na - 2x5 3x0 10D - 1x5 5Fw - 1x0 0Tr - 1x1 1Fd - 4x1 4Sa - 0Wa - 0

Effetiveness: 38

Appendix F

Effectiveness Chart (Layout 3)Hc Ct Na D Fw Tr Fd Sa Wa RV

Hc - 1x2 3x0 1x2 4x0 4

Grid Original LayoutFw Fw Na Na SaFw Tr Hc Sa SaTr Tr Hc Hc SaCt Ct Fd Hc SaD Ct Fd Hc SaD Ct Fd Hc SaD Wa Wa Wa Sa


Layout 3










Ct - 1x0 2x0 0Na - 2x2 3x0 4D - 1x0 3Fw - 1x0 0Tr - 1x1 1Fd - 4x0 0Sa - 0Wa - 0

Effetiveness: 9

Appendix G

Final Layout


Appendix HCurrent Layout(Relationships) 11


Appendix I

Final Layout (Relationships)


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