beyond tco

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Beyond TCOArchitecting Hadoop for adoption and data applications

Reid Levesque – Head, Solution Engineering




Use cases

Deployment Impact Next


Technology – Let’s talk Hadoop

Every company is a technology company…

some just don’t know it yet.

Traditional systems under pressure

Conventional wisdom• Put the code on an Application Server• Move the data to/from database• Move the data to/from NASReality check• This works well for small amounts of data• As data volumes increase this design falls apart

Hadoop to the rescue


How do we get Hadoop into the organization?

How about these use cases?

File archive +Hadoop

Data-intensive grid compute analytics

Database replacement

ETL off-load +Hadoop



• Data is online; no need for tape backup

• Cheaper than NAS / SAN

• Increased performance / scalability

• Metadata is easier to get; all the data is in one spot

• Improved performance

• Lower TCO

• Reduced dependence on proprietary software

• Reduce RDBMS licensing

• Reduced operational cost for analysis

• Improved functionality with stored XML

• Lower TCO

• Additional analytic capability

• Better hardware utilization

• Lower platform management

Not so much

File archive +Hadoop

Data-intensive grid compute analytics

Database replacement

ETL off-load +Hadoop



Which use case did work?

Current batch was taking 4 hours; which limited the way they did their job

Users wanted interactive response times to design and test their financial models

This was net new functionality that could only be achieved in Hadoop

Now TCO makes more sense

File archive +Hadoop

Data-intensive grid compute analytics

Database replacement

ETL off-load +Hadoop



With Hadoop TCO covered, previous use cases are now more compelling.

How do we deploy this?

Which distribution?

Pick one:

Time to pick the hardware

Is this true?

Commodity hardware + commodity networking = bad architecture

Before there was Hadoop, there were enterprise IT standards

To name a few conflicts during the rollout…

• Local account UID / names• OS settings• Root access• File locations• Standard mount sizes• Enterprise Active Directory• Monitoring systems

Hadoop is NOT flexible on deployment requirements

Who does the work?

Single team including:• Dedicated infrastructure team (Compute, Network, Data Center, Operations)• Dedicated Hadoop team (sysadmin/operations, engineering)• Hardware vendor engineers• Hadoop distribution engineers

Into production we go!

What was the impact?

Changing perceptions

Impact across the organization

Infrastructure• Networking / Data Center designs• Relationship with storage, cloud,

virtualization capabilities• Generating analytic use cases

Development• Mega-attractor for talent• Application consolidation• Shifting from IT to business focus

Management• Understanding (or accepting) new

paradigm• Cross-department architecture

alignment• Data-focus rather than application-


Business• Continuously evolving understanding of

capability / possibilities• Next generation IT w/ rapidly evolving

ecosystem• Self-service innovation for business


Lessons Learned

Hadoop doesn’t remove hardware maintenance

Hadoop development is still development!

New paradigm – requires skilled developers

A whole new set of error messages to decode

There aren’t that many experts

Where do we go next?

Self-service tools

Selling Hadoop internally• This journey has taught me a lot about Hadoop; more than most people at the organization• The biggest tasks are educating the organization and doing simple things as a first step

Thank You

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