beyond prototypes: challenges in deploying ubiquitous systems n. davies and h. gellersen ieee...

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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Beyond Prototypes:Beyond Prototypes:Challenges in Deploying Challenges in Deploying

Ubiquitous SystemsUbiquitous Systems

N. Davies and H. GellersenIEEE pervasive computing, 2002

Presenter: Min Zhang(


IntroductionUbiquitous information and communicationExperiences in deploying ubiquitous systemsResearch challengesSummary


Mark Weiser’s vision of Ubiquitous Computing in 1991

– Still futuristic today

Many technical and sociological challenges– Creating system beyond mere laboratory prototypes

Discuss research challenges!!

Ubiquitous information and Ubiquitous information and communicationcommunication

Technology has advanced towards Ubiquitous computing

– Global Positioning System (GPS)– Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

Striking developments– The emergence of the Web

• a global information and service resource

– Mobile telephony• Widespread adoption

Active Bat SystemActive Bat System

Conducted at AT&T lab. in CambridgeIndoor positioning system

– Using sensor and badge

Lancaster’s Guide SystemLancaster’s Guide System

Provides visitors with tour guide information

– Based on visitor’s interest and movementUse

– Tablet PC– WLAN

deployed around major attractions

MediaCup ProjectMediaCup Project

University of Karlsruhe, GermanyCups equipped with sensors and wireless communications

Not usedSomeone drinksSomeone plays with the cup

Research ChallengesResearch Challenges

Component interaction– Should be designed in an open and

extensible manner

Adaptation and Contextual sensitivity– might reconfigure applications involving

multiple components

Appropriate management mechanism– Unlikely occurs within the context of a single

administrative domain

Research ChallengesResearch Challenges

Component association and Task analysis– Accurately determine a user’s task and

intention– Develop associations between components

Viable economic models– A single “killer” application is unsuccessful– Many small contributions from applications

that use the component

Research ChallengesResearch Challenges

User interface integration– Need coordination between applications – To ensure a reasonable user interface

Privacy and Security– Empower users to evaluate the trade-off

• Protection of privacy VS. improved service

– Legislation must define the boundaries


Technology has advanced towards UbiComp– GPS, RFID, Web, Mobile Phone

Many researches for developing prototypes

Research Challenges for Ubiquitous Computing– Technical and sociological challenges– Mainly focus on “integration”

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