bethel home rules and regulations 1930

Post on 15-Oct-2015






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A historic WT publication.



  • Bethel Home Rules and Regulations

    (1) ?'he legal title to the Betiwl h o w is held by tlle I'ooples Pulpit A8soCM..tia&. It is held in tnist for the Lord a id his 8310inted. ISy the terms of thc cllarter and laws of the Association tllc Prcside~~t thereof must control and manw the home.

    (2) Bules a id regulations are massq to advise dl the occalmts what may b properly done in tlie home q d what is improper to do. All who are cle- votecl to the Lord arc anxious to coopemte. Coopera- tion mn be had only by each one faithfully obscrviilg tlm rules and regulations.

    (3) Every m c m k of the family must reat1 a~rd ~~ to the rulcs and rcgdatiom. By beconring n mcmber of the family each one thereby a,pws to h governed by such rules and rcyIations.

    (4) $'or tlic \d l -kiug of tlrc h t l ~ e l home tlrc iol- lowing is tlrc oqpni~~t ion: H o w niamgg; lmux- - h p r ; msistm~is to the housek~pci; chef arrd =is- iiults; dining-room at&ndmB; hunclry; a ~ l d heating. - &ch one performing duties in ally part of tlic orbrlll~i- miion will be appointLul by the l'rwident or by CIIC ltousc n~nnagcl; wit11 Ulc advicc lutd co~wilt of t l~c Presicleut. 1\11 silcl~ ~rm~is miis& lla cctnscu-r;~t*tl Clmristians.

  • DUTIES (;)) 'l'lrc Iroitsc iirallager d1;t11 Imre gc~rcml dlargt!

    of lilt? I r t ~ ~ t c . . Jt r.lmll IN Iris dutx to scc to it tlli~t .~t-lr ollr ill crtsrj- dt*~);~hrnmirt of the orgai~imtio~~ is ~~r~tjwrly lwrfurii~i~~g Iris or I~cr duties For tlriipur- ~MJSI* Ilrc ltutlse iir;lVrager drrll n~ular ly i~isjwct the t l i~~i~ig-wnr , kitcl~eli, l r o ~ ~ k a - p i ~ r g , all tlie rooms, 1 ltc* lit~ttrolr~~ lira t ing arn1lge1nellt, uncl mnsul t wit11 it1111 itilris(? i*ach n11d erery yurt of tile organizatio~~ tx)at.~.n~iirg tlic work. tVl1cre tllere is alty diffcrcnce or o~~ii~iolta.c to \\.hat sliall IK! clo~ic, tlrc decision of tltc I I ~ I I M - nianegt?f ~ 1 ~ 1 1 h find, subject only to Ulc Jbro.sitbrt. All ~notters of c~ntrowrsy must In? take11 1111 Iq Clic Iluuse urilmgvr ant1 referred to the Pmi- clclit o~rlj- \shcn it h n r e s ~~ecessnry.

    (6) l f niore Iwrsons are rcquikd in any 1w-t of llic uWaiz;liio~l tlic 1wusc Ilianagcr s11aII ikotify the J'micleut, tlmt otlicrs ma! In: brought in for tl;rt j~urpotx. ;\IIJ.OIIC. nruy be asked to leave the Ikthel Iioaie or ally ]I& of tlw org.mizatio~~ for calm?. For gwd tr1ii1 ?rufir.icet c;lulie the house nlanager may, with 11s advice w d c o ~ ~ m t of tlic P~resitlcnt, re~nove any UIIC Iron1 the lion~e. ('i) I t slrali In: tie duty of the house manager to

    klluw what jwrwil or lwrmns occupies each and every rounl ill 111e Louw; irrlcl no O~IC shall be bm11g11t iuto tllc lruust* for tllc p u r j m of lzrforming: duties or for n~mrir~ilt:: owr ~tiglrt witllout t l ~ lino\slcdge ancl trblrrc*nt or the IIOIL.~ manager.

    (8) '1'1rt- 1111~ing of fdocl arid otllcr supj~lica for the 11oa118 sltall In* tloia l ~ y tho tionx nlanager. Ilcqt~isi- iiollx for tlrc* aanrc drt111 Lc proln!rlg m i ~ d a out m~il It:tlltltrl to 111i* Inmkktrjw*r for ntry anrl all mrcll pur- t.lutsi-:: : ; ~ t i l 110 persot1 01 tlle 11011te slrdl 1#, ~wrriiittctl ic~ ];t.zc- ;t~tytbilg on tlie a~wlllrt or en~l i t of the ;\?isialias c-sn*pt. ulr prolwr mluisitio~i.

  • llOU8EKEEPlNG (9) %'he housekeeper &dl be a si&r in tllc tnttll.

    Shc shall lmve chargc of all tho rooms in the liomc with such cxoeptio~~ as the Pmident may makc. Shc shall bve charge of 811 the linen supply for the rooms, and to this end ~1141 seo that the linen closets arc kept in ljroper shapc and tlic supplies handed out to wis- tants as n d t y may quire. 1% linen closets shall be kcpt l&d She shall keep a count of the quantity of linen, towela, eta, in each c l d and render an inventory thereof to tho liousc manager at any time upon requopt. Whcn any linen, towels, soap or othcr supplies are nceded for tho moms or bathrooms of the houao the housekeeper shall make 8 requisition there- for and dolivcr it to the houae manager.

    (10) h h assistant for the keeping of the rooms in order shall be n aister co~tecmtcd to tho Lord. The h o d q w shall d g n cach onc to her mpective duties. It will be her dut td visit the rooms mgdarly 3: and see that a o n d e asskbnb is properly per- forming hcr dutics in koepiag the rooms dean and hi order. If she finds that any of thc mistauta have not t dh ia r t work to hwp them occupied, thcu she dm11 assign a c h mom dutiea in ordcr thnt they may b occupied, If upon co~~~ultntio~i \with the Iio~uwlk~!pr it ie found that any of tlic &stants arc ovwburclmec1, thm mangemcuts dl41 be made to more g~iitably dietribute the dutics to k performal.

    (11) 'Ilic wrubbhi of thc l~dwilys and UIC wolrli- ing of ai~~i lows shall %c ilouc by n brotlier assip~vl b j tho l~oudeeper to that duty with thc advice rulcl con- writ of tllc h o w ilianagcr. 'l'lic 0 t h work in tlic r001i1s not h c I I ~ tlic occu1fut1b of tlic roonis illan- sclvw dl& be clo~ie by ihc 1iousek~q)c~ ant1 Iicr assis- tanta

  • 1,'ctlbcl lfome ltukm 5 (12) It dlall LC the duty of thc l~o~~sckcrp~!r tu

    NP that all roonu arc kept in propr order, and to this cild to rrcq that there is no washing or laundry cluttc in ally of the moms or any of tho Lthtuh. If 811~' fill& 811y.011~ violating this rule by doing washing or laundry \vork in my of the rooma or Ltl~roomd, the! nlnttcr $,all b inm~ediately reprted to the house n ~ a ~ l u g ~ r ; nsd it ehnll Ix3 ltis duty to take apprdpriate uttiolt to s~u! that such violatio~i of the regulation has proper attention. (13) T11e I~ousekecper shall see that soiled linen for

    tllc laundq is gatherd at regular intervclls and dis- ptellcd to tile laundry. When the hished laundry is returilect to the room the ' h d e e p e r shall bc ilotifinl at \\.hat time it is to be delivered and ahall dleck over Clle l u l a returned to sect that it has been l ~ r o p l y returned.

    (14) No pci%ou slikl h permitted to remove from tllc lkthd Ilomc miy ehcets, p1Xw cam, hwcle, linen or oily other rml)l)lics. The houeekoeper ahall aee that this is strictly enforced, m d my attempt to violate this rulc &hall LC ilumediately reparted to the house nlanagcr.

    (18) The l o u w k ~ and al l assistants shall be o t ~ duty in Ule honlc during the hours of service; and wither the l ~ o u d w l x r nor m y of the assidants shall leave tk 11on1c during the hours of mice except by thc nhicv and consent of the house manager, and tllc!e oilly wl~cn necessity requim If the housekeeper finclw that i111y ussistnnts am &irking or neglecting tilt-ir cluiics ~ J Y lcari~lg tho home during the houm of wicrvicv, she xltnll warn tllcit~ not to do eo again, and 11pot1 furthctr ~~ltc.mpt, ivport to the house manager; allcl nttj rq~entcd infraction of this rulc shall be sufIi1 cient atux lo r Jixl~nrgilig ally cluch person from the htld bmc.

  • BATU ROOM (16) It shill1 .k tlw duty of the houselrccl~r to ~ u !

    that thc bthroonw and toilets a! kept iu propor order and are ~~y supplied with tho things I&.

    (l?) 'IVasfiing clothes or doing m y laundry in tk lmthroolas or rooma is rrtriptf y pmbiLitd. Shoatld ibo houselreejxr fil~d any waling or cloillg laundry in the bathtooms or in thair bedrooar, or m y bcdmm in the h ~ t h e y ~ d h w r r n e c l a t ~ n o t t o c l o # r ; a u c l any repeated violation of this rnle shall be ~llfbie~it cam C usii a ]?eraon to leave the Bdhel home.

    (18) No l i i i d food aball be oMied from the din- i~w-ivorn to any room in the hue b any of the me1li- ~ n ~ t h a ~ 9 , ~ t f r r ~ w L ~ m i c d t o - ~

    who is sick, aud then onlr by adctvica and eon- sent of the bowkeeper or tbe honse m a w . This rule will lm strictly cnforccd in odcr that thc hall- ways may be kept h t l y and in onlor. Any pmor dhy tbe balls, stairways, &ator,, or his or h r roomsbycerryiyfooclofanykmd~thchouso shall be requireci to inlmecliotely o h it up. The deanhg up not be taken as a u t h m ~ to violate tlro ride d carrying licluicl foolla through the houw, but ddi be mustrued w OIIQ of the pedtim for tho Uiolation of the rule.

    THE SICK (19) Tho dike and Iactory fom are uu&r tlw

    ililrction of tln! dtioe nlauagm. Any of the fom enl- pIojtId &coming ill d~all bn~cdiatcly 1w re- p r l d to the office manager, and hc ~ h d i haildlc UIP nutiter as the csse t~~211rx to require. Any nm1lm of tln! form of the &tha ianiily not employed at Che ofliix? or factory ky.omittg dc*k n11eI.l In! wlmrtC(l ill\- ~~eiiltuly to t i ~ t Lam manager or lmudcmpr, a11c1 tlwlow tttil! Iw nrni~ltailcul i f imwary.

  • 'I'ltit S1wic.ty wilt b. -4 / 1. an ill ttr i11irt1x4 i-

    (20) 'l'lu* lu)tlru! alrllitAq!r or hona*kcrlrr atttcl all i1~4irtitttl~ i l r calt julrt of the orb~tirntiut~ rltdl CO- oln*~.attcr i l l ktvq)iitg tlrc! Iloursc! dcnlt, tidy rrnl ltcbnt.

    (PI ) 4'lu: hot1st*ki'c'1~~ ddl give j)rojmr tltic~iiiotl l i t ~tnttdittg or nymiring of l ~ v t Jhu~t, towels or otlrcr sapplitr for tlw rooare. For this purpose u wwiilg- mn, L j~rovickvl alld all mcmlig mud L h u e in tlw! wwii~g-roont. 'I'lro bwt.k1.eper may m i g ~ i airy of her ~isistmtts to tltb work fwm time to time as ~tccemit~ xquinw Ail Iwl-lintcni that h tun1 ~IO it con~tat In! SrtrlIwr IIZTYI &I1 be tuned over te tlre Ww.. rlut shall ar! tlutt the anw k p p r l y lorn- astcl jtttt away to hc t w d L of 8icIum or otlcr ~tecerr- sity.


    (22) All p ~ f l ~ g e f t~u~td ally OL tlic witiri ~11~11 In* n*ltut\.crl to the grlugc can proviM for that pur- l ~ * . All tlrist takc.n- from the rmm ~kall h cle- tmilnl irt a nTc~~talrlc. It i s marbifdy hprolxr to t31rtl cltlrt out tR nit? risclow or to liltah rug+, oarputs, III~BJI* or clustp~trr, dc., out the rirtclowa 1)ltst s i ~ l l In! ielie~r in a dust-ptl or other nwq~taek ant1 re- x~ror-trl to iltt* gad- MIL

    (:?:I) \VCa ~ I I C Iwlrwkaqwr filwls WIJ cltttritg! t t t art? 1utrI of iln: k*ttst~ or utly of t h rcrwtrs, tlh! surtca slti1II In* nllorttrl iart~t~li;~tcrIy to tlm i r c ~ nvt)a,rrcr.


    (24) %lie rising gong i d d l bc soundccl at (i : 30 a. In.; breakfast served at 7: 00 a. m. Immdiatcly at thc coirclusion of ihc hdc fa r i t dl the houw or- ganization &dl bc on duty and &dl rcmain ou duty until 6 : 45 p. m, excc1)t the hour Won at noon for lunch. Thc exception to this rule shall be whcn talc house m n g c r shnll nssip my one to pcrfonn dutics that arc required at 11ours other thnn those abovc namcd.


    (25) Tho E t d ~ c n shall be unilcr the mamgcment of the chef. He shall consult from time to time with the house manager as to the food supply and the food to bo served. He shall have such nssistante as thc house manags may find to be nccemq. It will bc the duty of the chef to eee that tho food prepared and served is wholesome. All cooking of any and all kinds of food shall b done by the chef and his mistants under the direction of thc cld. Whcn the cl~cf r o quim food or supplies for thc kitchen and family hc shall make IL requisition upon thc house manager for the enmo No person ahnll be permitted in the kitchc~~ cxccl~t tho clld nnd his assistants, exccpt the manager a d such person or pawns as tho house mnnapr may del@ to go to the kitcl~cm. It dlall bc impropcr for any pemn or pemns to visit with the cllei or his mistnuts in the kitchen; and no 011o shall have his inetrls scrvcrl in tho liitchcn meopt the cllcf nlicl his asitants. No OIIC shall take my food from t l~c kitchen eyce1)t ulmu the k~~o\vledge and co~lsent of the chef or the I~ousc mmegcr.

  • (26) 'l'hc larder or otlicr supply room sliall be un- tlcbr Illc coiitrol of tlic liouse nimiager. IIe may make 111c ~ ~ e ~ s s m y nrrau&vlncnts for the chef to remove whd Iw raluircs tllclviron~; but 110 other person in the clitlil~g-room or ally otlicr part of the house shall have n~itllority to rcmovc iood or otller supplics from the liirtlcr ulld give to any pcrsou in the house.

    (27) No 11ersoa slid1 h pm~it tecl to make cru~cly i~bont thc houec at any time, whether the same be ~~liide with the Society's supplies or other supplies. Tlic liousc is not to be messed up by candy-making.

    (28) 'l'lie dining-room shall be under the super- vieio~i and control of the house manager. It shall be tllc duty of the house innnwr to provide the dining- rooln \\-ithi the necessary brethren to keep i t in order and serve the tables. To this end he shall appoint ronicoiie as head waiter whose duty it shall be to work in harn~olly with the chef to have tho food con- ~ c j c d from the kitchen to the dining-room and prop- c~rlj- dervc the snmc. 'l'he house man- sldl require tllc dining-room force to keep the dining-room in 1)roper order aiid to report to him any violation of lllc rules by the dining-room force or any member of tlic Iuniil~ 1~110 violates tllo rules of the dining-room. Xo ~i~cnlbcr of the dining-room slid1 dispense food to 111i.nllx.r~ of the llouse to be carried to their roams cstxqtt upon the ailvict: and consent of the liouse man- ugrr or the liousekccprl; and the latter in case of sick- I I ~ S P . R'o woman sliall be prmittcd in the kitchen for i1ny 1~ur11ofi~vlrntsoc~cr tinless i t be the housekceyer, 1v11o gtnstli(~re for iood for some one 1\4io is ill. Uu- ilcr ilo circi~nistallct~s sllall any sistcr cook any food in the kitchen.


  • (29) IiRaIriast slull be s n c d at 7 bb'clock in t)lc! moruing cxcept oil Suiidr~. when it sllpll h =rv~xl at 8 o'clock. Ni r n c n ~ ~ r s of tllc family arc e x p t d to 1 ~ ! prcwnt at t11c moniing \\-orship mcl breakfast. !L'l~oztc s m i i ~ g in thc dhingroonl or kitchca \rho arc r q u i r d to sen-c in any other prt of the hot= during bmakfilrit or other m d Iiours may be scr)ml at the sxa11d hl~le. No otbcr person sldl h sen-& at tllc sec~)ud ta lk Any p c m t ~ who o ~ e r s l q ~ ur fails to cottic Co I~rcnkfast s11a31 to t h permitted to coine ic! tlic dhing-room or kitdlen and get food.

    Escepiiol~ to tliis rule will be wl1ct.c any o~rc is cnlployccl as night watehmn or otherwise slgagecl during meal hours in d c o at thc offioe, factory or in any capacity for the Society and tl~emljy preveirted from attending the ~~ n l d . 'l'hc~ie may k c their meals at the aecond table or whcn it is conve~iient for them to be present.

    (30) l'hc noon meill shall be s c r k - d a t 12: 15, rrlld the cveuiug meal &dl be s e n d at GJ. m. All per- sons wllo are not rcqniml to Iw! on diity duritig thew mcal hours shall taiic tlldr n~cals a t the hours nsmcrl in the dining-mom. Xo pcmn shall be served at the second table who could be ~ervcd at the first table.


    (31) I'he brethmn ~ c n i l g a t the radio s ta t io~~ WBBR, and wl~o an! rcquiml to lave the honie Morc Ill(: evetri~~g 111t.31, nlilr liirrc the-ir mc.olls wvcd ill tlrc ~ g - 1 0 0 m under me11 mnclitio~~s as the IIOII.S(!~N-~X:I- may armllgc with tllc chef.

  • (32) For the yurjtosc of aawnu~~odati~~g b~.ctlircrl \\lru arc rquirtxl to Iw: out h t c iu U I ~ evcniirg, arid ullo ~riaj- ir~vcl fwcl alter tlicq- rcturtt to tlie Ilomc, a t;iltlc iri tlic rear of Clie diilii~g-room will be supplid aitli cvrtairt cuId fwtls. Tliis foot1 ]nay Lc catell d l r i g i rL 11y tliosc \\-Iw an' rcquircxl to rclixtin out late, it... ahve niwtio~~cd; but caell olic slldl %W to it Illat lrt. clc~-s liot litter y) the dining-room. Tliis rule docs 1101 lwrniit any p r s ~ 1 \t-110 is out a t night mcrely out of chicc, eiid not for tlic llurl'ose of scrving, to go tcr tlic cliriiilg-rou~n. Tlle purlmsc of tllis table is t t t s111il1ly o111j- tllosc tt-lm are cngaged hi the sen-ice d tlic during hours that rcquire thcnl to come iri latv. The ouly food that shall lx placed upon this taltlr dtall In: \\-bat is ittit a11d oil hand during- the evcti~iag- KO food shall h p1& on the counter, and iro oirc shall cat a t the countcr st nig1:t. l%is is for tile purpose of haring the counter clean in the morn- i lg atrd reat13 for the service. ?Yo person s l J l be pr- ir~itted to rat at uiglit st the otller tables that 1:crve 1-.1t prc11artxl for b d a s t . Any violation of this I-ulc 1)y any mc-mkr of the house110ld or any -11 ?;ll;rll k iml11diately rcportcd to the bourn manager, ;rrrcl alrj ~iolatiou of tllis rule dm11 be subject to sudi d i ~ i j ~ ~ i t l c as niay b dw~) ld pro1xr. Everyone should coolwratc to k ~ e p the dining-room in proper order it11t1 trot 111:lke u n i i a w r y \~ork for those who serve it. Silrce llre clrd alid his assistants and the dining-room for~q! ;IIV nvluii-cd to be ou duty carlicr than otl~cr ii~t?~itlwrs of the fanlily, tha may take such time off ill tltc aftcniooa as thcy litcry &sire, so that their 1lo1tr;i oi sc.r\*ic.c an? eclu;d to that of 0th- serviiig itr l lw Irit~i~r. l'lris rule win apply to tllosc w11o wrve iri l11c he~tilrg dt.lJi~rbrtc~lt or ally otl~cz cfeprhica~t of tlie Iiome.

  • LAUNDRY (33) The lionlc l~rovidw li laundry for tlic h d i t

    of those who aro in the homo. All tlic Iio~so laundry and all the laundry of tlrc i~~unle r s of tlic 11ouw dol~ra by the Society must be dom at the regular laundry provided for that purpsc. This shall IH! undcr tl~c direction of the ] row muagwr, who shall easign mch persons as may bc required to do the laundry.

    (34) 'rwa tubs are providcd in a lwln rtcar tlic laundry wherein the sisters or others may do mcll pri- vate washing or laundry as they may rcquirc from time to time. Thore shall k no tvdlin of laundiy

    . and no ~aunclry ilonc in any part of the f 10- exocpt the regular laundry and in these tub. No pcraon shall be permitted to waeh socks, underwear or other apparel in any batbrooms or rooms in t l ~ e h o w or in any wash-bowl in tbe house; and any person found violating this rule shall be immediately reported to the house manager, who dull take proper action to see that it is not repeated.

    (35) On Xondrry moruily d i n ~ m k r of tlie family shall deposit his laundry in mcptaclca in the hallway rovided for that purpose. It shdl b in a bag mar P ed with his room umber ancl name on thc bag. His finished lau~irlry shall b rctun1ecl ill thc same bag. No lrunclry sliall IIC retunled wet to Che roOm0.

    (36) One or mol* p m n s slldl be nssib~lcil to look dtcr the heating of tllc IIOIIEC. T l l i~ tjllrll 1)c liildcr the supervieion of tlia houlie inhuah@r. The lion~c~ d1r11I nmer be heated above 70 degrees Fnl~rcnheit. 'l'hz

  • Zuntacw' dm11 h fired in the most ~'0011omical ~nallncr mnsistatt with t11c comfort of tlre 110mc. All requit-e- tents for fuel for heating shall h rcportecl to the I r o u ~ matagcr, 111o shall pui.cltaee t11o same as IT- q u i d .

    (37) No ~n?rmu 11dI bc pclmiticd iu tllc lunrac'c' room or have nnytl~ing to do wit11 tlrc firing of fie iur~tatx cxwpt ulmn the dircction of t11e house mau- agcr. An person violating this rule m i l l be expellcd imm tlte i onw. This is ma& drastic in ortlcr to pro- lcct the l~onic from dmnnge or destruction by the im- pmpcr use of the funlace. No onc shall b permitted to fim tho funmce unlces Ile is qualified to do so, and his qualifications must be known to the house manager before hc is assigned to that duty. One Irnviug c11mgc of the fimrnacc n i q from time to time visit any part of tllc harse or any rooms to ascertain wvhether it is king llcated properly.

    REPAIRS (38) 1'hc h o w dld be kcpt in repair. 'l'o this

    md tho buac mnnnngcr shdl assign mnle onc to that duty as necessity may qui re . This nil1 include tltc plunlbiltg, tllc lgintiig, md decorating the house, and m~ch other things as xuny bc required.

    MEMBERS OF THE ErAMILY . (39) No p m n shall h m e a member of thc

    &the1 Family who doca not pmfcsy full consecmtio~~ lo do Cod's will. Fah onc applying for mmbcrship s1mll fill out and sign a qudonnain! provicled by tho Association for tlut purpose. 14adr OIIC of the qua- tions l)ro]mu~~dcd slwll be rtnswe~d

    (40) 1Vhc11 any pm11 reports to Ik?tltr?l lton~c to Ixwot~ic n u1a11ler thereof his or 11er first duty slmll


  • Iwr to mid tawfully tlre n11t.rr r t ~ d =uli~tio~~r. 'I'u t l t is cttd tJre IWIL. nl;llraAwr shall !)rovide s u d ~ n-ill1 II~W*S- wry copits. A supldy of th rules dm11 I#, kept Ity tllc 11oasc manager ior this pnrpow. l
  • ( I I) KO ~t;~iis sili111 I* drive-it itttv tlre \vaIIs for tl~c: pilrlxw of Iltlll~ill,~ ~)iciures, ~i~l;ilc~~cl;~r~ or ot11c.r f l ~ i i i p . Thr wails will I#: kept im frottr n1arlr.c. Xo nttp I\-111 put ail?- ft~rniiure of iiny kirrcl into u ruo~tr \villlout tile cwawat of the 11ou.w nlratager or ho~~..c*kcupc.r. f . 1 ltcru rLll IJC no riaiting I'J. ONC ~ w w u ~ I I it~i~ll~rr'r: roo111 11111css the visitor b inviti~l. lhelt uttt*'~ m t l t ..)1:111 lc cutlsidenxl Iris private ilolnc, PIICI Itis jtrivi~(-y not to Iw! int~udecl ulm~l 1 1 ~ ailyoilc cfw. ISsr.c.l~t iv~ t CIB llris nllt! is iltiit. tlie Imusck~vlw*r or tile Itoust: ntiut:i;lvr I I I ; ~ ~ \-isit a111 rwnt a t any tinle itt.cwssity mjt~in.?;. (46) l'i~ere dltttl I#: no visiti~i;: ill roonls h-tiv~e~r

    tltc opp i tc sex. If a I)rotl~cr dcslm to z;cc it sidcar, or a sister a bmtlicr3 tlrey sl~all nrcv?t it1 t11e: ~1~11~ri t1 parlor. (46) i21ry ottc \vhv bxwnlrn 11 n~rtl ibr of t i re* lic~tlld

    IIVIII~ shoultl c~~lsiclt-r tlii~t the h r c \ I~iu jilac~ul l~inl tl~crc ~IJICI to iiot \ritlltlra\~* Iron1 tlre 11ttnte tt~icl fro111 t lac w-rviec n ~ t l r s it is manifestly Ila will of t llc lunl. Any one? \r-lio is c-ngagd a t the lronlc or fadory, arlti s 1 1 i a d ~ t e n n i t ~ ~ s lo sever Ilis c~ll~lcetio~. sl~ttll give thirty

  • KEYS (-18) 'l'111: IIOIISC illallngcr ~l1;11l I* it1 clli~rgt! or 1111

    k(yx to tllc nltrttllcc. Olrc 111iiy bc l)rovitlt!tl to (cilch ~ ~ r c ? u l ~ r of tlic 11ow \vllo n~akcu rj~j)licntion tliert4or.. if ill tlic juclppicttt of the ltoum mnsngcr lic or slri! is c~ltitlccl to a kg. 'l'lic Ilousc meanger slirll k~vp a m i 7 1 of cvcrj prmn wv11o htts r kc1. If the ky is lost 11y corclcsnlcss, tllc 11ousc mnnwr shall not aguii~ supply o k g to such prmn. 1)iic care ~ltoitld Ix t n k o l by all prwns ~isi l~g tlic front doors to sec: that they ;IW ~ ~ i u r , l y locked dtcr ]~.5t3ing throug11. C;I~-e sliould In! csewiscd to crce tliat tllc glass is not broken at nay t imc. Any one \vho brcnks fllc glnss will be ltyuired to r~l'lncc it nt his owva cslw~lrrc. Any person wllo ECVCM I1 is ra~nltrt ion with tllr I ;dhcl liarno sirdl i~nmctliatt!l~ ~r*ttrler liis or hc!r kc? to tlw liouw mnnngcr. Tllc krys to thc linen closets din11 be in tlw posltcssion of tllc liu~tsclice1xr. Tllc moilagr sl~nll hnve a inastcr key.

    VISITORS IN THE IIOME (49) 'l'la Jlcdbl llonic is n ])rivatu nllcl ]lot a ~rublii:

    j~l;t~r*. For ilm pi.otec4ion of the llonlc axid those who rt*sicle tlwrc &*rid rules must bc lint1 and h alfon~!d t w l ~ w ~ ~ i l i g visitors. Ikvawc of tho 11rnnlw.r in tllc I~oalc tho rule hcinntubrc observccl which pcrniittctl nllg rac:~iilxr of t l~c hou~c to invitc sonlo one to 1v11laiu orcr niglit slinll IW lollgcr be h force.. Any inenrlkr of the ininily dcsiring to enterhill n person ill l11c 11o11tc or r b o invites a prmn to thc liome to rcii~t~itl OWP iligl~t shall firs* KY. tlie housc mailager, aricl is his nbwncc tllc houwkccpr, aild receive cot~scient so lo (lo. 'S'lto Ilc~itw lilil1lilgcr shrill iis8igl a visitor to n iwnl if tlicn. is at)? vncmlt. Tlic 11ouee ninliag(cr ma+t know endl 11ig11t \vl~ilt risiturs arc it1 illc llolnv ulcl I\-liet roollrs tllcy occ.ltl)y. 'l'o this (!lid hc ~ltilll k ( q ) e rrwrd of t lre I'iKlilra, tvhidl nw,rtl sllall. sl~ow who

  • wc~o occi~pyi~~g cacll and ovcry IWIII ' it1 t l ~ c I~ousc!. I t will not IJ~! c o ~ n c n h ~ t to invite any one to muLc a ~ ~ w l o n ~ v d visit a t t l ~ c Ikthcl. Thc IBrthcl is not n plaec for visili~rg, but a ~tlllco for service to the Lord.

    (50) Ally n ~ c i ~ l l ~ r of tho Ilouae! inriting i~~ioilrcr. larwli to dine in t11e Ik.tl1c.1 lionlc shaU first ol~tain t11c coilsent oE tlw ,houpe manager. 'l'his is a w s - mry ill oiuk-r to nmke proper provision for tho= I\-ho mnst hnvc their meals in the lhtlrel. T11e spcc is liniitccl, mld tlic In&l\mi~ who l~avc to wok sho~ilcl not In! crowd~xl out of their places a t thc tublc. Visit- ors rill IJC c~l~tcrtainccl nt mcals as tlrc fipnm \\.ill pcr- nlit. E'or this wason the houm manngcr nrnet k~~o\\? who t11c-y arc ant1 u-hcn they arc visiting ant1 wlic~r t;rkhrg nieals.

    (51) It dial1 be irnpmlxr for any mnn rcsklisg in the 11olne to i~~v i t c any girl or woman to visit him in the honia Any einglc girl d l i n g at tlic lIk.t~r!l liomc, or viaiting, will not be admitted n111cm slre is ciccon~l~nniecl l?y one of Ilcr parents or u~iltlrw licr pa- writs arc nlreucly residing in the l~omc.

    Any onc calling at thc 13cthel for the 1)urlwsc of scvirg a~iothcr person ~ l ~ a l l be aent to the prlur,-a~~tl ill1 virriti~~g will be had thcrc. No persoils not l i~ ing is the 1101iic ~Illrll IN permitted to go almut the llo~nc cs- c q ~ t they arc accon~pnicd by tlic housc nlamgtv or suitie OII~! assigned l ~ y him to ncconlpny tbc~n.

    011 Suncluys inccils am scrvcd only for t l~a mcnllwru of the ftrmily, and it will not IIC c o u v r ~ ~ b l t to enter- tain orltsidrrs at mcnls on Sundays. It will be pmjnlr for nay incmlwr .of the family to infonn ntlr visitor of tliis rulc.

    UOOHlilCEPER (52) 'J'hc 110iiw nnlnililgi!r will wigti aunt! sister

    to LC ill tb Ioycr or a~tru~tcc frtnn 8 o'cltwk ill i l ~ c

  • r ~ i ~ 1 1 6 I t t v ~ i Invhto~rs t-~lllittg :ti llrr lrcaal for all!. jrtlrjHw! (!lit~ll In$ n~q*ivt~l i111,) Ilrca foyer I): tilt& rla~rktr*lnsr ; rlrti oil nfiu*r*tuillittfi ltiz or lwr kl&ilumr Irt! or slrr rlrlrll In* to nuit it1 t L foyer ulrtil tin! jwrtx llt8! wis l )~ to MY! lrrs trrrivtul.

    (53) All ~ ~ ~ F O I U who 1117111 for flrc jtttrjw! oC in- rclnlc.titrg ila! I~mw or rny lw~vt tllenwf or lr~y of it.4 trprij)rtit~~~t rlrtrll IH? rvfvrwl to 111~ 11o11tw ItrtIIrqpr. L:lltI~r no ~irc*u~rrrttr~~crrt halt ~trnrrgvrs In* ln*r~aitttrl lo bw nlmt~t tlr huuw U I I ~ I Y Y ) ~ ~ ~ M I I ~ ~ ~ .

    M A R U G B (54) h'oithrr tlu nre~tqptu%rt of tilt: Iktlc4 Iwrln

    Ilor the h*iety lrnz ally thiro or tliqmitioa to p~tt arty nvtrittiorrd oe ~ W I ~ W I ~ S ~rrmyilrg. I t J M W N I ~ ~ W ~riux~mtrlv, lrowevrr, tu 1tn1.c sonre rillw ~ ~ \ w r a i t ~ g tIr(! nrarriqw uf thoru! \vlw live ilr tlw Ilo~nrt, 1r1 trtltbr tlltrt t i c khcicty-ms1,v ltavtb rb*dutt! torrtrol of tlrc Iroinc? allti tlrodc! wlro,~~itle 1hc.n.. :by ~WIWU rtvitli~r~ i l l tlrt! lktlrd lrolrra nlty g t b t nl~lrritltl to t~riotii~*r pctvo~ 811: ttuy time! Ire or slit! rrr y dezim*. With tlrh the nr~r~r- ugt~~lre~rt of thu h r o h e ~wtllit~g to ila \ \Ml~!r or ltut RI(-h ~ I W I I WIII~I~IIS a n~t*t i~/~ ' r of fllc family \viH IN* clrtirely a tlilfewr~t nlatttbr. I t will 1w uit af order for ulrr I~rutlier rtwitlii~g ilk tlu lrouzc to mqrry rwnrrcl cnlc ~ t r t l brilrg lrt$r into tho I I ~ I I I ~ UIIICW tlrt! CTIIINII~ rd tlrc 1'~sitI~irl 1111 lirst Iltltl nrril oblnioctl.

    (5 f i ) ) l\rlwtx*~lr I )~vt l l~~r il1rt1 a ridtar lrt~~t! IRVII 14 t l t b ~ r t ~ td i l ~ r Iktlrcl Irct~ar t~lrt i t~ao~twl~ for e lw*ri~nI of five p r s or man:. 11trt1 ~ r ~ l i 1)n~tlrrr sirlrr ngn.c! to Irutrr?. flr~:\. ale? tltb r w ~ rllltl c~)liti~ruc! II~ . tlrt'ir p d s of rtc*rvirc- i t t t btl lk41rtO Ir~nw ]ln)\.itltvl tlic* t60n- *sit ol' t b I'n*siclrlrt \us liwt lrircl atttl ollniat~cl. I I durll rot be ~t~.tvssi~l:\' k)r atby to oI)titirr !lit* ~ W I ~ S I * I I L or the I'rcwithtt its to trlnrfllvr or 1101 lit! or sl:ilc! roe olttrrg; Itrlt 0 1 t ~ tr)~rfit*ttl of !lit! I'tu#itk*~rt lint aitrsi

  • Int d~luitrvl rrb 141 \vl~ctln*r or 11e1 fl~i:\c I ~ I I I I I ~ ~ ~ I I in tlrc Iurtttt* 1111tl cuntiota $In tt~t*e~Iwnr of tlti! fitrtlily or ctflicct Lonv.

    (54 ) I;tltlrr IIIJ t~irc.s~nslu~rt~ \\*ill r ~r~rnttiw~r of llr Jk*tlwl fat~~ily nviclitrg in llie l~anlu Ir*'lr~nt~iltcvl to laarry rnil kritrp s wifc. or a Iias1~11d itrlo tl~t* Irona-. .\I1 pawtie Iruw~i~ittg inEnJn*n of tlw! &4ltt*l In~nily l~ruat tlu LU aftvr liwt Iutvi~ag frrlly hail nlrtl ~igrrtrt (I cltrmdiu~trrrirc~ nrwl lilrvl tlk, MI~IIC wit11 tht* I'rtwitlot~t alrtl 11~11 osl? u p n tllo iaritnliu~r of lln! I'n~icle~rl, 'I?*! Inr mitt id Ihir nrla is to put tlut n~jn~~rrikiliiy I for n11m wdrij, i s IIw 1k.CIrc.l honw w l ~ w t l~c cllartcr aatl It!-laws of tho Amtciatio:~ place it.

    ORDLER AT MEALS ($7) Five ~niltutcsr Idon! wrvkyy t la n*gular ~ncwis

    the &.(11tg sltull la wundwl. hti.~~rlters of tlr* Rri~ily wilt pmt'1~1 ini~tidiufdy a1111 it1 01i onhvly 11ra1111t*r tu tlw diai8lg-room a ~ d ~ ~ u l y wntd l~lvviurtrly acc eigtrtl by tlic I I O U ~ 1na:lapr. \\'lie11 twat~tl,, 011 filrull utsltrit~ tjuiet n~rtil tlu oltct plwitliirg ~ltnll ctjtln~r unl tcske lib mt. '

    (M) It sltdl lm tlw dtrty ot tlw 'J'mdtk111t 111 1,~:- side at all nwlul6 r k u he iw pnw~tt. l i t hi* I~IN*IHI! rr~lte otlier 1)rotlrc.r who L aa r4cbr uf tlu! c!o~rgrec,r#- lie11 vl~ail cmttpy the jdncc of-@it iln: Iarlbltt, uul mu! Ir H I U ~ ~ I U Y I to Ilrnt j)lii~v~ IT inibhvr tlrt! I ' w i - clrut or Ilr! huntw cclitnaitgbr. 111 1111. nlorttirtg i~tut~t~li- 111el~ jtmwlirrg ~IM! W W ~ I I ~ i b r I t r t d i f u d wordti 11 ~ 1 ~ 1 1 In! lwd. Tlria shall iurttrist td a sang. 11t tht* c~~nc.lnaiorr sf whielt a lr~lrp~r rlriJ1 follow, k~ In! h*lil L!* IBr. o~lu WIIO j~n*~iilvs or ~ ~ t t i e tttrt! I ~ I M ) I I \Y~IOI~ I ltta ttrny c1111. 'I'ttt*rt the bIt*wing r(\mll In: aflkccl IIJWII iltc I;HNI. 1)tlr- it& thv wrvirrp of Llw! t~ttwl I$(? ~~torrrisg hast sIr~t11 In! nqcl IIHI~I tl111y t~)~rsitI(*mi..and tIirr(.ttw~I. At tbib II~WIII nu.c~l tlur srtrtt! onkv xlml@ l a t~llwrnrl i ~ t lokilrg 1n16~j-

  • tio~ts i r~ tlit: di~iiiig-rmin- 9'11~ OIIC 11miitIijrg sII~III r? ti#: itlcvsiiig of the lard to be aslicul, llror tlic iiird ~c-rwtl. Ikriiig t i e s-rvim of tllc meal mailers ol iritt--t n l q h mptrtrcl nld Uiblc tj~istio~is c311r- sidcai-cd and AIIS\YP~S ~ C O all lliblc cjlithstiu~ls j~ro~wuntlctl ntay k given L?). a15 i)Ilc at the li~l~lt*. -411 ;inewcrs sl~ould bc brivf a d to tllc ~loiilt. Tlit oi~c ~~rcsiiling drall suin uj) the cjucstioa in o brief alitl sireci~ic-t nttlltller. 'l'l1e coni~neat up011 tlrc test for tlv: tlay ;is it aplwars i t ille printed h k iiia~y Iw! read c*itlier hforc or after the summing up.

    (59) Onlcr sI1a11 LK. ~ i i w w r c d througl~o~it 111~ ni-I. R I I ~ ill-::: mrmtion shall ~ i o t Ln: inil~lg~cl in. It L w11 h clltlnly ini]rrr)1n!r aild out 01 ortlcr for any jwrsou to arise f m n tlrc tal~le and \\-itlidmts irolu the dining-room daring the services of the nlml 1111- Im fir*% obtaini~rg pcm~ission so to do froill the onc ~wcsidi~tg, and this only when i t is naxssq. At tltc ~u,i~clusioa of eaclt ntcwl the one prrsiding \,-ill issj)rcss t l~a~iks to &id for his gracious provision. A[ankrs of the family \rill then orderly witltdraw froin Clrc tlinbg-ruonr. At tile conclusioi~ of the cvcnirtg nlml memhrs of tlic fan]* \rill ill clearing B\VilJ' tlrc table. For this l ~ u q m c tltc ho~~sc ~i~aeagcr dwll jmlrlisl~ fronr time to time r list 01 those t~lio an, as- sig~icti to a s i d the regular dining-room for~v.

    LIGHTS (riO) For t l r j~urjwfir of coirmring ~ltwtricity :urd

    for thc ortler ai~cl miilrort of t l ~ w iii tlrc! lronlc, all jwrso~u \rill In? to retire not later than 10: 30 11- ill., a11a1 all liglits iri the rcwnls to Iw! hrnccl or~t ;it illat b u r . 'J'hc esa+l~tiotl r i l l In! that any p-rwn who JHwiitr~c of Icacli~~g n ~ricvtieg or serving a t flit! rilclia statior~ is kt*jtt olit or is ~ i u t ublc lo wt~rnt to tlic Ironic 11rior lo 10 : SO p. 111. l'ersons ratcrilr;: tllc

  • 1to111tc iJtc.r that Itour \\-ill do SO as quietly as lrossi- lrle niitl turn 011 tltc light olily lolig ecrtougl~ to enublc t lmi~ to ~q-t to h l . If Utis rulc is faithfully olwrwcl t l ~ elcvtric eurmd will 11ot In: cut oll d u r i ~ ~ g the nigl~t, but :r jwrsistc~~t violati011 of i t by ally llunlh*r of persons \\-ill n1al;c i t ltcccwary to s\\-ifC'Jt 011 tlte entire currc~tt rftcr 10: 30 p. ni.

    TELEPHONE (61) 'Jllc tr.ltr~dto~t~s in tItc liousc arc! iit atat-

    tcrs of ~tcrtvsity pcrtaini~rg to the llotnc a~ttl the Suciety's intc*rcst. It \\-ill not ltc ill order fur e a ~ u~ic to wc t l ~ w 11lwne fur private cmr\-e~:stio~i. For all sudl ca~ivcldion 81 Im? tdcpllonc is j)rvvidLd; lrut until t L t th i~c salty one usiilg tlw 0 t h : ~ ~dioltes for private parjmsc~dull be ~!+rccl to deposit five ceitts or ten crcmls, ;IS the case nmy b with tllc honsckcvpr or hoti..c. Iltaijagcr or the o~tc in cllwgc of thc tclc:l~l~otrc.

    I'ARLOR ((id) 'I'i~c I I I ~ ~ I I prior is for 111c yurpt= ul' -w.ial

    ~~ttx-tiag b ~ - tlte ~riclttlcrs of tl1c housc aucl visiti~tg friPrds. A ])~;IIIO is provicl~xl the% to b us4 11y tltow \\-]to an. m~q'ctrmt to use it; but nobody will phr- ~i~itlccl to tlrun~ oa tlw piano nlcrclj to n~akc a nois. 'l'hc 11hlos in thc l~ouse arc providal for tile IICXPS- sary j~ractice of UIO?Y? wlto wrve ar t tbc radio st;ttictlt or clw:n-ltcrc iu ilrc il~tercst of Che Socicij's wurli. All l~ractiei~tg liilon 8113 u1i1 dl kinds of nit~cic;il iastrii- ~tw*nts iit at\! j ~ r t of the ~ O U E ~ sliall 11ut coa l i~ i~~c iiltcr 9 : 30 o'c1a.k 1,. m. 'Illis rulc is ,mcssi1ry ilt orcdrr ltot to i:~tcrfm wit11 ~IIOSC \t-1~1 desire to SICVII-

    (63) A g~:iteml library or n~clit~~-rem:n is pro- viclcnl, r~rtl is for t11e cxn~~t?~iitmcc of me!~~tln~rs ot fltc ftltttily \rl~o dtriw to g, to that ro0111 lor c~uict st~id:. At all tiawu silatw 1nu4 k 111ailitai11twl in tltis r ~ l n

  • .u t11ttl t l u ~ ~ \vita dt+il.c* ti1 nnd crr sl11cJ7 1rril.v 1144 In- ilt4i~rrtl~dml.

    ( t i 1) 91~: rxt~utist* o l k w ur thv Stwit-L? ;rrv lti~ti i i ~ ~ t l ~t~:ti~ttni~ii~tf OII ilk* ;lit 11in)r t lv ittaw I~t~iltli~tg. S o ]wr.mi will hat~(8 wr-a?rii,lr ti) In* OII fJtitt lltn~r c*st.c.j~l I~M- 0cr.sI10 nn? c*ntjdiytl tlttbrt. or tv lw 8rt8 ck**igrrwl~*t! I!\. tlrrg I'rrviti~*rtt ttt 1e 1Lnnb.

    ( 63 ) -4~17 }nbm*r~s Ilrrvi~~g U I X I I ~ ~ C or it*t1te111 ln*t*li~tgs crr olhllr f r i~ i t sliibt:! it, tlrcwir rcnIt*ts or dltt*r p~rltlrlt;ig~- sl~ull plat%* tilt* 3st.rrrcS iti ;t sttiti~lrl~: izt%*j~lahlr. ;inel t Itt*rt l;~lic* tltcanl to ilw g : d ~ ~ g i * :(.N~sII. 't'llll~' \\;tz;tt* Ietr;kr-id or IIM! rrintllls am trot 481 IH. m+tirrickt*rd a 1troln.r nviqr- t;teIc! for gi~rl~tgi*. 15~sli mxbttl is p~ttvitltvl tr i t 11 CIII t-1ia)au.l ldrte i w \rlrit41 fe cl

  • ~ l ~ i ~ l l bc tltc*ir tlttly to kcqq~ tilt! WIII ill 0n1t.r. \\'l~crc r w i ~ n arc ovcupictl by ristcrd i t rhell be ilrcir tluty to keep tlu! 1*oo111 f ~ r onlrs> tlscrl~t tllc cl~nltgirig or bcd-1i11ol ut i.c~ulitr istcrvuls. \\'ll~rc tho IWIIIS ;ire uc~tlpictl IIJ Irn~thn!~~, i l ~ c * ~ on! rcrlticctctl ctwlr ~rior~lieg ~vhar i1riri11g to titlg up tllcir kvts and to plet~t! ung trtlslr or \vaslt! I)npr in tllc 1)ropcr ])lala! to IJC re- movi*tl. 'I'lro liltclr in tltcir ~wonrrj \\.ill Iw C I I I I I I ~ C ~ 11.v tllc n~~irtiltttri of thc 11 t~u~k t~c l r r o t ribgtllu~* i~~t~*rvnl+. Eac11 arttl evt1r: OIIC tcctrp~-i~~g it rtmlir s11o11lll c~llilwr- ;~ttb irr ktvjli11g Ille IWIII i ~ t a rlt!ilrr i11tt1 titly eoaditio~~. Ilicvnl ~ I V I I I tilt! tvusk ol I ifti~rg 111stt rc*++ib.s. 'I'll is tulwil~g ovclr sl~nll b! olt tit(! dc~y to IJ~! tl(*+ig~~ittt*tl Iry the lwn?rc~ki~~l~~r. \vllit~ shall 1w tllc sulnr (lily tlri~t 1111! l i s s r is cl~i~~rgvtl. 1 ktftft)~ turllii~g over tlrc )lrdln:zrcc*s tI1t8 liltt*~t d1d1 IW* rt*t~~u~t*tl, foldccl I I ~ , l i~if l 011 11 clii~ir, n-lit1 tlrt! nlclttlvss left rtnm~t*rctl.

    (till) Thc Iiouwkot~jn!r. slull ilt:sjyailh, ?1011tt! olrln or lttorc assistutt:! ntttlcr Ilc-r tlinu.tiot~ to (lo tilt! iruiliog ,I[ t111! brotlrtsri9 sl~irts, u l ~ tto (10 eitc.11 ~tr~*~ltling ils 111e s l i i r t~ a11d 1111~1cnv~~i1r 111ity ~tvlttiw. Sttv11 I I I C I I ~ ~ I I ~ ~1~111 In: t l o ~ ~ ! ia tka ncwilrg-ruuirr.

    (ti!)) I'rovi+iun fur Fiit~rtlily I : ~ ~ * I I ~ I I ~ 111111 S t ~ ~ ~ t l i ~ y i1111l Itolitlatp: Sattistlay c~vt~~)iltg foot1 will bt: ~~ ru~ i th* t i 11.v I M * ~ I I ~ j~li~t*t~el OII tltt: C ~ I I I I I ~ ! ~ or ll~t? {ill~lt! ~ I I tltc rcn;lr. 1

  • Crlairt vieitom, ant1 ~ ~ a n c will I* a~tt~rtair~cd. 'PIE rncnrbm of tho tlllily we cutitla1 to tboir rast OJI Snntlays ond holidays; and Iro one \rill IK! pcrmittecl to ciltcrtain any rirritors at 1nc.nla OIL S ~ ~ ~ ~ c l a y s and 011 Itolidqs either with or ritliulit tlw consclit of tlra 11our#! maaaljor. It d ~ n l l be tlrc (lt~ty of tlrcr IIOUSC niarlagm: to d o r m nll visitors tlurt it is nginrrt the rulm to er~tertain visitors at n~cals on Su~rhys and l~olidaty~. l%ie is in otllcr to give tllo nlcvr~lm of the Zainiiy a full day's id. Any visiting at the BetlIcl lromo must fimt obtain tlrc eon~ent of tlro Irousc! man- abvr, nr~d mt~st h a c m p i e d tlrmagl:l1 tho homo by tlio IIOUF~ manqpr or mnie m n tlceig~rutccl by him. Under IIO eireum~nnors wr F visitors ~ w ! permitted on the scvcatli floor witlwut first aj~plying to the M- dent's mmtary and d v i n g permission from him.

    APPOINTMENTS \VlTH TILE PltE6UL)BNT (?I) buy pomlt, \vbcthor r n m k r of the family

    or ]tot, desiring to hare an a pointment with the PlrritIe~rt nust ~ n t apply to & lBmi*nfa privh sccrctary. If it bccomcs necamry for any om to eeo fl~c PlrsiJent in au cmwgrncy, Ire lnay corn~nunhta ;riilr tla l'rcgident's lrrivnte sccntary by telephone ping to tk secretary's ofbe.

    EMEKQENCX IBQULdTlONB (7%) If in thc opinion of tho lroluto mnl~uger nu

    cmcrpcy roylatiolr must be put into operation and tho l'midmrt is a k n , the home manager may makc ant1 cuforce a q d a t i o ~ t until such tilnc as the l'rcsi- dent m y havo q]mrtnuity to coneider i t All pcr- soas ehould mpruto with tho l iom mu~~agwr. Any opprcmior on tlrc lmrt of tlrc lrom munager, thc one eo~rsidcring it r miwr(luc% nlay a l l tim l'd(1cnt's nttrnttiol~ to it Iq or 111r011gll tlrc l'nl*ritknt's wmtary.

    (Signed) J. Y: LCu~~i~i~mnu.

  • Front Cover1931 Bethel Home Rules and RegulationsPeoples Pulpit AssociationDutiesHousekeepingBath RoomsThe SickMendingDust And GarbageService HoursKitchenDining RoomMealsRadio ServiceLaundryTubsHeatingRepairsMembers Of The FamilyElevatorKeysVisitors In The HomeDoorkeeperMarriageOrder At MealsLightsTelephoneParlorRoomsEnforcement Of RulesAppointments With The PresidentEmergency RegulationsSigned-Joseph F. RutherfordBack Cover

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