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Becky Norwood and Natalie McQueen Spotlight Publishing VIP Day – Part 2

Bestselling Book Template

So, you are ready to write your book, are you? Do you even know where do you start? We hear this statement from so many authors that just need help framing their bestseller book. Often a book can develop into something much bigger than just a book. Sometimes it might be a series, maybe it needs other products to go along with it. Sometimes it ends up being a full scaled business bringing you across the globe teaching and delivering your message. For that reason, Spotlight Publishing has developed a very extensive Author VIP Day where we take your Big picture of your book idea and break it down into proven marketing techniques that suits your book, we dive deep into target market and where we find them. We show you ways to stop just trading time for money and how to create multiple streams of income around your book. We help you lay out your chapters, so you become very clear and confident about your unique Voice, Story and Message that carries through to everything from your branding, to writing your book, to relating and engaging to your target audience. Let us know if you want more information on one of our VIP days. Spotlight Publishing decided that so many people struggled with the layout of their book that we would create a powerful template to get you started on your writing journey. The first part of your writing journey needs to take the ideas from your head and get them down on paper. TASK #1 – Take 30 minutes only

• What is your Zone of Genius? (What comes naturally without effort and you enjoy it?) • Do you want to write a book to build your business? • What makes you stand out from other people doing the same type of businesses?

Becky Norwood and Natalie McQueen Spotlight Publishing VIP Day – Part 2

• What are your top skills that you enjoy? • What is you book about? • Who is your book going to help? • What are their pain points? • How are you going to solve them? • What are the steps or techniques you will use to solve their pain points? • What is your reason for wanting to write this book?

Then complete the following tasks: • Look up book on in the subject area your target audience would be reading. • Look at the 2, 3, and 4-star review to see what people liked or did not like about the book. • Write down anything you learn and add it to your list above. Pay attention to any comments

readers made, indicating what they wished that particular book included. • Look at the table of contents for ideas to add to your list. • Look at the “About” section that has the description of the book. • Take note of what other items people purchased from competitors.

These comments will be fuel for great ideas for your book or companion workbook.

• What challenges or frustrations do these people have? • Write down every idea this brings up for you.

This will prove to be very powerful as it will become a source of inspiration for you and will also give you a very good idea of not only what you should include in your book, but also what you would NOT include. Your list will fill you with inspiration and will be your “Pot of Gold!”

TASK #2 – Take 30 minutes only Be sure to add the following to your list upon completing the next task:

• Once you are very clear what the subject of your book is, do a google search on the topic. • Ask question in your search about your subject matter and see what keywords or phrases

come up. • Find articles on your subject using • Check out blogs, YouTube,, and forums

These searches may lead you other resources and ideas you might have never considered before.

Becky Norwood and Natalie McQueen Spotlight Publishing VIP Day – Part 2

Make a list of every point you know about the subject. Be sure to copy the links where you found top content so you can reference them, and possibly even quote. (Be sure to give credit where credit is due.) You will end up with a very long list of ideas that could be sources of inspiration for “free gifts,” JV partnerships, courses, other books, keywords, and complimentary resources. Create Your Chapters and Outline of Your Book: At this point, you should have a document/list compiled with your research and information about your book’s subject. Now you will be able to begin putting together the chapters and outline for your Bestselling Book. Step 1: Start by going over your research and write down the most important areas that your book will cover. Don’t worry about the order, just create a list of the 8-10 of the biggest and most important sub-topics. Example if my subject was Dieting by subtopics might be: Why Diets Don’t Work, Effects from Constant Dieting, Emotional Eating, Identify the Trigger Foods & Feelings, How to Stop Dieting Forever, 7 Keys to Help Your Body Recover from Binge Dieting, & Self- Care Practices. Your document/list is meant to jog your memory and give you a prompt when it is time to create your outline. Now that you have you 8-10 sub-topics picked, you can start Step 2. Step 2: Create a new list (List 2) consisting of your 8-10 sub-topics and go through your initial list (List 1) and take the most important teaching points, ideas or links from your List 1 and group them together under the appropriate sub-topic on List 2. Keep scanning your list or your expertise for 3-5 points for under each of the 8-10 categories. Look at your sub-topics and all the ideas and links under and see if everything is needed or can be combined. You may be able to narrow it down from 10 to 7 or 8 sub-topics. Get rid of the fluff! Step 3: Once you have narrowed things down, you want to create a sequence or order for your chapters. Organize in a sequence manner that makes the most sense. See the attached worksheet for this.

Becky Norwood and Natalie McQueen Spotlight Publishing VIP Day – Part 2

Once you have your chapters with the 3-5 teaching points organized in a smooth flow then go back and look at you chapter titles and make sure you are happy with them. Make sure they are descriptive and compelling. Step 4: Now that you have the start to a very strong outline for your #1 Best Seller, you just need to add an Introduction/Preface as the very first chapter, as well as a Conclusion at the e Step 5: Take some time to do further research if necessary, for each of the teaching points in the chapters. You may see that there are resources, and downloadable PDF documents that you could even do a short video for marketing and give the PDF away to list build and start sharing about your upcoming book.

CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE A #1 BESTSELLING BOOK OUTLINE!!! This really makes it super easy once you actually get started writing. Now get to work and please feel free reach out to Becky or Natalie for the next steps on bringing that outline into a completed and published #1 Bestseller!!! Want more? Book a FREE Discovery Call with Spotlight Publishing! Note: The pages below provide worksheets.

Becky Norwood and Natalie McQueen Spotlight Publishing VIP Day – Part 2

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Guided Worksheet Create a Basic Outline that organizes each chapter and key idea.

Becky Norwood and Natalie McQueen Spotlight Publishing VIP Day – Part 2

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Spotlight Publishing Becky Norwood and Natalie McQueen


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