best way to communicate complaints by purebred breeders

Post on 28-May-2015






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Purebred Breeders has put together this guide to help customers from any industry in the event that they encounter an issue, to able to formulate their complaints so that they are more easily resolved.


Best way to Communicate Complaints

by Purebred Breeders

Sometimes companies make mistakes, and it makes us feel like…

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Here’s the best way to communicate your complaints to make sure you’re being heard

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Keep it…BRIEF

• Keep your complaint to the minimum amount of wordage necessary to describe your situation.

• A complaint that is a few pages long can serve to confuse the reader’s perception as to what the issue really is.

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• Make sure that your complaint is sent to the appropriate department or person to take action on the issue to be able to expedite the resolution process.

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• Remember that the customer service representatives are people too, your attitude can help to make the process easier.

• The main goal is to resolve the issue. Emotions often cloud clarity in communication. While it is understandable you are angry, maintaining  civility with language (yet being stern) would help the person concerned to understand and act on your issue better. Using foul language or killing the messenger who is trying to help you would only delay and add a strain to the process.

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Keep it…EXACT

• If you provide accurate details, it will be easier to find your information and track what may have occurred to spark this mistake or error. 

• Providing very little information or misinformation may make it difficult to pin point what happened and to move onto finding a resolution.

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• This can help to avoid any delay due to back and forth communication that may have become necessary due to the confusion.

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If you have a complaint for Purebred Breeders…

• Contact us at–– Visit us at– Call 866-592-5322

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