best smx west 2013 tweets on technical seo from

Post on 09-May-2015






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What were the great statistics that came from the SEO conference, SMX West 2013? Here they are - plenty about Social Media, Technical SEO and mobile statistics that SEO teams need to know. This will help you know where to enhance your 2013 SEO Strategy. This presentation brings you all the best tweets on Technical SEO.


Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.


Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Leading cause of canonical problems? Parameters. Also look at mobile/global content. @davelloyd1 @vanessafox #SMX”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Slides from Technical SEO metrics at #SMX #12b”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Webmaster tools shows you errors, server logs show you all response codes #SEO @vanessafox #smx #12b”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Use to find 404s and analyze technical issues on your site. - Eli Schwartz of SurveyMonkey #smx #12B”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“.@audette suggests checking out slides by @JColeman of @REI for insights on technical SEO for large sites. #SMX”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Prioritize your 404s: Which have the most links/traffic? Which are related so you can fix them easily? @davelloyd1 #SMX”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Duplicate content isn't an issue with disclaimers unless it's longer than your actual content. Make it an image then! #SMX”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Pagination and crawling tips, my #smx presentation from this afternoon:”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Tamper for Firefox: Tool to find full redirect path @surveymonkey #smx”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Canonicals can actually hurt you if you don't use the right canonical. #smx #12B”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“If a page isn't valuable to users, it won't be valuable from a technical #SEO perspective, suggests @SurveyMonkey #smx #12b #Content FTW”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Before you start trying to fix things, you need to find out if you're under manual penalty or algorithmic update @rhea #SMX”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Technical SEO tips: Fix your missing pages (restore/redirect urls), make sure your redirects are correct & fix broken canonicals. #smx #12b”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Update internal 302s to 301s, and update internal 301s to direct links. @surveymonkey #smx”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Look at simple #SEO metrics: Did I improve traffic? @RavenJon #smx #11b”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Compare indexed pages vs. crawled pages in your server logs. What isn't being crawled and why? @vanessafox #SMX”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Rhea's two cents: regardless of the situation, if you're seeing a drop, if you do nothing, you will get nothing in return. @rhea #SMX #13B”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Fixing technical issues is better for your SEO than getting good link ~Eli Schwartz of @surveymonkey #smx #12b”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Don't accidentally block Google! Fetch as Googlebot to make sure @google sees what you want it to see #smx #14b”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Once hackers get into your system it's hard to get them out. Use Fetch as Googlebot to see what Google sees. @mattcutts #SMX”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Hacking can happen to anyone - Nothing you can do about it but keep your site patched & software up to date @mattcutts #smx #14B”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Traffic dips aren't always because of some furry animal @Google ... it could be a technical #SEO issue #smx #12b”

We find it’s usually a site issue, unless you’re have a poor linking strategy

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Canonicals are like sugar: they make things nice & sweet but too much can rot your teeth and make you fat @surveymonkey #smx”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“#smx #13b The big @Google updates are massive shock, small updates may be noticed by a few - but they can all have marketing impact”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Video: Fascinating Panel On Google's Search Policy: #smx”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“The search engines are experiencing with results, constantly. Stop focusing on ranking & watch your data. @DuaneForrester. #SMX”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Look at server logs to see if you're serving session IDs. Sometimes they get issued if ppl don't have cookies. @vanessafox #SMX”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“If the amount of site errors goes up, the amount of pages crawled will go down. Fix that stuff! @vanessafox #SM”

This is especially important for sites that

launch new pages/products daily

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Crawl errors: Run a site: search and include the phrase "Page Not Found" #QuickInsight @vanessafox #smx #11b”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Look at your server log: What's being crawled? How long are search engines spending on various pages? #smx #11b”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“A sitemap will not improve your rankings but when you submit it, it will show errors (WMT) @rhea #smx #11B”

Every URL in your sitemap must return a 200 status code

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“The @SEOmoz search ranking factors mentioned by @davelloyd1 #SMX ”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Canonicalization matters: an efficient crawl increases total pages crawled/indexed, great for long tail @vanessafox #SMX”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Are the right pages being crawled? Google Webmaster Tools, Bing Webmaster Tools and Server logs #smx 12B”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Pay attention to details. Get the basics covered. Crawlability, site structure, on-page, content, links and social. #smx”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Browse your site w/o Javascript and CSS to find hidden links suddenly appearing/disappearing. @surveymonkey #smx”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Make sure u know the history of domain name that you buy. Sometimes they used to be spammer sites & u may get blocked. @DuaneForrester #SMX”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Don't go for home runs all the time, small technical easier fixes can make a huge difference @davelloyd1 #12b #smx”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Canonicalization matters: make sure all the links are pointing to the same place for max juice @vanessafox #SMX”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“.@SurveyMonkey says duplicate #content hits in unexpected ways: www versus non www - index page does not redirect to the root #smx #12b”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Drill into causation: If you can PROVE that X caused Y you have more power to fix it internally @davelloyd1 #SMX”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“#SMX #23b Relevance signals: IR signals, bounce rate, time on site, # of page views, add-to-cart rate, conversion rate @ashutoshg”

Industry Chatter SMX West 2013: Best Tweets on Technical SEO

Do you ever wonder how others succeed where you struggle? Get answers from in-house marketers who already faced your challenge.



“Canonicalization allows you to consolidate all the value from the different pages into one page @vanessafox #smx #12B”

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