best practices for minutes and meeting agendas financial ... practices templates.pdf · 8. minutes...

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4-H Ontario

Best Practices


Minutes And Meeting Agendas Financial Statement

Constitutions Policies and Procedures

Position Descriptions

Developed with the support of:


The templates, guidelines and job descriptions developed are courtesy of the 4-H Associations from across the province. Elements were drawn from various constitutions, financial statements, policies and procedures, position descriptions and meeting minutes to develop the sample templates. Constitution format template is courtesy of Denise Edwards, former Agriculture Organization Specialist, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. Special thanks to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for funding this project.

Effective Meetings

Guidelines Samples


Sample Meeting Agenda

4-H Association Name

Day, Month, Year Location, Time

Draft Agenda

1. Call to Order 2. Declaration of Quorum 3. Approval of agenda 4. Approval of previous meeting minutes 5. Business Arising from the minutes 6. Financial Report 7. Correspondance 8. New Business

(list new business items) 9. Committee Reports/Updates 10. Date Time, Place of Next Meeting 11. Adjournment

Sample Annual General Meeting Agenda

4-H Association Name Annual General Meeting

Day, Month, Year Location, Time

Draft Agenda

1. Call to Order 2. Declaration of Quorum 3. President’s Remarks 4. Approval of Arising 5. Presentation of Annual Financial Report 6. Election 7. Presentation of New Board of Directors 8. Committee Reports/Updates 9. Appointment of Financial Reviewers for next year 10. New Business 11. Adjournment

Basic Association Structure

Executive: Past President President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Directors Required Roles: Association Representative Membership Coordinator Volunteer Screening Coordinator Livestock Coordinator Resource Coordinator + Committees:

Judging Day Go For The Gold Awards Budget Fundraising Recruitment Policy Livestock Social Events Farm Safety Day Communications Competition Achievement Day(s)

Tips for Writing 4-H Association Minutes The following are guidelines for developing clear and concise 4-H Association minutes.

1. Minutes should note the name of the 4-H Association, date, time and place of the meeting on the heading.

2. Minutes should also include a list of meeting attendees, guests, absentees and

those sending regrets. 3. Follow the numbering on the Agenda. This will keep the minutes in the proper

order and ensure that all items are covered. (See sample Agenda)

4. Minutes should reflect decisions made: not discussions, conversations, quotes or identify specific persons making comments.

5. Minutes, once approved, should be signed by the President/Chair or acting

President/Chair and the Secretary or acting Secretary.

6. Motions should include only the decision being made (i.e. Motion to approve the agenda) and be followed with the decision of the vote (i.e. Carried, Defeated, Tabled). A separate record of motions should be kept on file denoting who made and seconded the motion and if applicable the vote count.

7. Minutes should be considered draft until approved by the Board of Directors or

voting body.

8. Minutes should be distributed prior to the meeting to give opportunity to review and note any changes or corrections. Reading minutes at a meeting can be time consuming and often does not give adequate opportunity to address spelling corrections or other changes. Key Tip: Distribute minutes shortly after the meeting so that board / committee members have the opportunity to follow up on required actions.

9. Minutes are the historic record of a 4-H Association and should be kept for

perpetuity. Minutes can be saved electronically for storage purposes or hard copy. If storing hard copy, records should be stored in a waterproof container in a cool dry place to avoid water or mold damage. Storing in a fireproof container is also recommended.

10. An Action Sheet is a useful tool for 4-H Associations. An action sheet lists the

actions or jobs to be done, who is assigned to complete the action and the timeline for completion. (See sample Action Sheet)

Sample 4-H Association Minutes

_____________4-H Association Date of Meeting

Location and Time

Present: Guests: Absent: Regrets:

1. Call to Order: President __________ called the meeting to order at _____ p.m. and welcomed everyone present. 2. It was noted that quorum had been attained.

3. Approval of Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda as presented/amended. Carried.

4. Approval of previous meeting minutes: Motion to approve the minutes of ______ (month), ______ (day), ______ (year). Carried. 5. Financial Report: The financial report for the month ending _____, 20_ was presented. The month end bank balance was $_____. Expenses to be paid include: ________________________________. The membership account balance is $2650 representing 53 memberships paid to date. Motion: to accept the financial report and pay outstanding bills. Carried.

6. Correspondance: Correspondance received included:

4-H Ontario Monthly Mailing; Thank you note from Josh Doe re reimbursement of 4-H Opportunity registration fee; Request to participate in local Food Fest.

7. New Business

Participation in local Food Fest: Motion to participate in local Food Fest. Carried.

Membership Fees: Motion to increase local membership fees to $____ effective _____ (month) _____ (day), _____year.

8. Committee Reports/Updates Membership: It was reported that 53 members have paid their membership fees. Finance: No report. Policy: It was reported that the committee had reviewed the existing policies and recommends no changes at this time. Screening: It was reported that 4 new volunteers have completed the screening process and are ready to begin their 4-H volunteers once approved by the board.

Go for the Gold: The committee will be meeting this month to organize the event. Evaluation: The committee recommends holding the Evaluation Competition on _____ (month), _____ (day), ______year at the ABC Community Hall. The committee recommends the following classes be arranged: muffins, safety helmets, extension cords, rabbits and financial statements. Regional Judging Competition: It was reported that the regional livestock show will be held on ____day ____month, year at DEF Fairgrounds. _____4-H Association is responsible for arranging a class of apples. Promotion and Marketing: No report at this time. Fundraising: It was reported the cookie campaign had netted a profit of $350.00. Motion: to accept all committee recommendations. Carried.

9. Date, Time and Place of next meeting: 10. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn the meeting at ____ by ______, seconded by

_____. Carried. _____________________________ _______________ President or acting Date _____________________________ _______________

Secretary or acting Date

Sample Action Sheet


NAME OF COMMITTEE: _________Awards Night Committee________ MEETING DATE: _____________Feb 2, 20__________________ ACTION SHEET RECORDER: _______ABC________________________

ACTION REQUIRED: ACTION BY: DEADLINE DATE: Contact 4-H Ontario IMC to set a date for plaque delivery

JKL February 15, 20

Book agricultural hall for November 28, 20

RST February 28, 20


NAME OF COMMITTEE: _________________ MEETING DATE: ___________________ ACTION SHEET RECORDER: _______________________________


Expectations for Preparing and Presenting Financial Statements

1. Have 2 separate bank accounts- one operational account and one designated for

membership fees and report each separately.

2. Some 4-H Associations find it beneficial to put membership fees (once majority collected) into a short term GIC or money market account. This provides the opportunity to earn more interest verses in a chequing or saving account. The money can then be transferred to the operating account when paying membership installments.

3. All bank accounts and financial documents need to have a minimum of 3 signing

officers with 2 of 3 signatures required for cheques and other transactions.

4. Signing authorities should never sign cheques made payable to themselves (i.e. Treasurer should not sign a cheque made payable to he/she for purchase of stamps, envelopes, etc).

5. Treasurers’ books should be reviewed by a neutral 3rd party (no family members)

and signed by the reviewer.

6. When presenting financial report at regular board meetings, the report should include income and expenses including current bills for payment.

7. At the AGM (Annual General Meeting), the financial report should be a review of

the previous year’s financial position and not include current financials. The report should not include current bills for payment. Decisions to pay current bills are made by the board of directors, not the membership.

8. All expenses should be paid with cheque and have accompanying receipts clearly

marked what the expenditure was (i.e. receipt submitted for printer ink, paper etc).

9. Receipts should have the cheque number and date paid marked on them to

simplify the paper trail for the financial reviewers.

____________4-H Association Financial Statement

For year ending 20___

Cash on Hand (balance in bank from previous year) $__________ Receipts (Income)

Donations $________ Local Event Sponsorship $________ Judging/Evaluation $________ Go for the Gold $________ 4-H Fair $________ Awards Night $________ Sponsorship $________ Donations $________ Meal tickets $________ Bank Interest $________ Fundraising $________ TSC Food booth $________ Plant Sales $________ Pop Can Collection $________ Promotional Items $________ Membership Fees $________ Association $________ 4-H Ontario $________ Other Income $________ Total receipts $________ Total receipts plus cash on hand $__________ Disbursements (Expenses) Administration (honorariums, phone, internet, $________ website maintenance) Office Supplies (paper, postage) $________ Local 4-H Event expenses $________ Go for the Gold $______ Judging Competition/Evaluation $______ Awards Night $________ Meals $______ Hall rentals $______ Awards $______ Supplies $______ Fundraising Expenses $_________ TSC Food Booth $______ Plant Sales $______ Promotion Items $_______ Member and Volunteer Opportunity Reimbursement $_________ Meeting and Workshop Expenses $_________ (speakers, financial review) Total Disbursements $_________ Total receipts minus disbursements $___________

______________4-H Association Balance Sheet

For the year ended 20___ Bank Reconciliation Opening balance (from previous year) $_________ Add outstanding deposits $_________ Deduct outstanding cheques $_________ Balance as per bank at year end $_________ Investments 1) $________ 2) $________ Total Investments $_________ Total assets of the 4-H Association (bank balance at year end plus investments) $_________ Financial Review Comments I have reviewed the financial records of the _________4-H Association and have found them to be accurate and complete. I have made recommendations to the Financial Committee as follows: ________________________ _______________ Signature Date

Constitution &

Policy Development

Standard Constitution Basic Policy Manual

Suggestions for Developing Constitutions

1. Consider the constitution to be the guiding document for your organization.

2. Keep regular motions or decision making aspects out of the constitution (i.e. membership fee amounts). These are best served as policies which can be reviewed and approved by the board of directors’ verses revising the constitution and seeking approval each year.

3. Keep constitution current by reviewing it every 2 years. This can be done in

conjunction with reviews of policies and position descriptions by an ad hoc committee established for this purpose.

4. Keep position descriptions to a minimum as these can change on a regular basis.

It is often best to make reference to the position descriptions which can be an appendix to the constitution for ease of referral.

5. Constitutions should reflect the entire 4-H Association not just the board of

directors or the Executive. Policies should be used as a further guide for the board and executive.

6. Voting on constitution changes is done by the membership of the Association.

The constitution should state how much notice must be given to the Association regarding the proposed revisions.

7. When revising a constitution, note on the final page when the revisions and

approval were received. This will help track when it is time for another review.

8. Always have the constitution signed by designated authorities (i.e. President, Secretary). This is the final indication of approval.

CONSTITUTION of ____________ Association

Article I: Name The name of the association shall be the _____________4-H Association, hereafter known as ‘the Association”. Article II: Authority The ___________4-H Association shall be an affiliated member of 4-H Ontario. All regulations set forth by the 4-H Ontario Council shall become part of this constitution. The Association shall be carried on without purpose of gain for its members and any profits or other gains shall be used in promoting its objectives. Article III: Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of the Association shall be in accordance with the objects stated as follows: a) To plan and coordinate a quality 4-H program which adheres to the 4-H philosophy

and is practical for members, parents, volunteers and other program participants; b) To provide a fun learning environment for all 4-H members and volunteers; c) To provide support to all 4-H volunteers and other program participants who will

assist in the development of the 4-H program in __________; d) To develop and implement policies and programs which further the goals of 4-H in

_________; e) To make recommendations to the Ontario 4-H Council; f) To promote and market 4-H as an organization for youth; g) To build and maintain mutual understanding and a positive working relationship

between the 4-H program its participants and its partners. Article IV: Principal Office The principal office of the Association shall be located in the ______ (region, district, city and county) in the province of Ontario and at such place as determined from time to time by the Board of Directors of the Association. Article V: Membership Membership is open to any person actively involved in the 4-H Association and its programs. Voting members of the Association shall be anyone who served as a volunteer, parent or sponsor in the previous year. A member of the Association shall be entitled to participate in activities of the 4-H Association but only voting members may vote at the annual general meeting or special meetings and be elected to the board of directors. Article VI: Directors and Officers a) Directors The Board of Directors shall consist of minimum ten (10) directors and no more than twelve (12).

The membership shall elect at each Annual General Meeting from among themselves ____ directors for a term of ____years. Directors may stand for re-election for an additional __ years. Following 2 consecutive terms of service on the board (__ years), a director must retire and remain ineligible for re-election for a period of ___ years. Elections shall be by plurality (greatest number of votes). In addition the membership shall elect ___ Regional Representative who will serve on the Region ___ Board and act as liaisons between the Association and the Region. The membership will also elect on Association Representative who will serve as the liaison between the Association and the Ontario 4-H Council. The Association Representative, Regional Representatives and immediate Past President are members of the 4-H Association with (voting/non voting) privileges. The Board of Directors shall have the power to act for and on behalf of the Association in all matters subject to 4-H guidelines set forth by the Association and 4-H Ontario. All directors must have completed the volunteer screening procedure. Directors are expected to attend the majority of meetings held by the board. If a director is absent for three (3) consecutive meetings without cause or regret, the remaining directors have the right to appoint another director to complete the term of office vacated. b) Officers The directors shall elect from among themselves at a meeting held immediately following the Annual General Meeting, a President and Vice President. Term of office shall be a maximum of 2 years for each position. In addition the directors shall from themselves or otherwise appoint a Secretary and a Treasurer or Secretary/Treasurer who shall remain in office at the discretion of the Board. The Secretary/Treasurer shall have voting privileges providing they were elected as directors initially. The President, Vice President, Past President and one appointed director shall constitute the Executive. The Secretary/Treasurer may be an ex-officio member of the Executive. The Executive shall have power to act for and conduct business of the Association in between regularly scheduled Board meetings providing all decisions made by the Executive are ratified at the next board meeting. The duties of the Officers shall be outlined in the terms of reference for the position. The duties may alter from time to time as determined by the Board of Directors. All Directors and Officers shall demonstrate ethical and professional conduct at all times. When a director or officer has a financial or personal interest, direct or indirect in any matter in which the Association is concerned, he/she shall disclose the interest and shall not take part in the consideration,

discussion or vote with respect to the matter and shall withdraw from the meeting when the matter is being discussed. In the event of a vacancy occurring on the Board by the death or resignation of any director or officer or otherwise, the remaining members of the Board shall have the power to appoint any member of the Association to fill such vacancy. In the event of 3 or more vacancies occurring at the same, a special general meeting shall be called and directors shall be elected from the membership, by the membership to fill the vacancies. Article VII: Meetings of the Organization Board of Directors shall meet on a minimum of __ times per year at a time and place determined by the majority of directors. Directors will be advised at least seven (7) days prior to the time of the meeting of any changes to the meeting schedule. Notice may be by phone or email. A motion may be brought forward for consideration to the board by any member of the Association, however only the elected directors are eligible to vote. In the case of a tie the motion will be considered defeated. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held no later than 60 days after the year end at a time and place determined by the current board of directors. At least 30 days notice of every annual meeting shall be given to the membership by way of email, newsletter or written notice. Only those members active in the previous year shall be entitled to vote. Voting shall be done by (show of hands or secret ballot). The purpose of the AGM is for the board to present a report of the activities and accomplishments of the Association since the last AGM, presentation of a reviewed financial statement reflecting profits and losses, appointment of reviewers for the coming year and to conduct elections for the board of directors. Special General Meetings shall be called by the President, Vice President or on petition of __ members of the Association for the purpose of transacting business mentioned in the petition and the membership shall be advised of the meeting by way of phone, written notice or email. Quorum for a special general meeting shall be 25% of eligible voting members. Only those persons who are members of the current year or who were members for the previous year are entitled to vote at a special general meeting. Voting on the petition shall be by secret ballot. Article VIII: Quorum Quorum at a board meeting shall be 50% plus one of the elected directors. Quorum at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting shall be the number of voting members in attendance. Article IX: Committees The Board of Directors may establish committees and subcommittees from time to time in order to conduct its business more effectively and to facilitate the achievement of the Association objectives. Committees may be standing or ad hoc and will be provided with

terms of reference. Committees are accountable to the Board of Directors and will make recommendations only to the Board. Article X: Financials The fiscal year of the Association shall be January 1 to December 31. Signing authority for all financial matters shall be any 2 of 3 named authorities including the President, Vice President, Secretary / Treasurer. All monies belonging to the Association shall be deposited in a bank account in the name of the Association at a branch of a chartered bank, Credit Union or trust company in Canada. All expenditures must be approved by the Board of Directors before being paid. The Executive shall have the power to approve expenditures included in the budget up to and including $250.00. All expenditures for items in excess of $200.00 that are not included in the budget for the current fiscal year shall require approval by a motion passed at a special general or Board of Directors meeting. The financial records of the Association shall be reviewed by at least one independent 3rd party who is arm’s length from the Association and is appointed at the Annual General Meeting. The financial accounts and other books of the Association shall be made available for inspection by members upon reasonable request. Article XI: Indemnification The Association shall indemnify and save harmless the directors from all actions undertaken by them in good faith on behalf of the Association, claims, suits or proceedings brought against them, provided that no directors shall be indemnified by the Association in respect to any liability, cost charges or expenses sustained or incurred as a result of their own fraud, dishonesty, willful neglect or willful default. Article XII: Administration Execution of Documents: Deeds, transfer contracts and other documents may be signed on behalf of the Association by two persons one being the President and the other being the _____________. Records of the Organization: Officers of the Association are responsible for the safe custody of all documents relating to the Association’s property, minutes of proceedings, resolutions, constitutions and policies and procedures and all other books and records of the Association. All financial records will be kept at the principal office for a period of seven years. Minutes of proceedings are the historic record of the Association and shall be kept for perpetuity.

Article XIII: Rules of Order Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Association on all matters not covered by the constitution. Article XIV: Changes to Constitution This constitution may be made and/or adopted, amended or repealed by a two-thirds majority vote of those members in attendance at an Annual General Meeting or at a special general meeting of which notice has been given in the manner outlined in Article VII. Proposed changes and amendments to the constitution must be circulated to the membership ____ (recommend 30) days prior to the meeting. All regulations as set forth by 4-H Ontario as may be revised from time to time, shall become a part of this constitution. Article XV: Dissolution In the event of the dissolution of the Association, after payment of all debts and liabilities, the remaining assets shall be distributed to 4-H Ontario to be held in trust for a period of two years. Article XVI: Adoption This constitution, adopted at an annual or special meeting of the Association shall become effective on _______ and remain so until amended or repeal. Signed by ____________________ _________________________ President Secretary Reviewed Amended

Guidelines for Developing Policies and Procedures 1. The purpose of 4-H Association policies is to tell 4-H participants ‘what to do’ in

specific situations. Policies serve as guidelines for decision making and reflect the overall objectives of the organization. Policies prescribe limits and outline specific responsibilities within an organization.

2. Policies are often accompanied by procedures which give direction on the ‘how to’ of the policy. Procedures describe a series of steps to be completed in order to address the ‘what to do’ 3. Policies and procedures are approved by the 4-H Association Board of Directors and

should be reviewed on a regular basis (suggested time frame is every two years) and updated as necessary.

4. Policies that are based on 4-H Ontario policy are subject to change as per provincial

policy revisions. 5. Policies and Procedures must support 4-H Ontario vision and values. 6. Policies and procedures must not contravene those of 4-H Ontario.

7. Keep policies clear and concise.

8. Use guidelines and procedure where applicable verses policy.

9. Keep policies to a minimum; develop policies that can be policed.

10. Refrain from reinventing 4-H Ontario policy or including it in Association policies except for explanation purposes. 11. Identify policies by section, number and year approved or revised. For example:

Livestock Policies L-01 Show Selection Approval Date 2009

Administration A-01 Membership Fees Approval Date 2010

Financial Policies F-01 Finance Committee Approval Date 2009

12. Policies, once approved by the governing body (board of directors) should be

promoted to the 4-H Association membership via newsletter, email or direct mailing. 13. Policies should be kept in a separate file which can be accessed for discussions

during a 4-H Association meeting.

14. Set up a Policy Review Committee to review policies on a regular basis (every two years is a good rule of thumb). This committee could also review the constitution and other guidelines and recommendations that the Association has.

Basic 4-H Association Policies

Board B-01 Speaking with One Voice Approval Date Policy: The Board will speak with one voice. Procedure:

1. Board members will support all decisions made in meetings outside of the board room.

B-02 Speaking on Behalf of the Organization Approval Date Policy: Directors will refrain from speaking on behalf of the organization unless directed by the 4-H Association President. Procedure: 1.Speaking on behalf of the corporation includes but is not limited to media, making

public statements, participating in coalitions and lobby efforts with other organizations or any agreement involving the operations of the 4-H Association in the event of crisis communication.

2. Directors who are approached to speak on behalf of the organization shall decline the request and refer to the Association President. 3. Directors will not offer quotes, comments or recommendations on behalf of the

organization unless requested directly by the Association President or designate. B-03 Conflict of Interest Approval Date Policy: Directors shall not be involved in discussions or decisions where a conflict of interest exists or appears to exist. Procedure:

1. Minutes will reflect when a director excuses himself / herself. 2. The board may ask a director to leave a discussion or decision where they feel

conflict of interest is present. 3. Directors will conduct themselves in a manner which would bear public scrutiny

while conducting 4-H business. General G-01 Adherence to Policies Approval Date Policy: The 4-H Association Board of Directors, volunteers, members, parents and involved individuals will abide by the policies of 4-H Ontario and the 4-H Association. Failure to do so may result in a dismissal from the program for a period to be determined by the Association.

G-02 Membership Fees Approval Date Policy: When 4-H members are enrolled in clubs in more than one Association, the provincial membership fee is collected by the home Association only. (Ontario 4-H policy) Procedure: 1. 4-H Associations may collect additional fees from members enrolled in clubs but are registered with a home Association elsewhere. G-03 Addressing Concerns Approval Date Policy: When a member or volunteer wishes to address a policy or concern to the 4-H Association, they may do so by submitting a request to do so to the Association Secretary one week in advance of a board meeting. The concern may be addressed either in person or in writing. Procedure: 1. When addressing a concern, the concerned individual should clearly state the concern or issue and provide sound alternatives to address the situation. G-04 4-H Participant Tributes Approval Date The 4-H Association shall recognize 4-H participants with get well wishes and memorial donations. Procedure: 1. When a 4-H participant or family member of the program passes away the 4-H

Association shall pay tribute to the individual with either a donation to 4-H Ontario or a floral tribute (value of each to be $__-$__). A sympathy card will also be sent to the family.

2. In the event of an accident or illness of a 4-H member or volunteer, the 4-H Association will recognize the individual with an appropriate tribute (flowers, fruit basket, gift) in the amount of $__.00. G-05 Reimbursement of 4-H Opportunity Registrations Approval Date Policy: The 4-H Association, when finances allow, will reimburse a portion of registration fees for 4-H member and volunteer opportunities. Procedure: 1. 4-H Opportunities refer to regional, provincial and national. 2. The Association reserves the right to determine the amount of reimbursement depending on the Association finances. 3. Members seeking reimbursement must provide the association with a verbal presentation outlining their experience. 4-H Club C-01 Competitive Clubs Approval Date Policy: Competitive clubs shall abide by the standard marking scheme as approved by the Board of Directors.

C-02 Livestock Show Selection Approval Date Policy: All decisions regarding selection for livestock show teams (i.e. Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Gencor Challenge) will be made by the respective club volunteers with the final approval from the 4-H Association. Procedure: 1. Selection criteria will be promoted to all 4-H members via club volunteers and the 4-H Association through newsletters, emails or direct phone contact. C-03 Maximum Number of Club Participants Approval Date Policy: The number of participants allowed to join a particular club will be based on safety. Procedure: 1. If the number of interested participants exceeds the limit (determined by safety) by 6 or more, the Association will endeavour to find volunteers to operate a second club or arrange for the project run again. C-04 Secretary Books Approval Date Policy: All club secretary books must be completed and submitted to the 4-H Association by (specific date) of the project year. Procedure: 1. Club secretary books will be reviewed for completion of minutes, attendance record and Achievement Day Program planning and results. C-05 Extra Curricular Activities Approval Date Policy: 4-H Clubs who wish to participate in day or overnight trips shall be required to notify the 4-H Association minimum 4 weeks prior to event and submit to the 4-H Association permission forms and Health & Safety information. Procedure 1. 4-H members wishing to participate in day or overnight trips as part of their project

activities must submit to their club volunteer a signed permission form, health & safety information and designated fees (admission cost, bus fare etc)

2. A copy of all forms will be filed with a designated 4-H Association contact (not only the club volunteer).

Financial F-01 Spending Authorization Approval Date Policy: Expenditures for items in excess of $200 which are not included in the budget for the current fiscal year shall require board approval.

Procedure: 1. In the event of an emergency the executive may act as the decision making agent and authorize expenditure with ratification of the board at the next full meeting of the board. F-02 4-H Club Bank Accounts Approval Date Policy: When a 4-H club has amassed funds that require the opening of a bank account, the account shall have at least 3 signing authorities of which two must sign all cheques. Clubs will provide a financial report to the association annually. F-03 Change in Club Leadership Approval Date Policy: When a 4-H club volunteer(s) ceases leading 4-H clubs for whatever reason, they shall turn over all records and club accounts to the new 4-H volunteers. Procedure: 1. If there is no new volunteer taking over, the account(s) will be held in trust by the 4-H Association for a period of 2 years at which time if the club has not re-organized, the 4-H Association will decide how the funds shall be disbursed. F-04 Internal Financial Controls Approval Date Policy: All accounts shall be paid by cheque issued in the name of the 4-H Association. All cheques received by the Association shall be made payable to the 4-H Association only. F-05 Finance Committee Approval Date Policy: The Board of Directors shall be responsible for appointing/electing a Finance Committee annually. Procedure: 1. The Finance Committee shall consist of the Treasurer and 2 additional 4-H volunteers, one of whom shall be a current board director and shall be responsible for the preparation and presentation of the annual budget at the Annual General Meeting. Fundraising FR-01 Association Fundraising Approval Date Policy: The 4-H Association expects every club to participate in Association approved and organized fundraising activities. FR-02 Club Fundraising Approval Date Policy: Clubs may conduct fundraising activities for the purpose of raising funds for club activities providing they inform the 4-H Association of the activity so to avoid duplication of fundraising efforts.

Procedure: 1. Members who fund raise to attend livestock shows (Gencor Challenge, EBI Showcase, Royal Agricultural Winter Fair) need to coordinate these activities through the 4-H Association. Members M-01 Member Code of Conduct Approval Date Policy: All paid 4-H members shall be required to sign a 4-H Member Code of Conduct. (Provincial Policy) Procedure: 1. 4-H Members under the age of 18 will be required to have their parent or guardian read and sign the conduct form. M-02 Participation in Achievement Program Approval Date Policy: All paid 4-H members are expected to participate in their club Achievement Program. (Provincial Policy) Procedure:

1. If a member is absent, without appropriate notification and consent of the club volunteers or the 4-H Association the member forfeits completion of the project.

2. If the member cannot participate in the Achievement Day for purpose of illness or accident, one of the following options may be offered:

a. Participate in another Achievement Program in the Association b. Complete a special project that has been agreed to by the club

volunteer(s). The project should be in keeping with the project material and take as much time to and effort to complete as the Achievement Program.

3. If a member is enrolled in a livestock club, and the project animal is not able to show at Achievement Program, the member will be required to show in their showmanship class at their own Achievement Program and complete procedure 2b.

M-03 Meeting Attendance Approval Date Policy: To receive project completion, a member must attend 2/3 of the club meeting time. (4-H Ontario Policy) Procedure: 1. It is the responsibility of the member to contact club volunteer(s) regarding

information covered during their absence from club meetings. 2. Members are responsible for ensuring they have met the attendance requirements. 3. A maximum of one make up meeting is permitted. Make up meetings are possible by

attending another club meeting (in which they are not a member), or participating in a 4-H event as approved by the 4-H Association Board of Directors.

4. When attending a make up meeting, it is the responsibility of the member to obtain written confirmation of attendance from the club volunteer and submit it to their own club volunteer.

5. The club volunteer(s) shall decide whether the requirements of the club have been met.

Volunteers V-01 Code of Conduct Approval Date Policy: 4-H volunteers shall be required to sign a code of conduct and submit it to the Association (4-H Ontario Policy). Procedure: 1. Volunteers acknowledge that by signing the Volunteer Code of Conduct they are

required to abide by the requirements outlined in the conduct form. V-02 Meeting Attendance Approval Date Policy: Club volunteers are expected to attend and participate in 2/3 of the club meeting time. Procedure: 1. Volunteers who do not fulfill the attendance requirements for the project will not

receive volunteer credit. V-03 Volunteer Training Approval Date Policy: Current volunteers must take part in 4-H delivered training once every 24 months. New volunteers must complete 4-H delivered training within 3 months of becoming a volunteer. (4-H Provincial Policy)

Standard 4-H Position Descriptions

Creating Position Descriptions Position Description Template

Suggestions for Developing Position Descriptions

1. Position descriptions should provide the individual accepting the position with an

accurate description of what the position entails. This will help individuals in determining the time commitment and skills required to fulfill the position.

2. Position descriptions should address what the position is, who does the individual

in the position report to, what are the requirements or qualifications required of the individual, what is the time commitment expected and what are the general duties.

3. Position descriptions should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they are

accurate and reflect the current nature of the position. This can become a part of a policy and constitution review exercise. When revised- the position description should be dated to the last revised date.

4. Some 4-H Associations may find it more effective to combine positions- such as

Secretary/Treasurer, Secretary/ARC, and ARC/Membership Coordinator etc. or to have additional positions such as Fundraising Coordinator, Event Coordinator, and Awards Coordinator. It is important when establishing these positions that descriptions of duties are drafted and approved by the board and the individuals accepting the positions are aware of their expanded duties.

5. In addition to local Association positions, 4-H Ontario requests that all 4-H

Associations have a Volunteer Screening Coordinator and a Membership Coordinator and the descriptions of these positions are provided by 4-H Ontario. These positions may be combined with other local positions however the duties outlined by 4-H Ontario should not be altered.

Position Description- Association President Position: 4-H Association President Authority: Reports to the 4-H Association Board of Directors and Association

membership. Responsibility:

• To manage, with the other members of the Board of Directors, all operations in accordance with constitution and policies of the Association;

• To ensure, with the other members of the Executive Committee and the membership maintenance of a proper image of the association;

• To ensure that communications between all parties (directors, volunteers, members, sponsors, community partners, regional affiliates and 4-H Ontario remain open;

• To strive, with the other members of the Executive Committee, to ensure that programs are developed and implemented to fulfill the mandate of the Association according to the constitution and Ontario 4-H Council policies.


• Must be a member of the 4-H Association Board of Directors; • Must be a screened 4-H volunteer; • Have a sound understanding of meeting management and board governance • Ability to communicate effectively to the Association membership, the Executive

Committee and the Ontario 4-H Council. Term of Office: Two year term renewable to a maximum of two consecutive terms (4 years). General Duties:

• To prepare the agenda in cooperation with the secretary; • Chair all meetings of the membership, board of directors and Executive

Committee meetings; • Act as one of three co-signers on all cheques and financial documents for the

Association; • Act as an ex-officio member of all committees of the Association.

Time Commitment

• Elected for a 2 year term; • Attend all Association General meetings; • Attend other meetings as required. • Attend four, one hour teleconferences hosted by 4-H Ontario annually.

Rewards and Support

• Training workshops and conferences as available; • Opportunity to develop, strengthen and promote the local 4-H programs; • Opportunity to develop governance skills.

Position Description- Association Vice President

Position: Vice President Authority: Reports to the President Responsibility:

• To assume the duties of the President, in his/her absence or as called upon; • To manage, with the other members of the Board of Directors, all operations in

accordance with constitution and policies of the Association; • To ensure, with the other members of the Executive Committee and the

membership maintenance of a proper image of the association; • To ensure that communications between all parties (directors, volunteers,

members, sponsors, community partners, regional affiliates and 4-H Ontario remain open;

• To strive, with the other members of the Executive Committee, to ensure that programs are developed and implemented to fulfill the mandate of the Association according to the constitution and Ontario 4-H Council policies.


• Must be a member of the 4-H Association Board of Directors; • Must be a screened 4-H volunteer; • Have a sound understanding of meeting management and board governance; • Ability to communicate effectively to the Association membership, the Executive

Committee and the Ontario 4-H Council.

Term of Office: Two year term renewable to a maximum of two consecutive terms. General Duties:

• In the absence of the President: • Helps to prepare the agenda in cooperation with the secretary; • Chair the General and Executive Committee meetings;

• May act as a co-signer on all cheques and financial documents of the Association.

Time Commitment:

• Elected for a 2 year term; • Attend all Association General meetings; • Attend other meetings as required. • Attend four, one hour teleconferences hosted by 4-H Ontario annually.

Rewards and Support:

• Training workshops and conferences as available; • Opportunity to develop, strengthen and promote the local 4-H programs; • Opportunity to develop governance skills.

Position Description- 4- H Association Secretary

Position: 4-H Association Secretary Authority: Reports to the Board of Directors Responsibility:

• To manage, with the other members of the Board of Directors, all operations in accordance with constitution and policies of the Association;

• To ensure, with the other members of the Executive Committee and the membership maintenance of a proper image of the association;

• To ensure that communications between all parties (directors, volunteers, members, sponsors, community partners, regional affiliates and 4-H Ontario remain open;

• To strive, with the other members of the Executive Committee, to ensure that programs are developed and implemented to fulfill the mandate of the Association according to the constitution and Ontario 4-H Council policies.


• Must be a screened 4-H volunteer; • Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing; • Able to organize files and maintain records.

Term of Office:

• Shall serve in the position at the discretion of the Board and in accordance with the constitution;

• The Secretary shall have voting privileges providing they were elected as directors initially.

General Duties:

• Records minutes and attendance at Association meetings; • Prepares and responds to correspondence on behalf of the Association; • Notifies all directors and executive members of meetings; • Maintains historical reference files for the Association; • Prepares and mails meeting notices and announcements pertaining to the

Association; • May be one of three co-signers on all cheques and financial documents for the

Association; • Ensures an alternate to cover secretarial duties, if absent.

Time Commitment

• Attend all Association meetings; • Time to record and process minutes and to respond to correspondence. • Attend two, one hour teleconference hosted by 4-H Ontario.

Rewards and Support • Training workshops and conferences as available; • Opportunity to develop, strengthen and promote the local 4-H programs;

Position Description 4-H Association Treasurer

Position: 4-H Association Treasurer Authority: Reports to the Board of Directors Responsibility:

• To manage (with the other members of the Executive Committee) the day to day operations of the Association;

• To ensure (with the other members of the Executive Committee and the membership) maintenance of a proper image of the association;

• To strive (with the other members of the Executive Committee) to ensure that programs are developed and implemented to fulfill the mandate of the Association according to the constitution and Ontario 4-H Council policies.


• Must be a current 4-H Association member who has served as a 4-H volunteer in the previous or current year;

• Must be a screened 4-H volunteer; • Experience in maintaining financial records; a background in bookkeeping or

accounting would be an asset; • Ability to communicate effectively to the Association membership, the Executive

Committee and the Ontario 4-H Council. Term of Office: Two year term – renewable as per the 4-H Association constitution General Duties:

• To maintain accurate records (current and historical) on the finances of the Association;

• To present financial statements at the meetings of the Association; • To have the financial statements verified and a statement to this effect

presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association; • To make deposits on behalf of the Association; • To prepare and forward cheques as approved by the membership/executive; • May be one of 3 co-signers on all cheques and financial documents of the

Association. Time Commitment:

• Attend all Association meetings; • Attend other meetings as required; • Attend two, one hour training hosted by 4-H Ontario • Time to prepare financial statements, to make deposits and prepare cheques; • Time to maintain accurate records on the financial status of the Association.

Rewards and Support:

• Training workshops and conferences as available; • Opportunity to develop, strengthen and promote the local 4-H programs; • Opportunity to develop governance skill.

Position Description 4-H Association Representative

Position: 4-H Association Representative Authority: Reports to the 4-H Association Membership Responsibility:

• To provide communication between the local association and provincial bodies; • To manage (with the other members of the Executive Committee) the day to

day operations of the Association; • To ensure (with the other members of the Executive Committee and the

membership) maintenance of a proper image of the association; • To strive (with the other members of the Executive Committee) to ensure that

programs are developed and implemented to fulfill the mandate of the Association according to the constitution and Ontario 4-H Council policies;

• To ensure fundraising and sponsorship programs are in place. Requirements:

• Must be a current 4-H Association member who has served as a 4-H volunteer in the previous or current year;

• Must be a screened 4-H volunteer; • Ability to communicate effectively to the Association membership, the Executive

Committee and the Ontario 4-H Council. Term of Office: Two year term renewable at the discretion of the 4-H Association and as per 4-H Association policies and constitution. General Duties:

• To act as a liaison between the local and provincial bodies; • Attend in participate 100% in all scheduled meetings; • Attend Conference and Annual Meeting for 2 and one half day • To participate in regional, provincial teleconferences or communications;

Time Commitment:

• Attend three Ontario 4-H Council teleconference meetings (March, July and November);

• Participate in provincial, regional communications; • Attend all Association General meetings; • Attend other meetings as required.

Rewards and Support:

• Training workshops and conferences as available; • Opportunity to develop, strengthen and promote the local 4-H programs; • Opportunity to develop governance skills.

Position Description – 4-H Club Volunteer

Position: 4-H Club Volunteer Authority: Reports as required to the local 4-H Association Board of Directors and Association. Responsibilities:

• To work with members in identifying their personal development needs / goals

• To encourage members to participate in appropriate personal development opportunities.

• To coordinate club of 4-H activities in cooperation with 4-H members • To communicate on regular basis with the local 4-H Association • To ensure the safety of participants during the club meetings / activities • To complete the 4-H Ontario Screening Procedure • To regularly attend learning /training opportunities


• Genuine interest in young people and their personal development • A belief in and willingness to follow 4-H program philosophy and policies • An excellent role model for young people • Completion of the Ontario 4-H Council Volunteer Screening Procedure and

other local association orientation requirements. • Willing to learn new ideas and methods in technical projects and skills in

working with youth. • Basic awareness of 4-H.

Time Commitment:

• Minimum of 12 hours of meeting time per club, plus preparation and Achievement Program

• Attend a minimum of one training workshop every 24 months Rewards and Support:

• Volunteer conference and workshops as available • Experienced leaders and / or 4-H Ontario staff for mentoring and information • Assisting youth in attaining their goals • Association with community, sponsors, parents / family, 4-H youth and fellow

volunteers. • Part of a respected, long standing organization. • Training provided.

Position Description – Association Board Director

Position: Association Board Director Authority: Reports to the 4-H Association Board of Directors and Association Membership. Responsibilities:

• To support the objectives of 4-H Ontario • To serve the overall best interests of all stakeholders of the 4-H program • To bring credibility and good will to the Association • To respect principles of fair play and due process • To ensure financial affairs of the Association are conducted in a responsible

and transparent manner. • To avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest • To respect and follow the Volunteer Code of Conduct • To maintain a degree of confidentiality as expected of the position.

Term of Office: Two year term renewable to a maximum of two consecutive terms (4 years). General Duties:

• Attend Local Association meetings. Number determined by local association constitution.

• To demonstrate due diligence and dedication in preparation for attendance at meetings, special events and in all other activities while representing the Association.

• To publicly demonstrate acceptance, respect and support for decisions of local and provincial entities.

• To attend orientation and training opportunities when available Time Commitment:

• Elected for a two year term • Attend all Association general meetings • Attend other meetings as required

Rewards and Support:

• Opportunity to develop, strengthen and promote local 4-H programs • Opportunity to develop governance skills. • Volunteer recognition through local 4-H Association and 4-H Ontario • Training opportunities • Experienced directors and 4-H Ontario staff

Position Description – Membership Coordinator

Position: 4-H Association Membership Coordinator Authority: Reports to the local 4-H Association Board of Directors and Association. Works in close contact with 4-H Ontario Information Management Coordinator. Required position in association. Responsibilities:

• To identify self as the Membership Coordinator to the 4-H Ontario Information Management Coordinator and sign an Oath of Confidentiality.

• To distribute the preprinted membership reports provided by 4-H Ontario to club volunteers.

• To receive membership lists from club volunteers after 2nd meeting and ensure that all information is complete.

• To enter club information into the online data entry portion of the database. • To work in cooperation with the 4-H Ontario Information Management

Coordinator to relay to and receive from the IMC; information changes, completions and general updates.

• To work with local treasurer to ensure that membership fees have been paid by members listed for projects.

• To ensure accuracy in reports and information associated with the position. • To ensure deadlines are met for enrollments and completions. • To ensure local volunteers at large are entered into the database. • To have the ability to use and have access the internet, to access the

Microsoft Word and Excel and ability to work with attachments. Requirements:

• Genuine interest in young people and their personal development • A belief in and willingness to follow 4-H program philosophy and policies • Ability to respect deadlines. • Completion of the Ontario 4-H Council Volunteer Screening Procedure and

other local association orientation requirements. • Willing to learn new ideas and methods in technical skills. • Awareness of local and provincial 4-H policies

Time Commitment:

• Attend minimum one Membership Coordinator teleconferences per year • Entry time of membership lists will vary with peak times of year. • Attend a minimum of one training workshop every 24 months • Local association meetings as required.

Rewards and Support:

• Volunteer conference and workshops as available • 4-H Ontario staff for mentoring and information. • Opportunity to interact and share with volunteers across the province. • Part of a respected, long standing organization. • Training provided.

Position Description – Volunteer Screening Contact

Position: 4-H Association Volunteer Screening Contact Authority: Reports to the local 4-H Association Board of Directors and Association. Works in close contact with 4-H Ontario Privacy and Screening Officer. Required position in association. Responsibilities:

• To identify self as the Volunteer Screening Contact to the 4-H Ontario Privacy and Screening Officer and sign an Oath of Confidentiality.

• To be active member of the Volunteer Recruitment and Screening Committee • To ensure each new volunteer completes the 4-H Ontario Volunteer

Recruitment and Screening Process. • To follow up with current volunteers to ensure that their Police Records

Check is updated every two years. • To respond to requests from potential volunteers for screening information

and accepts completed forms or directs the individual to the appropriate local police service.

• To review applications and LE 220E forms for completeness and ensure they are forwarded to the 4-H Ontario Privacy and Screening Officer.

• To arrange suitable, secure, locked storage of applications and information. • To ensure original Police Records Check results are forwarded to the 4-H

Ontario Privacy and Screening Officer in a sealed envelope marked confidential.

• To act as coordinator for Volunteer Recruitment and Screening Committee, sets up interviews with applicants and arranges for reference check follow up.

• To ensure that new, revised, or updated screening policies and procedures are communicated and implemented for all involved parties.

• To ensure that contact information is kept updated when term as volunteer Screening Contact is complete and that all resources and records are handed over to the new contact and follow the procedure outlined through 4-H Ontario.


• Genuine interest in young people and their personal development • A belief in and willingness to follow 4-H program philosophy and policies • Ability to respect deadlines. • Completion of the Ontario 4-H Council Volunteer Screening Procedure and

other local association orientation requirements. • Willing to learn new ideas and methods in technical skills. • Awareness of local and provincial 4-H policies

Time Commitment:

• Attend minimum two Volunteer Screening Contact teleconferences per year • Review, filing, mailing and collection of police records checks and interviews

will vary with peak times of year. • Attend a minimum of one training workshop every 24 months

• Local association meetings as required. Rewards and Support:

• Volunteer conference and workshops as available • 4-H Ontario staff for mentoring and information. • Opportunity to interact and share with volunteers across the province. • Part of a respected, long standing organization. • Training provided.

Position Description – Local Livestock Coordinator

Position: 4-H Association Livestock Coordinator Authority: Reports to the local 4-H Association Board of Directors and Association. Works in close contact with 4-H Ontario Membership Services Manager. Required position in association. Responsibilities:

• To identify self as the Livestock Coordinator to the 4-H Ontario Membership Services Manager.

• To ensure copies of the Project Animal Identification Form are provided to 4-H livestock members.

• To receive completed Project Animal Identification Forms from clubs / members by set deadline.

• To review and ensure all forms are completed, correct and legible. • To keep a photocopy of each form to be retained in the association for the

year. • To forward the original of the completed Project Animal Identification Forms

and the County Checklist Form to the designated Provincial Livestock Coordinator by June 1 of the calendar year.

• To maintain the association’s copies of the Project Animal Identification Forms and County Checklist Form until December 31 of the calendar year for use at Achievement programs and other county and inter-county 4-H livestock events. Forms should be shredded following the end of the calendar year.


• Genuine interest in young people and their personal development • A belief in and willingness to follow 4-H program philosophy and policies • Ability to respect deadlines. • Completion of the Ontario 4-H Council Volunteer Screening Procedure and

other local association orientation requirements. • Willing to learn new ideas and methods in technical skills. • Awareness of local and provincial 4-H policies

Time Commitment:

• Attend two Livestock Coordinator teleconferences per year • Distribution, collection and review time of Project Animal Identification

Forms- heaviest time commitment in May and June. • Attend a minimum of one training workshop every 24 months • Local association meetings as required.

Rewards and Support:

• Volunteer conference and workshops as available • 4-H Ontario staff for mentoring and information. • Opportunity to interact and share with volunteers across the province. • Part of a respected, long standing organization.

Position Description – “Title”

Position: Authority: Responsibilities: Requirements: Time Commitment: Rewards and Support:

Definition of Terms: 4-H Volunteers are individuals who have completed the 4-H Ontario Volunteer Screening procedure and who are involved in organizing/running a 4-H activity or club. Activity is an event or opportunity organized for 4-H members to participate in. 4-H Clubs are the group of 6 or more 4-H members and a minimum of two screened volunteer who meet and complete the activities of a 4-H project. Executive Officers are individuals elected to positions of responsibility and may include President, Past President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Executive will be defined specifically in the Association constitution. 4-H Members are youth between 10 and 21 years of age who have paid a membership fee and are members in good standing with their association. ARC is the Association Resource Contact and is responsible for the organization and distribution of all resource materials. PAIF refers to the Project Animal Information Forms which must be completed by all 4-H members exhibiting an animal as part of their 4-H project. The PAIF Coordinator is the individual responsible for collecting the PAIFs, ensuring completeness and accuracy and submitting them to the appropriate 4-H Ontario staff person. Volunteer Screening Coordinator is the individual designated by the 4-H Association to ensure the screening procedure is carried out. This person must be a screened volunteer.

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