best practice, benefits and challenges in further & higher...

Post on 22-May-2018






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Introduction to flipped learning Best practice, benefits and challenges

in Further & Higher Education

Dr Damien Mansell


• What is a flipped classroom?

– The blended learning approach

• Advantages

– learning styles

• Challenges & Implications

– Avoiding pitfalls

• Best practice examples

• Summary

What is a flipped classroom? • Typical lecture and study elements are reversed

• Delivers instruction/lecture material online

• Replaces traditional lecture with activity – Discussion / debate

• Develop understanding • knowledge construction

– Research – Group work – Share solutions to questions – Respond to questions – Test – Receive feedback on pre session task – Share drafts of work / peer marking?

Get students engaged in the course

• Class time • Guided Study – Lecture content

– Acquisition of knowledge

– Reading

– Group work

– Email questions

– Office hour questions

• Class time • Guided Study – Lecture content

– Acquisition of knowledge

– Reading

– Group work

– Email questions

– Office hour questions

– Discussion

– Feedback

– understanding

– Knowledge construction

Flipped Classroom

The learning environment

Learning through activity

Educational Technology

Source: Jeremy F. Strayer. Ohio University

Provides opportunity for

Influences Influences


What is a flipped classroom?

Blended Learning

Nothing new?

Blended learning • student learn in part through online delivery of content

and in part though traditional classes/lectures/tutorials • Why?

– Student control over time, place, pace • Pause, rewind, re-watch, re-visit

– Learning styles – Engagement

• Fuelled by recent increase in accessibility to: – Online videos / learning – Khan academy – Free & intuitive video editing – MOOCs – Growing emphasis on TEL in HE

Videos for flipped learning

• Existing videos

– Box of broadcasts

– You tube


• Bespoke videos

– Screen cast

– You tube channel

– Analytics

– Instruction


• What is a flipped classroom?

– The blended learning approach

• Advantages

– learning styles

• Challenges & Implications

– Avoiding pitfalls

• Best practice examples

• Summary

• Class time • Guided Study – Lecture content

– Acquisition of knowledge

– Reading

– Group work

– Email questions

– Office hour questions

– Discussion

– Feedback

– understanding

– Knowledge construction


• Students can ask more questions during contact time

– Immediate response & follow up questions / discussion

• Active learning,

• Increase student engagement,

• Test their skills in applying knowledge,

• Encourages peer-learning / collaboration

• Encourages independent learning

• Multiple learning styles


• Caters for multiple learning styles

• E,g Honey & Mumford – Pragmatist – link learning to application

– Reflector – Observe before reaching conclusions, cautious, require time to formulate opinions and digest material

– Theorist – learns by probing, asking, logical, rational approach

– Activist – activities, hands on learning, throw themselves into things

• Pre flip favours, reflector, theorist,

• Flipped session favours, pragmatist & activist


• What is a flipped classroom?

– The blended learning approach

• Advantages

– learning styles

• Challenges & Implications

– Avoiding pitfalls

• Best practice examples

• Summary

Challenges & Implications • Role change from a traditional lecture

– Impacts learning style for students – & delivery / preparation of resources by lecturer

• Contingency planning? – Time management

• Student communication / engagement can be determining success of session – Shift in responsibilities of students? – Activities can be student led

• Shift from covering material to gaining understanding of material

• Change in class dynamics, not replacement / appropriate for all taught sessions

• Attendance concerns?

Task Orientated / Guided Learning

• Instructions: clear responsibility & level of engagement

• Match tasks to learning objectives • Apply to learning objectives suited for discussion /

collaboration • Include reading material questions, discussion items • Package material into a single unit

– Embed on a separate page moodle / blackboard – Filpboard – Create a private you-tube channel

• Playlists

– Vimeo • Password protected (but upload limit for free registration)

Application to class • Not an all or nothing approach

– Can run alongside traditional run class and have additional flipped learning sessions

• Excellent for technical / computer classes – e.g. methods, statistics, Geographical Information

Studies – Usually taught in practical sessions

• Provide video as alternative/accompaniment to handout?

• Video notes – Do not record a lecture and provide that as a substitute. – Videos must be less than 10 mins long – Engagement increases if you show your face – Perfection versus workload


• What is a flipped classroom?

– The blended learning approach

• Advantages

– learning styles

• Limitations / considerations

– Avoiding pitfalls

• Best practice examples

• Summary

An example

1. Watch the Helheim Calving video 1. This is a large scale calving event. Come up with a hypothesis for the control of

this calving event.

2. Read James et al., (2014). Note down the proposed calving mechanism & any questions you have.

3. Find a paper in the literature (other than the reading list and hot topics) on calving and see if the James et al., (2014) Helheim calving explanation fits the calving explained in the paper? Be prepared to discuss this in the seminar.

4. Watch the BBC Frozen Planet iceberg video and note down all the different scales and types of calving. Come up with an explanation for these calving events and be prepared to discuss this in the seminar.

The Cryosphere - Third year Geography course

Last year ~80 students

Combined instructional video with reading and box of broadcasts:



ch T





Time (days)






s Risk Management: • Monitor pre session


• Provide you with confidence

• Remind students / expectations & responsibilities

“Damien changes the boundaries of teaching to encourage us to be more active in our learning by using technology such as flipboard to structure our seminars”

“Through creative lectures and seminars, Damien was able to engage the class more in greater discussion and i feel it facilitated my learning”


• Students can ask more questions during contact time

– Immediate response & follow up questions / discussion

• Active learning,

• Increase student engagement,

• Test their skills in applying knowledge,

• Encourages peer-learning / collaboration

• Encourages independent learning

• Multiple learning styles

• Positive student feedback on learning experience

A further example “Damien made us videos to assist visually with practicals,

rather than just using handouts, which made the practicals

more fun and easy to understand.”

Lecture content

Discussion and Q&A


• What is a flipped classroom?

– The blended learning approach

• Advantages

– learning styles

• Limitations / considerations

– Avoiding pitfalls

• Best practice examples

• Summary

Summary • New opportunities

– Engagement – Activity led learning – Peer review / collaboration – Catering for different learning styles – Student approval / satisfaction

• Best practice – Ensure you have communicated responsibility and importance of

flip to avoid remove concerns in attendance. – Task orientated – Ability to monitor engagement / adaptive

• Before e.g. video analytics • During e.g. Responseware / polling

• New & Existing material – In line with ILO’s – You tube, BOB, MOOC? – Screen casting

• Challenges

– Shift of responsibility

– Contingency planning

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