best of worthing - november 2012

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Best Of Worthing - November 2012 newsletter


The Artist

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The people behind the business

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Tirelessly working to make your business the best it can be...

November 2012 Monthly Update

I love going to the cinema. I love everything about the movies and the big screen, and it’s a great way to relax after a tough day at work because my mind is completely taken over by the film. It’s escapism on tap and I have no problem suspending my disbelief for a couple of hours – as long as there’s a Diet Coke and some popcorn!

But last weekend I stayed home and watched a DVD. Somehow I missed the Oscar winning film The Artist when it came out earlier this year and I was keen to see what I’d been missing. You’ll remember The Artist, it’s the silent black and white movie that won five Oscars, including Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Director – which is why I wanted to see it. It was a stunning film, made even more so because it was so completely different to anything that I think I’ve ever seen at a mainstream cinema.

I’m not giving too much away when I tell you the plot is about the demise of a great silent movie actor whose career is effectively ended with the arrival of “Talkies” in the late 1920s. It’s set in Hollywood and as his career wanes, one of his dancers sees her career rapidly take off with the new talking media. There’s a wonderful twist at the end and the most delightful Jack Russell dog who, frankly, steals the show. However, this is not a film review, so let me get back on track. George Valentin is the name of the character around whom the movie is based.


He’s the silent movie star and at the beginning of the film he is enjoying huge success. He has fame and fortune in large amounts – all acquired through his success at silent movies. However, as I’ve already said, times are changing and the “Talkies” have begun to emerge. Rather than embracing this new media, however, Valentin resists it with great vigour. He sticks with what he knows and understands. After all that’s what he’s comfortable with and it’s brought him great success. Even when he gets dumped by his studio he pursues silent movie projects on his own and there’s a very poignant scene in the film when you see the previously packed cinema with only half a dozen people watching his latest film whilst, next door, the new “Talkies” have it packed to the rafters.

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It struck me that this is such a wonderful simile for so many businesses in the UK today.

There are lots of business owners who are hugely skilled and talented at what they do (just like Valentin was) but their stubborn refusal to move with the times – especially with regard to their marketing – means that their success is hugely compromised and their lifestyles diminished as a result.

Look at it this way, for 70 years after the war, if you were a local business in the UK, all you had to worry about in order to achieve success was three things: you took the largest ad you could afford in Yellow Pages, you relied a lot on word-of-mouth and if you were really ambitious, or a bit flashy, you took out an ad in the local paper. That was all you needed to do.

But in the last 10 years all of that has changed. Yellow Pages is dying, there’s another local newspaper closing every week in this country (and those that are left are read by the wrong demographic for most businesses) and word-of-mouth in the 21st Century is, of course, social media. The arrival of things like the internet, Google Ad Words, Facebook ads, Banner retargeting, use of SMS text, voice broadcasts, email marketing – these are the “Talkies” of our time.

In short, pretty much everything about being in business is changing – just like in Hollywood in the late 20s, when everything about making movies changed as well. Those who adapted and changed with the times were the ones that flourished, those that didn’t saw their careers die. And so it will be the case for our generation in business.

The good news is, even if you haven’t done much with any of this “new fangled stuff” yet – it’s not too late to start. The ending of The Artist is genuinely uplifting and so it could be for you too … and here at thebestof we’re here to help you in any way we can. We’re as progressive as progressive can be, we’re plugged in to what’s working and we’re only a phone call away.

Offer of the MonthL & S OFFICE FREE delivery plus FREE Gift on all orders over £99 when mentioning thebestof… Fully independent, we are family run business supplying quality office products at competitive prices. Our team has a wealth of experience and provides the highest levels of customer service which makes us the number one choice for businesses throughout Sussex. Our customers are treated as real people, not just an account number. Place your first order with us today and not only will you receive a free gift but we also guarantee to save you money.

Call: 01903 762429 Email:

Have a great month...

Melanie Monthly Update November 2012

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The People Behind The BusinessBarnaby Hall MBCS – A Champion of IT SolutionsBarny is a highly experienced IT Support Consultant with ten years expertise in the educational field. Barny’s passion for technology drove him five years ago to form Clear Computing Limited. His aim was to make a difference, using IT to help companies and schools excel by finding the correct solutions and by focusing on the benefits to the client.

Starting as a one man band, under Barny’s direction the company quickly grew into three employees the first year, to the present eleven members of staff. Support contracts are held with a range of businesses, plus schools and academies. All contracts are bespoke with the client’s input playing an essential part. Broadband, websites, telephone systems and security audits are a few of the services offered by Clear Computing for national and international clients.

From the inception of the company Barny realised the need to be able to give credulity to the company’s claims of quality and security, so gained international accreditations for business and security management (ISO9001 and ISO27001) also Investors in People. These accreditations set Clear Computing on a higher level in the marketplace and enable wider tendering.

Feedback forms from clients speak out the satisfaction of customer care given by Clear Computing. Based on these testimonials Clear Computing proudly won ‘Most Loved Business in Worthing’ and ‘The Most Loved IT Company in the South of England’ through membership of the Best of Worthing. Other

awards for the company include ‘Business of the Year’, ‘Customer Delight’ and ‘Business Person of the Year’ won by MD Barny.

Barny says: The beauty of my role as MD of Clear Computing is that I can help push forward with IT all businesses from start-ups to thriving organisations. Support is also given to those in difficulty through the recession. Security and confidentiality are of the utmost importance and we enjoy making sure our clients are watertight with a good Business Continuity Plan. I am excited about the way technology opens up opportunities across all sectors, meaning that learning and business is globalised.

It could

be you!

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Networking4 After the roaring success of our quarterly Networking4 Event’s, we have received plenty of great feedback! Below is a fantastic review of the evening from Roy Stannard of Zero Fifty One. We think it sums up our events perfectly!

“Best of Worthing’s Networking 4 evening was an adrenalin-pumped succession of encounters, some familiar, some new, with some of the most switched-on, involved people in Worthing squeezed into one room at the

Burlington Hotel. Melanie Peters presides over these meetings like a slightly strict Madam keeping her inclined-to-be-errant charges in order, issuing games instructions and checking with her team constantly to ensure that everything runs like oiled clockwork.

On one side was Peter Bennett clutching his Southern Business Awards Lifetime Achievement Award to his breast, looking like a schoolboy with a prize, over there was Clare Love, exuding warmth and bonhomie round the room, and here was David Costa of Flowers Unlimited, the least likely-looking owner of an on-line floristry business you’ll ever find. Noel Atkins in his new role as Ambassador for Worthing First was omnipresent; as was Andy Williams who has created his own company (Creative Asset Finance) in the time since I last saw him.

The room was like a bulletin board for new start-ups, new appointments and Linked-In all rolled into a living, vibrant mass. I have never shaken so many hands, accepted so many business cards and waved at so many people across the room.

At the end Melanie Peters looked tired but triumphant. She had every right to”Roy an eye out on the website & social media for dates for our next meetings

We thought we would share with you some of our most recent testimonials “It is a pleasure to work with the best of Worthing team as they are so enthusiastic about supporting the local business community. Over the last three years we have benefitted from a variety of promotional opportunities. Our involvement with best of networking events has also proved extremely rewarding.”Chay Took, Spofforths Partner

As a new business in Worthing, the bestofWorthing has given me a Great Platform and have done a Great job in promoting my company and linking me to the outside world by way of their brilliant website, So a BIG THANK YOU to Melanie Peters, David Costa and the team, Hats Off!!Neil LIBBY from Vin- Ed & the Downlands Café

The Best of Worthing is really helping my business to increase its client base. The Dome Cinema has recently employed us on recommendation from The Best of Worthing.Mark Price from MK Window Cleaning Ltd

For all business owner’s, if you’re not signed up to ‘best of’ you’re missing out. One of our top marketing spends for valuePatrick Kilby Bennett Griffin Monthly Update November 2012

Working Well...

“Share your

successes and let

Melanie know what

bits of thebestof

are working

for you.”

At thebestof Farnham we are on the lookout for other great members. This month we are looking for....

• Nail Salon’s

• Solicitors

• Accountants

• Hairdressers

• Cleaning Companies

If you know a business that fits the bill please contact the team...

01903 890266

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Give them a call & make them feel welcome

We’ve uncovered more hidden gems over the last few weeks. A big welcome to the following businesses who have joined us recently:

The Fish Factory Littlehampton & Worthing If you enjoy seafood, you’ll love The Fish Factory in Littlehampton & its sister restaurant in Worthing - one of the best fish and seafood restaurants in the area.

01903 715000 OR 01903 207123

S&C Travel Specialise in tailor made holidays and breaks of all types.Whether you are thinking of going on a family holiday, a business trip, romantic break, honeymoon or something more adventurous, the experienced staff has over twenty-five years experience and can find you the best holiday to suit your requirements.

01903 680200

Leaders Letting Agents – Worthing- Rustignton & Littlehampton Branch Specialising in residential lettings and property management, If you are looking to rent or a Landlord with a property to let in Worthing or the surrounding area’s, you should contact Leaders Letting Agents today!

01903 21000, 01903 786666 or 01903 890627

Cat’s Whiskers Veterinary ClinicOperating from a modern and well equipped facility in Worthing, Cat’s Whiskers Veterinary Clinic is exclusively for cats. Open six days a week and with a 24-hour emergency service.

01903 830577

L&S Office Supplies When you’re shopping for office supplies and stationery, you want a company that offers all of the products you need at competitive prices. L&S Office Supplies is renowned for providing the largest range of office products and printer consumables in the UK. Call for a quote.

01903 762429

FOODIs a fine dining restaurant boasting magnificent cuisine, luxurious surroundings and a unique dining experience. In their beautifully designed restaurant, you can dine on delicious food in the lap of luxury, with smooth jazz in the background and without breaking the bank.

01903 227780

Winkworth Estate Agents Worthing With years of experience in the industry, the friendly, experienced and dedicated team know the local area well and they will go out of their way to help you with your buying, selling or letting requirements.If you have a property to sell in Worthing or you are looking for somewhere to buy or rent, call now!

01903 216219

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I’ve shown a couple of examples of Tyrwhitt mailings on this page. Take a look first at the envelope that the package arrives in (it’s got the close up of the shirt & cufflinks on it. On the front of the envelope, not only is there a very clear offer (and I love the use of the words “prompt orders”) but there’s also that wonderful statement “Why Proper Shirts Matter”. Think about this for a moment. Think about the positioning that this mailing has when a man (or a woman for that matter) is sifting through the mail and deciding what to open and what to throw away. The implications of those four simple words on that envelope are significant. They are positioning Charles Tyrwhitt very clearly. They are sending a message to the customer that their life will be improved if they wear proper shirts … this is really smart. Really simple. But it needs a lot of thought.

Next, look at the back of the envelope. It’s got on it the sort of content you’d normally find on the front of a glossy magazine. Look at the words that have been used, every one of them crafted to entice whoever is holding this envelope to open it and gorge on the contents inside.

Each of the six short sentences on the back of this envelope are designed to give six separate reasons why the customer should take a look inside. Very important this – those phrases on both the front and back of that envelope are designed to get the envelope opened – NOT sell the shirts. So many business owners forget this. When they’re putting marketing material together,

they try and sell the product in the leaflet or the flyer when, in truth, the purpose of the leaflet or the flyer say, is simply to get the customer to pick up the phone and have a conversation. I see this time after time, week after week with lots of businesses.

Golden Nugget 1:Make sure you are crystal clear what the objective of your marketing piece is. In this case, someone at Charles Tyrwhitt has spent considerable time and effort designing the words and layout that will go on an envelope – the objective of which is to get it opened. This matters. A lot.

When I opened the envelope, what was actually inside it was a 36-page catalogue. A4 size with plenty of nice photography and lots of shirts, cufflinks and ties. Everything mentioned on the envelope is included and, in truth, the catalogue feels a bit more like a magazine than a standard catalogue.

What really caught my eye though – and is truly world class marketing – is page 4, which I’ve reproduced in full for you on this page. Its heading is “What Makes a Charles Tyrwhitt Shirt a Proper Shirt?” and then there is a list of the 10 “quality credentials”.

What this page does is tell their customers why they should buy a Charles Tyrwhitt shirt as opposed to any of

What youare up againstI get direct mail from Charles Tyrwhitt most months. They send a lot of mail. Not only that, but it’s really good direct mail which, I expect, generates them a lot of sales.

Now some of you may be thinking what on earth has a men’s shirt retailer got to do with my business – and the answer, I think, is “Quite a lot actually”. You see, companies like Charles Tyrwhitt and Laithwaites Wine set the standard by which all marketing communication is judged. And that means that if your marketing does not communicate as effectively and engagingly as these guys do, then it will not be as effective.

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the other dozens of manufacturers available in the high street.

Look closely and carefully at how each of those 10 points are constructed.

Did you see how each one begins with a feature and then links that feature to a benefit?

This is another basic marketing premise that so many business owners get wrong.

It’s easy – and lazy – to just list your features. But people don’t buy features. They buy benefits and if you don’t articulate your benefits in a crystal clear manner then you’ll be missing out on sales. Period.

Let’s look at some of the examples here:

7. Crossover stitched buttons (feature) … don’t fall off (benefit);

4. Twin needle stitching (feature) … for a clean, smart look (benefit).

5. Side gussets (feature) … for reinforced strength (benefit) and extra long shirt tails (feature) that stay tucked in (benefit).

You get the picture?The significance of this is that some of your customers will buy Charles Tyrwhitt shirts.

They’ll receive marketing material from Charles Tyrwhitt. It doesn’t matter that you don’t sell shirts – it matters that your marketing is not of the same standard as they’re used to and therefore your business will not be perceived in a comparable way.

In many respects, it’s like comparing amateur dramatics to a West End show. See two performances in the two different venues on two consecutive nights and you’ll be left in no doubt as to the massive difference between them.

Golden Nugget 2:I’m on a lot of mailing lists. I go out of my way to get on people’s lists so that they send me their marketing material. That way, I’ve got a good feel as to what’s going on out there. When I see good stuff, either in the mail, or in an advertisement say, I keep it in my ‘Swipe File’ so that when I’m building my own marketing, or helping one of our thebestof businesses with their marketing, I’m not starting with a blank piece of paper, but I’ve got different points of inspiration and ideas from which I can draw.

If you’re a business owner and you’re serious about taking your business to the next level then you know that the quality of your marketing will play a big part in this and building your own Swipe File can make getting that quality marketing right much, much easier. And it’s fun! Monthly Update November 2012

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Coming Soon

Our aim is to provide the best businesses in Worthing with aworld classmarketing service.We’ll raise your profile, connect you to new contacts and customers - and maximise your business potential.

We really do care about every one of our Business Members and we are there every step of the way to ensure that thebestof works for you.

Our 17 marketing tools

thebestof Worthing is run by Melanie Peters & David Costa

Here at thebestof, word of mouth just got louder!

Every business we feature has been checked out by us AND recommended by other local people, so you can use them with confidence knowing they truly are one of the best at what they do...

Call Us: 01903 890266Email:

Christmas Networking4, an evening with the bestof,

Come along and meet some of thebestofworthings’ very own recommended businesses

Our last two successful event’s saw over 120 businesses attend.

There were some lucky prizes given away for the best networkers in the room.

Tickets are £10 per person (to be paid on the door), feel free to invite your clients and colleagues along.

Monday 10th December at The Burlington Hotel.

1. Testimonials

2. Dual-branded postcards

3. Mix and match

4. Commercial photos

5. Certificates

6. Brand Awareness

7. Campaigns

8. Call Tracking

9. An Evening with

10. Social Media

11. Blog

12. Events

13. Video

14. Special offers for members

15. Quote me

16. Mobile Website and App

17. Website feature

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